7 minute read


General Fund:

Chavi Eve Karkowsky & Josh Greenfield; Daniel Mailick

In Honor of:

Naomi Adler Schiller and Michael Dorfman, Simchat Torah Honorees, from Dina & David Brot.

My special birthday through a contribution to Kiddush, from Norma Wasserman.

Paige FioRito becoming a Bat Mitzvah, from Pearl & Tom Sullivan.

The engagement of Marc Epstein to Sarah Glickstein, from Barbara and Bob Cohen, and from Robin Kaphan. Sol & Linda Haber on the marriage of their daughter, Marissa Haber to Dylan Franklin, from Lawrence & Barbara Orans.

Vicki Fisher’s 80th birthday, from Anne Wichman, and from Sue Levine & her sister, Roberta, and from Lawrence & Barbara Orans.

Julie Rockowitz on the birth of her granddaughter and also on the marriage of her daughter Shira to Dan Badiak, from Robin Kaphan.

Marsha & Tom Lustig on the birth of their grandchild, Palmer Jane and to parents Remy & Jared Chariton, from Robin Kaphan.

The Bar Mitzvah of Avi Yairi, from Dana & Avi Stein. The Beth El Clergy, from Michael & Suzette Fisher. David and Sarah Fleishaker on the birth of their son, and mazal tov to all the Fleishaker and Meisler families, from Barbara and Joe Wygoda.

Joe Wygoda on the 62nd anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah, from Marc & Anita Zoldessy, and from Ralph & Susan Straus.

The birth of our new granddaughter, Yael Gal. Mazal tov to the proud parents, Alexander Gruenstein and Margot Weissman, grandparents, Cindy and Mark Weissman, and aunt & uncle, Diana Gruenstein and Rafael Bildirici, from Lynn & Steven Gruenstein.

In Memory Of:

Joel B. Groh z”l, our father, a gentle man who lit our way, from Wayne Groh.

My beloved husband, Joseph D. Becker z”l on his unveiling, from Beate Becker.

Harriet Charles z”l, beloved mother of Barry (Rachel) Charles, from Harvey & Susan Glick.

David Pfeffer z”l, beloved husband of Idette Pfeffer, from Roberta & Steven Zeldis, and from Lewis & Nadine Kestin. My beloved mother Esther Futterman z”l on her yahrzeit, from Robin Kaphan.

Eric A. Weintraub z”l, from Susan W. Brecher.

Lila Glickman z”l, beloved mother of Jonathan (Elissa) Glickman, from Barbara & Bob Cohen, and from Alan & Allison Kellman.

Miriam Herzberg z”l, beloved mother of Stephen Herzberg, from Stephen & Carol Herzberg, and from Debbie & Steven Young, and from Dina & David Brot.

Albert Madansky z”l, beloved father of Susan Groner, from Tom & Pearl Sullivan, and from Debbie & Steven Young, and from Dina & David Brot, and from Lawrence & Barbara Orans, and from Barbara & Robert Ehudin.

Barbara Fozdar z”l, sister of Leslie Ruttenberg. Condolences to the Ruttenberg and Sherman families, from Barbara and Joe Wygoda, and from Howard & Helene Goldstein, and from Harvey Heir.

Bertram Gross z”l, beloved husband of Greta Gross, from Lawrence & Barbara Orans, and from Fred & Judy Bomback, Robert S. Orans z”l on his yahrzeit, from Lawrence Orans.

Open Beit Midrash Sponsorship

In Memory of:

Our beloved parents, Erma Betty and Israel David Richman z”l, from Elise and Barry Richman.

Esther’s father, Irving Elkin z”l, from Esther & Mark Mildner.

Selma & Stanley Batkin Religious School Scholarship Fund

In Honor of: Ann Zisser Simchat Torah Honoree, from Lori & Steven Schwartz.

Jeff Mittleman with thanks from your Pickleball Protege ladies, from Marsha Goldstein.

The Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs

In Honor of: Alan Kellman for his help with Paige’s Bat Mitzvah, from Naomi & Geoffrey FioRito.

Naomi Adler Schiller and Michael Dorfman, Simchat Torah Honorees, from Lori & Steven Schwartz. Ava Corwin’s 3rd birthday, from Ellen & Jason Wirchin. Susan Brecher’s birthday, from Shelley & Fred Klein.

In Memory of: Harriet Charles z”l. Wishing our sincere condolences to Barry and Rae, from Ellen & Jason Wirchin.

Endowment Fund

In Memory of: Sylvia Klee z”l, from Barbara & Marc Klee. Sophie Lerner z”l, beloved mother of Marla Mishler, from Marc & Barbara Klee.

