Bethlehem Bethlehem University News - Volume 15
Issue No. 2 - 2006-2007
In Solidarity with Bethlehem University 1
A World of Friends
Bethlehem University
Editorial Committee Ms. Carol Sansour Dabdoub
A Message from the Vice Chancellor
Dear Friends, One of the strong cultural traits of Palestinian society is a warm sense of hospitality. The town of Bethlehem and the University campus are noteworthy for this wonderful quality. On an almost daily basis, faculty and students welcome to the University campus pilgrims and tourists, academicians and diplomats, journalists and clergy. You will read in this edition of the Bethlehem University News about the visits of these guests to the campus over the past several months and how warmly welcomed each was to the University. Remarks made during conversations with our visitors about our faculty and students such as: “Their inspiration keeps us coming back” or “Our visit to Bethlehem University was indeed the only true sign of hope we saw during our pilgrimage” are clear signs of the rich experience, which our guests have as a result of their visit. You will also read in these pages a variety of stories about the academic life of the University in sponsored conferences, collaboration with other universities in graduate scholarship opportunities and research initiatives.
Brother Jack Curran Mr. Samer Hanania (BU‘04) Ms. Paola Handal Ms. Elsa Hazboun (BU‘78) Dr. Fadi Kattan (BU‘91) Mr. Mousa Rabadi (BU‘93) Contributors Dr. Mellie Brodeth Brother Daniel Casey Mr. Justus Eberl Ms. Eman Hadweh (BU‘98) Mr. Mike Hazboun (BU‘02) Ms. Rania Hazboun (BU‘96) Ms. Minerva Hisnat Brother Peter Irolano Ms. Manal Kassis Mr. Rami Kassis (BU‘94) Father Jamal Khader Father Paul Maddison Ms. Gladys Mansour (BU‘81) Brother Jerome Sullivan Photography: Mr. Amir Bannoura (BU ‘08) Mr. Justus Eberl Mr. Samer Hanania (BU‘04) Mr. Joseph Hodali (BU ‘08) Ms. Waad Nasrallah (BU’08) Special thanks to: Maan News Network Design & Printing Nour Design & Print Co.
David Nour (BU‘95) Selina Tabash (BU‘98) Published by the Office of Development and Public Relations Brother Jack Curran Vice President for Development
Ms. Carol Sansour Dabdoub
Given the catastrophic economic situation in Palestine, the University is even more in need of the generous support of donors. Fortunately, the generosity of various Christian churches, governments, foundations and many individual donors continues to be a major source of making the University financially viable.
Public Relations Director
Dr. Mellie Brodeth Development Officer
Brother Joseph Loewestein Special Projects
Mr. Samer Hanania (BU‘04) Public Relations Officer
Ms. Rania Hazboun (BU‘96)
I thank each of you for your prayers, demonstrated interest and generosity to our educational mission. Each of you is making a lasting contribution to the lives of our students by your faithful support of Bethlehem University.
Development Secretary
Mr. Justus Eberl Public Relations and Development Assistant
Cover picture: Chapel of the Divine Child at Bethlehem University
Courtesy of Maan News Network
We welcome your comments Bethlehem University
Brother Daniel Casey, FSC Vice Chancellor
Location address: Rue des Freres Bethlehem, Palestine Mailing address: P.O.Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem Electronic address:
Table of Contents Your Feedback
News in Brief
A World of Friends
Bethlehem University in Figures Fall 2006 Student enrollment: 2,599 Alumni of the University: 10,459 Faculty: 147 Sta: 172 Student Gender Distribution
A Visitor's Account
Alumni Reflections
Highlighting Commonalities
Student Religious AďŹƒliations
Thank You List
Sources of Income
Your Feedback
“I will always remember that day we visited Bethlehem and how gracious you were to show us around the campus. I was so impressed with the University and the student life there. It has left a lasting impression in my memory.” Monsignor James D. Conley, USA
“I was fortunate enough to visit your University. I had a super time talking to staff and students and was given an excellent meal prepared by your Hotel Management students. This was very interesting and I enjoyed our visit so much so that I have decided to do my college project on Palestine and what it’s like for people to live under occupation.” Ms. Karen Shurety, UK
“It was a great pleasure to be in Bethlehem University during our last trip with the European delegation. We felt such a vibrant atmosphere with all the students around.” Mr. Robin Marsh, UK
“The time with you was quite meaningful.” Mrs. Grace Nelson, USA
“It was wonderful to meet you all and to witness your positiveness - I just think you are all wonderful. Thank you for all you did for me. It was a privilege to be with you all.” Ms Leila Ingrams, Spain
“As a Virginia Tech alumnus, I would like to thank Brother Daniel Casey, FSC, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University for his words of condolences. During times such as these, our grief knows no nationality or religion or race. We can only hope that the day will come when we can all live in peace, free of the violence that takes so many innocent lives every day.”
