Extended Promotional Plan

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“Design is a type of communication. It’s

Our unique stores will be located in some

about the way an object or idea speaks to

of the most up and coming towns and cities

its audience. But good design not only gets

around the world. The unique, exquisite

its message across-it also engages us in

architecture and design of our stores will

conversation.” - Kinfolk. This embodies what

reflect and embody the culture, mood and

volta. is all about. We are a fragrance brand

aesthetic of each specific location. We are

that challenges the aesthetic conventions of

a fragrance brand that aim to encapsulate

fragrance to produce beautiful products that

the essence of a unique travel experience in

become so much more than a disposable

the form of an artful vessel, the best kind of

homeware scent.


Currently ___ As it stands, we have three stores set to open in entirely different locations, which we will focus on initially whilst we keep a close eye on locations to plan the preceding store openings. As you can imagine, the store placement is one of the most important decisions we make as we want something that wholeheartedly reflects who we are and more importantly who you, our consumers, are.

Aims ___ The aim is to become a global brand that maintains an undercover, hidden gem approach. We are here to offer a beautiful, timeless keepsake that is just as much a fragrance product as it is an interior object you will choose to display in your home. We would like to achieve an understated coolness to our brand, whilst in keeping with our sophisticated and tasteful roots.

Objectives ___ Produce an awareness of the brand to our consumer market, people that are very much ‘in the know’. It is important for us to create good relationships with brands that adopt a similar ethos and budding artists that we can collaborate with. As the brand progresses we will continue to gradually extend the business into different locations that remain appropriate.



WHAT’S OUR STORY? The starting point of inspiration that led to the development of the brand, volta, was a photo diary series by photographer, Sebastian Erras, celebrating the unique and exquisite architecture in different cities. The majority of fragrance brands that currently exist on the market are largely commercialised and lose this sense of unique culture as a result of mass marketing. This led to the potential idea of producing a fragrance brand whereby the store placement and both architecture and interior design were an integral part of the fragrance purchasing experience. A further insight that was imperative to the development of the brand was the work by Zuzu Mengham. The beautifully crafted stones were designed in response to fragrances and made me question why, aside from high end designers such as Tom Dixon, nobody seems to be challenging the conventions of form and design when it comes to fragrance products. Does fragrance have to look like fragrance?




“Tourists visit Bloom asking for a fragrance that is made in London that they can keep as a souvenir for their trip.� - Interview with sales associate, 2017 (Appendix A)



As a brand celebrating quality of design and

either personally layer a fragrance or select

“There is a high consumer interest in personalisation. 36% of people are interested in custom-blended fragrances.� - Mintel’s Fragrances UK,

the signature scent for that specific location. In

August 2016 Report

unique culture, the process of discovering each store takes you into some of the most stylish, hidden gems of the area. In the store you can

keeping with the personalisation element, there will be regular collaborations with local artists who personalise the packaging.



The imagery needed to reflect the quiet,

The colour palette was a very important factor

understated beauty of the brand in a strong,

for our photoshoot, with most images either

design-led way. It was clear from the outset

monochrome colour or stark contrasts that

that there would be no model involved; instead

really offset the object in shot. It was important

it would be a focus on the form, colour and

that the images were entirely unique in order

composition. A strong influence for the visuals

to represent one of the key elements of the

was the Mansur Gavriel Instagram page, which

brand - the individual stores - yet there needed

consists of a range of imagery far beyond

to be a subtle consistency throughout.

the selection of products sold by the brand.

The image composition was inspired by the

However, due to the consistent style, colour

simple yet bold advertisements seen by the

palette and often playful composition all the

likes of Celine and Jil Sander, which feature two

images remain very on brand. This alternative

images side by side.

advertising strategy is one that has been extremely successful in maintaining an active engagement with consumers.




Homeware fragrance in a unique vessel crafted by local artisans. Via Sparano da Bari, 127/A, 70121 Bari, Italy www.volta.com


40.7928° N, 17.1012° E



Homeware fragrance in a unique vessel crafted by local artisans. Via Sparano da Bari, 127/A, 70121 Bari, Italy www.volta.com



Homeware fragrance in a unique vessel crafted by local artisans. Via Sparano da Bari, 127/A, 70121 Bari, Italy www.volta.com



Personal Cultured


Be current yet timeless Be memorable


Be unique Contemporary


In the know

Be for a niche consumer market

Cool Design orientated


Maintain a strong We are a homeware design fragrance brand that element encapsulates the essence of across all a unique travel experience in factors of the form of an artful vessel. the brand


One of a kind

Intelligent Be a universal brand without losing our unique edge and individuality



Approachable Confident




USP As it stands, we are the only brand on the market that is offering a personalised fragrance service in collaboration with local artists in some of the most up and coming locations. Our positioning does make us a very niche brand, but one that has a lot of scope for progression.


