Pesach at BT Dear Friends, In the 1600s a man named Abraham Catalano wrote a book. A plague had hit his community of Padua, and as a Torah scholar and physician, his book described what took place at that time. He used a Talmudic phrase as the book’s title: “Olam Hafuch” – a world turned upside down. Four hundred years later, we know the feeling! Pesach arrives in a world that seems to have been upside down. And to complicate things even more, this year’s Pesach begins on a Saturday night; something that has not happened since 2008 (see details inside). Everything seems not to be normal this year. But one thing has not changed… there are people in our synagogue and community who are in need of help. If anything, people need help more so this year than previously. This is an appeal for funds to help people get food, pay their rent, cover their mortgage, pay utility bills, pay for health care, and yes, celebrate Pesach. This appeal helps provide funds for people who are really hurting financially, physically, and indeed, emotionally. Please respond immediately so that the funds are available for distribution before Pesach. Checks may be made out either to the Ma’os Chitim Fund or to the Machzikei Torah Fund. If you prefer, you may donate online at Best wishes for a beautiful and meaningful Pesach. Most sincerely,
Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg P.S. In your return envelope you can also include the Sale of Chametz form and, if you wish, a check made out to the Beth Tfiloh Charity Fund.