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Contents / July – August 2018 / Volume 16 / No. 4
6 First Drop Sipping at a New Dream
46 Trading Up In Tea with brand news
8 Publisher’s Toast My Wall of Infamy – A Cautionary Tale
52 Leaning In To Beverage 31 of the Most Powerful Women in the Industry
32 Gerry’s Insights New Views of On-Premise
62 League Leaders Body Armor, Vitamin Water Take Divergent Paths in Marketing – with brand news
DEPARTMENTS 10 Bevscape/NOSHscape/Brewscape Leadership Changes, Tackling Food Waste, and Cannabis Beverages 22 New Products Cold Brew, Mixers, and More 28 Channel Check Canned Juice Drinks in Spotlight 112 Promo Parade Evian’s New U.S. Campaign
70 Fat Profits! The Rise of Keto Beverages – with brand news
SHOW COVERAGE 34 Evolving From Scrappy BevNET Live Summer 2018 recap 36 NOSH Live Summer 2018 Recap 40 Summer Fancy Food Show Recap
42 Natural Products Expo East Preview
79 Natural Beverage Guide with providers and suppliers COVER PHOTO COURTESY OF PEPSICO
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Sipping at a New Dream This isn’t the story of a billion-dollar exit, but it isn’t the tragic end to the entrepreneurial dream, either. It’s about a journey completed. Beth Wilson-Parentice is leaving Sipp, the company she started plotting out in her kitchen nearly a decade ago with nothing but a gifted palate, creative ambition, and a well of determination. At the time, it was the recessions, and Beth had lost her job. A talented cocktail maker, however, she saw that there weren’t many organic craft sodas on the market at the time – and there were even fewer brewed with the expressed intent to work as nontraditional cocktail mixers.
But she made an impression, both with the products, which tasted great, and on Emil Capital. That family office reached out to invest in Sipp in 2012 – remarkably early for a brand which, at the time, had little real revenue and a tiny distribution footprint. Over the years, Beth has kept in touch. She’s let me know when she’s been upset with us, whether it’s been over too much coverage or too little. She’s also let me know when good things have happened, when she’s developed a flavor she’s loved – because she does love the way they taste. When she moved the product into cans, when it evolved from “eco-soda” to “sparkling organics,” when she won distribution,
to think about how you’ve grown the company, where you’ve taken it, and what my future looks like.” After the last round, she decided that things had to change, but that she wasn’t done yet. She went back to the kitchen, she went back to the flavor house, she went back to her palate. She came up with a product, an infused water called Sipp Infusions. Like in the soda game, Beth’s not sure that such a high quality product will win on price. That’s what the movement has been, but it hasn’t raised up every brand. She’s clear eyed on that. But she’s done what she wanted to do. The platform is built out, she thinks.
(Yes, there were plenty of people like me who typically tried every new CSD we received with either tequila or rye, but, like Beth, I was prescient, and thirsty). Beth was on to something, but like so many beverage entrepreneurs, she had to scratch and claw to get that first run done. She flew across the country to find her flavor house, she brought in relatives as investors, she knew what it was like to be teetering on broke. Her first concoctions were made by hand, sold out of her car, fueled by bartending gigs that involved the mixes she’d created for her friends at parties. She had the itch, though, and she had to turn pro, just like so many of our readers. I met her in 2010, at Expo East, not knowing that she had just managed the neat trick of completing her very first production run just a few hours before the show.
she was always proud, because she was working on the dream, and working hard. The way consumers view sodas has changed quite a bit since Sipp launched, with an increasing emphasis on zero sugar products, and a move to sparkling, fruitinfused waters that don’t rely on sweetness. Competition emerged in the mixer space. Meanwhile, Emil went on to infuse cash into the company twice more, each time diluting Beth’s share of Sipp, but helping to keep the brand afloat. It’s old advice, that when an investor comes in, the founder isn’t the owner anymore. Beth said she doesn’t regret it, but maybe down the road, she wants to do it differently. “After that Series C, there was something about that day,” she said. “At that point it was that epiphany, that you have
“I feel like, for Sipp, the product innovation, it’s done,” she said. “I feel good about it.” Beth’s leaving the company behind in the hands of her investors, and she’s sanguine about the next journey. She’s doing some consulting. She’s working on flavors for clients – many of them women just starting out in the business, as she had been herself. She’s affiliated with her old friend, Eric Schnell, who she said gave her advice and support in the way that only a fellow Philadelphian can. She’s watched her son, for whom she needed to find sitters during trade shows, graduate from high school. She’s built a brand, lived the dream, and is moving on to the next one. “It’s sad,” she told me. “Sipp was such a big part of my life, but what outweighed it were what my possibilities are now.”
Photo by Samara Doole on Unsplash
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My Wall of Infamy – A Cautionary Tale
Barry J. Nathanson PUBLISHER bnathanson@bevnet.com Jeffrey Klineman EDITOR-IN-CHIEF jklineman@bevnet.com Ray Latif MANAGING EDITOR rlatif@bevnet.com Martín Caballero ASSISTANT EDITOR mcaballero@bevnet.com Brad Avery REPORTER bavery@bevnet.com Chris Furnari BREWBOUND EDITOR cfurnari@bevnet.com Justin Kendall BREWBOUND ASSISTANT EDITOR jkendall@bevnet.com Carol Ortenberg PROJECT NOSH EDITOR cortenberg@bevnet.com Meagan McGinnes PROJECT NOSH SENIOR REPORTER mmcginnes@bevnet.com
John McKenna DIRECTOR OF SALES jmckenna@bevnet.com Adam Stern SENIOR ACCOUNT SPECIALIST astern@bevnet.com John Fischer ACCOUNT SPECIALIST jfischer@bevnet.com
Whenever someone visits my office in the city, their eyes and attention immediately turn to the beverage display over my desk. It is an impressive array of a few hundred brands. In my old office I actually had a collection three times my present offerings. My visitor always asks if their brand can be included, and I answer the same way every time: You don’t want to be there, as it’s my shelf of failed brands. I keep it as a cautionary tale of how and why things go wrong. So, I decided to re-visit some of them to educate and entertain. My favorite brand to show is Virgin’s feeble attempt to enter the CSD arena in the U.S. You remember the great fanfare as Richard Branson rode a tank through Times Square. What he forgot was to create a tasteful product. It was awful, and the packaging was equally bad. The two PET bottles I have cratered and collapsed. It was symbolic of the abject failure. Next, I turn my eyes to my chocolate entries. One was fun and meant to go nowhere and the other was a sincere attempt by Coca Cola. Liquid Cereal, by the always creative and entertaining Larry Trachtenbroit, had no reason for being, a silly one trick pony. Coke’s entry was Swerve, a failure by any measure, with bad taste and no real position. I also have fond memories of Fruitopia. Wrong imagery, wrong generational appeal, and right to fold.
There are many reasons for failure, some logistic. I was a great fan of Equa Water. It was from the rainforests of Brazil and the best water I ever sampled. Sadly, their execution couldn’t happen. They tried to build a bottling facility in the forest. There was no way they could bring the equipment in from Germany to construct the plant. It was doomed from day one. Another mind boggler was Prometheus Springs. It’s great to come up with a unique brand, but it was not drinkable. I tried to be polite when they visited, but my gagging motions overcame my politeness. Then there were the allegedly serious functional brands. I look at the Real Pain be Gone, Purple, Dox, One, Body Works, Drank, Beauty Sleep, Fever. etc. There are too many to mention, but you get the idea. The claims were dubious, the tastes were blah and the consumers were too smart. May they rest in peace. Lastly were the myriad of energy drinks. My favorite was Pissed Off, but there are so many that I relished, all doomed to failure. Rox, Mercury, Plutonium, Radioactive, Recon, Vegas, BetaNox, Burn, Slap, Sentinel, Grobomb. The list goes on. You’ll see many of them if you go through our archives of our back issues library. There are so many brands to list, and so little time and space. If you have the time or inclination, next time you’re in New York, give me a call and visit.
