April 2018 #159
On the 11th April 2018 we were excited to welcome our Year 6 students to our two-day Easter School, designed to give them a taste of what life at the academy will be like when they join us in September.
l o o h c S Easter Food for thought
“My favourite lesson was food tech because I am good at cooking and it is a practical skill” Abdurazak
A lucky draw! In art students studied natural forms and created a piece of work made up of different drawings, from careful observation, of flowers, fruit and shells. It soon became very clear that we will be welcoming some talented young artists to the academy in September!
“I’ve always loved drawing, it’s very relaxing. I have a creative mind”
Ms Howe’s food tech lessons taught students the skills to do some cooking for themselves as well as some knowledge of food hygiene. On day one they were tasked with making a delicious chicken burger. Working together in small groups, they cut the chicken, coated it in flour and fried it. Once the chicken was cooked the burgers were assembled with a good helping of healthy lettuce and sauce. Students finished by cleaning their work stations thoroughly before sampling their tasty burgers! On day two, a sweet treat! Students baked cupcakes, following all the instructions and showing great team work on both days.
“My favourite lesson was maths because I enjoyed creating the picture by using coordinates” Labibah
Aprendiendo español
“We got to learn Spanish which I had not done before and work together on fun activities” Mahek
Creative writing
Ms Fabian’s introduction to Spanish gave students the chance to learn about the language and to listen and pronounce Spanish words and phrases. They worked in pairs and made a chatterbox with Spanish and English words to practice at home.
“We played basketball which was so fun. I learned about team work and collaboration”
In Mr Messam’s creative writing class students compared English and Jamaican words in a poem. They then made a mind map of their own words and created a poem from their imagination.
“Design technology was fun. I learned new skills and how to be very careful with the equipment” Alfie
Grand designs In design technology students made Easter keyrings using designs made with perspex. They learned new skills such as how to use equipment, such as saws, clamps and files, safely to cut and finish the material. “I learned how to be respectful and describe other people’s work in a good manner” Wasim
More news at: www.gsacademyshoreditch.org.uk/latest-news