Bethlehem University News, Fall 2005

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Bethlehem University

Tributes 1

Thank you, Br. Vincent Bethlehem University News

Malham, FSC

Welcome, Br. Daniel Casey, FSC

News Summer 2005

Upcoming Events


Carlo Cardinal Martini to be Honored

Pope John Paul II mourned

Dear Friends, "...On 30 June I bid farewell to this beloved oasis of hope. It has been a privilege serving here, with whatever I have tried to do rewarded a hundred-fold. I thank each of you for your tremendous encouragement and support -for our institution, and for me personally. Just as Bethlehem University will always hold a special place in my heart, so will you, dear friends. God bless you always."



was asked to share a few remembrances of my tenure at Bethlehem University. Reflecting on my experience has brought to mind so many special memories, especially of persons. Here are a few… 1997. In October we inaugurated a Five-Year Strategic Plan, not realizing what formidable challenges lay ahead. Drs. Conor Ward and Colette Dowling, longtime friends and mentors, graciously agreed to assist us. This plan directed many of our important decisions in subsequent years, including the institution of new degree programs in Religious Studies and Computer Science. 1998. Recalling a twenty-five year history of dramatic struggle and courageous achievement, the commemoration of our Silver Anniversary acknowledged many significant persons. We honored Cardinal Pio Laghi and Br. John Johnston; Msgrs. Herbert Michel (RIP), Robert Füglister (RIP), Robert Stern, Brs. Jean Manuel and Joe Loewenstein, as well as our former Vice Chancellors, Brs. Joe, Thomas Scanlan, Anton De Roeper and Ronald Gallagher. We also welcomed Br. Brendan Fitzgerald, one of the three founding Brothers, and mourned the sudden death of Br. Kevin Griffin (RIP). 1999. I have enduring memories of a Concert Tour to promote the University with my late beloved partner, Br. Laurence Walther, when we played in Bethlehem, London (to help launch the Cardinal Hume Chair for Religious Studies, our first endowed chair), Lewis University in Romeoville, IL, and at my alma mater, Laval University in Quebec, Canada. Using music to promote BU (and to nourish my spirit) has been a privilege for which I am profoundly grateful. 2000. The historic Pilgrimage of His Holiness Pope John Paul II dominated our planning and memories of the year. I swelled with pride at these words of the Holy Father when he spoke at Dheisheh Camp on 22 March: “The Catholic Church is particularly happy to serve the noble cause of education through the extremely valuable work of Bethlehem University.”


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2001. Thanks to the financial support of USAID through its ASHA branch (American Schools and Hospitals Abroad), to OPEC, to many friends around the world and to Br. Neil Kieffe and Negib Nasser, our Engineer, beautiful Millennium Hall became a reality and was dedicated on 23 December. 2002. I shall never forget March 8-9 when the University sustained four TOW wire-directed missiles, three to Millennium Hall and one to our Heritage Center in the Library. Or the invasion of the University on 2 April at 2:30 a.m. by some 100 Israeli soldiers, the frequent incursions into Bethlehem and the long periods of curfew. I shall also never forget the extraordinary signs of solidarity of so many benefactors who helped see us through those very difficult moments. Etched forever in my memory are the radiant faces of 371 courageous graduates receiving their diplomas on 3 November. 2003. An Academic Convocation on 2 October climaxed our joyful 30th Anniversary Celebrations and honored His Beatitude Patriarch Michel Sabbah and our great friends, Liz and Dick Moley, with doctorates; Br. James Gaffney, De La Salle Award; and Mayor Hanna Nasser, Mrs. Julia Dabdoub, Dr. Daoud Salameh, and Drs. Conor Ward and Colette Dowling for outstanding service to the University. In December we concluded six-and-a-half-years of strategic planning (envisioned for five years) and committed to ongoing strategic thinking and development which I am pleased we are continuing. 2004. The visits of our founders, Cardinal Ignace Daoud, Prefect of the Congregation of Eastern Churches and of Br. Alvaro Rodriguez, Superior General of the De La Salle Brothers (with Br. Marc Hofer, Councilor), were proud moments for us, as was the affiliation of Father Ray Webb, into the Brothers’ Institute. We began major renovation projects in the Main Building (De La Salle Hall) and the Institute for Community Partnership (ICP) which will enhance the campus when completed. 2005. This has been an especially rich year with international relationships continuing to expand and develop. In January we hosted a Conference of Bishops from Europe and the US, and in February a P.E.A.C.E. Conference. Many groups, including Equestrian Order pilgrims, are visiting the University. At this writing I look forward to a busy month of university activities: Graduation on 3 June (earliest date in many years); a Benefit Gala on 11 June sponsored by the Board of Trustees; the Dedication of the ICP on 20 June; the International Board of Regents Meetings in Rome on 23-24 June; and an Academic Convocation on 26 June awarding Carlo Cardinal Martini a Doctorate, honoris causa.

President-Vice Chancellor


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Thank you Brother Vincent Malham President-Vice Chancellor Brother Vincent assumed the position of Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University in March 1997 after teaching English and music during the fall term of 1996. He was named President in 1998. During his eight-year tenure Brother Vincent has been a dynamic and innovative leader. In his first year, he introduced strategic planning to the University, which included self studies of academic departments; evaluation of academic programs; quality assurance in all areas of the campus; staff and faculty development, and the expansion and beautification of physical facilities of the University. Under his leadership both the Bethlehem Board of Trustees and the International Board of Regents were expanded and the University became better known internationally through his speaking engagements and personal contacts in the United States, Europe and the Gulf. As a fundraiser he was effective in soliciting financial support for the University, including funds for several major construction projects, the establishment of an Endowed Chair for Religious Studies,

"We at Bethlehem University walk with Palestinians, from years of occupation to liberation and taking of national sovereignty, its rights and responsibilities. We have something to teach, and we have something to learn. To learn the truth and to take the consequences of finding it. To learn what is good, and to take responsibilities for sharing it." Br. Vincent 4

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an Endowed Faculty Development Fund and two Endowed Scholarship Funds. An accomplished pianist, Brother Vincent appeared in concert to promote the University, both in duo piano programs with his late partner, Brother Laurence Walther, and in solo performances.

