What makes you happy? So many things. Changing the world. Changing attitudes. Changing your clothes. Picking up the pieces. Running the race. Setting the pace. Sometimes it's the big picture. Sometimes it's the little things. Either way, it's OK.
Perry Ellis
Kenneth Cole
A. Argyle-front vest. 69.50 B. Buttondown shirt. 49.50
C. Velvet blazer. $175 D. Striped shirt. 69.50 E. Jeans. 69.50
F. Leather blazer $498 G. Cardigan. $79 H. Striped shirt. $69 J. Jeans. $110
K. Suede car coat. $260 M. Striped shirt. 69.50 N. Streaky jeans. 52.50
I.N.C International ConceptsŽ P. Black leather blazer, $299 Q. Striped shirt. $59 R. Flat-front pants. $69 All items shown on both pages are imported. Advertised items may not be available at your local Macy’s. Shop by phone: 1-800-MACYS4U.