Bethlehem University News, Spring 2009

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Bethlehem Bethlehem University News - Volume 17

Issue No. 1

University in the

Holy Land

Pope Benedict XVI visits Bethlehem

“I wish to make special mention of the outstanding achievements of Bethlehem University .�

Pope Benedict XVI, Holy Land Visit, May 2009


Bethlehem University


A Message from the Vice Chancellor During the 1964 visit of Pope Paul VI to the Holy Land, the people of Palestine made known their need for an institute of higher education. Representing the Vatican, the late Cardinal Pio Laghi, who was the Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine at the time, worked with local educational and civic leaders and the De La Salle Christian Brothers and in October 1973, Bethlehem University opened its doors to 112 students. Twenty seven years later, when Pope John Paul II visited the Holy Land in the year 2000, we were heartened to hear him proclaim, “The Catholic Church is particularly happy to serve the noble cause of education through the extremely valuable work of Bethlehem University.” Acknowledging the valuable contributions of many institutions and groups engaged in inter-religious dialogue, during the May 2009 visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the Holy Land, His Holiness said, “I wish to make special mention of the outstanding achievements of Bethlehem University.” Yes, three Popes have singled out your Catholic Lasallian University in the Holy Land as a beacon of hope among all who promote justice and peace here. When I spoke with Pope Benedict during the Mass in Manger Square on Wednesday, I expressed the University’s gratitude for his support and requested prayers for our students and you, our benefactors. In this issue of our University magazine you will find a few of the many signs of hope in which our faculty and staff are involved – activities that your support makes possible. You will also note a number of people who have returned home to God in recent months – among whom is Cardinal Pio Laghi, one of our principal founders, and other women and men whose contributions to Bethlehem University have been immense. We remember them with fondness and carry with us their vision for this university and its role in the lives of the Palestinian people. As we mark the 35th academic year of Bethlehem University, we note a robust enrollment of more than 2,900 students with more than 11,300 graduates. With God’s continued blessing and with the generous support of our friends and benefactors throughout the world, this University will continue to serve the young people of this land, giving them hope for a new dawn of promise and peace. Sincerely,

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD Vice Chancellor


Bethlehem University


Contributors Sister Ruby Abellana, spc Deema Amerah (BU ’09) Dina Awwad (BU ’05) Amir Bannoura (BU ’08) Majd Dowani (BU ’09) Danny Glenwright Stephanie Rhodes Jacqueline Shoen Photography IMEMC Dina Awwad (BU ’05) Ghassan Bannoura (BU ‘02) Stephanie Rhodes Francis Sleibi Chuck and Ede Radloff Lt. Sir Patrick Powers Design & Printing Nour Design & Print Co. Selina Tabash Nour (BU'98) David Nour (BU'95) Publisher Development & Public Relations Office Brother Jack Curran, FSC Vice President for Development Sister Ruby Abellana, spc Development Officer Brother Joseph Lowenstein, FSC Special Projects Dina Awwad (BU ’05) Public Relations & Development Officer Danny Glenwright Communication & Information Capacity Building Officer Rania Hazboun (BU ’96) Development Secretary Haifa Lama Public Relations Secretary Stephanie Rhodes Publications and Media Communications Officer Cover picture Lt. Sir Patrick Powers Back cover picture Ghassan Bannoura (BU ‘02) Electronic address Mailing address P.O.Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem Location address Bethlehem University Rue dès Freres Bethlehem, Palestine

Table of Contents Remembrances 35 Years of Catholic Education in Palestine Wisdom, Courage and Leadership

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Bethlehem University in Figures 2008 - 2009 Student enrollment:

Master’s Degree Students: 71 Higher Diploma Students: 194 Professional Diploma Students: 104 Baccalaureate Students: 2,592 Diploma Students: 79 Total Student Enrollment: 3,040

Faculty and staff:

Full- and Part-time Faculty: 164 Full- and Part-time Staff: 147

Student Demographics




A Global Family









Student Home Areas Bethlehem Area (including 6% from Refugee Camps) Jerusalem Area Hebron, Ramallah, and other areas

Thank You


How You Can Help


Bethlehem University


20 25 26

60% 30% 10%

Sources of Income

Student-paid tuition

Donations for Student Scholarships

Donations, Gifts & Grants for Operations & Programs

Vatican Gift Palestinian Authority Allocation

Brother Daniel Casey FSC, who served as Vice Chancellor at Bethlehem University from 2005 to 2008, died on Wednesday, 30 July 2008 in the United States after undergoing cancer treatment. “He showed a lively interest in Bethlehem University followed by a reflective disappointment in not being able to execute the plans he had for the university,” reflected Brother Peter Iorlano, FSC. “Brother Daniel lived and died faithfully, humbly, and selflessly caring for others.”

Brother Timothy James Ford, FSC, a biology teacher at Bethlehem University from 1978 to 1982, passed away in Napa, California on 27 January 2008 at the age of 81. “On Fridays, when the local schools were closed,” recalled Brother Joe, Bethlehem University President Emeritus, “Brother Timothy would often fill the biology lab with youngsters, entertaining them while actually teaching with experiments. The youngsters were thrilled.”

Madame Julia Dabdoub died Monday, 19 January 2009. A strong supporter of the University since its inception, she was a member of Bethlehem University’s first Board of Trustees. Julia also headed the Bethlehem Arab Women’s Union, was a founder of the local Palestinian Heritage Museum and authored the Arabic-language book Lest We Forget.

Cardinal Pio Laghi died in Rome on Sunday, 11 January 2009 of cardio-vascular complications. Cardinal Pio Laghi was a principal founder of Bethlehem University as the Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine and a long-time supporter – having most recently visited in October 2008 with Father Dennis Dease, President of the University of Saint Thomas, and members of their Board of Trustees. A scholarship partnership between Bethlehem University and the University of Saint Thomas has been established by Father Dease and the Board in honor of Cardinal Pio Laghi.

Wajd Bassim Za’rour, a 19 year old student enrolled in Hotel Management and an active musician at Bethlehem University, was killed in a car crash in Ramallah on Sunday, 20 January 2008. Salah Abu Laban, a senior in Business Administration, recited an Arabic poem dedicated to Wajd as friends gathered in the Chapel of the Divince Child at Bethlehem University to pray for Wajd. “Rest in peace our beloved,” recited Salah Abu Laban, “because you are immortal in us.”


Bethlehem University


In Remembrance

May they rest in peace!

John H. McGuckin, Jr., a member of Bethlehem University’s International Board of Regents and Lieutenant of the USA Northwestern Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, died Monday, 1 December 2008 of cancer. “John was always a man of faith and fidelity,” remembered Brother Jack Curran, Vice President for Development, “He honored Bethlehem University students with tremendous support and encouragement as he did many others in the Holy Land and elsewhere. We are blessed in having known John.”

Lady Theresa Laskowski Willett, friend of Bethlehem University and member of the USA Northwestern Lieutenancy of the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre, died on Tuesday, 18 March 2008 in Portland, Oregon from complications due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Lady Theresa and her husband Sir Kenneth established an endowed scholarship and also funded the renovation of the Student Coffee Shop at Bethlehem University. “She was very kind and loving,” remembered Nisreen Al-Najjar, recipient of the Theresa Willett Endowed Scholarship, “She tried to help as many people as she could. I trust that she is now safe with our Lord Jesus’ protection.” Sister Violeta Ortega, SPC, former Finance Officer at Bethlehem University from 19992004, died on Tuesday, 1 April 2008 of cancer in the Perpetual Succor Hospital in Cebu, Philippines at age 57. Sister Violeta was a deeply committed religious for 30 years and served as a finance officer in schools throughout the Philippines.


Bethlehem University


Brother Vincent Malham, FSC, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University from 1998 to 2005, member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, and President of Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Tennessee, was killed in a car accident on Friday, 2 May 2008 while driving to his sister’s home in Louisiana. “We remember Brother Vincent as being so full of life and energy,” said Brother Neil Kieffe, FSC, Director of Instructional Technology and former Vice President for Academic Affairs, “We see his mark everywhere, especially in the students he loved and served and in the faculty and staff that he worked with to make this University a great institution. We thank God for having had such a man with us for nine years.”

Years of Catholic E

Serving the common good

Bethlehem University Celebrates 35 Years many Lieutenancies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, the German Archdiocese of Cologne, and thousands of friends and benefactors around the globe, the University has an annual enrollment of nearly 3,000 students and has produced more than 11,300 graduates.

