November 2022 Bulletin

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NOVEMBER 20 22 • VOL. 104 • CHESHVAN 5783 • WWW.BETHELNR.ORG RABBI’S MESSAGE 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 3 KERUV KORNER 4 DAY CAMP 4 NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS 5 SMART GROUP 6 YOUTH & FAMILY ENGAGEMENT 7 TEEN COMMUNITY 7 BETH EL SECURITY 10 COMMUNAL FREEZER PROJECT 8 VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT 9 THE SHORESH HALEV CENTER FOR JEWISH MUSIC 10 ISRAEL 360 11 A MESSAGE FROM SISTERHOOD 12 REFUGEE ASSISTANCE UPDATE 13 BETH EL NEWS 15 BETH EL GIVES 16 THE BULLETIN Celebrate the festival of lights with renowned Chazan Basya Schechter and her band, Pharaoh’s Daughter. An evening of inspiring music, a world premiere performance of a new Hanukkah song, holiday treats, and festive drinks... a ‘don’t-miss’ event from Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music at Beth El. Register Here: Hanukkah Bash with Chazan Basya Schechter Saturday, December 17, 7 pm


Dear Friends,

As the yamim noraim (high holidays) are in the rear-view mirror, we turn our attention to living life off the mountain of sublime spiritual experiences and in the valley of everyday life. This year, I spoke about acts of chesed (loving-kindness) as vehicles to help us emerge from the fatigue of these past two and a half years and into a principled life lived with a sense of urgency and value. We have created multiple avenues for you to

Enhanced Bikkur Cholim Initiative:

One of the most important ways we care for others is by fulfilling the mitzvah of bikkur cholim (visiting the sick). We are organizing an expanded group of volunteers to help us offer care and support of community members who become sick or injured. Volunteers may deliver care packages, drop off meals, deliver challah and grape juice before Shabbat, bring a ritual item before a holiday, or offer to visit someone at home or in the hospital or a rehab center. We also need people to periodically visit or call homebound members of our community. For more information, contact Rabbi Sitkin at

Communal Freezer Project:

There may be a time in which the stress in one’s life is so overwhelming that a home cooked meal for one’s family may be precisely what they need. Maybe they are dealing with an illness or shlepping back and forth to care for their parents. Whatever the reason may be, we will have a freezer of home cooked meals for anyone in need. We are looking for more volunteers to help us cook and stock the communal freezer. For more information, contact our communal freezer team at or visit the website at communalfreezer

HOPE Community Services Sunday Morning Breakfast Distribution:

Beth El committed to organize four Sunday morning breakfast distributions over the course of the year for HOPE Community Services. We need 10 volunteers to come to Beth El on the Friday afternoon before each distribution to help pack lunches, six volunteers to help us on the morning of the distribution, and lots of toiletry donations. If you are interested in volunteering or have additional questions about the schedule or the breakfast/toiletry distribution, please email Ofri Maliniak at

Dates: 12/4; 2/5; 2/26

be involved in such work. Please read about them below and then take the first step of calling or emailing us to tell us how you are willing to contribute. And thank you so much for your support.

Monthly Cooking for HOPE Soup Kitchen:

Volunteers from Beth El meet once a month to cook and deliver dinner to serve in the soup kitchen at HOPE Community Services. For more information, please contact Shayna Klopott at

Getting to Know Our Neighbors:

This initiative aims to foster connections among members of other civic and faith organizations in Southern Westchester. We want to help create a model for how people of different faiths and ethnicities show up for one another in times of joy and pain. As we know too well, this kind of connection doesn’t just happen overnight. Building strong communal bonds and allyship takes a lot of work and often requires open dialogue and difficult conversations. We hope to bring people together to work toward common goals and foster a more cohesive and caring community here in Westchester. For more information, please contact Rabbi Sitkin at

Helping the Homeless in NYC

We will be collecting things that are needed by people who are experiencing homelessness and delivering it to drop off locations in New York City. Please be on the lookout for the dates for these Midnight Runs.

Help us Make a Minyan

The act of ensuring that there is a minyan (a quorum of 10 people who gather for prayer) is as much an act of chesed as it is an act of piety. You can make a massive difference by attending our daily minyan once a month. Your presence ensures that people can properly mourn for a loved one, gather for quiet reflection, and deepen their social bonds. That thirty minutes a month commitment makes a significant difference in our community. Please contact Cantor Gaby for more information at

The Bulletin November 2022 2


Now that the High Holidays and Chaggim are (finally!) behind us, I thought I would take the opportunity to discuss in this issue’s President’s Message a much more mundane topic: synagogue governance, specifically the nominating process for Trustees and Officers. I know you are yawning and beginning to turn the page to find something - anythingelse to read about, but stick with me because this is actually an important topic.

Almost all major decisions at Beth El are either made by, or are supported by input from, our Board of Trustees. The Board consists of 36 members, eight of whom are officers of the synagogue. Trustees are selected in a nominating process that begins in November and ends in March, and then are elected by the congregation at the annual meeting in May. At the November Board meeting, the Trustees elect four members of a nominating committee from amongst themselves, and one alternate. Then, at the December congregational meeting (scheduled this year for December 14 at 7:30 pm), an election is held where three congregants are selected to serve on the nominating committee, and one alternate. Every member of the congregation is eligible to serve on the nominating committee (so long as neither they nor their spouse is seeking to be nominated to a position on the Board or as an officer). The President appoints a chair of the committee, and around the middle of January the committee begins its work. This entails interviewing the current officers to get a sense of how the group is working together and which officers plan to stay on for another term, and to identify members of the congregation who would be assets to the Board. The committee looks to nominate a slate of trustees that reflects the synagogue’s demographics, and to select people who have demonstrated a commitment to the synagogue and/or who will bring unique knowledge and experience to Board discussions about the various matters that come before it. At the March meeting of the Board of Trustees the committee presents a slate of nominees for officerships and for the Board, which is then publicized to the congregation, members of which are free to put together their own slate or slates. At the May congregational meeting (scheduled this year for May 17 at 7:30 pm), the slate (or slates) is presented to the congregation for a vote.

I first became involved in volunteer work at Beth El by agreeing to serve on the nominating committee. It proved to be a great way to not only get to know my fellow committee members, but also to get to know the lay leadership, to learn about members who were being

considered for trustee positions, and to gain a better understanding of how synagogue lay leadership works. This launched me on a path to years of synagogue service, which has been deeply fulfilling. If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee and are not already a Trustee, I encourage you to consider coming to the December congregational meeting and asking someone to nominate you. And if you think you have something of value to add to the Board, please let the nominating committee know about your interest once the committee is constituted.

Whether or not you seek a position on the nominating committee, please consider coming to the December 14th congregational meeting. It’s a great opportunity to schmooze with your fellow congregants, to hear some words of Torah from one of our rabbis, and to hear about the state of the synagogue. I hope to see you there!

