Bethlehem University magazine, Fall 2018

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Volume 26 - Issue No. 1, 2018-2019

In this issue: • The Camino de Santiago • Fighting Cancer • Job Creators not Job Seekers


Approaching Fifty Years with Ongoing Development

In 2023, Bethlehem University will be celebrating its golden jubilee as the first registered university in Palestine with a mission of serving the Palestinian people through education. Bethlehem University persevered through many challenges over the past few decades, and we look forward to facing and overcoming future challenges through the choices we make to follow our mission. The University community works together to create a safe environment and to develop an atmosphere which provides an opportunity for our students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to live life to the fullest despite the situation in which they find themselves. We focus on providing our students the psychological security to feel safe and cared for on campus. We do this by cultivating a consistent environment in which they know what to expect. This helps them overcome the challenges they face while coming to campus.


There is a lot going on at Bethlehem University. Apart from all the things associated with the academic programs, the construction work has begun for the Cardinal Foley Hall, a new building for the Tarek Juffali Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences. The work has also begun on converting an abandoned hospital into a teaching hotel and teaching restaurant that will house the Bethlehem University Tourism Institute. We are also aiming to launch another project soon to build a facility for visitors and the athletics department. Yet, it is important for us to keep in mind, that it is not the facilities that make a wonderful place; it is the decisions we make in forming and nurturing relationships and in the way we use these facilities to help in the education of our students. We need to find ever better ways to engage with our students.


In this issue, we are featuring “The Way to Bethlehem� campaign; an initiative of Ghassan Salameh, a Palestinian American businessman who is a member of the Bethlehem University Foundation Board. He walked the Camino de Santiago to help raise awareness of the work of our university. We also highlight research done on campus that involves fighting cancer through immunotherapy. Bethlehem University has established a solid reputation for research which is instrumental in providing better care for the Palestinian people as well as improving our worldwide ranking. We have the opportunity now to continue to develop Bethlehem University so that it remains a nationally relevant and internationally known university. With your prayers and support, we continue to work to achieve Bethlehem University’s mission of providing quality higher education. Thank you for helping us do this! Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD Vice Chancellor


Published by the Advancement Office



Editorial Committee Ms. Jenny Hodali BU ’08 Br. Denis Loft, FSC Mr. George N. Rishmawi Mr. Isaac Sahhar Contributors Ms. Aisha Abduljawad Ms. Rania Hazboun BU ’96 Ms. Tina Hazboun BU ’05 Dr. Fadi Kattan Dr. Maggie McCarty Mr. Jarred McKinney Mr. Alexander Musleh BU ’14 Ms. Amjaad Musleh BU ’15 Ms. Haneen Musleh BU ’07 Ms. Shahinda Nassar BU ’05 Br. Dominic Smith Ms. Donata Vogelsang Mr. Wasim Zoghbi Design and Printing Creative Ad Design & Print Co. Ltd.



Bethlehem University Electronic address Mailing address Communications Office P.O. Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem




Location address Frères Street #9 Bethlehem, Palestine

Bethlehem University Foundation Electronic address Mailing address P.O. Box 355 Beltsville, MD 20704-0355


Technovation Mentoring ......................................... 13

Bethlehem University Foundation.............................8

Endowed Scholarships............................................... 14

Fighting Cancer...............................................................9

Graduate Profiles ....................................................... 16

“Sparks of Lunacy” .................................................... 10

Internships.................................................................... 17


Job Creators not Job Seekers................................... 11

Thank You Donors...................................................... 18

Cover Photo by:

Location address 6001 Ammendale Road, Suite 200 Beltsville, MD 20705

Sister Irene O’Neill

The Camino - No Checkpoints................................. 12

Visitors........................................................................... 22

(At mile marker zero of the Camino de Santiago)


Students Prepare for Future at Career Day Bethlehem University hosted over 40 employers offering more than 70 job opportunities on the annual career day held on 3 May 2018. This provided the opportunity for students and alumni to make professional connections and prepare for future employment. It is a 23-year-old tradition at Bethlehem University that aims to support students in attaining their professional goals.

Faculty, Staff Recognized on De La Salle Day Faculty and staff were recognized for their service to Bethlehem University at the annual celebration of De La Salle Day on 12 May 2018. Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray asserted that the combination of a religious and a lay community at the University creates a unique educational culture conducive to the social and academic success of all students. During the Mass, the Lasallian Brothers publicly renewed their vows to fulfill the mission of St. John Baptist De La Salle, as demonstrated through their service at the University. Afterwards, faculty and staff who reached “milestone” anniversaries were recognized for their service to the University and received awards.

Cardinal Foley Hall Project Launched The John Patrick Cardinal Foley Hall project, which will house the Tarek Juffali Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, was launched on 11 June 2018. Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray, Lieutenant of the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Her Excellency Valencia Yvonne Camp, LGCHS, Dean of the Faculty Mrs. Mariam Awad, and two first year students marked the genesis of this bright chapter in the school’s history with the symbolic laying of the first stones. This project is another step to promote Bethlehem University as the leading health education center in Palestine. Foley Hall is expected to become fully operational in 2020.




42nd Graduation Ceremony The 42nd Commencement of Bethlehem University was held on 25 - 26 June 2018. During the twoday ceremony, the University conferred degrees on 712 graduates. The number of graduates has mounted to nearly 16,600 graduates since the first in 1977. Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray remarked that the graduating class was “empowered to grow in their understanding and practice of leadership.” The commencement speaker Eve Boland, the Right Honorable Lord Provost of Glasgow, shared a message of hope, faith, and hard work to the students. In their graduate speeches valedictorian Lara Kasbari and Claudette Mubarak, first class honors student, reminisced on their successful time at the University and expressed their hopes for the future.

Faculty of Nursing Alumni Reunion The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences along with the Alumni Office organized a reunion of the Faculty’s alumni on 8 May 2018, entitled “Open Day for Faculty of Nursing Alumni 1980-2018”. Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray emphasized that Bethlehem University cares about the students, employees, and graduates, all of whom have a vital role in serving the community. Alumni Relations Officer Haneen Musleh emphasized the importance of reconnecting and preserving ties with graduates. The Alumni Office at the University is proud to highlight the efforts to raise the standard of education and serve graduates and current students alike.