Throughout his tenure Brother Vincent has been a strong voice for peace and reconciliation and for sovereignty for the Palestinian people. He has responsibly and constructively voiced opposition to policies and practices that restricted the freedom of Palestinians. He has called for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian territories and for an end to indiscriminate violence. During the present Intifada, and especially during periods of siege, he and his fellow

Christian Brothers have remained on campus to identify with and support their Palestinian colleagues, a symbolic witness very much appreciated. In January 2004, Brother Vincent was awarded the Bishop Carroll T. Dozier Award for Peace and Justice by Christian Brothers University, Memphis, Tennessee. At the ceremony, he was recognized as a renaissance man, and a “leader, shepherd, innovator and warrior for peace.” The citation accompanying the award said, “The Brothers of the Christian Schools are blessed to have a teacher and a leader of the caliber of Brother Vincent Malham to guide and care for this special university in this most challenging place and time.” The Sovereign Order of Malta decorated him with the “Croix Pro Piis Meritis” for educational leadership in November 2004 and in February 2005, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, California. In Spring 2005 the Mayor of Bethlehem accorded him honorary citizenship of the city in recognition of the high esteem in which he is held by the citizens of Bethlehem.

Professor Hassassian Speaks for the BU Community During the Annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day held on the Feast of the Founder of the Brothers and Patron of Teachers, Saint John Baptist De La Salle, Professor Manuel Hassassian, Executive Vice President, spoke on behalf of the faculty and staff of the University in tribute to Brother Vincent. Professor Hassassian spoke of the tremendous commitment “beyond expectations” of Brother Vincent. “In a short time, he grasped our politics and understood our grievances and aspirations. He worried with us, he prayed for us, he gave his utmost for our comfort and fought hard to get us funds to sustain our mission of providing a quality education to our students,” stated Professor Hassassian. The deep convictions and involvement of Brother Vincent concerning interfaith issues and working towards the mending of sociopolitical tensions were highlighted. Brother Vincent’s pragmatism was also blended with his spiritualism and deep respect for other religions. While there were some peaceful moments in the socio-political environment during Brother Vincent’s tenure, Professor Hassassian also spoke of how Brother Vincent provided leadership during the difficult times. “He never left the University during Israeli military incursions and made sure that he protected the assets of the University. He was brave and defying in encountering the Israeli military and made sure that they would not desecrate the holiness of the campus. He spoke out his mind clearly, made his points and defended his principles and convictions. He was never shy in facing the truth. These, dear colleagues, are traits of great men,” concluded Professor Hassassian.


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Welcome Brother Daniel Casey In February 2005 Brother Vincent announced the arrival of Brother Daniel Casey, FSC, Vice Chancellordesignate, who will assume office on 1 July 2005. The University community was delighted that Brother Daniel was able to be with us on campus for most of the Spring 2005 semester, teaching English and visiting with faculty, staff and students. Brother Daniel visited Bethlehem University in 1997 and again in 2003 in his capacity as the USA representative of the Brothers to the University. “He is a man of vast administrative experience and of distinguished leadership ability with significant previous international experience as an educational administrator and a proven record of multi-cultural sensitivity,” said Brother Vincent. Brother Daniel has served in leadership positions for the Brothers and for schools and school systems in the US as well as in Africa and brings with him considerable experience with church and secular constituencies at national and international levels, including boards of schools, benefactors and fundraising officers. Brother Daniel is very positive and hopeful about the opportunity to serve the Palestinian people and the educational community of Bethlehem University.

V isitors


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H.E. Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Delegate and Papal Nuncio, and H.E. Msgr. Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch, hosted more than 50 Catholic bishops and other church leaders from North America and Europe with the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land for two days at Bethlehem University in January 2005. The Church leadership met with students, faculty, families, and political leaders from Israel and Palestine – encouraging bridges towards reconciliation leading to peace and justice and not walls of separation and injustice. Among the participants were Archbishop Patrick Kelly of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales; Archbishop Brendan O’Brien of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops; Bishop William Skylstad of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops; Bishop Joan Enric Vives i Sicilia, Bishop of Urgell, Co-Prince of Andorra; Bishop Dr Andreas Laun, OSFS of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference; Msgr André Lacrampe, Metropolitan Archbishop for Eastern France; Bishop William Kenney CP of the Catholic Foundation in Gothenburg, Sweden; Msgr. Pierre Bürcher of the Swiss Bishops’ Conference; and Dr. Rudolf Solzbacher, Director of the Department of International Church Affairs of the Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany.

European and North American Catholic Bishops Solidarity Visit

Bethlehem University hosted Monsignor Giovanni De Andrea of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher, Italy, as he led 55 pilgrims to the Holy Land in March 2005. Brother Vincent Malham spoke of the gratitude the University has for the faithful support of the Equestrian Order from around the world. Father Jamal Khader, Chairman of the Department of Religious Studies, Mr. Andreas Merli, Project Coordinator for the M.A. Program in International Cooperation and Development, and students Samar Al-Tareh and Ammer Baboun spoke with the guests after they viewed the University’s “Reaching for the Future” multimedia presentation in Italian.

Italian Equestrian Order Support

Father Paul Maddison, who in January led his Bishop, Michael Evans of the Diocese of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, to the University, also led 28 pilgrims from the Diocese to the University on 5 March for a discussion and a tour hosted by BU students and Professor Bernard Sabella of the Social Sciences Department. Students from the University’s Institute for Hotel Management and Tourism, under the leadership of Mr. Nabil Mufdi, Director, provided our guests with wonderful international cuisine as they engaged in further dialogue and discussion.

Pilgrims and Clergy from England

On two occasions during April 2005 the University welcomed dear friends from Kinderhilfe Bethlehem. On the 5th, His Excellency Robert Zollitsch, Archbishop of Freiburg and patron of Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem, accompanied by Canon Wolfgang Sauer, Klaus Roland, and Rev. Michael Scheiger, President of Kinderhilfe Bethlehem, met with Brother Vincent, Brother Daniel and members of the Executive Council. Later in the month, on the 18th, Mrs. Anna Beck, Managing Director of Kinderhilfe Bethlehem, and the Board of Trustees of Kinderhilfe Bethlehem also visited the University.