Students in the University library

We opened our doors in 1973 under the shadow of the Yom Kippur War and years before the Palestinian Authority government was established. “We had to seek approval of the Israeli military authority to open the university since they were the official controlling force at the time. I believe that permission was given because they were convinced the University would never succeed under these conditions,” reflects President Emeritus Brother Joe Loewenstein, “How wrong they were!” Thirty-five academic years later, this unique partnership between local Palestinian educational leaders and the international Catholic religious order of the De La Salle Christian Brothers is still going strong. With unwavering support from the Vatican, the Latin Patriarchate, the Grand Master and


Bethlehem University


“I guess you could say Bethlehem University is a success story,” commented Brother Joe, “and so are the other Palestinian universities that have followed our founding.” While Bethlehem University is similar to other Palestinian universities, being the only Catholic university gives it a unique flavor. Rooted in a commitment to the Gospel and faithful to the Church through Ex corde Ecclesiae, Bethlehem University is dedicated to education, including research, teaching and service for all Palestinians. “If we are in the service of everyone,” Father Jamal, Dean of Arts, explains, “then this is very Catholic.” “It is the nature of this Vatican-sponsored university,” said Brother Robert Smith, Vice President for Academic Affairs, “to model and to teach mutual understanding of and respect for all God’s people.” Indeed, religious pluralism, tolerance, mutual respect and

dialogue are major factors in Bethlehem University’s success. Acknowledging the valuable contributions of many institutions and groups engaged in inter-religious dialogue during his May 2009 visit, Pope Benedict said, “I wish to make special mention of the outstanding achievements of Bethlehem University.” “We are about ‘fostering shared values, moral principles and dedication to serving the common good’,” noted Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor. “Among our main tasks is to continue to match the education that we are providing to the actual needs of the Palestinian society – providing real opportunities for all our students – the young and the not so young alike.” Providing education in Palestine is not always easy. With unemployment and underemployment consistently high, it is a challenge for students to pay their tuition fees. At many universities, students who cannot pay cannot attend. But at Bethlehem University, says Father Jamal, “we find hundreds, thousands of ways to help students pay their fees to continue their education.” Assistance made possible, explains Brother Jack Curran, Vice President for Development, because “we are blessed with benefactors

Education in Palestine who support what we do.”

Maybe being a Catholic university in the Holy Land invokes a special brand of dedication. Being here is not just a job but a calling, not just a University but a service to the community and a fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation for all people. A service that is needed most when it is the hardest to provide. “From our beginning in 1973, the University was successfully in progress until October 1987, when one of our students, Isaac Abu Srour, from Azzeh Camp, was killed by an Israeli sniper. The Israeli military then closed the University for three months – which extended to three years! Many say this was done as a punishment to the University,” Brother Joe says, recalling some of the University’s most dramatic days.

35th anniversary student and staff picnic day


Bethlehem University


“The heroics and courage of the faculty, staff and students – and the faithfulness of our benefactors in keeping academics alive through off-campus activities are unforgettable. The main problem we had in the late 1980s when we were not permitted to be on the campus for 3 years was how to devise a system of education that would not be rejected immediately by the military. “The class size was set at 9 persons: 8 students and one teacher. In this way we avoided transgressing the Israeli military law that prohibited a gathering of 10 people, which was deemed to be a ‘political meeting’. Then we needed to arrange for meeting places since the Israeli prohibition prevented anyone from entering the University campus for 3 years. So, groups gathered in

hotels, hospitals, churches, social and other institutions, and even individual homes. At first, some teachers and students were hesitant, a bit nervous. “But there was enough support to start,” Brother Joe recalls, “and with its early success, this offcampus teaching expanded to such an extent that after the three years of ‘closure’ some 517 students received degrees and diplomas at the first graduation after the reopening. Only God could have given us the inspiration and strength for this activity.”

After 35 years here, we believe that must be the case. May God continue to bless the faculty, staff, students, alumni and benefactors of Bethlehem University as we seek to serve God and one another.

Years of Catholic E

Faith and academics

Religious studies faculty contributes to international Catholic education handbook

Sister Virginie Habib

Sister Virginie Habib, of the Religious Studies Department, contributed the chapter “Catechesis in the Holy Land” to the International Handbook

of Catholic Education, edited by Professor Gerald Grace of the University of London and Professor Joseph O’Keefe, SJ of Boston College.

Latin Patriarchate in preparing catechists to engage the hearts and minds of students as they encounter each other, their faith traditions and their one God.

With the assistance of Father Jamal Khader and Sally Kaissieh (BU ’04), Sister Virginie examines the influence of religious pluralism and political instability on the work of catechesis in the Holy Land. She emphasizes the vital role of the Religious Studies Department at Bethlehem University and the Center of Catechism at the

“The Religious Studies Department considers this work as an important contribution,” said Father Jamal, “not only because it highlights Bethlehem University and the work of the Department, but also because it gave Religious Studies faculty an opportunity to collaborate on a piece of significant professional academic scholarly research.”

Gospel as art

Bethlehem University professor produces papal gift During his visit to Bethlehem in May, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI received a unique version of the Gospel. Presented as a gift from the City of Bethlehem, the illuminated manuscript of the Gospel of Luke was crafted by Mr. Yasser Abu Saymeh, a Muslim professor of Arabic Calligraphy at Bethlehem University. Calligraphy is a skill Mr. Abu Saymeh developed during his youth in Jordan’s Hittin Refugee Camp, the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency reported in a feature on his work. Fascinated by the work of fellow refugee Taysir Sadat, Yasser first practiced his craft on scraps of cardboard. Today he specializes in painting and restoring ancient


Bethlehem University


Qu’ranic calligraphy, work that has been featured in regional and international exhibitions.

(from left to right) Brother Peter Bray, Father Jamal Khader, Dr. Mo’in Halloun, Mr. Yasser Abu Saymeh and Brother Robert Smith with a page from the papal gift

Education in Palestine A special success

Raising awareness of education and special needs Walking home from Bethlehem one day, Sereen Mohammad (BU ’09), a senior Computer and Information Systems (CAIS) student was shocked to witness a mother beating her disabled son. Wanting to change attitudes toward special needs children, Sereen authored When the Heart Cries, an Arabic novella that depicts persons with special needs as persons who possess important gifts. Sereen’s work also reflects Bethlehem University’s culture of care for all students, especially those with special needs. With funding support from the USA Western Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order, faculty and

staff at Bethlehem University continue each semester to assist approximately 20 students with visual, hearing, and mobility impairments, as well as other special needs, encouraging full participation in university life. With the support of the Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland, and in cooperation with the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) based in Ireland and Handicap International based in France, Bethlehem University promotes full and equal participation by individuals with disabilities in higher education and in society.

Sereen Mohammad (BU ’09) with a copy of her book

Shatha Abu Srur (BU ‘07) learns to use a computer system for visually impaired students.

Fostering Inter-religious Dialogue Highlighting Commonalities Father Jamal Khader, Chairperson of the Religious Studies Department, participated in a series of annual conferences of the Europe-Mediterranean network of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU). The conferences, which began in 2004, sought to identify ways that IFCU could foster interreligious dialogue and created a


Bethlehem University


network for inter-religious and intercultural discussion. Bethlehem University has begun a similar initiative in Palestine. With support from the Friends of Bethlehem University in the UK (FoBU-UK), the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and an anonymous donor, the

Religious Studies Department hosts international conferences with academics from more than a dozen countries. In September 2007 the focus was on the challenges of Christian-Muslim coexistence in the Middle East and the West. The October 2008 conference explored the role of educational and media institutions in Christian-Muslim relations.

Wisdom, Courage & Leadership Bethlehem University Welcomes New Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD Brother Peter Bray, Bethlehem University’s new Vice Chancellor, understands the Palestinian people’s connection to their land. He too is deeply rooted in the land of his own birth. “There is nowhere in the world where I feel more grounded than sitting on the banks of my river or being on the slopes of my mountain,” Brother Peter remarked during his inaugural address in February 2009. “The notion of leaving your country for a new life in Bethlehem, in unfamiliar surroundings and a land of ongoing dispute, must have been a little scary,” acknowledged Mr. Fuoad Kattan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bethlehem University during Brother Peter’s inauguration, “I am confident you will take this remarkable institution forward to greater heights. We

look forward to your leadership to guide Bethlehem University through the challenges and opportunities that will not only shape its future but also preserve and build upon its traditions.”

practical experience with a doctorate in Leadership Studies from the University of San Diego, where he focused on leadership approaches that facilitate change in educational institutions.

