Bethlehem University News, Spring 2012

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Bethlehem Bethlehem University News - Volume 20

Issue No. 2


University IN THE


A Renewal of


A Message from the Vice Chancellor A Spirit of Renewal Dear Alumni and Friends of Bethlehem University, Have you visited Bethlehem University? If so, you have seen our beautiful campus overlooking Bethlehem, our educational facilities buzzing with activity, or perhaps our faculty engaging classes in discussion. But I am sure that your lasting memories are that of our students. You probably saw them socializing with each other between classes, perhaps you even had the opportunity to talk with some of them, to hear about the realities of their lives – and I am certain you could feel their sense of promise and hope. Indeed, it is that sense of possibility that is the greatest blessing to me here at Bethlehem University. That possibility sustains all the people on campus as they strive to be better students, better educators, and better people. And that sense of possibility is experienced and carried from here by the thousands of visitors to Bethlehem University each year. As you will read in this magazine, leaders of the Church, such as Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, are enthused and renewed each time they visit us at Bethlehem University: “Every time I come here, I leave with hope, the hope that radiates from the beautiful students. Thanks be to God for Bethlehem University!” But this notion of possibility, of hope, does not lie merely in the abstract or the theoretical. Every day – through our students, through our passionate educators and administrators, through the De La Salle Christian Brothers – Bethlehem University is a site of rebirth, weaving hope and peace into the cloth of society and serving as an instrumental player in the future of Palestinian success. You will read about that possibility made real, which sustains our distinguished faculty, who are leading the way in various areas including the groundbreaking genetic and hereditary research; our graduates, who encourage and mentor our students as they prepare for careers; and our friends and volunteers around the world, who generously give their time, passion, and other resources to the advancement of Bethlehem University.



Published by the Development and &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 2IîFH Editorial Committee Brother Jack Curran, FSC Ms. Patti Riippa Ms. Angela Hawash - Abu Eita ’11 Mr. James Howell Mr. Bassem Ballout Contributors Mr. Demitri Awwad Brother Dominic Smith, FSC Photography: Ms. Angela Hawash - Abu Eita ’11 Mr. Jésus Villegas Mr. Demitri Awwad Ms. Nadira AlAraj Mr. Isaac Sahhar Ms. Serene Nuaimi Mr. Munjid Kharoufeh Mr. Kirby Knight Studio Shamieh Special Thanks Student Ambassadors Visitors Alumni Design and Printing: Nour Design & Print Co. Selina Tabash Nour ’98 David Nour ’95 Electronic address:

As you read these stories, I pray that you, too, will feel that possibility. If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit Bethlehem University, I invite you to come and see first-hand how Bethlehem University exemplifies renewal and a promise for the future, a place where hope is kept alive, indeed a place that is a beacon of hope.

Temporary mailing address: &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 2IîFH PO Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem

Thank you for your continued generosity and prayers.

Location address: Frères Street Bethlehem, Palestine


Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD Vice Chancellor



Bethlehem University


NoUWK $PHULFDQ 2IîFH Bethlehem University Hecker Center, Suite 330 3025 Fourth St, NE Washington, DC 20017-1102 Tel. 202-526-6097

Table of Contents

4 Bethlehem University on Google’s Radar 6 Fulbright Scholar Brings Social Work Expertise to Bethlehem University 8 Bethlehem University Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh 9 Unlocking Codes & Opening Doors: Medical Research at Bethlehem University 10 Combats Hereditary Disease The Naming & Blessing of the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration

Hotel Management All-Star: Bethlehem University Educates the Best Bethlehem University Presents Honorary Doctorate to Msgr. Robert L. Stern A Visit to Bethlehem University Provides Many with a Renewal of Faith Supporting Peace Through Economic Development In Memory Thank You Visitors to Campus How You Can Help

14 15 16 19 20 21 26 28

You asked, they answered! Get to know Ms. Lubna Alzaroo, a senior at Bethlehem University majoring in English Language and Literature with a minor in Translation.

Q: What are your goals for the future? A: My dream is to go to grad school and

get an MA and PhD in English Literature. I am particularly interested in Colonial and postcolonial literature since I very much relate to that kind of writing. I would like to teach Literature with a focus on that theme at a university one day since I truly believe we can learn a lot about ourselves as a culture and society through researching and discussing those topics.

Q: Who has been one of the biggest influences in your life?

A: My father raised me to love education,

think critically and to work hard for the things I want. He taught me to be independent, to always face the challenges in my life and to never give up on this land and people. I grew up to be strong, independent and openminded thanks to him. I learned to believe that education was the way to resist, through him.

Q: You meet a lot of groups visiting campus; what is your impression about them?

A: Over the past four years, I have met with a lot of different groups at Bethlehem University through the Student Ambassador program. It is fascinating how many people come each with their different views and perspectives. I have learned a lot through the past years just by talking to people. I always appreciate that so many different groups come to visit us and support us.


Bethlehem University


The Naming and Blessing of the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub

From left to right: Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University; Mr. Ibrahim S. Dabdoub, Group CEO, National Bank of Kuwait; Dr. Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of Palestine; H.E. Archbishop Antonio Franco, Apostolic Delegate and Chancellor of Bethlehem University; Mrs. Hilda Dabdoub, mother of the late Mr. Shucri Dabdoub; and Ms. Tamara, sister of the late Mr. Shucri Dabdoub.

Brother Jack Curran, Vice President of Development for Bethlehem University, greets Dr. Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of Palestine.

HE Archbishop Antonio Franco blessing the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration.

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University

An Historic First at Bethlehem University! In the presence of Archbishop Antonio Franco, Papal Nuncio and Chancellor of Bethlehem University; Mr. Ibrahim and Mrs. Hilda Dabdoub; Dr. Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of Palestine; and local, national, and international Church, government, and business leaders, Brother Peter Bray named the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration at Bethlehem University on 12 May 2012. This first ever naming of a faculty at Bethlehem University, a momentous historic occasion, highlights the quality education provided by the faculty, the prestigious positions earned by 4

Bethlehem University


the graduates, and the promising future programs to be developed and enhanced by the faculty. Mr. Ibrahim Dabdoub, Group CEO of the National Bank of Kuwait, told those gathered for the ceremony that “my wife, Hilda, my daughter, Tamara, and I could find no better way to honor the memory of our beloved late son than to give the young men and women in Palestine an opportunity to obtain a first rate business education here at Bethlehem University and thus the opportunity to improve their lives.” “The Dadboub family’s

contribution to Bethlehem University signals that this faculty and this university, which has grown from the secondary school where Ibrahim himself was educated as a young boy, has the formula needed for young Palestinians to transform themselves and the world,” said Brother Peter Bray. “Ibrahim’s ethical leadership in the business world, especially in Kuwait, has been consistently credited as helping to steer the Kuwaiti economy in a positive direction.” Mr. Dabdoub went on to say, “This investment in Bethlehem University is inspired by our beloved son, Shucri, who passed

Faculty of Business Administration

From left to right: Mr. Ibrahim S. Dabdoub, Group CEO, National Bank of Kuwait; Dr. Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of Palestine; Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University.

Dr. Fadi Kattan, Dean of the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration

Mr. Ibrahim Dabdoub, Group CEO, National Bank of Kuwait, unveils the newly inaugurated Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration.

Palestinian officials have stressed the need for increased support for Bethlehem University, especially throughout the Arab world. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad commended Bethlehem University and the Dabdoub family for their dedication to developing higher education in Palestine. “Please allow me … to salute Bethlehem University, its management, its faculty members and students, for the great achievements since 1973,” Prime Minister Fayyad said. “Bethlehem University has been serving the youth of Palestine, serving the public and private sectors, by preparing the leaders of the future. …Bethlehem University graduates do own a high level of commitment toward performance, professionalism and high standards. Bethlehem University can for sure be very proud of these achievements.” We are all indebted to and inspired by Ibrahim and Hilda Dabdoub. Bethlehem University is grateful for their support as well as for the support of our many benefactors and alumni.

Mrs. Hilda and Mr. Ibrahim Dabdoub with Dr. Salam Fayyad, Brother Peter Bray (on right) and Dr. Michel Sansur (on left).

away unexpectedly. It is fitting that an enduring memorial to him should be established in the place of his heritage. It is our hope that others will join us in supporting this important academic institution, Bethlehem University, and the future of higher education in Palestine.”

solve problems and confront the challenges before us. We come to discover that which inspires us, to find what motivates us, and to connect our personal passions to a larger community interest. We come to discover new ideas, new ways of working, and new ways of thinking.”