Bethlehem University Tourism Institute Bethlehem University recently began to convert an abandoned hospital into a teaching hotel that will house the Tourism Institute. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East will implement this project through a grant generously provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Saudi Fund for Development. Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray said the facility, when completed, will enable the University to offer its graduates opportunities for practical experience in a growing industry important to the region.



Germany Supports Nursing Bethlehem University celebrated the inauguration of an additional floor to the Qubeibeh campus on 10 May 2018. This symbolic occasion focussed on the University’s determination to provide the best health care education for its students. This moment would not have been possible without funds from the KFW Entwicklungsbank (Development Bank) in Germany, in collaboration with United Nations’ Development Program, Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People, and the German Representative Office in Palestine.

Science Fair Bethlehem University’s Faculty of Science organized its annual science fair on 20 - 21 April 2018. For the first time in the history of the fair, a software engineering section was added to a platform which boasts sections in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology. The fair was very successful this year with 20 high schools and around 700 students from different districts attending. Dean Dr. Michael Hanania explained the aim of the fair was to present simplified science to high school students in order to encourage them to study physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.

“Why I Love Bethlehem University” As part of the francophone events organized by the Faculty of Arts, a photography exhibition entitled, “Why I love Bethlehem University,” was held in De La Salle Hall. Dean of the Faculty Ms. Hanadi Younan stated that the exhibition was the physical embodiment of culture and academic efforts championed by the Faculty.

The New Multipurpose Building Bethlehem University is planning to construct a new building on the existing outdoor basketball court which will be relocated. This multipurpose facility will house a 150 seat lecture theater, a Visitor’s Reception Center, a fitness center, and a rooftop terrace that will flow into the existing cafeteria and Education Buildings. This project will assist the University in fulfilling its mission by vastly improving its fitness facilities and providing an appropriate venue where overseas visitors can meet and interact with student ambassadors of Bethlehem University. This important facility is expected to become operational in late 2021. Pledges in support of this project are invited, and a number of spaces are available for Naming Rights.



Winners Bethlehem University’s Athletics Department participated in the Palestinian Universities Sports Championship held at the Arab American University in Jenin on 15 April 2018. The department had a successful showing at the championship games. The women's soccer team took second place and the table tennis team came in third place. Special congratulations go to Nadine Khalil who was second in the Karate competition. We are proud that Bethlehem University is an institution steeped in academic and sporting excellence.

Psychology in Palestine: Reality and Future The Social Sciences Department at Bethlehem University held its sixth annual conference entitled “Psychology in Palestine: Reality and Future” on 27 March 2018. Chairperson of the Department Dr. Ferdoos Al-Issa explained that this conference gave particular attention to the scientific vision of psychology theories and their clinical and research applications. The conference dealt with three main issues: psychology in the Palestinian context, problems and mental disorders in Palestine, and psychological services and community awareness.

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony Led by Swiss musician Philippe Savoy, two hundred musicians, choir singers and soloists assembled in Bethlehem University’s auditorium to play Beethoven's Ninth Symphony on 2 August 2018. For the first time in Palestine, this ensemble comprising musicians from Palestine and all around the world performed the Ninth Symphony. This was part of the Singing for Jerusalem and Ramallah Orchestra Tour organized by Al-Kamandjati center.





Patrons Endowment Created Ensuring a Lasting Future

Foundation Chair, Sister Irene O'Neill and University Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray invest Joseph and Mary Clare Starshak as Patrons of BUF

The Board of Directors of the Bethlehem University Foundation recently created The Patrons Endowment. This newly endowed fund ensures a sustainable future for Bethlehem University and the Bethlehem University Foundation. The Patrons of the Bethlehem University Foundation are a giving society of donors who, by contributing to the endowment, invest in the work of the Foundation in its sole mission of supporting and promoting Bethlehem University. A gift to the Patrons Endowment is a ''forever gift'' that allows the Foundation to grow the endowment to better fulfill its mission of supporting Bethlehem University. This endowment is managed by the Board of Directors of the Bethlehem University Foundation and is invested in the United States with T. Rowe Price. There are three levels of Patrons: Bronze Patron for gifts totaling $25,000 to the Patrons Endowment over a 5-year period

Silver Patron for $50,000 in lifetime giving to the Patrons Endowment Gold Patron for $100,000 in lifetime giving to the Patrons Endowment The Patrons serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director of the Bethlehem University Foundation and also hold an annual pilgrimage/meeting in Rome, Bethlehem, or another city as deemed appropriate by the membership. The Patrons are recognized at all Foundation events and hold an annual reception in New York at the Residence of the Holy See to the United Nations. Created in December of 2016, the Patrons have now grown to 24 couples and individuals who have displayed their generosity to the Foundation and the University. To further inquire about joining the Patrons, please contact the Bethlehem University Foundation at 240-241-4381 or visit the Foundation’s website for more information:

Friends of Bethlehem University, GB Charity, is now a fully Registered Charity in the UK (Reg. No. 1178996), and is eligible for Gift Aid. The Inaugural Trustees are: Dr David Smith, Chairman, Bernard Waddingham, Treasurer, and Judge Michael Byrne. A launching of this new body is being planned, and we will inform all our friends and donors when this is finalized. In the meantime, donations can be made online on the website or cheques can be made out to Friends of Bethlehem University, GB Charity and mailed to: 68 Goldington Ave, BEDFORD, MK40 3DA England UK residents can see the reverse side of their address labels for further details.


was entered on the Register of Charities on

29 June 2018 Registered charity number:


Rt Hon Baroness Stowell of Beeston MBE Chair

Bethlehem University Foundation Board members the Most Reverend Denis J. Madden, Mr. Elias Aburdene, and Ms. Katherine Acuff, Esq



Dr Helen Stephenson CBE Chief Executive Officer

This certificate confirms that a charity has been entered on to the Register of Charities. You can check a charity's current registration status by visiting the Register of Charities at



Fighting Cancer Mr. Nader Hazboun is a lecturer in clinical laboratory sciences in the Biology Department at Bethlehem University. He teaches several medical courses for both medical lab and nursing students. He has been an associate member in the Palestinian Forum for Medical Research since 2011.

Bethlehem University has joined the worldwide fight against cancer in the field of immunotherapy.

increase the public awareness on the use of immunotherapy for cancer treatment,” he said.

Mr. Nader Hazboun, Researcher and Lecturer at the Biology Department, is researching the use of the body’s immune system to treat cancer cells.