Jon Landis SENIOR BRAND SPECIALIST jlandis@bevnet.com Kwaku Adu-Gyamfi SALES & MARKETING ADMIN kadugyamfi@bevnet.com
John F. (Jack) Craven CHAIRMAN John Craven CEO & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR jcraven@bevnet.com
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Revive Rebrands To Showcase Ingredients
Califia Raises $50M, Appoints New CFO
California-based Revive Kombucha unveiled a new look for its 12 oz. glass bottles featuring a simplified and streamlined visual identity that founder Sean Lovett said would bring greater attention to the liquid itself. “We wanted to let the ingredients be the star of the show,” Lovett told BevNET in June. “The one clear idea we had is that less is more. How can we describe
Plant-based beverage maker Califia Farms announced a $50 million round of financing in July, which was led by Luxembourg-based investment bank Ambrosia Investments and included a slate of highprofile celebrities and influencers. The new investment follows a $50 million venture round led by Stripes Group in October 2015 and a $15 million investment by CapX partners last September aimed at expanding bottling and pasteurization capacity at Califia’s Bakersfield, Calif.-based production facility. Speaking with BevNET during the 2018 Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City, Califia co-founder and CEO Greg Steltenpohl said the deal will help the company create long-term value and make a deeper commitment to research and development. Califia’s new celebrity backers include Academy Award-
more to the consumer with a less busy package?” The new design is a clear pivot from Revive’s previous labels, whose vibrant colors and playful iconography Lovett said helped give the brand a clear personality and visual identity that stood out on the shelf as it made the leap from a regional to national presence. On the new bottles, the flavor names have been
pushed to the lower body, while text directly below the stripes emphasizes the actual ingredients and flavors in the liquid itself. Free Ride is now Hibiscus Refresher, Spring Fling has become Cucumber Lemon Mint, Up Beat is now Mocha Java Coffee, and so on. Along with the new look, Revive is also debuting a new flavor: Turmeric Ginger Citrus, a.k.a. “Power Duo.”
winning actors Jared Leto and Leonardo DiCaprio, model Karlie Kloss, Olympic snowboarder Shaun White and Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley of the band Florida Georgia Line. Existing investors Sun Pacific and Stripes Group also participated in this round. Steltenpohl said that ‘Queen Califia’, the mascot from the brand’s logo, would also be integrated more prominently into Califia’s consumer-facing messaging in the near-term. Leto’s band, 30 Seconds to Mars, will feature a 90 second video introducing Queen Califia as “the spirit of California” prior to the start of each show during their Monolith Tour this summer. At the same time it broke the news about the new funding, Califia also announced the appointment of Sandeep Patel, a former managing director at Barclays and Goldman Sachs, to the role of Chief Financial Officer.
All Market Inc. Acquires Runa All Market Inc., the parent company of coconut water maker Vita Coco, made its first acquisition in June, purchasing organic energy drink brand Runa for an undisclosed fee. Vita Coco CEO Mike Kirban, who joined Runa as an investor and member of its advisory board in 2014, told BevNET at the time that he saw the brand, which produces an eight-SKU line of natural energy drinks made with organic guayusa, as an opportunity to disrupt the existing energy drink set. “I think Runa is perfectly positioned as an organic, better-for-you energy drink that can really challenge in this space,” he said, noting rising
consumer interest in cold brew coffee and other drinks with natural caffeine. Kirban said both Runa and Vita Coco would exist as independent companies under the AMI umbrella. Under the terms of the deal, Runa will be 100 percent owned and operated by AMI. Runa, founded in 2009 by Tyler Gage and Dan MacCombie, has established the brand around a social mission of empowering its Ecuadorian partner farmers through sustainable agriculture and ethical business practices. The company attracted a slew of celebrity investors, including actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Channing Tatum.
Leadership Changes Afoot at Keurig Dr Pepper Ahead of the close of the transaction in July, Keurig Dr Pepper, the new entity that comprises the merger of Dr Pepper Snapple Group (DPS) and Keurig Green Mountain, unveiled its new leadership team in June. Some of the moves had been previously announced. Keurig CFO Ozan Dokmecioglu continued in his role at KDP, while DPS CEO Larry Young retired from the company and joined KDP’s board of directors. Lain Hancock was appointed Chief Strategy and Emerging Brands Officer, having guided Bai Brands as CEO for just over a year following
the departure of founder Ben Weiss last June. DPS acquired the New Jersey-based company for $1.7 billion in 2016. Elsewhere, Rodger Collins, president of packaged beverages at DPS, was appointed president of direct store delivery (DSD) at KDP, where he is overseeing for all companyowned DSD operations. Other moves included DPS executive vice president and chief commercial officer Jim Treblicock’s appointment as KDP’s chief franchise and international officer, and Andrew Springate’s appointment as chief marketing officer at KDP.
@drinkiconic 11
For more stories, check out ProjectNOSH.com
Tyson Tackles Food Waste, Expands Portfolio with ¡YAPPAH!
Meat producer Tyson has announced the debut of ¡YAPPAH!, a line of “protein crisps” made from upcycled chicken breasts, juice byproducts and spent grain from Molson Coors. The line will launch in four crisp flavors: chicken and carrot curry, chicken and celery mojo, chicken IPA white cheddar and chicken shandy beer. Each will retail for $2.99 per single-serve, 1.25 oz. metal canister, which resembles a beer can. The name ¡YAPPAH! comes from a South American term referring to the tradition of merchants giving valued customers extra product in order to not be left with food waste at the end of the day, Rizal Hamdallah, head of Tyson Innovation Lab, told NOSH. It’s an appropriate moniker considering that the products
are made from the trimmings of Tyson’s chicken breasts. Hamdallah told NOSH that the concept was developed by the lab over five days in early January during what they call a “design sprint” — a term largely used by tech companies to describe a brief, finite period to attack certain product problems or features. ¡YAPPAH! debuted on crowdfunding platform Indiegogo for a 30-day campaign and raised roughly $7,000. Although many businesses use crowdfunding campaigns to raise capital, the lab is looked to Indiegogo as a data provider as well as a marketing tool. “Indiegogo can help us learn through their technology about our communication, about our branding, about our prod-
uct,” Hamdallah said. “[Also,] we want to tap into a consumer that we don’t have today, which is the early adopter. They shop online, they communicate differently and through this platform we may learn how to access them better.” Following the Indiegogo campaign, the product will then be sold for 90 days in a Chicago supermarket as a further test. At that point, the lab will either iterate on the product or decide to halt production. Hamdallah told NOSH that as long as the brand achieves certain key metrics, the lab will proceed forward, “because there are signals to show this is something appealing.” From there, ¡YAPPAH! will launch regionally by Fall 2018 for more testing before hitting stores nationally in 2019.
Nom Noms World Food Launches in North America Globally inspired meal maker Nom Noms World Food’s refrigerated meals are now available in North America. The United Kingdom-based brand has been added to the shelves of more than 1,500 retailers, including Meijer, Walmart and Canadian grocer M&M Food Market. The meals, targeted to adults and children, are also being sold by e-commerce company Jet.com.
This move into new markets illustrates massive growth for the brand, which prior to its U.S. launch was sold
aboard airlines and in 250 stores in the U.K. The Nom Noms portfolio is comprised of both frozen and fresh Mega Nom Noms for adults and Mini Nom Noms for children. Each meal draws on a different culture from around the world and is flavored with spice blends authentic to the origin of each cuisine. The goal, Nom Noms
CEO Lisa Sohanpal said, is to encourage consumers to embrace a diverse pallet. “We believe we are entering the market at the right time, right place with the right multi-award-winning concept with the right supply chain partners,” Sohanpal told NOSH. “We are setting the foundations now to build a global healthy food brand.”
NOSHSCAPE Dean Foods Acquires Majority Share of Good Karma
Dean Foods Company has increased its ownership percentage to a majority stake in flax-based dairy brand Good Karma. The company previously acquired a minority share of the Good Karma brand in May 2017. Good Karma will continue to operate out of its Boulder, Colo., headquarters as an independent company led by its current leadership team. Previous Good Karma investor, 2x Consumer Products Growth Partners, will also continue to be a “material investor” in the brand, according to Dean Foods. The possibility of a deal became apparent earlier this year when Dean Foods CEO Ralph Scozzafava told Bloomberg that the company was considering acquiring a majority stake in the
brand and would be making that decision within the “next few months.” Dean Foods, one of the largest dairy companies in the U.S., has increasingly looked to diversify its portfolio beyond cow’s milk products and position itself further into the natural food space. In 2016, the company announced a joint venture with Organic Valley Dairy to distribute its products and in 2017 the company acquired Uncle Matt’s Organic, a juice brand. “Diversification to higher-growth, on-trend products is a key focus for Dean Foods,” Scozzafava said in a statement. “Our investment in Good Karma is just one example of how we are executing against one of the major pillars of our strategic plan to build and buy strong brands.”
Good Karma has also worked to increase its portfolio over the last five years. Previously a private label producer of non-dairy milk, the company switched to become a branded CPG company in 2014. In the same year, it brought on CEO Doug Radi, a veteran of Rudi’s, Horizon Organic and WhiteWave Foods. Under Radi, the company added flax milk yogurts in 2016 and then in late 2017 added three shelf stable ready-to-drink (RTD) formats of a new flax milk and protein beverage. For Dean Foods, the investment has acted as a return to the plant-based space. Almost 10 years ago, Dean Foods sold plantbased protein brand Morningstar and spun off its WhiteWave division, which included soy milk brand Silk.
Health Warrior CEO Talks ‘Continuous Improvement’
Snack brand Health Warrior wants consumers to be as excited for the newest iteration of their superfood bars as they are for the latest version of their iPhone. But unlike that constantly-iterated device, Health Warrior customers won’t have to speculate until September — it’s already in stores. The new packaging embraces a bolder color palette and more differentiation between SKUs. Along with the new wrappers comes a reformulation that reduces both calories and sugar across the line. The revised look has already rolled out on the company’s web site and in key brick and mortar retailer Target. Founder and CEO Shane Emmett told NOSH he thinks the food industry should embrace tech world tactics of constant revision and improvement. “Apple comes out with a new iPhone every year,” Emmett said. “Shouldn’t our tribe members expect us to [have] superior chia bars every year? I think so.”Feedback about the bars, which are in roughly 10,000 retail doors, was gathered through direct customer responses both online and through the brand’s thousands of demos over the last year. For the chia bars, Health Warrior ascertained that
brand’s loyal followers were looking for low calorie and low sugar foods that would have “high satiation.” The bars now clock in with three grams of sugar, which Health Warrior says is “the absolute lowest amount of sugar for any bar in the U.S.A. without using fake and artificial ingredients to get there.” To achieve these numbers, the Health Warrior team utilized both a lower-sugar brown rice syrup and, in some SKUs, monkfruit. Health Warrior’s pumpkin seed bars have also been changed in both formulation and packaging over the past 12 months, most notably by switching to organic ingredients. Emmett said the chia bars will eventually become certified organic as well. The company also plans to launch new products outside of the bar space this year, he added. Regardless of line, Emmett said, the Health Warrior customer will play a key role in product development. “If you are in touch with your base, you are reinvigorating because you listen closely to them,” Emmett told NOSH, as he attempted to create a new term. “In this new ‘phygital’ era you learn so much about why your tribe came to the campfire in the first place.”