“It is nice to once again experience the courteous and professional reception I have come to expect from Bethlehem University.” Fr. Garret Edmunds, o.f.m, Jerusalem
“Visiting the University was spiritually uplifting. The truth was factually shown to visitors. Faculty and students alike had convincing arguments in terms of basic human rights and they are more effective than our elected officials.” Mr. Zahi Khoury, Palestine
We would love to
Mr. William A. Bell, USA
hear your comments
“The most memorable part of the trip to Bethlehem was the students at the University. The impact they had on me was huge. I think it is essential for everyone when they travel to spend a good amount of time interacting with the students at the University.”
and feedback. Please
Mr. Mark Gilson, USA
graduate DON’T
send us your letters to: If you are a Bethlehem University forget to include your class year.
Bethlehem University
News in Brief
Collaboration with Georgetown University On Friday, November 10, 2006, in the presence of Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Afif Safieh, Palestinian Ambassador to the United States, the administrators and friends of Georgetown University and Bethlehem University, including representatives of the Jesuits and De La Salle Christian Brothers, celebrated a historic academic collaboration. This collaboration will include support for selected Bethlehem University graduates to pursue their Masters degree at Georgetown University in order to return to Bethlehem University as faculty or staff members. As part of Bethlehem University’s “grow our own
Br. Daniel Casey, Dr. John De Gioia, Mr. Denis Owens and Brother Jerome Sullivan
program” a generous scholarship has been provided by a Georgetown graduate who is a strong supporter of both Georgetown University and Bethlehem University. In his statement of acknowledgement, Dr. John J. De Gioia, President of Georgetown, noted, “We at Georgetown hold as a high priority the expansion and deepening of our partnerships with institutions that are dedicated to the Catholic
tradition and committed to the formation of students to be leaders in society.” Brother Daniel Casey, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University responded saying, “it is most appropriate that this collaboration is between the first Catholic University founded in the United States and the first and only Catholic University in the Holy Land.”
A New Research Initiative Starts at Bethlehem University Representatives of the universities of Siena and Pavia in Italy visited Bethlehem University along with colleagues from Bir Zeit and An-Najah universities to launch a research initiative focusing on “Sustainable Palestinian Business Environment.” This initiative comes as a follow up of what started in the year 2004 during the PEACE Conference held at Bethlehem University. Over
Bethlehem University
the coming three years the research initiative will be generously funded by the Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Professor Gianni Vaggi, Director of the European School of Advanced Studies in Co-operation and Development at the University of Pavia and a
Representatives of Siena, Pavia, Bir Zeit, An Najah and Bethlehem universities
visiting professor at Bethlehem University considers this initiative as a “very useful and constructive collaboration which will lead to further development and cooperation.”
News in Brief
African American Month Celebrated!
On Wednesday, 14th February, Dr. Monique Taylor, Ph.D. in Sociology from Harvard University, visited Bethlehem University and gave a lecture on the History of African Americans and the Civil Rights Movement in the USA. This activity came as part of a program organized by the American Consulate in Jerusalem, commemorat-
ing February as African American Month. Dr. Taylor’s lecture, which was attended by students from the department of Social Sciences, presented an opportunity to learn, discuss and relate to other discrimination policies and experiences in modern history.
Dr. Taylor interacting with students
American and Palestinian Students Building Bridges
International Lasallian Encounter On the 5th of January, twelve students from Saint Mary’s College of California (SMC) visited with ten students from Bethlehem University. The Bethlehem University students warmly welcomed, hosted, informed, and engaged in dialogue the Saint Mary’s students. They each shared their insights and their questions about current socio-political as well as religious and cultural happenings. The dialogue among the students evidenced that they are well-informed, well-educated, articulate, considerate, and curious about the other, real signs of HOPE for a better future! After touring the Bethlehem University campus the students visited a number of other sites in the Beth-
Bethlehem University
lehem area: the birth place of Jesus at the Nativity Church, the Shepherds Fields, the Israeli-built Separation Wall in and around Rachel’s Tomb and Bethlehem town, and Dheisheh Refugee Camp. The group enjoyed a light lunch at one of the local shawarma shops and ended the day with a relaxing dinner and engaging conversation in Beit Sahour at the Shepherds’ Tent. Even though the weather was a bit cold and rainy on and off during the day, the engagement among the students was warm, sincere, stimulating, and tremendously encouraging. It was truly a miraculous international Lasallian encounter.