In his research, he reviewed the clinical trials related to CAR-T cells that are performed worldwide in respected research centers and colleges. His review has drawn conclusion about where the best results are performed and what is the future of this innovative therapy.

The human immune system recognizes abnormal foreign cells in the body, such as microbial or cancer cells. It can kill cancer cells without harming normal tissues as chemotherapy does. “Scientists have tried to use the immune system to attack cancer a long time ago but the results were not encouraging,” he said. “Recently, with the huge advances in biotechnology, this dream is becoming a reality.” One form of this immunotherapy revolution involves isolating a type of white blood cells called T-lymphocytes from the cancer patient’s blood, modifying them genetically with a receptor to recognize the cancer cells, then inserting them back into the patient to kill the tumor cells.

The results are so far encouraging with 90% response rate in some centers. Many more clinical trials are currently ongoing. “If there is any hope for a cancer cure in the future, it will definitely involve some form of immunotherapy,” he said. Traditional forms of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, attack both cancerous and non-cancerous cells alike. Research shows that cancer cells acquire resistance to chemotherapy with time with the result that drugs are no longer effective and the tumor comes back.

Mr. Hazboun's research focuses on immunotherapy using these T-cells called CAR-T cells (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cells) for the treatment of blood cancers such as leukemias and lymphomas. “The main purpose of this research is to inform the scientific community and




“Sparks of Lunacy” Twenty students of creative writing have pioneered the University’s first anthology, a collection of works featuring touching stories of political turmoil and memoirs of hardship and growth. The collection titled Sparks of Lunacy sprang from the first Creative Writing course at Bethlehem University, taught by Mr. Alexander Musleh. The lectures, attended by students of the English Language and Literature Degree, were a chaotic mix of short stories, novels, and even screenplays. They were organized into feedback sessions that allowed the students to share and discuss their works with their peers and teacher. “Because of the support of the English Department and Bethlehem University, I was fortunate enough to attend the best creative writing program in the United Kingdom at the University of Warwick,” Mr. Musleh said.

Sparks of Lunacy

“When I was a student, I sometimes wished to be less restricted by the many rigid rules of academia.” “Of course, rules are still necessary, but I wanted these classes to allow the students to push the boundaries of their creative abilities, and the results were spectacular.” “If anything, this class has taught me that there is a wealth of untapped potential in our community that should not be left to decay.” Students who joined the course praised the way it was taught. “This class gave me the push I needed to share my creative work; I hope someday to be a writer,” said Raneen Rabadi, an English Literature student. Heba Ba’bish, another student, commented “this course is a wake-up call for students to remind them they literally can do anything if they find the love for it.” Sparks of Lunacy will undergo some final edits and design changes during the Fall 2018 semester. The creative writing students and Mr. Musleh hope to publish it, in print and digitally on Bethlehem University’s website, before the end of the semester.



An anthology by Bethlehem University students



Job Creators not Job Seekers Bethlehem University is seeking to produce job creators rather than job seekers.

Dr. Fadi Kattan has been the Dean of the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration since 2002. He holds a PhD in Accounting from the University of Bradford in the UK in addition to several professional certificates in accounting, auditing and finance. He is the founder and director of the Master’s program in International Cooperation and Development. He is the main lecturer in the accounting department at Bethlehem University.

The Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration is developing new courses and business centers as part of Bethlehem University’s mission to serve the Palestinian people through education. In an effort to counter increasing unemployment, the Faculty is working to develop a minor in entrepreneurship. The Faculty has created the Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) to support students in their journey from a business idea to a start-up with potential growth. This was a result of collaboration with the Kelly School of Business at Indiana University, USA. The BBI is an innovative hub that incubates, mentors, and supports local start-ups, entrepreneurs, students and faculty, particularly women and youth interested in the non-ICT sectors. The Faculty also established a Yunus Social Business Center at Bethlehem

University. Earlier this year, the Faculty signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel peace laureate and founder of the Yunus Social Business global initiative. Businesses with a social impact are developing globally and are important to help solve many social problems. The center aims to promote Professor Yunus’s vision of alleviating poverty by implementing the concept of Social Business. The Business Center and the University will organize student exchange and learning visits. These will help students learn first-hand techniques and programs to assist economic development of the poor in developing countries. An annual educational Business Market is also held by the Faculty. Senior business students implement their final seminar projects in a real market environment where they set up their booths and sell various products. These projects aim to prepare students for the job market.



The Camino - No Checkpoints Walking the Camino de Santiago was not easy, but chatting with hikers about the difficulties Palestinians face continuing their education made it seem shorter, Jeries Kitlo said. Jeries was one of seven students who traveled to Spain to join Bethlehem University Foundation board member Ghassan Salameh in walking the final 100 kilometers (62 miles) into Santiago de Compostela.

to the challenges the students face everyday so that people understand why they need our help,” said Ghassan.

As a Palestinian refugee myself, I have a special appreciation for the work that Bethlehem University is doing for young Palestinians. Ghassan Salameh

Ghassan began walking all 800 kilometers (nearly 500 miles) of the Camino in mid-May to raise awareness of Bethlehem University’s unique mission and the challenges its students face in pursuit of their education. He invited others to join him, and by the end of June, more than 40 individuals from 13 countries had joined.

The last leg began on 21 June 2018 in Sarria in Northern Spain on a rainy morning. All were eager to start, yet nervous about walking this section of the trail, locally known as the “leg breaker”, due to the length of the hikes on the coming days.

“Through ‘The Way to Bethlehem’ campaign, I wanted to bring attention

Via social media posts, the students spread the story of Bethlehem

To check the Campaign’s social media on Facebook and Instagram use the handle @TheWaytoBethlehem



University to other pilgrims and the world. They were the focus of the Way. Seeing the world through the eyes of many who had not travelled outside of Palestine, touched the hearts of their fellow hikers. “It was a cultural exchange, a cultural exploration, among fellow pilgrims on the Camino to peacefully explore and discuss new hopes,” student Aseel Salah said. “You cannot go 100 kilometers without checkpoints in the West Bank. This makes the beauty, serenity, and camaraderie of the trail even more precious for us.” When the group finally reached mile marker zero near the Atlantic Ocean (see front cover), they knew that together they had shared a once-in-alifetime journey.