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SnackNation To Expand Beyond Offices With $12 M Investment
Tech-enabled snack delivery service SnackNation has announced the closing of a $12 million round of investment, bringing the company’s total venture funding to $22.5 million to date. The Series B round was led by 3L Capital. SnackNation said it will use the new funds to expand into new distribution channels such as hospitality and transportation and scale its direct-toconsumer business, which is currently 10 percent of the company’s revenue. The goal is to further position the company as the go-to marketplace for emerging CPG brands in the natural space, according to SnackNation CEO Sean Kelly.
“We’ve focused on the office thus far because this is where people, especially the younger generation, spend the majority of their time,” Kelly said. “As we grow, we’re looking at other unique moments in a consumers day where we can connect with them in a meaningful way.” Founded in 2014, SnackNation curates and delivers better-for-you snacks for customers in thousands of member offices nationwide. To be affiliated with SnackNation, each brand and product must pass an ingredient review and tasting panel. The company offers over 5,000 betterfor-you snack options from brands such as Chef’s Cut,
Clif, Dang and Mamma Chia. This offering hits a sweet spot with younger consumers in particular: On average, millennials are willing to take a $7,600 pay cut in exchange for a better work environment, according to a recent study by Fidelity, and about 88 percent of surveyed employees consider employerprovided catering and snacks as an important benefit. Until now, SnackNation has focused on offices; about one third of a person’s life is spent at work, meaning a job can have a huge impact on diet. SnackNation may face competition in its quest to service offices, which will remain a key focus for the company, accord-
ing to Kelly. Earlier this month, ZeroCater, a provider of office catering and snacks, also raised $12 million in a Series B round led by Cleveland Avenue LLC. Regardless of other platforms in the space, Kelly said his goal is to focus on expanding SnackNation’s reach to connect with and serve more consumers during their most engaged moments. “We see ourselves as a 21st century retailer — we bring the good stuff direct to you, where you already spend your time, rather than ask you to go and find it on your own,” Kelly said. “We’re happy with the progress we’ve made but realize we have a great deal of work to do.”
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For more stories, check out Brewbound.com
Cannabis-Infused Beverages Emerge as Potential Beer Industry Disruptor
U.S. consumers looking to catch a buzz without the booze will soon be able to purchase an assortment of beer-centric products thanks to a pair of ventures aiming to disrupt the current alcohol market with cannabis-infused beverages. Petaluma, California-headquartered Lagunitas Brewing Company, which has a well-documented history with marijuana and is now wholly owned by Amsterdam-based Heineken International B.V., has announced the launch of two psychedelic sparkling water products. Called Hi-Fi Hops, the two “IPA-inspired” nonalcoholic beverages are made in partnership with CannaCraft — which produces the AbsoluteXtracts line of vape cartridges — and contain zero
alcohol, zero calories, and zero carbohydrates. Set to debut at California-licensed dispensaries on July 30, the hoppy sparkling water beverages will cost $8 and come in two doses: one containing 5 mg of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and 5 mg of CBD (Cannabidiol), and another containing 10 mg of THC. According to representatives from both companies, who declined to reveal the specific financial terms of their arrangement, Lagunitas will produce the hop-infused, carbonated water and ship the liquid to CannaCraft’s facility in nearby Santa Rosa, California. CannaCraft will then infuse its emulsified THC and CBD oils into the hoppy water, and package upwards of 25,000 12 oz. cans (about 75 barrels) for distribu-
tion throughout California. Meanwhile, Cannabiniers, another Cannabis company that has operations in California and Nevada, also announced the launch of Two Roots Brewing, which it claims produces “the world’s first line of CannaCrafted non-alcoholic THC and CBD infused craft beer.” Kevin Love, the company’s director of product development, said Two Roots brews its five styles of beer using traditional methods and then strips alcohol from the product using European manufactured “de-alcoholizing” equipment. Like the Lagunitas offerings, Two Roots’ near beer is shipped to a Cannabiniers facility and infused with approximately 2.5 mg of emulsified THC. While the dosage of the Two Roots products is lower than
Hi-Fi Hops, Love said the company’s use of “nano-particulate, water-soluble” THC, as opposed to oil-based THC, allows for greater absorption within a period of five to seven minutes. The introduction of cannabis-infused concoctions from Lagunitas and Two Roots Brewing come at a time when traditional beer sales are going flat. According to the Beer Institute, a trade association for the brewing industry, which cited data from Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) during a recent report, domestic tax paid shipments of U.S. beer were down 3.5 percent through May. Legal cannabis sales in North America eclipsed $9 billion in 2017, according to BDS Analytics, a leading cannabis industry research firm.
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BREWSCAPE Brewers Association Sells Top GABF Sponsorships to Buffalo Wild Wings, Jameson The Brewers Association (BA) inked a pair of high profile sponsorship deals with Buffalo Wild Wings and Pernod Ricard-owned Jameson that will give the two companies prominent floor space at this year’s Great American Beer Festival (GABF). The BA’s deal with the chicken wing chain, which was acquired last November by Arby’s for $2.9 billion, will include a 3,600 sq. ft. sports bar offering wings and yet-to-be-determined craft beers while showing live sporting events on several TVs. In addition to its activation within the festival, Buffalo Wild Wings will also feature some of this year’s awardwinning beers throughout its stores. Meanwhile, the 12,600 sq. ft. Jameson Caskmates Barrel-Aged Beer Garden will feature 17 beers from the popular series, including collaborations with Cigar City, DC Brau, Fat Head’s, Heavy Seas, Harpoon, and Revolution, among others. Speaking to BevNET, BA marketing director Ann Obenchain said the not-for-profit trade group was looking for “activations” that would improve the attendee experience and promote independent craft beer. “Both Buffalo Wild Wings and Jameson do that,” she said. “They’re essentially gardens or mini-festivals within the festival.” Financial terms of the sponsorships were not disclosed, however, Obenchain said both companies signed one year deals with options to renew in 2019. In addition to the Buffalo Wild Wings and Jameson sponsorships, the BA is also in talks with rideshare companies to sponsor the event and offer other “smaller onsite activations.”
Newly Appointed Heineken Beavertown USA Chief Becomes First Brewery Sells Woman to Lead Major US Minority Stake Beer Company London’s Beavertown Brewery sold a
Heineken USA announced on June 5 that Maggie Timoney, who currently serves as the CEO and managing director of Heineken Ireland, would take over as CEO of the international beer maker’s U.S. division on September 1. With the appointment, Timoney, a U.S. citizen who got her start in the beer business in 1993 as a sales supervisor for New York’s Sound Distributing Corporation, will become the first female CEO at a major U.S. beer company.
“Maggie is a competitive and energetic leader who is known for inspiring teams, operationalizing plans and mobilizing organizations to deliver business results,” Marc Busain, Heineken Americas region president, said via a press release. Current Heineken CEO Ronald den Elzen, who took over the position in mid2015, will step down from the U.S. post and return to Holland for a “global role” within Heineken N.V.
minority stake to Heineken International B.V. in June, confirming a month-long rumor that the craft beer company was on the hunt for an investment partner. Terms of the deal, including the amount and the specific size of the stake sold, were not disclosed. A May report from Mergermarket, citing unnamed sources who were familiar with the transaction, suggested that a potential deal could be worth more than $133 million for up to a 50 percent stake in the brewery. As part of the deal, Beavertown will be able to tap into upwards of $55 million of growth capital to build a new 450,000-hectoliter (383,000 barrels) brewery, which is dubbed “Beaverworld” and slated to open in late 2019. “This is about ambition,” Beavertown founder Logan Plant, son of Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant, wrote on the company’s blog. “I am driven to take myself, our team and the brewery to new levels. I truly believe this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, which we as a team have worked so hard to create for ourselves.” For its part, Heineken said it was “honoured” that Beavertown had “chosen to collaborate” with a company that distributes more than 300 beers and ciders to 190 countries. “We love what they’re doing and are excited to be able to help them do more,” a Heineken spokeswoman wrote to Brewbound. “Our minority investment means they can make their dream of Beaverworld a reality and get their fantastic beers into the hands of even more drinkers.” Heineken’s minority investment in Beavertown follows recent deals with Belize Brewing Company, London’s Brixton Brewery, and California’s Lagunitas Brewing, which it now wholly-owns.
