Welcome to our prospective Year 7 students
This is a fantastic time for your child to be joining Mulberry Academy Shoreditch. We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with you and your child to ensure he/she ourishes and achieves their full potential. We provide extremely high standards of pastoral care for all students and we have the highest expectations of students' behaviour and learning. In return you can expect us to provide superb learning opportunities, and a varied and exciting set of extra-curricular and enrichment activities. Please support us to ensure your child attends the academy every day and that they make the most of the wide variety of opportunities available whilst studying here. The development of Mulberry Academy Shoreditch Sixth Form means students can now study here from Year 7 through to Year 13. This will provide students with the continuity and stability, in an outstanding learning environment, to prepare them for the next stage of their education or chosen career. Throughout the year there will be many opportunities for you to visit the academy to discuss your child's progress. Please make full use of this, as it is essential that you attend to support your child's learning. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me, your child’s Head of Year or Form Tutor. Please call the academy to arrange an appointment. I look forward to working with you. Mrs Ruth Holden Executive Principal
Academy life - what to expect
Our uniform The smart and practical uniform at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch is compulsory and must be worn at all times travelling to and from the academy.
Girls Compulsory Items Academy black blazer with logo Academy black school skirt (knee length) or black straight fit trousers in the same fabric as the blazer ● White shirt/blouse ● Academy tie ● Short black or white socks or black opaque tights ● Smart black shoes (flat with black sole). Boots are not permitted ● Plain black school bag that is large enough to carry books and A4 size folders such as a backpack or sports bag. No handbags are permitted ● Plain black waterproof outdoor coat ● ●
Boys Compulsory Items Academy black blazer with logo Academy black, straight fit trousers in the same fabric as the blazer ● White shirt ● Academy tie ● Black socks ● Smart black shoes (with black sole). Boots are not permitted ● Plain black school bag that is large enough to carry books and A4 size folders such as a backpack or sports bag. ● Plain black waterproof outdoor coat ● ●
Optional Items ●
Academy black v-neck jumper with purple trim
P.E. kit Compulsory Items ●
Optional Items
Academy black v-neck jumper with purple trim ● Academy black Salwar Kameez with purple trim and logo ● Academy black long skirt (10 inches above the ankle) ● Appropriate styled plain black Jilbab with purple academy trim. Alternative trims or designs are not permitted (Year 8-11 only) ● Plain black head scarf (where applicable). Alternative trims or designs are not permitted
Academy black short-sleeved t-shirt with logo Black shorts (plain) White socks Trainers (no pumps or plimsolls)
Optional Items ● ●
Black hooded, zipped top with logo Black tracksuit bottoms (plain)
PE kits must be brought on the days when PE is timetabled and for any clubs or extracurricular activities. The PE kit must be packed in a black separate bag.
Judgements on acceptability can only be made by staff at the academy. Students with inappropriate hair or uniform will be placed in the Internal Exclusion Unit (IEU) or sent home to change. If you have any uncertainty about acceptable uniform or appearance please contact the academy for guidance.
Our uniform
• Students are expected to be of a smart and sensible appearance. Hair must be worn in a style appropriate to a business environment and extreme hairstyles/colours that undermine the ethos (or discipline) of the academy will not be permitted. • Excessively shaven hair (where the skin on a student’s head is visible), razor cuts, shaved eyebrows or any shaven step/lines/pattern/ fashion trims are not acceptable. • Only small black decorative attachments/hairbands are to be worn in the hair. • Judgements on acceptability can only be made by staff at the academy.