Kinderhilfe Bethlehem

Mr. Andreas van Agt, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Member of the University’s Board of Regents, visited the University community for a week in early April 2005. Mr. van Agt warmly and energetically embraced multiple opportunities to meet with students, faculty and administrators – including opportunities to visit nearby holy sites, pray the rosary alongside the separation wall in Bethlehem, and discuss politics. As a champion for the rights of all persons suffering from injustice, Mr. van Agt is an articulate spokesperson for the rights of the Palestinians, supporting efforts to advance the peace process with justice under international law, and often speaking out against the Israeli separation wall and military occupation.

Regent and Former Prime Minister of The Netherlands

Academic Achievements for r e t n ce dies u t s d vance


France and Bethlehem Twinning – A Lasallian Connection

Rat, Director of the Lasallian hotel school Lycee du Sacre-Coeur, in dedicating a new road named “Rue de Bethlehem” in Paray-le-Monial. For the summer 2005, the French Consulate will sponsor ten (10) students for industry placement experiences in France. Chapeau to the French!

New Computer Major Inaugurated Generously hosted during March and April 2005 by the municipality of Paray Le Monial in France, two students of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism were engaged in an immersion learning experience at the Lycée Hotelier du Sacre Coeur. As a symbol of the developing twinning relationship, Michael Tanas (BU ‘07) and Michael Mufdi (BU ‘06) assisted Mr. Jean Marc Nesme, Deputy Mayor of Paray-le-Monial, Mr. Andree Accary, Consul General, Mr. Le 7

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In March 2005 the Mathematics Department organized the

Brother Fergus McArdle, Academic Vice President, Mr. Fadi Kattan, Dean of the Faculty of Business, and Mr. Andreas Merli of the University of Pavia, hosted eleven local partner organizations for the first Consultative Board meeting in March 2005 for the MA Program in International Cooperation and Development slated to begin at Bethlehem University in the Fall 2005 semester. This new MA program is part of a larger agreement to establish a Center for Advanced Studies and Research in International Cooperation and Development at BU in cooperation with the Italian universities of Sienna and Pavia, the Palestinian universities of An-Najah and Birzeit, the Ministry of Education, and the PEACE Program.

celebration of the inauguration of the new major in Computer Information Systems. Mr. Hisham Kuhail, Assistant Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Dr. Labib Arafeh, Director of Programs in the Ministry of Higher Education, Mr. Hanna Nasser, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, and Mr. Hakam Kanafani, Jawwal Company CEO, participated in the day’s events organized by the faculty under the leadership of Dr. Saleem Zoughbi.

Academic Achievements

Quality Assurance – Social Work

with students how they see their studies helping them develop, Dr. Metrey also visited alumni working in the Arab Rehabilitation Center, Caritas Baby Hospital, Beit Sahour YMCA, the Defense of Children International Center, and other local organizations. Dr. Metrey discussed with faculty members the needs of the job market, the teaching-learning methods used, and the content of the curriculum.

Electronic Journals in the Library The Bethlehem University Library and all Palestinian university libraries have a one year subscription to EBSCO Academic Search Premier through a project sponsored by the Academy for Educational Development (AED) and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE),

As part of the University’s ongoing quality assurance efforts, Dr. George Metrey, former Dean of the School of Social Work, Rhode Island College, USA, visited during April 2005 to conduct the external evaluation of the Social Work program. With his significant experience in academic accreditation and his service on the Education Policy Commission of the Council on Social Work Education, Dr. Metrey provided a most helpful review with the faculty. In addition to exploring

Faculty Development:

Strengthening Teaching and Learning Faculty members conducting University research projects designed to assess and improve teaching and learning presented their initial findings concerning academic advising, e-learning, and assessment methods during Faculty Development Days. Academic departments also updated their development plans while reviewing the reports from external reviewers as part of the quality assurance efforts of the faculty. Dr. Barry Stierer, Director of the Center for Learning and Teaching at the University of Brighton, U.K., facilitated two days of professional development activities focused on “Setting an Agenda for Strengthening the Link Between Teaching and Research.” 8

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Academic Achievements funded by USAID. This electronic journal database is the world’s largest scholarly fulltext database designed specifically for academic institutions. With more than 8,000 publications and full-text for more than 4,700 titles, students and faculty at Bethlehem University now have a tremendous resource available to them through February 2006 which would not be possible without this USAID funding.

Hola Epsaña With the generous support of the Spanish Cooperation, during April 2005 the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism hosted Mrs. Julia Matas, a culinary art expert from Minorca, Spain. For a week, she assisted the BU Chef and

Cooking Instructor, Mr. Andoni Hadweh, by providing an intensive Spanish culinary art course. For the summer, sixteen (16) students will travel to Minorca for a one month industry placement, providing a most valuable cross-culture learning experience for staff and students alike.

English Language Teaching and Learning The Ministry of Education received a report in April 2005 resulting from the analysis and recommendations of Bethlehem University’s Education and Arts Faculties concerning the teaching and learning of the English language in schools. Dr. Jeanne

Palestinian and German Exchange

Kattan, Ms. Sawsan Shomali, Ms. Mai Nassar, Ms. Rima Dabdoub and Dr. Aziz Khalil, the report authors, presented a workshop to the BU faculty on this matter also.


Standing on



Reaching for The future 9

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Ms. Nabila Daqqaq and Brother Peter Iorlano accompanied 14 Bethlehem University Social Science students to Germany during April 2005, continuing an academic and cultural exchange program with the Katholische Fachoschule Nordrhein-Westfalen

- University of Applied Sciences (KFH), thanks to funding efforts of the students and faculty in Cologne. The German and Palestinian students experienced glimpses of each other’s lives and grew in their understandings of the sociopolitical realities of their respective worlds as well as their anticipated professions in social work.