Technovation Mentoring As part of their community service course, ten software engineering, computer science, and business students mentored high school girls to create applications for Technovation Challenge Palestine.

Bethlehem University (pictured above), choose the best teams to qualify for the global challenge. Each team should consist of one to five girls, aged between 10-18, with up to three mentors. The participating team works on finding a solution for a community problem to which they should submit a prototype of the app, a business plan, a demo video, and a pitch video.

The challenge, brought to Palestine by the University’s Instructional Technology Specialist, Tina Hazboun (BU ‘05), involves a 12-week curriculum assisted by course mentors. “In 2013 in the USA, I met the global ambassador of the challenge, Anar Simpson, who introduced me to Technovation,” Ms. Hazboun said.

“Mentoring is all about challenging the team to think, letting each one of them find their own voice, and giving them the opportunity to create themselves,” software engineering student, Mariam Marah Qumsieh, said.

Technovation Challenge focuses on giving girls “the opportunity to learn the skills they need to emerge as tech entrepreneurs and leaders”. In California, Team TMWZ represented Palestine and won the Senior Silver Scholarship and the People's Choice Award during the global competition. They were awarded $10,500 to develop their app and/or continue their higher education. Teams first participate in a local competition where a panel of local judges, including faculty and staff of

Being a technovation Regional Ambassador means helping brilliant minds and aspiring entrepreneurs believe in themselves and achieve their potential. Nothing can beat that!

The challenge is run by the regional ambassadors, Tina Hazboun, Alaa Fatayer from Nablus, and Rana Qrenawi from Gaza. Bethlehem University has hosted the local challenge for two consecutive years in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education and in sponsorship of the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence. Such initiatives are part of Bethlehem University’s mission to empower student leaders.

Tina Hazboun

Regional Ambassadors

Congratulations Team TMWZ



Endowed Scholarships An endowed scholarship is a permanently named scholarship which honors the contribution or memory of someone. From this, Bethlehem University invests your gift and uses the interest earned to support students every academic year.

With the establishment of the Mr. Enrique Elsaca Saud Endowed Scholarship, Mr. Enrique Elsaca Merino became the youngest donor ever to establish a fully endowed scholarship at Bethlehem University. He lives in Chile but his origins go back to Bethlehem. We are proud to be able to give back to our homeland. Change for Palestine will only come through education, and it feels good to contribute. I know Bethlehem University will continue to empower young Palestinians, giving them tools to become what they want and what their country needs. Mr. Enrique Elsaca Merino

I feel empowered and blessed to receive this extraordinary scholarship from the Elsaca Merino Family. Your investment in ambitious students like me is an investment in the future of Palestine. It is very kind of Mr. Elsaca to think of the people of Bethlehem and support them through his commitment to education of students at Bethlehem University. The legacy of the Elsaca Merino Family will always live in my heart and in the hearts of the future recipients of this wonderful scholarship. Kasandra Lolas, recipient of the Mr. Enrique Elsaca Saud Endowed Scholarship for the 20182019 academic year.



The Lasallian education that Dr. George Zarur received from the Christian Brothers at the Frères School in Bethlehem prompted him to support Bethlehem University. Dr. Zarur established two endowed scholarships in memory of Joseph and Regina Abu Zarur, and Frères Etienne Armand. In a way, this is a small repayment of the huge debt that I and so many others owe the Christian Brothers who served so generously and whose sacrifice will never be equaled. Dr. George Zarur

I grew up believing in the power of education, especially for women. Knowledge is the only thing I have that cannot be taken away from me. I am forever grateful to Dr. George Zarur for making attending Bethlehem University possible for me. This scholarship, in memory of Frère Etienne Armand, Director of Collège Des Frères Bethlehem, is a true example of the tremendous effect Lasallian education has on students all over the world. Joelle Ghattas, recipient of the Sons and Daughters of Joseph and Regina Abu Zarur in memory of Frère Etienne Armand Director of Collège Des Frères, Bethlehem for the 2018-2019 academic year.

I struggled a lot before receiving this generous scholarship. I had to work double shifts in local restaurants to cover my tuition. However, now I no longer need to worry about the tuition payments. Instead, I am able to focus more on my studies. Receiving this scholarship has definitely changed my life for the better. I acknowledge, with deep gratitude, the kindness of Dr. George Zarur for believing in the Lasallian educational mission of Bethlehem University. "You do perform miracles by touching hearts" Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle.

Johny Masou, recipient of the Sons and Daughters of Joseph and Regina Abu Zarur in memory of Joseph and Regina Abu Zarur for the 2018-2019 academic year.




Amal Jadou "My years at Bethlehem University were the most formative years of my life. They grounded me in my culture, helped develop my national identity, and empowered me as a woman," said Amal Jadou, a 1995 graduate. Currently the Assistant Minister on European Affairs in the State of Palestine, Ms. Jadu claims that "my activism was developed through activities done at the University, when together with my colleagues I used to receive delegations to explain to them the Palestinian question and life under occupation". "I cherish the friendships I built at the University… I remember fondly the Brothers and Sisters who taught me especially Sister Mary, Brother Cyril, and many others... I loved the dedication of my professors and enjoyed every one of them".

Rifat Kassis “What mattered the most for me was the open and democratic environment inside the University and during classes wherein debates about all kind of issues with no limitations to our thoughts and ideas were allowed and encouraged,” said Rifat Kassis, a 1987 graduate. Rifat Kassis founded Defence for Children International (DCI) in Palestine and was its general director. He is now the Executive Director of GRIP Consulting. He had the opportunity to travel to Amsterdam for an exchange visit while he was a student. This helped him in getting an international contract with a Dutch donor agency to represent them in Central Asia. He explains that “this work was my entry point to successive international experiences that expanded my career and transformed my life and that of my family as they have accompanied me during some of these international jobs.”

Reem Qaraqe A 2007 graduate of the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration, Reem is the sub-branch manager at the Bank of Palestine in Bethlehem. “The most fruitful experience I had in my life was at Bethlehem University,” Reem said. “I met with many lifetime friends and teachers”. “Bethlehem University has prepared me to be a leader in spite of all the challenges in our society”. As an active student, Reem was part of the Dabka and Drama groups. These activities helped her to develop the strong and sociable character needed for her profession.