• No jewellery to be worn, except for a single/pair of small gold or silver stud earrings and a watch. No other form of body piercing is allowed. Jewellery must be removed before doing P.E. lessons. • Facial piercing and nose studs, bracelets, large hoop or stud earrings with diamonds, rings, chains or loom bracelets are not permitted. Make up (including nail varnish) • No make-up may be worn in Years 7-8 • Only light make-up (e.g. mascara only) may be worn in Years 9-11 • Nail varnish, acrylic and false nails are not permitted
Items that are not permitted: • • • • • • • • •
Trainers Fashion boots (including Kicker boots) Soft canvas shoes or soft leather shoes e.g. Vans Shoes with coloured stitching and laces Footless tights, patterned tights or socks Leggings Tight jeans or trousers Sportswear (outside of PE lessons) Caps
Other Information
• Coats must be removed on entering the building • Shirts and ties should be worn appropriately, i.e. shirts must be tucked in and collars buttoned and ties worn neither too long nor too short • A plain black woollen hat may be worn in the winter months only • Students must wear correct uniform on the way to and from the academy
Sixth Form dress code Female ● ●
Business attire Smart office shoes
Male Smart trouser (black, grey or navy) Smart collared shirt (tie is optional) ● Smart office shoes ● ●
What is not acceptable Any type of denim Large patterned garments ● Short skirts ● Low cut tops ● Trainers or similar ● Hats ● Hooded tops ● Polo shirts and T-shirt ● Sports wear ● Branded tops ● ●
Judgements on acceptability of dress can only be made by staff at the academy. If a student is dressed inappropriately they will be asked to leave and return in the correct attire
An inclusive academy
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Mulberry Academy Shoreditch is a truly inclusive academy. Inclusion has our highest priority. The achievement of students with special educational needs and disability is outstanding and the personalised support we put in place for students means they are able to flourish as independent and confident learners. The base for our SEND provision is a dedicated and well equipped suite of rooms in the Inclusion area as well as the Learning Support Unit, which is at the core of the academy. One of the most important aspects of provision is the in-class support given by our highly skilled and committed team of Teaching Assistants working across all curriculum areas. We also have a team of Learning Mentors who support students both in and out of the classroom.
We recognise that, for students to succeed, curriculum access to all subject areas is essential. This can only be achieved where students can confidently read, understand and respond to the material being studied. At Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, we are committed to improving literacy skills for all students. Our highly experienced Literacy Team constantly promote the importance of reading for pleasure and specifically targets those students for whom additional support is required. We use a variety of strategies including one to one and small group literacy interventions. Our aim is to ensure that poor literacy is never a barrier to achievement and we strive to enable all of our students to have regular access to a wide range of high quality literature.
An inclusive academy
Gifted and Talented students Gifted and Talented students are stretched and challenged during lessons to ensure they achieve to their full potential. There are also a wide variety of extracurricular activities such as university visits, business mentoring and debating clubs which are aimed at raising student aspirations and adding extra elements of academic challenge to the curriculum. If you would like any further information about any aspect of Inclusion at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch please contact Jennie Montgomerie, Deputy Principal, or Aurica Fabian, Director of Learning Support / SENCo.
Our curriculum
At Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, our curriculum provision offers a wide choice and a wealth of opportunities for academic and applied learning with an extended, three year Key Stage 4, and a broad and challenging offer in the Sixth Form. Our curriculum is divided into three pathways: Enterprise, Endeavour and Discovery, that set out the 11-19 learning journey students undertake while at the academy. More details of our 11-19 curriculum model can be found on our website. At all key stages students are assessed on their attainment, progress and scholarship, and this is reported to parents every term. Both the pastoral teams and curriculum teams monitor students’ progress and any students who are not achieving as expected receive appropriate intervention and support.
Key Stage 3 We operate a two year Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8) with students choosing GCSE options in Year 8. We have adopted a “mastery learning” philosophy to ensure all students have in place the fundamental skills and knowledge to fulfil their potential at Key Stage 4 and beyond as part of their 11-19 learning journey. Each subject has identified the key knowledge and skills students need to master in each of the three curriculum pathways at Key Stage 3: Enterprise, Endeavour, and Discover. This information is shown in the form of subject assessment grids. You will find more information for each subject at Key Stage 3 on the academy’s website.