The challenges and opportunities Brother Peter faces at Bethlehem University are significant, leading a university community that mourns the recent deaths of its last two Vice Chancellors and that faces the daily injustices of life under military occupation. We need inspired and creative leadership – exactly the kind that Brother Peter offers.

During his most recent prior appointment, Brother Peter was the Director and CEO of the Wellington Catholic Education Center in New Zealand where he led the creation of a master’s level educational partnership with the Australian Catholic University and the utilization of online delivery for the Center’s educational programs.

Brother Peter brings more than 30 years of experience in Catholic education as a teacher, consultant, administrator, and expert in leadership and educational systems. He complements this

Brother Peter’s work as a teacher and education consultant has brought him around the world, to Australia, the United States, Turkey, England, Ireland and the Philippines, facilitating international workshops on

“As we move forward

from today, in the midst of all the challenges we face, we need imagination to call us forth into the mystery of what we have not yet become ...

Brother Peter Bray presents a Maori patu, from his native New Zealand, during his inauguration mass


Bethlehem University


The University community celebrates mass for Brother Peter’s inauguration

leadership in education and in religious life. In addition to serving as a member of the Wellington Archdiocesan Synod organizing committee and the Board of Trustees for Archbishop Antonio Franco (left) and Mr. Fuad Kattan present Brother Peter with the Vice Chancellor’s medal

Lasallian spirituality, collaborative leadership in the new millennium, and leadership in quality education.

De La Salle College, Auckland, Brother Peter was a member of the Australian Council for Educational Administration and was elected to the Provincial Council of the De La Salle Brothers in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Brother Peter’s publications include works on

For Brother Peter, educational leadership is a commitment to realizing people’s full potential. “In being involved in education,” Brother Peter declares, “I see myself called to work in whatever way I can against anything that is preventing us from living a full life.” “As we move forward from today,”

Brother Peter proclaimed during his inauguration, “in the midst of all the challenges we face, we need imagination to call us forth into the mystery of what we have not yet become. I ask you to pray that God will give us the wisdom and courage we will all need to hold on to a hope that will sustain us, to seek after ever better ways to serve the Palestinian people, to support one another in our efforts, and to build here at Bethlehem University a place where people learn, take responsibility for what they choose to do, are respected, cared for, challenged and enabled to grow.”

Claiming the spotlight

Bethlehem University celebrates Palestinian women On 10-12 March 2009 Bethlehem University celebrated International Women’s Day. It was, said Ms. May Jaber, Assistant to the Dean of Students, “an opportunity for our students to think about the diverse and significant roles of women in society and the way they shape Palestinian culture.” Honoring the role of women in Palestinian culture and society, events included film screenings, literary readings, a fashion show,


Bethlehem University


dance exhibition and musical concert in addition to the recognition of the University’s longest-serving female staff members. “There are many talented Palestinian women who are hiding behind the curtains,” said

Christine Hodali, who performed a modern dance piece with fellow student Reham Ishaq. Ms. May Jaber with women’s day participants

Wisdom, Courage & Leadership Education under occupation

Survey examines the obstacles students overcome Simply getting to the Bethlehem University campus each day is not an easy task for Palestinian students, especially for the nearly 40% who live in the Jerusalem and Hebron areas neighboring Bethlehem. With the Israeli Separation Wall, illegal settlements and military checkpoints increasing Bethlehem’s physical isolation, daily travel to attend class is increasingly difficult.

Campaign found that the 1,211 students surveyed reported crossing more than 40 different military checkpoints just to reach campus everyday. Almost 44% of these students say they regularly miss class time because of checkpoint delays, some of them missing entire days.

“One of the saddest sights for me during my visit to these lands was the wall,” said His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI during his May 2009 visit to the Holy Land.

“One of the saddest sights for me during my visit to these lands was the wall.”

Students often take different routes to avoid checkpoints, the study found, a practice that may expose

“It was horrible,” said Deemah, who was eventually released but failed her exam because she couldn’t concentrate after the violation, “I felt like a dog in a cage.” Deemah is, unfortunately, one of many students who are harassed on their way to and from the University. A recent survey conducted by the Bethlehem University Right to Education The Bethlehem checkpoint Bethlehem University


For many of our students, just getting to campus is a daily battle. Yet despite the struggles, the amazing reality is that our students and faculty do come each and every day.

Pope Benedict XVI, May 2009

Deemah Amerah is one of the nearly 900 students from Jerusalem who daily cross the wall or numerous checkpoints going to and from the University. On an exam day during her first year at the University, Israeli soldiers detained her at a military checkpoint. They placed her in a metal room equipped with video cameras, Deemah reported. Then they directed her to remove her headscarf and the rest of her clothes while they pointed guns at her, laughed and mocked her anguish.


them to danger from the rough physical terrain, Israeli military patrols or settler harassment. Many students report that they have been verbally abused and had their ID cards confiscated.


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Razan W azwaz (B U ’10), a English li fourth-y terature ear student, the Stud v olunteer ent Amb s with assadors Team an , the Me d Journa dia lists for H Jerusalem uman Rig resident hts. A , Razan p multiple asses thr Israeli m ough ilitary ch day on h eckpoint er way to s every and from While th the Univ ese orde e rsity. als are o and time ften hum -consum il ia t in ing, Raz g checkpo an doesn ints stop ’t le t the her from in her Be fully eng thlehem a g in g U niversity She is re educatio gularly b n. u z zing aro meeting und cam visitors, p us, attendin and stud g speakin ying for g e vents her cour importa ses. “I th nt,” she s in k it ays, “tha ’s allow the t we try Israeli oc t o n o t cupation from gain to stop u ing as m s u ch as we Universit can from y educat our ion.”

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Bethlehem University


Global Family Faculty and student profiles

Father Rafiq Khoury earned his Ph.D. in Pastoral Theology from the Lateran University in Rome and is one of the founding faculty members of the Religious Studies program at Bethlehem University. Before the Department was established in 1998, Father Rafiq taught in the religious studies certificate program offered through the Latin Patriarchate. Born in the Palestinian Christian village of Taybeh, near Ramallah, Father Rafiq is an internationally recognized scholar. He is widely published about the current and historical status of Jerusalem, analyses of Christian-Muslim relations in Palestine, and has authored numerous catechists training textbooks. Instrumental in the standardization of Holy Land catechism, he is a board member of the Al-Liqa’ Center and serves as the Secretary General of the Synod of the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem. Father Rafiq is delighted that the Religious Studies Department is shaping a contextual theology for future theologians in the Holy Land. Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Titular Bishop of Emmaus and Latin Patriarchal Vicar in Nazareth, represents the church in many theological, inter-religious and intellectual


Bethlehem University


conferences, both locally and internationally. A co-founder of St. Cyril’s Theological Program, a two-year degree program which evolved into the Religious Studies Department at Bethlehem University in 1998, Bishop Marcuzzo continues to teach patrology and Christian-Arabic literature. Bishop Marcuzzo highlights Palestinian Christian heritage in the Holy Land through his teaching. “As we explore the Sacred Scriptures,” he explains, “I want my students to become attached to their country and land, rooted in their history and culture, as well as open-minded to other cultures.” Bishop Marcuzzo is also member of the Bethlehem University Board of Regents and the former rector of the Latin Patriarchal Seminary in Beit Jala.

Mr. Yousef Al-Herimi (BU ’90) teaches Islam in the Religious Studies Department. After graduating from Bethlehem University in 1990, Yousef went on

to earn his first masters degree in Theological Studies from Harvard University and a second masters in International Peace Studies from Notre Dame University in the United States. Having grown up as a young Muslim in the Rachel’s Tomb area of Bethlehem where he interacted often with Christian neighbors and Jewish pilgrims, having friends of different faiths has always been normal for Yousef. “I look at Bethlehem University as my second home,” Yousef says, “This academic community has been a part of me for years and has made me who I am.”