“Education is the most powerful and rewarding investment. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Dabdoub for your generosity to Bethlehem University. You are enabling us to move forward with a number of initiatives,” said Dr. Fadi Kattan, Dean of the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration. “We come here to broaden our horizons, to sharpen our vision, to enlarge our hearts, and to train our minds so as to

Dean Kattan, himself a 1990 graduate of Bethlehem University, has witnessed and participated in the growth of Bethlehem University and the vital role it plays in Palestine and throughout the world. Under his leadership, the first Masters degree at Bethlehem University was established in 2005, a Masters in International Cooperation and Development. Others are presently in process.

Mr. Ibrahim Dabdoub unveils the newly inaugurated Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration with Brother Peter Bray.


Bethlehem University


Bethlehem University on


’s r a d Ra

When Ms. Nadira AlAraj, lecturer in the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration, enrolled her students in the 2011 Google Online Marketing Challenge, she immediately encountered a problem: the application had no option for entrants to select Palestine as the country of residence. But Ms. AlAraj and her students persevered undeterred, contacting Google representatives, beginning the process that challenged how the online marketing world sees Palestine.

The team’s goals in the competition were not limited to completing the challenge as an assigned project, but also to achieving something bigger and making their mark. They were first elevated to semi-finalists and then went on to grab first place in the Middle East/Africa region  a distinct and honorable accomplishment for the group of young students. This was the first year Bethlehem University participated in this program, and Bethlehem University was the first Palestinian university to win this award.

In the Google challenge, students created an online marketing campaign for a real business or nonprofit. The team from Bethlehem University worked with a contemporary visual arts high school, Dar Al-Kalima College, in the Google “AdWords” challenge – researching and evaluating key search terms that would increase traffic to the College’s website.

The winning team is comprised of five Business majors — Farah Abu Sahliya, Firas Nofal, Ramzy Zreineh, Saher Qawas, and Jack Mikhail — who enthusiastically pooled their marketing and advertising experiences gained in the classroom and applied them in the real world.

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They explain that the stimulating thing about the competition was

that it was tested by real clients and judged by real professionals. “This was real life, consequently full of challenges, hardships and obstacles, but with the help of our mentor Ms. AlAraj, we had a great deal of support,” they said. Ms. AlAraj’s encouragement and daily follow-up is credited for pushing the students to the edge of their limits, ultimately with a rewarding payoff. “The patience and the encouragement of our lecturer was one of the main ingredients of our success. As our mentor, she guided us throughout this entire ordeal; she pushed us to our limits and had faith in our abilities,” the team said. Ms. AlAraj  an enthusiastic proponent of online education, social networking and e-business  heard about this competition and immediately thought about her students and how she could introduce them to the world of AdWords.

The Bethlehem University team of five Business majors completed in the Google Online Marketing Challenge, capturing first place in the Middle East/Africa region. From left to right: Saher Qawas, Ramzy Zreineh, Farah Abu Sahliya, Jack Mikhail, and Firas Nofal.

“I know how valuable and knowledgeable my students are,” Ms. AlAraj said, “and I think it’s important to open the world to them and let the world know what we’re incubating here at Bethlehem University.” The student team along with mentor Ms. AlAraj recently returned from their visit to Google European headquarters in Dublin as part of their award. They met with many people who

work for the company across Europe and the Middle East. During their day at Google’s Dublin office, they met the European regional winners, who hail from Poland. During the day Mr. John Herlihy, Vice President of Advertising Operations, led a discussion with the teams about Google and its innovative projects. The students also met with new Google employees, who shared their exciting experiences so far. The tour inside the impressive Google office provided interesting insight into the

facilities available to Google employees, which are wellknown for providing a relaxing atmosphere while encouraging productivity and excellence. The experience at Google in Dublin certainly proved to be a rewarding prize, as student winners not only gained wonderful real-world experiences through the competition, but also glimpsed what is possible with some coaching, teamwork, and creative thinking, in an exciting field that is ripe with opportunities for the future.

Mission Statement

Bethlehem University is a Catholic co-educational institution in the Lasallian tradition whose mission is to provide quality higher education to the people of Palestine and to serve them in its role as a center for the advancement, sharing and use of knowledge. The University emphasizes excellence in academic programs and the development of students as committed people prepared to assume leading positions in society. The University aspires to foster shared values, moral principles and a dedication to serving the common good.

Fulbright Scholar “I have a great sense that there are so many opportunities here,” said Dr. Elizabeth Beck, an expert in Social Work and Fulbright scholar from Pittsburgh. Dr. Beck is part of the team that submitted the Master’s in Social Work (MSW) curriculum to the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education. To further this goal, Bethlehem University has worked closely with the University of Washington School of Social Work – currently tied for #3 among all social work programs in the United States – to develop a plan for an MSW program in Palestine, with a strong emphasis on community development and leadership. The MSW program will also be supported by a network of other key partners in the Palestinian context, including Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists (PUSWP), Palestinian ministries, Palestinian nongovernmental organizations, and agencies of the United Nations. Palestine faces a dire need for qualified social workers: as of 2010, only 10 MSW-holding professionals were in all of West Bank and Gaza, and there were no social workers holding a Ph.D. “Because of the situation Palestine is in, there is a very palpable sense that the state of

Brings Social Work Expertise to Bethlehem University

Dr. Elizabeth Beck, a visiting Fulbright Scholar, is part of a team working to bring a Master’s in Social Work curriculum to Bethlehem University.

the community, being that it is a community built in response to the Occupation, is unsustainable, and that helps to open up room for community development,” Dr. Beck said. “This also means that social work practitioners have room to develop their own university curriculums and to just develop the field.” As the Director of The Center for Collaborative Social Work at Georgia State University, she brings a different eye to the social work landscape in Palestine.

“I’m not in the business of creating social work models for Palestine, but I have access to resources not available yet here,” she said. “I play a role of connecting those here [at Bethlehem University] to resources that those in my field – in the United States – have, and to serve as a source of inspiration to social work experts at Bethlehem University… I myself have benefited from this type of coaching – in my own academic career – and know how valuable it is.” However, she notes that Palestine is unique to other parts of the world.

“I and my peers here think that it is futile to try and import social work models from other countries,” Dr. Beck said. “There are a lot of community service program models already present in Palestine — which is great — and I think that the community here is well on the road towards modifying and expanding upon what is already fits their community.” She notes that strengthening communities is a critical component of strengthening families, as “the community and its individuals are very much intertwined.” This holistic approach ensures that collective issues – empowerment and social justice, for example – are addressed, and individuals and their communities are enabled to work for change at government levels. Though Bethlehem University’s proposed Master’s in Social Work curriculum is pending with the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education, Bethlehem University is currently seeking creative project ideas and opportunities for funding.

To learn more, please contact the Development Office at: 8

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Bethlehem University Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh

Palestinian native Dr. Samir AbuGhazaleh maintains an active relationship with Bethlehem University from his home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he has hosted two Bethlehem University Nursing interns and is active in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

Even after the briefest of interactions with Dr. Samir AbuGhazaleh, one will walk away, without question, knowing that among his greatest passions are Duke University basketball and his beloved homeland of Palestine. This passion for those things he holds dear to his heart has carried throughout his life and continues today as a committed volunteer, donor, and friend to Bethlehem University.

University has grown since then.” Soon, Jack Steger, the Chairman Emeritus of the Bethlehem University Foundation Board, asked Dr. Samir to join the board. “I was very busy in my medical practice, but Jack kept after me until I joined,” he said. “You just have to love the man for his persistence.” Today, Dr. Samir is happy Jack Steger brought him deeper into the Bethlehem University family. Born in Haifa, Dr. Samir is all too familiar with the struggles of his Palestinian brothers and sisters. “Due to the political situation, graduates struggle to find work, and financial opportunities are severely limited,” he said. To Dr. Samir, Bethlehem University fills a need not met by other universities in the Holy Land.

After hearing the late Brother Vincent Malham give a presentation at the investiture of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, an organization of which he is a member, Dr. Samir wanted to know more about Bethlehem University.