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Success and Struggle in the Bottled Water Business Alkaline Water founder Steve Nickolas can see things invisible to others — products that no one has conceived but everyone will want. Using this gift, he has pioneered successful bottled-water businesses around the world. So why is he on the sidelines after being forced out of his last company? By Michael Roney
teve Nickolas wedged his six-foot, six-inch frame through the doorway of his Ford Bronco, stuck in mud on the massive green slopes of Maui’s Haleakala volcano. It was January, 1980. He and his old high school buddy, Michael Beck, had driven to the mountain to build a self-sufficient home on a small property they owned there. Nickolas stared up through the mist at one of the island’s famous rainbows floating overhead. It seemed that there was moisture everywhere, but his throat was achingly dry — his thirst overpowering. A powerful Kona storm had blown through two days before, washing out the road and fouling the pastureland streams. Since then, the two friends had been stranded, sleeping in the truck with nothing to drink. “I literally would have given my little finger for a bottle of water,” Nickolas now remembers nearly 40 years later. That ordeal on the mountain triggered something deep in his consciousness, and from that day forward his destiny was set. Pure water would be his life’s calling.
Maui is a paradise in many ways, but back in the day its tap water was cloudy and not particularly good-tasting. So soon after the Haleakala misadventure, Nickolas and Beck seized opportunity and founded Hawaii’s first bottled water business, The Water Man Co. They bought a couple of high-end fractional distillers and started making pure water in their kitchen. “That started everything. We would either sell you a distiller, which cost around $700, or we would sell you a fivegallon bottle of water.” Nickolas remembers. Friends increasingly asked them, “Can we just get the water?” They hit $1 million in revenue within 18 months, and then expanded to the Big Island, Kauai,
and beyond, bringing in $2.5 million to $3 million at the company’s peak. For his second act, Nickolas traveled extensively throughout the 1980s. From Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria to the Marshall Islands, Israel and the West Bank, he built at least 50 bottling plants around the world — some of them in less than 30 days, and often amid political instability and armed guards.
In 1991 Nickolas moved to Arizona just as the marketplace was heating up for bottled purified waters. Planning to go national, he started brainstorming new names for his company. “My consultant asked, ‘Steve, what’s going to make your water special?’ A recent Jacques Cousteau documentary played in my head and I said, ‘You know, there is no longer any pure water on the planet, but the water we make is as pure as nature intended.’ He comes back to me and says ‘APANI’! It was the perfect acronym and name for the company.” Shortly thereafter, Nickolas struck a deal with the San Francisco Giants for the very first custom label and sports branding ever for the water business. Eventually he was able to get a custom label license for all of major league baseball for $5,000 — very sweet indeed compared to today’s deals, which can run into hundreds of millions of dollars — and eventually snapped up the NFL, NBA and NHL. In 1995, an investor took over Apani and Nickolas left his greatest business success yet, at its peak generating $36 million in annual revenue. Coca-Cola eventually licensed the name, changed it to Dasani, and brought its full marketing muscle to bear. Moving on, Nickolas pioneered custom-labeled water in Hollywood, where he signed up Disney, DreamWorks, Sony, Universal, Warner Brothers and Marvel Comics — a venture he called Bottled Water Images.
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“I had 50 dead Hollywood celebrities that I could use, from the three stooges to Elvis Presley,” he says. One year, Bottled Water Images generated over $24 million in sales. From there, he took the custom label concept to businesses of all sizes, from small law firms to Las Vegas casinos, with thousands of labels produced overall.
In business and life, the individuals around you are hugely important. “If you don’t have all of your assets, including your people, on the same page, disaster will follow,” says Nickolas. And that is what happened with his most recent major bottled water venture. In 2013, he partnered with a CPA located in his office building, Richard Wright, to found the Alkaline Water Company. They used a sophisticated electrolysis process to purify tap water and bring its pH up to 8.8, incorporating 84 trace materials Himalayan salt, then sold it as Alkaline 88. In the first year, the company booked revenue of $600,000, which by 2016 had jumped to $12 million in annual sales through 35,000 stores throughout all 50 states. Nickolas assumed that he would remain at the helm of the company, capping his career by guiding it to market dominance. However, as time went on, his relationship with Wright rapidly turned sour. “Over the course of two years, Wright and one of his compadres systematically began to cut me out of the financial reporting systems,” Nickolas says. “Brokers were not getting their commissions, contractors were not being paid on time, and vendor payments were being strung out well past their due dates.” Then, on November 8, 2016, he was called into a board meeting and summarily booted out of the company. He was shocked and heartbroken, but on advice of counsel, packed up his office and left the premises. A flurry of lawsuits shot back and forth for the next several months. The attorneys hauled in big bucks while Nickolas despaired over what he felt had been
Nickolas and The Water Man Co. crew, circa 1980.
taken from him. He and Alkaline 88 reached an initial settlement agreement in October 2017. However, Nickolas claims that his ex-partners aren’t honoring its terms, so the lawyers probably will stay busy for the foreseeable future. Although he is bitter about the entire episode, Nickolas remains philosophical. “It’s all about trusting people. It is largely the people around you that help you accomplish your greatest goals. This was just the right project with the wrong group. The fact that I didn’t see it sooner…well, I can live with that.”
Through all of the great successes and bitter betrayals, Steve Nickolas has followed his passion, applied his instincts and has turned ideas into groundbreaking businesses triumphs. And, despite more recent tribulations, he remains not just a battle-scared business guy, but a true believer, a diviner — forever faithful to the spiritual force that has guided him from Maui’s rainbows to his pioneering successes. “Alkaline 88 is today by far the most healthful premium water on the market,” he continues to insist. “But there will be something else down the road in another few years, and I hope to be part of that.” Read the full profile at www.StevenNickolas.com. Contact Steve Nickolas at (602) 549-2278 or snickolas@silverskycapital.com.
Protein Drinks Atkins released its Plus Protein & Fiber shakes, which contain 30g of protein and 7g of fiber per 11 fl oz. serving. Bundled in 4-packs, the shakes have a suggested retail price of $7.74 and can be found online and in local retailers in Colorado. For more information, please contact Atkins at (800) 628-5467.
Rosé Smirnoff launched its Spiked Sparkling Seltzer Raspberry Rosé. Packaged in a 12 oz. can, the seltzer contains 90 calories and has 4.5 percent alcohol by volume. Raspberry Rosé has a suggested retail price of $8.99 for a 6-pack and is available nationwide. For more information, please call Smirnoff at (866) 548-1544. Chateau Minuty released Chateau Minuty M de Minuty Limited Edition 2017. The rosé is available in New York, California and Florida and has a suggested retail price of $23. For more information, please contact Chateau Minuty at (707) 259-4500. Kendall-Jackson released its 2017 Vintner’s Reserve Rosé. Featuring citrus, strawberries, watermelon rind and white floral elements, the rosé has a suggested retail price of $17, contains 13.5 percent ABV and is available in select markets nationwide. For more information, please contact Kendall-Jackson at (866) 287-9818. La Crema’s newest product is its 2017 Monterey Pinot Noir Rosé. The rosé has a suggested retail price of $20 contains 13.5% ABV and is available in select markets nationwide. For more information, please contact La Crema at (800) 314-1762.
Juice Cheribundi recently introduced its 100% Tart Cherry Juice. Available in 8 oz., 12 oz. and 24 oz. bottles, the juice has a suggested retail price of $4.99 and is available at major retailers nationwide. For more information, please contact Cheribundi at (800) 699-0460. 22 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
Urban Remedy launched its Watermelon Ginger Juice. Like all Urban Remedy products, Watermelon Ginger Juice is organic, glutenfree, dairy-free, and non-GMO certified. Watermelon Ginger Juice has a suggested retail price of $10.95 and can be found in Whole Foods as well as Urban Remedy’s retail stores. For more information, please contact Urban Remedy at (855) 875-8423.
Whiskey The Boone and Crockett Club unveiled a line of whiskeys: Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Straight Rye Whiskey and American Blended Whiskey. Both the Straight Bourbon and Straight Rye are aged for two years and are 86 proof. The Blended Whiskey uses 30 percent Straight Bourbon Whiskey and is 80 proof. Available in Texas, Montana, Illinois, Colorado, Connecticut and New York, the Rye Whiskey has a suggested retail price of $44.95; the Bourbon is $42.99. For more information, please contact Prestige Imports at (586) 463-9400.
Kombucha GT’s Living Foods added three new flavors to its organic kombucha lineup: Pink Lady Basil, Watermelon Wonder and Koffee. Available nationwide and packaged in a 16 oz. glass bottle, the kombuchas have a suggested retail price of $3.99. For more information, please contact GT’s Living Foods at (877) 735-8423.
Mixers Shrub District launched Don’s Sazerac and Don’s Mint Julep. Don’s Sazerac is infused with fennel, anise, wormwood and 10 additional botanicals, while Don’s Mint Julep contains fresh local mint that is extracted three different ways to increase flavor intensity. Both 8 oz. bottles have a suggested retail price of $12.00 and are distributed to bars and restaurants across the Northeast. For more information, please contact Shrub District at (202) 774-2085.