“Customers visiting any retail environment are becoming more and more demanding of an experience. If you don’t want an experience, you just buy online.� Shadi Halliwell Creative Director, Harvey Nichols 14


OUR CONSUMER We have profiled our consumer as males/females aged between 22-35, Generation Y (also known as Millennials) living in a vibrant, cultured city. They are creative individuals with an interest in wider culture, regularly visiting galleries, exhibitions and new eateries. Our consumer is intellectual with an active engagement with world news. Their open-minded nature and eagerness to visit new places and try new things before everybody else categorises our consumer as an early adopter according to Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation theory.


‘Consumers want to find an intricate balance between being one-of-a-kind and fitting in. This is ‘niche’, just enough to form a tribe but not too many, not a crowd; this is about being one of the few. Niche brands come with a story - niche is knowledge, niche is the kudos of being in the know.’ - Posner, H, 130




PRIMARY CONSUMER This consumer has a disposable income and is willing to spend more on products that are unique. Their home is an extension of themselves, beautifully curated with both quality, classic designed pieces and other trinkets picked up on their travels. They prefer subtle brands and products that are tasteful, as opposed to a flashy brand logo. In the age bracket of 26-35, they tend to favour physical over digital.




SECONDARY CONSUMER This consumer is a younger demographic of 22-26 and is starting to invest more heavily in the interiors market. They have the same taste as the primary consumer; quality, well made, unique products. Due to the younger age bracket, they are classed as the ‘digital natives’. They discover brands, keep up to date with the news and read publications all online. Therefore, it is important that there is an active online engagement to encapsulate this consumer.







Through a combination of primary and secondary research (Appendix B), I have devised a media diary that signifies all the best touch points for communicating with our target consumer.






Wake up and get ready for work. No time to check social media. Watch YouTube video whilst getting ready.



Leave for work - train into central London. Check social media. Exposed to outdoor advertisements.

Arrive at work. Catch up with colleagues before checking emails and social media.


Leave the office to grab a quick lunch. Check social media. Exposed to outdoor advertisements. Flick through magazine.


Leave work. Exposed to outdoor advertisements on the commute home. Check social media and news app.


At home, time to unwind. Watch Youtube videos whilst dinner is cooking. Sit down and watch Netflix series whilst online browsing.


Read magazine. Final check of social media before going to bed.



THE EXECUTION & PLAN The initial promotion of volta is to inform the target audience of the brand. There needs to be an intrigue and buzz around the launch, through the correct channels, relevant magazines and blog influencers, that encourages the consumer to join the conversation. Once we have established brand awareness, our focus will be on creating brand loyalty and keeping the consumer engaged. It is important that they feel excited about visiting the new stores and to give them a reason to return. Additionally, the positive brand experience will aid the introduction of other like-minded consumers through word of mouth, which aids the continuation and hype around the brand into the foreseeable future.



WEBSITE The website is the hub of information regarding the ethos, stores and locations. Consumers can keep up to date with current artist collaborations and sign up for the mailing list. There is also an opportunity to purchase fragrance refills online through the e-shop. The brand aesthetic is carried across all elements of the website through the colour palette, brand logo and imagery.



“The company is now just as much a content generator as it is a design house.” Christopher Bailey (Cited Posner, H, 175)



Our print advertisements will be placed within publications that are relevant to our consumer such as Wallpaper*, Kinfolk, Elle Interior and Condenast Traveller. They are a ‘go to’ to keep on track with what is up and coming in the design and lifestyle sector. Within the print publications there will be regular advertisements as well as media coverage about the brand to provide the consumer with a more in-depth insight. It is important that our presence is noticeable across both physical and digital print media to communicate with both our primary and secondary consumer.


SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is imperative to not only aid the communication channel between brand and consumer but also establish a mature, friendly tone of voice. The modern-day consumer spends a large proportion of time on social media and is therefore exposed to advertisements across all platforms. In order to become noticeable, we will have a presence across the channels our consumer most regularly uses (appendix). Instagram will be the most important social media channel as aesthetic is very important to both the brand and consumer. We will regularly post aesthetically pleasing images of both the products and other lifestyle photographs that our followers can comment, like and share alongside interactive comments that increase the consumer engagement. We will heavily utilise the ‘stories’ facility on Instagram, with regular artist takeovers that will provide a unique insight into specific places.

