2 minute read
Mazal tov to:
Elissa Baum on the birth of another great granddaughter, Blake Patron Baum, to parents, Dr. Jared and Megan Baum, and to grandparents, Drs. Seth and Laura Baum; Dan Feldman and Emily Rubin on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jed Feldman;the Director of Youth and Family Engagement Alyssa Schwager and Andrew Berman on their recent engagement; Marsha and Tom Lustig on the birth of a granddaughter, Palmer Jane and to the parents Remy and Jared Chariton; Bernie Katz on the recent births of two great-grandsons, born to his grandchildren Michelle & Yossi Arakanchi and Avital & Avi Natanov and to the grandparents, Laurie (Katz) & Victor Benamo and the entire family; Jonathan & Jill Forman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Eli Joshua Forman; Sarah and David Fleishaker on the birth of a baby boy. Congratulations to grandparents Sue and Michael Meisler and Sheryl and Aaron Fleishaker and Great Grandfather Donald Fleishaker; Assaf and Ofri Maliniak on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Noam Maliniak; Andrew Salama and Rachel Barbanel Fried on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Benjamin Salama; Arlene Salman on being inducted into Westchester County’s 40th Annual Senior Citizens Hall of Fame Awards; Lawrence and Barbara Orans on the engagement of their son, Neil Orans, to Ilana Bruckman; Esther and Mark Mildner on the engagement of their daughter, Alana Mildner to Joshua Smolow, son of Rhoda Fleishaker Smolow & Dr. Craig Smolow and grandson of Donald Fleishaker; Robyn & Daniel Yairi on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Avi Yairi; Elly & Teddy Zabb on the engagement of their grandson, Sam Amiel to Michal Beer, and also to parents, Amy & Simon Amiel and Shira & Jeffrey Beer; Marcia and Nathan Assor on the birth of their grandson Leo Judah Sonett-Assor, and mazal tov also to parents, Caroline and Isaac Sonett-Assor; Jonathan & Debbie Rieber on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Eden Melissa Rieber; Joe Wygoda on the 62nd anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah and his and
Barbara’s 50th wedding anniversary; Steven Gruenstein & Lynn Chinitz Gruenstein on the birth of their granddaughter, Yael Gal, and to parents, Alexander Gruenstein & Margot Weissman, aunt & uncle, Diana Gruenstein & Rafael Bildirici, and other proud grandparents, Cindy and Mark Weissman. Mazal tov to Desiree Schwartz Miller and David Miller on the birth of their son, Simon Asher Miller; Mazal tov to Josh Rehr and Elana Jacob on the birth of their daughter Olivia Paz; Michael and Linda Goldstein on the birth of their new granddaughter, Lilian Kaye Goldstein. Mazal tov to parents Stephen Goldstein and Jaclyn Solomont, as well as big sister Helen Leora Goldstein; Kara and Max Kalman and big brother Ethan on the birth of a new baby brother. Mazal tov also to grandparents, Sheryl and Aaron Fleishaker and Betty Balsam and Paul Kalman, and great grandfather, Donald Fleishaker. A warm Beth El mazal tov to one and all!