Arnold & Hilda Schneidman z”l, from Gary Schneidman.

Shoresh Halev Music Fund

Janis Demartini

In Honor Of:

Nancy and Frank Levin on the upcoming wedding of their daughter, Hannah, from Harriet Kaplan Suvall & Marc Suvall.

In Memory Of:

George Tecklin z”l on his yahrzeit, from Jeff & Susan Mittleman.

Jeremy Scheinfeld Memorial Fund

In Memory of:

Murray Gold, beloved father of Bruce Gold (Grace Kalfus) and beloved grandfather of Bekkah and Lissy, from Bruce Gold & Grace Kalfus.

Frieda Kalfus z”l, on her yahrtzeit, beloved mother of Grace Kalfus (Bruce Gold) and beloved bubby of Bekkah and Lissy Gold, from Grace Kalfus & Bruce Gold.

Lila Glickman z”l, beloved mother of Jonathan (Elissa) Glickman, from Geralynn & David Reifer.

My dear sister, Laurie Finder z”l, from Barbara Finder.

Albert Madansky z”l, beloved father of Susan Groner, from Geralynn & David Reifer.

Dorothy Fleishaker Religious School Enrichment Fund

In Memory of:

Murray Horowitz z”l, brother of Norman Horowitz, from Donald Fleishaker.

Harriet Charles z”l, mother of Barry (Rachel) Charles, from Laurie & Eric Roth.

Miriam Herzberg z”l, beloved mother of Dr Stephen Herzberg, from Abbe, Sabrina, and Adam Fleishaker.

In Honor of:

Beatrice Horowitz’s 104th birthday, from Donald Fleishaker. Bryce Zegura on his Bar Mitzvah, from Judith Moshchera.

The PTA Israel Travel-Study Scholarship Fund

In Honor of:

The Bar Mitzvah Of Avi Yairi, from Larry & Erica Epstein.

Youth Activities Fund

In Honor of:

The engagement of Neil Orans and Ilana Bruckman, from Jeff & Susan Mittleman.

Capital Improvement Fund

In Honor of:

The birth of a new grandchild to Gwen and Gary Salmo, from Shari & Marvin Chinitz.

Barbara & Joe Wygoda on their 50th wedding anniversary and on Joe’s 62nd anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah, from Lisa & Rob Patchen.

In Memory


Lila Glickman z”l, beloved mother of Jonathan (Elissa) Glickman, from Shari & Marvin Chinitz.

Ernest Liss z”l, beloved father of Lorri Liss Levine, from Shari & Marvin Chinitz.

Men’s Club

In Memory of: Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua, from Larry & Erica Epstein.

Yahrzeit Donations

Marion A. Auspitz; Robert Baum; Michelle Bedell; Jane & Steven Berkowitz; Mark & Melinda Berman; Phyllis Brown; Rachel Charles; Lisa & Jason Cohen; Judy & Doug Conrad; Carol & Paul Diament; Suzanne Morris Dickman; Avi & Jacqueline Einzig; Kenneth Eisenberg; Nathan & Denise Eisler; Arlene Ruth Elkin; Arthur Elkind; Ruth Esses; Annette Fogelman; Sandy & Ruthie Frankel; Beatrice Freedman; Caryl Fuchs; Helen Geffner; Ellen & Moshe Gelboim & Family; Stephanie Ginsberg; Jay Howard Goldstein; Malcolm Graff; Debra Greenberg; Sandra Savitz Gruenberg; Sheldon Haber; Marilyn Handler; Judith Harary; David Hirsh; David & Barbara Horowitz; Phyllis & Harvey Jay; Madelyn & Al Katz; Lynn, Marty, Sarah, Robbie & Jonathan Keltz; Lynn Buckvar Keltz; Cindy & Ken Klein; Barbara Kotler; Donald Kotler; Stanley Krieg; Lorri Liss Levine; Nancy Levy; Anita Glassberg Liebowitz & Stanley Liebowitz; Littman Family; Leonora Loewentheil; Susan Lurie; Arkady Mamaysky; Len Mark; Judith Merion; Esther Mildner; Joel Mintz; Jeff Mittleman & Susan Eichen Mittleman; Lois Morgenstern; Jayne Peister; Herb & Lynda Posner; Richard Robbins; Laurie Roth; Henrietta Sanford; Harriet Schwartz; Judith Schwartz; Cynthia & Ira Shechter; Barbara Simon; Sharon Spenser; Rachelle & Steven Stern; Marc Strassberg; Florence Taubenfeld; Mark & Eleanor Walfish; Ronnie & Jesse Weinberger; Anne & Rick Weisbrod; William Winters; Esther Zarembski; Rabbi’s