“I am a Little Angel,” a film by Mr. Hanna Musleh of the Faculty of Arts, won the Golden Award for Short Films – First Place – among the 250 films in competition from 46 countries of Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia in the Cairo International Festival for Children’s Cinema. Hanna’s work focuses on the permanent disabilities suffered by Palestinian children in the on-going violence in the Holy Land. “I am especially pleased to receive this award because I have raised the name of Bethlehem University and awareness about the plight of Palestinian children,” commented Hanna. Dr. Norma Hazboun of the Social Sciences Department was a visiting professor in the European Commission sponsored University of Malta M.A. Program in Human Rights and Democratization, presenting lectures concerning advocacy on behalf of Palestinian refugees. She also presented a workshop on “The Social Cost of Cultural Invasion” at the Bethlehem Peace Center and was nominated to the Secretariat of The National Plan of Action for Palestinian Children in Ramallah. Dr. Moin Halloun, Chair of the Arabic Department, authored his 6th book: “Paragraph Fillers and Swelling of Text in Modern Arabic,” published by the Department of Middle East Studies, University of Haifa. This latest text is a pioneering endeavor designed to be of benefit to writers and students, both native and non-native speakers of Arabic, seeking to improve their style given that the terminology identified is not listed in any dictionary yet nor in other books on Arabic writing. Ms. Maha Fatho and the Faculty of Nursing coordinated workshops with the Institute of Health, Birziet University, Holy Family Hospital, Ibda’a Health Institute, and the Swedish Midwifery Association to improve women’s health and maternity care in Palestine. Ms. Fatho, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Services, spoke about safe motherhood issues in terms of human rights and social justice concerns.

Dr. Saleem Zougbi, Coordinator of the major in Computer Information Systems at BU, completed a research fellowship with the International Institute of Software Technology of the United Nations University during which he explored the international academic curricula for technology and the use of adaptive filtering techniques to optimize databases.

Ms. Hanan Saca-Hazboun of the Faculty of Nursing reviewed curricula for nursing continuing education programs of Anderson Continuing Education of California, USA, presented “Ethical Issues in Emergency Care” at the International Emergency Care Conference at BU in January 2005, and spoke about “Communication with Cancer Patients” at Hebron University in February 2005.


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Dr. Aziz Khalil, English Department Chair, recently published “Assessment of Language Learning Strategies Used by Palestinian English Foreign Language Learners” in Foreign Language Annals (Vol. 38, No.1, Spring 2005). He also has been awarded a grant by the Fund for the Support of Palestinian Universities, Association of Arab Universities, to investigate the assessment beliefs and practices of Palestinian school teachers of English.

Dr. Muna Matar from the Computer Information Systems program presented a paper addressing the teaching of JAVA at the “Third International Conference on Informatics and Systems” held in Cairo, Egypt in March 2005. She was also nominated to the Advisory Council of the Franciscan Life Center Network’s Holy Child Program which provides intensive therapy and alternative education for Bethlehem’s children who are suffering the effects of trauma in a situation of extreme tension and prolonged conflict.

Dr. Sami Adwan of the Faculty of Education was awarded the inaugural Victor J. Goldberg Institute of International Education Award for Peace in the Middle East in June 2005 at a reception hosted by the American Ambassador Daniel C. Kurtzer held in the American Center in Jerusalem. Dr. Adwan was awarded the Alexander Langer Foundation Peace Prize in 2001 as well.

Faculty Development Endowment Fund Successfully Established! The Faculty Development Endowment Fund (FDEF) was established with the initiative of Mr. and Mrs. John Steger of the USA. Jack and Nan Steger, believing strongly in the need to provide for the enrichment of faculty and their on-going professional development, issued a challenge grant to the University. Thanks to the generosity of many friends from seven countries, the University met the challenge and the Faculty Development Endowment Fund is now successfully established with a principle of slightly more than $300,000. The organizations and persons who made this possible are:

Mr. & Mrs. John Steger Bethlehem Foundation Cor Unum Cardinal Ignace Moussa Daoud Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, FSC EOHSJ-Southeastern Lieutenancy-USA Familiares, Christian Brothers LINE District

Friends of Bethlehem University in the UAE Fr. Paul Maddison L’Oeuvre D’Orient Mr. Yasuhiko Sata Msgr. Robert Stern Mr. Donald Weis

Having been established, the Faculty Development Endowment Fund is open to receiving additional designated gifts to help meet the on-going needs for faculty professional development activities. As an endowment fund, the gift principle remains in tact and only the interest earned from investment is used annually. Consequently, a gift to this fund provides benefits for a lifetime and beyond! For more information on this, please contact Brother Jack (


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Campus Activities PEACE Program

Brother James Gaffney and Lewis University Honored


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In February 2005 Bethlehem University hosted the PalestinianEuropean-American Cooperation in Education (P.E.A.C.E.) General Assembly designed to develop the capacities of Palestinian universities and to promote civic society initiatives. More than 130 university rectors, presidents, and faculty from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, as well as Palestine were in attendance. UNESCO, UNDP, and other UN agencies as well as diplomatic missions, the European Commission and the Palestinian Ministry of Education in addition to more than 70 faculty, staff and students from Bethlehem University also participated. President

of the Steering Committee of the P.E.A.C.E. program and Executive Vice President of Bethlehem University, Professor Manuel Hassassian, presented the keynote address exhorting participants to continue strengthening democratic values among their students and institutions. Acknowledging that the international academic community is uniquely situated to share accurate information with governmental, civic and religious leaders about the realities of life for Palestinian students and academics, for whom the future is at risk due to the ongoing military occupation, Professor Hassassian addressed the Palestinians desire for self-determination and their rightful place among the family of nations.

The Bethlehem University community joyfully honored Brother James Gaffney, FSC, President of Lewis University in March 2005. Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Brother Vincent Malham, the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, administration and student body gathered to express gratitude to Brother James for the long-standing generous support from Lewis University. Brother James was awarded the De La Salle Award in recognition of his

educational leadership. In 1985 Lewis University began offering a Masters Degree scholarship for Bethlehem University graduates. To date twelve graduates have been awarded this scholarship. Mr. Fadi Kattan (BU ‘90), Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, spoke on behalf of the Lewis University graduates, “I thank you Brother James for believing in us. Lewis University has been a cornerstone in our lives and we are proud to be part of its community.”

A First for Palestine: Women’s Soccer!