“Bethlehem University is very, very special place as the only Catholic university in my homeland. It is run by hard-working, dedicated Christian Brothers, who are working under difficult situations to empower my country’s people through education,”

“I was intrigued. I learned so much from his speech. It touched my heart, and my love for Bethlehem

he said, adding that Bethlehem University is instrumental in preserving Christianity in the

land of Christ – and to do that, it must start with education and life experience. “I believe that our students must be exposed to other cultures and other institutions to broaden their horizon,” Dr. Samir said. Turning his passion into action, he and his wife Mary opened their home and community to two Bethlehem University students who traveled from Bethlehem to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for a nursing internship last summer as a part of the Sir John McGuckin Mentoring and Internship Program. Mary then came to Bethlehem in November with Bishop Paul J. Swain of the Diocese of Sioux Falls to visit Marlena Abu Aita and Salam Gareeb, their two interns from the past summer. Wanting to build upon that experience, Dr. Samir is now working to establish a working partnership between nursing programs in the United States and Bethlehem University. Through compassionate service and unwavering generosity, Dr. Samir and Mary Abu-Ghazaleh and their family are making a most significant difference in the lives of students, faculty, and the entire Bethlehem University community. The results of their passionate service and dedication serve as a shining example of what is possible for our students.

Dr. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh, M.D. is a retired Gynecological Oncologist in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In addition to his service on the Bethlehem University Foundation Board, he is an active board member of many professional organizations including the National Cancer Advisory Board, Arab American Institute and the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. Dr. Abu Ghazaleh is a member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, the Order of Malta and the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.


Bethlehem University


Unlocking Codes... Medical Research at Bethlehem University Combats Hereditary Disease ...

Researchers at Bethlehem University are helping to fight the diseases that plague so many of our loved ones. Two geneticists, through the use of gene sequencing and linkage mapping, have been able to detect new genetic mutations that cause not only hereditary deafness in the Palestinian population but also schizophrenia, congenital heart disease and breast cancer. In the Nursing department, researchers are working hard to improve the chances for survival and quality of life among breast cancer patients. At Bethlehem University’s first ever Research Day, the three shared their findings as research gains momentum. Geneticist Dr. Hashem Shahin tackles genetic problems that disproportionally affect the Palestinian population.

Dr. Hashem Shahin is passionate about genetics. A ’95 Bethlehem University graduate, he recently participated in the 12th International Congress of Human Genetics/American Society of Human Genetics 61st Annual Meeting in Montreal, where he was invited to present his work. “Palestine is a goldmine for geneticists,” Dr. Shahin said about his work in the area. Because of marriage patterns in Palestine, where most marriages take place between several longstanding Palestinian clans and families, the population is unique due to its very homozygous gene pool. This is a boon to ‘gene hunters,’ like Dr. Shahin. “Because the Palestinian population originated from a particular set of ancestors and its genetic traits have been concentrated, we can observe several occurrences of traits — such as schizophrenia — in one family,” Dr. Shahin said.


Bethlehem University


A Goldmine for Geneticists This unique situation has enabled DNA researchers to identify many genes that cause hearing loss, syndromic cleft palate, and more. “As unfortunate as this is, we must seize this unique opportunity to hunt these mutations and genes and hopefully drastically reduce these cases,” he says. “This has universal implications for the entire world because through our efforts – now other researchers know what they’re looking for!” Dr. Shahin feels fortunate to be a part of this research community, which allows him access to existing research and resources. “They trust me,” he said. “They know I am working to help them achieve better health for themselves and their children. Utilizing the data that my team has been collected here, the technology we have in our Hereditary Research Lab and the technology and information, shared with us by our colleague Dr. Mary Claire King at the University of Washington, and the support of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award (FIRCA), I am able to do much more.”

Dr. Shahin is currently focusing his efforts on building support for his latest project – hunting the gene that causes non-syndromic cleft lip and palate. He is currently working with many Palestinian and U.S.-based physicians and researchers — such as North Carolina reconstruction surgeon Dr. John Van Aalst — to help treat Palestinian families whose members suffer from the malformation. According to Dr. Shahin, Dr. Van Aalst was the driving force behind the creation of the Palestinian Cleft Society, which annually brings surgeons – based at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill – to perform surgeries on Palestinian children who suffer from this malformation. Patients throughout the Arab world have already consulted Dr. Shahin’s team, – for example, expectant mothers who wish to have tests performed to understand the risks for their unborn children. Dr. Shahin explains, “this can help mothers cope with hereditary disease in the early stages of their children’s lives, to give them the best possible chance for survival, treatment and rehabilitation.”

Opening Doors... Unlocking the Code ... to Hereditary Diseases

Dr. Moien Kanaan heads the Hereditary Research Lab at Bethlehem University, the only of its kind in the Middle East.

When geneticist Dr. Moien Kanaan first came to work at Bethlehem University, he was on the lookout for a vital research niche and soon realized that the field of genetics in the Middle East was underdeveloped. “I always knew that childhood hereditary diseases, a predominant one being deafness, are a major health burden on the Palestinian population,” he said. “Deafness and other hereditary diseases have far-reaching and painful consequences, and in Palestine, we suffer from one of the highest rates of hereditary deafness in the world.” Dr. Kanaan heads the Hereditary Research Lab (HRL) at Bethlehem University — the only of its kind in the Middle East, which aims to develop an ongoing molecular data bank that addresses the hereditary genetic diseases common in the region’s Palestinian population. The genetic codes of the Palestinian population should be studied, he said, because they can unlock the answers to the

prevention and management of genetic-based hereditary diseases. This research requires specialized training and sustainable transfer of technology, which has been made possible via the lab and data bank. “Building upon what we have, in terms of genomic technology and data, means that Bethlehem University’s Life Sciences department will serve at the forefront of medical and public health research in Palestine,” he continued. “This is an advantage to our students, who will receive up-to-date training, and strengthen the quality of research in the field.” Dr. Kanaan recently took a sabbatical at the University of Washington, where he worked with longtime colleague Dr. Mary Claire King, most widely known for her genetics work for human rights. Because of a special cooperation with Dr. King, Dr. Kanaan was able to take DNA samples from local families and use linkage mapping to link to the traits of locations in chromosomes of particular genes that related to possible functions body parts, for example inner ears. They are also able to use this technology to work with congenital heart disease, autism, epilepsy and breast cancer. The technology Dr. Kanaan’s team uses allows geneticists to perform genetic counseling, which helps patients understand health risks and also use culturally appropriate methods in testing, surveillance, prevention strategies, or research trials

needed to manage potential hereditary diseases, which might also affect their children. The implications for the worldwide medical stage are enormous, and with these advances and greater cooperation in the field, Dr. Kanaan and his colleagues are poised to make even more findings that will impact medicine for generations to come. Currently performing joint research through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Kanaan is now focused on hunting the genetic mutations that cause breast cancer among Palestinian women and has already discovered a mutation within the gene BRCA2. “This mutation has been discovered in cancer patients from several Palestinian families that do not have records of direct relation,” he said. “Based on our research, we think that these families have a distant common ancestor, and this mutation was passed down to them from that ancestor.” Dr. Kanaan knows they have only hit the tip of the iceberg but is confident that his team will be able to trace even more inherited cancer genes and this has implications for women of all ethnicities.


Bethlehem University


Bar Figh riers to in P ting B a Cur ales reas e: tine t Ca nce r

Sitting with Dean Mariam Samara Awad is a lesson in passion and grace. Newly established in her position as the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, the Jordaneducated Dean Awad has served with the Nursing Department at Bethlehem for many years. After personally witnessing a loved one suffer through breast cancer, Awad knows part of her calling is to help other Palestinian women improve their chances for surviving the deadly disease. Together with her colleague Dr. Hanan Hazboun, Dean Awad recently conducted research on the factors that influence quality of life for Palestinian breast cancer sufferers. Acknowledging colleagues Dr. Shahin and Dr. Kanaan’s work on the genetic causes of breast cancer, Dean Awad is spearheading other aspects of the disease, which complements the related efforts in the Faculty of Science.


Bethlehem University


“We have to address the emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological aspects” of the disease, she said, noting that colleagues in Social Work are working with the families to assist them in coping with these realities.