News in Brief
Al-Johar Family Believing that obtaining a decent education is the first step towards building a better future, Al Johar family decided to invest in the education of five Bethlehem University students through sponsoring their tuition fees. All members of Al Johar family who originally come from Bir Nabala, a village outside Ramallah, Palestine, contribute to a fund that is designated to support students not only in three Palestinian Universities (An Najah, BirZeit and Bethlehem) but also in high schools all over Palestine. Upon receiving the scholarship, Bethlehem University students expressed their gratitude and appreciation of Al Johar’s efforts, and pledged to do their best to help spread the hope and goodwill, which was brought on to them.
Thank You!
Ms. Gladys Mansour (BU‘81), Student Finance Officer, receiving Al Johar’s gift
Patricia Barbernitz Endowed Scholarship Rev. Richard Tillman of the St. John Evangelist Roman Catholic Parish in Columbia, Maryland, led a pilgrimage of about forty parishoners to the Holy Land in June 2006. The pilgrims visited Bethlehem University and were welcomed by the Student Ambassadors, faculty and administrators.
the pilgrims and their parish. One of the group wrote,
“Our visit to the University was indeed the only true sign of hope we saw during our pilgrimage.”
The visit to Bethlehem University made a lasting impression on
Upon their return to the parish, Dr. Jack Breihan decided to
reflect this feeling by organizing an endowed scholarship to commemorate the pilgrimage and to honor their esteemed Director of Evangelization, Patricia Barbernitz, who was retiring. The response was swift and pledges are now being collected for the St. John the Evangelist Parish - Patricia Barbernitz Endowed Scholarship. The $25,000.00 endowment is well on its way.
Invest in the Future! 7
Bethlehem University
For Scholarship Information
News in Brief
“They’re just like us!” Young Palestinians, born and living in Jaffa, Haifa and Nazareth visited Bethlehem University campus on March 13th. Many of those young men and women had never been to the Palestinian Authority Areas before.
Moments after their arrival they mixed with Bethlehem University students who eagerly welcomed them, producing a lively and rather noisy crowd at the Social-Cultural Center. There was no hesitation on either side with Arabic being their common language. “I understand what he is saying - but it sounds just too funny to me” BU Student Ambassador Areej Jafari said after talking to a Palestinian student from Haifa, who apparently had a heavy accent.
Visiting Bethlehem University’s Palestinian Heritage Center Turathuna, students together explored their common heritage and history, sharing experiences about their daily life in two very different places. “I am glad my University provides us with the opportunity to meet those guys, especially since we’re not allowed to go there,” commented BU student Ayah Bseisy. “After all we found out, they’re just like us!
Areej Jafari (Student Ambassador, BU’07), engaging guests
Bethlehem University
News in Brief
Bethlehem University Continues its Annual Fundraising Events in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Archbishop Fouad Twal, President of Bethlehem University, along with Brother Daniel Casey, Vice Chancellor, and Ms. Carol Sansour Dabdoub, Director of Public Relations, were invited by the Friends of Bethlehem University to take part in two concerts in support of Bethlehem University. Both events were a huge success, thanks to the Dal’ouna group, which performed a magical folkloric and oriental repertoire, creating a mood of nostalgia amongst the enthusiastic audience. Our sincere gratitude to our Friends in Dubai and Abu Dhabi who organized the event and who steadfastly continue supporting Bethlehem University. 9
Bethlehem University
Institute for Community Towards a Partnership
News in Brief
Sustainable Future
Promoting Justice, Democracy and Leadership Conducted by the Institute of Community Partnership at Bethlehem University and through the assistance of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in the Palestinian Territories,
young men and women from Bethlehem, Hebron and East-Jerusalem received training in civic education, democratic values, non-violent conflict resolution and political com-
mitment. In addition, a “Palestinian Leadership-Building-Program” was carried out, with the objective of training elected representatives and staff of municipalities and local governments on democratic values, good governance and related topics. Building on a long-term cooperation with the Institute for Community Partnership, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aims at encouraging participation of members of the community in all aspects of political and economic life, thus, promoting sustainable development, social justice and prosperity.