Sister Virginie Habib, a Rosary Sister born in Lebanon, earned a master’s degree in Religious Sciences from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and a second masters in the Science of Education with a specialization in Youth Pastoral and Catechesis from the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. Sister has been teaching catechesis to children and adults in the Holy Land since 1987 and in 1995 she began teaching at Bethlehem University. In 2005 His Beatitude Patriarch Michel Sabbah assigned Sister Virginie to oversee the Catechetical Center of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and to promote catechesis in Christian

schools. In addition to serving the Latin Patriarchate and teaching at Bethlehem University, Sister Virginie prepares the Rosary Sisters’ novices for their ministry in catechesis and teaches seminarians at the Franciscan College in Jerusalem.

Father David Neuhaus, S.J., was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He converted from Judaism to Catholicism at age 26, entered the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest in 2000. Having completed his bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in Political Science at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Father David went on to complete degrees in theology and scripture in Paris at the Centre Sevres and in Rome at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. “The Religious Studies curriculum at Bethlehem University is exceptionally versatile,” he says, “it covers challenging subject matters, opening people up to different ideas and helping students to become critical and independent thinkers.” In addition to his position at Bethlehem University, Father also teaches Scripture at the Latin Patriarchate Seminary and serves as the Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew speaking Catholics in the Holy Land. Lucy Talgieh (BU ’03) is a graduate of the Religious Studies


Bethlehem University


Department who did not want to study religion. It was Zoughbi Zoughbi (BU ‘85), Director of Wi’am, the Bethlehem-based intra-Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center where Lucy works, who urged her to enroll in religious studies. “It’s a good program and it will help you with your work here,” Zoughbi told her. Lucy is the Youth and Women Coordinator at Wi’am. “We are a Melkite organization,” she says, “and we employ people of all faiths, including Muslims. The Religious Studies program at Bethlehem University focuses on Christianity and on interfaith issues. I have been able to apply these teachings at Wi’am and in my daily life.”

Su’ad Kattan (BU ’02) is an English and Religion teacher at Talita Kumi School in Beit Jala, a Bethlehem District village, since 2006. She also teaches courses for women at the Catholic Holy Family Center in Bethlehem. Witnessing young men and women becoming increasingly isolated from their faith, Su’ad

enrolled in Religious Studies because she felt her students needed a qualified, professional teacher for their religious instruction. “Educating people about their faith at a young age at least gives them a foundation from which they can make informed decisions as to what they believe in and why,” she explains. She believes that the practical catechetical curriculum of the Bethlehem University Religious Studies program and the expertise of the faculty are key factors in the success of the program and its graduates.

Sister Ludvina Gee Geeh (BU ’00) from Ajlon, Jordan entered the convent as a Rosary Sister in 1997 and earned her diploma in Catechetics from Bethlehem University in 2000. Sister is the supervisor of the kindergarten section at the Rosary Sisters’ School in Beit Hanina and is responsible for 300 children. There are three other Bethlehem University graduates teaching in her section. “Since coming to the Rosary Sisters’ School here in Beit Hanina, I have tried to bring teachers from Bethlehem University, because they are quality teachers,” Sister Ludvina says.

Global Family The science of statehood University hosts first annual conference on biotechnology research and application in Palestine

Dr. Hashem Shahin with Biotechnology master’s students

Biotechnology, with its applications in medicine, environment and agriculture will play a significant role in the development of the Palestinian state, says Dr. Naim Iraki, Director of the UNESCO Biotechnology Educational and Training Center. Recognizing that reality, Bethlehem University inaugurated a Biotechnology master’s program in August 2008. Under the leadership of Dr. Mo’ien Kanaan, Dean of Science, the program is a joint effort with Palestine Polytechnic University.

Dr. Naim Iraki trains a student in the UNESCO Biotechnology lab

To complement master’s program teaching, Dr. Naim and Dr Adnan Shqueir, Biology Department Chair, hosted an international conference in March 2009 that demonstrated the impact of biotechnology in meeting the needs of the local community. This conference sought to enhance the human resources needed to address human hereditary diseases like hearing loss, skin abnormalities, and breast cancer, as well as agricultural and crop diseases in Palestine.

Prior to the Conference, Palestinian faculty and students knew little about each other’s work because of their geographical isolation and the on-going travel restrictions. The conference was also an important medium for Palestinian faculty and students to interact with international guest lecturers like Professor Mike Hasegawa from Purdue University in the USA. It was an opportunity, Dr. Iraki noted, “to not only witness first-hand, but also to participate in the process of analysis and discussion of scientific data.”

Invest in the Future! For Scholarship Information


Bethlehem University


Ambassadors for life Amir Bannoura reflects on his student experience Amir Bannoura (BU ’08) believes in representing his country, his people and his friends. He credits participation in Bethlehem University’s Student Ambassadors Program with giving him the confidence to speak up and be heard. After graduating from Bethlehem University with a degree in Computer Information Systems (CIS), Amir secured temporary employment in the United Arab Emirates. Noticing a gentleman sitting by himself at a social gathering, Amir thought, “Why don’t I initiate a conversation with him?” “The difficult step is always the first one,” Amir says, “so I saluted him and told him that he looks British. It was a close guess; he turned out to be Irish.”

a new job opportunity because Amir took that first leap into a conversation. “Teaching those kinds of life skills,” says Amir, “is what sets Bethlehem University apart. I believe every university in Palestine gives a degree in whatever major you wish,” Amir concludes, “However, there is one university which gives you a degree in ‘Life Experience’ and that is my university, Bethlehem University.” Educational Ambassadors Soon Amir will be heading to the University of Stuttgart in Germany to begin his Masters in Information Technology with support from DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Services. His mother, Firial, is a Bethlehem University alumna

“What amazed me,” Amir continues, “the guy was a CEO of an engineering company building six Hilton hotels in Abu Dhabi.” “He started to talk to me about architecture and buildings. I’m a tech guy, but my Palestinian friend is an architect. So, I introduced the Irish guy to my friend. At the end of the evening the Irish guy was amazed with me and my friend.” Ultimately, Amir tells us, his Palestinian friend wound up with


Bethlehem University


Oday (left) and Amir

(’79) and a lab assistant in the University’s Chemistry department. Like his good friend Amir, Oday Jubran (BU ’08) will be complementing his CIS degree from Bethlehem University with DAAD-funded master’s study in Germany. Instead of a temporary relocation to the Gulf, Oday spent his year after graduation as a teaching assistant at Al-Quds University. It’s an interest he comes by naturally – his mother, Nihad, is a BU staff member serving as the Computer Center Supervisor. After his master’s Oday plans to return to Palestine, continue teaching and open his own IT business.

16 September 2008 Swiss Friends of Bethlehem University led by Klaus Röllin of ABU

17 September 2008 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Ireland, led by Lieutenant Nicholas McKenna. “This is a marvelous place. Please continue doing what you do.”

25 September 2008 Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Biblical Study/Travel Program students. “Your ministry in this difficult situation is incredible! Thank you!”

6 October 2008 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Australia. 18

Bethlehem University


24 September 2008 Catholic Relief Services, USA, Immersion and Exchange Program group. “Bethlehem University is a gift to us all.”

6 October 2008 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Germany, led by Dr. Detlef Brümmer, former Chancellor of the German Lieutenancy

15 October 2008 Professor John G. Hughes, President of National University of Ireland, Maynooth and Professor Dr. John Kelly, Chair of Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland.

15 October 2008 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, USA, Northwestern Lieutenancy.

7 November 2008 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Scotland, special pilgrimage group led by Brian Mallon and Lieutenant Sheriff W. Frank Lunny.

30 October 2008 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, USA, Western Lieutenancy, led by Bishop Ted Brown. Lieutenant Patrick Powers and Bethlehem University “guardian angels” Chuck and Ede Radloff.

10 January 2009 Holy Land Bishops Coordination Program, Bishops from the Episcopal Conferences of Europe and North America.

12 December 2008 Mundelein Seminary of the Archdiocese of Chicago, led by Sister Kathleen Mulchay. “I saw young people who are the hope for their land and our world.”

19 February 2009 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Germany, Michael Wierzimok. Lieutenant Heinrich Dickmann. 19

Bethlehem University


27 October 2008 Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Quebec Province. Contributors to the Cardinal Hume and Cardinal de Furstenberg Chair in Religious Studies.

17 January 2009 De La Salle Brother Provincials of the Middle East and Europe, led by Brother George Absi, a member of the Bethlehem University Board of Trustees.