The Bulletin November 2022 3

Keruv Korner

L’shanah Tovah! I hope you found the High Holidays meaningful and spiritually refreshing. For me, one of the many messages that I found inspiring during High Holiday services was Rabbi Schuck’s sermon in which he illustrated the critical function that synagogues can play in people’s lives and he encouraged us to have big dreams about what we can build together at Beth El Synagogue. In the Keruv Committee, our dream is to help build a synagogue community where everyone feels welcomed, included and comfortable. We strive to create an atmosphere where all members and visitors feel drawn in close by the community, and no one feels they are being pushed away or disregarded due to any aspect of their identity.

The Keruv Committee primarily focuses on inclusion of people with physical or intellectual disabilities, people in interfaith relationships, people identifying as LGBTQ, and Jews of Color. Our committee members are diverse in gender, age, religious background, and physical abilities. Many committee members have family members who are

in an interfaith relationship, who are LGBTQ, or who are Jews of Color; however, we do not currently have committee members who identify as being in any of those three groups themselves. In order for the Keruv Committee to advance further towards fulfilling our dream, we know we need to have a committee that is as diverse as the Beth El Synagogue community we serve. We are not there yet and you can help! If you are a Jew by Choice, if you are in an interfaith relationship, or if you identify as LGBTQ or as a Jew of Color, please consider joining the Keruv Committee. Whether you are in one of these groups or not, if you share our vision and want to help us strive towards it, we welcome you to join us. Our next two meetings are on Sundays, November 13, 2022 and January 22, 2023 at 7:30 pm, and the links will be posted on To learn more about the committee, please reach out to me at

Beth El Day Camp: The Best Days Ever!

The rousing success of Beth El Day Camp was written all over the smiling faces of the 240 children who frolicked in every corner of our beautiful tent and outdoor campus. From our Out of this World themed carnival day, to a day of dancing with the Bubble Bus, to swimming in the outdoor pool, fun was had by all! We enjoyed many other special days including a Harlem Wizards visit, Pickleball, pony rides and everyone’s favorite– Tie Dye Day.

The Beth El Arts and Theater Program (BEAT) for children ages

9-12 offered fine and performing arts such as improv, creative writing, and photography as well as daily free swim. We were so excited to add culinary arts to the BEAT program this summer. We are widely recognized for our “Cooking and Kindness” curriculum which is woven into camp activities in which we expose campers to new foods while practicing kindness. We are most appreciative of The Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs which supported the camp’s initiative to nurture the Mental, Emotional, and Social Health (MESH) Needs of the Camp Community.

Beth El Day Camp is 95% compostable as we value our environment and weave sustainability into our programming. A summer at Beth El Day Camp provides your child a nurturing environment, where self-esteem, friendships and new skills grow. Our experienced staff are positive role models and make all the magic of camp happen. Many of our counselors were

campers themselves back in the day!

Parents of campers describe Beth El Day Camp as a “warm, loving place” and say that their children loved making “new friends and memories.”

All these amazing things are what makes Beth El Day Camp the Best Days Ever!

Keep an eye out for Summer 2023 (June 26 – August 18) registration, coming in the next few weeks! Contact Julie Rockowitz with questions! 914.235.2700 x256

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Nursery School News

This past month, chock full of holidays, afforded the Nursery School children an expansive opportunity for deep learning. Shofarot, luluvim, etrogim and Torahs were in all of our classrooms. There was intense blowing, shaking, smelling, exploring and comparing.

We decorated our outdoor school sukkah with murals, wall hangings and many artistic creations. Classes were also able to enjoy snacks and/or lunch in the many Sukkot of Beth El. We even had an “off-site” excursion. Our 4-year-old Anaf classes went on a fall walk and visited Rabbi Fisher’s sukkah. Since the trip was on a Friday, the children also had an opportunity to celebrate Shabbat in the Rabbi’s sukkah, complete with grape juice, challah, and singing.

During Sukkot, our families were invited to join us for “Supper in the Sukkah.” Although the weather didn’t cooperate with us and we wound up eating indoors, the meal was bookended by two parts: Linda White, a Play Curator, facilitated mini sukkah building with a variety of loose parts, and after our pizza meal, we enjoyed singing and parading

with stuffed Torahs, lulavs, and etrogs led by Cantor Gaby and Music Director Jack Klebanow.

Before Simchat Torah, many of our classes went on a Torah Walk and counted all of the Torahs in Beth El Synagogue. While we were in the Chapel we opened the Ark and took out a real Torah. We discussed the many parts of the Torah and we verbalized many new Hebrew vocabulary words:

Beit Knesset Synagogue

Yad Torah pointer M’eel Torah cover Aron ark

Degel flag

Hashem God Siddur

prayer book

Our gathering culminated in singing and dancing with the Torahs. Each class is now in the process of creating their own Aron Kodesh, an ark to house their class sefer torah. What a rich month October was!

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Our Own Arlene Salman to be Inducted into Westchester County’s Senior Hall of Fame

We are thrilled to announce that Arlene Salman has been chosen to be inducted into Westchester County’s Senior Hall of Fame. Arlene is an outstanding leader and has made significant contributions to improving life in Westchester. She has provided years of dedication to Beth El’s programming. Wherever Arlene goes, she goes with all of her heart. Between organizing the Sisterhood Book club, Bagels and Books,

Mah jongg, Canasta, and myriad other Beth El activities, Arlene is most deserving of this honor. The Zoom ceremony will take place on Friday, December 2, at 11:30 am, and the link will be shared later this month. For further information, including the opportunity to submit a message in the journal, please contact Julie Rockowitz,, 914. 235.2700 x256.

SMART: Senior Mature Adult Retirees Together

Then the SMART group is for you. We meet every Monday morning on Zoom, from 11 am - 12 pm. Shari Baum of WJCS facilitates a discussion on Current Events and a host of other topics. We welcome new participants!

On Monday, November 14, Beth El member Andy Katell, will speak on the situation in Ukraine. He will share insights as well as his experiences working with the Associated Press.

Our Westchester Community College (Zoom) class on Famous Women Artists, taught by Susan Courtney has been postponed. The new dates are: Mondays, January 23, January 30, February 6, and February 13, from 11 am12:30 pm, on Zoom.

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Are you a lifelong learner? Are you an Adult at Leisure?

Youth & Family Engagement Department


It’s so exciting (and also hard to believe) that we’re already six weeks into our school year and programming! The fall Holidays were a whirlwind, and we enjoyed celebrating them together through our Tot, Family, and Teen services, as well as in the Religious School. We hope you enjoyed our students’ Sukkah and table decorations! Many thanks to our wonderful teachers and madrichim for their hard work as we navigated so many holidays!

In November and December, we settle more into our “regular” schedule of programming. Get excited for some new and returning events!