Representative of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung addressing graduates
From Bethlehem to China and Back As part of the Online Professional Diploma Programs funded by the Quality Improvement Fund (QIF) at the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Institute for Community Partnership (ICP) Director Moussa Rabadi, and Project Manager Eman Hadweh, participated in a study tour in China with the aim of benefiting from the Chinese experience in e-learning. The study tour was organized by Nanjing University, ranked number one among Chinese universities, and included visits to e-learning centers at Beijing University, Nanjing University, Jiangnan University, the Higher Education Town in Suzhou and Zhongshan University. Several meetings were held with prominent 10
Bethlehem University
professors in the field of online education and pedagogy. A major output of the trip was an immediate cooperation with Nanjing University to develop a number of modules for Bethlehem University’s new Online Professional Diplomas. With the efforts of a team of twenty consultants (including Instructional Designers, Multi Media Staff and Subject Matter Experts from universities around Palestine) the first Online Professional Diploma is expected to be launched at Bethlehem University in June 2007. The three
Diplomas are in Small-Scale Business Management, E-Business and Project Management. These are the first Diplomas in Palestine accredited by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education that use blended learning (a combination of online learning and face-to-face learning).
Ms. Eman Hadweh (BU‘98) and Mr. Mousa Rabadi (BU‘93) with new partners in China
In Solidarity with Bethlehem University.. Historic Visits of Church Leaders
s part of their historic Advent Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in December 2006, Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, The Most Revd and Rt Hon Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, Revd David Coffey, Moderator of the Free Churches Group and Revd Nathan Hovhannisian, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Great Britain, visited Bethlehem University students, faculty and administrators. Reflecting on the harsh realities of living under Israeli military occupation for their entire lives thus far, the students of the University were honored in having an opportunity for small group discussions with the visiting Church leaders during which they spoke of their hope for a better future and appreciation for the solidarity and support of the international community. In the spirit and tradition of gifts received from the Wise Men of the East some 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem, just prior to the ecumenical
prayer service celebrated in the University Chapel of the Divine Child, the students of Bethlehem University presented the Church leaders with three gifts expressing hardships, hopes and appreciation for solidarity: a stone from the West Bank home of one of the students which was recently demolished by the Israeli authorities, a candle from the Nativity Church
representing the source of the light of hope for us all, and a Friends of Bethlehem University ceramic tile expressing gratitude for the solidarity and support of the international community. On another occasion, the members
of the Permanent Council of the German Bishops’ Conference visited Bethlehem University on the 3rd of March 2007 as part of their unprecedented joint visit to the Holy Land. The Bishops were received by the University’s Board of Trustees, the Brothers Community, faculty, staff and students. “We are happy to host you, the Bishops of Germany, to our campus community to witness first-hand the joyful reality of the significance of the Church’s educational mission at Bethlehem University and to allow us to express our gratitude for the tremendous support of the people of Germany for the University as we struggle with the devastating reality of living within the Separation Wall. Everyday our faculty and staff are challenged to help our young men and women see the possibility of a better future and this solidarity visit demonstrates that bridges of hope are still alive,” said Brother Daniel Casey, Vice Chancellor, in welcoming the Church leadership of Germany. “To Christians of the Holy Land, this visit of the Church leaders of Germany renews our hope and assures us all that we are not forgotten. Bethlehem University, first university established in the West Bank, has always been an oasis where we celebrate faith, academic excellence and diversity - all made possible by the generosity of our committed friends and benefactors around the world,” said Archbishop Twal.