11 March 2009 World Council of Churches, Living Letters initiative visit led by Yusef Daher and Michel Nseir.


01 May 2008 to 18 May 2009

Donors to the Brother Vincent Malham Memorial Projects: EOHSJ-Grand Magisterium, H.E. Cardinal John Patrick Foley EOHSJ - Northwestern Lieutenancy, USA, Lt. Lady Mary O’Brien, LGCHS Jeanne-Marie Neilson, LCSW

Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Engert Prof. Dr. Heinrich and Mrs. Koller Mr. John Herrick Br. Dominic Berardelli, FSC Br. Konrad Diebold, FSC Sr. Joan Dombrowski, PBVM Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Duggan, AFSC Larry and Mary Hansen

Br. Lawrence Humphrey, FSC Sr. Karen M. Kennelly, CSJ Drs. Frank and Mary Neal Br. David Poos, FSC Br. Jerome Sullivan, FSC Sr. Stephanie Wilson, OSU Br. Richard Geimer, FSC Sister Elaine Kelley, SFCC Ms. Paula Ziadie

Donations over $150,000

Trustees Club ($25,000+)

Bethlehem University Foundation Congregation for Oriental Churches, Vatican, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri Custody of the Holy Land EOHSJ-Germany, Lieutenant Dr. Heinrich Dickmann

Bayland Corporation, Mr. Sabih Masri Catholic Relief Services, Mr. Matt Davis ¥ De La Salle Provincialate, NY District, Br. Frank Byrne, FSC Kinderhilfe Bethlehem, Frau Anna Beck đ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moley, Moley Family Foundation ♣ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moley, Moley Family Foundation Ms. Carolyn Parmer in memory of John C. Parmer Schmidt Family Foundation ® Ms. Hilary Shaw United Holy Land Fund Thomas and Barbara Wolfe

EOHSJ-North Central Lieutenancy, H.E. Jack Rapp, KC*HS EOHSJ - Northwestern Lieutenancy, USA, Lt. Lady Mary O’Brien, LGCHS EOHSJ-Western Lieutenancy, USA, H.E. Sir Patrick D. Powers, KGCHS Foerderkreis Of Bethlehem University -Germany Friends of Bethlehem University in the United Arab Emirates Friends of Bethlehem University-UK, Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) L’Oeuvre D’Orient Mary P. Dolciani Halloran Foundation, Denise Lyn Halloran Mr. Charles E. Maria Sr. Mary Kay Milne, OSU Lady Ingeburg Miscoll, EOHSJNorthwestern Lieutenancy Ψ Mr. Jose Eduardo Siman

Founders Club ($50,000+) ABU: Association en faveur de la Bethlehem University, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Koller Belgian Technical Cooperation De La Salle Christian Brothers Community, Bethlehem University Michel Edde Foundation EOHSJ-Grand Magisterium, H.E. Cardinal John Patrick Foley German Association of the Holy Land Frank and Julie Jungers Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Mr. Francois Letaconnoux, The Horizon Trust Brigida and Robert Martino in memory of Mrs. Veronica McAteer Mr. Jack A. McCrane Ministry of Education and Higher Education MISSIO, Rev. Dr. Herman Schalück, OFM Republic of Korea, Representative Office to Palestine, Mr. Won Sup Park Swiss Holy Land Association Fr. Josef Wick, Wick Family Foundation


Bethlehem University


Chairman’s Club ($10,000+) Altushkin Foundation of Christian Orthodox Charity Bethlehem Association Scholarship Fund Bethlehem Foundation Scholarship Fund Dr. Detlef Brümmer, KCGS, EOHSJGermany Ms. Ann Capps Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Creamer Dominican Sisters International, Sr. Maria Fabiola, OP EOHSJ-England and Wales, Lt. Michael Whelan, KSG, KGCHS

Chancellor’s Club ($5,000+) Fr. Desmond Berry, KHS, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Mr. Elias Botto, Five Brothers Investment De La Salle Christian Brothers, LINE District, Brother Edmond Precourt, FSC Mr. and Mrs. George E. Doty Rev. Fr. Adam Forno, KHS Friends of Bethlehem UniversityIreland, Prof. John Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Keene

FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Lessons With Love H.E. Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, DD, Archdiocese of Washington Jeanne-Marie Neilson, LCSW Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mayhew Miceal O’Rourke Mr. Donald Orscheln, Orscheln Industries Foundation, EOSHSJ – Northern Lieutenancy Rev. Canon Jim Pannett and the Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Church Pontifical Mission for PalestineJerusalem Ms. Mary Simon in honor of Br. Cyril Litecky, FSC Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, Sr. Myriam de St. Anne Kitcharoen, SPC Dr. Eitel Stiftung South Congregational Church United Church of Christ, Rev. Catherine Alder Mr. Joseph Tan Three Kings Parish, Rev. Fr. Robert Kurvers United Palestinian Appeal Mrs. Mieke van Keulen Br. Thomas Voss, FSC, Provinzialat der Schulbrüder Mr. and Mrs. William Voss in honor of Br. Bernard Rapp, FSC Vice Chancellor’s Club ($1,000+) Ms. Maysoon Abdelhady Dr. and Mrs. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh Mr. John Albina ANERA Anonymous ₣ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anzivino, P.E. Ms. Maen Areikal Sir John and Lady Ann Marie Arnold Mr. and Mrs. James Barmettler Robert Benson, KCSG, KGCHS, AFSC and family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berner Mrs. Jane Anne Borst in memory of Lawrence B. Borst Ω Mr. Frank and Mrs. Helen Brady Professor Jack Breihan in honor of Pat and George Wallace, Steve Breihan & Michael Gianino


Bethlehem University


Brothers of the Christian SchoolsTuron Community, Br. Francis Eells, FSC Ms. Lissa Caldwell, First United Methodist Church Charles Foundation Charitable Trust Christian Brothers Roncalli Community, Br. Thomas McPhillips, FSC Christian Foundation for the Holy Land Dr. Elizabeth J. Cooper Rev. Pamela Cram Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Croisant, EOHSJ-USA North Central Lieutenancy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran Dr. and Mrs. Raja’i Dajani Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Dawed in memory of Jalil Joan Dawed De La Salle Community, Br. Robert Walsh, FSC Br. Konrad Diebold, FSC, Saint Patrick Community, in memory of Br. Daniel Casey, FSC Ms. Dorothy Diehl and Mr. John Schollmeier Diocese of Southwark Fr. Martin Dixon, St. Simon’s Parish Rhonda and Lynn Durham, Jr. EOHSJ- Lieutenancy of Scotland, Sheriff Frank Lunny Mr. and Mrs. John Egan Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Engert Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eyerman First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, Rev. David W. Good Canon James Foley, St. Augustine’s Church Friends of Bethlehem University in the Holy Land, Habib Khoury Mr. and Mrs. William Ginivan Ms. Erica Hahn International Association of La Sallian Universities (IALU) Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Jackson in memory of her sister, Hadiya Bitar ß Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jezycki Mr. Edward Karkar Mr. Eugen Keller Mr. Elias Khoury Br. Bernard Knezich, FSC

Prof. Dr. Heinrich and Mrs. Koller Rev. Msgr. Raymond J. Kupke, Church of the Holy Family La Salle House Community, Romeoville, Br. William Walz, FSC H.E. William Cardinal Joseph Levada Mr. Tony Mahon, KHS Mr. John McCaffrey, KCSG, KCHS H.E. Nicholas McKenna KSG, KCHS, EOSHJ-Ireland Middle East Children‘s Alliance (MECA) Cahal and Margaret Mooney Ms. Ann K. Morales Robert and Norma Morris Rev. John J. Murray Nestle Trading Co. Ltd., Mr. Anton Hazboun Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Novak Our Lady Queen of All Creation Parish, Hemel Hempstead, UK Ms. Heather Haxo Phillips, Holy Land Olive Oil Mr. Roy and Rita Putt and family Rev. Canon Richard J. Quinlan, KHS, Our Lady of Pity and Saint Simon Stock Dr. Richard J. Rodeheffer Mr. Jamal Sa‘d Mr. Yasuhiko Sata Msg. Dr. Konrad Schmidt, EOHSJGermany Brian and Betty Singer-Towns Dr. Janbernd Spital St. Thomas More Church, Fr. Labib Kobti Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steger Mr. and Mrs. Sandor Straus Bishop Hugh Slattery, MSC, Diocese of Tzaneen Trust International Insurance Company Mr. John Viste and Mrs. Elaine Strite Rev. Ray Webb, AFSC Sir Blaine and Jennifer Blaine P. Werner West Catholic Brothers Community, Br. Leonard Rhoades, FSC Rev. Mark White, CP, The Retreat Special Friends ($500+) Dr. Edward and Rima Abraham