NEW PRODUCTS Stirrings launched its organic Margarita mix, which contains 50 calories and 12 grams of sugar. The mixer features a blend of organic lime juice, cane sugar and agave nectar and contains no preservatives. Organic Margarita mix is currently available in Massachusetts and New Jersey and has a suggested retail price of $7.49. For more information, please email Stirrings at sales@stirrings.com
Gin Seersucker Southern Style Gin added two new flavors to its brand portfolio: Seersucker Southern Style Lemonade and Seersucker Southern Style Limeade. The gins will be available in 14 states throughout the spring and summer and are available in 50 ml, 200 ml, 375 ml, 750 ml and 1.75 L. The suggested retail price of these gins is $24.99 for a 750 ml bottle. For more information, please contact Seersucker Southern Style Gin at (210) 817-1580. Bully Boy Distillers released its Bully Boy Gin, which contains 45 percent ABV. The gin has a suggested retail price of $29.99 per 750 ml bottle and can be found at retailers, restaurants and bars across Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Connecticut. For more information, please contact Bully Boy at (617) 442-6000.
Tequila JAJA released its Blanco and Reposado tequilas. Blanco, which is triple-distilled and offers hints of weber and a sweet and herbal agave, has a suggested retail price of $39.95. Reposado has a suggested retail price of $49.95 and is aged for six months in fine-oak barrels. Both tequilas are 80 proof and are available at select retailers nationwide. For more information, please email JAJA at hola@jajatequila.com.
Coffee Chameleon Cold-Brew launched its Organic Chameleon Cold-Brew with Milk, which is available in Original, Mexican and Pecan flavors.
The coffees contain between 100 to 110 calories, have 5 to 12 grams of sugar and four grams of protein per 8 oz. serving. Packaged in 46 oz. bottles, the coffee has a suggested retail price of $8.99 and is available at select Target and Super Target locations in Texas, Colorado, Louisiana and Oklahoma. For more information, please contact Chameleon Cold-Brew at (512) 3230345. Cuvée Coffee debuted its Nitro Hemp Oil Cold Brew, which contains 10 mg of odorless, tasteless and water-soluble cannabidiol hemp oil per can. The Cold Brew has a selected retail price of $3.99 and is available at select natural and conventional stores. For more information, please contact Cuvée Coffee at (512) 264-1479. Peet’s Coffee debuted its line of canned Iced Espressos. Available in Black and White, Caramel Macchiato, Vanilla Latte and Mocha flavors, the espressos have between 100 and 130 calories and 10 to 17 grams of pure cane sugar. The iced espressos are distributed nationwide at grocery stores including Kroger and Safeway and have a suggested retail price of $2.99. For more information, please contact Peet’s Coffee at (800) 999-2132.
Wine Vintage Wine Estates and HBO Licensing and Retail released Game of Thrones 2016 Pinot Noir. The wine, which was introduced at the Aspen Food & Wine Classic in June, will be available nationwide later in the summer and has a suggested retail price of $19.99. For more information, please contact Vintage Wine Estates at (877) 289-9463.
Tea 8th Wonder Tea launched its artisan tea line, available in Ginseng Passion Green Tea, Ashwagandha Apple Chai, Yerba Mate Cayenne and Rooibos Red flavors. Each tea is 100 percent organic and has a suggested retail price of $2.99. The teas are available at speciality grocers across Colorado, Idaho, Texas and Utah. For more information, please contact 8th Wonder Tea at (303) 868-6296.
NEW PRODUCTS Teavana launched its Sparking Craft Iced Tea line. Available in Blackberry Lime Green Tea and Unsweetened Peach Nectarine Green Tea, the drinks have a suggested retail price of $2.39 and can be found in select grocery stores across the Northeast and Midwest. Teavana has plans for national distribution in 2019. For more information, please contact Starbucks at (800) 782-7282.
Enhanced Water Napa Hills Vineyard released its Vineyard Enriched Water. The water contains the antioxidant benefits of red wine yet does not have any calories, sugar or alcohol. Available in Cherry Rosé and Peach Grigio flavors, the water has a suggested retail price of $2.99 and can be found in select stores across the Chicago metropolitan area and is available on Amazon. For more information, please email Napa Hills at nick@napahills.com.
Other Spirits Copper & Kings American Brandy Co. released Absinthe Alembic. Packaged in a 750 ml bottle, Absinthe Alembic is 130 proof and has a suggested retail price of $55. The drink can be found across 35 states. For more information, please contact Copper & Kings American Brandy Co. at (502) 561-0267. BOM BOM Brands launched its Fully Baked line, which combines the flavors of chocolate chip cookies and brownies with hemp milk and Caribbean rum. Available in Coco Mochanut and Nilli Vanilli flavors, Fully Baked contains 14.2% ABV and has a suggested retail price of $19.99-$21.99. Fully Baked can currently be found in nine states and will be in 15 states by the end of the year. For more information, please email BOM BOM Brands at info@bombombrands.com District Distilling debuted its Crème de Menthe, which is distilled from mint and wildflower honey. Crème de Menthe has a suggested retail price of $25 for a 375 ml bottle and is available in Washington DC, Maryland, Delaware,
Texas, California, Illinois and online. For more information, please contact District Distilling at (202) 629-3787.
Soda DRY Soda Company launched its DRY Zero Sugar soda line, which is available in Cola, Peach Tea, Mountain Berry and Island Fruit varieties. The sodas have a suggested retail price of $5.99-$6.99 and can be found nationwide at stores including Krogers, Target and Safeway. For more information, please contact DRY Soda Company at (888) 379-7632.
Progressive Adult Beverages Quaker City Shrubs released its line of canned alcoholic beverages made with apple cider vinegar. The sparkling tart and tangy beverages have 3 grams of sugar, 90 calories and contain 4 percent ABV. Available in Grapefruit, Blackberry and Apple flavors, Quaker City Shrubs has a suggested retail price of $8.99 and can be found at Whole Foods, Wegman’s and Total Wine stores across the Philadelphia, Delaware and Southern New Jersey. For more information, please contact Quaker City Mercantile at (212) 922-5220.
Bourbon Eddie Russell released Russell’s Reserve 2002. The Kentucky Straight Bourbon is 114.6 barrel proof has a suggested retail price of $249.99. The bourbon is available in extremely limited quantities in Texas, Ohio, California, Florida, New York, North Carolina, Illinois, Oregon, Georgia, Tennessee, Washington, Arizona, Nevada and Kentucky. For more information, please contact Wild Turkey at (502) 839-2182. Stillhouse Spirits Co. released Black Bourbon, which is rested and mellowed in roasted small batch coffee beans. Available in 375 ml and 750 ml cans, Black Bourbon is 80 proof and is
available in limited quantities in all markets that distribute Stillhouse. The 375 ml can has a suggested retail price of $19.95; the shareable 750 ml can is $29.95. For more information, please contact LFB Media Group at (646) 455-0042.
Elixr DIRTY LEMON released +cbd, a cannabisinfused elixir that contains 20 mg of cannabidiol. The elixir will be available online starting July 9th and has suggested retail price of $65 per case. For more information, please contact DIRTY LEMON at (917) 588-0640.
a suggested retail price of $34.99; the 16 Year Rum is $49.99. For more information, please contact TallGrass Public Relations at (605) 275-4075.
Sparkling Water Icelandic Glacial launched its flavored sparkling water line, which is available in Sicilian Lemon, Elderflower and Tahitian Lime flavors. The waters have a suggested retail price of $1.49 and be found at retailers such as Hy-Vee, Piggly Wiggly and Publix as well as online. For more information, please contact Icelandic Glacial at (424) 201-6800.
Rum Dos Ron launched its 8 and 16 Year Rums. Both rums are available at select retail locations throughout Michigan. Dos Ron 8 Year Rum has
Interesing catch-all category that shows the movement of a couple of hidden energy plays: Mountain Dew Kickstart seems to have run its course, steadily dropping despite category leadership; other old school player AriZona is in a similar boat, but we see energy from Guayaki, which has been on a two-year tear. Meanwhile, V8 Plus Energy is also surfing the natural health halo wave.