Bishop Joseph Bruno, Episcopal Bishop of Los Angeles and All Saints Pilgrim Group 13th April 2007
Dr. Victor Batarseh, Bethlehem Mayor greeting H.E. Mr. Ramon Ansoain Consul General of Spain at the Hotel Management Department 9th March 2007
H.E. Mr. Richard Makepeace, British Consul General, in discussion with students 5th March 2007
Father Gerard McCrane, Brother Jerome Sullivan, and Mr. Joseph Imbriaco visiting with students 24th October 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Novak, Mr. Deal Hudson , Mr. Frank Hanna, Sir Michael Hall, and Congressman Chris Smith visiting on 4th April 2007
Mr. Jorma Nienela, President, Diconia University of Applied Sciences with Brother Daniel Casey 16th March 2007
Equestrian OrderGermany 27th March 2007
Mr. Michael Breuer, Minister for European and Federal Affairs in Germany, greeting Archbishop Fouad Twal, President, and Brother Neil Kieffe, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs 1st November 2006
Mrs. Grace Nelson and Mr. Mounzer Fatfat, meeting with Administration and students 20th April 2007
Friends of Bir Zeit University 20th April 2007
Mrs. Elfi SchoAntwerpes, Mayor of Cologne and former Mayor Dr. Norbert Burger, Chairman of the Cologne-Bethlehem Friendship Association, with Brother Daniel Casey November 17th 2006
H.E. Dr. Mai Kalieh, Palestinian Ambassador to Chile, Brother Daniel Casey, Mr. Hanna Nasser, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Dr. Irene Hazou, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs 2nd April 2007
A World of Friends
A Visitor’s Account
“Their inspiration keeps us coming back”
B y: Father Paul Maddison
s we left Bethlehem University and boarded the bus, I sat opposite a lady from our group who was visibly upset, I leaned across to ask her what was the matter and she motioned me away unable to speak. Later in the day she came up to me and apologised for not being able to talk to me on the bus; “I just could not find the words I needed.” she said. “Those young people! such kindness, such hope; now I know why you are so passionate about the Palestinian people.” Comments and feelings such as these have been expressed to me on my many visits to Bethlehem University with various groups of pilgrims from the United Kingdom. It is easy to visit the Holy Land in a cocoon, to rather selfishly strengthen one’s own faith without
a thought for the people who day by day live in the land. How nice it is to stand where Jesus stood, to look where Jesus looked, to feel something of what Jesus felt; to experience that “fifth gospel” which the Holy Land is. How easy it is to overlook the pain and hope of the people of Palestine, the daily sufferings and yet the inspirational faith and hope seen in students from Bethlehem University. I have said, on more than one occasion, that no visit to the Holy Land is complete without a visit to Bethlehem University. Why? Because of the encouragement and example provided by its students. Their inspiration keeps us coming back. Will was an 18 year old student who visited on one of our trips, he is a great guy, laid back, and says
very little. We were due to arrive home in Cambridge at midnight and Will had a tutorial at Manchester University at 11.00 the next morning which he was planning to miss. Before we left the Holy Land, unknown to me, he called his Mum and asked her take him to the train station to catch the 05.30 train the morning after we arrived home. He got to Manchester station at 10.30 and had to run to the lecture hall in order to be in time for his tutorial, only to find it had been cancelled. He rang me to thank me for the trip and to tell me this story. I said I thought he was going to miss the tutorial and take a gentle journey to Manchester later that day. “How could I,” he said, “after hearing how those students at Bethlehem University face all obstacles to get to their lectures, through checkpoints and stuff. If I had not tried to get there I would have felt I had let them down.”
Father Paul Maddison, a priest from the Diocese of East Anglia in England, is a frequent visitor to the Middle East. His Diocese is twinned with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and Father Paul is responsible for initiating and encouraging links and visits between the parishes and schools in the UK and those in the Holy Land
Bethlehem University
Bethlehem University Hosts the
First Palestinian Tourism Conference Under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Khouloud Daibes, Palestinian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Bethlehem University and its partners London Metropolitan University, the University of Joensuu, Finland, and the Center for Cultural Heritage Preservation, organized the First Palestinian Tourism Conference from the 27-28 of March. The conference served as a forum presenting research undertaken by students in Bethlehem University’s new Tourism, Pilgrimage, and Cultural Heritage Master’s Program. Research presentations explored areas of tourism and pilgrimage, inviting stake holders in the tourism industry to share their ideas and experiences. The conference, successfully executed by the Institute of Hotel Management
& Tourism, also motivated further collaboration to create strategies for institutional change that will eliminate the primary barriers currently inhibiting Palestinian tourism from achieving its full potential.
Prof. Tom Selwyn, Senator Aqil Beltaji, Minister Khouloud Daibes and Deputy Minister Marwan Toubasi
Alumni Reflections... A Solid Foundation Inspiring Life-Long Learning By Rami Kassis BU ‘94. In 1991, at the dawn of my enrollment at Bethlehem University to pursue my undergraduate studies in social sciences, I was confronted by a sudden academic, social and cultural transformation. Being an adolescent fresh out of high school, I looked at this new environment as a theater play, and I was the actor who had to develop his conscience, character and options in order to deserve the applause when the stage curtain falls. At that time, Palestine was witnessing a volatile political situation. It was exactly four years following the outbreak of the first Palestinian Intifada, and confrontations between Israelis and Palestinians were endless and on the rise. Yet, Bethlehem University was a sanctuary for nurturing minds, sharing experiences and graduating one class after another. It encompassed students and faculty from all walks of life, including an amalgamation of political affiliations, Muslims and Christians.