Nursing Internships The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences sent 22 third-year students on one-month internships to various countries during the summer. The Oncology and Palliative Care High Diploma students interned in Edinburgh, United Kingdom while Occupational Therapy students did their internships in the United States. Nursing students interned in Chile, France, and Germany. This was possible through the generous support and agreements with organizations in these countries.

Sir John McGuckin Internship Program Organized by the Alumni Office, the Sir John McGuckin Internship Program has been providing Bethlehem University students internship opportunities at Christian institutions abroad. This program has had a huge influence on students’ careers and social life. Established in 2010, the program is supported by gifts from the Grand Magisterium in the Vatican, EOHSJ - USA Northwestern Lieutenancy, EOHSJ - USA Western Lieutenancy, the Canada Atlantic Lieutenancy, CNEWA - USA, CNEWA - Canada, and a number of other individual donors. This year, five students interned in the United States and three others interned at Loyola College in Australia.

Lourdes Six Hotel Management students travelled to Lourdes, France, for a three month internship in Lourdes hotels. This was part of a twinning agreement between Bethlehem and Lourdes municipalities. Five of our students are seen here with the Mayor of Lourdes, Josette Bourdeu.



Thank You For Your Generosity to Bethlehem $100,000+ Signum Fidei

Bethlehem University Foundation EOHSJ ‑ Grand Magisterium EOHSJ ‑ USA Southwestern Lieutenancy Mrs Suad Husseini Juffali The Papal Foundation Mr Ghassan & Dr Suava Salameh

$50,000+ Founders’ Club

Anonymous - USA The Breast Cancer Research Foundation - USA Custody of the Holy Land EOHSJ - USA Southeastern Lieutenancy European Union - AFRAT German Association of the Holy Land - Jerusalem Office Indiana University Bloomington Mr Alberto Kasssis Sabag Mr Maurice Khamis OXFAM - NOVIB Salvatorian Sisters, Milwaukee Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA University of Washington

$25,000+ Trustees’ Club

Brothers of the Christian Schools ‑ Eastern North America - In memory of Br Thomas Scanlan, FSC Bethlehem University DAI ‑ PMDP Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane Friends of the Holy Land ‑ Palestine Medical Aid for Palestinians National Geographic Society Mr Tony & Mrs Ilham Saca


Chairman’s Club Mr & Mrs Elias Aburdene Andreas Foundation Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Catholic Mission Australia EOHSJ ‑ Canada, Toronto Lieutenancy EOHSJ ‑ England & Wales Lieutenancy EOHSJ ‑ USA Eastern



Lieutenancy EOHSJ ‑ USA Western Lieutenancy German Society for International Collaboration Helen Brach Foundation Koch Foundation Konrad Adenauer Stiftung E.V. Mr Luis Napoleon Larach Gerald P. McAfee Münster University of Applied Sciences National Financial Services LLC New Zealand Embassy in Turkey Rotary Club ‑ Bethlehem Schwab Charitable Fund Breda and George Shelton Mr & Mrs Joseph B. Starshak The Catenian Association, UK The Catholic Foundation United Holy Land Fund Whirlpool Corporation


Chancellor’s Club Al‑Balqa' Applied University American Embassy to Israel Araeen & Bonzanigo Limited Bethlehem Association Scholarship Fund Christian Brothers Community at Manhattan College - In memory of Br Thomas Scanlan, FSC Christian Brothers St. John’s Community Comitato Internazionale Per Lo Sviluppo Dei Popoli (CISP) Dr Rose Mary Dreussi Embassy of the United Arab Emirates - USA EOHSJ ‑ USA North Central Lieutenancy Mr Walid H. Kattan Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Dr Justine McCabe, Ph.D. - In memory of Gale Courey Toensing Middle East Children’s Alliance Dr Mary E. Moran Her Excellency Mary Currivan O’Brien, LGCHS Mary Cassaretto Simon SiParadigm Diagnostic Informatics Inc. Zoi¨ Environment Network


Vice Chancellor’s Club Anonymous, BU ‘78 Anonymous - Lebanon Anonymous - Palestine Anonymous - USA Dr Said S. Abu Zahra Dr & Mrs Samir Abu‑Ghazaleh Mr & Mrs Bassam Aburdene Arab Orthodox Charitable Society ‑ Beit Sahour Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn Archdiocese of Chicago Archdiocese of Hartford Issa & Doris Baconi Jim & Kay Barmettler The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair Linda and David Bohan Mr Robert Brass Brenda & Gregory Hamer Family Fund Dr David Brooks Mr Louis Calvelli Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Dr Claudia Chaufan - In memory of my mother in-law Lily Field Br Henry John Chaya, FSC Mark & Jane Chopko Christian Brothers Community La Salle Institute - Glencoe Church of Our Lady & St. Dominic, Farnborough, UK Mr Salvatore P. Ciampo Community Foundation of Acadiana His Eminence Blase Cardinal Cupich Daughters of Charity, St. Vincent de Paul, Bethlehem De La Salle Community Philadelphia De La Salle Institute - Napa De La Salle Solidarieta Internazionale/SECOLI Diocese of Phoenix Jared & Maryann Dorn Dr Hani Shawa Foundation Rev & Mrs Bill Edebohls EOHSJ ‑ Australia, Queensland Lieutenancy EOHSJ ‑ USA Northern Lieutenancy Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Deacon & Mrs Paul Faherty

Ms Jean E. Fargo Mr & Mrs Joseph D. Ferone Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Reverend Adam Forno, KHS Dr & Mrs Hassan Fouda Mr Varghese R. George Hani Qaddumi Scholarship Foundation Mrs Paula M. Harris - In memory of Ernie Harris Edward & Janet Hazboun Rami & Hana Hussien Ms Brigitte Jaensch Andrew & Diana Jezycki Mr Nils & Mrs Josephine Kamsvaag Mr Waleed D’keidek Mr & Mrs Les W. Kirk Dr Peter Kleine‑Katthöfer The Reverend George J. Kuhn - In honor of Mary T. Kuhn Samar & William Langhorne Latin Parish ‑ Beit Sahour Latin Patriarchate Schools ‑ Beit Jala The Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust Ms Ma. Asuncion N. Llabata Loyola College, Watsonia Manhattan College Mr Luca Marmo Mr Shane McCartin Dr Thomas & Mrs Sally McGovern Drs Matthew & Moira McQueen Nationwide Marketing Group, LLC Dr Brennan O’Donnell, Ph.D. Project Loving Care Society/ Fatmeh Abu Al‑Suud Fund Prof. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh Lois Harr & John M. Reilly Barbara G. Reynolds - In memory of Dr Joseph P. Reynolds Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science His Excellency Michael J. & Wendy A. Ruck Saint Agnes Church, Arlington Ms Mary H. Saleh The Pilarin & Jose Eduardo Siman Charitable Fund St Peter’s Parish ‑ Hazel Grove Mr Dave Stannard Mr & Mrs Bernard D. Steinart Mrs Jean K. Stout Barry & Winnifred F. Sullivan Syriac Community in Sweden