Discretionary Fund

Sol & Linda Haber in honor of the marriage of their daughter Marissa to Dylan Franklin; Joyce & Michael Wechsler with thanks for the wonderful and inspiring High Holiday services; Janis Demartini in honor of Bob & Elise Schepp’s 39th Wedding Anniversary and both of their Birthdays; Naomi & Geoffrey FioRito in honor of Paige’s Bat Mitzvah; Janet Seligman in memory of her beloved brother, Robert Kenler z”l; Merill & Ellen Resnick for the recovery of Louise Silverman; Scott & Dawn Wolf; Lea Gabbay in memory her dear departed family members; Caryl Fuchs in memory of her beloved husband, Stanley Fuchs z”l; Rochelle Chaiken in honor of the Clergy and the Executive Staff for creating and ensuring very meaningful Holiday services; Maria & Steven Kessler in honor of Ann Zisser’s Honor as Kallat Maftir; Elise & Bob Schepp in honor of Vicki Fisher and Rochelle

Chaiken for the special birthday love; Deanie Levine with thanks to Rabbi Sitkin for officiating the baby naming of our children Sylvie (Golda) and Teddy (Moshe) Levine; Jeff & Susan Mittleman in honor of the wedding of Michelle Goldstein and Ethan Behling; Roberta Berman Reindel in memory of her dearly beloved father, Edward H. Berman z”l on his yahrzeit; Roberta Berman Reindel in memory of her beloved mother, Sally F. Berman z’l, father Edward H. Berman z”l, grandparents, Frannie & Jacob Felkin z”l and Rose & Nathan Bermanz”l, and uncles Leonard Felkin z”l, Louis Felkin z”l and George Felkin z”l for Yizkor on Shavuot; Rita & David Kaufman in memory of Pearl Kaufman z”l and Etta Rosenfeld z”l; Donald Fleishaker; Caryl Fuchs in memory of her beloved father-in-law, Samuel Fuchs z”l; Daniel Mailick; David Simon in memory of Richard S. Simon on his yahrzeit; Janis Demartini in honor of Rochelle Chaiken’s 70th birthday; Kathy Kafer in honor of Rochelle Chaiken’s 70th birthday; Larry & Erica Epstein in honor of Vicki Fisher’s special birthday; Kenneth Honig in appreciation of the El Malei Rachamims for his grandmother, grandfather and aunt; Jeffrey Graf in memory of his beloved grandfather, Oskar Graf z’l; Jay & Barbara Lerman in memory of Jay’s beloved father, Morris Lerman z”l; Arthur & Barbara Margolin for the recovery of Eric Last; Louise Kapner in honor of David Resnick’s Torah reading on Rosh Hashanah; Shari & Marvin Chinitz in honor of the engagement of Teddy & Elly Zabb’s grandson, Sam; Andrew Wallach for the unveiling of Abraham Walfish z”l and with thanks to Rabbi Sitkin for officiating; Sally Shore Wittenberg for a thoughtful and meaningful learning given over by Rabbi Schuck on the yahrzeit of her father-in-law Wolf Wittenberg z”l; Alan & Allison Kellman in memory of Elliot Gevisenheit z”l, beloved father of Cara Wulfsohn;

Congregation Sulam Yaakov; Merill & Ellen Resnick in honor of the birth of a second great grandson to Caryl Fuchs; Gary Schneidman in memory of Hillary Schneidman z’l; Sol & Linda Haber in memory of Albert Madansky z”l, beloved father of Susan Groner; Sol & Linda Haber in memory of Miriam Herzberg z”l, beloved mother of Stephen Herzberg; Sol & Linda Haber in memory of Bertram Gross z”l, beloved husband of Greta Gross; Sol & Linda Haber in honor of Avi Yairi’s Bar Mitzvah; Alicia & Alex Ochoa in honor of the baby naming of Fallon Ochoa; Fred & Judy Bomback in memory of Barbara Fozdar z”l, sister of Leslie Ruttenberg; Steven & Joy Rotker in honor of the baby naming ceremony of their granddaughter, Fallon Davie (Davida) Ochoa, daughter of Alicia and Alex Ochoa, and with special thanks to Rabbi Schuck for officiating; Sandra Stolzberg in memory of Barbara Fozdar z”l, sister of Leslie Ruttenberg; Marsha Lustig in memory of her beloved mother, Doris Winzelberg z”l on her yahrzeit; Leeam & Sara Albouby; Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

Gary Schneidman in memory of Hillary Schneidman z’l;

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