Bethlehem University News - Spring 2017

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Volume 24 - Issue No.2, 2016-2017

In this issue: Love of Life among Palestinian Youth Celebrating 30 Years of Partnership with Lewis University Developments in the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences


ENTER TO LEARN, LEAVE TO SERVE As each year goes by, we witness constant development at Bethlehem University. We are always thankful for being able to successfully turn over a new page. Every year, new students enter the University eager to learn and gain experiences that will lead to a brighter future. Four years later, they leave equipped with a quality higher education and a desire to help others. Bethlehem University is always proud of its graduates for their dedication to serve their community and their passion for improving Palestinian society. I find it a great joy to meet up with many of them and to experience the pride they have in being graduates! So many of them speak about how their experience at Bethlehem University changed them and empowered them to be able to contribute to the groups they are now in. Bethlehem University began with 112 students and 17 faculty members in 1973. It now has some 3,290 students and 422 faculty and staff members. We are proud to have welcomed more than 940 new students this past Fall 2016 semester. Your support has enabled us to respond to the Palestinian people by reaching out to meet the needs that have emerged, and our development reflects that. Among the number of ways in which we have responded, we are delighted that our Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences launched a new High Diploma in Oncology and Palliative Care and opened a Clinical Simulation Lab. Both are the first of their kind in all of Palestine. All of these and other achievements would not have been possible without the help of our local, regional, and international friends, and for that we are deeply grateful. This past fall, we had the chance to express our appreciation for the ongoing graduate fellowship program between Bethlehem University and Lewis University near Chicago. We were fortunate to have a visit to Bethlehem University from Brother James Gaffney, FSC, the recently retired President of Lewis University. His amazing support over almost thirty years enabled many graduates of Bethlehem University to gain a master's degree at Lewis University and return to teach at Bethlehem University. We have been blessed with the constant support of our friends from all over the world. In reflecting on the words of Pope Francis in his address to UNIAPAC, that “Money is to serve, not govern,” I am aware that from the beginning our mission has been to serve the people of Palestine. It is our duty and obligation to ensure that we put the support we receive to good use. The funding we receive is allocated for developing the University’s facilities and programs so that we are not only able to serve our students, but also the wider Palestinian community. As a Lasallian institution dedicated to producing students who “enter to learn, leave to serve,” we aspire to educate a future generation dedicated to serving others. Thanks to your support, we have been able to achieve just that, and we are confident that we can continue on that same path in the future.

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD Vice Chancellor

Published by the Advancement Office




Editorial Committee Ms. Dina I. Rishmawi BU ‘15 Mr. George N. Rishmawi Mr. Isaac Sahhar Br. Stephen Tuohy, FSC Mr. Zane Wolfang Contributors Br. Michael Andrejko, FSC Mr. Demitri Awwad Br. Robert Deary, FSC Ms. Rania Hazboun BU ‘96 Ms. Lara Kasbari BU ‘18 Ms. Haneen Musleh BU ‘07 Ms. Shahinda Nassar BU ‘05 Br. Dominic Smith, FSC Mr. Jonah Wermter Design and Printing Creative Ad Design & Print Co. Ltd. Bethlehem University Electronic address



Mailing address Communications Office P.O. Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem Location address Frères Street #9 Bethlehem, Palestine Bethlehem University Foundation USA Electronic address Mailing address P.O. Box 355 Beltsville, MD 20704-0355


TABLE OF CONTENTS News....................................................................... 4

Partnership with Lewis University............... 14

International Students....................................... 9

Nursing and Health Sciences......................... 15

University Matters............................................ 10

Annual Scholarships........................................ 16

Development...................................................... 10

Thank You........................................................... 18

Graduate Profile................................................. 11

Financial Statement.......................................... 21

Students’ Creative Works................................ 12

Visitors................................................................. 22

Research: Love of Life...................................... 13

Location address 6001 Ammendale Road, Suite 200 Beltsville, MD 20705 Cover Photo by: Munjid Kharoufeh


Karim Said Begins His Four Centuries of Occupational Piano Music Tour of Palestine at Bethlehem Therapy and University Physiotherapy Growing up in Jordan, Karim Said was a child prodigy. Departments 1999 When he was only nine, Said won an international celebrate competition in Bucharest and performed with the Amman Symphony Orchestra at the ancient ruins of International Day Petra. In 1999, at age ten, he performed at Bethlehem University for the first time. At age 11, Said moved to of Persons with the UK to study piano, composition, and conducting at the renowned Purcell School of Music and later at the Disabilities Royal Academy of Music, both on full scholarships. He released his critically acclaimed debut album, “Echoes of an Empire,” in January of 2015.

On Saturday, October 15, 2016, Karim Said returned for his second concert at Bethlehem University to move and challenge his audience with a varied program of works by Byrd, Schoenberg, Shubert, and Brahms. Bethlehem University’s longtime music teacher, Sister Patrica Crockford, SJA, was instrumental in bringing both the 1999 and 2016 concerts to Bethlehem University.


The tour, which included concerts in East Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Bethlehem, was supported by the Barenboim-Said Foundation in Ramallah and organized by the Beethoven Academy in Bonn, Germany.

Enhancing Academic Partnership: Manhattan College Faculty Visit

In January 2017, a delegation of eight faculty and staff members from Manhattan College traveled from New York City to Bethlehem University to explore the possibility of future collaborative projects across a variety of academic fields. The Manhattan College contingent was led by Brother Jack Curran, FSC, Ph.D., who served as the Bethlehem University Vice President of Advancement from 2003 - 2013 and is currently the Vice President of Mission at Manhattan College. Bethlehem University and Manhattan College faculty members in the fields of Accounting, Engineering, English, Sociology, and Visual & Performing Arts met throughout the week to discuss various research projects, programs, and academic proposals with the



potential for future collaboration. Afterwards, faculty members from both universities expressed enthusiasm with this preliminary step in establishing and developing a sustainable and dynamic partnership across various academic fields. In addition to the academic meetings, the Manhattan group had the opportunity to attend a meeting with George Rishmawi, Executive Director of the Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People, and visit the Palestine Museum of Natural History, the Brother Vincent Malham Center & Palestinian Traditional Music Archive, and the Dheheisha Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. Bethlehem University looks forward to welcoming more visitors from Manhattan College in the years to come.

In honor of International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, in cooperation with LIFEGATE Rehabilitation, held a Disability Awareness & Adaptive Equipment Exhibition Day on December 8, 2016. The day was organized to raise awareness about people with disabilities and the challenges and difficulties they face in their daily lives. Students from the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Departments set up stations around campus to give presentations on different illnesses and therapeutic interventions in their fields. Physiotherapy students also had the chance to present projects from their Adaptive Equipment course, where groups of students created therapeutic devices from recycled material to offer a cheaper alternative to expensive equipment used for rehabilitation from disease or injury. Projects included Parallel Bar Glider, Finger Exerciser, Posturite Board, and, most notably, Standing Motorized Wheelchair. The student-made equipment was later donated to individuals and organizations in the local community.


Vice Chancellor, Br. Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, with H.E. Engineer Yousef Al- Bassam, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of SFD

Canadian Governor General Attends Panel Discussion at Bethlehem University On Saturday, November 5, 2016, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D., Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada attended a panel discussion on agricultural development and innovation in the West Bank. In his introductory remarks, Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray, FSC, welcomed His Excellency “home,” alluding to the Governor General’s extensive history working at a number of universities in Canada, including McGill University in Montreal and the University of Waterloo in Ontario. The Governor General then addressed the audience, thanking Brother Peter Bray and the whole Bethlehem University community for his welcome and affirming Canada’s commitment to environmental innovation in the West Bank and Gaza. His Excellency referred to the panel discussion on innovation in agricultural development as “both topical and timely.” The panel was comprised of four experts from the public and private sectors, and the discussion touched upon many issues including water usage and recycling, food security, import/export logistics, international marketing of Palestinian products, and the important role of women in agriculture. Before the event concluded with an outdoor reception catered by the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, His Excellency thanked the panelists, the audience, and especially the University for facilitating such a fantastic panel discussion, rhetorically asking, “Where else could you have such a lively discussion but Bethlehem University?”

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Fund the Relocation and Expansion of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), has agreed to develop, furnish, and equip the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism of Bethlehem University. The project will be implemented by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The project represents an important step in the long academic history of the Institute. Through this project, the Institute will be expanded and moved to a new location on the main road that leads to Manger Square in the center of Bethlehem. The new Institute will include classrooms and a training kitchen, as well as a training restaurant and a 35 room teaching hotel. The facilities and the curriculum will be developed and improved as a part of the University’s strategic development plan that was adopted in 2013 during the celebration of the University’s 40th anniversary. Speaking about the announcement, Brother Peter Bray, FSC, the Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, expressed sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz, and the Saudi people for their generous donation. This grant is consistent with the Kingdom’s continuous efforts on all levels to support the Palestinian people and strengthen their steadfastness through the support provided to the education sector. Though there are many challenges and obstacles to its development, the tourism industry is still one of the most active sectors of the Palestinian economy, and this project is expected to provide jobs to the Institute’s graduates.