University and Bethlehem University Foundation Mr Peter J. Tanous Tree of Life Educational Fund, Inc. UNOPS Ms Mary Walkinshaw


Special Friends AFPS - Association France Palestine Solidarité Mr John Albina Dr & Mrs Peter Allies Anonymous ‑ Jerusalem Anonymous - USA Anonymous - USA - In memory of Br Joseph Neary, FSC Anonymous - Philippines Archdiocese of San Francisco Mr & Mrs William Bean Believer ‑ Norsebery ‑ Sweden Mr & Mrs Robert L Berner, Jr The Reverend Monsignor Paul A. Byrnes Ms Rebecca Calaor The Reverend Monsignor Frank Caldwell The Very Reverend Joseph P. Callipare Mr & Mrs Raymond C. Ceasar - In memory of Br Vincent Malham, FSC Jack & Yvette Connell Mr & Mrs Mariano Corpuz ‑ In memory of Zoila A. Corpuz Lady Ann S. Dickson, LC*HS ‑ In honor of Br Joseph Loewenstein, FSC Ms Maryann Donohue‑Lynch Ms Kristine Dunne Maher Ms Shan Edwards Ms Ala Y. A. Elazem The Reverend Kail C. Ellis, OSA Mr & Mrs John H. Erickson Dr John Farrelly & Mrs Aileen Lowry Farrelly Col. Richard Flahavan, KC*HS The Reverend Todd E. Foster Frères des Ēcoles Chrétiennes du Canada Francophone Francesca Gonzato - Rete Radié Resch of Verona Mr Joe Green Major Derek & Major Nicole Grenier Mr Walter A. Kimbrough, Jr, KC*HS The Reverend Daniel N. Klem The Reverend Monsignor John E. Kozar Lewis University

Mr & Mrs Mark McCoy Mr Frank McQuoid Mr Benjamin Monastero III The Reverend Monsignor Ronald A. Newland, KHS His Eminence Edwin Cardinal O’Brien Our Lady of Lourdes Parish ‑ Sunnybank Judge Roger C. Plichta, KCHS Ms Lillibeth Pono Richard & Jane Rodeheffer. Sacred Heart Cathedral Community - In honor of Br Ronald Gallagher, FSC Richard Schweitzer Ms Hala Sfeir Ms Susan Shawl Brian & Betty Singer-Towns Mr & Mrs Joseph Singian St. Efram Church ‑ Sweden St. John Stone Friary Shibley Telhami & Kathryn Hopps The Anglosphere Society The Catholic Foundation In memory of Br Vincent Malham, FSC Keith Walters & Jonathan Tamez Mr Michael J. Westerfield - In memory of Susan Westerfield Mr John L. Youngblood


Century Club Mr Nicholas Abramson Ms Maha Alami Ms Virginia Almario Mr Sammy Alqasem Anonymous ‑ Australia Anonymous ‑ France Anonymous ‑ Philippines Anonymous ‑ USA Anonymous ‑ USA - To celebrate the Palestinian people Ann Marie & Joe Arden Ms Adelfa Armentia The Very Reverend Christopher Armstrong, STD, JCD - In honor of St. Joseph, husband of Mary Kathleen & George Austin The Reverend Ismael Ayala Ayco Charitable Foundation Mr & Mrs Nader Barakat The Reverend Thomas J. Barry Br Thomas W. Barton, OSF Mrs Karen L. Batroukh Prof. Anne Benjamin

Mrs Tracy L. Bernard Dr Deacon Joseph & Marilyn Bianca Mr & Ms Rafic A. Bizri Marianne & John Borelli Denise, LC*HS & Michael Boswell Mr Alexander Boucher Mrs Naomi Bowen Mr & Mrs Joseph F. Boyle Prof. John R. Breihan & Dr Ann Whitney Breihan Mrs Nicole Brodeur The Most Reverend Timothy Broglio Mr & Mrs Charles H. Brown III John & Christine Brown The Most Reverend Neal James Buckon The Reverend John E. Burger - In memory of Rev Philip J. King The Reverend John R. Burke Mr & Mrs Cannon Mrs Catherine Carey Caritas Jerusalem Jack & Gerry Casey Br Thomas P. Casey, FSC Catholic Biblical School Group Members Catholic Community Foundation Suzanne Ching - In memory of the parents and brother of Father Felix Just, SJ. Mr & Mrs Michael J. Cooper - In memory of Adrienne Cooper Dr & Mrs Thomas A. Coppinger Mr A. Paul Cravedi Dennis & Nora Creech Mr & Mrs William Crist Mr & Mrs Paul Crossey CTU Retreat Group members, USA Mrs Deborah Darnes Jim & Marilyn Day Ms Christina Deajon Mrs Anne DePalo, Esq. The Reverend Charles E. Des Ruisseaux Mr & Mrs John P. Dockery Mr & Mrs Jeff Donnes Mr & Mrs Patrick D. Dorsey - In appreciation of Br Neil Kieffe, FSC Albert G. Doumar - In memory of Evelyn Ann Doumar Dr Wilfried’s Group members, Germany Ms Corazon Dumawal Mr Peter Durkin