‘Every customer contact provides an opportunity to enhance an emotional connection. Shopping has become a subset to being engaged and entertained.’ - Wheeler, A, 40 Fig.19






“The visual and written content that consumers expect as part of their engagement and relationship with fashion brands must also be factored into the marketing equation. Content in the form of a constant stream of up-to-date material on social media is now essential marketing currency.� - Posner, H, 2011, 29


INFLUENCER MARKETING We will incorporate influencer marketing into our promotional plan as it is currently the most relevant route to consumer. “Nearly 40% of Twitter users say they have made a purchase as a direct result of a Tweet

According to Econsultancy ‘almost 60% of fashion and beauty brands have an influencer marketing strategy in place, while a further 21% plan to invest in it over the next year.’ - Econsultancy, 2016

from an influencer” - Twitter. It is vital that this is done in a subtle way that does not detract from the niche exclusivity of the brand. A highly relevant influencer for the brand is Lucy Williams, a London based fashion/lifestyle blogger with an avid interest in interiors, who regularly travels and

“Traditional ads don’t work anymore because 84% of millennials don’t trust traditional advertising.” Forbes, 2017

documents her trips through photo diaries. We would fly her out to one of our exclusive stores to document the launch, store visit and resulting product in an authentic way that will blend seamlessly with the rest of her content. ‘Third-party endorsement is the holy grail of PR, the tactful, apparently truthful counterpart to advertising’s boastful bluster.’ - Cope and Maloney, 2016, 34




We will have two collaborations during the first year of the brand launch as it is an important method of brand exposure. The first collaboration will be with The Hoxton hotel. which has a handful of carefully selected hotels across Europe. They are about ‘providing a place where guests can hangout alongside the locals and submerse themselves in the neighbourhood.’ Alongside this they run Hoxtown, which is an eclectic programme of monthly events where they work with local creatives to curate events unique to each location. This is something that coincides perfectly with one of the key elements of volta. and would be an effective way to market what we are all about.

We will provide the hotel with a range of fragrances, which will be used to furnish the rooms. This will be a great way to gain initial exposure to our consumer and allow them to experience the fragrance first hand, thus making them more inclined to fast track to the purchase stage of the consumer decision making process. (Cope and Maloney, 2016) We will then feature on their ‘Hoxtown’ programme, offering guests an insight into our fragrance service that works alongside local artists.

‘Collaborations happen to help brands gain promotional media coverage, reach new audiences and benefit from the ‘cool factor’ of producing something novel and unexpected.’- Cope and

Maloney, 2016, 79






“True independent spirit in today’s retail landscape is something worth celebrating, and East London’s Goodhood brings it in a way that’s deeply focused.” Gary

Warnett, Gwarizm.

The second collaboration taking place will be with Goodhood, which is a carefully curated concept store whereby every product has a story and relevance to their ethos. ‘We actively aim to create a culturally relevant experience influenced by the flow of culture rather than the trends of the fashion industry.’ Goodhood Through primary research (appendix C) I realised they are always looking for products that blend seamlessly with their aesthetic and follow the ‘quality over quantity’ approach. Goodhood would stock a selective range of our signature scents within their store. Again, this will increase brand exposure and customers can then be educated about the personalisation experience if they visit the store.




“Collaborations provide considerable benefits to all parties concerned. The brand gets wider exposure and should be able to atrract a new audience that previously might have been excluded. For the retailer, the arrangement allows them to offer increased choice, keep relevant and up-to-date and attract new fashion conscious consumers.� - Posner, H, 2011, 191




As part of the promotional plan we will utilise the pop-up store at Boxpark, Shoreditch. Through primary research (appendix D) I decided that Boxpark is the ideal location to have a short-term pop-up to increase exposure of the brand and market it in a way that suits our consumer. The average age of consumers at Boxpark is around 20-30 years old, which coincides with our target demographic. The store will be open for one week with a range of ready-made products to sell by artists from the three initial startup countries alongside information about the artists and the fragrances.