With the leadership of Athletic Director, Mrs. Samar Araj Moussa, the Bethlehem University Women’s Soccer Team was founded in 2003. The inspiration of Coach Raed Ayyad and the dedication of the women athletes have resulted in amazing athleticism, considerable skill, and remarkable success. The team placed 5th among the 10 teams participating in the 2004 Arab Championship held by the Orthodox Club in Jordan and competed as the Palestinian National Team against Jordan, Syria and Bahrain in the West Asian Championships this April in Jordan.

Science Fair Brings High School Students to Campus

Under the leadership of Brother David Scarpa, Dean of the Faculty of Science, over 1,500 high school students were welcomed to Bethlehem University in March 2005 for a two-day Science Fair conducted by the students, researchers and members of the Faculty of Science – including UNESCO’s Biotechnology Research Center, the Genetic Deafness Lab, and the Water and Soil Environmental Research Unit, the three major research units of the Science Faculty. A rich variety of interactive experiments, displays and products were presented to the high school students and their teachers. Mr. Abdullah Shakarneh, Director of Education in Bethlehem, opened the Science Fair.

Emergency Care Nursing

Addressing hospital emergency care management and ethical and legal issues in emergency medicine, Bethlehem University hosted an Emergency Care Conference in January 2005 in cooperation with CARE International and Johns Hopkins University’s Center for International Emergency Disaster and Refugee Studies. More than 100 doctors, nurses, and paramedics from Palestinian hospitals and health-care NGOs in the West Bank attended, including 10 recent graduates from BU’s Higher Diploma in Emergency Nursing who presented papers.

International Women’s Day Celebrated


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Bethlehem University celebrated International Women’s Day on 18 March by honoring four distinguished Palestinian women: Dalal Salameh, member of the Legislative Council; Jivara El-Buderi, Al-Jazeera TV correspondent; Amal Jadou (BU ‘95) recipient of the Young Leadership Prize from the Tokyo Foundation in 2004; and Rania Akel, artist. Ms. Vera Baboun, Assistant Dean of Students, coordinated the celebration which included a panel discussion with the President of the Student Senate, Hassan Faraj (BU ‘05) and other students and faculty concerning women’s struggle for equality and the panelists’ experiences in Palestinian society. In addition, the Bethlehem University Women’s Soccer team was also honored and a cultural performance by Dalal Group was included in the program.



Religious Women Graduating from BU Throughout the University’s history Sisters, Brothers and Priests have earned their undergraduate degreesfrom Bethlehem University with funding from MISSIO, the German church affiliated international Pontifical Mission Society of the Catholic Church. Sister Bushra Ayoub, a Franciscan Missionary Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Sister Siba el-Khouri of the Teaching Sisters of Saint Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Heart, are both majoring in nursing and will earn their baccalaureate degrees in June 2005. With hospitals

and schools in eight continents, including eight cities in Palestine and Israel, Sister Bushra, a native of Mosul, Iraq, expects her Order to assign her to hospital work in Haifa, following her work these past few years in the mobile clinic for the Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. With schools and hospitals in nearly every continent and more than five in Palestine, Sister Siba, expects her Order to assign her to Hussein Hospital in nearby Beit Jala after having lived at Ephpheta Paul VI School for the Deaf in Bethlehem these past few years.

Human Rights and Democratization Mr. Ihab Daqqaq (BU ‘00) and Mr. Elias Hazin (BU ‘00) earned their Masters in Human Rights and Democratization from the University of Malta in 2001 and 2004, respectively. They are among ten Bethlehem University graduates who have been supported by European Union scholarships as they earned their masters degrees. Ihab now serves in the Faculty of Education at BU as the Coordinator of the Community Service Program and in the Faculty of Arts teaching methods of social research. In addition to teaching in the Community Service Program at Bethlehem University, Elias now works at BU in the Early Childhood and Outreach programs of the Faculty of Education, supervising education students as they work at the Holy Family Hospital Creche and other practicum sites. His Excellency Mr. Michael Frendo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Malta, accompanied by the Maltese Ambassador, Mr. Abraham Borg, visited Bethlehem and Mr. Sami El-Yousef, BU’s coordinator of the Malta project, in April 2005 to further solidify the growing relationship between the University of Malta and Bethlehem University. 14

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Graduates Living and Working in Gaza Fathi Najjar (BU ‘91) taking a personal day from his work as a social worker with the poorest and most needy in Deir Al Balah Refugee Camp, organized a visit to Gaza for Brother Joe, Vice Chancellor Emeritus of BU and English Department faculty member. In Gaza City, they met Mohammed Abu Mallouh (BU ‘94), the Director of the Al-Qattan Centre for Educational Research and Development, who is helping to bring about innovative and creative changes for teaching and learning. Maher Safi (BU ‘84), the

Small Business Training Officer for UNRWA in Rimal, Gaza, was busy preparing Palestinians in the region for their independence after the anticipated Israeli withdrawal from the settlements in Gaza. Dr. Jihad Hamad (BU ‘94), Assistant Professor of Sociology in Al Azhar University, Gaza, continues to inspire and develop the capacity of his students. “It is a wonderful experience to meet these former students in their young adult years making such a positive influence on their society,” said Brother Joe.

Italy Developing Tourism in Bethlehem Committed to developing the Tourism Industry in Bethlehem, the Municipality of Rimini, Italy, is sponsoring two BU graduates, Mays Alyatim (BU ‘00) and Fida Ghareeb


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(BU ‘00), as they pursue Masters degrees in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Bologna at Rimini, Italy.

Memorials Pope John Paul II Mourned Deeply saddened by his passing, the faculty, staff, administration, Brothers, and friends of Bethlehem University filled the University Chapel to support each other and to thank God for the rich legacy of the Pope as we celebrated a Mass of Resurrection on Friday, 8 April 2005. Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Delegate and Chancellor of the University, reminded us of the late Pope’s visit to Bethlehem in March 2000. “He has been the Pope of peace, based on justice and on the recognition of the rights of each people. Dialogue among religions, peoples and persons, has been one of the central points of his Pontificate,” said Archbishop Sambi. Recalling the Pope’s very own words, Archbishop Sambi continued, “Today and always the Palestinian people are in my prayers to the One who holds the destiny of the world in his hands. May the Most High God enlighten, sustain and guide in the path of peace the whole Palestinian people…No one can ignore how much the Palestinian people have suffered in recent decades. Your torment is before the eyes of the world. And it has gone on too long…The Palestinian people have the natural right to a homeland, and the right


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to be able to live in peace and tranquility. Here God entered into history to stay with us for ever. The Catholic Church is particularly happy to serve the noble cause of education through the extremely valuable work of Bethlehem University, founded as a sequel to the visit of my predecessor Pope Paul VI in 1964.” Members of the Bethlehem University community signed a book of condolences to be sent to the Vatican.