“The Faculty of Science is trying to hunt down the gene that will cause tomorrow’s cancer patients, while in the Nursing Faculty we are trying to improve chances for survival of today’s breast cancer patients.” Dean Awad also notes that, despite the considerable incidence rate of cancer among Palestinians, no Palestinian universities currently offer Oncology specialties. She is hopeful such a program could

soon be offered at Bethlehem University. Breast cancer, often a hereditary disease, is a problem for Palestinian women because the unique patterns in which it occurs, often with many cases within one family. The numbers aren’t exceptionally high, but the context is detrimental: out of those cases, nearly 35 percent of the women are under the age of 40. “Most of us don’t expect to develop the disease at such a young age, and what aggravates the situation is that in Palestine, conservative young women are very hesitant to open up about such a private topic,” Dean Awad said. “They feel afraid, ashamed, and worry about how being tested or diagnosed may affect them socially and physically. The result is that in many cases, we don’t catch the cancer until well in the second or third stages, when it is too late for many women.” But it is not only the close knit and conservative culture that inhibits women from being proactive in looking after breast health. Because of low awareness compared with other parts of the world, women are not aware of what they need to look for. Funding is also an issue – both to raise awareness and to pay for the cost of screenings. Whereas a private patient in Palestine has to pay 100 shekels (about U.S. $30), the only publicly funded machine for the Bethlehem governorate serves roughly 91,000 women, including the rural areas. Even with an increase in awareness, $30 can be several days’ worth of wages for a Palestinian family.

Geography is another barrier to treatment for those who need chemotherapy. Currently the only available chemotherapy centers are located in Jerusalem. A member of the Oncology Nursing Society, Dean Awad has participated in bringing oncological experts to Palestine to offer training to oncology nurses throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, via videoconferencing. “We are teaching our nursing students how to administer chemotherapy treatment and to help patients manage their pain during the process,” she said. Unfortunately, with the chemotherapy center located in Jerusalem, oncology students must obtain expensive permits to travel there for training, and chemotherapy patients also have to cross the “border” for treatments.

survivors from Scotland. Awad also hopes to collaborate with Medical Aid to Palestine, for which Mrs. Samira Hassassian, a former faculty member and wife of Professor Dr. Manuel Hassassian, the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, was Patron before she lost her own battle with breast cancer. “We lost a valuable member of our society on the day Samira died,” Awad reflected. “We hope that the research and progress

we are making at Bethlehem University ensures that no more loving mothers, including my own mother-in-law and our dear friend, Mrs. Samira Hassassian, are lost.” The Association of the Palestinian Community in the UK and Friends of Bethlehem University in the UK are working with Bethlehem University to establish a perpetually endowed scholarship in loving memory of Mrs. Samira Hassassian.

Mariam Samara Awad, Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences, says part of her life’s calling is to help Palestinian women improve their chances of surviving breast cancer.

Awad becomes emotional when she recalls the long waits and embarrassment that her motherin-law, who died of breast cancer, endured at the checkpoints. “I used to take my mother-in-law to her chemo treatments on a public bus, as we aren’t allowed to drive our own cars to Israelicontrolled Jerusalem,” Awad said. “Many times there were long delays during the bus ride home, sometimes due to soldier inspection of the bus. It was humiliating for her as she would often vomit in front of everyone.” Awad says there is a glimmer of hope for a better prognosis, with several organizations helping to increase their efforts, as well as experts and breast cancer


Bethlehem University


Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University (left), and Kevork Deldelian.

Hotel Management All-Star:

Bethlehem University Educates the Best “A lot of what I have achieved, thus far, began at Bethlehem University,” said Mr. Kevork Deldelian ‘88, General Manager of the Oryx Rotana hotel in Doha, Qatar. “From my first day there, my character began to take shape, and what I learned there helped me to achieve the career I have today.” An education that began at Bethlehem University’s Institute of Hotel Management led to several different employment opportunities, including the management of several hotels in Jerusalem and now the management of a five-star hotel. One of the largest hotels in the Middle East, the luxurious establishment is constantly on the lookout for the best of the best. Kevork’s thoughts, in recent years,


Bethlehem University


have turned toward Bethlehem University, which produces top-notch graduates of the wellknown hospitality department. He, on behalf of the hotel group, is hoping to fill four positions at the Oryx Rotana -- positions he

Ranjan Tahseen Disi (BU ‘12), one of the Bethlehem University interns at the Oryx Rotana, has also been awarded the Walid Dajani Scholarship for excellence in Hotel Management, which was established by Mr. Hani Imam (BU ‘77)

Kevork Deldelian (’88), General Manager of the Oryx Rotana hotel in Doha, Qatar.

hopes will be filled through the Bethlehem University internship program. “I am looking for talented students who are ambitious and seek to improve their lives and of those around them,” Kevork said, noting that he, like many Bethlehem University students and graduates, would like to remain in Palestine to work after graduating, but the difficult economic situation makes that challenging. “The hope – which has been fulfilled in so many cases – is that a considerable number of these graduates will gain experiences outside Palestine and bring them back to the country and create new opportunities for others,” said Mr. Nabil Mufdi, Director of the Institute of Hotel Management.

He adds that graduates such as Kevork, though led to careers outside of Palestine, are keen to support Bethlehem University and its students. “At Bethlehem University, we feel the full weight of responsibility of providing as many opportunities as we can, for our students,” said Bethlehem University Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray, who recently visited the hotel and feels it is a great place for his graduates to further their careers. “Through this partnership with Kevork and the Oryx Rotana, we are providing a professional environment where our students can build upon their education and discover new ways of doing things.”

Kevork happily speaks about his memories on the Bethlehem campus, especially lessons learned from then-Director of the Institute of Hotel Management, Abu Walid Al Dajani, who knew what kind of commitment was required to run a successful hotel.

diverse courses at the Bethlehem University Institute of Hotel Management, which helped to prepare me for an amazing life. I am just so grateful that I am able to not only continue to benefit from the University but also give back.”

“I breathe my hotel, I eat my hotel, I sleep my hotel, and my life revolves around my hotel,”

Bethlehem University is grateful for its dedicated and passionate alumni – and for our friends around the world – who provide career development opportunities for students and graduates.

Kevork responded when asked about his rigorous schedule, including managing some 400 employees who come from 30 different countries. “In spite of the demanding schedule and tasks I have, I am able to manage them — in great part — due to my experiences in the demanding and

If you would like to be involved with providing hands-on career experience to one of our students through a summer internship program in your area, please contact our Alumni Office at!

Bethlehem University

Presents Honorary Doctorate to Msgr. Robert L. Stern At this year’s commencement ceremonies, longtime friend and supporter of Bethlehem University H.E. Monsignor Archimandrite Robert L. Stern was awarded with a Doctor of Humanities, Honoris Causa. The Bethlehem University community has recognized Msgr. Stern for his consistent expression of love for all of God’s people through his dedication to the Vatican’s humanitarian relief, pastoral and development support through the Middle East, Northeastern Africa, India, and Eastern Europe. Msgr. Stern was the Secretary General of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) for 25 years, up until his retirement last year. CNEWA was instrumental in the founding of Bethlehem University, and

has continued to be a strong supporter and advocate of Bethlehem University and of the Holy Land’s Christians. “I see highly motivated young men and women who have worked hard and made great sacrifices to be here,” Msgr. Stern said during the presentation, where he expressed his pleasure at seeing the sea of young faces. “I see the mothers and fathers of tomorrow, the teachers and nurses, the guides and business personnel. I see graduates who have learned well the lesson that in unity there is strength. I see in your bright faces and bold hearts the bright future of Palestine.”

of Bethlehem University’s International Board of Regents since 1994 and as the Chair for 13 years. He also was a founding member of the Bethlehem University Foundation Board of Directors in 1998, serving as Chair for nine years. Msgr. Stern’s leadership helped greatly to propel Bethlehem University forward, enhancing its role in serving the students, faculty, alumni, and people of Palestine. Bethlehem University Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray (left) and Chancellor Archbishop Antonio Franco (right) present Monsignor Stern (center) with an honorary doctorate.

Bethlehem University Vice Chancellor Peter Bray has commended Msgr. Stern’s continuous and long time devotion to Bethlehem University. He has served as a member 15

Bethlehem University


A Visit to Bethlehem University Provides Many with a Renewal of Faith It’s 10 a.m. on a bright but chilly Tuesday morning at Bethlehem University. Just like their peers in universities around the world, our energetic students spend those precious minutes between classes chatting about their social life, texting on their cell phones, or perhaps even finding a moment to make those last-minute additions to their homework assignments. Unlike their peers from other universities, though, Bethlehem University students have the


Bethlehem University


incredible opportunity to welcome thousands of guests and pilgrims – from many nations and religious backgrounds – to their campus each and every year. With each new visitor, the students smile, engage in conversation, and return to their normal daily activities. For many of the visitors to campus, the opportunity to visit with Bethlehem University students helps to shape – or perhaps renew – their faith.

