Dear Friends of The Colonial,
What a year! The Colonial’s 2022 season was bursting with a broad spectrum of vibrant, entertaining, and independent programing. We welcomed over 6,000 people through the doors of our historic Theatre, as we continued our work of enhancing the quality of life in the North Country through arts and culture. In addition to our weekly selection of independent feature films, The Colonial:
• Celebrated the homecoming of our signature Live! @ The Colonial series to our Theatre featuring award winning artists and musicians from around the world including Jontavious Willis, Gaby Moreno, Sam Bush, Rahim AlHaj, Paula Poundstone, and Beausoleil, and Ghost of Paul Revere to name a few;

• Rolled out a new three-year strategic plan, that will guide our organization through 2024
• Partnered with White Mountain Science to bring acclaimed scientists to the North Country in our Science on Screen series;
• Presented Kids! @ The Colonial live productions in July and August;
• Welcomed the second annual class of White Mountain Cinema Camp students who wrote, directed, and produced two student films, Take a Hike and Lovestruck; and
• Partnered with community organizations such as Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Ammonoosuc Conservation Trust, Ask PETRA, the Littleton Co-op, North Country Pride, Women’s Rural Entrepreneurial Network, and the White Mountain Jewish Film Festival.
The Colonial’s programming provides access to opportunities for entertainment, conversation, and connection in our community. In line with our core values, we strive to create an environment for different perspectives to be heard and to give us all a deeper understanding of the world in which we live.
In these pages you will see a glimpse back at last year, snapshots of our programming and an engaged community in action. The Colonial is thriving, and we have you to thank. Together, we’ve built a cultural forum that makes a positive difference by creating a sense of belonging, fellowship, and community that enriches all.
Thank you to our members, donors, volunteers, sponsors, partners, and Board of Directors. Your generosity, knowledge sharing, and commitment to our Theatre and our community inspires and drives our work.
Tami Nason
“Went to see Everything, Everywhere, All at Once tonight. There was a quantum physicist that spoke before the movie – Dr. Elena Long. Had a great time and my mind is blown!”
We believe… relevant arts and cultural programming make a positive difference in creating a sense of belonging, fellowship, and community that enriches all; access to different perspectives gives us deeper understanding of the world in which we live and helps us see more clearly what unites us as well as what makes us each unique; responsible stewardship and partnerships enable us to leave a lasting legacy of cultural enrichment.
A vibrant, engaged, and enriched community through arts and culture.
Inspire and invite participation in the cultural conversation.

The Colonial Theatre is the home of arts, film, music and culture in New Hampshire’s North Country. The 300-seat theater offers state-ofthe-art digital projection and surround sound for independent and world cinema, and hosts Grammy award-winning performing artists and family entertainment from May through October—all without losing the intimate charm of a vintage summer theater.
When The Colonial opened its doors in 1915, the era of the Grand Hotels was in full swing and Bethlehem, New Hampshire was a premier destination resort. Because of its sophisticated clientele it quickly became a venue for studios to test market their films. The Colonial is the oldest continuously operating movie theatre in the United States. With its rich history The Colonial is one of the few remaining links to the era of the Grand Hotels as well as a significant chapter in the history of the film industry.
The Colonial Theatre is on New Hampshire Registry of Historic Places and named “Best Vintage Movie Theatre” by Yankee Magazine.