01 May 2008 to 18 May 2009



Mr. James J. Biedron Birzeit Pharmaceutical Company Br. Martin Borg, FSC, M.Ed. Brothers of the Christian Schools of Manhattan College, Br. Timothy Murphy, FSC Rev. Fr. John Buckley, The Presbytery The Most Rev. Raymond L. Burke Bruce and Judy Butler Buttimer Class 2008 in honor of Br. William Mann, FSC Caritas Jerusalem, Mrs. Claudette Habesch Br. Carl Clayton, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Colao Rev. Robert Crawford, M.M. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dorsey in honor of Br. Neil Kieffe, FSC Rev. Joseph Doyle, SSJ Senatore Maurizio Eufemi Experience Travel Tours - UK Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faherty Mr. Barry and Mrs. Angela Fairweather Mr. Anthony J. Fasano Ms. Marjorie Galvin Mr. John Joseph Garvey Ms. Margaret Garza Mr. Mike Giacaman ¥ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazboun Mr. John Herrick, KGCHS Ms. Nina Kempf Mr. Bill Krueger Latin Parish-Bethlehem Latin Patriarchate School Mr. and Mrs. John Linsenmeyer Mr. Tony Mahon, KHS Mrs. Celia McArdle Stephan and Judith Mock Mrs. Phyllis Mooney Br. Richard Moratto, FSC, De La Salle Institute Sue and Jim Morris Mr. W. Dennis Owen, AFSC in memory of Br. Daniel Casey, FSC Rev. Thomas M. O‘Donnell Palestine Education Foundation & Mr. Matthew Pico Ms. Pat Richardson, DCHS Miss Jane Russell Mr. H. Giles Schmid Rev. Erwin H. Schweigardt, Ph.D. Rev. Bruce Shipman

Bethlehem University


Mrs. Charlene Shoen Society of Palestinian Women‘s Committee, Ms. Maha Nassar Dr. Steve Stafford Ms. Dolly Sullivan The General Union of Palestinian Women Mr. Mario Toumayan in honor of Br. Jean Manuel, FSC Br. Joseph Ventura, FSC Ms. Kristin Walker Mario and Mary Vivian Zelaya Century Club ($100+) Ms. Nora D’Acquisto ß Raphael & Rima Addiego Ms. Lilibeth Alcazar Mr. Amin Amin, Dar Al-Shorouq Anonymous Mr. Gregory Appleton Þ Mrs. Kathleen Armstrong Victoria and Michael Armstrong Sr. Anne Avril, nds Dr. Peter E. Bahou, h.c. Br. Bede Baldry, FSC Ms. Patricia Barbernitz Rev. Dominic Barrington Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel Batarseh Sir Robert F. Begley Br. Dominic Berardelli, FSC Ms. Jo Ann M. Bergesen Blessed Dominic Barberi Parish, Rev. John Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan Ms. Therese Brija Dr. Mellie B. Brodeth Br. William Brynda, FSC Dr. Miriam Burke Þ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butler Mr. Guy Butterworth Ms. Rebecca Calaor Ms. Carole Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Carlton Br. Francis Carr, FSC Br. Robert Carnaghi, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey Ms. Susan M. Castellan Dr. Frank Cave Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ceasar Christian Brothers Community, La Salle Retreat Center

Br. William Clarey, FSC Mr. Stephen M. Colecchi, D.Min. Br. Myron Collins, FSC Mr. Jack and Yvette Connell Br. James Connolly, FSC Br. Patrick Conway, FSC Rev. John P. Cunningham Ms. Elizabeth J. Dawson Mr. Joseph M. Derham Br. Konrad Diebold, FSC Ms. Elisabeth Dilas Sr. Joan Dombrowski, PBVM Mr. and Mrs. James Dorgan Mr. Albert Doumar Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Duggan, AFSC Mr. and Mrs. James Durrett Br. Robert Eckenrode, FSC Dr. Samira El-Zind Dr. Richard Ellenbecker Rev. Kail Ellis. OSA John and Norma Elser Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson M. et Mme. Abel Erondel Mr. Norman Ewers Rev. Fr. Michael Farano, St. Pius X Church Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fischer III Mr. Gerald Flood Ms. Mary Folsom Marty Fraga Ms. Evangeline B. Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gaffey Dr. Frederic Gannon, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James Garland Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Gaut Mr. Isma‘el Ghaban & Lofti Ghaban ** Mr. Mark Gilson Rev. Fr. Joseph Girzone Br. Columba Gleeson, FSC Br. Paul Grass, FSC ¥ Mr. and Mrs. Lorren Griffin, Jr. Br. John Guasconi, FSC, in memory of Br. Daniel Casey, FSC Mr. Michael Gwilliam Msgr. James Habiger Rev. Michael Hanifin, Santa Clara de Asis Church Larry and Mary Hansen Sr. Canice Hanrahan Br. Eric Henderson, FSC Br. Peter Henderson, FSC Mrs. Veronica Hertel in honor of Rev. Ron Lewinski

FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Mr. Canon G. Hetherington Mrs .Mary Hillery Mr. Durell Hillis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Hosack, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes Mr. Kent Hughes Mrs. Margaret M. Hughes Br. Lawrence Humphrey, FSC ¥ Mr. Joseph Imbriaco Fr. Ben Innes O.F.M., St. Mary’s Parish-Shaw Rev. Willard F. Jabusch, PhD Deacon Sir & Lady Henry Jacquemet Ms. Dorothy Jamal Mr. Alan and Susan Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Jorgensen in honor of their 6 children and spouses Br. Michael Kadow, FSC Dr. and Mrs. Albert Karam Harry and Ana Katz Dr. David H. Kelly Sr. Karen M. Kennelly, CSJ Mr. & Mrs. John Jay King Robert and Barbara Klocke Rev.Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kriegshauser Br. Livinus Lalor, FSC, De La Salle Brothers-Coatbridge Mr. Oscar Lama, Federation of Arab Institutions, Chile Prälat Dr. Lucian Lamza Msgr. Richard LaRocque Rev. Marshall Larriviere Ms. Maria Leonard Sr. Eleanor Lincoln, CSJ Sr. Catherine Litecky, CSJ Ms. Margaret Lordon Mrs. Joan Mahon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mahon Sir Brian and Lady Margaret Mallon Ms. Robin Markle Mr. John P. Martin Mrs. Pam Martin Ms. Kerry McArdle and Philip McArdle in memory of Br. Fergus Mr. James McCavitt Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. McFarland Mr. Nigel McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. Terrence McGaughan Ms. Mary McGee Dr. and Mrs. James McGill Br. Joel McGraw, FSC


Bethlehem University


Ms. Mary Jane McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. McMahon Mrs. Rosemary Mellor Ms. Alice Meyer ¶ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertz Mr. and Mrs. Christian Michener Mr. and Mrs. Don Minore Mr. and Mrs. Philip Moore Rev. John Morris, O.P. Sue and Jim Morris in honor of Bishop Victor Balke Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mueller Mr. Daniel Murray Drs. Frank and Mary Neal Ms. Charlotte L. Nesseth Ms. Daisy G. Neves Mr. and Mrs. Jose Niembro Ms. Claire Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norton Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nussbaum Rev. Robert Oldershaw Rev. Jacek Orzechowski, OFM Parishes of St. Ignatius and English Martyrs, c/o Mrs. Margaret Nelson Mr. and Ms. Paul Perera Mr. Lawrence Pfundstein Fr. Mark Pierce Ms. Jean Pike Professor Alain Pique H.E. John C. Piunno, EOHSJ-MidAtlantic Lieutenancy Deacon Sir Richard and Lady Katherine Pizzato Br. David Poos, FSC Br. Anthony Porter, FSC, St. Cassian’s Centre ¥ Br. Patrick Power, FSC Ms. Maura Presley Susan and Richard Purdon Mrs. Wendy Quas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quigley on behalf of Catherine Quigley Sr. Marianne Race Kerri Duggins Rames Ms. Barbara K. Rau Br. Joseph Reilly, FSC Mrs. Maura Robertson Rev. Fr. Patrick Rush Rev. Fr. Patrick Sammon, St. Anthony of Padua R.C. Church Debbie Santalesa Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Santalesa