After hearing of our students’ stories of perseverance against the odds, many guests to campus describe it as the “most meaningful experience” among their many pilgrimage visits in the Holy Land. Most people tell us that “meeting Bethlehem University students – both Christian and Muslim – gives me renewed hope and faith in its truest, living form. Bethlehem University is truly a place where we all can learn, love and renew.”

Perspectives of Inspiration

The Church is Alive in Bethlehem University…

His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York “Every time I come here, I leave with hope, the hope that radiates from the beautiful students. Thanks be to God for Bethlehem University!” This is how Cardinal Timothy Dolan described his January visit to Bethlehem University. Visibly heartened by the positive atmosphere and Palestinian style hospitality at Bethlehem University, Cardinal Dolan praised the Brothers and the faculty for being able to create a space of learning and growth: “We’ve come to Bethlehem because it’s the birthplace of Jesus, who is the most important person in our lives. And we’ve come here because it reminds us the Church in the Holy Land is not just a museum and not just a historical fact – but is living and still goes on – so the work of Jesus continues in and through the Church. So if you want to see where that’s alive, come to a place like Bethlehem University.”

Timothy Cardinal Dolan (left) and Brother Jack Curran, Vice President of Development for Bethlehem University (right), enjoy spirited conversation with a Bethlehem University student during Cardinal Dolan’s visit to campus in January 2012.

Among the most impactful of impressions during his visit were the wonderful relations between students and faculty across several different faith traditions – from the Lasallian Brothers who founded and oversee Bethlehem University, to the 70 percent majority Muslim student population. “When we come to a place like this, and you see what Bethlehem University does to bring people together – who become not only schoolmates but friends – that is religion at its best,” he said.

Dining at Bethlehem University in January 2012, from left to right: His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York; Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University; His Grace Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.


Bethlehem University


A Future Worth Working For…

His Grace Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is an Anglican with a deep respect for Bethlehem University and its presence in the Holy Land. This past summer, he co-hosted the Christians in the Holy Land Conference at Lambeth Palace in London, which examined the difficult living situation that Christians face in the Holy Land and explored ways to alleviate these hardships. Bethlehem University was hailed by many

leaders across the Christian, jewish, and Muslim faiths, and speeches from Bethlehem University students were featured prominently in media coverage across the world as a highlight of the Conference.

“I want to say to Christians in the Holy Land that we treasure enormously their presence and witness,”

His Grace Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury (right), visits with Sister Patricia Crockford (left), at Bethlehem University.

Archbishop Williams said at the Conference, adding that Christians in the West “need to be aware that the Christians of the Holy Land are an intrinsic part of our Christian family.” After the meaningful and productive Conference last summer, Archbishop Williams felt compelled to visit Bethlehem University again. During his time on campus this January, he was able to re-connect personally with students and see the way in which Bethlehem University is uniquely positioned to make a real difference in the struggles that exists in the Holy Land: “The miracle is that they believe there is a future worth working for,” he said. “Not a future of division or exclusion; not a future of violence and rivalry but a future of sharing, understanding in justice. That is at the very heart of what this institution stands for. When we are told that they are blessed, who hunger and thirst for justice, by our Lord in the Beatitudes, there can be no doubt that Bethlehem University takes its stance among the blessed.”


Bethlehem University




Forty-eight previously unemployed graduates of Bethlehem University are now employed, thanks to the work of the Alumni Office and support from the Italian Ministry of Youth (IMY), USAID through the International Youth Foundation (IYF), the Western USA and Northwestern USA Lieutenancies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Grand Magisterium of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

In this program, 200 students and recent graduates participated in entrepreneurship and business planning workshops. Through the Sir John McGuckin Internship and Mentoring Program, 26 students had international internships in Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Belgium, Italy, and the United States. Now, all are graduated and currently employed. Most recently, 22 graduates have been employed by seven different Bethlehem-area employers. Transcend Support (www., a new start-up outsourcing solutions provider co-founded by Nassim Nour (BU ’91) together with Jerry Marshall from the UK and Russ Sandlin from the USA, has hired 12 Bethlehem University graduates through the Alumni



Relations Office – with capacity to hire 70 more! They offer call center services in English, Arabic and other languages for international companies, especially those serving the Middle East: telesales, “inbound” customer technical support, satisfaction surveys, debt collection, data entry/cleanup, etc., which can be integrated with web chat and email response.

“Providing employment for hundreds of bright and educated young people who can ‘transcend’ the political and physical barriers and reach out to the world with their outstanding skills and talents is the least I can give back to my university and to my home town, Bethlehem,” said Nassim Nour. “We are very happy that Bethlehem University thought of us and our need for employment. I appreciate the help in getting a foot in the work environment,” said Reem Moussa (BU’10).


“The benefits of the skills training and entrepreneurship workshops helps to bring the Bethlehem University graduates to the top of the employment list,” commented Ms. Raneen Al-Arja (BU ’08, M ‘12), Alumni Relations Career and Internship Coordinator. Issam and Jihan Adoni (BU ‘86), Hussam Hilal (BU ‘11), Ehab Isaac (BU ‘09), Yacoub Masad (BU ‘07), and Nafee Jaraiseh (BU ‘11) are six graduates employed by Zeva Incorporated (http://, a company founded by Issam and Jihan Adoni. Four of the graduates work from their Maryland-based office while two of the graduates work from their Bethlehembased office using the internet to submit work materials to their Maryland-based office. Cooperation and investment with local and international communities in creative ways is bringing much needed employment opportunities to Bethlehem University graduates and diversifying the Bethlehem area economy. For more information, contact the Alumni Relations Office: From right to left: Nassim Nour (BU ’91) with partners Jerry Marshall and Russ Sandlin

Alumni Office Increasing Employment in Palestine 19

Bethlehem University


In Memory December 11, 2011 at the age of 76.

Cardinal John Patrick Foley

Cardinal John Patrick Foley, former Grand Master Emeritus of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, was a great friend of Bethlehem University. He passed away

In 2007, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI appointed Cardinal Foley as the Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, which Cardinal Foley led until his resignation due to illness in February 2011. Cardinal Foley had significantly enhanced efforts of the Order in providing for the needs of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the various initiatives of the Lieutenancies of the Equestrian Order to support the Christian presence in the Holy Land. Last May 2011, Bethlehem University presented a Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa, to Cardinal John Patrick Foley, a longtime supporter of Bethlehem University and tireless advocate for

October 8, 2011 at the age of 62. A brother of the De La Salle Brothers of the Christian Schools, Brother Donald was a dedicated supporter of Bethlehem University. He most recently was a faculty member of Saint Mary’s College of California, where he brought many student groups to Bethlehem University. Brother Donald was also a member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy SepulcherNorthwestern Lieutenancy. Brother Donald Mansir

Brother Donald Mansir, former Bethlehem University faculty member (1988-1993) and former Director of the Pontifical Mission of Palestine in Jerusalem, passed away on


Bethlehem University


As Office Director of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA), where he started as the field projects coordinator for the Pontifical Mission’s Jerusalem office, Brother Donald supervised the expansion of the agency’s programs and services in Palestine and Israel, earning respect for his balanced but strong advocacy

the people of God and the Catholic Church throughout the world, and especially in the Holy Land. In January of 2008, Cardinal Foley was awarded the Bethlehem University Medal of Honor. “Without the tremendous moral and financial support Bethlehem University receives from the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, it simply would not be possible to continue our work,” Brother Robert Smith, Vice President for Academic Affairs stated, while presenting the medal to Cardinal Foley. Brother Jack Curran, Vice President for Development added, “Your solidarity gives our students, faculty and staff hope to go on with their struggle for a better future.”

for justice and peace issues throughout the Holy Land. Brother Donald was a Vatican advisor on Palestinian issues and president of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine during the 1990s. As such, he was involved in Jordan, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon, assisting in diplomatic and humanitarian missions. Students from Bethlehem University who knew and loved Brother Donald left touching messages in his memory, such as this, from B’shara Nassar (’11): “Today one of my dearest and closest friends passed away. Br. Donald, you were such an inspiration to me; you were my teacher, my father and my friend. The world is a different place without you. R.I.P. Brother.”