PO Box 204, 2050 Main Street, Bethlehem, New Hampshire 03574
Tel. 603-869-5603
• gotoshow@bethlehemcolonial.org
• BethlehemColonial.org
2022/23 Friends of The Colonial BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Tami Nason, President, Bethlehem, NH
Rusty Talbot, Vice President, Sugar Hill, NH
Bruce Caplain, Treasurer, Bethlehem, NH
Priscilla Hindley, Secretary, Franconia, NH
Teri Bordenave, Lancaster, NH
Carol Carlson Cunningham, Twin Mountain, NH
Minnie Cushing, Franconia, NH
Nancy Czarny, Bethlehem, NH
Scott Hunt, Bethlehem, NH
Diane King, Sugar Hill, NH
Jeremy Knowlton, Littleton, NH

Zak Mei, Easton, NH
Angela Menendez, Sugar Hill, NH
Marcia Roosevelt, Sugar Hill, NH
Christine Etter, Executive Director
Susanna Brent, Director of Programming
Jane Storella, House Manager
Roland Shick, Lighting Technician
Jeremiah Brooks, Sound Engineer & Internet Technician
Mary Ellen Russell, Graphic Design
John Tully, House Photographer
2022 at The Colonial was a whirlwind of amazing shows, heartfelt films, and inspiring community events! When dancers spin around on stage they fix their eyes on something steady to keep them from getting dizzy and falling down. My steady point this year has been our incredible community of volunteers and supporters. You keep us spinning with grace and poise. Thank you all so much for all that you do!
—Susanna Brent, Director of Programming“The Colonial Theatre is by far my favorite live entertainment venue in New Hampshire and New England. My first show at The Colonial was the summer of 2017 to see The Steep Canyon Rangers. I was amazed by the enthusiastic environment, the comforting atmosphere, and the welcoming staff that made me feel immediately a member of The Colonial family. And the rest they say is history as I’ve continued to make the beautiful trek up to Bethlehem every season to see as many shows as I possibly can.”
—Christopher Brewer, Penacook, NHOur values, our interests, and our dreams are reflected in what we care about most—our families, our communities, and the organizations we love, such as The Colonial Theatre.
The Colonial’s Legacy Society, our planned giving program, was established with its first bequest in 2009. That unexpected and generous gift created a foundation to assure The Colonial’s long-term financial stability.
Now named the Huntington Legacy Society (in recognition of its initial donor), we encourage members, donors, and other supporters to include The Colonial Theatre in their estate planning. Your foresight and lasting support will allow The Colonial Theatre to continue serving our community for generations to come.
For more information on how to make a planned gift that benefits you, your loved ones, and The Colonial Theatre please call Christine Etter, Executive Director, at 603-869-5603 or email cetter@bethlehemcolonial.org.
Teri Bordenave & Eric Van Leuven
Christine & Bruce Etter
Jeremy Knowlton
Mary Lou Krambeer
Tami Nason
Dr. Ayla Queiroga & Bruce Caplain

Mary Ellen Russell & Stephen Dignazio
Kristina Zontini & Dan Huntington

We would like to thank everyone who so generously supported The Colonial over the past year. The net result of this community’s commitment to supporting the arts has been to provide northern New Hampshire with a multi-functional, versatile, and sustainable cultural center for the foreseeable future. As we continue to grow we want you to know your support makes a difference!
*Asterisks indicate our Sustaining Donors, who graciously set up automatic monthly contributions to The Colonial Theatre.