Msgr. Füglister Remembered Bethlehem University celebrated a Mass of Resurrection in memory of Monsignor Robert Füglister on 4 February, the day that a Mass of Resurrection and interment was taking place in Basel,

Switzerland. The University’s faculty, staff, students, and Christian Brothers gathered to pay tribute to Monsignor Füglister who faithfully and generously supported the University and Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem for so many years as President of ABU (Association en faveur de Bethlehem University) and as President of Kinderhilfe Bethlehem, which also supports our dear neighbor, Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem. In 1988 Monsignor Füglister was awarded the University’s Special Service Award in recognition of his extraordinary dedication to and support of the University. In 2002 the Füglister Computer Laboratory in Millennium Hall was established

in the name of Monsignor Füglister through the generous financial support of ABU. “Bethlehem University has lost a wonderful friend but has gained a powerful intercessor in heaven,” said Brother Vincent.

Tragic Death of a Bethlehem University Student Nadim Matar (BU ‘04) completed his studies for a Bachelors degree in Business Administration at Bethlehem University in December 2004, shortly after successfully undergoing two heart operations at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. In mid January 2005 he experienced deterioration in his health. His family and doctors sought to return him immediately to Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. However, the Israeli military authorities denied their requests for the travel permit the Israeli authorities require Palestinians to obtain to enter Jerusalem. The medical personnel from Hadassah and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council intervened on Nadim’s behalf. Eventually receiving the required permission to enter Jerusalem, Nadim was transported by Palestinian ambulance to the Israeli military checkpoint where

he was transferred to an Israeli ambulance for the 5 kilometer ride to Haddasah. Tragically, at the age of 23, Nadim died en route, just 26 days after completing his Bachelors degree.

Upcoming Events Carlo Cardinal Martini To Be Honored Carlo Cardinal Martini, eminent church leader, scholar and promoter of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, will be the recipient of a Doctorate, Honoris Causa, to be conferred by Bethlehem University on 26 June 2005 – postponed from 24 April due to the Cardinal’s participation in the Conclave in Rome. The world-known church leader and scholar retired as Archbishop of Milan in 2002 and in 2003 moved to the Jesuit community in Jerusalem (Pontifical Biblical Institute) where he dedicates himself to prayer and biblical studies. “In recognition of the tremendous influence Cardinal Martini has exerted in his distinguished career as a church dignitary and scholar of international renown, and as a highly respected friend of Bethlehem University, we are grateful that His Eminence is granting us the privilege to honor him in this way,” President-Vice Chancellor Brother Vincent Malham said in announcing the event.

Board of Trustees Gala Dinner On Saturday, 11 June, with the leadership of Mr. Fuad Kattan, the Board of Trustees of Bethlehem University will be hosting a gala fund-raising event in honor of Brother Vincent Malham. The evening will begin with a reception in the University gardens for Church officials and other local and international dignitaries, followed by a piano recital by Brother Vincent in the University Chapel. A festive dinner prepared by the University’s Institute of Hotel Management’s Chef and Cooking Instructor, Mr. Andoni Hadweh, under the direction of Mr. Nabil Mufdi, Director, will be accompanied by musical entertainment from Garo Demerigian and Shibat Group.

Christian Schools. The Bethlehem University community is grateful for her success in making the unique mission of our University better known in the States as she served these past eight years as the Executive Director of the USA Office of Public Relations and Development. In July 2005 she will be completing her loving and professional service, warmly characterized by her hand-written personal thank-you notes to benefactors and the quality of the strong relationships she built in

Commitment with Love and Professionalism In recognition of her lifetime commitment to education and young people, Ms. Geraldine Lawhon, a Lady of the Holy Sepulchre, was made an Affiliated member of the Institute of the Brothers of the 17

Bethlehem University


support of the University among thousands of friends in the United States, especially among the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre. The University has been graced by Geraldine’s loving commitment. She

will always be a cherished member of the Bethlehem University family.

Welcome Brother Jerome We welcome back Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC. With the completion of Ms. Geraldine Lawhon’s service,

Brother Jerome will assume the responsibilities for the USA Development Office effective July 2005. He faithfully served for 6 years at Bethlehem University as the Vice President for Development from 1997 – 2003 and is now serving the University from the USA. Brother Jerome will work for BU from his office in Lincroft, New Jersey. Welcome back, Brother Jerome!



Founders Club ($50,000+) ABU, Association en faveur de la Bethlehem University Congregation for the Eastern Churches Michel Edde Foundation EOHSJ-Germany **EOHSJ-Grand Magisterium Friends of Bethlehem University in the United Arab Emirates Kinderhilfe Bethlehem MISSIO Moley Family Foundation *Mr. & Mrs. John Steger Trustees Club ($25,000+) *Bethlehem Foundation +Christian Brothers Midwest Province ****EOHSJ-Northwestern, USA Secretariate de Solidarite Chairman’s Club ($10,000+) Belgian Technical Cooperation Bethlehem Association Scholarship Fund +Casey Family Comune di San Miniato +De La Salle Provincialate Ireland De La Salle Provincialate Germany Mary P. Dolciani Halloran Foundation +Mr. William Doty **EOHSJ-England and Wales *EOHSJ-Southeastern, USA Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura Ms. Lillian Lanasa Lynch Foundation Norwegian Occupational Therapy Association Pontifical Mission for Palestine +Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Shaw United Holy Land Fund