27 May 2011 – 15 February 2012

for your generosity Signum Fidei: $150,000 + Mr. Ibrahim Dabdoub Bethlehem University Foundation Custody of the Holy Land EOHSJ - Grand Magisterium Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura

Sir Hugh L. MacKinnon Mr. Robert J. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wolfe Mr. Terry and Mrs. Irene Wolff, through EOHSJ – Toronto

Founders Club: $50,000+ EOHSJ - Germany - S.E. Dr. rer. pol. Heinrich Dickmann Friends of Bethlehem University in the UK - Msgr. Vladimir Felzmann, KCHS Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland - Dr. John Kelly, Chair German Association of the Holy Land - Heinz Thiel Investment Holding W.LL - Mr. Khalil Jabra Doughbag Italian Ministry of Youth Saudi ARAMCO Mr. and Mrs. Elias Aburdene Mr. Mohammad Al-Okar Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jungers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moley

Chairman’s Club: $10,000+ Embassy of New Zealand in Turkey EOHSJ - Northwestern Lieutenancy, USA - Lt. Lady Mary O’Brien, LGCHS Middle East Children’s Alliance Ursuline Sisters-Contemplatives in Ministry – Sr. Mary Kay Milne, OSU Mr. Fernando Awad Mr. Khalil Jabra Doughbag Mr. Bassam Hamdi El Aker Mrs. Suad Jaffali Ms. Karen Linder Mr. George Nasra Ms. Jeanne Marie Neilson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Shaw, KGCHS Ms. Nicole Sidoti Ms. Donna Andrews Whitely, in memory of her mother Gertrude Martin Andrews

Trustees Club: $25,000+ ABU: Association en faveur de la Bethlehem University Christian Brothers - District of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea EOHSJ - Belgium - Mr. François t’Kint de Roodenbeke Schmidt Family Foundation Haas Foundation Mr. Bassam Aburdene Lady Anita M. Finie Mr. Bassam Jabr

Chancellor’s Club: $5,000+ Bethlehem Association Scholarship Fund - Dr. Edward A. Hazboun Dominican Sisters International EOHSJ - North Central Lieutenancy, USA - H.E. Charles Foos, KCHS EOHSJ - Northern Lieutenancy, USA H.E. Donald D. Drake, KGCHS EOHSJ - Western Lieutenancy, USA - H.E. Sir William H. Davidson, M.D., KGCHS The John C. & Carolyn Noonan Parmer Private Foundation - Ms.

Carolyn Parmer PalTel Group Foundation RCB Wealth Management United Holy Land Fund Mr. Robert Brass Rev. R. Adam Forno, KHS Tony and Patti Garczynski, KHS & LHS Sir Michael J. and Lady Karen M. Hall Mr. Howard E. Hallengren Lt. Lady Mary O’Brien, LGCHS, and Mr. Terry O’Brien Mrs. Mary A. Simon Vice Chancellor’s Club: $1,000+ Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation Charles Foundation Charitable Trust Christians Aware Christian Brothers Roncalli Community - Br. Thomas McPhillips, FSC De La Salle Provincialate - Ireland - Br. Francis Manning, FSC FBI-Five Brothers Investment John Aves Educational Trust, Mr. Nick Taylor Ladah Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ladah Megazyme PTY LTD - Dr. Barry McCleary Notre Dame de Sion - Sr. Diane Willey, NDS Notre Dame de Sion Ecce Homo Convent - Sr. Trudy Nabuurs Queensland Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem Saint Agnes Church - Rev. Lee R. Roos Saint Joseph Catholic Church - Rev. John Shamleffer San Rafael Parish - Msgr. Dennis


Bethlehem University


Sr. Canice Hanrahan Mr. John Metson Mikulanis, S.T.D. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazboun Ms. Ann K. Morales Shrewsbury Diocese - Fr. Peter Mrs. Andrea Hoffmann Mr. Edward Ochylski Sharrocks Mr. James Howell Mr. John Bosco O>Hagan Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Jackson, in Mr. Matthew Pico Sovereign Military Order of the memory of Hadiya Bitar Mr. Imad I. Qasim Temple of Jerusalem Mrs. Teresita G. Jarquio, in honor Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Richter Terra Sancta Pilgrimages - Fr. Alex Kratz of Amada & Quinio Guerrero and Ms. Patti Riippa and Mr. Vern Marince Dr. and Mrs. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh -in Anaclete & Nicasio Jarquio memory of Br. Aloysius Florio, OFM Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saad Rev. Stefan Kemmler Mrs. Elizabeth Sheridan Jim and Kay Barmettler Dr. Nabil Khoury Mr. and Mrs. Sandor Straus Mrs. Margaret Barry Dr. Salwa Khoury Mr. Yasuhiko Sata Mr. James J. Biedron Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimbrough Patrick White and Pauline Smetka Dr. Marc-Antonio Bisotti Ms. Geraldine Lawhon, LCHS Ms. Wafa I. Soufan Dr. and Mrs. Marcello Bisotti Ms. Cecily McNeill Mr. Joseph Tan Mrs. Jane Borst, in memory of Mr. Benjamin Monastero, III Mr. Brian Thompson Lawrence B. Borst Rev. Kevin Neal Mr. Mario Toumayan, in honor of Br. Mr. Frank and Mrs. Helen Brady Ў Professor Jack Breihan Dr. and Mrs. Tom Okner Jean Manuel, FSC Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw Mr. and Mrs. William Voss Mr. Sa-ed Al-Budeiri Mr. Jamal Sa’d Mr. Robert M. Weiss Mr. J. Henry Butta Rev. Bruce Shipman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran Brian and Betty Singer-Towns Special Friends ($500+) Ms. Tamara Dabdoub Sharon and Thomas Stoffel Anonymous Donor H.E. Cardinal Timothy Dolan Mr. Keith Walters, in honor of BU/ Anonymous Donor, in honor of Br. Mr. George E. Doty PSU partnership Jerome Sullivan, FSC Ms. Kathleen Egan Mr. Joseph Wilson, in honor of Fr. Paul Christian Brothers Community at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eyerman Anthony Group Manhattan College - Br. Timothy H.E. Cardinal John Patrick Foley ₣ Mrs. May Young Murphy, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Denis Frechtling Mario and Mary Vivian Zelaya, in De La Salle College, Malta - Br. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friel memory of Alfred J. Hansen Borg, FSC Mrs. Marjorie Galvin Macmillan Publishers Limited Mr. Garrett Kenneath Glynn Our Lady Queen of All Creation Parish Century Club ($100+) James and Patricia Kavanagh Grant, in Christian Brothers Saint Patrick - Dr. and Mrs. David Toorawa honor of Fr. John Malone Community - Br. Konrad Diebold, FSC Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (The Ms. Florence I. Gregoric Church of St. Pius X - Rev. Fr. Michael Retreat) - Rev. Mark White, CP Joan Lesley Egan Farano Radencic Family Fund Ms. Maha Habiba De La Salle Community - Br. Dale Mr. M. J. Adamski Ms. Erica Hahn Mooney, FSC Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mrs. Paula Harris EOHSJ - Lieutenancy of Australia – Ў Mr. and Mrs. Elias Botto Dr. Nicholas S. Hopkins Western - H.E. Robert Peters, Joanne and Charles Brown Manford Hotchkiss and Mary RyanKC*HS Bruce and Judy Butler Hotchkiss EOHSJ - The Netherlands - Lt. Mr. and Mrs. John Butterfield Pfr. Markus Höyng Godfried J. H. Prieckaerts Mrs. Claire Carey Lee and Virginia Huntsman Gymnasium Waldstrasse in Hattingen Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Cheryl Colecchi Ў Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jezycki ICAHD - UK, Linda Ramsden Mr. Donald Costello, in memory of Br. Patricia and Francis Jilk Saint Alban, Mainz group led by Mr. Vincent, Br. Fergus Br. Cajetin, Mr. Mr. Edward Karkar Johannes Zang & Mrs. Richard Costello, and in Mr. Nils & Mrs. Josephine Kamsvaag Sisters of St. Joseph - Bethany Convent honor of Br. Alban Mr. Elias Khoury Sisters of Charity BVM Center - Sr. Rev. Pamela and Alan Cram Mr. Munir Khoury Mary Ann Zollmann, BVM Dr. Mary-Claire King, PhD, in honor of Ms. Ann S. Dickson Bishop Stephan Ackermann Tom and Karen Dowd Cait Rippey Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adolph Ms. Noreen Dunn Br. Bernard Knezich, FSC Victoria and Michael Armstrong Mrs. Helena Wanda Ellis Mrs. Mary Levin Mrs. Yolanda Atler Sami and Irene El-Yousef H. E. Carlo Cardinal Martini Ross and Janet Bacica Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faherty Mr. Michael McAllister Mrs. LeeAnn Badum, in honor of Lady Mr. Tom and Dr. Corine Fitzpatrick Mr. John McCaffrey Joyce Standish Mr. Michael R. Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Marshal McMahon