English Student Activities Club Fall Semester 2016 saw the birth of a new extracurricular club on the Bethlehem University campus: the English Student Activities Club (ESAC). The club was created by Mrs. Paola Handal of the English Department in order to increase the availability of extracurricular programming at Bethlehem University, and it is open to students from all majors; its moniker refers to the fact that all activities are related to English language and literature. ESAC brought several notable speakers to campus in the fall semester including BBC Middle East Correspondent Yolande Knell, who spoke to students about the language of media and the BBC’s coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis, and Dr. Martina Moravcova, who gave an engaging and well-attended lecture on the Carel brothers, the influential Czech writers from the early 20th century. The English Student Activities Club also sponsored a creative writing competition that was open to all students, fielding entries in both poetry and short fiction.

The winners of the competition read their entries to an audience of students and faculty at an award ceremony on February 2, 2017. Other ESAC events scheduled for the spring semester include a seminar by renowned Palestinian poet Nathalie Handal and a drama workshop in partnership with the A. M. Qattan Foundation.

Hip-Hop in the Holy Land In December of 2016, the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem organized its annual week of cultural programming. As part of the 2016 American Cultural Week, raptivist (rap activist) Aisha Fukushima and band members Kev Choice, Dame Drummer, and Uriah Duffy held a music workshop at Bethlehem University. Following introductions and several ice breaking activities, they showcased their talents with an original song called “Believe in Reality.” They also delved into the history of hip-hop, explaining that hip-hop began as a means to “challenge oppression



with expression,” and drew parallels between life in the Bronx in the 1970s and the current reality in Palestine. Building on the idea of rap as a means of political expression, Fukushima quoted Iraqi-Canadian hip-hop MC The Narcicyst, saying, “Hip-hop stands for ‘highly intellectual people hovering over politics;’ the hyphen is the bridge that we walk across.” She explained that hip-hop was created as an alternative to violent resistance. It brought the community together, providing them with a platform to express themselves in a peaceful and creative way.

The workshop became interactive when they covered the musical and lyrical aspects of hip-hop. They encouraged students to write their own lyrics and to sing. Student Farah Soudah sang “Last Christmas,” and all of the students in attendance joined in to sing several songs by Fairouz, a famous Lebanese singer. Fukushima concluded the workshop with a beautiful rendition of Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish’s poem “On This Earth.”


Local and International Musicians Perform Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in the Chapel On Saturday, December 10, 2016, the Chapel of the Divine Child at Bethlehem University was packed to capacity with people who had gathered to listen to a performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s famous Christmas Oratorio (BW 248), which was written in 1734 specifically for the purpose of church performance during the Christmas season. The Christmas Oratorio is composed as a cohesive narrative of the story of Christ’s birth, starting with Christ’s birth and finishing with the adoration of the shepherds. The Choir of the Redeemer Church in Jerusalem, the Choir of the Schmidt School in Jerusalem, and the Olive Branches Choir from Bethlehem sang the chorale sections. Heidrun Goettsche, Anne-Marieke Evers, Sebastian Hübner, and Peter Schüler, all accomplished soloists, performed the recitatives and arias between the chorales. The singers were accompanied by the Belvedere Chamber Orchestra Weimar from Germany and conducted by Mr. Gunter M. Goettsche, first organist and director of the Church of the Redeemer Choir, and Mr. Erwin Meyer, director of both the Schmidt School Choir and the Olive Branches Choir. The uplifting performance was well-received, and the audience honored the musicians with a standing ovation at the conclusion of the program. Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray, FSC, provided both introductory and closing remarks to the enraptured audience, offering Christmas prayers and a reflection of gratitude for the opportunity to experience beauty together in Bethlehem during the Christmas season. The audience, comprised of both Palestinians and visitors from around the world, left the Chapel of the Divine Child feeling inspired by a fine performance of Bach’s enduring tribute to the story of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem.

Farewell Demitri, Welcome Brother Michael Since 2009, Demitri Awwad (right) has greeted more than 15,000 visitors to Bethlehem University in his position as Guest Relations Officer. In February 2017, Demitri moved back to the United States with his wife and son. The University, the Student Ambassadors, and all of those visitors are grateful for his dedicated service to Bethlehem University and the people of Palestine. Brother Michael Andrejko, FSC, has succeeded Demitri as Guest Relations Officer. Brother Michael joins Bethlehem University from Washington D.C. where he was the Principal of St. John’s College High School. To schedule a visit to Bethlehem University contact Brother Michael at: BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY




USAID Representatives Visit Bethlehem University

Lieutenant Michael Ruck, KGCHS, Br. Peter Bray, FSC, and Mr. John Schlageter

Bethlehem University Receives $1,500,000 Gift from the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem In October of 2016, the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem held its Annual Investiture in Washington D.C., where His Excellency Michael J. Ruck, KGCHS, Lieutenant of the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, announced that the Lieutenancy had given Bethlehem University a gift of $1,500,000 towards the addition of two floors of classrooms and two floors of Nursing and Health Sciences facilities. The completed building will be named in honor of the late Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, His Eminence John Patrick Cardinal Foley. The Lieutenancy obtained the funds from an endowment from the estate of Lady Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko. Lady Rose entrusted part of her estate to the Lieutenancy to help carry out their charitable works. His Excellency Michael Ruck said, “The work of Bethlehem University is at the heart of the mission of our Order. As the only Catholic university in the Holy Land, Bethlehem University gives daily support to the remaining Christian community. Additionally, the University is creating an environment where all live in peace in the hope for a better future.” John Schlageter, Executive Director of the Bethlehem University Foundation, said, “I am thrilled that the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre has once again taken the lead in supporting Bethlehem University. I am honored that the Foundation was able to play a role in securing this substantial gift for the University.” Brother Peter Bray, FSC, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, expressed his gratitude, saying, “I am ever mindful that Bethlehem University would not exist but for the generosity of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Once again, the Order has led the way by giving their direct support to the work of the University. Once completed, the building will be a fitting testament to the life of His Eminence John Patrick Cardinal Foley – a great friend of Bethlehem University on whom I had the privilege of bestowing an honorary doctorate shortly before his death. It will also serve as a testament to the long and lasting relationship that exists between the University and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in our joint ministry of supporting the Christian communities in the Holy Land. I thank the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy for their extreme generosity in support of Bethlehem University.”



On Friday, November 11, 2016, Mr. Jerry O’Brien, Acting Director of USAID’s Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA), and Mr. Zack Feris, Program Manager at USAID-ASHA, visited Bethlehem University. Dr. Irene Hazou, Vice President for Academic Affairs, expressed gratitude for ASHA’s contributions to the University. She pointed out that these contributions to Bethlehem University since 1977 have enabled the University to fulfill its mission statement, which is to provide quality higher education to people in Palestine. Brother Neil Kieffe, FSC, Resources Developer, gave a presentation about the long and fruitful association Bethlehem University has developed with ASHA. In addition to presenting past projects, Brother Neil proposed plans for possible future initiatives. The ASHA representatives also had the chance to meet with Student Ambassadors and take part in a discussion about Bethlehem University’s positive impact on the community. They also received a tour of the campus and visited the locations of projects supported by ASHA. Mr. O’Brien and Mr. Feris were impressed with Bethlehem University and expressed wishes to visit again in the near future. ASHA has since awarded Bethlehem University a $999,000 grant toward the construction of the Visitors' and Fitness Centers.

International Students on Campus

Eager to expand its international ties, Bethlehem University welcomes students from different parts of the world to share with them its unique environment and valuable learning experience.

Eojin Yoo, Handong Global University

Sara Häll and Susanne Olsen, VID Specialized University

In May of 2011, Bethlehem University and Handong Global University signed a Memorandum of Understanding and an Academic Exchange Agreement. The agreement was created to establish educational relations, to promote collaborative research, and to enhance the understanding between the two institutions. In the Fall 2016 semester, Bethlehem University welcomed Eojin Yoo as its eleventh Korean exchange student.

In 2015, Bethlehem University signed an exchange agreement with Diakonhjemmet University College, one of three colleges that together comprise the VID Vitenskapelige Høgskole (VID Specialized University) in Norway. Sara Häll and Susanne Olsen, both third year nursing students at VID, are the first students to travel from Norway to Bethlehem since the agreement was signed. Sara and Susanne traveled to Palestine to learn about the way the political situation in Palestine affects healthcare. In addition to enrolling in classes in Bethlehem University’s Nursing Department, they participated in clinical training programs at Augusta Victoria Hospital and St. Joseph’s French Hospital in Jerusalem. They had the opportunity to visit many departments, attend several trauma classes, and observe the way that Palestinian nurses deal with challenges that arise due to political instability. Despite their limited Arabic, they were able to easily grasp information during the training due to help from their instructors and fellow students.