• The Parent Organization’s Annual Trivia Night is on Saturday, November 18 at 8 pm. Leave your kids at home as you socialize, play trivia, win some great prizes, and support the Religious School!

• December’s Shabbat Hangout on Saturday, December 3 at 3 pm.

• Hanukkah Havdalah & Donut Decorating on Saturday night, December 17. We

start with Havdalah and donut decorating at 5:30 pm for our Tots, and then our older kids join us at 6:45 pm for Havdalah, donut decorating, and a movie during the Hanukkah concert with Chazan Basya Schechter (see Shoresh Halev article on page 10.

• Hanukkah Day of Chesed on Sunday, December 18. Spend part of your Hanukkah giving back to the community! Tots will join us beginning at 10:30 am; older kids and their adults (Kindergarten and up) will join us from 11 am-12 pm as we

Teen Community

We are so excited to launch a new learning opportunity for Beth El teens! Working with five other Conservative synagogues—JCC Harrison, Pelham Jewish Center, Shaarei Tikvah, Temple Israel Center, and Westchester Jewish Center—we have formed the Westchester Teen Collab. This program features opportunities for dynamic, engaging learning for our teens that they get to choose! Located at the JCC, the program will take place in three modules (fall, winter, spring) and each module features multiple tracks for the teens from Israeli Culture with one of our Westchester Shinshinim to Pirkei Avot-based improv to a Jewish Leadership course cotaught by clergy from all of the synagogues. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to partner across communities and expose our teens to new peers and educators.

You can still register for the winter or spring modules at

In addition to the Westchester Teen Collab, Beth El teens have hit the ground running, building our teen community at Beth El—for teens, by teens, as we like to say! Our 8th12th graders have shown up, starting with our kickoff event at Sky Zone in September. Even the rain didn’t stop us from making sushi with Rabbi Schuck over Sukkot. We also have

monthly Teen Services, open to 7th-12th graders, alternating between Friday nights with dinner and Saturday mornings with lunch. The teens have also been super active in the larger Beth El Community, participating actively on High Holidays and in the main sanctuary on Shabbat mornings, facilitating youth programming for our younger kids on holidays and Shabbat, and volunteering at Beth El and in the community. Our mix between offsite activities and ritual events, leadership opportunities, volunteering, learning together, and more give space for every teen to find something that fits them. Shout out to our Teen Leadership Board for working together to plan an awesome year! We’re off to a great start and can’t wait for more fun later this fall/winter.

Want to help plan a program? Reach out to Bekkah at

Not sure what to do this summer? Go to www. to check out a whole bunch of exciting opportunities to see what fits you! Thinking about going to Israel this summer? Check out for awesome Israel opportunities—you may be eligible for a $3,000 RootOne Voucher!

The Bulletin November 2022 7
Thank you for your support this year—we can’t wait to see you at our programming over the next few months!

Beth El Security

The holiday season has come to a close and I want to thank Marilyn Russell, our Facilities Administrator, for her tireless dedication to Beth El in ensuring that our security and maintenance needs are met and for her participation on the Security Committee. I would also like to thank the Security Committee members, Rachel Casanova, Russell Fayer, and Jeff Mittleman for their commitment to the committee; and Rob Patchen and Mia Mandel, our COO, who have provided the committee with their leadership and ideas.

In follow-up to the November Bulletin update, the Gabriel Shields have been installed and the committee has and will

continue to participate in training programs to become experts in the operations of this new system. The Gabriel Shields, a program funded by a major national donor, uses smart technology to instantly and discreetly give first responders eyes and ears on the scene for early intervention and resolution. More information about how we will use them at Beth El will follow soon.

Our committee will be meeting on a regular basis to continuously improve the Synagogue’s security programs.

Child Safety: A Beth El Priority

This fall, many Beth El teachers, clergy and staff, participated in an indepth training delivered by Aleinu, the program of Sacred Spaces that we have been working with to implement best practices for child protection at Beth El. The training focused on properly responding to and reporting youth maltreatment and delved into details

beyond the duty of mandated reporting. Participants were from various Jewish youth-serving organizations and together we spoke about barriers to disclosure, the do’s and don’ts for how to respond to a disclosure, and how to implement safe engagement practices at our organizations. The training incorporated practice elements and

allowed participants to engage with other professionals working with similar age youth and to address the varied concerns that arise in the different age demographics. We are thankful to Sacred Spaces for providing us with this meaningful experience.

New Initiative: Communal Freezer Project

The communal freezer project is a new initiative to enhance how we care for the members of our community. Volunteers cook ready-to-warm pareve/dairy meals in Beth El’s kitchen and freeze them, so they are available for any congregant to pick up whenever they want and for any reason. Life can be hectic and stressful, and we want to support you in those moments. If you have a tough day or find yourself unexpectedly rushing home from work, stop by the freezer outside the dairy kitchen and take a container of soup and/or a ready-to-heat meal with you. It's free. It's delicious. And most importantly, it's made with love.

We want everyone in our community to feel comfortable picking up a meal. The freezer exists for you! And if you're interested in volunteering to cook, you can email volunteer@ Both the joy of giving and receiving!

We hope you enjoyed the honey cakes that we baked and distributed on Rosh Hashanah! We spent fun days baking together with inspiration from Rabbi Sitkin, as he led a

learning session while the cakes were in the oven. Please read the Shabbat Announcements for updates on when the freezer will be filled with the first set of meals. We are excited to launch this new initiative and hope it will support all of us as we continue our journey to a more caring and inclusive Beth El Community!

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Winter Volunteer Spotlight

This month we are highlighting the leaders of our communal freezer project.

Why did you get involved with this project?

LB: I love the idea of Beth El providing support and acts of kindness for our members. Many of us volunteer to help others outside Beth El and this provides an opportunity to care for our Beth El family. It also seemed like a fun and different way to get involved!

JP: I am trying to spend more time giving back to the community and I am very grateful for what Beth El does for our community

BK: Judi and I became involved with this project because we had been involved in a similar project in an earlier synagogue. We’ve met others who share our wish for this project’s success. We hope the BESC freezer project will help to connect and unite our congregational family.

What have you personally gained from this experience?

LB: I am enjoying the social aspect of planning the menus and recipes and mostly the time cooking together as a group! Plus, it gives me a good feeling to know that when others are having a challenging day, don’t feel like cooking, or just want a pick-me-up, they can stop by the Beth El freezer for a meal to warm at home and enjoy!

JP: It makes me happy and feel good to dedicate time to our community and also to meet new people at Beth El, strengthening connections and making my time at the synagogue more meaningful

What kind of impact do you hope the communal freezer project will have on the community?

LB: I hope more members will volunteer to participate, we’ll get to meet and work with new people, we will reach out and encourage our Beth El community to take meals from the freezer, we’ll feel supported by both cooking and by taking meals, and we’ll create a more caring culture within our synagogue.