The short-term approach creates an excitement and an intrigue about the brand; it is enough time for us to establish more of a consumer base in the trendy area of Shoreditch yet not too long that we become somewhat generic. It will be supported by consistent social media engagement and competitions to encourage the shareability. “The benefits of opening for a limited time are increasing consumer interest and desire, as they know the project will only last a short while; and giving consumers an element of insider knowledge, which is de rigeur in the information age.� - Posner, H, 2011, 95


WORKSHOP DAYS As a means of brand extension, we will offer workshop days on one weekend ever y month whereby customers can visit the store to take par t in a workshop with one of the local ar tists we are currently collaborating with to learn more about the process and produce their own object. This offers a unique experience to the consumers which, we have discovered through secondar y research, is vital. ‘Those businesses that relegate themselves to the diminishing world of goods and ser vices will be rendered irrelevant. To avoid this fate, you must learn to stage a rich, compelling experience.’ - B.Joseph Pine II and James H Gilmore (The Experience Economy)




SEASONAL CAMPAIGN Our product itself is not heavily influenced by the seasons and remains quite constant throughout the year. We will work closely with the cultural calendar to coincide our product launches with other events. In keeping with this, our seasonal campaign will be in the form of a bi-annual guidebook that will be released for the locations of our existing stores. The guidebook will very much be about the ‘hidden gems’, offering our consumers an insight into the city from the recommendations of residents and artists in the area alongside imagery of our product range.




40 Fig.30




Pre-launch - The initial promotion of the brand will be in print and across social media. To coincide with this there will be regular interactive competitions on Instagram that increase the shareability of the brand The website will go live for people that want to find out more about the brand.

The products will be sent out to the Hoxton Hotel and press releases sent to relevant media such as Wallpaper*. Dezeen, ItsNiceThat, Elle Decoration. We will arrange influencer marketing trip with Lucy Williams.



June would see the launch of our second store in Puglia, Italy. This will be around the time people book their summer holidays, therefore there will be hype around it across social media, with articles and advertisements featured in Condenast Traveller.

In July we will launch the first workshop weekend in South Korea as there will be more of an awareness of the brand. Lucy Williams will go on her visit to the store and workshop day and document this on her blog ‘Fashionmenow’. We will also launch the Puglia summer guidebook.



The New Orleans store will open in conjunction with the ‘Art for Art’s Sake’ event that takes place, named one of the most chic street parties ever, where galleries and boutique shops open to celebrate the exciting art season. There will be an exclusive promotion on for consumers to celebrate the launch.

The New Orleans winter guidebook will be released alongside the opening of the workshop events. From this month, all three exisiting stores will be open with workshops running and existing guidebooks. We will have an active social media engagement to find out where would be the next best place to open.





Launch - A selection of stock will be sent out to Goodhood. which will coincide with the opening of the first store in South Korea. This will be at the same time as Icheon Ceramic Festival, which celebrates Korean craftsmanship, coinciding with the volta. ethos.

In May we would open up our one week pop-up shop in Boxpark, Shoreditch. We would keep consistently posting across the social media channels to maintain our brand exposure. The summer guidebook would be released for South Korea, which would be stocked in store and independent boutiques.



A video ad would be launched and used at the start of some Youtube infleuncer’s videos because they will be relevant to the consumer and encourage exposure of the brand via word of mouth. The sense of intrigue in the video ads lead to a sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the brand.

Further print advertisements would be released prior to the launch of the third store opening in New Orleans.



In order to celebrate the christmas gifting period we will be offering fragrance sets and workshop experience days that can be bought for christmas gifts. We will release behind-the-scenes footage on our website and social media of the artists in action and release some unique cinematography on Vimeo.

In January we will be have a ‘travelling store’ travel around some exciting cities in celebration of the first year, maintaining the hype of the brand and giving people an opportunity to shop if they don’t have access otherwise. This exclusive, short-term stay will encourage people to shop.