Tami Nason
Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Melinda Richmond Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Shuttered Venue Operators, SBA
National Endowment for the Arts
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
Margo & Greg Connors
Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation
Jane B. Cook 1992
Charitable Trust
Anonymous (3)
Scott Hunt
Mary Lou Krambeer
Kathleen & Timothy Vaughan
Anonymous (2)
Amoskeag Beverages
Teri Bordenave & Eric Van Leuven
Jeffrey Burt
Community Development
Finance Authority
Anita & Robert Craven
Nancy & Julian Czarny
Elise Drake
Barbara & Michael Eisenson
Carrie & Jim Hamblin
Ledgeview Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Jennifer Lucas
Wanda & David F. McLure
Irene & Ken Mosedale
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
North Country Climbing Center
Marcia Peters
Barbara & Sandy Strain*
Bee Thayer
Wood Family Fund
Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank
Anonymous (2)
Les Apple*
Jody & Bruce Blaney*
Alice & Leslie Dreier
Edith C. Crocker Charitable Trust
Diana & John Franchitto
Elizabeth Gasman
Betsy & Shep Holcombe
Cynthia Howlett-Willis & John Willis*
Cheryl & Chris Jensen
Marilyn Johnson
Misty Aebi Jones & Donald Jones
Jessie Knapp & Mark Mendelsohn
Andrea & William Knowles
Terry & Berton Lemack
Nancy & Carl Martland
Edith McKown
Claire & Zak Mei
Mary & Doug Menzies
New Hampshire
Preservation Alliance
Monica & Keith Owen
P&S Equipment
Persimmon Consulting
Carol & Jack Resch
Marcia Roosevelt, Sugar Hill Strategy
Kirsten Scobie & Ben Southworth
Marsha Stewart
Maureen Thoma, In Memory of Peter and Jennie Thoma
Julie & Douglas Weisman
White Mountain Footwear
Susan & Paul Abramson
Ryan Bouldin*
Deborah Brown & Ray Lobdell
Kendra Burge
Carol Carlson Cunningham
Kathy & Brian Cook
Minnie Cushing & Grant Ruggles
Hannah Delfiner
Mary Catherine DeRosa & Paul Hanrahan
Nancy & Jerry Diener
Mary M. Doherty
Christine & Bruce Etter*
Lisa & David Ffrench
Marguerite Fletcher
Linda & Russ Gaitskill
Jean Goodney
Susan Gresser & Stanley Baker
Deb Hanna & Mike Girouard
Melanie Harding
Ruth Heintz & Michael Ritter
Priscilla Hindley
Carol Johnson-Haywood & Rod Haywood
Jenny & John Keefe
Carol Kline
Gerald Koeppl
Kim & Mark Koprowski
Mary Lockhart & Gene Girdwood*
Kathie Lovett & Ned Densmore
Philip Magnuson & Robert Quidone
Patricia & Charles McLure
Tish & Steve Mead
Angela Menendez
Marilyn & Stephen Monsein
Rebecca & Timothy More
Ian Dowling & Marlaina Renton
Michael Rhodes
Mary Ellen Russell & Stephen Dignazio*
Eileen Ryan*
Nicole Sakowitz & Bill Pikounis
Kerry Schnell
Square Batch Gift
Linda M. & D. Neil Stafford
Maggie & John Starr
Tanya Tellman
The White Mountain School
Sarah Turtle & Bill Church
Nancy & James Verdolino*
Lon Weston
Erin Woo*
Anonymous (2)
Sabrina Adamonis
Rebecca Adams
Michel F. Adler
Brenda Aldrich
Tom Arrison*
Carol & Gary Arsenault*
Cookie Avrin & Marty Zafran
Katrine Barclay & Robert Cook
Elizabeth Barnett
Patricia Barr & Stephen Keylor
Diane Barron
Lori Beaulieu