Litecky, FSC Rev. Msgr. Edmund O. Griesedieck +Ms. Mary Guthrie Mr. Kamal Hassouneh John D. Herrick Jawhar Family Scholarship Association Katholieke Vereniging voor Oecumene Latin Patriarchate Legal and Endowments Department Mrs. Mary Levin Mary and John McErlean +Mr. John M. McGowan, II Jeanne-Marie Neilson, LCSW Oxford Oratory PYALARA Yvette & Mazen Qupty PricewaterhouseCoopers St. Simon’s Parish Ms. Maro Sandrouni Catholic Chaplaincy of the University of Sheffield John Viste & Elaine Strite Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish Teresian Association UNDP-PAPP Rev. Wilbur Voltraw Rev. Fr. Ray Webb Women’s Studies Centre

Chancellor’s Club ($5,000+) Anonymous ***Archdiocese of New York Christian Brothers at Lambert Hall, Christian Brothers University Christian Brothers LINE District +Mr. & Mrs. Jack Curran ***EOHSJ-Eastern, USA EOHSJ-North Central, USA EOHSJ-Scotland Friends of Bethlehem University in the Holy Land Justice and Peace Group at Our Lady and St. John the Evangelist Parish Mr. Charles Maria St. Augustine’s Church, Coatbridge St. Catherine Parish, Bethlehem +Board of Trustees, Bethlehem University UNESCO Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Willett

Special Friends ($500+) Anonymous Arab American Ladies League +Br. Marvin Becker, FSC Bruce and Judy Butler Caritas Jerusalem Daniel M. and Gayla Carney +Mrs. Paul Ceasar Parish of Corpus Christi Christian Brothers Academy Community Lincroft Christian Brothers Community at Manhattan College Our Lady Queen of All Creation Parish Br. Thomas Durnin, FSC St. John the Evangelist Parish Mr. & Mrs. James Frane Maha Wadie Habiba Rev. Urban H. Knoll Mr. Paul Kraus Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem and Parishioners of St. Bartholomew’s St. Michael’s College, Australia Br. Benedict Oliver, FSC Hani Qaddumi Scholarship Foundation Ms. Catherine Quigley +Dr. Barry Stierer Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Thaxton Ursuline Convent, Santa Rosa Rev. Stephen Walker Swedish Foundation

Vice Chancellor’s Club ($1,000+) Anonymous in honor of Fouad & Hermine Hanna Academy for Educational Development (AED) Mr. John Albina Altushkin Foundation of Christian Orthodox Charity ANERA Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Anzivino +Christian Brothers Central Catholic Community in honor of Brother Dominic Smith, FSC +Christian Brothers Provincialate Baltimore Christian Brothers Roncalli Community Civitas Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Raja’I Dajani in honor of Dr. Nahil Habboub Dajani Lt & Mrs. Michael Earthman Eyerman Foundation Rev. J. Thomas Finucan Father Adam Forno +Br. James Gaffney, FSC Fr. William Galvin, MM in honor of Br. Cyril

Century Club ($100+) Anonymous Donors *****Raphael & Rima Addiego Victoria & Michael Armstrong Blessed Dominic Barberi Parish Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Benitz Prof. Carla Bossard, PhD ******Mr. & Mrs. Elias Botto Burford Parish Mr. Frank G. Burns Catholic Travel Center Pilgrims Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ceasar Mrs. Maura Chandler Mr. Jack and Yvette Connell Fr. John Dale De La Salle Brothers, Bournemouth Joseph Derham Ms. Elisabeth Dilas Ms. Nabiha Driscoll John & Norma Elser Experience Travel Tours, UK

Bethlehem University


Mr. Barry & Mrs. Angela Fairweather Mr. Anthony J. Fasano Ms. Mary Folsom Ms. Margaret Garza Rev. Fr. Joseph Girzone Br. Paul Grass, FSC St. Gregory & St. Augustine, Oxford Rev. Thomas J. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hoppe in memory of Anna Kieffe Br. Laurence Hughes, FSC Rev. Willard F. Jabusch, PhD ******Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jezycki Nils &Mrs. Josephine Kamsvaag Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Keene Mr. Trevor Kirby Br. Charles Kitson, FSC in honor of Br. Peter Iorlano, FSC Brother Fergus McArdle, FSC Mr. & Mrs. William Melcher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mertz in honor of Hisham Sharabi Monsignor P. J. Molloy Ms. Sue Morris Ms. Margaret O’Brien Passionist Provincial Office, Liverpool Mr. Matt Pico Professor Alain Pique Pippo e Velia Ranci Mrs. Maura Robertson Rev. Fr. Patrick Rush Miss Jane Russell *****Mr. Jamal Sa’d Sacred Heart Parish, Oxford Mr. Edward Samario San Miguel Schools, Chicago Ms. Ann Marie Slater Ms. Marjorie Thornton Br. Joseph Ventura, FSC Ken and Pat Vincent Silver Anniversary ($25+) Linda Abata Anonymous Br. James Connolly, FSC Jenny Desembrana Rev. Fr. Charles Des Ruisseaux Ms. Claire Fordrung Mr. Edward Horvat Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Hosack, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thurmond Jackson in memory of Hadiya Bitar Mr. David Kelly Sr. Catherine Litecky, CSJ Br. Bernard Lococo, FSC Br. Augustine Loes, FSC Ms. Ramona Lopez Br. Denis Murphy, FSC Br. Fred J. Oberrieder, FSC Rev. John C. Paisley Ms. Carolyn Priest Mr. & Mrs. Charles Quaintance Br. Basil Rothweiler, FSC Ms. Joyce Ruaak Gerald & Doris Turner Sister Jolene Wingert Richard & Deidre Santalesa Fr. Henry Schmidt Sr. Jolene Wingert *Faculty Development Endowment Fund ** Cardinal Hume and Cardinal De Furstenberg Chair for Religious Studies *** Edward M. Cardinal Egan Endowed Scholarship Fund **** Msgr. Thomas S. Merson Endowed Scholarship Fund ***** Marguerite Sa’d Endowed Scholarship Fund ****** Madeleine and Shedhedeh Botto Scholarship Fund + Strengthening Our Foundation Renovation Project