Mountain Dew Kickstart
V8 V-Fusion Plus Energy
San Pellegrino
Minute Maid
Guayakí Yerba Mate
Bai Bubbles
Minute Maid Light
Hawaiian Punch
V8 Plus Energy
Izze Fusions
Lemon Lemon
Izze Fortified
AriZona Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear
El Mexicano
Drink Mixes
Bottled Juices
Bottled Water
SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm (@iriworldwide) 52 Weeks through 6/17/18
Minute Maid Premium
Turkey Hill
Simply Limeade
Minute Maid Light
Newman’s Own
Florida’s Natural
Minute Maid Just 15
Starbucks Frappuccino
Starbucks Doubleshot
Java Monster
Coca-Cola Dunkin’ Donuts
Private Label
Starbucks Cold Brew
Starbucks Doubleshot Light
High Brew
Monster Caffé
Capri Sun
Kool Aid Jammers
Honest Kids
Capri Sun Organic
Apple & Eve Fruitables
Private Label
Private Label
Gold Peak
GT’s Kombucha Synergy
Red Diamond
Turkey Hill
Lipton Pure Leaf
Turkey Hill Nature’s Accents
GT’s Organic Raw Kombucha
SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm (@iriworldwide) 52 Weeks through 6/17/18
Private Label
Nestlé Pure Life
Glaceau Smart Water
Poland Spring
Glaceau Vitamin Water
Deer Park
Sparkling ICE
San Pellegrino
Topo Chico
La Croix Cúrate
Red Bull
Monster Energy
Red Bull Sugar Free
Monster Energy Zero Ultra
Monster Rehab
Monster Energy Lo Carb
Monster Mega Energy
Red Bull The Blue Edition
Blue Moon
Samuel Adams
Sierra Nevada
New Beligium
Leinenkugel Specialty
Shock Top
SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm (@iriworldwide) 52 Weeks through 6/17/18
New Views of On-Premise Being privileged to be one of the remaining working stiffs whom our ruling class of absentee billionaires still allows to reside in Manhattan, I often like to reward myself after eking out another issue of my newsletter, Beverage Business Insights, with a restorative bike ride around my beautiful city. Often enough, my pedaling takes me across Central Park and over to a preferred East Side craft beer bar like Pony Bar, or, if I’m feeling more ambitious, through the park and over the 59th Street Bridge to a Long Island City craft brewery like Big Alice or Transmitter. Sometimes, feeling like a more bucolic experience, I cross the park and then head north through Randall’s Island along the beautifully landscaped paths that wend their way around the insane asylum, homeless shelter, wastewater treatment plant and fire academy, with the Bronx Brewery as my destination. Along the way, I make sure to keep my ears attuned to all the chirping, of birds and other Randall’s denizens. The other day my wife observed, “So, always beer, huh?” Her grievance seemed to be that I may be a couple of tulip glasses into it before she gets back from work to join me. So I decided to mix it up. After my colleagues hit SEND on another BBI that week, I jumped on my bike and pedaled across Central Park, this time to the Upper East Side location of Irving Farm Coffee Roasters, where I found the late afternoon light pouring through the windowed front wall, giving the expansive space a silvered light that I recall from visits to cathedrals. I ordered a draft coldbrewed coffee and found a spot near the communal table in the front seating area. On this visit, being in bar mode, I decided to keep my computer in my bag. There was mellow, sort of trippy music on the sound system. The other patrons were sociable and relaxed, just like at Pony Bar or Bronx Brewery. The taste of the cold-brew was so rich and delectable that it was easy to nurse it for half an hour, gabbing with other patrons about bike-sharing and the mayor’s feud with the governor and
one of those absentee billionaires, Trump (though it turned out none of us believed he’s really a billionaire). It soon enough dawned on me that this restorative, very enjoyable experience was precisely what I look forward to at a bar – minus the beer. As I thought about the matter, I realized that some of the burgeoning new categories of non-alcoholic beverages – I’m thinking particularly of cold-brewed coffee, kombucha, drinking vinegars and some of the newer cocktail alternatives hitting the market – are disrupting some of the fundamental occasions that drive our beverage consumption choices. Judging by the elaborate slides they show at conferences, many of the big CPG players use consumption occasions as the lens through which they try to analyze and foster innovation; it occurred to me that this blurring of once-discrete consumption occasions could be yet another reason they seem kind of freaked out lately about what’s going on in the beverage category. Think about it. For those who may not be interested in imbibing – whether permanently or just on some occasions – the rich environments and product offerings of third-wave coffee shops (and the Starbucks’ Reserve bars that mimic them) can be pretty equivalent. In fact, I know people who do like beer but still prefer the less boisterous, more conversational ambience of coffeehouses: for them, the growing number of coffeehouses that offer beer and wine are ideal. We’re similarly seeing an expansion of teahouses, with a somewhat different vibe, and we’re starting to see kombucha taprooms pop up here and there. On a trip to Orlando, Fla., earlier this year I ventured into one called Humble Bumble Kombucha whose low-key, friendly vibe and emphasis on the craftsmanship of the brews made the experience almost indistinguishable from being in a craft brewer’s taproom. As for the craft brewers, increasing numbers pour kombucha at their taprooms, and some are melding brewing and coffee-
roasting activities under the same roof, as I encountered last December at a skilled operation called Red Horn outside Austin. At some point not too far off, marijuana smoke shops will become another fixture in the landscape, further blurring the occasion options, as well as the minds of their patrons. There are all kinds of permutations to this thinking. I think London-based Distill Ventures is on to something in its efforts to incubate alcohol alternatives like Seedlip, with its focus on the theatre of the pour, complex flavors and a heavier mouth feel that require the drinks to be sipped not slugged, and a crafted production process like distillation, fermentation or reduction that drinkers will want to talk about. They turn things up another notch over the boutique sodas and mocktails and bottled waters that had been the best non-drinkers could do in on-premise environments. But this trend goes beyond the onpremise experience. For example, I believe there’s near limitless upside for coldbrewed coffee in another immediate-consumption channel: convenience stores. It may not have sunk in yet to c-store operators, but at some point they are going to realize that cold-brew is starting to exert a powerful lure on millennial consumers and the teens coming up behind them. The best ones are authentic, all natural, very flavorful and if black, lacking sugar or calories. In other words, they deliver on all the cues of that c-store mainstay, energy drinks, without any of the negatives. By now, among younger consumers, some of them seem to be perceived as way cooler than Red Bull or Monster. So maybe we’ll soon have to count that as another category that’s been greatly disrupted by a nascent set of products that comfortably slip into a longstanding, seemingly unalterable consumption occasion. Longtime beverage-watcher Gerry Khermouch is executive editor of Beverage Business Insights, a twice-weekly e-newsletter covering the nonalcoholic beverage sector.
Evolving From Scrappy: BevNET LIVE Summer 2018 The journey from startup to major brand – and the nebulous in-between – was a line through many of the presentations and fireside chat interviews on stage during BevNET Live Summer 2018, held June 6 and 7 at the Metropolitan West in New York City. During Day One, BevNET CEO John Craven, discussing on stage with Vita Coco CEO Michael Kirban, recalled first seeing Vita Coco during a tradeshow 15 years ago when the brand was young and “scrappy.” Kirban highlighted lessons from his company’s transition from startup to the top of a category with 25 percent household penetration, and
Michael Kirban, CEO, Vita Coco
Sarah Bird, CEO, Bhakti Chai
among them was the benefit of competition. Early on, as brands like Zico and O.N.E. were introducing coconut water at the same time, the category gained instant legitimacy with buyers and distributors, Kirban said. Vita Coco’s early partnership with family-owned investment firm Verlinvest also provided the company with leverage and leeway to scale. Essentia Water CEO Ken Uptain also charted the 20-year journey of his brand, during which he credited Essentia’s growth to patience and a steer-by-gut management style. Like Vita Coco, Essentia entered the market when the alkaline water category was virtually nonexistent. But in 2008, as consumers began to catch on, Essentia began using outsourced sales representatives; five years later, it enacted a plan to develop a nationwide DSD network to penetrate markets across all 50 states. In a panel discussion highlighting the importance of increasing diversity within the beverage industry, VMG Partners co34 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
founder and managing director Kara Roell, BIGR Ventures managing partner Carole Buyers, AccelFoods managing partner Jordan Gaspar, and Stripes Group partner Karen Kenworthy shared experiences from their careers and talked about how the rise of women in beverage over the past two decades has benefitted brands. Other speakers highlighted or identified some of the key elements of a healthy business. Presence Marketing CEO Bill Weiland spoke to the power of having a strong CEO and a positive, gossip-free work environment as vital to creating a successful company. Later, Bhakti Chai CEO Sarah Bird discussed building a
acquisition strategies, the day’s panels also touched on knowing how and when to build out the platform. WTRMLN WTR CEO Jody Levy, Q Drinks CEO Jordan Silbert, and Brad Barnhorn – a board member of both KeVita and Chameleon – discussed how to approach adding SKUs and why having too little in the portfolio can be as bad as having too much. Other presenters included Hiller PC partner Lauren Rudick and Erik Knutson, president of the American Trade Association for Cannabis and Hemp, who discussed legal efforts to declassify marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug under federal law and the small but growing market for
John Carmichael, President, Nestlé Beverage Division
brand on culture and mission, using brands like Rebbl, Annie’s, and Clif Bar as examples of how companies can use social activism and wellness platforms to transform internally. On day two, the featured presenters focused on exits, acquisitions, and platforms. During the morning, Nick Giannuzzi, managing partner of The Giannuzzi Group, discussed how to cover the bases during a brand’s infancy to prepare for future acquisition. He warned against making bad deals with co-packers, distributors, and early investors who may demand more control over the company or its intellectual property than expected. Later, Nestlé Beverage Division president John Carmichael and managing director of Pepsico Ventures Group Daniel Grubbs explain the rationale behind recent acquisitions and what founders can expect after the buyout. With platform and portfolio playing such important roles in both company’s investment and
Jackie Greene, Founder & CEO, Simply Soupreme
cannabis-infused drinks, which includes beverages with both psychoactive (THC) and non-psychoactive (CBD) compounds. BevNET Live Summer 2018 also included the fifteenth edition of the conference’s annual pitch competition, the New Beverage Showdown. The participants reflected a broad range of products, from upcycled coffee waste beverages to bold drinkable soups. Out of a field of 12 contestants, Bevea, Waku, Bold Brew Coffee, Origin Almond, Liquid Death, and Poppilu were eliminated in the semi-final round, with NITRO Beverage Co, Simply Soupreme, Sip City, Cusa Tea, Drink Peloton and Element Shrub all advancing to the final. Simply Soupreme, a premium, readyto-drink soup brand available in nine SKUs, emerged as the eventual winner. Founder and CEO Jackie Greene said she will use the $5,000 cash prize to make design changes to product label to be more clear and concise and “remove the guesswork” for consumers.