Linda Benson
Service Credit Union
Tina & Michael Betley
Joanne Bilotta
Lisa Blanchard and Craig Arnold
Cecilia F. Blewer & Clayton Young*
Patricia & John Bottomley
Susan & Stephen Boudreau
Julia Brabec
Susanna & Lester Brent
Jane & Ned Brewer
Susan & David Brown
Meglyn Bull & Don Lavoie
Sandra Butson
Mary Caldwell
Biruta & Tim Carr
Amanda Carron
Dan Challener
Barbara & Rudy Chiarello
Catherine Chipman
Cary & Christina Clark
Nora Clark
Martha Cook
Marilinne Cooper
Kathie & Dennis Cote
Ann Louise & Edward Cowan
Catherine Cushing*
Joseph Cushing
Janet & Paul Damiano
Katherine Darges
James David
Irene & Stephen Dawson
Lisa DeAngelis
Theresa Del Pozzo
Cathy D’Ignazio & Tom Mandel
Sarah & Roger Doucette
Gianna & John Drew
Jo Beth Dudley
Gay Ellis
Susan E. Ellis
Martha & Rob Elmes*
Thomas Ewing
Judi & Dan Ferreira
Barbara Ferro
Ellen Fisch
Peg Fischang
Mary K Foley-Marvelli
Sue Ford
Mary Louise Formisano
Ellen Foster
Mary & Dan Fowler
Elaine French
Margaret Gale & David Van Houten*
Olivia P. Garfield
Patricia Garvin
Tami Goff
Kate Goldsborough
Lucy Goodhart & Gordon Bennett
Leigh Grady
G. Russell Gutknecht
Ruth Hamilton
Harman’s Cheese
Kerri Harrington & Carl Stagg
Diane & Kirk Hartung
Beth & Gary Harwood
Sharon Heyman & Barry Zitser
Jane Higgins
Martha Hill
Rita Holmes
Beth & Steve Horan
Gabriella Horvath*
Anne & Sigmund Hudson
Connie & Jim Huggett
Katherine & Mitchell Hunt
Eliza Huntington & Eva Lamb
Elizabeth Johnson
Kim & Mitch Jureckson
Maryann & Rob Keating
Jae Kim & Jason Tors
Diane & Ken King
Carolyn Kirby
Melissa Kline
Jeremy Knowlton
Gia Koumantzelis & Jenny Wackerle*
Christine Lanchester & Dan Waterman
Vicky & Peter Lane
Dick Lewis
Kristine Lingle & Michael Scanlon
Tina & Paul Lister
Littleton Public Library
Roz Lowen
Claire & Neil Lupton
Pete Marvelli*
Karen Matthews
Carl Mayer
Mary Ann Mayer
Kelly & Jim McCann*
Emily Meacham & Doug Morin*
Rosemary & George Milewski*
Amy & Howard Mitz
Samantha Moyer & Michael Washburn
Alice & Bob Muh
Mary Kay Murray
Lila & Erik Nilsen
Moira North
George Olsen
Rachel O’Meara
Jane Paddock
Rosalind Page & Tom Simpson*
Cynthia & Hugh Parker*
Eliza & Frank Parrish
Leslie Peltier
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Peterson
Betsey & Chuck Phillips
Frank Piffath
Jaime Platts
Melissa Potter
Ellen & Howard Pritham
Richard Quintal
Michael Ransmeier
Joan & Len Reed
Eileen Regen
Madeline Ritter
Elizabeth Robison
Franco Rossi, CAI Technologies
Wayne Ruggles
Emily Russell*
Kimberly Russell
Sonya Salanti
Alyssa & Mike Schoenfeld
Rebecca Segal
Roxie Severance
Marghie Seymour
Sally Sherrard
Patricia Shine
Steffaney Smith
Kimberly S. Steward
Pamela Sullivan & Lee Richmond
Liz & Peter Szawlowski
Wendy & Chris Thayer
Barbara Torrey
John Vail
Claire Von Karls
Traci Wagner
Joan & Gary Way
Leon White
Thomas White
Peter Whitney
Katie & BJ Williams
Susan Williams
John Willis
Elaine & John Winters
Kyle Winters
Charles Woodard
Lucy Wyman
Kristina Zontini & Dan Huntington*
Elizabeth Barnett
Christine & Bruce Etter
Foreign Affairs Retirees of New England