JP: I am hopeful the communal freezer will make the dayto-day lives of our congregation a bit simpler and that people strengthen their connections while volunteering to keep the communal freezer full and grow

DF : I hope our project will create yet another caring community at Beth El for those who prepare the meals and the families who may share the meals to ease life’s stressors together.

Beth El is looking for volunteers to help lead our efforts to expand Beth El’s involvement in the following areas: social action, chesed, and community building/social programming If you are someone who is looking to get more involved, please contact Stephanie Lederman at

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Lauren Berger, Josh Podietz, Dorothy Fox, Judi And Barry Kenter
Volunteer at Beth El!

Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music at Beth El

SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, December 17, 7 pm

We are so excited to announce that Chazan Basya Schechter will be our guest musical artist for a Hanukkah concert on Saturday night, December 17 at 7 pm - don’t miss this special event!

Chazan Basya is one of the most talented and creative musicians in the Jewish world. She is a brilliant composer, wonderful singer, and multi-instrumentalist– playing guitar, oud, sax, ukulele, and percussion.

Perhaps best known for her group, Pharaoh’s Daughter, Chazan Basya has a unique compositional style that blends her Borough Park/Ashkenazy background with a radically creative blend of Mizrachi and Eastern and mystical sensibilities. A riveting performer and a widely recorded artist, Chazan Basya has just completed a year long Fellowship with Hadar’s Rising Song Institute. She sings in Hebrew, Ladino, Aramaic,Yiddish, and even some rap! She has toured throughout our country, as well as Eastern and Western Europe, Israel, South America, Canada and the UK. She has performed frequently at NYC venues such as Central Park Summer Stage, Lincoln Center’s

Damrosch Park, Joe’s Pub, The Stone, and City Winery. For a sample playlist and bio please go to

Chazan Basya is usually joined by many of the finest musicians in the Jewish world, and she has generously introduced us to many great musicians who have prayed and played with us at Beth El. She worked for many years as Cantor and Music Director at Romemu, the leading Renewal synagogue in Manhattan, and is currently Cantor at Romemu Brooklyn and the Fire Island Synagogue.

This special evening will be part of our Shirei Neshama project, Songs of Sacred Communal Time, where guest artists join our community for Jewish holidays. During her residency, Chazan Basya will present a world premiere performance of a new song commissioned by us and inspired by Hanukkah. The performance will then be released in a video, to be shared in our community and beyond.

It is a privilege to host Chazan Basya on December 17th. Please save the date and join us for this special evening!

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A Message from Israel 360

ISRAEL 360’s MISSION: Recognizing our shared sense of “Ahavat Yisrael” - love and support of Israel, Israel 360 is dedicated to raising awareness and fostering respectful and nuanced dialogue about Israel that encourages openness to the diversity of perspectives among the Beth El community and the Jewish community at large.

In furtherance of our mission, Israel 360 is pleased to be offering a wide menu of programs.

On October 26th, we heard from Yuval Ben-David, Investment and Advocacy officer of EcoPeace Middle East, a unique Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian organization, that seeks to advance cooperative efforts in the region, to protect their shared environment, promote sustainable regional development, and create necessary conditions for lasting peace. Ben-David spoke to how these groups came together to cooperate on these issues and, in particular, how the climate crisis presents catastrophic risks as well as opportunities for deepening cooperation between these neighbors. This program was co-sponsored by the Encounter Group and the Green Team.

On December 8th at 7:30pm, we will hear from Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh, former Druze member of Knesset and The Jewish Agency’s first Druze emissary, who is working to strengthen connections to Israel. Kamal-Mreeh will speak about her own experience as the first Druze member of Knesset and the many issues facing the Arab and Druze communities in Israel. Her unique experience and perspective should make for a fascinating and enlightening evening. This event will be in person and on zoom. For more details and to register, go to:

We hope you join us for this upcoming program and there will be more to come! We’re continuing to work to round

out our menu of programs for the balance of the year so be on the lookout for more details. Please contact either one of us or any member of Israel 360 if you have any suggestions for Israel related programming!

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Susan Solow-Dubin & Mark Seidenfeld Israel 360

A Message from Sisterhood

The leaves have turned, the air is crisp. Sisterhood has been busy putting together an exciting series of programs for the fall.

Here are featured highlights:

The dinner for paid up Sisterhood members will take place on November 17th. The evening will feature a multi-vendor boutique and dinner and the opportunity to mingle with old and new members. Don’t miss out! If you haven’t paid your dues, please send a check for $50 made payable to Beth El Synagogue, with the notation “Sisterhood dues” in the memo section, to Alise Liquorie in the Beth El office. Questions about membership can be directed to Joyce Goldklang (

December 4th will feature a virtual tour of the beautiful, newly expanded Tel Aviv ANU Museum of the Jewish People, at 11 am.

December 21st will feature an in-person evening program for arts and crafts lovers.

Beth El Sisterhood is a partner of the Symphony of Westchester. Concerts take place at Iona University. A portion of each ticket sold benefits Sisterhood. The first two concerts of the season will take place the evening of November 12th and the afternoon of December 11th. For information about the concerts or to purchase tickets, visit www. or call 914-654-4926. Once you purchase tickets, please email me at marcia.assor@gmail. com, so Sisterhood can get credit for the tickets.

Other Sisterhood Fall programs of note: Bagels and Books (9:30 am):

November 28th: Paris Children by Gloria Goldreich

December 19th: Costalegre by Courtney Maum Evening Book Club (7:30 pm):

November 9th: Woman on Fire by Lisa Barr Canasta – every Monday at 1 pm Mah Jongg – every Tuesday at 1 pm

TORAH FUND 2022 -2023 Chazak v’Ematz

This year, like in the past 80 years, our Sisterhood is participating in the Torah Fund Campaign under the direction of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.

Your donation to Torah Fund helps provide essential scholarships and programs to train future leaders of the Jewish Community.

Every Torah Fund donation of $180 or more will be recognized with this year’s Torah Fund pin, Chazak – 80 (the 80 is for 80 years of Torah Fund). All contributions, of any size, will be gratefully accepted.

The best way to make your donation is at: This is a safe, secure donation site set up by Women’s League for this purpose. Be sure to enter Beth El New Rochelle when they ask for your affiliation. If you have any questions, or would like to make special arrangements, please contact: Sheila Cohen • • 914-576-1078 Risë Stern • • 914-761-5645

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Refugee Assistance Update

Beth El Synagogue is a member of the Interfaith Council of New Americans Westchester (ICNAW), a volunteer group of diverse religious and secular organizations. ICNAW works with HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which has been “in business” for over 150 years, welcoming and supporting new arrivals to the United States, including many of our own ancestors. ICNAW locates and furnishes apartments for recent arrivals, helps them negotiate the social service system, donates vehicles and provides driving lessons, seeks out employment for adults, schools and tutoring for children and adults, medical and dental assistance as needed, and gradually acculturates these individuals to their new surroundings.