March - August 2018 Mr Dennis Duvall Peter & Kathy Eder - In memory of Archbishop Giovanni De Andrea Mrs E. Edwards Rev Fr Michael Elligate Mr & Mrs Russell W. Engle Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Episcopal Peace Fellowship Maine Exelon Foundation Matching Gift Program Experience Travel Tours Group members, UK Mrs Angela Fairweather Mary D. Farrell Mr Richard Forer Mr & Mrs Clifton A. Foster The Rev & Mrs Stanley Fowler Br Michael Fugger, FSC Ms Jane Funk Mr John Joseph Garvey Mr & Mrs Frank Giannantonio GRALTA Foundation Inc. Br Paul L. Grass, FSC Ms Adele Gray Ms Ria Greene Ms Gail M. Gresser The Reverend Monsignor Edmund Griesedieck Mr Daryl Hall Rich & Sue Harpe Dr & Mrs Edward A. Hazbun In memory of Mary Hazboun Rev Gerard Hetherington, KCHS Mr Wm. Michael Hewes Mr Kamal Hussein The Reverend Robert P. Imbelli Rev Andrew Jekot, PP Mr I Jessiman Jewish Voice for Peace Inc. Dr William Kadish - In honor of Rachael Kadish & Maximus Thaler Harry & Ana Katz Dr Virginia Kaufmann Drs Nabil & Mouna Khoury - In memory of Mr Farid Awad Sir John & Lady Mary King Herrn Prof. Dr Klaus Koenen Ms Marta Krämer The Reverend Monsignor Raymond J. Kupke La Salle University group members‑USA The Reverend Joel LaBauve Steve LeGendre Dr Henry Lowendorf - To celebrate the children of Palestine & their mentors



Thank You For Your Generosity to Bethlehem

The Most Reverend George J. Lucas Ms Helen I. Mahylis Mrs Maria McCormack McGrath Family Fund Ms Lucy C. McGuirk Mr Christian J. Michener Middle East Crisis Committee The Reverend Monsignor Dennis Mikulanis, STD, KCHS The Reverend Thomas J. Millane Mr Amilka Nazim Mohideen Abdul Kader Ms Alice S. Moore - In memory of Br Luke Salm, FSC Mr John E. Moyer Joseph Nix Dr Donal O’Donnell The Reverend Robert Oldershaw Our Lady Queen of All Creation Parish Mr Michael John Jude Palmer Sir Peter, KCHS & Lady Maria Pang, LCHS The Most Reverend Richard E. Pates Mr & Mrs V. Robert Payant Ms Virginia Peacock Rosemary & Wincelaus Podbielski - In memory of Kuzniewski/Podbielski Families Pontifical Mission for Palestine Sr Clare Pratt, RSCJ Catherine Quigley Mr & Mrs Thomas E. Quigley Monika L. & John Q. Rathbone - In memory of John Rathbone Mr & Mrs Kevin J. Retzke Bishop Gregory & Martha Rickel Mr John W. Roberts Mr & Mrs David W. Robinson Br David Rogers, FSC Mr & Mrs Sal Rosato Ms Anita R. Rosenblithe The Reverend Monsignor Walter R. Rossi Mr S. Rainsford Rouner Mr & Mrs Charles Rouse The Reverend Patrick J. Rush Dr & Mrs Peter M. Sanfelippo, M.D. Mr & Mrs Daniel Schevis - In memory of James & Mary Leach Fred & Lavonn Schlegel The Reverend Monsignor



Francis X. Schmidt Mr David R. Schultze II Mr Joseph Sciame The Reverend Lawrence A. Seyer Dr Ali Shakibai, M.D. Mrs Mary Shehadeh - In memory of Dr Nazmi M. Shehadeh Br Dominic Smith, FSC John & Kathy Smith Ana M. Spitzmesser The Reverend Paul W. Steller Mrs Margaret Suchan‑Pickert Khalil & Samar Tanas - In memory of Rizkallah Khoury Marcella Tanzola - In honor of Father Thomas Rosica, CSB The Reverend Anton ten Klooster – To celebrate The Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church The Reverend Richard Tero Mr & Mrs Jacob E. Terpstra The Reverend Robert Tobin In honor of Mazin Qumsiyeh, Creation of the Palestine Museum of Natural History Ms Jane Toby Ms Jan (Yann) van Heurck Mr & Mrs Glenn Vice Mr & Mrs Daniel F. Warden Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ Ms Gwen E. Williams - In memory of Richard Garcia Mr Christopher A. Wilson Ms Mary Wilson - In honor of Mazin Qumsiyeh Ms Alice Whitehill Wiseberg Mrs Maria Wojcik Mr Philip Wood

Up to $99

Silver Anniversary Mr & Mrs James Abadia Mrs Aisha H. Abduljawad Ms Peggy Ahwesh Mr Reem al Foudeh John & Monica Alexandra AmazonSmile Foundation Br Michael A. Andrejko, FSC Anonymous ‑ Australia Anonymous ‑ Qatar Anonymous ‑ Regina Pacis Group – USA Anonymous ‑ USA Anonymous ‑ USA ‑ In memory of Jesus of

Nazareth Australian Harvest Group members Mr Waseem Awayed Mr William Bault Mr Arthur Baumeister Mr & Mrs Ronald J. Beare Dr Michael Bentley Mr Reinhold Binder Mr & Mrs Steve Bird Brisbane Group members ‑ Australia Br Christopher Buck, FSC Dr Miriam G. Burke, Ph.D. - In memory of my mother Mrs Pauline Burton Mr & Mrs Paul Chester Bush Ms Maureen Carroll Rev Kathryn Choy‑Wong & Mr Arthur Wong Mr Mark Clark - In honor of Mary Elizabeth Clark, SSJ Henry & Marjorie Conroy The Reverend Monsignor John R. Dale Mr Philip Davenport Prof./Cav. & Mrs Philip J. Di Novo Terri & Karl Eder - In memory of Archbishop Giuseppe De Andrea Ms Susan Etscovitz ExxonMobil Foundation Br Joseph Fabiano, FSC Mr Thomas J. Fasl Ms Gail Flackett Dolores Foster Mr James H. Frances Mr Adrian Fröhlich Dr Peter Gilbert Ms Merle Gilbo Ms Else Gjorup Mrs Mary Gonzalez Mr Anthony S. Graefe Ms Lama Haddadin The Most Reverend Bernard J. Harrington Dr Bara Hasanain Maryann F. Hayward Mr Dudley Hendrick The Reverend John N. Hickox Ms Barbara A. Higgins - In memory of Br Thomas Scanlan, FSC Mrs Catherine Hoffman Edward Horvat Paul & Mary Hurley Mrs Anny Jacquett Ms Gertrude C. Johnson - In honor of Br Robert Schieler, FSC, Superior William R. Jorgensen - In