Most Rev. Joseph M. Sartoris Br. Larry Schatz, FSC Br. Robert Schieler, FSC, Christian Brothers Conference Father Donald Senior, C. P., Catholic Theological Union Ms. Della Shenton Mr. and Mrs. John Sinfield Sisters at Bethany Convent, Sr. Anne Elise Tschide Br. Matthew Smith, FSC Ms. Lorraine Sostowski Þ Dr. Ana Spitzmesser Mr. Luke Ssemakula Ms. Celine Sullivan Br. Jerome Sullivan, FSC, in honor of Bill and Theresa Delaney Br. Jerome Sullivan and Community Mr. and Mrs. Percival Tamondong Ms. Kathleen Taylor Rev. Guy Theunis Mrs. Marjorie Thornton Mr. and Mrs.Steve Tjia Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toso Very Rev. Fr. Charles Troncale Ms. Sonia Vandama Ken and Pat Vincent Mr. and Mrs. John Warta and Family Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins III Prof. Dorothy Jean Weaver Patrick White and Pauline Smetka Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams Sr. Stephanie Wilson, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wrona Ms. Lorraine Ybarra Silver Anniversary ($25+) Ms. Ana Luisa Ananias Ms. Judith Itaim Ananias Mrs. Mary Antao Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Arena Ms. Gloria S. Ash Mr. and Mrs. Tasso A. Bandak Mr. Amir Bannoura Mr. & Mrs. Nader Barakat Mr. and Mrs. David Baron in honor of Matilda Murphy and Grace Sottilaro Mr. John Barry, III Ms. Linda Batton Mr. Douglas Benker Mr. and Mrs. Royce Boudreau Tony and Marie Brear

01 May 2008 to 18 May 2009

Ms. Joan Castellan Mr. and Mrs. John Castle Rev. Chris Comerford Bishop James D. Conley Mr. and Mrs. James Corcoran Mr. Rodolfo Corpuz Mr. and Mrs. William Dietz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Doall Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dorsey in honor of Brother Neil Kieffe Ms. Florence N. Dusselier in memory of Roger Geimer Mr. and Mrs. James Eckstein Rev. Joseph R. Farrell, KHS Mr. Christopher Fay in honor of Br. Chris Englert, FSC Mr. Robert Fernandes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friel Mrs. Maureen Gamber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howen Mr. Thomas Garofalo Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Garruzzo Br. Richard Geimer, FSC Br. Tom Geraghty, FSC Mr. Ray A. Gerritzen Sr. Barbara Gfeller, SNJM Mr. Ralph Giulianotti, KSG Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grayson Dr. and Mrs. John Greenwood Mr. Nicholas Griffin Mr. and Mrs. David Guimont Mr. William Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Paul Helmer Mr. Edward Horvat Rev. Fr. Jerome Hudziak

Dr. and Mrs. Derek Dominic Hughes Rev. Lawrence Jones Sister Elaine Kelley, SFCC Rev. Fr. Alex Kratz, OFM Mr. Paul Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krouskop Mr. John Kulczycki Ms. Patricia Latteri Mrs. Mary Lerps Fr. Ron Lewinski Br. Augustine Loes, FSC Brother James Loxham, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marks, Jr. Teri Markus Mrs. Mary Teresa Martinez Mr. John T. Massman Ms. Bernadette Maune Ms. Anne K. McBride Mr. John M. McGowan, II Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McGrath Mrs. Anne McHugh Mr. John Merrigan M. and Mme. André Miquel Ms.Teresa Mitchell, St. Brendan Catholic Community, Georgia Mr. Donald Muncy Sir John Nutley, KCG*HS Ms. JoAnne O‘Brien Ms. Irenea Openano Professor Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ Ms. Mary Patania Mr. and Mrs. Gary Piotrowski Mr. and Mrs. John Presley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quaintance Ms. Anne Rado

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rezzonico, Jr. Mr. and Ms. John Roppolo ß Ms. Mary Saad Ms. Nelly A. Salem Richard and Deidre Santalesa Mr. Frank Schade Dr. Judith Schaefer, O.P.Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. William Schecher Rev. Henry Schmidt Mr. David Schultze II Mr. Robert Schwendau Mr. and Mrs. Art Sheridan Mrs. Coe Slattery Barbara and Louis Smith Br. Damian Steger, FSC Sr. Florence Steichen, CSJ Mr. Kenneth Solak Mr. Michael Sommers Mr. Kenneth Tedesco Mr. Shibley Telhami & Ms. Kathryn Hopps Mr. Carey E. Tharp III Br. Raphael-Philip Thez, FSC Professor George Tomlin Mr. & Mrs. Benigno Trigo Very Rev. Fr. Charles Troncale Doris and Gerald Turner Br. Robert Werle, FSC Sr. Wanda Wetli Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wilson Sister Jolene Wingert Ms. Marian Whitley Mr. and Mrs. John Zemblidge Ms. Paula Ziadie Fr. Robert Zwilling

Thanks to Sir Chuck and Lady Ede Radloff as well as Lieutenant Sir Patrick and Lady Tracy Powers for hosting a gathering of friends of Bethlehem University in southern California; Msgr. Labib Kobti, Brother Ronald Gallagher, and Brother Donald Mansir for organizing gatherings in northern California; and Sir Hugh and Lady Teresa MacKinnon, Lieutenant Sir Claire and Lady Ruth Beingessner, His Grace, Archbishop Thomas Collins and Sister Anne Anderson, CSJ for organizing gatherings in Toronto Canada at which Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor, and Brother Jack Curran, Vice President for Development, made presentations about Bethlehem University. Legend

Þ Patricia Barbernitz Endowed Scholarship Fund, St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Community of Columbia, MD Ψ Siman Family Endowed Scholarship ¶ Jan and Gordon Forbes Endowed Scholarship Ω Madeleine and Shehadeh Botto Endowed Scholarship


Bethlehem University


® Summerhayes Endowed Scholarship for Religious Studies ¥ Brother Joseph Loewenstein Endowed Scholarship Fund ß Marguerite Sa’ad Endowed Scholarship Fund đ Beatrix Stork Endowed Scholarship ♣ Edward Stork Endowed Scholarship

Matching gifts & Bank of America United Way Campaign ₣ NSTAR Foundation ** PG & E corporation

Tell us what you think. Our programs, our newsletter, your visit… we want to hear from you! Email us at: “We are grateful that a serious Department of Religious Studies exists in the Holy Land, especially in Bethlehem. Su’ad Kattan (BU ’02), who graduated from Bethlehem University’s Religious Studies Department has been a great addition to our faculty.” George Dürr, Principal of Talita Kumi School in Beit Jala.

“I believe that the existence of Bethlehem University is one of those ‘signs of salvation’ from God that He sent and still is sending to his people through history. Bethlehem University gives students a great chance to continue their religious education, and for those who would like to be catechists it offers a good formation to start their ministry.”

Sr. Virginie Habib, Director of the Catechetical Office and the Director of the Inter-ritual Committee of Catechesis of the Latin Patriarchate.

“The Department of Religious Studies has had a very positive impact on the quality of religion teachers we have in our schools. There is a significant difference between knowing your religion and knowing how to teach it. Bethlehem University has helped significantly in producing quality Christian religion teachers.”

George Sa’adeh, Principal of the Good Shepherds’ School in Beit Sahour and Deputy Mayor of Bethlehem.

“We are delighted with Tony Hanna (BU ’03) and Lina Sara (BU ’06), graduates of the Religious Studies Department at


Bethlehem University


Bethlehem University who now teach religion at St. Dimitri’s High School. They clearly have experience and are fortunate to have had some of the most active academics in the Holy Land as their teachers.” Ms. Afaf Samawi, Supervisor of St. Dimitri’s High School in Jerusalem

“I watched the Holy Father’s visit to Bethlehem on EWTN. Congratulations to all at Bethlehem University for giving our Holy Father such a wonderful reception.” +James D. Conley, Auxiliary Bishop of Denver

“I am so pleased that His Holiness recognized the great work of Bethlehem University. May God continue to bless your staff and students.” Fr. Michael Teader, St. Felix Parish, UK

“Thank you for the warm welcome at Bethlehem University. It was great to see your students practicing in the restaurant of the Hotel Management Department and to enjoy the excellent food and service.”