Our curriculum
Key Stage 4 Key Stage 4 starts in Year 9. The core curriculum includes English, Maths, Science, RE and Core PE. At the end of Year 8, students and their families choose their Key Stage 4 options from subjects such as the following: GCSE Art, Computer Science, Drama, Economics, English, French, Geography, History, Latin, Maths, Music, PE, Psychology, Science, Sociology and Spanish BTEC Business Studies, Hospitality and ICT Further details on all the subjects and courses offered are shown on the academy’s website. Students will continue to move along their curriculum pathway: Enterprise, Endeavour or Discovery to achieve a set of challenging target grades across the range of subjects they study.
Key Stage 5 Key Stage 5 starts in Year 12 when students join our Sixth Form. We offer A Levels in facilitating subjects as well as Level 3 BTECs within a personalised curriculum (see below). The timetable covers 25 hours a week and A Level students will study four subjects and BTEC students will take one course along with the option of taking an AS Level. In addition, students will have a vast range of opportunities to build on personal skills, taking part in mentoring, volunteering, leadership, sports and other enrichment programmes. Our Sixth Form includes a specialised study area with access to wifi, laptops and other resources designed to
meet individual student’s needs. A dedicated Sixth Form team, a personalised guidance programme to support students with university applications; a sixth form committee; a wealth of opportunities to work with mentors in industry; links with corporate partners and blue chip organisations to assist with employability skills and university applications, will ensure every Sixth Form student can springboard to success and secure a better future. You will find more information about our Sixth Form offer on our website.
Joining our academy
Admissions We follow the London Borough of Tower Hamlets’ policy and procedures for secondary school transfer arrangements. Full details are published in the local authority’s ‘Ready for Secondary School in Tower Hamlets’ admissions booklet, which can be found online at www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/schooladmissions, along with other helpful guidance. If you wish to apply for a place at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, please complete the online application form at www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/schooladmissions or www.eadmissions.org.uk. You can apply between 1st September to 31st October. If you live outside of Tower Hamlets, but wish to apply for a place at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, you must apply online following the instructions issued by your home borough (your local authority). You must also complete the Tower Hamlets supplementary form, available from Pupil Services. For help with your application, please contact the Pupil Services team on 020 7364 5006
In year admissions If you wish to apply for a Year 7 school place after the usual intake in September, or for a place in any other year group, then you must apply using the Tower Hamlets ‘In-Year Common Application Form’ available online. Please visit www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/schooladmissions for further information.
Joining our academy
Transition At Mulberry Academy Shoreditch we appreciate how important it is to ensure all students have a smooth and seamless transition from primary to secondary school. Throughout September and October the academy has a series of open mornings and evening events where you can visit and see the academy at work. We would encourage you to visit as many times as you wish. The choice of your son or daughter’s secondary school is a crucial decision and we have a dedicated Transition Team who will be able to answer any questions you may have. If your child is successful in obtaining a place at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch we will invite you and your child to a ‘Getting to know you’ meeting. We appreciate that the key to a successful secondary school career is partnership between home and the academy. At the meeting, we will be able to provide you with all the relevant information that you will need to prepare you and your child for transition to secondary school. We will also be able to gather important information that will help us to support your child’s academic and social development when they join the academy. In the summer term, your child will attend a transition day based at the academy. The aim of the day is to ensure your child becomes familiar with the buildings, staff and timetable of the academy and to reduce any anxiety or worries he or she may have prior to September. A Parents’ Information Evening is also held in the
summer term which will enable you to meet key staff and discover more about what subjects your child will be studying and how you can best support his or her learning when the transition to secondary school is made. Please contact Tamsin Miller, Assistant Vice Principal and Head of Key Stage 3, Jennie Montgomerie, Deputy Principal or Lara Boyer, Assistant Vice Principal if you require further information on any aspect of transition.
Visit us We do our best to offer an open-door policy for our current and prospective parents and the wider community. We invite you to come and visit our academy at a time that suits you. In the meantime, visit our website for further information and details of upcoming open evenings/mornings and events.