THANK YOU! Strengthening Our Foundation The Strengthening Our Foundation for the Future campaign to support the major renovation and rededication of the University’s 1893 original main building as De La Salle Hall has reached a total of $146,027 ($55,000 of which is pledged). Thanks to a grant from the US Agency for International Development and the generosity of the Sponsors and Benefactors listed below, the project is underway. With the prospect of an additional major gift, there remains a need of $350,000 to meet the current construction budget. Please contact Brother Jack ( for more information on Sponsor and Benefactor opportunities. Thank you for your kind consideration of this once in a lifetime opportunity to rededicate De La Salle Hall, which will include a permanent plaque commemorating all Sponsors and Benefactors. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Gold Benefactors-$2000 Christian Brothers, Baltimore Province De La Salle Brothers, Ireland Christian Brothers, Central Catholic Lt and Mrs. Michael Earthman Br. James Gaffney, FSC Teresian Association

Sponsorship Donors

Area Sponsored

Christian Brothers, Midwest Province

Student Computer Lab: $40,000

Bethlehem University Board of Trustees

Executive Board Conference Room: $30,000

Br. Daniel Casey’s Family

Executive Office Complex: $15,000

Mr. William Doty

Classroom: $15,000

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Shaw

Classroom: $15,000

De La Salle Brothers, Ireland

Academic Office: $10,000

Christian Brothers, New York District

Development Office: $10,000

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Curran

Student Seminar Room: $5,000

Silver Benefactors-$1000 Ms. Mary Guthrie John D. Herrick John M. McGowan, II Christian Brothers, Lambert Hall

Bronze Benefactors-$500 Arab American Ladies League Br. Marvin Becker, FSC Christian Brothers, Lincroft Br. Thomas Durnin, FSC Mrs. Paul Ceasar Br. Benedict Oliver, FSC Christian Brothers, Manhattan College Dr. Barry Stierer Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Thaxton Ursuline Convent, Santa Rosa, CA

More information and updates at: Edward Cardinal Egan Endowed Scholarship Fund The Edward Cardinal Egan Endowed Scholarship Fund has been established, thanks to the leadership and generosity of Lt. Joseph E. Spinnato of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepluchre of Jerusalem, Eastern Lieutenancy of the USA, and the Archdiocese of New York. The Bethlehem University community is most grateful for this commitment to support student tuition scholarships. Msgr. Thomas S. Merson Endowed Scholarship Fund The members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepluchre of Jerusalem, Northwestern Lieutenancy of the USA, established the Msgr. Thomas S. Merson Endowed Scholarship Fund in his memory. For this support of student tuition scholarships the University community is grateful to Lt. John McGuckin, and:

Sir & Lady Robert Ayers Sir & Lady Harold Bates H.E. Sir Robert Begley Sir & Lady Robert Busch Sir & Lady Thomas Cooney Lady Alice Devine Sir & Lady Michael Haglund Sir & Lady Albert Hazbun Sir & Lady Daryll Hoffman Sir & Lady William Hogan Deacon Sir & Lady Henry Jacquemet

Rev. Sir Andrew Johnson Sir John Keller Mr. P. Christian Klieger Sir & Lady Roger Mairose Rev. Sir Francis Murray Sir John Nutley Most Rev. Sir John Quinn Dr. Sir & Lady Collin Quock Sir John Ries Sir & Lady Michael Strong Lady Carol Ann Walton

Designated gifts for Endowed Scholarship Funds provide permanent support for student financial aid scholarships. For more information on contributing to these funds or establishing similar funds, please consider contacting Brother Jack (


Bethlehem University


Secretariate: Bro. Othmar Würth Abbaye de Fontaine-André C.P.120 CH-2009 Neuchâtel Tel: 0041 (0) 32 753 50 04 Fax: 0041 (0) 32 753 2574 Email:

Friends of Bethlehem University in England and Wales Donations are eligible for tax credit in the UK as the Friends are a registered charity. Contact Person: Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann All Saints Pastoral Centre London Colney, Hertfordshire Al @ 1AF England Fax: 01727 822880 Email:

Bethlehem University, USA Office Donations are USA tax deductible and eligible for employer matching grants as the University is a registered non-profit. Please note our new address, effective immediately. Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC US Development Office Bethlehem University PO Box 692 Lincroft, NJ 07738-0692 Phone: 908-839-9715 Fax: 732-219-1619 Email:

Bethlehem University in the Holy Land For more information: Brother Jack Curran, FSC Vice President for Development PO Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem, Israel Office: 972-2-274-1241 Home: 972-2-274-3151 Fax: 972-2-274-4440 Email:

Bethlehem University in the Holy Land, founded in 1973 as the first university established in the West Bank, is a Catholic Christian higher education learning community in the Lasallian tradition and a member of the Association of Arab Universities– open to students of all faith traditions. The distinguished faculty and staff of the University bring to life the University’s mission to advance, share and use knowledge through the Faculties of Arts, Business, Education, Nursing, and Science as well as the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism and the Institute for Community Partnership. Among its annual enrollment of 2,200 undergraduates and 1,000 continuing education students and with more than 9,000 graduates found in the Holy Land and internationally, Bethlehem University aspires to foster shared values, moral principles and dedication to serving the common good. The De La Salle Christian Brothers, the largest teaching order of the Roman Catholic Church, along with the Vatican’s Congregation for Oriental Churches, administer the University as one of more than 65 institutions of tertiary education among the 1,000 Lasallian educational institutions located in 80 countries of the world. Bethlehem University in the Holy Land is located at the highest elevation in the town of Bethlehem, in the West Bank, Palestine – the birthplace of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. For more information: or Bethlehem 20 University News


Association in Favor of Bethlehem University in German Speaking Countries (ABU) ABU will gladly give advice regarding donation options. Bank account: UBS SA, Neuchâtel, Kto-Nr. 314.512.L1J. Contact Persons: President: Prof. Dr. Heinrich KOLLER Nonnenweg 6 CH 4055 Basel (Switzerland)


Tel: 971-2-634-3969 Fax: 971-2-632-5188 Email:

Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland (FBU-I) FBU-I is an approved Charity (CHY6868) and is authorized as an “eligible charity” for tax rebates (1315) Contact Person: Rev. Raymond Staunton Hon. Secretary FBUI Marist Community Residence Chanel College Coolock, Dublin 5 Email:

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Friends of Bethlehem University in United Arab Emirates Mr. Anton Kattan PO Box 7674 Abu Dhabi, UAE

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