The Call

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the call Missionary of the Month: Shawn & Deborah Galyen p. 8 Help for the Homeless. p. 4

James 1:27

Where To For You ? p.18 The Cry of Africa. p. 16

a world crying for help

Letter From the Editor

Greetings, I hope this note finds you well. I am so excited for your desire and interest in traveling and working to make a difference in this poverty-stricken and broken world. I pray the context of this issue helps you, entertains you, and gives you some insight on your call for this world. There is a place out there waiting for you. Waiting for you to come and give them hope. We are so blessed as Americans to have everyday resources like clothes, food, fresh water, shelter, disposal, and sanitary units. May we count our blessings, be grateful, and be heartbroken for people in places like India, Africa, and the Latin Americas that suffer from parasites, gang violence, terminal illnesses, and other conditions that are destroying communities without halt. They are a people without hope, and they need our help. So go help change the world.

You are called. You are the Answer.

Kelly Wood Founder and Editor

Contents Testimony Section: Rae in Pursuit 4


Where To For You? 18

Missionary of the Month: The Galyens 8 Country Profile: Granada, Spain 11


Help for The Homeless 12 The Cry of Africa 16 7 14 Renew Your Heart. Heart., Prepare Your Mind. 7 Get connected to a College 14

Rae In Pursuit By: Rae Brooks

Where do I belong?

ger to see more, to do Isn’t that the question more. If you’ll permit a moment of fantasy, I of every age, every generation, and every dream of traveling creheart? How often have ation from mountaintop to mountaintop, we grieved over our valley to valley, river purpose and place in this world? The earth is to desert for glimpses vast and there is much of God’s movement in His Kingdom so that I to see and do, many people and cultures to may share the story of God with the world. experience. I’ve been Romantic, isn’t it? This blessed to see portions of different lands is the way of dreams-they can birth passion and cultures over the years. It drives a hun- as well as sorrow. But

I tell you the truth, if such a dream were to become reality, heartache, pain, and agony would surely follow. Why? Because the world is not romantic. It is hard and trying and the need is great. Can the human heart alone carry the burden of the world? Can it alone carry the burden of a people group unexposed to the Gospel? Can it alone carry the

burden of one? This I cannot answer. We know from God that the harvest is great and the workers are few. So where do I belong with such a dream?

In the last month that I’ve lived in Nepal, I’ve witnessed the overwhelming need of this nation and these people comprised of several different religious backgrounds and cultures. This is just one country, one coun-

“I rejoice because I do not wonder where I belong.” try that surrounds 8 of the world’s 10 highest peaks. What better place to fill my romantic notion of chasing God! The summits are high, the valleys are low, the rivers are full, and the desert is dry. Within these boundar-

ies, people are crying. They are starving and they are dying, both spiritually and physically. Who will go? This is only one country. Can my heart carry the burden of Nepal

I could wonder and dream about my place here. Is God calling me to this foreign land? Will it be difficult to return to the States? Will I miss it here? Will I forget? Will I long for this place? There is sometimes angst in dreaming. Of all the far off lands that I have visited, of all the wondrous and grueling sights and experiences, of all that I have witnessed in this life, and of all that I want to do and have yet to do, I rejoice because I do not wonder where I belong. I hold to one truth. You see, my dear friends, purpose is not found in a place. Iden-

tifying where we belong will not pacify the relentless search for belonging.

The question we must ask is not where, not even why, but who. To whom do we belong? If we know Him, it matters not where we lie our heads or how hard our fingers work. What matters is His presence in our lives. I do not belong to Nepal (nor does it belong to me). I belong in the presence of God: His hand wrapped around mine, in the warmth of His embrace, with the gentle whisper of His voice. He may one day bring me to Nepal and I pray that He does, but it is not the country or the people that I seek. It is God. In Him, I am free and in Him, I belong.

Follow The Call

Mind & Soul James 1:27

“Religon that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans ad widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

2 Samuel 22:50 “Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name”

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

The Galyens: Missionaries to Granda, Spain

Shawn and Deborah Galyen are mis-

new but it continues to grow and build

sionaries to Granada, Spain. Granada is

relationships with the students and people

known for its architecture, history, and cul-

of the community. “I grew up in St. Louis,

ture. Granada is also a college town with

Missouri”, said Shawn, “just pastor’s kid

over 70,000 university students. Shawn

with ministry on my heart”. He and Debo-

and Deborah feel called to reach out to the

rah met while they were both attending

students on the university campuses and

North Central University. Soon after they

in the class rooms. There ministry is fairly

finished college they began volunteering

with a ministry to international students at the University of Minnesota. “I loved the work we did at the University of Minnesota”, said Shawn, “It combined our two passions for cross cultural ministry and for students.” After that Shawn and Deborah spent 6 months teaching at a Bible School in Madagascar before settling into Chi Alpha ministry at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. “We spent about a decade at Georgetown”, said Shawn, “I really enjoyed my time there but I felt my heart longing for states and are working to adapt to the something more.” When God opened culture and build relationships. “Right now a door to Spain for the Galyens they our main concern in learning the language”, packed up their belongings and all said Shawn, “we attend classes every three Children, Luke (12), Ruth (10), week and being immersed in the culture and Claire (7) and headed to Spain. really helps”. Their ministry has made little “We knew all along that we were progress over the last 8 months but they called to foreign missions work”, said are confident in the work of the Lord. This Shawn. summer they will be taking on a group of The Galyens arrived in Granada college students from the United States as on August 21, 2009. Since they have interns. “We are really looking forward to had various interns from the United having these student come over and offer

their talent and love towards and ministry”,

The Galyens love working with college

said Shawn.

students. “We are looking for interns who

The Galyens are planing on hosting interns

are hard-working, willing, and ready to serve

whenever possible. “College interns just add

for the Kingdom of God.”, Said Shawn.

so much to our ministy, and since we are trying to reach college students what better way is there than through other students.”, said Shawn. The Galyens are looking for interns with talents in different forms of ministry and a minimal comprehension of the Spanish language.