Eojin, or Jina, as her Palestinian friends called her, is a junior at Handong Global University majoring in US and International Law (UIL) and Economics. She did not know much about Palestine when she arrived and was excited to gain a new perspective. On top of her courses at Bethlehem University, Jina quickly began to learn Arabic. She felt that learning the language would allow her to become closer to the locals. “The most memorable part of my experience in Palestine,” she recalls, “is my relationships with the Palestinian people. People in Bethlehem were always helpful and kind. I am thankful for the friendships I made. I had the chance to learn about life from a different perspective, as my friends were always willing to share their stories.” To understand Palestinian society better, Jina also took the Cultural Religious Studies course offered at Bethlehem University. The course focuses on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It presents their history, beliefs, moral precepts, feasts, and rituals in an attempt to reach a deep and unbiased appreciation of religion’s roles in contemporary society. Her learning experience was not only theoretical because she was also able to learn from the relationships she created with her Muslim friends. One thing she pointed out was that before her trip, she thought that all Muslim women were required to wear a veil (hijab). Jina left Bethlehem University with a broadened cultural perspective; she went on to chase a new adventure in Jordan because her short time in Bethlehem gave her a thirst to continue learning about the rich culture of the Middle East.

Although they were expecting to witness overcrowded hospitals and a shortage of resources, they found the healthcare standards in Palestine to be up to par with standards in Norway, and came away from their experience impressed by the professionalism of Palestinian healthcare workers. Instead of finding turmoil and danger in occupied Palestine, Sara and Susanne found a new home at Bethlehem University. “Through our stay in Palestine we have come to meet and know some fantastic people, who have introduced us to their culture and welcomed us into their lives. We are very grateful for this opportunity and will carry this experience with us.”




Highlighting Students, Fostering Creativity Dr. Said Ayyad is the Chairman of the Arabic Department. He joined Bethlehem University in 2004 as a teacher of the Arabic Language. Being an academic and a journalist allowed him to employ his 37 years of experience in journalism in developing the Journalism minor at Bethlehem University. He chaired the news desk and was the director of programs at Palestine TV, and he worked for Reuters for a number of years as a reporter.


Dr. Ayyad has written a number of books on media production and the political mind in Palestine, including but not limited to, The Dilemma of the Palestinian Political Thinking and The Role of Television in Developing Creative Thinking. He has also worked on research in the field of media in Palestine.


It has been said that language is the true path to the survival of a culture. Preserving a language allows a culture to flourish, and the mission of Bethlehem University’s Arabic Department is to produce a generation that takes pride in its language and culture. The Arabic Department is one of the oldest departments of the Faculty of Arts at Bethlehem University. It offers a major in Arabic Language and Literature and minors in Journalism, Translation, and Psychology. For the past three years, since Dr. Said Ayyad became chairman, the Arabic Department has been going through changes and developments in its main programs and activities. The department has been rebuilding its academic program, creating knowledge locally, and shifting towards a studentcentered program.

The Arabic Department faculty has been working on creating materials to improve teaching. Professors put together the books they teach in order to ensure that their students are gaining the knowledge they need. In accordance with university policies, the aim is to develop the students’ critical thinking and analysis skills. Professors encourage their students to become researchers rather than just receivers of knowledge.

Student involvement is not limited to the classroom; the student-centered program encourages student creativity. A wide range of extracurricular activities, such as the Journalism Club, the Cultural Pen Forum, and the Arabic Language Club are available for student participation. Festivals and activities, such as the Annual Journalism Exhibition, foster student creativity as they provide students with a platform to present There are currently 150 students majoring their work. The teacher-supervised, studentin Arabic Language and Literature, and 70 run educational news website, Al-Mahd 24, students who have a translation minor. All includes an electronic journalism section, a minors offered by the department are open radio section, and a documentaries section for students with other majors. The largest where students publish university news, minor in the department is Journalism creative works, and research. The Arabic with 120 students from different faculties Department also organizes an annual Arabic and departments. As part of improving Language and Literature Conference and the academic program, the Arabic a Media Conference with participation Department is working on creating an of experts from both inside and outside independent Journalism Department that the University. The Arabic Department at focuses on producing journalists rather Bethlehem University is working towards than journalism graduates. Expanding preserving the Arabic culture by empowering the department will increase student its students to become independent thinkers enrollment and participation in activities. and leaders of their generation.

Future Plans for Bethlehem University With the completion of the library renovation project, three capital projects with a high level of priority have been identified: Cardinal Foley Hall with classrooms and facilities for the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (pictured on the back cover), Visitors’ and Fitness Centers, and an expanded Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism.



Distinguished Graduate Rima Canawati BU ’86

Presented with International Award When Rima Canawati entered Bethlehem University as a freshman in 1982, she was among the first students with disabilities to enroll at the University. Although life as a student at Bethlehem University was challenging in the beginning, she quickly began to experience the Lasallian spirit of service through the acceptance and support given to her by the De La Salle Brothers and her fellow classmates. Having a visual impairment did not stop Rima from graduating with honors in 1986 with a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature. Rima went on to establish the Vision Rehabilitation Department at the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation (BASR) , the first and only of its kind in Palestine, where they provide people with vision assessment and rehabilitation, assistive devices, early intervention, orientation and mobility, counseling and support services. She is currently director of Program Development at BASR, developing programs that promote the inclusion and full participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life as agents of development. In August 2016, the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) awarded Rima the International Leadership Award in a ceremony held in Orlando, Florida. Rima was recognized for her outstanding service to the ICEVI and children and young people with visual impairments. The ICEVI is a global association of individuals and organizations that promotes equal access to education for all children and youth with visual impairments so that they may achieve their full potential. Rima has done extensive work advocating for the rights of people with disabilities to receive an appropriate education and be integrated into the job market. She has played a very important role in educating visually impaired children

Visitors’ and Fitness Centers

and their parents to fight for their undeniable rights. She has worked on creating a partnership with the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education to train people at government schools to create support systems for students with disabilities. She gave back to her alma mater by helping establish the resource center at the University to support students with visual impairments and offer them equal access to quality higher education. “I am proud to be a Bethlehem University graduate,” she explains. She hopes that through her work, people with disabilities will continue to exercise their rights to an education and equal opportunity in the job market.

Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY


Students' Creative Works The Melody of Life

Love wins: A Christmas Story

Lama Fawaqa BU ‘18 Education

Lara Kasbari BU ‘18 Business Administration

I started to draw when I was in kindergarten. It began as a hobby that later grew into a great passion. Being with my pencil and sketchpad brought me joy. It gave me the feeling that I was in control of my life, and provided a creative outlet for me to reflect my ideas and express myself. My parents began to encourage and support me once they saw my passion. As it was not easy to enroll in art classes, I tried to improve on my own by copying images from magazines, books, and comic books.

My family is originally from Palestine, but I was born in Jordan. We moved back to Bethlehem when I was four years old. Growing up in Bethlehem was special, for it is the place where Jesus Christ was born. It was a blessing because Christmas is a source of joy for me and my family. However, living in Bethlehem also meant living under occupation. When I was a child, I was not well aware of what living under occupation entailed. All I understood was what I saw: a big wall, soldiers, and restrictive checkpoints.

At Bethlehem University, I took the Art Appreciation and the Arts & Crafts in Early Childhood Education courses with Mrs. Samar Ghattas. Both courses enhanced my ability to draw as I learned about the different painting movements and the best ways to teach art to children. For most of my drawings, I use simple tools like pencils, pens, and markers because I do not have better quality tools like Faber Castell pencils. I also learned to admire other artists’ work. Among my favorite artists are Palestinian painters Sliman Mansour, Ismail Shammout, Issam Sabbah, and Imad Abu Shtayyeh. Their art inspires me because they reflect the Palestinian culture through their paintings. I try to do the same through my art. Every piece I make has its own story. If I had to pick a favorite, I would choose the drawing of the girl playing music on her hair. I call it The Melody of Life. An image I saw online inspired me to draw it. The idea I got is that a person can create his own melody for his life. It represents hope for a future where one can achieve his dreams and be happy. I believe that the strength to control our fate comes from within us. We can achieve our goals through perseverance and hard work.



One Christmas Eve, I was asked if I was excited for Santa Claus to come to Bethlehem. I replied that I was afraid Santa would not be able pass the checkpoints or the wall. I was worried that all the other kids who were waiting for Santa would be disappointed. As I got older, this incident remained in my memory. The wall was always there to prevent Santa from coming to Bethlehem. Thus, my innocent childhood dream remained the same— the removal of the separation wall. When I had the opportunity to participate in a writing workshop, one story was still vivid in my mind. Santa still had to face the wall to reach the children of Bethlehem. That was the starting point of crafting my children’s book under the title Love Wins: A Christmas Story. With its colorful illustrations, Love Wins: A Christmas Story will take you on a small journey with Santa in his effort to find a way to come to Bethlehem despite the big wall. Will Santa find a way? I’ll give you a little hint— Love wins; it always does.