Stephan Mock, EOHSJ Germany and German Association of the Holy Land

“I just received a letter from the student receiving the Patricia Barbernitz Scholarship. I am proud of her accomplishments and wish her all the best in her further studies.” Kathie Armstrong, Columbia, Maryland

“Our visit to Bethlehem University is always one of the highlights for our pilgrims and our students – and I know that seeing the great work you are doing also makes many of them ongoing friends for the University.” Fr. Donald Senior, C.P., President of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago

“We cannot imagine a more worthy beneficiary for doing the Christian ideals.” Thomas Wolfe, Pleasant Hills, California

“Please assure all at Bethlehem University that it is my pleasure and privilege to be able to assist them in securing a quality Christian education in the Holy Land. I am most grateful to Bethlehem University for making their dreams come true.” Edward Cardinal Egan, Apostolic Administrator, New York, New York

“I’m a great fan of what Bethlehem University is doing – the power of education in serving the people is such a valuable gift. I’m delighted that we can support the new career development initiative.” Cardinal John Patrick Foley, Grand Master to the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre.


“ Feedback”

Your support makes possible all that we do. We are grateful for your prayers, solidarity, and financial support. More than two-thirds of our operating budget comes from the generous contributions of individuals, parishes, dioceses, religious orders, foundations, corporations, governments, and lieutenancies and individuals of the Equestrian Order. Your contributions are greatly appreciated – and vital to us!

St u de n


• Ho w y y




n a c h u

HOW you can support students and faculty at BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY


Your prayers for the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Bethlehem University are needed. Likewise, your prayers for all who work for justice and peace are appreciated.

Annual Gifts

& Fa c u l t

Can you join with others who generously contribute on a regular basis – monthly, two or three times a year? Whatever you can do is appreciated. If you are able to provide financial support to keep hope alive in the Holy Land, here is how your financial gifts help. • $200 supports one student to work 6 hours per week to help pay his/her tuition. • $1,000 provides a computer for a faculty office or student laboratory. • $3,600 provides a named scholarship covering the total real cost of education for a year. • $5,000 provides audio-visual equipment for teachers or lab equipment for science students. • $10,000 supports on-line electronic journals in the library. • $15,000 supports student retreats and leadership activities. • $25,000 provides computers to upgrade laboratories and offices. • $30,000 supports student internships and career development activities.

Permanent Endowment Gifts – The Gifts that Keep On Giving!

Endowment gifts provide permanent support for various activities at the University. Endowment gifts can be made cumulatively over time. They can be made by one person or a group of people. An endowment gift is a superb opportunity in honor or in memory of someone.

• $25,000 partially supports a student each semester for ever • $75,000 fully supports the cost of a student’s education for the year. Along with you, our students and faculty are people of hope! We believe that brighter days are ahead – and that education is the way forward for peace and justice in this Holy Land. Your support is deeply appreciated! You make miracles happen each and every day! God Bless You!

Brother Jack Curran, FSC Vice President for Development


Bethlehem University


It is your support that makes possible all that we do and we are deeply grateful! In addition to the tuition that students and their families are able to contribute, Bethlehem University is supported by contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations and governments. As illustrated throughout this publication, your donations strengthen the University and its educational and professional development services to the Palestinian people. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and allow us to continue this most vital and significant work in the Holy Land. Gifts from the local and international community can be made via check payable to “Bethlehem University” or by bank transfer through the Development Office at Bethlehem University. Contact: Brother Jack Curran, FSC, PhD Vice President for Development PO Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem Tel: +972 2 2741241 Fax: +972 2 2744440

Mr. Carl Hetu National Secretary CNEWA Canada 1247 Kilborn Place Ottawa, Ontario K1H 6K9 Tel: 866-322-4441 (toll free) Fax: (613) 738-7666

In the United States, Bethlehem University is a tax deductible non-profit, eligible for employer matching grants (Tax ID 22-2997011). Checks payable to “Bethlehem University” can be mailed to:

In Ireland, Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland (FBU-I) is an approved Charity (CHY6868) and is authorized for tax rebates (1315). Gifts can be sent to:

Brother Dominic Smith, FSC USA Development Office Hecker Center , Suite 330 3025 Fourth Street, NE Washington , DC 20017 - 1102 Phone: 202-526-6097 Fax: 202-526-6096

Dr. John Kelly Professor Emeritus University College Dublin Chairman Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland c/o 89 Lower Leeson Street Dublin 2 Email: Website:

In the UK, the Friends of Bethlehem University (FOBU) is a registered charity (#1077818). Donations are eligible to Gift Aid. Checks can be made payable to “Friends of Bethlehem University” and sent to: Msgr. Vladimir Felzman All Saints Pastoral Centre London Colney, Hertfordshire AL2 1AF England Fax: +44-1727-822880

In Switzerland, gifts can be made through the Association Universite de Bethlehem (ABU) by contacting:

In the United Arab Emirates, gifts can be made through the Friends of Bethlehem University in the UAE:

In New Zealand for a donation tax receipt, gifts may be sent with a letter indicating support for Bethlehem University via cheque payable to “Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand” or by credit card to:

Mr. Anton Kattan PO Box 7674 Abu Dhabi, UAE Phone: +971-2-634-3969 Fax: +971-2-632-5188


In Canada, gifts eligible for Canadian tax credit to support Bethlehem University made payable to “CNEWA CANADA” with a letter indicating that the gift is to support Bethlehem University can be mailed to:

Bethlehem University


Klaus Rollin Wassergraben 4 Postfach 397 CH 6210 Sursee Tel.: 0041-41-920 45 37 Mobile: 0041-79-301 78 18 Fax: 0041-41-920 45 48

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand PO Box 12-193, Wellington 6144, New Zealand Phone: 64 4 496 1742 Facsimile: 64 4 499 2519

Bethlehem University Graduates Rebuilding Gaza

“I pray daily for peace born of justice to return to the Holy Land and the entire region, bringing security and renewed hope for all.”

Pope Benedict XVI, May 2009 Holy Land Visit

An Israeli military assault on Gaza began on 27 December 2008 and lasted for 22 days. This assault followed nearly two years of Israeliimposed closures, restrictions and what the United Nations called an increasing humanitarian crisis. Some 438 people from Gaza are former students and graduates of Bethlehem University. Before the year 2000, Gaza residents were an integral part of the University campus community, studying alongside their West Bank peers. Fathi Najjar (BU ’91) who works as an Area Emergency Assistance Officer for UNRWA in Khan Yunis, Dr. Ashraf El-Jedi (BU ’96), Dean of Nursing at the Islamic University in Gaza, and Mohammed Al Azaizeh (BU ‘09), Coordinator for Psychological Support for Children at Mercy Corps in Gaza, are three of the many University alumni currently serving as emergency aid workers, teachers, nurses, social workers, and business managers – providing critical human infrastructure in their devastated communities. “My heart goes out to war-torn Gaza,” Pope Benedict XVI preached during his May 2009 Mass in Bethlehem’s Manger Square, “Please be assured of my


solidarity with you in the immense work of rebuilding which now lies ahead, and my prayers that the embargo will soon be lifted.” With the encouragement of Mother Teresa’s Missionary Sisters of Charity, the Latin Patriarchate and the Rosary Sisters Schools in Gaza, and with the support of Archbishop Antonio Franco, Chancellor of Bethlehem University and Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine, Bethlehem University seeks to once again enroll students from Gaza at Bethlehem University. “Palestinians, like any other people, have a natural right …to have access to work, education, and health care,” His Holiness proclaimed as he entered Bethlehem on 13 May 2009. “There is a particular hopefulness that the Pope’s visit will provide an opportunity for the Israeli authorities to once again give permission for students from Gaza to study at Bethlehem University,” said Brother Robert Smith, FSC, Academic Vice President. “As a Vatican-sponsored Palestinian university open to students from all faith traditions, we are seeking support from any

God Bless You For Your Prayers, Support & Solidarity

Bethlehem University


and all countries, organizations, and persons of good will to help us secure permission from the Israeli authorities for students from Gaza to study at Bethlehem University,” said Brother Jack Curran, Vice President for Development. Thus far, numerous donors have come forth to assist in funding this initiative – and yet more assistance is needed. A group of students from Gaza have been offered admission to begin their studies at Bethlehem University in June 2009. They have applied for travel permits to the West Bank. At the time of this writing, they still await permission from the Israeli authorities to allow them to come to Bethlehem. Bethlehem University is committed to continuing its mission of educational service to the entire Palestinian community, including Gaza. We need your help, support and prayers:

• In securing travel permissions from Gaza to Bethlehem

• With funding support for student expenses

• In publicizing this initiative among media outlets and religious communities

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