If you are interested in partnering with the Galyens or learning more about there ministry visit their website at or email Shawn Galyen at

View of the Alhambra, Granada, from the terrace of the Mirador St Nicolas in the Albaycin.

Spain Capital: Madrid Language(s): Castilian Spanish, Catalรกn, Galician, Basque

Population: 40,0 0,037,995 37,995 Economy: largely agricultural Main Religions: Roman Catholicism, Muslim

Top 3 Cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia

Tourism: 3rd most visited country in the world.

Political: Parlimentary monarchy

Currency: Euros Nation-wide siesta time: 1p.m.-5p.m.

Help Us.

By: Kelly Wood

over 100,000 million people are homeless every night....

80% of the world’s population is living under less than $10 a day. Each story is different in various degrees With a common link: sadness, tragedy, brokenness, and often little or no hope. Thes rates are rising every year as the cost of living rises as the competition for jobs stiffen and living life becomes more and more of a struggle. But amungst all these figures I have one simple question to ask you...

middle of the night from intense & constant hunger pains? I am writing this to tell you, to inform you, and to encourage you to do what you can to help human beings without hope everwhere. To help our brothers and Sisters of Our

Who is a homeless person to you? •A woman who has left her abusive husband with nothing but the clothes on her back. •A young adult who has been kicked out of Foster Care at the age 18. •A man with a mental illness who needs an income to afford his medication. •A couple living out of their car because they both lost their jobs and now fear losing their children. •An old couple whose struggles to afford the rising cost of housing, insurance, and medical support have gotten the best of them.

World. What Can you do to make a difference? •Partner with an Homeless organization like World for World •Get out there and use the abilities and talents you have to bless these broken and underpriviledged people •Give finances or your time to a local homeless shelter. •Volunteer at a soup kitchen.

They are people. They feel, they hurt, they want, they need. Just like you and me. Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes--one child every five seconds. Why do we turn a blind eye to their heartbreaking situation? Why do we dive in deeper to our selfishness and financial greed as a child screams in the

•Partner with a people group or an organization whose hearts are breaking to make a difference. And Maybe, just maybe the next time you see a homeless person on the street your heart will break for them and you will do what you can for them. May you truely see them and rise to the call that they are often too asshamed to ask.

Life Changing Experiences

Preperation for Life

Powerful Education

High Success

Positive Environment

Find Your Destiny

AFRICA ***Over 24.5 Million People have Aids in Africa.***

By: Kelly Wood & The Ophans in Africa Project Africa is known for its beautiful environments, wildlife, and diverse cultures. but Africa is sadly also known for having some of the poorest nations, large Populations, and some of the harshest living conditions in the world. Despite the supply of natural resources, the yearly incomes of Africans are some of the lowest in the world. More than helf of the african people live on less than one dollar a day. Cultural Conflicts, harsh environments, and struggling governments have devasted economies, often forcing countries to turn to radical options for help.

Due mainly to poverty the life of the people of Africa is often a harsh one. A life we know little of living here in the comforts of the states. In Africa, however, few people have access to medicine and malnutrition is a constant problem. Lack of clean water and other basic necessities, disease, and human conflicts make survival difficult for most people on this continent. Besides lack of appropriate health care and nutrition, HIV/AIDS is a major health issue in Africa. Due to sufficient educational programs and financial resources, the number of HIV/AIDS cases has risen to tragic heights in Africa. In some countries, such as Zambia and Botswana, 20% or more of the adult population is believed to be infected with HIV. Tragically, the children of Africa suffer the most from this epidemic. Millions of children have been left orphaned because of the disease. Africa is a land that has been torn apart by war and disease. For over 40 years this has resulted in international condemnation and sanctions, tribal

conflict, racial hatred and the inevitable results Are famine, disease and poverty for the general population. In addition to this tragedy, the Aids pandemic has gripped the continent. No other place in the world has been more affected by the spread of HIV and Aids. As as direct result of HIV and Aids the population of sub-saharan Africa now in decline. Parents are dying, leaving their children (often babies) to fend for themselves on the streets. Special Organizations want to help the child victims and give them a safe and secure home in orphanages which truly care, and give them an education. In so doing they will develop a value system that works towards prevention of Aids and help in the development of the country. The children nowwill grow up to be the future generation of leaders of their nation. We must offer them hope that the next generation will not live or settle, nor end up under the same heart-breaking conditions as the last.

Where To Top Countries


Since the tragic earthquake in January of 2010 hundreds of organizations and contries have been putting in the effort to help the devestated and hurting country. There are support groups flying in weekly, make your connection at..


The desire for citizens of China to learn english has opened numerous avenues for the presence of God and the gospel in China. Many Christian organizations are going over to teach english and changing lives for the gospel.

o For You? for Missions


The prescence of God is thriving in India. Outside efforts are being made to come and bless the underpriveledged people and lost people of India. More and more missionaries are setting up full-time works and are looking for interns and help.


If you are looking for a location that is a little more relaxed Guatemala is for you. Guatemala is a popular place for short term missions work. Safe environment is supporting place for youth ministry and group trips.

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