Love of Life among Palestinian Youth The time has come for research in psychology to focus on positive human traits such as creativity, courage, responsibility, and honesty, among others. According to Ed Diener, subjective wellbeing, which can be commonly referred to as happiness or satisfaction of life, is a core concept in positive psychology. It can be determined by a person’s evaluation of his life, including cognitive judgments, such as the extent of his satisfaction with his life. Ahmed Abdel-Khalek has coined the term “love of life” as one of the components of subjective well-being. The study of the well-being of Palestinians is difficult to conduct due to the insufficient amount of previous research. However, as she observed her students at Bethlehem University and the general youth of Palestine, Dr. Nahida Al-Arja began to wonder about what motivated them to keep going. Her curiosity led her to conduct research on the love of life and its relationship with variables among high school and university students in the West Bank. Palestine is a prime location to conduct this research because of the difficulties and turmoil the people of Palestine have experienced, starting from the Ottoman Rule, through the British Mandate, to the Nakba (catastrophe) in 1948, the 1967 War, and the first and second Intifadas (uprisings). In her research, Dr. Al-Arja wanted to note the relationship between the aforementioned events and Palestinian youth’s satisfaction of life. The aim was to find out how much they still loved

life despite the difficulties they faced. She also wanted to observe whether the extent of love of life among Palestinian youth changed depending on changes in demographics. Through her research, she found that even though Palestinian students have suffered greatly, having lived through several wars and uprisings, they love life. Dr. Al-Arja recently presented her findings at the 14th International Pan Arab Conference of Psychiatry in Amman, Jordan, where she was commended on her research by Dr. Qassim Hussein Salih, Founder and President of the Iraqi Psychological Association. Dr. Salih called for carrying out similar research on Iraqis, who have lived through wars for 36 years, to see if they still have a love for life.

Dr. Nahida Al-Arja has been Assistant Professor of Psychology at Bethlehem University for the past seven years. Her primary interests are teaching psychology and research. Dr. Al-Arja has published several studies in peerreviewed international journals. She has also participated in several national and international conferences of psychology.

The results of her research assert that the youth of Palestine still love life and imply that they are motivated to keep going despite living in a difficult situation. The results of her findings not only open doors for researchers in other countries to conduct similar studies of their youth, but also give a message of hope to Palestinians. Despite all the hardships, Palestinian youth have a positive outlook on life. This is reassuring for all Palestinians as this stresses the strength, resilience, and hope for a better future for Palestine. The same is reflected at Bethlehem University, where students tend to have a positive outlook on life and a hope for a better future.




The Bethlehem University Fellows: Celebrating 30 Years of Partnership with Lewis University Over the past 32 years, Bethlehem University and Lewis University have quietly built an extraordinary relationship. The Bethlehem University Fellows Program is a phenomenal example of collaboration between two Lasallian institutions of higher education, and a testament to Lewis University’s commitment to Palestine. Since 1984, eighteen Bethlehem University graduates have traveled to Illinois to earn degrees at Lewis, then returned to Palestine to join Bethlehem University’s faculty. Elia Sammour, the director of Bethlehem University’s Business and Contracts Unit, was the only Bethlehem University Fellow to complete both his bachelor’s and his master’s degree at Lewis. When Bethlehem University was closed in 1989 because of the First Intifada, Lewis accepted Elia as an undergraduate, keeping the connection between the universities alive. Alex Hadweh, Bethlehem University class of 2015, is currently pursuing his MBA in Accounting at Lewis. Brother Neil Kieffe, FSC, who taught at Lewis for 20 years and has been a teacher and administrator at Bethlehem University for 25 years, is quick to praise Brother James Gaffney, FSC, for his effort in developing the fellowship program. Brother James first visited Bethlehem University in 1976, and the experience affected him profoundly. He said, “I fell in love with the work . . . The work being done is wonderful through all of the challenges the University has prevailed through, including violence and occupation and being shut down several times.” On a later trip to Bethlehem, in 1984, he was approached by a student named Jamil Koussa about the possibility of obtaining a scholarship to study at Lewis. Brother James brought the proposal to the president of Lewis upon his return to Romeoville, and Koussa graduated from Lewis with his MBA in 1985. He eventually became the Dean of Bethlehem University’s Faculty of Business Administration and is now the Director General of St. Joseph Hospital in Jerusalem. Koussa’s success paved the way for future Bethlehem graduates. In 1985, the administration agreed to turn his initial scholarship into an annual program, and since then Lewis University has rarely gone more than a semester without the presence of a Bethlehem University graduate. Lewis generously funds full tuition, room and board for every Bethlehem University Fellowship award and, as typifies Lasallian education, the program places an emphasis on service. Every fellowship recipient commits to return to Bethlehem to serve as a full-time faculty member for at least



Elia Sammour receiving his diploma from Br. James at Lewis University in 1994

three years, and eight former Bethlehem University Fellows currently teach full-time at Bethlehem - most of them long past their three year requirement. This spirit of Lasallian community is the cornerstone of the relationship between Bethlehem University and Lewis University. As Brother Neil put it, “While the financial contribution, the number of persons, and the length of service are impressive, what I find even more important is the quality of service which this group of young people have displayed. I think that while they were at Lewis University they caught some of that spirit that is so prevalent on that campus.” Elia Sammour has noticed the effect on the Bethlehem community as well. He said, “We have students from many different backgrounds, different towns, different religions. It is wonderful to see the change in our students from the first year to the second year as they are influenced by the Bethlehem University community.” The Lewis community, in turn, has benefited from the presence of the Bethlehem Fellows. Brother James stated, “The students from Bethlehem have been consistently excellent. They have excelled academically and within the community, and they have been wonderful ambassadors for the Palestinian people.” As the Bethlehem University Fellows Program enters its 32nd year, each university continues to benefit enormously, both at an institutional level, where Lasallian spirit is flourishing, and at a community level, as both universities continue to produce graduates who are committed community leaders on a local and global scale.


Outstanding Developments in the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Bethlehem University’s Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences announced a historic achievement in the Fall Semester of the 2016-2017 academic year with the launch of the new High Diploma in Oncology and Palliative Care. The postgraduate program, which was accredited by the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education in 2015, is the first of its kind in Palestine, and targets a pressing need for cancer patient care within Palestine’s healthcare infrastructure. The first cohort of ten students matriculated at Bethlehem University in the Fall Semester of the 2016-2017 academic year, and they will complete their studies in 2018. The four semester course includes a trip abroad in May 2017, with five students traveling to London and five students traveling to Glasgow to receive clinical training and hands-on experience in the care of cancer patients.

In addition to the new High Diploma in Oncology & Palliative Care, the Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty launched the Samir Aweidah Clinical Simulation Center in September of 2016. The clinical simulation lab provides a space to train students to deal with a wide range of medical situations and procedures. It equips students with the experience needed to provide quality services with decreased risks and to be safe practitioners when they care for real patients. The simulation lab is also used to give training courses to local nurses and doctors. The Faculty of Nursing is working on developing agreements with government and non-government organizations and hospitals such as the St. Joseph Hospital in Jerusalem and the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem to provide training for the hospitals’ staff at the clinical simulation center.

This innovative program would not have been possible without the support of Bethlehem’s twin city, Glasgow, as well as the generosity of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). Glaswegian Oncology nurse Gerry O’Hare was instrumental in helping Mariam Awad, Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences, design the curriculum, and the city of Glasgow has pledged to provide funding for clinical placements at Glasgow hospitals for two students from each cohort. Dr. Jaqualyn Moore of King’s College in London has also been instrumental in developing the Oncology & Palliative Care curriculum. She first began collaborating with Mariam Awad in 2014, and arrived at Bethlehem University in 2016 to teach full time. Domestically, MAP is providing scholarship funding for the first two cohorts of Oncology students, and Bethlehem University has signed a memorandum of understanding with Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem, An-Najah National University in Nablus, Dunya Women’s Cancer Center in Ramallah, and other hospitals to provide clinical placements for graduates within Palestine.

Jihad Khair, the Clinical Simulation Lab Coordinator, participated in a two-week training program at Glasgow Caledonian University. He is now working together with the other members of the Faculty of Nursing to build scenarios for student training. The center is equipped to offer training courses such as Advanced Life Support (ALS), Basic Life Support (BLS), Pediatric Life Support (PLS), and Helping Babies Breathe (HBB). In the ALS course, for example, students learn the way to spot and respond to heart attacks. Students can also observe all stages of delivery in the maternity room using the Sim-mom, a simulation mannequin that delivers a baby. The High Diploma in Oncology & Palliative Care and the Samir Aweidah Clinical Simulation Center are both shining examples of the way in which Bethlehem University and its Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty continue to be innovative leaders in Palestinian higher education.