that affect the tourists positively. Moving away from traditional tourism, ATG seeks to promote a positive image of Palestine and the Palestinians and contribute to realizing a just peace in the area. Through its many creative and innovative initiatives and projects that contributed a great deal to the promotion of the Palestinian tourism industry and to the livelihoods of persons from the local community, ATG was recently awarded the TO DO! 2006 Contest for Socially Responsible Tourism. Today, as I serve as the director of ATG, I am grateful to Bethlehem University for the solid foundation it provided me as a young adult and for the opportunities it continues to provide. I am now finishing my Masters degree through a cooperation agreement between Bethlehem University, Joensuun University and London Metropolitan University, in the field with which I am most engaged, tourism.
My four years at Bethlehem University flew by with a blink of an eye. Today, when I look back I realize that I made great achievements and matured tremendously on the intellectual, social, political and cultural level. My systematic and analytical thinking process made me realize that I can actually transform what I have learned into practical initiatives, and move in the direction of catering to demands. Believing that the future of Palestine lies in the tourism sector, I decided after graduation to use knowledge and skills acquired at Bethlehem University in my work with the Alternative Tourism Group – ATG. Established in 1995 as a Palestinian nongovernmental organization, ATG offers tours and pilgrimages, which include, but are not limited to, critical examination of the history, culture and politics of the Holy Land in an aim to create economic opportunities for the local community, positive cultural exchange between guests and hosts through one-on-one interaction, protection of the environment, and political/historical education. ATG also works on encouraging tour operators to abandon exploitive mass tourism and adopt practices Mr. Kassis (middle) receiving TO DO! Award
Bethlehem University
Highlighting Commonalities S
ix Muslim and three Christian students participated in a twoday focused program in inter-religious dialogue organized by Dr. Inge Tiemann, guest lecturer from the German Association for Development Cooperation, and Brother Peter Iorlano, Coordinator of Institutional Values. The programČś which consisted of several fun and thought-provoking ice-breakers to help students get to know a little about each other, included serious and focused group discussions, allowing participants to share diďŹƒcult experiences with people from religions other than their own, express their understandings of Christianity and Islam, and search for what is common and what is not. Clearly it was a learning experience for all involved. Participants recog-
Bethlehem University
Inter-religious Dialogue
nized the diversity of understanding and expression in each religion, seeing how not every person who calls himself or herself Christian or Muslim gives the same emphasis on the same religious items as others in their religion may do. Students discovered that while we don’t see things exactly the same way, there are common values and beliefs in the two religions: the One God who is compassionate and just, the reverence given to Jesus and the esteem for his Mother, Mary. By the end of the two-day program the nine students became more aware of how talking about our religions in the face of the other touches deeply on identity and can be very sensitive and that our religious expression can be more cultural than spiritual. Each participant recognized Br. Peter and students walking the old city of Bethlehem
misconceptions they have about the other religion and their need to learn more about their own and the other religion in order to have serious and intelligent conversation. The students and facilitators agreed that there is need for further conversation and follow-up experiences to include that would include more participants. Each one made a commitment to personally engage others in inter-religious conversation and to help organize a followup to this experience.
Christian Muslim Relations Exploring the Middle East and the West Face the challenges of coexistence in the Middle East and the West; Share the living experience of Christians and Muslims in different contexts and countries; Encourage the “Dialogue of Experience”; Create and develop an interactive relation; Promote values of co-existence and collaboration;
Main Discussion Sessions • Christian “Minorities” in the Middle East • Muslim Minorities in the West • The Experience of Co-existence in France; Switzerland; Italy; Egypt; Jordan; Lebanon; Palestine; Israel; Germany; England; and the USA • Looking Towards the Future: Future Perspectives, what can we learn from Others’ Experiences? What is the role of Education in promoting values of co-existence and collaboration?
Confront attitudes of suspicion and xenophobia. Place: Bethlehem University Date: 5-7 September 2007 Duration: 3 days at Bethlehem University, followed by 2 days of visits and encounters (optional).
For more information and registration: Fr. Jamal Khader, Cardinal Hume and Cardinal de Furstenberg Endowed Chair of Religious Studies. The conference is organized in collaboration with the International Federation of Catholic Universities and supported by Friends of Bethlehem University in England and Wales (FoBU-UK) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS-USA) 13
Bethlehem University
Your Generosity Enco 15 November 2006 to 20 April 2007
Bethlehem University
Bethlehem University
Inspires Us!