Barbara Gilliland
Sharon Heyman & Barry Zitser
Cheryl & Chris Jensen
Mary Lou Krambeer
Michael Ransmeier
Tanya Tellman
Tami Nason
Amoskeag Beverages
Appalachian Mountain Club
Les Apple
Carlson’s Lodge
Nancy & Julian Czarny
Elise Drake
Carrie & Jim Hamblin
Scott Hunt
Mascoma Bank
MLK & Company
Nancy FitzGerald Vaughan Fund
Tami Nason
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

North Country Climbing Center
Northern Lights Music
William Oppenheimer
P&S Equipment
Persimmon Consulting
Rek’-lis Brewing
Barbara & Sandy Strain
Sugar Hill Strategy
The White Mountain School
White Mountain Footwear
Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank
Susan & Paul Abramson
Michel F. Adler
Tim Agnew
Christine Alaimo & Lou Savarino
Debbie Aimetti
Sarah Almy
Jan & Fred Apple
Les Apple
Jerry Archibald
Susan Argetsinger
Tom Arrison
Carol & Gary Arsenault
Regina Astle
Jon Avins
Cookie Avrin & Marty Zafran
Richard & Mina Ayers
Sally Ayers
Katrine Barclay & Robert Cook
Robert Baum
Pamela Beahm
Suzanne Beauchesne
Lori Beaulieu
Maggie Beebe
Terri Behm
Mary Benkert
Cindy & Steve Berlack
James Bertelli
Thomas Berthoff
Tina & Michael Betley
Kevin Biersack & James Fulk
Joanne Bilotta
Lisa Blanchard & Craig Arnold
Jody & Bruce Blaney
Heidi Boedecker
Sharon Bolton
Patricia A. Bonardi
Anita & Russ Bonnevie
Teri Bordenave & Eric Van Leuven
Juliet Born
Laurie Boswell
Ryan Bouldin
Mark Bowen
Julia Brabec
Linda & Russell Bradshaw
David Brantley
Susanna & Lester Brent
CB Art Studio
Susan & David Brown
Judy Brubaker
Katherine Brubaker
Barbara Buckley
The Buddenhagen Family
Meglyn Bull & Don Lavoie
Jeffrey Burt
Natalie & George Butler
Andy Cannon
Damian Canuto
Biruta & Tim Carr
Alison & Tom Caruso
Maryellen Cavan
Daria Cenedella
Dan Challener
Dottie Champagne
Gregg Christopher & Nina Garfield
Jay Clapp
Cary & Christina Clark
Margaret Clayton
John Colony
Margo & Greg Connors
Kathy & Brian Cook
Martha Cook
Marilinne Cooper
Kathie & Dennis Coté
Emily Coté
Ann Louise & Edward Cowan
Anita & Robert Craven
Audrey Cuozzo
Kathleen Curnyn
Catherine Cushing
Minnie Cushing & Grant Ruggles
Nancy & Julian Czarny
Robert Davenport
Hannah Delfiner
Marilyn Delozier
Mary Catherine DeRosa & Paul Hanrahan
Diane Dickinson
Kirsten Dickson
Priscilla & Mike Didio
Nancy & Jerry Diener
Eileen & Ray Dionne
Andrew Dodge & Larisa Lindsay
Mary M. Doherty
Stacey & Sean Doll
Alice & Leslie Dreier
Jo Beth Dudley
Ruth Duval
Dustin Easter
Michael Edwards
Barbara & Michael Eisenson
Kristina & Jay Ennis
Donna Kaye & Rick Erwin
Christine & Bruce Etter
Judi & Dan Ferreira
Lisa & David Ffrench
Katherine Fiegenbaum
Mary & Lennie Fillius
Ellen Fisch
Jody & Art Flescher
Marguerite Fletcher
Catherine & Pablo Flores
Colleen Foley
Mary K Foley-Marvelli
Padraic Foran
Mary Louise Formisano
Ellen Foster
Diana & John Franchitto
Linda Frank
Ben Fraser
Tamsin Freeman
Linda & Russ Gaitskill
Margaret Gale &
David Van Houten
Sandra Gamble
Olivia P. Garfield
James Garvey, Jr
Patricia Garvin
Elizabeth Gasman
Jennifer Gaudette
Mark E. Gilleland, Sr.