Scholarships… Gifts of Hope

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One out of every four students (total of 793 students) received scholarships or financial aid in the Fall 2016 semester of the academic year 2016-2017. Here are stories of 5 of the 111 students who received annual named scholarships. An annual scholarship is a $4000 gift that covers the cost of education of one student for one academic year. Donors generally make a commitment to support a student for at least 3-4 years as degree programs are four year programs.

My name is Jihan Rimon Fleifel; I am from Beit Sahour. I am a third year student at Bethlehem University majoring in Education – Kindergarten. I chose to study Education because I love to work with children. My mother is a housewife while my father is a driver, but he does not work regularly because he has heart problems. One of my seven sisters is currently studying Nursing at Bethlehem University. Last year, my family decided to leave Bethlehem and immigrate to Sweden as refugees. I withdrew from Bethlehem University, and we traveled to Sweden looking for a better future. However, we faced many difficulties at the refugee camp and decided to come back to Palestine. Being back, I am overwhelmed with the help I have received from the University, such as receiving the Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland Scholarship. Bethlehem University plays an important and vital role in preserving the Christian presence in the Holy Land. Sometimes we forget that we live in the holiest town on earth, so we decide to leave our roots behind to look for new beginnings. I experienced this feeling with my family in Sweden, but now I have chosen to stay in Bethlehem. I am grateful for the generosity of our friends in Ireland and the educational tools the University provides for students to help us build a better future.

My name is Fadi Yacoub Abu Sa’da, and I am 36 years old. I studied Arabic Language and Literature at Bethlehem University eighteen years ago, and I obtained a Higher Diploma in Methods of Teaching Arabic in 2002. I came back to Bethlehem University to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies, and I expect to graduate in June 2017. I am a deacon at the Greek Catholic Melkite Church; I will be ordained later this year. With the help of my father, who is a priest, I serve 200 members of the Melkite parish in Bethlehem and Beit Jala. My wife and I have two beautiful daughters, Merei and Maria, and we are expecting our third in a few months. I lead an active life as I am also an Arabic Language teacher at the Evangelical Lutheran School in Beit Sahour. Bethlehem University truly completes the pastoral and spiritual work of the Church in the Holy Land. Additionally, it is the only university that offers a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies. I’m grateful to Father Adam Forno for supporting my education at Bethlehem University through the Father Adam Forno, KHS Annual Scholarship. As a deacon, I believe that supporting the education of brothers, sisters, laymen and laywomen is important to enhance the faith of the people in the Holy Land. Thank you, Father Adam, for your support to the commitment of education at Bethlehem University.



My name is Enas Taha Jaber. I am a third year student from Jerusalem majoring in Social Work. I am really happy to be a student at Bethlehem University. Although I suffer from dwarfism, I do not view my condition as a disability, and I have never been treated as a disabled person at the University. My father is retired, and I have seven siblings. Before coming to Bethlehem University, I obtained a bachelor’s degree from another Palestinian university. When I tried to get a job in Jerusalem, I realized that I could not practice my profession in Jerusalem because the university was not recognized in Israel. I was depressed for some time, and I decided to study Social Work again. This time, I chose to study at Bethlehem University because it is recognized in Jerusalem. My ultimate goal in life is to become a social worker. I will always be grateful to Mrs. Suad Juffali for her ongoing support to the special needs students at Bethlehem University. Although I studied for four years at a different university, I never received any financial aid. At Bethlehem University, I see the faculty and staff’s commitment towards preparing students with special needs and helping them become efficient and successful members of the society. The support that I received through the Mrs. Suad Juffali Annual Scholarship has given me hope and reassurance for a brighter future. I know that when I graduate from Bethlehem University, I will find work immediately in my home town, Jerusalem. I am currently doing my social work training at Elwyn in Jerusalem. Elwyn serves children and adults with disabilities. My training includes planning activities for autistic adults; we use play therapy techniques to help them cope with their condition. I am very optimistic and I believe that the best is yet to come. The scholarship gift I received from Mrs. Suad Juffali is a gift of hope for someone like me.

My name is Fadi Joseph Abu Aita. I am a 20 year old second year student majoring in Nursing at Bethlehem University. I chose to study nursing because I believe it is a noble profession, and I prefer saving lives and making people feel better when they are sick to working behind a desk or in an office. Getting accepted to study nursing at Bethlehem University was like a dream come true. It is not easy at all to get accepted to the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences because they are very selective, but the good thing is that nursing graduates find jobs immediately after graduation. I decided to study nursing when, a few years ago, someone died in front of me and nobody was able to offer him any help; I felt helpless. That was the last time I felt that way, however, because during my clinical training, I was able to save the life of an elderly person who was choking on food. I would like to thank the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem for supporting Bethlehem University nursing students. The support that I receive through The SMOTJNursing Annual Scholarship is helping me and my family. My father’s work is not stable and my family is facing some major financial problems. I am also involved in several activities at the University. I’m a member of the University’s Music Band “Wajd”, and I play table tennis and volleyball. I enjoy combining nursing with music because nursing heals the body while music heals the soul.

My name is Saed Yaser Zboun, and I am 19 years old. I am a refugee living with my family in Aida Camp in Bethlehem. I am a first year student majoring in English Language and Literature at Bethlehem University. I really feel honored to receive the Dubai Friends of Bethlehem University Annual Scholarship for the academic year 2016-2017. My family consists of my father, who is a handyman, my mother, who is a housewife, and my brother and sister. I chose to study English because it is an international language, and I look forward to fulfilling my dream of becoming a translator. Additionally, I aim to share my stories as a Palestinian with people around the world. I play parkour and I practice free running. Parkour is a method of physical training that develops one’s ability to overcome obstacles. It involves movement that helps people get through emergency situations. I believe that we need more parkour training in Palestine as we live in an occupied territory and I, in particular, live in a refugee camp. The Israeli soldiers attack the camp almost daily. If they see a young man and assume he looks suspicious, they shoot him right away. My parkour training enabled me to run several times from the soldiers by climbing on camp walls. Life in Aida Camp is stressful. People get arrested every day; these people are usually family or friends. Israeli soldiers also fire teargas bombs at us. Inhaling teargas is a horrible experience; it is very painful and dangerous, especially for infants and little children. Although life is difficult, I am thankful for what I have. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Dubai Friends of Bethlehem University for everything they do to help Bethlehem University continue its mission of providing quality higher education to the people of Palestine.



Thank You For Your Generosity $100,000+ Signum Fidei

Christian Brothers Conference EOHSJ - Grand Magisterium EOHSJ - USA Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy The Estate of His Eminence Cardinal Carlo Furno US Agency for International Development

$50,000+ Founders’ Club

American Embassy to Israel Association En Faveur De La Bethlehem University Association Suisse des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes Conferenza Episcopale Italiana Don Enrique Elsaca Merino Erzbischöfliches Generalvikariat Köln Murex S.A. Salvatorian Sisters, Milwaukee Schmidt Family Foundation The Breast Cancer Research Foundation The JK Lee Research fund

$25,000+ Trustees’ Club

Mr. and Mrs. Bassam Aburdene Anonymous Birzeit University CNEWA-Pontifical Mission for Palestine EOHSJ - Canada, Montreal Lieutenancy EOHSJ - USA Northwestern Lieutenancy EOHSJ - USA Southeastern Lieutenancy German Association of the Holy Land - Jerusalem Office Sheikh Bassam Mahmood Khalil Abdulrehman Jaber MISSIO Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem University of Jordan/Erasmus Program University of Washington World Bank


Chairman’s Club Dr. and Mrs. Samir AbuGhazaleh Mr. and Mrs. Elias Aburdene Bethlehem Association Scholarship Fund Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Christian Brothers Community - Bethlehem University Consulate General of the United States



De La Salle Solidarieta Internazionale/SECOLI EOHSJ - England and Wales Lieutenancy EOHSJ - German Lieutenancy EOHSJ - Switzerland Lieutenancy Friends of Bethlehem University in England and UK Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland Global Reach Partners Ltd. Indiana University Mrs. Ibtisam Handal Rahil Mrs. Suad Husseini Juffali Middle East Children’s Alliance Mr. Tony Saca and Mrs. Ilham Saca UNICEF Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA Ursuline SistersContemplatives in Ministry VIS - Volontariato Internazionale Per Lo Sviluppo