Bethlehem University


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howen Mr. and Mrs. John Dorward Ms. Delores J. Baker, in memory of Cy Rev. Deacon and Mrs. William Edward Bishop Howard Hubbard, AFSC Baker Mr. Kent H. Hughes Douglas Mrs. Alma R. Ball Mr. Joseph Imbriaco Rev. Joseph M. Doyle, SSJ Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Banda, on Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ingram Drs. Brian J. and Gloria Duffy behalf of Joseph and Judith De Dr. Arland Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Duggan, AFSC Grinney Ms. Lourdes Jalando-on Sr. William Eileen Dunn, DC Ms. Patricia Barbernitz Mr. Anton Hanna Jouzy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earley Most Rev. Gerald Barnes Rev. Gerry Kane Rev. Kail Ellis, OSA, PhD Ms. Linda Batton Dr. and Mrs. Albert Karam Mr. and Mrs. John Elser Dr. Daniel Beauchamp Harry and Ana Katz Br. Christopher Englert, FSC Br. Marvin Becker, FSC Mr. Michael Keary Mr. John and Mrs. Barbara Erickson Sr. Barbara Blesse, O.P., in honor of Br. Mr. James Keefe Br. Edward Everett, FSC Jack Curran Dr. David H. Kelly Mr. Norman Ewers Ms. Sharyn K. Bozied Mr. Barry and Mrs. Angela Fairweather Br. James Kelly, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan Br. Dominic Kennedy, FSC Ms. Mary Farrell Rev. Hans A.L. Brouwers Mrs. Helen Kiener-Truninger Mr. Anthony J. Fasano John and Christine Brown Mrs. Elizabeth Kilkenny Ms. Sheila M. Ferguson Rev. Gerard Burns Mr. and Mrs. John Jay King Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr Mr. Matthew Butler, in honor of Helen Mr. and Mrs. Mike King Ms. Mary Fitzgerald Lavina Dowse Br. Charles Kitson, FSC Dr. Richard Flahavan, in memory of Sir Richard and Lady Eileen Butler, in Rev. Ralph Kleiter, in honor of Stephen & Helen Flahavan memory of Cardinal John Patrick Saskatoon Diocese Pilgrim Journeys Dr. Peter R. and Mrs. Christine M. Foley Group Fletcher Rev. Paul Byrnes Robert and Barbara Klocke Mr. Gerald Flood Ms. Patrice M. Campbell, in honor of Rev. Anton ten Klooster, in honor of Ms. Mary Folsom Fr. Don Willette Nederland H.E. Charles Foos, KC*HS Ms. Carole Cannon Very Rev. George M. Kloster, VF Mr. and Mrs. Athol Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Carlton Ms. Anne Kohl Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fowler Br. Robert Carnaghi, FSC Mrs. Janice Krouskop Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friel Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kruitwagen Mr. Robert Gareis Mrs. Gerry Casey Mr. John Joseph Garvey Ms. Susan M. Castellan # Dr. Haifa Kunkar Rev. Msgr. Raymond J. Kupke Mr. Ray A. Gerritzen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ceasar Ms. Cynthia Ladd Mr. Mike Giacaman Ms. Jeanette Cecile Mr. Alfred A. Lagan, CFA Rev. John M. Gibbons Mrs. Suzanne M. Ching, in honor of Rev. Marshall Larriviere Br. Columba Gleeson, FSC Demitri Awwad H.E. Cardinal Bernard Francis Law Ms. Jane B. Griffin Mrs. Katherine Chow Mr. Francois Letaconnoux Mr. James Griffin Rev. Msgr. Joseph Ciampaglio Mr. and Mrs. Bob Locher Mr. Richard Guthrie, in honor of Lissa Mr. Charles Clifford Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Mary Loftus Caldwell Mr. Anthony Colao Ms. Barbara Lubinski Mr. Najib Habesch, in loving memory Mr. John and Yvette Connell Archbishop George J. Lucas of Dr. Octave N. Habesch Ms. Mary C. Conti Ms. Corinne M. Lyon, in honor of Fr. Msgr. James D. Habiger ₣ Mr. Raymond Corby # Dr. Hanna Hallak Donald Senior Paul and Bernadette Crossey Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Macaskill Rev. Larry and Mary Hansen, in honor Rev. John P. Cunningham Mr. Tony Mahon, KHS of Rev. Richard Rutherford, CSC Br. Matthew Cunningham Ms. Michele Malloy Dr. David Harnden and Dr. Susan Ў Bob and Nora D’Acquisto Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Martin Bailey Ў Ms. Nicole D’Acquisto Dr. Norma Masrieh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Helmer Mrs. Debroh Darnes Mr. Oscar J. Mayorga Br. Peter Henderson, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Davis Ms. Kerry McArdle, in memory of Br. Mr. John D. Herrick, KGCHS Ms. Margaret Deeby Fergus McArdle, FSC Mrs. Veronica Hertel, in honor of Rev. Rev. Charles Des Ruisseaux Mr. James McCavitt Ronald Lewinski Msgr. Daniel Dillabough Dr. James McGill Rev. Rudolf Hinz Mr. Peter Doris Des and Marjorie McMahon Rev. Harry Holden Dr. Charles Dorman ¶ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertz Rev. Nicholas Joseph Hoogeveen Dr. and Mrs. Jared H. Dorn Mr. Christian Michener Mr. and Mrs. William Hopfinger Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dorsey


Bethlehem University


Miss Jane Russell M. et MME Jean-Louis Mignot Ms. Mary Catherine Ryan Msgr. Dennis Mikulanis, S.T.D. M. et Mme. André Miquel Ў Ms. Mary Saad Julie Moentk Ў Mr. Nelson Saad Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sacra Mrs. Margaret Mooney Ms. Betty L. Scheetz, in honor of Fr. Ms. Alice S. Moore Don Willette Mr. Michael Moyna Ms. Elaine Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mueller Mr. Duel Scroggins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sewall Mr. Donald W. Muncy Ms. Denise Shirley Mr. David Murdoch, in honor of Ms. Carmen Simich-Dudgeon Catholic Theological Union Mr. Bill Snowdon Ms. Marguerite Joyce Murphy, in Mr. Romell Soudah honor of Fr. Don Willette Þ Dr. Ana Spitzmesser Dr. Walid Mustafa Ms. Linda J. Stine Mrs. Toni Najor Dr. Jerald W. Strickland Ms. Charlotte L. Nesseth Mr. Reinhard Suchsland Ms. Daisy G. Neves Ms. Celine Sullivan, in honor of Br. Mr. Joseph T. Nix Jack Curran Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O’Connell Mrs. Dolly Sullivan Mr. Titus Odedun Br. Jerome Sullivan, FSC Rev. Thomas M. O’Donnell Mr. Mark Syjut Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Keefe Mrs. Ana Tarajano Mr. and Mrs. John O’Leary Rev. Anthony Richard Taschetta Sr. Irene O’Neill, CSJ Dr. Shibley Telhami and Ms. Kathryn Rev. John Ossola Hopps Michele and Marlene Palazzo, in J. and C. Thompson honor of Fr. Adam Forno Ms. Patricia L. Tolbert Mr. Michael John Jude Palmer Very Rev. Charles Troncale Monsieur Marcel Paris Ms. Margaret Twomey Ms. Mary Patania Ms. Sonia Vandama Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payant Ms. Constance van Wesemael Mr. Lawrence Pfundstein Mr. Joseph Vasut Rev. Mark Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vincent Professor Alain Pique Mr. Bernie Wagnild Sir Richard & Lady Katherine Pizzato Dr. Jack Walsh Br. David Poos, FSC Mr. Anthony Watkins Mr. Peter Powell Mr. and Mr. John Watkins III Br. Patrick Power, FSC Mr. Ray Watson Dr. Maher Qabar, PhD Mrs. June D. Whitson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quigley Mr. Jonathan Wilkenfeld Sr. Marianne Race, CSJ William and Barbara Wilkinson Mrs. Ellen Regan, in honor of Fr. Don Paul and Marianne Williams, in Willette memory of Gerry & Paul Williams Mr. Richard W. Reid and Marie Connelie Ms. Barbara G. Reynolds Sr. Stephanie Wilson, OSU Mr. James Richard Ms. Christy N. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Curt Ries Mrs. Lorraine Ybarra Dr. Patrick and Dr. Pamela Joan Ring Evie and Victor York Mrs. Margaret Robertson Dr. Kathleen Yosko Dr. R. Paul Robertson, MD Ў Dina Zoumot Darryl and Ellen Ross Br. James Roszak, FSC, in honor of Br. Silver Anniversary ($25+) Vincent Malham, FSC Saint La Salle Community, Br. Anthony Paul and Elizabeth Royer Lenz, FSC Ms. Gayle Ruedi Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Sr. Rev. Patrick Rush