15 November 2006 to 20 April 2007
Bethlehem University
Lady Elizabeth Wood, LGCHS, EOHSJ-USA Western Lieutenancy
EOHSJ-England and Wales, H.E. Michael Whelan
Rev. Joseph R. Farrell, KHS, EOHSJ-England and Wales
EOHSJ-Germany, H.E. Prof. Dr. Paul Oldenkott, Lieutenant
Geraldine Lawhon, LCHS, EOHSJ-USA Northern Lieutenancy
EOHSJ-Ireland, H.E. M. Joseph McDonnell, KGCHS
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKiernan, KHS, EOHSJ-USA North Central
EOHSJ-The Netherlands and Friends of Bethlehem University, H.E. God-
fried J.H. Prieckaerts
Br. Vincent Malham, FSC, EOHSJ-USA Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy
EOHSJ-Swiss Lieutenancy, H.E. Giorgio Stampa
Sir Brian and Lady Margaret Mallon, EOHSJ-Scotland
EOHSJ-USA Eastern Lieutenancy, His Eminence Edward M. Cardinal
Sir John Nutley, KCGOHS, EOHSJ-USA Northwestern Lieutenancy
Egan, Archdiocese of NY
Pat Richardson, DCHS, EOHSJ-England and Wales
EOHSJ-USA Eastern Lieutenancy, H.E. Joseph E. Spinnato, KGCHS
Mary Sweeney, EOHSJ-Scotland
EOHSJ-USA Western Lieutenancy, H.E. Sir Patrick Powers, KGCHS
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Fr. Desmond Berry, EOHSJ-Scotland
Lady Ingeburg Miscoll, EOHSJ-USA Northwestern Lieutenancy
Lady Catherine Henderson, EOHSJ-USA Northwestern Lieutenancy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Willett, EOHSJ-USA Northwestern Lieutenancy
Herrn Dr. Bernd Potthast-EOHSJ-Germany
Sir John and Lady Ann Marie Arnold, EOHSJ-USA Northwestern Lieu-
Frau Julian Ohm – EOHSJ-Germany
Herr Heinz Brauburger-EOHSJ-Germany
Rev. Mario DiCicco, OFM, EOHSJ-USA North Central Lieutenancy
Herr Dr. Rolf Lattreuter-EOHSJ-Germany
Lt. and Mrs. Michael R. Earthman, KGCHS, EOHSJ-USA Southwest
Ralph Guilianotti, EOHSJ-Scotland
Gabriel Ferrucci-EOHSJ-USA Western Lieutenancy
Patricia Lorne, LCHS, EOHSJ-USA Western Lieutenancy
Mr. and Mrs. John Sinfield, EOHSJ-England and Wales
Lt. Vincent and Lady Mary Shaw, EOHSJ-USA Northern Lieutenancy Mr. William Randolph Weber, EOHSJ-USA Northern Lieutenancy
MANY THANKS TO THE BENEFIT DINNER SCHOLARSHIP DONORS ! Anonymous Donor in Memory of his Parents Thomas Neu, ANERA Yvette and Mazen Qupty Dr. Raja’i Dajani in Memory of his Parents, Dr. Nahil Habboub Dajani and Dr. Mahmoud Dajani Elaine Strite and John Viste
Rev. Father Mario DiCicco and Habib Khoury, BU’80 Tom Garofalo, CRS Hania Bitar, BU’96 , PYALARA PricewaterhouseCoopers-Sa’di, Orfali, Daher Sani Meo, This Week in Palestine-Turbo Design
ALUMNI BENEFACTORS Hania Bitar BU’96 Maha Habiba BU’96 Habib Khoury BU’80
Bethlehem University
DE LA SALLE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AND LASALLIAN BENEFACTORS Br. Myron Collins, FSC De La Salle Christian Brothers, Half Moon Lane Community, UK De La Salle Brothers Provincialate, UK Br. Columba Gleeson, FSC Br. John Guasconi, FSC Br. Charles Kitson, FSC Br. Bernard Knezich, FSC Br. Livinus Lalor, FSC Saint La Salle Community, Br. Anthony Lenz, FSC Br. John Loehr, FSC Br. Augustine Loes, FSC Br. Vincent Malham, FSC Br. William Martin, FSC Br. John Patzwall, FSC Br. Anthony Porter, FSC, St. Cassian’s Centre, De La Salle Brothers St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Brothers’ Community, Br. Peter Henderson, FSC St. Peter’s Boys High School, Br. James Kelly, FSC Br. Jerome Sullivan, FSC Br. Joseph Ventura, FSC Br. Christopher Buck, FSC Br. James Connolly, FSC Br. John Johnston, FSC Br. John Loehr, FSC Br. Joel McGraw, FSC Br. Basil Rothweiler, FSC Br. Larry Schatz, FSC Br. Frederick Mueller, FSC