More detail about ICNAW’s work can be found here:

To date, ICNAW has worked with refugees from Afghanistan who are SIVs, i.e., those granted special immigrant visas for assisting United States forces in Afghanistan. ICNAW has settled five families and is planning to welcome a sixth to Westchester after HIAS clearance. Beth El’s Refugee Assistance Committee warmly invites you to join our work with ICNAW where you’ll find numerous opportunities for both short- and long-term experiences. Interested? Contact Joyce Wechsler ( or Susan Wolman (



It's time to clean out your toy box! Some of our refugee families are in need of manipulative toys such as knob puzzles, shape toys, blocks, large Lego blocks,etc.

If you can donate anything, please send a picture of the toy to to avoid duplication. We will arrange to pick up any donations from you.

Thanks for your support. The Refugee Assistance Committee

Our history and information is now on our website along with some pictures to give you an idea of the type of inventory we have. We offer moderately priced Judaica and giftware from reliable Judaica vendors.

Please look at our little corner of the world when you are in the synagogue and call us when you have an item in mind.

Don’t forget that if you see something elsewhere, we can probably get it for you.

Also, remember that our profits go straight to our synagogue. Although we are not yet able to accept credit card purchases, we do accept cash and checks. New items arrive all the time! Check the display cases!

Call or email Gift Shop Chairs: Carole Graham: or 914-419-6270

Ellen Hollander: or 914-632-4658

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THE BAUM JUCAICA GIFT SHOP is stocked and ready for you!


Welcome to the Beth El Community:

Eugene Bellin







The Bulletin November 2022 14


Mazal tov to:

Julie Rockowitz on the birth of her granddaughter, Aviva Navit, daughter of Leora and Ben Yardenay; Michael and Roni Schiffres on the birth of their granddaughter, Rachel Winnie Gale; Dean Solomon and Rebecca Blake on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Samson Solomon; Laura Lewis, Harry & Rachel Moseley and Irv & Lois Elhai on the Aufruf of their children, Michelle Moseley and Shaun Elhai; Ellen & Jack Hollander on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Gil Weinsier, son of Lauren Hollander and Steven Weinsier at Congregation B’nai Israel in Northampton MA; Evan and Liat Snyder on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ari Snyder; Ari Abramowitz and Gwen Gorfinkle Abramowitz on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Brynn Abramowitz; Shari and Marvin Chinitz on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Ari Chinitz, son of Noah and Ella and brother of Gabe, Talia and Rafi. Mazal tov also to aunts and uncles Ilana and Uri Tamir and Janine and Isaac Chinitz; Anne and Andrew Reis on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jack Reis; Jack Klebanow and Marcela Hoffer on the engagement of their son, Jed Klebanow to Tali Meer; David Lacher and Dava Yavetz in honor of David becoming the President of the New Rochelle Bar Association; Gail and Steven Goldman on the engagement of their daughter Adina Goldman to Zachary Zellman, son of Dr. Warren Zellman and Susan Zellman; Stephanie and Harvey Lederman on the engagement of their daughter Amanda Lederman to Ron Berger, son of Linda and Ed Berger; Bari and Jay Goldstein on the birth of their first grandson, Jonas Lee Goldstein, son of Josh and Abby Goldstein; Allan Wolkoff, M.D. on receiving the 2022 Leadership Award from the American Liver Foundation (ALF); members Gary and Gwen Salmo on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazal tov also to Mia Salmo and

Nick Romanow on the birth of their daughter; Elise and Bob Schepp on their 39th wedding anniversary; Hayden Marcus on her Bat Mitzvah and to parents Alan and Marci Marcus; Av Rivel on his grandchildren’s educational achievements; Kaye Kirschner and Mark Schlecker on their upcoming Auf Ruf and to parents Gwenn & Bruce Kirschner of New York City and Susan & David Schlecker; Nurit Pacht and Rami Vamos on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Matan Pacht Vamos; Jeffrey and Naomi FioRito on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Paige FioRito; Linda and Sol Haber on the marriage of their daughter, Marissa Haber to Dylan Franklin; Marsha and Arthur Goldstein on the marriage of their daughter Michelle to Ethan Behling, son of Lori and John Behling on October 23, and Erica and Larry Epstein on the engagement of their son Marc Epstein to Sarah Glickstein.

A warm Beth El mazal tov to one and all!

Share your milestone events with us!

If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Alise at or 914-235-2700, ext. 223

Kiddush Sponsors

The Kiddush of September 3rd was sponsored by Laura Lewis in honor of the auf ruf and marriage of her daughter Michelle Mosely to Shaun Elhai and by Dean Solomon and Rebeccca Blake in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son Sampson Solomon.

The kiddush of September 10th was sponsored by Liat and Evan Snyder in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son Ari Snyder.

The kiddush of September 17th was sponsored by Anne and Andrew Reis in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son, Jack Reis.

The kiddush of September 24 was sponsored by Dana and Joseph Kekst in celebration of the Esther and Steven Winik z”l Siddur Lev Shalem Initiative and by David Lacher and Dava

Yavetz in honor of David becoming the President of the New Rochelle Bar Association.

The kiddush of October 10th and October 11th was sponsored by the Beth El Sisterhood in honor of Sukkot.

The kiddush of October 22nd was sponsored by Marci and Alan Marcus in honor of the bat mitzvah of their daughter Hayden Marcus.

The Kiddush of October 29th was sponsored by Nurit Pacht and Rami Vamos in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son Matan Vamos and by Susan and David Schlecker in honor of the auf ruf and marriage of their son Mark Schlecket to Kaye Kirschner.

A donation was made to the Kiddush Fund by Norma Wasserman in honor of her special Birthday.

The Bulletin November 2022 15


We record the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies.

Condolences to:

Leslie Glanz on the loss of his wife Susan Glanz z”l; Robin Seltzer on the loss of her father, Joseph Seltzer z”l; Lorri Liss Levine on the loss of her father, Ernest Liss z”l; Hyman Pryluck on the loss of his sister, Miriam Resnick z”l; Lenore (Rabbi Melvin) Sirner and Ilene Richman, Laurel Mayer Hecht (Jonathan), Rebecca Mayer and Marcy Mayer (David Sleight), Jessica Hecht (Harry Ottensoser), Emerson Sleight,


General Fund:

Sophie Hecht, and Lucy Hecht on the passing of their sister, mother, and grandmother, Rabbi Amy R. Mayer z”l; Marjorie Schlosberg Glick on the passing of her husband, Mitchell Glick z”l; Mark Walfish on the passing of his mother, Ann Walfish z”l, and Jonathan Golub on the loss of his father, Richard Golub z”l.


Gene Wexler; Howard Steinman & Barbara Birshtein; Lisa Jacobs for the recovery of Leah Shandel bat Hana; David Shechter & Carrie Fox; Irvine David Marcus; Michael Palgon; Daniel Josephs;

In Honor of:

Bob Wolloch on the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah, from Jeffrey & Lynn Lowin.