Marsha & Roger Gingue
Laura Giveen
Patricia E. Glover
Kate Goldsborough
Dorothy & David Goldstone
Jean Goldstone
Lucy Goodhart & Gordon Bennett
Robert Gorgone
Robert Goss
Margie Gozdiff
Leigh Grady
Joni Gray & Christine Sheley
Linda Gray
Sue & Paul Greenlaw
Nancy & Bill Greenlee
Ann Griffin
Griffiths Wennrich Family
Valerie Grimm
Alicia & David Groom
Richard Hale
Carrie & Jim Hamblin
Dorothea Hamilton
Ruth Hamilton
Deb Hanna & Mike Girouard
Melanie Harding
Cynthia & Richard Harris
Diane & Kirk Hartung
Heidi & Daryl Hawk
Ruth Heintz & Michael Ritter
Paula Herbert & David Strange
Sharon Heyman & Barry Zitser
Sheelagh Higginson
Janet Hill
Julie & Kurt Hohmeister
Betsy & Shep Holcombe
Sandy & Stan Holz
Gabriella Horvath
Cynthia Howlett-Willis & John Willis
Connie & Jim Huggett
Alice Hunt
Katherine & Mitchell Hunt
Scott Hunt
Kathi & James Infanti
Ariel Jablonki
Cheryl & Chris Jensen
Elizabeth Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Marilyn Johnson
Carol Johnson-Haywood & Rod Haywood
Misty Aebi Jones & Donald Jones
Joanne & Kevin Jones
Kim & Mitch Jureckson
Jacki Katzman
Jenny & John Keefe
Penny Keeler
Maude Keeshin
Kelli & Bill Keiler
Pat & Gardner Kellogg
Laura Kelly
Matt Kelly
Catherine Zusy & Samuel Kendall
Lynn & Dan Kenerson
Cheryl & David Kerr
Kay Kerr
Mary A. King & Peter H. Zimmermann
Carolyn Kirby
Carol Kline
Jessie Knapp & Mark Mendelsohn
David Knot
Andrea & William Knowles
Jeremy Knowlton
Gerald Koeppl
Kim & Mark Koprowski
Gia Koumantzelis & Jenny Wackerle
Mary Lou Krambeer
Jen & Bob Krisko
Amy & Ed Kurja
Chee Kwong & Mark Ehrman
Estelle & Robert LaFleur
Yolanda & Chris Laganos
Christine Lanchester & Dan Waterman
Vicky & Peter Lane
Susan Langan
Barbara & Richard Langworthy
Judith Lavin
Debra & John LeBlanc
Dick Lewis
Claire Liliedahl
Tara Liljestrand & Dean Bakes
Robyn Lindquist
Tina & Paul Lister
Mary Lockhart & Gene Girdwood
Angela Loring
Deb Loughnane
Mary-Ellen & Jim Lovinsky
Roz Lowen
Robin Lubguban & Dan Lavoie
Jennifer Lucas
Liane & Bill Luke
Sara & John MacIver
Marie MacLeod
Ingrid Magnuson
Carol Malone
Betsy Malone
Molly Maloy & Ben Deede
Manners Family Charitable Fund
Donna Martel
Pete Marvelli
Karen Matthews
Michael Ann McCabe
Kelly & Jim McCann
Edith McKown
Wanda & David F. McLure
Patricia & Charles McLure
Richard McPhillips
Emily Meacham & Doug Morin
Tish & Steve Mead
Meadowsweet Designs
Elizabeth Meehan
Claire & Zak Mei
Brenda Meierdiercks
Angela Menendez
Mary & Doug Menzies
Eric Meth
Linda Michelsen
Rosemary & George Milewski
Chelsea Miller
Tiffany Miller & Alex Graziano
Anne Miner
Cheryl & David Monahan
Jennifer Monsein
Marilyn & Stephen Monsein
Linda Moore
Rebecca & Timothy More
Donna Morello
Irene & Ken Mosedale
Sheila Mosson
Alice & Bob Muh
Charles Muller
Lori-Anne & Daniel Murphy
Ruth Murray
Tami Nason
Taryn Noonan
Moira North
Trish & Kevin O’Brien
Rachel O’mera & Jaime Sayen
Kevin O’Neil
Mary O’Toole & John Hamrick
P&S Equipment
Jane Paddock
Rosalind Page & Tom Simpson
Cynthia & Hugh Parker
Eliza & Frank Parrish
Kris Pastoriza