SUMMARY In a highly competitive and somewhat saturated market it can be difficult to have a point of difference that consumers will resonate with and invest in. However, we believe that we offer our consumers not just a product, but an experience that is timeless whilst remaining distinctly current. Although niche, our confidence lies in this refined idea that perfectly fills the gap in the fragrance market. Through advertising campaigns and media channels, we will connect with our consumers and keep the momentum going with regular store launches, active social media engagement and listening to our consumers.


volta. 44

LIST OF REFERENCES Cope, Jon, and Dennis Maloney. Fashion Promotion In Practice. 1st ed. Fairchild Books, 2016. Print. Fragrances UK. Mintel, 2016. Print. Friedman, Lauren. “Millennials And The Digital Experience”. Forbes.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 23 May 2017. Interview With Sales Assistant. 2017. in person. Karp, Katherine. “New Research: The Value Of Influencers On Twitter”. Blog.twitter.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 22 May 2017. Morrison, Lennox. “The New Trick To Get You Spending More”. BBC.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 May 2017. Pine, B. Joseph, and James H Gilmore. The Experience Economy. 1st ed. Harvard Business School Press, 2011. Print. Posner, Harriet, Scott Williams, and Harriet Posner. Marketing Fashion, Second Edition. 2nd ed. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2015. Print. Simpson, Jack. “Eight Influencer Marketing Stats For Fashion & Beauty Brands”. Econsultancy. N.p., 2016. Web. 19 May 2017. Warnett, Gary. “About The Goodhood Store”. Goodhood. Web. 21 May 2017. Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity. 1st ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. Print. Williams, Nathan, and Georgia Frances King. Kinfolk Volume 18 : The Design Issue 2015: 13. Print.


LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1 - Own moodboard. Creative concept, 2017 Figure 2 - Own moodboard. Visual inspiration, 2017 Figure 3 - Own work. Advert, 2017 Figure 4 - Own work. Advert, 2017 Figure 5 - Own work. Advert, 2017 Figure 6 - Own work. Brand onion, 2017 Figure 7 - Own work. Perceptual map, 2017 Figure 8 - Own moodboard. Primary consumer, 2017 Figure 9 - Own moodboard. Primary consumer, 2017 Figure 10 - Own work. Consumer purchase decision process, 2017 Figure 11 - Lisbon. Available at: http://www.li0nsmane.come/, (Accessed: 19/05/2017) Figure 12 - Lisbon. Available at: http://www.li0nsmane.come/, (Accessed: 19/05/2017) Figure 13 - Own moodboard. Visual media diary, 2017 Figure 14 - Own work. Media diary, 2017 Figure 15 - Own work. Website mock up, 2017 Figure 16 - Own work. Magazine mock up, 2017 Figure 17 - Own work. Magazine mock up, 2017 Figure 18 - Own work. Social media mock up, 2017 Figure 19 - Own work. Social media mock up, 2017 Figure 20 - Own work. Social media mock up, 2017 Figure 21 - Own work. Social media schedule, 2017 Figure 22 - Own work. Influencer moodboard, 2017 Figure 23 - Hoxton Hotel. Available at: https://thehoxton.com/, (Accessed: 21/05/2017) Figure 24 - Hoxton Hotel. Available at: https://thehoxton.com/, (Accessed: 21/05/2017) Figure 25 - Goodhood Shopfront. Available at: http://www.itsaldnthing.com/2016/06/shoreditch-inspiration-ee.html, (Accessed: 22/05/2017 Figure 26 - Own work. Goodhood moodboard, 2017 Figure 27 - Boxpark. Available at: https://www.boxpark.co.uk/shoreditch/shopping/, (Accessed: 23/05/2017) Figure 28 - Boxpark, own edit. Available at: https://www.boxpark.co.uk/shoreditch/, (Accessed: 23/05/2017) Figure 29 - Handmade ceramic. Available at: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/50/bc/32/50bc32ed741ec24ece440ae25dd4b3ff.jpg, (Accessed: 23/05/2017) Figure 30 - Own moodboard. Seasonal, 2017 Figure 31 - Own work. Promotional timeline, 2017