Barbara & Rob Ehudin’s 30th Wedding Anniversary, from Sam & Tris Berger.

The birth of a granddaughter to Julie Rockowitz, from Rochelle Chaiken.

Laura Lewis on the occasion of the marriage of her daughter, Michelle Mosley to Shaun Elhai, from Rochelle Chaiken.

The Auf Ruf of Michelle Moseley and Shaun Elhai, from Lynn & Jeffrey Lowin.

Tris Berger’s birthday, from Lauren Freeman Bosworth & Brian Bosworth, and from Mark & Marjorie Seidenfeld, and from Allison Wohl, and from Dan & Jody Burton.

Rabbi Barry Kenter and Judy Kenter, Shana Tova! From Vicki & Nate Fisher.

Our Simchat Torah Honorees Michael Dorfman, Naomi Adler, Janine Chinitz and Ann Zisser for their commitment to our community, from Dana Asher and Scott Reiner. For the honor of Kallat Bereshit bestowed upon Naami Adler Schiller, from Lisa Lazerson.

In Memory of:

Fay Binstok z”l, from Jeffrey Stern.

Howard’s beloved father, Samuel Goldstein z”l upon his Yahrzeit, from Howard and Helene Goldstein.

Edith Margolish z”l, my beloved mother, from Norma Wasserman.

Hilario Ramos z”l on his yahrzeit, from Deborah Solymar. Sa’adya Aqua z”l, father of Associate Cantor Emeritus Uri Aqua, and Judy Aqua and family, from Marianne & Bob Sussman.

My beloved grandfather, Benjamin Koller z”l, from Andrea Spitz.

Lynn Marie Vegt z”l, sister of Mark Sadok, from Linda & Allen Essner.

The yahrzeit of Gladys T. Orans z”l, beloved mother of Lawrence, from Barbara and Lawrence Orans.

Ernest Liss z”l, beloved father of Lorri Liss Levine, from Debbie & Steven Young, and from Dan & Jody Burton, and from Lawrence & Barbara Orans.

Joseph & Lily Buchsbaum z’l and Elsie Hulnick z”l, from Irving Buchsbaum.

Ann Walfish z”l, mother of Mark Walfish, from Lawrence Rubenstein.

Rabbi Amy Mayer z”l, sister of Lenore Sirner, from Rosalind & Richard Kaufman.

Day Camp Fund

In Honor of: Beth, Grace & Jenna, from Beth Seigel.

Julie Rockowitz for a great summer at camp, from Sarah Rossenwasser.

The birth of Aviva Navit, daughter of Leora and Ben, and granddaughter of Julie Rockowitz, from Phyllis & Harvey Jay, and from Geralynn & David Reifer, and from Eric & Laurie Roth.

Julie Rockowitz on the marriage of her daughter Shira to Dan Badiak, from Eric & Laurie Roth.

The Bulletin November 2022 16

Sylvia and Robert Scher Chesed Community Fund

Noel & Leah Edelson;

In Honor of:

Cantor Gaby on her installation, from Ellen & Moshe Gelboim.

Marvin Chinitz, Nora Klion Wolloch and Brian Bosworth for coming to Ellen’s aid, from Moshe & Ellen Gelboim.

In Memory of:

Herb Fox z”l, from Ellen & Moshe Gelboim. Alphonse Liquorie z”l, from Ellen & Moshe Gelboim.

Ernest Liss z”l, father of Lorri Liss Levine, from Jeff & Susan Mittleman.

Rabbi Amy Mayer z”l, sister of Lenore Sirner, from Harriet & David Rudnick.

The Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs

In Honor of:

Susan Brecker and Michael Weintraub on the birth of your grandson, Raziel Boaz, from Alfred & Shelley Klein. The marriage of Michelle Moseley & Shaun Elhai, from Shelley & Alfred Klein.

In Memory of:

Robert Matthew Klein z”l, from Ivan & Brenda Corwin, and from Lynn & Jeffrey Lowin.

Rivka Raffel z”l, beloved neighbor and friend, from Ivan & Brenda Corwin.

Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua, from Lori & Steven Schwartz.

Ernest Liss z”l, beloved father of Lorri Liss Levine, from Lori & Steven Schwartz.

Rabbi Amy Mayer z”l, sister of Lenore Sirner, from Debbie & Steven Young, Shelley & Fred Klein, and Barbara & Joel Hollander, and Judy Schmeidler, Anita Better z”l, from Geralynn & David Reifer. Endowment Fund

In Memory of:

Mark Preminger z”l, from Robert Preminger & Pamela Friedman.

Shoresh Halev Music Fund

Ethan Bronner;

In Honor of:

The marriage of Michelle Moseley to Shaun Elhai, from Debbie & Steven Young.

The Bar-Mitzvah of Ari Chinitz, grandson of Shari & Marvin Chinitz, from Harriet Kaplan Suvall & Marc Suvall.

In Memory of:

Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua, from Harriet Kaplan Suvall & Marc Suvall, and from Jeff & Susan Mittleman, and from the Beth El Sisterhood Rivka Raffel z”l, from Susan & Robert Goldstein.

Youth Activities Fund

Rachel Steinman & David Mener; Elaine Scheinfeld Memorial Fund

In Honor of:

Michael Dorfman’s Simchat Torah honor and Naomi Schiller’s Simchat Torah honor, from Geralynn & David Reifer.

In Memory of: Elaine Schenfeld z”l, beloved mother of Robert Scheinfeld, from Lori & Steven Schwartz, and from Sue & Michael Meisler

Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua, from Geralynn & David Reifer, and from Robin Kaphan & family;

Rebecca Hack z”l, from Arlene Reifer.

Ernest Liss z”l, beloved father of Lorri Liss Levine, from David & Geralynn Reifer.

Baumwald Prayer Book Fund

In Honor of:

Lori Schwartz on her special birthday, from Tamar and Joe Tait.

Tris Berger’s birthday, from Tamar & Joe Tait. The PTA Israel Travel-Study Scholarship Fund

In Memory of: My father Aryeh Leyb ben Ytzchak v”Sarah z”l, from Ana Turkienicz.

Yvette & Herman Gordon Century Fund for Adult Teaching & Learning

In Memory of: Heidi Oestreicher z”l, from Jane & Bruce Adler. Men’s Club

In Memory of: Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua, from Marc & Barbara Klee.