Charles Pates
Scott Payette
Brooke Pease
Sharon Penney
Marcia Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Peterson
Marcy Petriccione
Betsey & Chuck Phillips
Frank Pinter
Carlos PiSierra
Jaime Platts
Dr. Ayla Queiroga & Bruce Caplain
Richard Quintal
James Radmore
Lori & Eric Raichle
Peg Ramback
Dianne & Thomas Rappa
Laurie Rathman
Joan & Len Reed
Eileen Regen
Paul Reid
Christine Reilly
Ellen Rennie
Megan McMahon & Phillip Renton
Elissa & Timothy Rice
Melinda Richmond Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable
Patrick Riendeau
Patricia & Harry Robertson
Donna Robinson
Elizabeth Robison
Melissa Rodgiguez & Josh Loupis
Franco Rossi, CAI Technologies
Wayne Ruggles
Emily Russell
Mary Ellen Russell &
Stephen Dignazio
Eileen Ryan
Juliette Saisselin
Nicole Sakowitz & Bill Pikounis
Sonya Salanti
Moocho & Dan Salomon
Ronnie Sandler
Michelle Sauque
Diane Schecter & Stanley Schneller
Tucker Scheffer
Kirsten Scobie & Ben Southworth
Rebecca Segal
Roxie Severance
Marghie Seymour
Donna & Gordon Shalek
Brian Shea
Sally Sherrard
Jenna Sicuranza
Jackie & Andy Smith
Tyler Smith
Elizabeth Solon
Bailey & Aaron Spicer
Norma St John
Linda M. & D. Neil Stafford
Michelle & Richard Stakutis
Deborah Starbuck
Maggie & John Starr
Marsha Stewart
Jane Storella
Sherry & Fred Storella
Barbara & Sandy Strain
Nancy Strand
Racheal Stuart
Pamela Sullivan & Lee Richmond
Elizabeth Sylvester
Liz & Peter Szawlowski
Barbara & Peter Szeidler
Jessica & Rusty Talbot
Ted Teegarden
Stefan Thibodeaux
Mary Tobin
Kathe Tortorice
Edith Tucker
John Tully
John Vail
Carol Vales
Rena & Bill Vecchio
Hilary & Ross Veilleux
Nancy & James Verdolino
Erik Volk
Kim Votta
Laura & Thomas Walstad
Andrew Ward
Terry Ward
Rebecca Webb
Bernd Weber
Julie & Douglas Weisman
Amy Welch
Rhonda & Joe Wesolowski
Lon Weston
Danielle Whitcomb
Thomas White
Anne & Dave Whiting
Peter Whitney
Chris Whiton
Kyle Winters
Paula & Charles Wolcott
Frederica Wolfe
Ben Woo
Erin Woo
Wood Family Fund
Marcia Woodside
Kristina Zontini & Dan Huntington
Nate Alberts
Alburrito’s Restaurant & Tequila Bar
Beemster Cheese
Teri Bordenave & Eric Van Leuven
Chang Thai Cafe
Minnie Cushing & Grant Ruggles
Nancy & Julian Czarny
Elaine & David Gabriel
Priscilla Hindley
Scott Hunt
Jack & Fins
Zach Johnsen
Diane & Ken King
Claire & Zak Mei
Angela Menendez
Mountain View Grand
Resort & Spa
Tami Nason
Omni Hotels & Resorts, Mount
Washington New Hampshire
Rek’-lis Brewing
Marcia Roosevelt
Schilling Brewery
Rosalind Page & Tom Simpson
Jane Storella
Super Secret Ice Cream
Jessica & Rusty Talbot
The League of NH Craftsmen
The Maia Papaya Café
The Sunset Hill House
Tim-Bir Alley
Tuckerman Brewing Company
Woodstock Inn Brewery
PLEASE NOTE: We try to keep good records—but don’t always succeed! Please let us know if something is amiss: misspellings, missing partners or spouses? We will find them and return them to their rightful place.
“First time attending The Colonial… amazing venue, phenomenal staff and already wanting to visit again soon! Cheers!”