“The Familiares”, Mr. George Cappiello Brothers of the Christian Schools, LINE District Christian Brothers Roncalli Community, La Salle University La Salle College High School Community, PA W. Dennis Owen, AFSC Saint Mary’s Press Lasallian Education Fund Rev. Ray Webb, AFSC Christian Brothers Community, St. Louis, MO Christian Brothers Community at Manhattan College, Br. Timothy Murphy, FSC De La Salle Community, La Salle University, PA Bishop Howard Hubbard, AFSC Br. Lawrence Humphrey, FSC St. Mary’s College, Moraga, CA, Br. Ronald Gallagher, FSC Br. Michael Andrejko, FSC Br. Marvin Becker, FSC Br. Martin Borg, FSC Brothers of the Christian Schools at St. Peter’s Boys High School Br. Robert Carnaghi, FSC Br. Henry Chaya, FSC Christian Brothers at Lambert Hall - Christian Brothers University, TN Christian Brothers Bishop Walsh Community, Br. Eric Henderson, FSC Christian Brothers Community, St. Louis, MO Christian Brothers of MN, Miguel House Christian Brothers St. Patrick Community, Chicago, IL Br. Carl Clayton, FSC Br. Emmanuel Sciberras, FSC
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Friends of Bethlehem University in England and Wales (FoBU) Eligible for tax credit as FoBU is a registered charity # 1077818 Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann All Saints Pastoral Centre London Colney, Hertfordshire AL2 1AF England Fax: +44-1727-822880
Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland (FBU-I) FBU-I is an approved Charity (CHY6868) and is authorized as an eligible charity for tax rebates (1315) Rev. Raymond Staunton Hon. Secretary FBUI Marist Community Residence Chanel College Coolock, Dublin 5, Ireland
Friends of Bethlehem University in the United Arab Emirates Mr. Anton Kattan PO Box 7674 Abu Dhabi, UAE Phone: +971-2-634-3969 Fax: +971-2-632-5188
Association in Favor of Bethlehem University in German Speaking Countries (ABU) Prof. Dr. Heinrich Koller President Nonnenweg 6 4055 Basel Switzerland Klaus Rollin Wassergraben 4 Postfach 397 CH 6210 Sursee Phone: 0041-41-920 45 27 Mobile 079-301 78 18 Fax 0041-41-920 45 38
Bethlehem University USA Office Tax deductible and eligible for employer matching grants. Tax ID (22-2997011) Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC US Development Office Bethlehem University PO Box 692 Lincroft, NJ 07738-0692 Phone: 908-839-9715 Fax: 732-219-1619
Bethlehem University in the Holy Land Brother Jack Curran, FSC PhD P.O.Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem Phone: + 972 2 274 1241 Fax: +972 2 274 4440 email: website:
Founded in 1973, Bethlehem University is a Catholic Christian university conducted in the Lasallian tradition and open to students of all faith traditions. The University aspires to foster shared values, moral principles, and dedication to serving the common good. The distinguished faculty and staff of Bethlehem University, the first university established in the West Bank, bring to life the University’s mission to advance, share and use knowledge through the Faculties of Arts, Business, Education, Nursing, and Science as well as the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism and the Institute for Community Partnership. The University has an enrollment of 2,599 students in its degree and diploma programs with an additional 1,200 students in its continuing education programs and more than 10,459 graduates. Bethlehem University is one of more than 1,000 Lasallian educational institutions in 80 countries of the world in which about 6,000 De La Salle Christian Brothers and nearly 80,000 dedicated religious sisters, priests, and lay women and men of all faith traditions serve. Bethlehem University was co-founded by the Vatican and the De La Salle Christian Brothers in cooperation with local Palestinian educators and is a member of the Association of Arab Universities, International Federation of Catholic Universities, Lasallian Association of Colleges and Universities, and the International Association of Universities. For more information, email us at and visit our website 19
Bethlehem University
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