APPENDIX A Interview with Bloom Sales Assistant – Bloom Perfumery, London Q: Hi, I am doing some primary research for a Uni project about fragrance and just wondered if I could ask a few questions? A: Hi, yes sure. Q: Thanks! I’ve never actually been to this store before, what kind of brands do you tend to stock? A: We stock niche perfumery brands, brands that have a focus on the perfume itself rather than the marketing aspects. If you looked for marketing campaigns for these brands you wouldn’t find any, they’re spread by word of mouth. So, they are all classed as unisex fragrances, which is really popular at the moment and on trend due to everything starting to become gender neutral. Q: Yeah definitely. So, which brands would you say are the most successful? A: I think two of our best-selling brands are Imaginary Authors, which is a very experimental fragrance range. It’s a pretty cool concept really, somebody invents the author and a book and then the perfumer is given a quote from this ‘book’ and they have to come up with a perfume based on it. It is pretty whacky but people love it. The packaging is pretty cool too, made to look like the actual books. Then there is Zoologist, which is another best seller. They have 8 different scents and each one is made to replicate an animal’s habitat. It’s slightly strange, for example this is the bat cave one. Q: Yeah that is pretty strange? So you would say it’s more about the concept behind the fragrance as opposed to the scent so much? What kind of consumer would you say you get? A: We get perfume heads, people that know a lot about fragrance and come in to the store to smell and purchase a very specific fragrance. With some of the fragrances, we are the only stockist in London so we have some really exclusive ranges. They’re really knowledgeable and know exactly what they want in the fragrance. In fact, another brand that is really popular with tourists is Beaufort, which is a London brand. Tourists come in asking for London specific brands that they can keep as a souvenir from their trip and they love that brand. Q: That’s really interesting, almost like they buy the fragrance as their souvenir over a more predictable object? Where do you think fragrance is heading? A: I think the way forward is to have a strong narrative behind the fragrance because people are bored of conventional scents that all smell the same. They want something that is more elaborate and challenging with a strong narrative behind it. Some of them sound so whacky but people love it and they really do sell, so just be whacky and think as imaginative as you can.


APPENDIX B Interview with Sophie Hardie Age 23 Occupation: Designer for Influencer marketing agency, London What magazines/newspapers do you read? ELLE UK subscription, but does not read them all religiously. I read everything online now, I click through to articles and news stories. Apple News. The Guardian, BBC News, Wallpaper, Dezeen, Refinery 29, ItsNiceThat, Vogue, Elle. What social media do you use the most and when? Mostly use Instagram. I use it all day every day because I have to use it at work. I don’t check it first thing in the morning because I don’t have time. I will put YouTube on when I am getting ready in the morning. When I am on the train in the morning is when I look through Instagram and in bed at night. After Instagram, I look through FaceBook a lot but I am not active on it, I never post anything on it. How do you get to work? Commute to work on the train and the over-ground tube. What do you like to do in your spare time? What are your main interests? Going to the gym, visiting exhibitions, finding new places to eat, cultural things in the city, shopping. Now that I work in East London I don’t really go there as much anymore so probably Covent Garden/Soho. If you were going to start up anything in London I think East London like Shoreditch, Dalston, Aldgate would be the best place because the rent is such less and still central. All brands want to be seen like Box Park. Do you listen to the radio/podcasts/TV? I favour Netflix over TV, I do keep meaning to get into podcasts but I would just rather listen to music when I am travelling. The only time I listen to the radio is when I am driving and it’s always radio 1. Brands that you are most loyal to? ASOS, Weekday, & Other Stories, Liz Earle, Pixie, Jo Malone. I think brands that I have bought into but I can’t afford to buy from very regularly are Saint Laurent and Acne. I know that I will definitely buy from Acne in years to come. How important is the experiential side of shopping to you? I favour online but I think that if the experience of the store were more engaging then I would definitely consider. I think because I am working, online shopping is just easier. I don’t think it is a big deal if I have to return items/send them back. However, when I am on holiday this is completely different. One of my favourite things to do when I am away is wander the streets and explore the independent shops. What is most important to you when you visit new places? I like to do the key tourist attractions if it is somewhere new that I am visiting but also discover some hidden gems. I will read some blogs and ask friends/family for their recommendations. Does the sound of the brand sound appealing to you? Yes definitely. I am definitely trying to build up my own collection of interiors in preparation for when I move out within the next year or so. I think that if you have already bought the vessel itself then you should be able to get the refills at a discounted price as opposed to having to pay the full amount every time. I really like the idea of collaboration with local artists because it makes it so much more unique. Could you imagine some stores in London such as Goodhood stocking a select range of the products? I think you should definitely consider doing pop ups to raise an awareness of the brand. For example, places like Box Park are so trendy and so popular with tourists and there are places like Bikini in Berlin. Because that way you aren’t committing to a location but it is raising awareness and a kind of hype around it, otherwise it might be quite hard for people to get to know about it. 48