memory of Mary Jorgensen The Most Reverend Francis J. Kane The Reverend James J. Kane Dr David H. Kelly Col. J.J. Kelly, KCHS - In memory of Patrick Troy, KHS The Reverend James P. Kiesel Mrs Merilyn Laird Ms Mary Lane Mr & Mrs Christopher Lindley Ms Kristin Loken Ms Heather Mathew Mrs Sally E. McClean Mr & Mrs Noel McGee Br Joel William McGraw, FSC - In memory of Br Vincent Malham, FSC Mr Thomas McIlroy Mr Paul McKeon Mrs Moira C. McLean John & Vera McMahon Ms Sandy McNeely Mr & Mrs Edward Michael Robert L. Miller, KHS M. & Mme André Miquel The Reverend John R. Morris, OP Mr Mahmoud A. Moussa Deacon Roger P. Mullaney Mr John Murray Frederick & Mary Ellen Muth Dr Yvonne A. Nelson Mr Nicholas A. Nemil Ms Linda Nishi - In memory of Donna Reschke Sir John H. Nutley, KGCHS Mrs Margaret O’Connor - In memory of Alan O’Connor Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ Br Leonardus Paauw, FSC Mr David Parker Sr Ann Porter Mrs Heather Hawkins Preimesberger Mr Roshan Punnoose Ms Anthea Rix Mr Bashar Rjoub Ms Marielle Robinson Ms Ann‑Margaret B. Shaheen Mr & Mrs Barney J. Skladany, Jr Mrs Margaret Snowden Mr Miguel A. C. Soto Mrs Emma Stanford Mr Cletus G. Stein Mrs Janice Stiefel Jerold & Kathleen Stratton Mino Sullivan Br Shakeel Syed Mr & Mrs John Sylvester Mrs Arlene Tolopko - To

University and Bethlehem University Foundation

Bethlehem University 2018 Statistics Student Enrollment 2018-2019 Masters







Robert Benson Passes Away


Total Students for 2018-2019

Mr. Robert Benson, a devoted and energetic Friend of Bethlehem University for more than 20 years, sadly passed away in September. He served on the International Board of Regents of Bethlehem University and was the Founder and Chair of the Friends of Bethlehem University in England and Wales. Mr. Benson's contribution and dedication to the support of Bethlehem University continues through the Cardinal de Furstenburg and Cardinal Hume Endowments, which he and his Friends established in support of the Religious Studies Department at Bethlehem University.

Higher Diploma

23% 759 Male

77% 2,553 Female

Religion Christian 774 Muslim 2,538

441 Employees

Student Home Locations

16,584 Alumni



Teacher to Student Ratio


Jenin 3 Tubas 2

Tulkarm 7 Nablus 5

Salfit 2

Ramallah & Al-Bireh 30

Jericho 3

celebrate Ahed Tamimi Dr & Mrs David Toorawa Mr & Mrs Michael Toso Mr & Mrs William Tunilla Ms Elisabeth Utting Ken & Pat Vincent Sir Harold Walker Mr Robert J. Weindorfer Br Robert Werle, FSC - In memory of Br Vincent Malham, FSC Ms Mary Wolfe Mr & Mrs John S. Woodward In memory of Albert Hazbun Mr Warren S. Wright Ms Joan C. Wutz Lt Christopher York

March - August 2018

Jerusalem 1,463 Bethlehem 1,527 Hebron 265

Others 5 Map of West Bank, Palestine




Visitors March - August 2017

March - August 2018

March, Ketevan Burduladze's Group, Georgia

March, Houma Thibodaux Group, US

March, Focus Group, US

March, St. Mary's College, US

March, Focus Group, US

March, Experience Travel Tours, UK

March, Bribsbane 8VP Group, Australia



March, Henry Bromelkamp Group, US

March, La Salle University, US

March, Norwich Anglican Diocese, UK

March, Msgr. Rossi's Group, US

March, Claudia Volk Group, Germany

March, Manhattan College, US

April, Niehoff Group, US

April, Regina Pacis Group, US

April, Fr. Hogan Group, Australia

April, SCS Group, Australia

April, Rev. Danzey Group, US

April, Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Group, Australia

April, Marist Brothers Group, Australia



Visitors March - August 2018

April, Catholic Biblical School, US

April, Diocese of Nanterre, France

April, Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, US

April, Ludo Group, Belgium

April, EOHSJ-England and Wales Lieutenancy

May, St. Joseph's College, Canada



May, Spanish Group

April, Eastern Lieutenancy, US

May, Mr. Paul Welsh, US

May, Benedictine College, US

May, AGT- Fr. Malone Group, US

May, Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary Group, US

May, AGT Group, US

May, Fr. Kurvers Group, Netherlands

May, Schweiger Group, Germany

May, Fr. Richard Ross Group, Australia

May, New Zealand Group

May, Dr. Kathleen Batato Egan, US

May, Fr. Andrew Jekot Group, Australia



Visitors March - August 2018

June, Fr.Gabriel Ezenwa' Mr. Christopher Hohnen Group, Australia

June, Glasgow University, Scotland

June, Dr. Wilfried's Group, Germany

June, Catholic Theological Union Trustee Group,US

June, Ecce Homo Group, Internationals

July, Fr. Bulski Group, Poland



June, CTU Retreat Group, US

July, Msgr. Graham Group, US

July, Palestinian American Community Center, US

July, Abraham's Children Group, US

July, KTH Conference, Internationals

July, Northwest University, China

August, Ray Goodlass, Australia

August, Institut fĂźr Evangelische Theologie, Germany

August, Dr. Wissam Yacoub, France

August, Prof. Wiesbeck Group, Germany



Science Fair, Page 6

Giving to Bethlehem University Giving to Bethlehem University Online: By mail, please send your cheques to: Bethlehem University, Advancement Office P.O. Box 11407 – 92248 Jerusalem

Gifts from the local and international communities can be made via check to ‘Bethlehem University’ or by bank transfer. USA For more information please contact:

Online: Bethlehem University Make your check out to: Advancement Office ‘Bethlehem University Foundation’ P.O. Box 11407 – 92248 Jerusalem tax deductible TEL:a +970 2 274 1242non-profit, eligible for employer FAX: +970 2 274 4440 matching gifts. (TAX ID 223600739-) and mail to:

United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, and Switzerland

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To keep hope, faith, and the dreams of so many young people in Palestine alive, please consider making a gift.

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