Yahrzeit Donations

Zvi & Naomi Ben-Zvi; Howard Berman; Fred & Judy Bomback; Phyllis & Jerome Brown; Dan,, Jody, Adam & Sammy Burton; Irwin J. Cohen; Davis Family; Kenneth & Lisa Eisenberg; Arthur H. Elkind; Ruth Esses; Judith


The Bulletin November 2022 17

Feuerstein; Myra Fisch; Vicki & Nate Fisher; Judy & Mel Gabriel; Helen Geffner; Rita & Bruce Gilbert; Jay Howard Goldstein; Susan Goldstein & family; Sandy Gruenberg; Judith Harary; Jill Barnett Hastings & Family; Ruth Hirsh; Aaron Hodes; Arthur, Janet, Jessica & Jason Jakoby; Phyllis & Harvey Jay; Gary & Micki Joseph; Jill Kaufman; Robert A. Khan; Fran Klingsberg; Stanley Krieg; Martin Levitin; Emma Lewis; Jonathan Lopatin; Barbara & Arthur Margolin; Lois Morgenstern; Deborah Olstein; Patricia Greenwel Rojkind; Sharon & George Rozansky; Henrietta Sanford; Evelyn & Barry Salter; Judith Schwartz; Joyce Silver; Leslie J. Snyder; Jay M. Sommer; Andrea Spitz; Rachelle & Steven Stern; Maxwell & Sandra Stolzberg; Judith S. Szabo; Rosalee & Stephen Tenenbaum; Howard Tiszenkel; Gary & Evelyn Trachten Family Foundation Inc; Jesse & Ronnie Weinberger; Gloria Weiner; Nora Klion Wolloch.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Janis Demartini in honor of Michael & Joyce Wechsler on their 55th wedding anniversary; Janis Demartini in honor of the marriage of Alan Greenberg’s daughter, Lauren to Aron; Janis Demartini in honor of the marriage of Debbie & Steve Young’s daughter, Becky to Jake; Janis Demartini in honor of the marriage of Julie Rockowitz’s daughter, Shira to Dan; Nora Klion Wolloch in honor of Cantor Gaby on her installation; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of Joshua and Gabrielle Swarz and grandparents Kathy & Jeff Swarz on the birth of Cara; Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of Andrew & Libby Wasson on the birth of their newest addition, Isabella Bina;Nora Klion-Wolloch in honor of Debbie & Steve Young on the marriage of Becky to Jake; Nora Klion Wolloch in honor of the entire Flesihaker family: Andrea & Jonathan, Sheryl & Aaron and Donald on the birth of Dana Juliet; Nora Klion Wolloch in honor of Joyce & Michael Wechsler on their 55th wedding anniversary; Nora Klion Wolloch in memory of Alaine Gorfinkle z”l, beloved mother of Gwen, Lynn, Mark and Joshua; Nora Klion Wolloch in memory of Adele Bagg z”l, mother of Gillian (Ken) Katz; Sally Shore Wittenberg with thanks for the incredibly warm welcome received at the morning minyanim; from Rabbis and Cantor to attendees; Donald Fleishaker in memory of his wife Dorothy Fleishaker z”l, and in honor of the birth of his 12th great grandchild; Lloyd Sherman in memory of Rose Sherman z”l; Avrun Rivel in memory of his brother Art Rivel z”l and wife, Elayne Rubinoff z”l; Caryl Fuchs in memory of her mother, Ruth Teichman z”l; Lorri Liss Levine for the recovery of Ernest Liss; Bernie Katz & family in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; Bernie Katz & family in honor of the birth of another grandchild to Rabbi and Mrs Sirner; Riverside Memorial Chapel; Esther Winik in memory of her mother, Pola Alexander z”l; Beate Becker in loving memory of Joseph D.Becker; Ellen & Moshe Gelboim with profound thanks to Rabbi Schuck for his care and concern; Isaiah & Janet

Seligman in memory of Janet’s mother, Hannah Kenler z”l; Janet & Isaiah Seligman in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; Noel & Leah Edelson in memory of Claire Edelson z”l; Shari & Marvin Chinitz; Andrea Spitz in memory of her beloved mother, Ilse Koller Spitz Z”l; Elise & Bob Schepp in honor of the marriage of Michelle Moseley to Shaun Elhai; Rob & Jodi Scheinfeld in honor of our Beth El clergy - Rabbi Schuck, Rabbi Sitkin, Rabbi Fisher, Cantor Schvartz for bringing so much warmth, care and comfort to our entire family after the loss of our dear mom and granny, Elaine Scheinfeld z’l; Sarah Keltz & Jesse Badash with thanks to Rabbi Schuck for officiating their wedding; Arthur & Loretta Holland in memory of Sande Holland z”l; Noel & Leah Edelson in honor of Ellen and Jack Hollander on the Bar-Mitzvah of their grandson; Stuart Prager & Gwen Horn with thanks to Rabbi Jessica Fisher; Nora Klion Wolloch in honor of Rabbi Mel & Lenore Sirner on the birth of their grandson, Kobi Shai; Judith Harary in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; Lorri Liss Levine in honor of Robert & Florence Levine; Baruch Stiftel & Janet Kodras in memory of Rabbi Amy Mayer z”l, sister of Lenore Sirner; Jane & Steven Berkowitz in honor of Tris Berger’s birthday; Elan Dobbs; Seth & Judy Lerner in honor of the Beth El clergy for the inspiring High Holiday services; Laurie & Eric Roth in memory of Rabbi Amy Mayer z”l, sister of Lenore Sirner; Janet & Isaiah Seligman in memory of Rabbi Amy Mayer z”l, sister of Lenore Sirner; Janet & Isaiah Seligman in honor of Lucy Raynes becoming a Bat Mitzvah; Janet & Isaiah Seligman in memory of Joe Kenler z”l, Janet’s beloved father; Vicki & Nate Fisher in memory of Vicki’s mother, Phoebe Karpel z”l; Gary Salmo in memory of his mother, Perel D’vorah bat Shmuel Ha’Levi z’l, on her yahrzeit; Maxine Siegel in memory of Ann Walfish z”l, beloved mother of Mark Walfish.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

Louise & Jay Silverman in honor of Michael & Joyce Wechsler on their 55th wedding anniversary; Louise & Jay Silverman in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; Rita & David Kaufman in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; Maria & Steven Kessler in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; Beth Seigel in honor of Cantor Gaby for teaching me the tropes; Dina & David Brot in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; Nora Klion Wolloch in memory of Sa’adya Aqua, beloved father of Cantor Uri Aqua; and Steven Berkowitz in memory of his mother, Sandra M. Berkowitz z”l, on her yahrzeit.