Bethlehem University


Ruth Kuhn, SC Van Wild Home Furnishers, Inc. Mrs. Donna Abramov Ms. Teresa Acosta Mrs. Anna Johanna M. Altena Mrs. Bridget Anderson Mr. Gregory J. Appleton Þ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Arena Þ Mrs. Kathleen Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel John Batarseh Deacon Jene Baughman Br. Robert Berger, FSC Ms. Jo Ann M. Bergesen Mr. Frits and Margaret Bergman Ў Mr. Mark Botto Ў Mr. Kevin Brady Mr. Anthony Brear, in honor of Marie and Tony Brear Mrs. Rosellen Burkart Rev. Martin Burnham Mrs. Pauline Burton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chester Bush Mrs. Deborah Butler Mr. Guy Butterworth, in honor of Br. Joseph Loewenstein, FSC T. Callahan Ms. Victoria Campton, in honor of Fr. John Burnette Mr. Stephen Cartwright Ms. Joan Castellan Mr. and Mrs. John Castle Mr. and Mrs. Juan Catapang Dr. James Coady Ms. Kathleen L. Collins The Most Reverend James D. Conley, S.T.L. Br. James Connolly, FSC Fr. John Conrad Ms. Dorene Cropley Sr. Sheila Curran Mr. Richard H. and Mrs. Donna B. Curtiss Mrs. Erica Danvers Prof. David Depew Dr. Thresa Devasia Mrs. Jean Dolan Mr. Albert Doumar Ms. Eleanor A. Dowson Mr. Scott Dressler Ms. Kathryn Dugaw Mr. Nicola K. Fallis Rev. Joseph R. Farrell, KHS Mr. Robert Fernandes Ms. Claire Fordrung Craig and Dolores Foster Ms. Mary R. Fournier Mrs. Evangelina Gamboa

Mr. Greg A. Gaut Ms. Theodora Geokezas Sr. Barbara Gfeller, SNJM Mr. Michael E. Gleason Ў Ms. Monica Brady Gookins Mr. Don Gotschall Dr. and Mrs. John Greenwood Rev. Msgr. Edmund O. Griesedieck Mr. Michael Gwilliam Ms. Jennifer Hammand Ms. Sheryl L. Hanson Mr. John Hardman Mr. and Mrs. David Hart Ms. Mary Ann Hayward Br. Eric Henderson, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Reinald Heue Pat and Zaida Hoggard Ms. Mary Hulett Ms. Geraldine Iacoboni Mr. Stanley Jeffs Ms. Marjorie Jennings Ў Ms. Denise Jezycki Ms. Margareta Johansson Rev. James Kane Mr. J. A. Karuzas, in honor of Fr. Don Willette Dr. Kenneth Nicholas Kast, in memory of Mary Kay Kast Mrs. Mary Josephine Kelly Rev. Richard Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kriegshauser Mr. Bill and Mrs. Helen Lambert Ms. Patricia Latteri Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Laubach Ms. Aurora H. Lazo Rev. Ron Lewinski Br. James Loxham, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Rene Lusser Ms. Marilyn L. Maddeford Br. William Martin, FSC Mr. William James Martin Ms. Vera Masrieh-Homsi Mr. V. G. McCardle Shannon and Frederick McCarthy Mr. Nigel McFarlane

Legend Þ Patricia Barbernitz Endowed

Scholarship Fund, St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Community of Columbia, MD Ψ Siman Family Endowed Scholarship ¶ Jan and Gordon Forbes Endowed Scholarship

Sr. Mary Scanlon Br. Joel William McGraw, FSC, in Dr. Judith Schaefer, O.P., Ph.D. memory of Br. Vincent Malham, FSC Rev. Henry Schmidt Rev. Michael B. McGarry, CSP Mr. David Schultze II Ms. Janet L. McGowan Ms. Katheran A. Schupp Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McGrath Mr. John Scott Mrs. Rosemary Mellor, OBE, JP, DHS Ms. Evalyn Finn Segal Ms. Shirley A. Meredith Mrs. Betty Sherbs Ms. Alice Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Art Sheridan Mr. Leo M. Meyer, Jr., in honor of Fr. Don Willette # Dr. Adnan Shqueir Mr. and Mrs. Harvey O. Simmons III Mr. and Mrs. John Mill Mr. and Mrs. John Sinfield Rev. Thomas Millane Mrs. Coe M. Slattery Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Moody Mrs. Heather Sangster Smith Mrs. Phyllis Mooney Ms. Judith A. Smith Sue and Jim Morris Ms. Linda E. Smith Mr. Dennis B. Morse Rev. A. Francis Soucy, OFM Br. Frederick Mueller, FSC John and Rose Southall Mr. and Mrs. Jose Niembro Mr. William T. Stead Sir John Nutley, KCG*HS Sr. Florence Steichen, CSJ Mr. Raymond A. Olsen Mr. Young D. Stewart Mrs. Irenea Openano Mr. Mike Suttill Mrs. Eileen Pearce Ms. Joan M. Pease, in honor of Fr. Don Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Symkowick Mrs. Gill Tebbs Willette Rev. Richard Tero Mr. and Mrs. John Petro Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toso Rev. Thomas Phillips, in honor of Doris and Gerald Turner Archbishop O’Brien Mr. Richard E. Ullrich Mr. and Mrs. Gary Piotrowski Mrs. Joan Van Buren Mr. George Porcaro, Jr., in memory of Rev. Andrew Vollkommer Rosalie A. Porcaro Rev. Marcus J. Voss Mr. Gus Porteners Ms. Judith A. Walker Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Pryor Ms. Anne Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quaintance Ms. Sharon Ward, in honor of Fr. Don Prof. Dr. Regina Radlbeck-Ossmann Willette Ms. Anne Rado Kathleen and James Wellman Mrs. Nancy Reichel Sister Wanda Wetli, CSJ Miss Mattie Renn Mrs. Elaine Wiatr, in honor of all Mr. Robert J. Ring II Palestinian people Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson Sister Jolene Wingert, OSF Ms. Joanne M. Rokosky Ms. Mary Wolfe Mrs. Ann Ross Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wrona Ms. Joanna Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Younkin Mr. Isaac Sahhar Ms. Paula Ziadie Ms. Jennifer O’Neil Sajbel Mrs. Joyce Zien Ms. Catherine E. Zylstra Most Rev. Joseph M. Sartoris

Ў Shehadeh and Madeleine Botto

Endowed Scholarship ß Marguerite Sa’ad Endowed Scholarship Fund Ω Sir Martin Hall Endowed Scholarship Fund ₣ Bishop Robin Leamy SM New Zealand Catholic Pilgrim Endowed Scholarship

# Naseem Shqueir Endowed Scholarship

Matching gifts: § NSTAR Foundation % Union Bank Foundation & Bank of America United Way Campaign

** PG & E corporation


Bethlehem University





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Bethlehem University


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Bethlehem University


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1. Pray for the students, faculty, staff and alumni of Bethlehem University and all those who live in this Holy Land. 2. Stand in solidarity with Bethlehem University by visiting our campus and meeting the students who benefit so greatly from your support. 3. Contribute financially to the work of Bethlehem University. More than two-thirds of our operating budget is provided by donations from individuals and organizations committed to providing an education to our bright young students. Gifts from the local and international community can be made via check payable to “Bethlehem University” or by bank transfer. For more information, please contact: Ms. Shahinda Nassar Bethlehem University Campus Development Office PO Box 11407 - 99248 Jerusalem Tel: +972 2 274 1241 Fax: +9 72 2 274 4400 In the United States, Bethlehem University is a tax deductible nonprofit, eligible for employer matching grants (Tax ID 22-2997011). Checks can be made payable to “Bethlehem University.” For more information, please contact: Brother Dominic Smith, FSC Bethlehem University North American Development Office Hecker Center, Suite 330 3025 Fourth Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1102 Tel: 202 526 6097 Fax: 202 526 6096

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