Diana Katherine

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10:50 p.m.

November 7


7 lbs 3 oz

Her name

Diana is the Roman goddess of the Hunt. It’s said she could talk to woodland animals and was a protector of women and children. This was a classic, beautiful name that embodied a sense of the wild that we felt in our daughter. Her middle name is Katherine, another beautiful and classic name. To us it connotes a woman who is generous, kind, forgiving and patient; graceful and super smart - just like her namesake, her Grandma K.


Her birth Diana was due Nov 14, 2018 - the same day her Meme (great-grandma) was born. Adam and I began our parental leave a week early so we could spend one last week preparing for Diana to arrive and enjoy our last week of life as a couple. We both arrived home Tuesday night, and I spent the first few hours of maternity leave cleaning the kitchen counters, doing the dishes and putting things in the hospital bag. Wednesday morning I woke up to contractions. I’d only had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, and I was a little uncertain I’d know labor when it came. By 9 a.m., it was pretty apparent to me that I was in early labor. Adam and I spent the morning cleaning our cars and installing the car seat, then rested in the afternoon. Around 4 p.m. we loaded up the car with our stuff and the dogs, and dropped the pups off at Adam’s parents’ home on our way to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital around 5 p.m., and Diana was delivered at 10:50 p.m. by the same doctor who delivered Adam almost exactly 30 years earlier - Dr. Steven Nance.



Before she was born, Diana would have hiccup fits for about 20 minutes every afternoon around 2 and 4. She still does this, even now that she’s here, although it isn’t as regular as it was in the womb.



Ridge is fascinated by Diana. He loves sniffing her head and licking her toes, and will follow me in the middle of the night when I get up to nurse her or change her diaper in the nursery. He will lay on the floor in the nursery or in the hall, keeping an eye on the newest member of the pack. Jäger is warming up to her, but now sleeps on our bed every night instead of in his own bed. He doesn’t mind Diana, but he isn’t really interested in her. He’s more upset by the fact she’s around so often and 8 taking mom’s attention.

Welcomed by 2 fur-siblings, 6 aunts and 3 uncles, 2 cousins, 2 grandmas, 2 grandpas, 3 great-grandmas and 2 great-grandpas




Fun facts Diana can sleep through nearly everything - including a jackhammer we had in the backyard a few days after we came home from the hospital.

Diana loves tummy time, laying on her stomach, and having her feet rubbed.

She loves when her dad moves her legs around to release gas. He does bicycle legs, horizontal running, dancing, and jumping. She loves it.


about Diana She was back at birth weight by her 5 day appointment, and was more than 8 pounds at her two-week appointment.

Diana loves baths. She gets big smiles when we put her in the water, and loves having her head washed.

She can hold her head up for two or more minutes, and has been able to since a couple days after we came home from the hospital.



I knew Diana was a girl from very early on. I caught myself calling the baby “she” regularly, and told my mom and Adam I thought it was a girl. Everyone else thought the baby would be a boy - family, friends, coworkers. But I knew. Even so, when the ultrasound showed girl parts and not boy parts, I cried. I felt like she’d let me in on this big secret, 15 that we were thick as thieves.


There are just no words for how much I love this tiny human. From the moment she was laid on my chest, screaming and a little bit purple, I have discovered there is no limit to how much I can love. I love being the one she needs to go to sleep at night; I love when she falls asleep on me; I love her face when she poops, like she's being mischievous. I love her smiles and gurgles and hands that now hold everything she can reach. It's mind boggling and yet somehow totally comfortable and familiar. - April


Dear Diana, Every person who has seen you tells us you’re beautiful - even people who don’t like most babies. It’s true - you’re an incredibly beautiful baby. It’s nice to be good looking in a world focused on the outside, but what’s more important is that you’re not just beautiful, you’re strong, determined, positive and independent. You are strong. You’ve been holding your head up on your own since we came home from the hospital, and love to look around at the world. You are determined. You don’t let anything stop you - and you are consistently working to go places. You seem to not want to wait to get going and when you start working on something, you won’t stop until you get it. You are positive. Even when you feel miserable you give those you love smiles, cuddles and love. You are quick to forgive and forget - the past doesn’t seem to matter. You are independent. It seems strange to say a newborn, totally dependent on those around her, is independent. You are not interested in doing what other people want you to, and you never have been. It’s as if you are telling us, “I’m not a party trick.” You don’t do things just because people want you to - when you’re told to stop crying, you cry louder. It’s fascinating and awesome. You are an incredible woman - which is so much more important than how you look. So as you grow up, we hope you continue to grow in strength, both physical and mental, determination, independence, positivity and kindness. We love you and are so excited to watch you grow and help you become the woman you’re meant to be.

Mom & Dad 18



magazine design by Unlike Juliet photography by Lizzie B Imagery

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