To donate to the Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund Please send all Sisterhood donations to:

The Bulletin November 2022 18
Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund c/o Gaby Newfield
Runyon Place, Scarsdale, NY 10583 P: 914-235-4030 • E:

Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund

In Honor of:

Bob Schepp, Bobby Crocker’s pride challahs from Paul Bernstein & Lisa Capelouto

Bernie Katz, mazal tov on the birth of new great granddaughter from Nora Klion Wolloch

Sheila Cohen, mazal tov on your granddaughter, Rachel Goldberg’s Bat Mitzvah from Susan Germaine

Naomi Adler Schiller, your Simchat Torah honor from Elise & Bob Schepp

Michael Dorfman, your Simchat Torah honor from Elise & Bob Schepp

Ann Zisser, your Simchat Torah honor from Elise & Bob Schepp

Janine Chinitz, your Simchat Torah honor from Elise & Bob Schepp

In Memory of:

Uri Aqua, your beloved father, Sa’adya Aqua from Phoebe and Peter Gross

Hyman Pryluck, your beloved sister Miriam Resnick from Erica & Larry Epstein

Lorri Liss Levine, your beloved father Ernest Liss from Erica & Larry Epstein

Aliza and Josh Raffel, your beloved mother, Rivka Raffel from Nora Klion Wolloch

Gillian Katz, your beloved mother, Adele Bagg from Shelley Goldring-Silverman and Arnold Silverman

Donna Better Nachman and Family, your beloved mother, Anita Better from Gaby & George Newfield

Lorri Liss Levine, your beloved father Ernest Liss from Phoebe and Peter Gross

The Esther and Steven z”l Winik Siddur Lev Shalem Initiative

On Shabbat morning of September 24th, we bode farewell to our well used Siddurim and celebrated using our new Siddurim together for the very first time. We wish to thank the following members for their generous support of the Esther and Steven z”l Winik Siddur Lev Shalem Initiative:

Gwen & Ari Abramowitz, Elizabeth and Eric Alderman, Marcia and Nathan Assor, Donna and Abe Bartell, Shari and Arnie Baum, Sam and Tris Berger, Paul Bernstein & Lisa Capelouto and family, Jeffrey, Aaron, William & Rebecca Bloom, Rabbi David and Dr. Frances Blumenfeld, Brian Bosworth & Lauren Freeman-Bosworth, Michele & Steve Brick, The Chaiken/Scharfman Family, Rachel and Barry Charles, Shari and Marvin Chinitz, Sheila

Landau Cohen, Bob and Barbara Cohen, Janis Demartini, Ellen Dembicer and Jeff Meyers, Susan Salow Dubin and Marvin Dubin, Barbara and Rob Ehudin,Larry and Erica Epstein, Dr. Claudia and Michael Felberg,Victoria and Nathan Fisher,,Donald Fleishaker, The Fleishaker Family, Annette Fogelman, Dorothy Fox and family, Caryl Fuchs, Sondra Goldenberg, Bob and Susan Goldstein, Wendy, Ben and Tamara Goulston, The Gruenberg Family, Steven Gugenheim & Susan Wolman, Sheldon and Barbara Haber, Sue and John Hakimi, Ellen and Jack Hollander, Barbara and David Horowitz, Lisa and Perry Jacobs, Nadine, Robert, Ben, Hannah & Lily Jacobson, Harvey and Phyllis Jay, Robin Kaphan, Joanna and Samuel Kaufman, Rita and David Kaufman, Judi and Rabbi Barry Kenter, Maria & Steven Kessler and Family, Lois Kohn-Claar and Gary Claar, Alexandra and Daniel Kovenat, Barbara and Marc Lazarus, Susan and Elliot Lesser, Lorri Liss Levine and Richard Levine, Laura J. Lewis, Anita and Stanley Liebowitz, The Loewentheil Family, The Loewentheil and Murray Families, Nina Luban and Scott Bonci, Marsha and Thomas Lustig, Anita and Michael Malina, Serge, Sibel, Etel & Rafael Malka, Mia and Ron Mandel, David Marcus, Len and Susan Mark, Ari and Nancy Mayerfield, Sue and Michael Meisler, Esther and Mark Mildner, Susan Eichen and Jeff, Ilana and Jacob Mittleman, Ariel and Brad Nelson, Nurit Pacht & Rami Vamos, Jayne and Darren Peister and family, Marcia and Hyman Pryluck, David and Allison Resnick, Ellen and Merill Resnick, Elise and Barry Richman, Shery & Howard Rosenstein and family, Eric and Laurie Roth, Robert & Jodi Scheinfeld, Elise & Bob Schepp, Roni & Michael Schiffres, Hanita and Paul Schneiderman, Gary & Rachel Schneidman, The Schuck Family, Lori, Steve, Joseph & David Schwartz, Judy and Ed Schwartz, Drs. Thalia and Alan Segal, Marjorie & Mark Seidenfeld, Caroline Fox and David Shechter, Cynthia and Ira Shechter, Lloyd Sherman, Dr. Beth Siegel, Gitta and David Silberstein,The Moise-Silverman Family, Barbara Simon & family, David Simon and Family, Lori Feldman & Jay Sitkin, Sharon and Peter Spenser, Andrea Spitz, Barbara Birshtein & Howard Steinman, Rise and Alan Stern, The Nagar Family, Norma Wasserman, Joyce & Michael Wechsler, Anne and Rick Weisbrod, Jill & Jeffrey Weissmann, Dr. & Mrs.Mark Winik, Jeffrey and Sara Winik, William, Linda Winik, William, Amanda, and Melanie Winters, Bob and Claudia Wolloch, Helene Wolloch, The Wolloch Children and Grandchildren, Ann and Sandy Zisser and Anita and Marc Zoldessy.

TO MAKE A DONATION contact Zoe Raynes at or 914-235-2700 ext 228. Minimum donation is $18.

Mail your payment: Beth El Synagogue Center, attn: Zoe, 1324 North Ave, New Rochelle, NY 10804.

IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO DEDICATE A SIDDUR IN HONOR OF SOMEONE SPECIAL! Dedicate your siddur here: or email Alise at

The Bulletin November 2022 19

Hanukkah 5783 Schedule


5:45 pm: Tot Havdalah & Donut Decorating

6:45 pm: Youth Havdalah, Donut Decorating, & Movie

7 pm: Hanukkah Bash with Basya Shechter

Celebrate the festival of lights with renowned Chazan Basya Schechter and her band, Pharaoh’s Daughter. An evening of inspiring music, a world premiere performance of a new Hanukkah song, holiday treats, and festive drinks. A don’t-miss event from Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music at Beth El.

Register Here for Havdalah/Donut Decorating:

Register Here for Hanukkah Bash:


9 am-1:30 pm: Blood Drive


10:30 am-12 pm: Hanukkah Day of Chesed Spend part of your Hanukkah giving back! Join us for a blood drive, toy drive, special volunteer opportunities for youth and families, and more!

Proud Beth El member

Register Here for the Blood Drive:

Register Here for the Hanukkah Day of Chesed:


7 pm: Glass Challah Plate Painting

Paint your own glass challah plate! No artistic ability is needed. Come enjoy! $18 per person. Limited to 25 people so hurry to register today! Register Here:


5:45 pm: Community Candle Lighting We invite you all to join us to light the Hanukkah candles together with song and dance. No registration required. 6 pm: Teen Hanukkah Celebration Register Here:

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