Chancellor’s Club Anonymous (2) Mr. Rasheed Araeen Becas Belen Dr. and Mrs. Marcello Bisotti Prof. Father Frank Brennan J. H. Butta Charles Foundation Charitable Trust Mr. James L. and Dr. Hildegard Charles Comitato Internazionale Per Lo Sviluppo Dei Popoli (CISP) Custody of the Holy Land De La Salle Institute - In Memory of Brother V. Eric Vogel, FSC Dr. Rose Mary Dreussi EOHSJ - USA North Central Lieutenancy EOHSJ - USA Northern Lieutenancy Konrad Adenauer Stiftung E.V. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Leahy Brother Richard Lemberg, FSC - In Memory of Brother V. Eric Vogel, FSC Major Issues & Theology Foundation Ltd Ministry of Education & Higher Education Munib R. Masri Development Foundation Lady Mary C. O’Brien, LGCHS Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pasin Representative Office of Canada to PA Mary Cassaretto Simon Shubanu Bethlehem e.V. The George and Rhonda Salem Family Foundation Tree of Life Educational Fund, Inc. United Holy Land Fund

Konsul Dipl.- Kfm. Michael Wirtz


Vice Chancellor’s Club Abdel Mohsin Al-Qattan Foundation Abdul Qavi - Mazin Qumsiyeh Scholarship Advisors Charitable Gift Fund (ACGFund) Ahdaf Mr. Sa-ed J. Al-Budeiri Al- Rowad Culture &Theatre Society- Aida Camp Bethlehem Anonymous (2) Arab Studies Society-Youth Development Department Archdiocese of Hartford Archdiocese of New York Drs. Nicholas J. and Joyce K. S. Babiak Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Rev. Barry L. Beisner Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce Linda and David Bohan Mr. and Mrs. Elias S. Botto Helen & Frank Brady - In honor of Elias Botto’s 84th birthday Most Rev. Raymond L. Burke, Prefect Mr. Philip Burger Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney Mark and Jane Chopko Christian Brothers Community La Salle Institute Congregation of Our Lady of Sion/Notre Dame de Sion Consulate General of France Mr. Leo A. Daly Dannoun Corporation for Industrial Electricity Deacon James E. Carper & Teresa Carper - In Memory of our grandparents Diocese of Arlington Diocese of WheelingCharleston Jack J. Dudum Ecce Homo Convent/Notre Dame de Sion Dr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Engert, Jr. H. E. Dr. Thompson M. Faller, KGCHS - In Memory of Madeleine Faller Fieldpoint Private Securities LLC Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald and Mrs. Peta Fitzgerald Ms. Beth Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Clifton A. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Friel FSC Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Burhan Ghanayem

Hani Qaddumi Scholarship Foundation Edward and Janet Hazboun Mrs. Lily S. Hazbun - In Memory of Albert Hazbun John D. Herrick The Most Rev. Richard Higgins Manford D. Hotchkiss and Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss Ms. Rita Houlihan - In Memory of Kathrene Blish Houlihan and Daniel J. Houlihan John and Lisa Iberle Susie and Jacob Imam Ms. Nancy L. Iredale Michelle Jezycki Brother Joseph Juliano, FSC Brian Katulis P.J. Keliher Keller Family Charitable Trust Herr Samuel Kessens - In Honor of Supporting the master thesis of Samuel Kessens - World Food System Centre Mr. and Mrs. Ayham Khleif Carolyn and Elias Khoury Mr. and Mrs. Les W. Kirk Rev. Daniel N. Klem Dr. Francis J. Klocke, M.D. - In Memory of Brother Christian Virgil Hynes, FSC Mr. Bernard Kilroy Father Robert Kurvers Ladah Foundation Mary L. Levin Karen J. Linder Col. John Linsenmeyer, KCHS Liverpool Carting Co., Inc. Mr. Luca Marmo Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Sally McGovern Daniel Medinger, KHS Merrill Lynch Bank of America Corporation Pamela and Robert Mertz Ministry of Detainees' Affairs Dr. Francis Podbielski and Ms. Anna Montes Rev. and Mrs. Richard N. Myers Nationwide Marketing Group, LLC Nicholas and Christian Raho Foundation Mr. John B. O’Hagan - In Memory of Baby Mary O’Hagan Mr. Ronald W. Ohmes Ms. Sandra O’Neal Orthodox National Charitable Society PalTel Group Foundation Project Loving Care Society/ Fatmeh Abu Al-Suud Fund Mr. and Mrs. Qumsieh Prof. and Mrs. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh Reach Education Fund Lois Harr and John M. Reilly Religious of the Assumption Jane and Richard Rodeheffer Michael and Wendy Ruck Saint Agnes Church, Arlington, VA


1 September 2016 – 28 February 2017 Ms. Hala Sfeir Dr. Diane Shammas - In Memory of my father Nickolas Nasim Shammas Rev. Bruce M. Shipman Mr. Graham Snudden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Starshak St. Peters Hazel Grove John Viste and Elaine Strite The Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust The Xerox Foundation TIAA-CREF - In Memory of Brother Christian Virgil Hynes, FSC UBS Financial Services Inc Wafaa Micro Finance and Capacity Building Sister Margaret Walsh, PBVM Wells Fargo Foundation World Vision, Jerusalem-West Bank-Gaza

Mr. Daniel R. Murray Mr. and Mrs. John W. Noell, Jr. Ms. Doris F. Norrito Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Rathbone Ms. Georgina Reeves Barbara G. Reynolds - In Memory of Joseph P. Reynolds Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Schwab Charitable Fund Patrick White and Pauline Smetka - In honor of Br. Joe Loewenstein Jack and Nan Steger The Arab Orthodox Benevolent Society United Palestinian Appeal Vanguard Charitable Keith Walters Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Weiner Lady Constance van Wesemael Ms. Valerie J. White



Dr. and Mrs. Edward Abraham, M.D. AFPS - Association France Palestine Solidarité Anonymous (2) John and Monica Alexandra Al-Zaytoonah Society for Youth Development Arabic Foundation for Sustainable Development Mrs. Corina Archipley Mr. and Mrs. Nader Barakat The Most Reverend Gerald R. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. William Bean Jim and Ginger Biedron Peter and Marilyn Biggins Dr. John and Dr. Marianne Borelli Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bowns Mr. Robert Brass Mr. and Mrs. John V. Brown The Rev. Msgr. Paul A. Byrnes Rev. Joseph P. Callipare Claire and George Carey Christian Brothers Community at Manhattan College Dr. Hani Shawa Foundation Rev. Kail C. Ellis, OSA Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faherty Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Rev. Todd E. Foster St. John Stone Friary Mrs. Mary Ann Fuller General Mills Foundation Charles and Dolores Irwin Diana and Andrew Jezycki Ms. Katherine Kakish Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimbrough, Jr., KC*HS The Hon. Justice Francois Kunc Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Latin Parish - Beit Sahour Ms. Lucia Meoli

George and Polla Abed John and Lucille Abraham Mr. Jihad M. I. Abu Amsha 1995 Dr. and Mrs. Odeh Aburdene Dr. Said S. Abu Zahra Steve and Miriam Adams Brother Michael A. Andrejko, FSC Anonymous (18) Anonymous - In honor of my mom Charlotte Chagoya Anonymous - In Memory of our wonderful Mother The Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila Lawrence and Carolyn Arena The Rev. Christopher Armstrong, STD, JCD - To Celebrate the Wedding of John Schlageter Victoria and Michael Armstrong Archdiocese of Atlanta Ann Marie and Joe Arden Dr. Robert Ashmore, Jr. Associazione Mimi Mr. and Mrs. Tom Auffenberg Ms. Diana G. Ba’bish Sir and Mrs. Ross S. Bacica, KC*HS Brother Bede Baldry, FSC Rev. Joseph W. Banden Mr. Blaine M. Barham Mrs. Karen L. Batroukh Wilma C. Berkeley Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Berzowski Rev. Justin Biase, OFM Conv. - In Memory Of Brother William Spellman, FSC Dr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Blair Mary M. Blandford Mr. Craig Borchardt

Special Friends

Century Club

Bob and Anne Bower Ms. Shary K. Bozied Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Braddock The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley Mr. Eugene J. Bransfield, KCHS Rev. Allen J. Bratkowski Mr. and Mrs. David Bray Prof. John R. Breihan Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Mr. Henry Bromelkamp H. E. Max D. Brown and Mary Anne Brown Rev. John R. Burke Rev. Martin J. J. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chester Bush Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Butler Ms. Layla Cable - In Memory of Afifeh Anastas Hijab’s constant search for knowledge Ms. Rebecca Calaor Mr. Sam Caldwell Mrs. Carole A. Cannon, DCHS Brother Robert Carnaghi, FSC Mrs. Catherine Carey-To Celebrate Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Caruso Jack and Gerry Casey Brother Thomas P. Casey, FSC Catholic Foundation of Southern Nebraska Dr. Frank Cave Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Ceasar - In Memory of Brother Vincent Malham Suzanne Ching-In honor of Sr. Fran Murphy, SNDdeN Christian Brothers of the Midwest, Inc. Christian Brothers of the Midwest Novitiate Community Christian Brothers Saint Patrick Community Rev. Robert J. Clark Anthony F. Colao - In Memory of Anne Colao Dr. Stephen and Dr. Cheryl Colecchi The Most Rev. James D. Conley The Honorable Geoffrey S. Connor, Esq. Sir Brian Corbin Mr. William D. Corcoran Mr. William C. Crain IV Mr. Adrian Crook Mr. and Mrs. John M. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Robert D’Acquisto Msgr. John R. Dale J. Basil Damukaitis, KHS Mrs. Deborah Darnes Trudi A. Davis - In Memory of all who have stood up for peace, Christian Peacemakers Mrs. Anne DePalo Rev. Charles E. Des Ruisseaux Lady Ann S. Dickson, LC*HS Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Di Giacomo - In Memory of Al and May Di Giacomo