NOSH LIVE Recap The food industry is evolving and so is NOSH Live, as many participants discovered during the business development conference. NOSH Live Summer 2018 in New York City — the company’s first-ever, two-day event — was packed with presentations on topics ranging from how to build a badass brand voice to why you should crowdfund your company. In between sessions, networking breaks were abuzz with actionable advice from long-time CPG leaders as well as industry trailblazers. Then, participants were able to take part in a new Sampling Experience + Expo, powered by PINATA, in which everyone tried
Livio Bisterzo, Founder, Green Park Brands and HIPPEAS
Seth Goldman, Chairman, Beyond Meat
new and trendy single-serve and prepared foods in a structured networking setting. The record-breaking attendance of this summer’s NYC event alone is evidence that the food industry is filled with eager entrepreneurs launching more products across numerous categories than ever before. But the question on many people’s minds throughout the day: How do you stand out amid the noise? “Build your brand,” Livio Bisterzo, founder of Green Park Brands and HIPPEAS, said told the audience of just under 300 people. “You have to own your story and your brand.” Seth Goldman, chairman of Beyond Meat and CEO of Honest Tea, also noted that founders and CEOs need to build up the value of their brands by sticking to the core characteristics that consumers are opening their wallets for. For plant-based, alternative meat company Beyond Meat, that meant being selective about where 36 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
and how the burger was sold at retail. Beyond Burgers are sold in the meat aisle of grocery stores, not in the vegan section with other alternative brands. “Vegan is such a bad brand,” Goldman said. “If they [retailers] are going to spend money to buy our product, then we should be calling it a “Beyond” burger and using that branding should mean something.” The co-founder of ice cream brand Coolhaus, Natasha Case, also spoke about the importance of branding. Case told the audience that she thinks building a brand is important, but evolving the brand’s voice is even more vital for prolonged success. For example, when Coolhaus initially launched,
opment at Thrive Market; Zoe Leavitt, senior intelligence analyst for CB Insights; and Rachel Drori, founder and CEO of Daily Harvest, all stressed the need to embrace an omnichannel approach. They suggested that brands should invest in both online and in-store placements to give consumers the experience and convenience they want when they are shopping. That was the path taken by meal kit provider Chef’d, which recently brought its online stores and kits into brick-andmortar locations, as well as offices, thanks to a recent partnership with Byte Foods. Partnerships with brands and services such as Campbell’s Soup and Smithfield
Natasha Case, Co-founder, Coolhause
Case built her brand story around her former career as an architect — a message that resonated with consumers during the recession. Now, Case has evolved her story to highlight that Coolhaus is a certified women-owned business. “Ideas are never really ready or done. It’s always evolving or changing,” she said. “You don’t have to get it perfectly right [to start]; you can always keep moving.” Throughout many presentations, the changing retail landscape was also topof-mind for brand leaders, investors and retailers — including top CPG players such as Unilever. “Every aspect of the food business is messier than ever. I like that,” Matthew McCarthy, VP of Foods at Unilever North America, said. “Retail is a complete mess, and our retail partners need our help more than ever.” Presenters Jeremiah McElwee, senior VP of merchandising and product devel-
Kyle Ransford, Founder and CEO, Chef’d
have been a pillar of Chef’d’s success, and founder and CEO Kyle Ransford advised other brands to take a similar path. “Ask yourself, ‘What are the places where I could enable someone else and empower someone else throughout their journey?’” Ransford said. “Partnerships are incredibly more important than before from brand building and marketing perspective.” Partnerships can also occur between a brand and its consumers. One way to build that partnership is via crowdfunding, according to Cheryl Clements, founder and CEO of PieShell. Clements explained that most brands choose to fund their companies through crowdfunding not because of the capital, but because of the marketing and community it builds between brands and their customers. According to Clements, brands with successful crowdfunding campaigns have a 90 percent chance to still be in business one to four years later.
Boxed Water is available in 250ml, 500ml and 1L sizes
• 49% of consumers try to avoid plastic (at least occasionally)* • 89% look for companies that support social issues* • Top 3 beverage features are: recyclability, taste and price* • 92% feel passionate about beaches and forests* We at Boxed Water believe small changes can make a big impact in the world and your water category.
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“They [your backers] will be there with you from Day One. They want you to be successful and to see you grow,” Clements said. Whether it’s through crowdfunding or a new marketing campaign, emotionally engaged consumers are powerful, agreed goodDog co-founders Lisa Hyman and Max Kabat. The duo explained that while 74 percent of people would not care if 74 percent of CPG companies didn’t exist tomorrow, playing to shoppers’ emotions by creating a relatable story helps create a connection that will — ideally — result in repeat sales. “Be that 26 [percent],” Kabat urged attendees as he closed out the presentations for the day. “Be the brand with meaning.” If the first day at NOSH Live was focused on branding and the changing retail
Peter Burns, President and CEO, ONE Brands
Peter Rahal, Founder, RXBar
landscape, then the second was about how to take a brand to the next level through scaling and innovation. Day Two was filled with presentations ranging from how to build a new category to what you can learn from one of last year’s biggest deals, RXBar’s sale to Kellogg’s. In between sessions, attendees participated in networking breaks and later, viewers watched fruit jerky maker Watermelon Road beat out four other emerging brands for the title of Pitch Slam winner. Throughout the day, the main question presenters tried to answer was: What are the tools needed to take a brand to the next level? For Peter Burns, the president and CEO of ONE Brands, the answer was good company culture. Burns stressed that a business’s team can make or break 38 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
a company, and for employees to buy into a company, they have to feel empowered, valued and appreciated. “The most important thing is to be a human being,” Burns said. “If they [employees] know you care and you’re on this mission together — and that you’re the same guy you were when not in the big seat in the corner — people will do a lot for you. They will follow you. And when things are moving in the same direction, great things will happen.” RXBar founder Peter Rahal added that staying true to company culture was key for the company during its courting process with Kellogg’s. “It’s bullshit not to tell people [you’re looking to sell],” Rahal said. “We are all working so hard for the company, and also it’s bullshit not to be proud if it.
Hershey’s is not the only company looking at brands as partners. The product director of center store for 7-Eleven, Ashley Borden, said she sees emerging brands as some of the leaders in the fresh snacking era. But passion is the way to stand out to her buyers, she said. Perfect Bar co-founders Bill and Leigh Keith and Kodiak Cakes CEO Joel Clark also touched on the importance of passion when it comes to building a brand, especially when innovating in a “hibernating” category or a completely new one. The entrepreneurs talked about how they navigated tides, trends and markets — those for them and against them — and used passion and patience to make their brands a success. “Passion is key to building a strong identity and brand,” Clark said. “Con-
Poorvi Patodia, CEO and Founder, Biena Snacks
What’s to hide? It [telling our team] was a reflection of our intention; there were no lies throughout the entire thing.” Another tool, presenters noted, is partnership. For Poorvi Patodia, the CEO and founder of Biena Snacks, a recent valuable partnership was with the Girl Scouts, which led to an innovative new flavor, Thin Mint. Meanwhile, confection and snacking giant The Hershey Company, it found beneficial partnerships with emerging brands that have different business models and more flexibility. “We are looking for distinctiveness,” Will Lisman, the president of Hershey’s emerging brands unit, said. “We are interested in brands pioneering categories, disrupting existing categories and not looking to be me-too players that are marginally better than the existing players.”
Gary Hirshberg, Co-founder and Chief Organic Optimist, Stonyfield Farm
sumers want to know backstory and how authentic this brand is.” While on stage, Perfect Bar also announced it will be platforming to Perfect Snacks to bring its brand to more fresh snacking occasions. Wrapping up the day, industry vets Gary Hirshberg, the co-founder and Chief Organic Optimist of Stonyfield Farm; Shazi Visram, the founder and “chairmom” at Happy Family Brands; and Bill Weiland, the founder and CEO of Presence Marketing, chatted about the changing food industry and how brands, especially those trying to be socially responsible, can make the most impact for the food business and the world. “I would urge brands looking to build an honest relationship with consumers to focus less on what you say and more on your behaviors,” Hirshberg advised.