APPENDIX B Interview with Emily Smith Age 29 Occupation: Brand consultancy agency, London. What magazines/newspapers do you read? Do you read digital? I tend to prefer to read lifestyle magazines over fashion to be honest. I have a subscription to Elle Decoration and then I like to buy Condenast Traveller from time to time because the pictures in there are just amazing. I will read some articles digitally yes but I like to have a physical copy of a magazine, I like the experience of sitting down and taking time away from the ‘online’. The same reason why I just can’t get on board with Kindles! What social media do you use the most and when? I would say Instagram and Twitter are my most regular. Twitter is great because it is a great bitesize kind of way of keeping up with what is happening. Whereas Instagram is just the best for visual content, I would say I check it the most in the morning and then on my lunch and in the evening, is probably the most regular. Sometimes throughout the day I am too busy to be scrolling through so it’s more of a downtime thing. When I am commuting it’s the best thing to have a quick scroll through. How do you get to work? I get the underground and then walk for about 5 minutes. What do you like to do in your spare time? What are your main interests? I love visiting new exhibitions, wandering round different areas in London, trying out new places to eat. All that kind of stuff really. I think that’s one of the best things about living in the city, there is always something you can find to do. My favourite areas are probably East London if I had to choose, I try to steer clear of central Oxford Circus etc. Do you listen to the radio/podcasts/TV? I do like listening to podcasts when I remember to download them. If I listen to the radio it would always be Radio 1, I do put that on sometimes but usually I am just listening to Apple Music. Brands that you are most loyal to? I think brands like COS, & Other Stories, Mango are probably my go to. I like to buy the occasional higher end accessories but I often find that the high-street stores have what I want. Homeware wise I like to look at Oliver Bonas, Made and Trouva is probably one of my favourite online sites. How important is the experiential side of shopping to you? I do like the experience of visiting the store, seeing the products and trying them out before I buy them. I am not against online shopping at all, sometimes a quick ASOS purchase is so handy. But yes, I do like the in-store experience. What is most important to you when you visit new places? I love wandering round aimlessly and seeing what we find really. I am not a strict guidebook check list kind of person, I think you always stumble across the best places. I often have a read of blog posts and sometimes search location tags on Instagram but I am not very strict on it. I like the independent shops over the chains you find everywhere. Why would you go into H&M when you can do that back home? I don’t really get that. Does the sound of the brand sound appealing to you? Yes, I really like the sound of the brand. Like I said, I am all about finding the unique stores and ones that aren’t so mass marketed. Picking up little things when travelling is one of my favourite things to do, my house is full of bits and bobs I have acquired over the years. I really like the personalized approach because it just makes it all the more special. Could you imagine some stores in London such as Goodhood stocking a select range of the products? Yes, I think Goodhood would be a good spot because they stock quite a selective range of lifestyle brands that are a bit different to the conventional. Also, the ceramic collection in there is amazing. East London is definitely a good spot for people that want something a bit different. 49

APPENDIX C Interview with Sales Assistant – Goodhood, London Q: Hi, I just wondered if I could ask a few quick questions? I’m a uni student doing some research on store locations. A: Yeah sure. Q: Thanks, so as part of our project we have had to come up with a fragrance brand and my idea is a homeware fragrance brand that is not conventional in appearance. So, it is just as much an interior object as it is homeware fragrance. A: Ah okay, that sounds cool! Q: So, I am looking at locations and potential hypothetical collaborations that could be done as part of the brand promotion. What kind of brands would you say that you stock here? A: Oh okay, I see. Well, the brands we stock here are definitely kind of timeless, contemporary brands that have something unique about them and fit in with our whole store aesthetic. It’s often about well-made pieces that are quite slick and modern but not too polished, if that makes any sense? Q: Yeah I know what you mean. I’ve also noticed you stock a lot of ceramic products. Is that something you are constantly adding to? A: I wouldn’t say we are ‘constantly’ adding to it because it is all about the refined image and products, but if we see a brand selling something that we think would work well with what we have then we will definitely look into stocking it yes. Q: Okay yeah I see. So if our homeware fragrances were in some vessels that had been collaborated with some local artisans, do you think that is something that you could see being sold here? A: Yeah I don’t see why not. I think as long as they don’t look too ‘homemade’ and still have the kind of contemporary aesthetic to them that the rest of the products have then yeah definitely. I like the idea of it! Q: Yeah, I am basically challenging the question of why does fragrance have to look like fragrance? It’s something that we have on display in our homes so the exterior should have just as much thought as the fragrance itself. A: Yeah definitely. We do stock a few homeware fragrances that do have the same kind of approach but it isn’t collaborating with artists as such, so that is a really nice idea. Q: Thanks!