Albert G. Doumar Tom and Karen Dowd Father Lawrence J. Doyle Drs. Brian and Gloria Duffy - In Memory of the Duffy family Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Duggan, AFSC-In Memory of Brother Vincent Malham Ms. Corazon Dumawal Paul Boyd and Kathy Dunne Miss Michele Dunne Emanuel and Barbara Eads A. M. Edwards Colette and Robert Ehnow Sister William Eileen, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Fouad El-Gawly Rev. Warren G. Elliott - In Memory of Janette Irene Elliot, I’ll always love you. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Erickson M. et Mme. Abel Erondel Ms. Diane M. Ethier - In Memory of Nadim Shamat Mr. Barry and Mrs. Angela Fairweather Rev. Joseph P. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Farage Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr. Serry Fitzpatrick Drs. P.R. and C.M. Fletcher Gerald Flood - In Memory of the deceased Floods and Tolands Kathleen Flynn Mr. Timothy Flynn Judith Fogt Mary Folsom H. E. Charles H. Foos, KGCHS Mrs. Karen R. Fox Brother James Gaffney, FSC Brother David Galinski, FSC Rev. Cyrus Gallagher Bob & Kay Gareis Mr. John Joseph Garvey Brother Florent Gaudreault, FSC Kate and Bobby Giaimo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giannantonio Christa M. Gorman Brother Paul Grass, FSC Rev. Virginia L. Green - In honor of Allyson and Peter’s work for Earth Major and Mrs. Derek Grenier Prof. Emeritus Mary Grey Msgr. Edmund Griesedieck Mr. James D. Griffin Rich and Stephani Gunderson Pfarrer Matthias Haas Sister Canice Hanrahan Rev. Lynn B. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. David Hart Mrs. Helen Healy Ms. Cecilia Herath Prof. Nicholas S. Hopkins - In Honor of Scholarship for needy Palestinian students , Zayna Hopkins Shibley Telhami and Kathryn Hopps Tom and Peggy Howen



Thank You For Your Generosity Joan and Bob Hug - In Memory of Mildred and Wayland Tonning Lindsey Humes Mrs. Perveen Hussain Mr. Joseph E. Imbriaco The Most Reverend Peter Ingham Katie and Dennis Ippensen Huda and T. E. Jackson - In Memory of Hadiya Bitar Mrs. Gertrude C. Johnson Mr. Robert T. Johnson Dr. John D. Poling and Cindy Jokela Mr. Alan R. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Salim C. Jreissaty Dr. Bill Kadish - To celebrate the volunteer service of Rachael Kadish Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Karam - In Memory of Brother Vincent Malham Katholische Hochschule Mainz Harry and Ana Katz Rev. John L. Kaul Kevin A. Kavanaugh Mr. Michael Kearns Col. J.J. Kelly, KHS Elizabeth Kilkenny - In Memory of James Kilkenny Sir John and Lady Mary King Ms. Sally L. King Lieutenant and Lady William Kininmonth, KCHS Mr. Habib G. Khoury Dr. Khalil and Mrs. Samar Khoury Tanas - In Memory of Evelyn Saliba Tanas Dr. and Mrs. Robert Klocke Father Anton ten Klooster George M. Kloster Rev. Msgr. Raymond J. Kupke Ms. Nancy L. Labiak Dr. and Mrs. Dean R Larson In Memory of BJ Geyer Mrs. Patricia M. Latteri Mr. John Lemkul Dennis Lester Rev. Msgr. Gerald L. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus Mrs. Florence Losa The Most Rev. George J. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Chris Maher Fr. John M. Malone Mr. & Mrs. George Malone Brother William Martin, FSC Ms. Judith B. Marx Rev. Robert K. Massie Ms. Heather Mathew William Ginivan and Nancy McBride Dr. Justine McCabe - In Memory of my deceased brother, Richard McCabe Rev. Brian McCarthy Mrs. Maria McCormack Father Russell McDougall Mr. Nigel McFarlane Deacon Terry McGuire and Kathy McGowan Lucy C. McGuirk Brother Mark G. McKeon, FSC Mr. Tony McLoughlin



Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis, STD, KCHS Ms. Monnitte Monana Mr. Tom McIntyre and Mr. Frank Morris Ms. Patricia Lynn Morrison - In Memory of Bishop Joseph L. Imesch Mr. and Mrs. Glennon D. Mueller Mrs. Maureen Mullally-Clarke Mr. Gerald J. Najor and Ms. Toni Najor Rev. Kevin Neal Ms. Daisy G. Neves - In Memory of Leonardo Gallardo Ms. Asunta Nicolau Madame Germana P. Nijim In Memory of my husband, Basheer Nijim who died unable to go home to Jerusalem Ron and Lorraine Nilson Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. O’Daniel Timothy and Julia O’Keefe Sister Irene O’Neill, CSJ, Ed.D. Our Lady Queen of All Creation Parish Mr. W. Dennis Owen, AFSC Mr. and Mrs. Francis Peck Dr. Arvo Peltonen Peter K. Phelan - In Memory of my parents Nancy and John Pielemeier Rev. Msgr. Mark R. Pierce John Carmen Piunno Mr. and Mrs. Wincelaus J. Podbielski - In Memory of the Kuzniewski and Podbielski families Brother David E. Poos, FSC - In Memory of Brother Vincent Malham Lady Ronnie Precup Proactive Strategies, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Maher N. Qabar, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Imad I. Qasim Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Quigley Mattie Renn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Retzke Mrs. Lynn Rico - In Memory of Nadim Shamat, honoring the life, career & family of Nadim Shamat Curt and Marybeth Ries Rev. Kenneth Riley Dr. Patrick Ring Ms. Dina I. H. Rishmawi 2015 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Robinson Brother David Rogers, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rouse In Memory of Brother Jose Pedro and Brother Sabibo Zavala Beth and Paul Royer Saint Cassian’s Centre Saints Gregory and Augustine Parish Louis A. Santalesa

Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schena - In Memory of all the Palestinians who died fighting for the legal right to their land and property Deacon and Mrs. Gerald A. Scherkenbach Dr. Fritz and Mrs. Elizabeth Scheuren Fred Schlegel Mr. David R. Schultze II Dr. Mimi and Mr. Marvin Schuttloffel Mrs. Sylvia E. Schwarz - In Memory of Nadim Shamat The Most Rev. Mark J. Seitz Seraj Company Barbara Shanahan Ms. Anne Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shepherd Ms. Jeanne Shevlin - In Memory of my parents The Most Rev. Noël Simard Mr. and Mrs. Barney J. Skladany, Jr. Mr. Donald Sommese Ana M. Spitzmesser Morgan Stanley c/o CyberGrants, Inc. Mrs. Anne Stapleton Rev. Paul W. Steller Laura J. Sterling Rev. James Stewart St. Francis Sleep, Allergy and Lung Institute, LLC St. Joseph’s College Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Stutte - In Memory of Bob and Barb Rogas Mrs. Margaret Suchan-Pickert Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC - In Memory of Brother Vincent Malham Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sullivan Joe and Patty Symkowick Rev. J. Edward Szendry - In Memory of Brother Thomas Hickey, M.M. Tantur Ecumenical Institute Richard and Teresa Taylor Dr. Nenita Tenefrancia Rev. Richard Tero Terra Sancta Pilgrimages Mrs. Judi Teske Mrs. Marjorie Thornton Mr. Peter Titelman George S. Tomlin, Ph.D. - In Memory of Maha Khader, the first Palestinian Occupational Therapist degreed in USA Mills and Steve Toomey Kevork and Pamela Toroyan Rev. Msgr. F. Charles Troncale Ms. Gloria J. Truitt Rev. Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vasut - In Memory Of Joseph Vasut Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Verhoff Rev. Marcus J. Voss, OSB Lady Carol Ann Walton, LGCHS Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Warden

Rev. Ray Webb, Ph.D. Sir William Randolph Weber, KM, KGCHS Mr. Terry Weber - To Celebrate the Great work of Palestinian Natural History Museum and Mazin Qumsiyeh Cynthia and Tom Weiler Mr. Michael J. Westerfield Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wildman Ms. Gwen E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John H. Winkler, Jr. - In Memory of Vi and Art Wasserman Christy Wise Mrs. Elisabeth Wrobel Mr. Johannes Zang

Up to $99

Silver Anniversary Mrs. Donna I. Abramov Ms. Karis Ailabouni Dr. and Ms. Gary L. Aitchison AmazonSmile Foundation Mrs. Carmela Anglim Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Anderson - In Memory of Nadim Shamat Anonymous (7) Anonymous - In Memory of Nadim Shamat Anonymous - To Celebrate the Enduring Palestinian Heart, Mind and Soul Ms. Amy Antonucci Lady Susan Archambault Ms. Linda Batton Mr. William Bault Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Becker Prof. Anne Benjamin Brother Dominic Berardelli, FSC - In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Warta Lee and Julie Bertagnolli William and Diane Biggs Rev. John E. Burger Mr. Don Burns - In Memory of Nadim A. Shamat Mrs. Pauline Burton Mr. and Mrs. David M. Cairns Dr. and Mrs. John Castle Juan C. Catapang Ms. Jean M. Chovan - In Memory of Nadim Shamat Carol Chroninger Ms. Walda W. Cobain - In honor of Father Adam Forno College Des Freres – Bethlehem Henry and Marjorie Conroy In Memory of Dennis Conroy Ms. Marcia A. Corcoran Mike and Rita Courthold Ms. Julia Crawmer Ms. Susan Daly Dr. Lesley Dawson The Most Rev. Gérard Dionne Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dorsey Sister Lisa Marie Drover, OSF Ms. Mary J. Duffels - In Memory of Robert Duffels Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Engle


1 September 2016 – 28 February 2017 Ms. Candida Esposito - In honor of the Christian Brothers at Bethlehem University Dr. and Mrs. Peter Eudenbach Lucy Fallon Deacon Joseph J. Forgue Craig and Dolores Foster Deacon Tom Fox, KHS and Mary Jane Fox, LHS Mr. Adrian Fröhlich Ms. Brenda Gebhart Brother Richard Geimer, FSC - In Memory of Donald T. Geimer Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Geraghty Sister Barbara Gfeller, SNJM Mr. Thomas Anthony Glaister Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Greenwood - In Memory of Nadim Shamat Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Golden Mrs. Jackie A. Gonsalves Mr. Anthony S. Graefe Ms. Joyce Guinn Ms. Yvonne Guthrie Mr. Michael C. Gwilliam Mrs. Elizabeth Halsall Dr. Dirk-Michael Harmsen Ms. Erin F. Hayden Mrs. Cynthia B. Hayes and Rev. Donald R. Hayes Ms. Barbara A. Higgins - In Memory of Brother Francis Bowers, FSC Mr. John Anthony Hilton Ms. Marsha D. Holdhusen In Memory of Dr. Nadim Shamat Vera Masrieh-Homsi Mr. Frank Hughes Mr. G. Richard Hull Paul and Mary Hurley Mr. Anthony T. Jennings David and Polly Johnson - In honor of Mazin and Jessie Qumsiyeh Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jorgensen Dr. Teresa Jozwiak Dr. Kenneth Nicholas Kast Dr. David H. Kelly Ms. Kathleen Kelley Robert and Kay Kenney Mr. George Khoury M. Kleven - In Memory of Nadim Shamat Sarah Kohles. OSF Dr. Andrew and Rev. Janice Krouskop KW Botanicals Inc. Mr. David Lacheck John & Emily Lang Aurora H. Lazo - In Memory of my mom, Maria H. Lazo Mr. Steve L. LeGendre Ms. Daniela Lupone Ms. Africa Martinez Mr. Oscar O. Martinez Joe and Paula McGrath Brother Joel William McGraw, FSC - In Memory of Brother Vincent Malham, FSC

Ms. Joanne M. McGuire Ms. Teresa McLaughlin Ambassador Jean-Louis Mignot Mr. Michael Moran Brother Frederick Mueller, FSC Deacon Roger P. Mullaney Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Muth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Nielsen Ms. Linda Nishi Mr. Francis Nolan Sir John H. Nutley, KGCHS Miss Rona K. Obert - In Memory of Katie Deming Rev. Jeremy Oliver Income (USD) Income (USD) Dr. Gretchen Paige Tuition and Fees (Student Paid) Mary Patania Income (USD) Tuition and Fees (Student Paid) Linda Pelayo - In Memory of Subsidy, Donations & Scholarhips Tuition and Fees (Student Paid) Subsidy, Donations & Scholarhips Edilberto Pelayo Projects and Research Grants Subsidy, Donations & Scholarhips Ana Alicia Perez Projects and Research Grants John and Joyce Petro Projects and Research Grants Public Service Public Service Mrs. Heather Preimesberger Public Service Rev. Sheila Prest - Thanks for Other Income Other Income Other Income the generous hospitality of Bethlehem University -May 2015 7% Joan Pritchard 7% Chad and Lucy Quaintance 5% 5% Ms. Cynthia R. Ratkey 11% Ms. Joan Rebholz 11% Mrs. Ann Ross Mrs. Elaine Jiries Rumman Mary Catherine Ryan Ms. Cheryl A. Scherbarth Rev. Msgr. Francis X. Schmidt 36% 36% Rev. Peter Schonenbach Mrs. Antoinette Schroder Dr.h.c. May Seikaly Sister Eileen Schuller Mrs. Margaret Snowden Mr. Kenneth J. Solak Sons of Italy in America Lodge #321 Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sovel Mr. Joseph Spofford Expenses (USD) Expenses (USD) Mrs. Ann Stahlschmidt Instruction Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stenard Expenses (USD) Instruction - In Memory of Michael Institutional Support Institutional Support Instruction Stenard Plant Operation and Maintenance Plant Operation and Maintenance Mr. and Mrs. Jerold D. StrattonInstitutional Support Deacon Anthony and Mrs. Projects and Research Grants Projects and Research Grants Tina Stucchio - In Memory ofPlant Operation and Maintenance Depreciation Depreciation John and Amelia Stucchio Projects and Research Grants Public Service Dr. Eric Swanson Public Service Depreciation Dr. David Toowara Other Other Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toso Public Service Mr. and Ms. Gerald Turner Other 2% Mr. Richard E. Ullrich Mrs. Marilyn K. Vierra Rev. Joseph A. Weber, Jr. 6% 2% 7% Ms. Lee J. Whitaker 7% Mr. Lindsay White Mr. and Mrs. John S. 6% 7% Woodward - In Memory of 11% Albert Hazbun 7% Ms. Joan Wutz Ms. Maureen E. Yahrmatter 11% 15% Robert & Dianne Younkin

Bethlehem University 2015-16 Financial Statement Bethlehem University 2015-16 Finan

12,507,106 Bethlehem University 2015-16 Financ 12,507,106

Gift in-Kind K UND K WIEN

5,072,900 12,507,106 5,072,900 4,507,746 4 5,072,900 4,507,746 1,419,174 3 4,507,746 1,419,174 1,419,174 834,312 1 834,312 834,312 672,974 672,974 672,974


41% 41%





13,046,197 13,046,197 6,762,323 6,762,323 13,046,197 5 2,001,469 2,001,469 6,762,323 1 1,446,203 1,446,203 2,001,469 1 973,493 973,493 1,446,203 867,126 867,126 973,493 795,399 795,399 867,126 200,184 200,184 795,399




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September 2016 - February 2017

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I was inspired by how articulate the students in the discussion were, wonderful young people!

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Truly inspirational establishment. You clearly demonstrate the ‘beacon of hope!’ May God bless you and reward you for your humble efforts!



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This is a wonderful place. I admire what you are doing for your students.



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Visitors September 2016 - February 2017

U.K. ocks Group, Peter Sharr Nov. 22, Fr.

U.S. sh University, Nov. 24, Waba

You are doing great work helping students to create a future for themselves.



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Dec. 1, National Association of Diocesan Directors of Pilgrimages, France

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Thank you for a wonderfully inspirational visit - a sign of great hope and courage. Keep up the heroic work.

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Jan. 18, Mr. Dave Sta nnard with scholarship recipient, U.K.

Visitors September 2016 - February 2017

The resilience of the students is inspiring.

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A rendering of Cardinal Foley Hall which will provide additional classrooms and offices for the University as well as new facilities for the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Giving to Bethlehem University Gifts from the local and international communities can be made via check to ‘Bethlehem University; or by bank transfer. For more information please contact: Bethlehem University Advancement Office P.O. Box 11407 – 92248 Jerusalem TEL: +970 2 274 1242 FAX: +970 2 274 4440

Gifts from the United States can be made via check to: ‘Bethlehem University Foundation’ – a tax deductible non-profit eligible for employer matching gifts. (TAX ID 223600739-) For more information please contact: Bethlehem University Foundation P.O. Box 355 Beltsville, MD 20704 – 0355

To keep hope, faith, and the dreams of so many young people in Palestine alive, please consider making an immediate difference with an online contribution to Bethlehem University. Visit to make a convenient and fast donation. Alternatively, follow the QR link using your smartphone.

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