APPENDIX D Boxpark Primary Research I visited Box Park to ask some key questions to the storeowners that would influence the placement of our brand, volta. Some of the shops that currently exist at Box Park that I personally feel cater to the same consumer as volta are Astrid & Miyu, Decorum and The Pommier. In the three shops that I visited, the sales assistants stated that the main demographic that visits the store and surrounding area is between 20-30 years old. There appears to be a very even mixture of both males and females, suggesting that it does not cater to one gender over another. The in-store interviews have confirmed that Boxpark is definitely a great location for a new brand and for volta due to the consumer base that visit the area. Decorum Interview 19/05/2017 Q: Hi, I’m a university student doing some research into potential store locations and just wondered if I could ask a few quick questions? A: Hey, yes of course. Q: Thanks! I wondered what the main demographic tend to visit your shop and why you think this is? A: I would say that generally people are mid twenties to thirties, people that tend to have a place of their own and are looking for some home ware bits that are slightly different. However, I think due to being at Boxpark, which is always going to have that cool, alternative feel to it we do get some younger consumers that are visiting the Shoreditch area. Q: That’s cool. Do you tend to get returning customers or is it rather just different people most days due to the fact that Shoreditch is a bit of a up and coming tourist hotspot? A: Yeah I mean we do get some returning customers, which tend to be people that work in the local area and pop in on their lunch break or whatever to pick something up. But like you said, we do get a lot of one off customers that just happen to be visiting that day and see something they like. But we do have an online store so we tend to continue to receive traffic through that. Q: Do you think having a stand at Boxpark has been beneficial for the company? A: Oh yes, massively. It is such a trendy area and being right outside the tube station, you walk past whether you choose to or not so we have a pretty constant footfall all day every day. I think it’s a great way to kind of raise awareness as a brand and if you want to market to the kind of Shoreditch consumer then it is absolutely ideal. After a while you could always move to a different spot, but it’s a great way to make a name for yourself. Q: Thanks so much, that’s all so helpful. A: No worries! Astrid & Miyu Interview 19/05/2017 Q: Hi, I wondered if you could help. I am a university student doing some research into different store locations and just wanted to ask a few questions? A: Hello, yes no problem. Q: Thank you. I just wanted to ask a bit about the location of Boxpark itself. I have heard of your brand through social media and some influencers that I follow but this is the first physical store I’ve been into. Do you think being at Boxpark has been beneficial to the brand? A: Definitely. We get so many people coming in, whether they have heard of the brand or not, and just getting to know a bit more about it and the products we sell. The location of Boxpark is really successful to us because it really works with the demographic we speak to; it’s not overly expensive jewellery. It’s a good price for the product and something that is just a bit different to other brands at the same price point! Q: Yeah I agree it is pretty affordable for what it is. Who would you say is your main consumer? A: Well, it tends to be people aged between 20-30, which is probably partly due to the location we are here. We are a very different brand to something like Pandora, which definitely wouldn’t have a spot here because they’re going for a completely different consumer. We are here for the consumers that want something a little bit different to the more mainstream brands and I think that is the case with most of the pop ups here! People tend to come here if they are looking for something else but it’s also the ease because you don’t have to go out and look for it, it’s curated for you. Q: Yeah I agree, thank you very much! A: No problem! 51

The Pommier Interview 19/05/2017 Q: Hello, I just wondered if I could ask you a few quick questions for part of my Uni project? I’m looking into potential places that we could open stores and I am considering Boxpark. A: Yes sure. I don’t know if you were aware but we are located in the Pop Up box so we are only actually here until the 28th May. This is our third day open and it’s going really well so far. Basically, we source independent and often the emerging designers and give them a platform to kind of get their name out and mix with other designers. Q: Oh right, I didn’t realise this was a completely temporary store! That’s pretty cool and would be kind of ideal for the kind of thing I am thinking about actually. A: Yeah, they change it every week so it really is a fleeting visit! It’s been great for us though. I think the location of Boxpark is just so great, it’s right outside the tube station so there is constant traffic of people and with there being so many food places around here, people are passing by all the time. We have had so many people just popping in out of intrigue to see what we are all about! Q: Yeah that is so handy, the location does seem to be one of the best selling points doesn’t it? So would you say that it has been effective so far in getting your name out a little bit more? A: Yes definitely, we have been able to tell people a bit more about the brand, sign them up to our email updates or direct them to our website so it’s definitely been beneficial. It’s also been a really fun experience working alongside the other retailers that are here! If it’s something you are thinking about then I would definitely recommend it, it’s such a good way to raise awareness to the brand!


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