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Summy Fancy Food Show Recap Between the sweltering summer heat outside and the three levels worth of exhibitors on the inside, the 2018 Summer Fancy Food Show had enough to help attendees work up a sweat. Held July 1-3 at the Javits Center in New York City, this year’s event featured new products and brands that reflected some of the larger trends influencing the non-alcoholic beverage space as a whole. As plant-based milks continue to grow in popularity, the category has responded with innovation and a rise in sophistication. Milkadamia, for example, shared a new three-SKU line of creamers made with raw macadamias and coconut cream that were luxurious and indulgent, particularly the rich fudge flavor. Elsewhere, Colorado-based CoYo poured samples
The growth of dairy-free alternative milks has been partially fueled by coffee. Wandering Bear shared a new mocha flavor in its 12 oz. single-serve TetraPak line made with a splash of coconut milk, which began rolling out to retailers last month. Rise also had samples of its forthcoming nitro-infused canned lattes, two of which are made with oat milk – which thanks to Oatly has become a particular favorite for baristas at high-end cafes. Matcha also seemed to be at the center of new innovations from several tea brands at Fancy Foods. New York-based MatchaBar shared the newest addition to its 10 oz. bottled lineup, a lemonade matcha. Elsewhere, Harney & Sons featured a new white peach matcha SKU in its lineup of RTD cold teas. And, in
and will eventually be added to the brand’s retail offerings. Mixers and craft soda brands were also particularly active at this year’s Fancy Food Show. DRY Soda debuted two new limited edition Winter Celebration SKUs, Cranberry and Blood Orange, packaged in elegant 750mL champagne-style bottles. Meanwhile, Grown Up Soda refreshed the packaging on its core line to GuS, moving away from soda while highlighting a “less sugar” call out. In terms of new products, Crafted Cocktails shared new Mai Tai and Strawberry Daiquiri flavors for its mixer line, while Owl’s Brew had a Watermelon Margarita and a Strawberry Manhattan. Several brands also used this year’s show as a platform to launch new products or showcase new looks. Brooklyn
from its dairy-free coconut milk kefir line, slated to launch around September in vanilla, natural and mango flavors. Meanwhile, Elmhurst Dairy showed its own ambition to create an expansive platform around non-dairy products, one that is now up to 11 SKUs, with more on the way. At the booth, the company talked about its newest launch – unsweetened SKUs for its milked cashews and milked walnuts flavors – but fliers behind the table teased more innovations to come, including 32 oz. barista blends for its oat, almond and hazelnut milks and a line of plant-based protein drinks (20 g each) that should be rolling out sometime this fall.
addition to an organic version of its unsweetened iced tea, Japanese tea giant Ito En had a new cold-brewed version of its popular “oi ocha” matcha green tea. CBD has been one of the most hotly debated functional ingredients in beverage, particularly as more states have begun relaxing regulations around cannabis-based products. In a sign of its appeal, GT’s Kombucha shared samples of a new variety infused with 10 mg of CBD per serving. The flavor available on tap – a combination of pineapple, ginger, turmeric and lemon – is one of three SKUs from the Cannabliss line, which are currently rolling out in kegs
Organics shared a redesigned logo and text that clearly separates the brand from the Bruce Cost Ginger Beer packaging that it was using up until now. Meanwhile, along with a shelf-stable coconut milk that will hit stores by the end of Q3, Brazilian coconut water maker Obrigado presented two new SKUs blended with juice: Mango Acerola and Pineapple. Further afield, the show also saw the early development of what could be a new category: non-alcoholic “wine water.” Two brands – O.Vine and Napa Hills – shared samples of their respective products, waters infused with the skin of wine grapes for flavor and antioxidant benefits.
Natural Products Expo East 2018,
Baltimore Convention Center
September 12 – 15
More than 150 different
produced by New Hope
Baltimore, MD
Thurs & Fri: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
beverage brands and
Sat: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
approximately 29,000
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Thursday, Sept 13: 8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. The State of the
Friday, Sept 14: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Organic 3.0: the
Natural Industry. Carlotta Mast, Senior Vice President of Content,
Evolution of Organic. Peggy Miars, President, IFOAM –
New Hope Network
a2 Milk Company
Booth 945
Hiball Energy
Acai Roots
Clear Cut Phocus
Honest Tea
Aiya Matcha
Clover Sonoma
Holy Kombucha, Inc
ALO Drink by SPI West Port, Inc.
Cultures for Health
Honeydrop Beverages
Detox Water (Superleaf LLC)
Humankind Beverage
Dipasa USA, Inc.
Humm Kombucha
Arteasans Beverages LLC
Dr. B's Beverages, LLC
Hydro Flask
ax water
Dream Foods International
HyVIDA Brands, Inc.
BAO Food and Drink
ICONIC Protein
BCGA Concept Corp
DRY Sparkling
In The Raw
Bee's Beverage Corporation
ITO EN (North America), Inc.
B'More Organic
Elmhurst Milked
Jacob's Raw Fermented Foods
Emerald Beverages Inc.
Java House Authentic Cold Brew
Bitter Love
Essentia Water, Inc.
Kill Cliff, Inc
Blue Monkey Coconut Collection
Evolution Fresh
Know Brainer Foods
Blume Honey Water LLC
Farmhouse Culture
Kohana Coffee
B'More Organic
Fire Cider
Kombucha 221 B.C.
Brew Dr. Kombucha
Forager Project
LaCroix Sparkling Water
B-Tea Beverage, LLC
Four Sigmatic
Bright Greens
Frozen Garden LLC
Lifeway Foods, Inc.
Brodo Broth Co
B-Tea Beverage, LLC
Good Groceries Company
Madrinas Coffee
Buchi Kombucha
GoodBelly by NextFoods
Mamma Chia
Bulletproof Nutrition
GURU Beverage Co.
Mansi, Inc.
Cafe Grumpy LLC
Hain Celestial Group, The
Maple Guild, The
Carrington Farms
Harney & Sons Tea Co
Marquis Beverages
Cave Shake
Hella Cocktail Co.
Hello Beverages LLC
Metta Beverage Inc.
Ceres Fruit Juices
Heyday Beverage Company, LLC
Milkman Milk
Cham Cold Brew Teas
MOJO Cold Brewed Coffee, Inc.
912 8904
Mother Kombucha
Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery
Stratus Group Beverage
Taste Nirvana Int'l Inc.
New Age Beverages
Remedy Organics
Remedy Organics
Thirsty Buddha Coconut Water
REZ - Restoration Beverage
Tickle Water
Nuun Hydration
Rotisystems, Inc.
Tio Gazpacho
Salud Refresco
Treo Brands
Ocean's Halo
OKF America
Tulip International Inc.
On-Time Mixers
Seasons Beverages Corporation
Verday Chlorophyll Water
Orgain, Inc.
Shaka Tea
Vermont Village
Organic Gemini Tigernuts
Sipp Sparkling Organics
Vink & Beri LLC
Organic Valley
Skratch Labs
VitaCup Inc.
Origin Almond
Smart Kids
Whole e Nature
Ounce Water
Win Soon, Inc.
Pervida Inc
Wisdom Natural Brands/SweetLeaf Stevia
Petruz Fruity
SOS Hydration
SOUND Sparkling Tea
Zest Tea
Pukka Herbs
Spindrift Beverage Co
Zevia Zero Calorie Soda
Pure Brazilian LLC
Stay Cool
Zoup! Good, Really Good Broth
Pyure Brands
Q Drinks
Stonyfield Organic
True Nopal Cactus Water
5111 6449 958
Put your mind in the Tropics! Subscribe to the iTi Innovation blog for recipes, infographics, and more.
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Celebrated for centuries as a powerful healing plant, rated one of the best for nutritional value by the USDA and a top six herb in Chinese Medicine, dandelions aid digestion, help cleanse the liver, are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. And that’s just to name a few of its many charms. New Organic Dandy Lion Tea combines the health benefits of dandelions and fruit to deliver a delicious tea that’s actually good for you!
READY TO DRINK TEA. CERTIFIED ORGANIC. MADE FROM REAL DANDELIONS & FRUIT. New Organic Dandy Lion Tea is a unique beverage that’s refreshing, healthy and delicious, made with all organic, natural ingredients, dandelion leaves and fruit juices. Certified Organic. Certified Kosher. Non-GMO. And gluten free.
DANDELIONS: A NUTRITIONAL POWERHOUSE Good source of iron, potassium & calcium
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Rich in vitamins, minerals & fiber Natural liver detoxifier Rated one of the top four most nutritious greens by the USDA. May help prevent cancer
Organic hot-packed ready-to-drink tea in 16 oz. plastic bottles 12 bottles per case | 108 cases per pallet ADDITIONAL FLAVORS COMING SOON: APPLE AND POMEGRANATE
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TRADING UP IN TEA Millennials are changing the way tea brands think about innovation By Ray Latif Although tea is generally perceived as a better-for-you beverage, millennials are pushing for an upgrade. And brands are responding. “Consumer expectations are changing,” said Jayanthi Raja Segaran, Director of Marketing for PepsiCo-owned Pure Leaf. “Many people are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about teas and are demanding more – more functional benefits, more tea content, more quality ingredients and more of a fresh brewed experience.”
Tracing the Millennial Impact Howard Telford, Head of Soft Drinks Research at global market research firm Euromonitor International, points to millennial and Generation Z consumers as propelling change in the tea category and trading up from value tea brands to premium and super-premium varieties. 46 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
According to sales data provided by Chicago-based market research firm IRI, Pure Leaf, which is promoted as “brewed from real leaves,” is now the top-selling brand in multi-outlet retailers, The brand pulled in over $714.5 million yearover-year in a 52-week period ending on June 17, 2018, up 7.9 percent. However, it’s sales of Pure Leaf ’s Tea House Collection, a super-premium line of products brewed with organic, loose leaf tea, that provided one of the most notable leaps in the RTD tea category. Launched nationally in 2017, the products, which have a suggested retail price of $2.59 per 14 oz. glass bottle, saw sales soar by over 96.7 percent to $50.7 million. “Younger U.S. consumers tend to prioritize all-natural and plant-based ingredients,” Telford said. “Both concepts are inextricably linked to what the younger
consumer considers to be a ‘healthier’ beverage and – crucially – linked to what the consumer is prepared to pay more for on the shelf. This supports some of the trading up effect in the tea category.” Aaron Abraham, director of Teavana, which markets a line of super-premium RTD tea, concurs. Based on internal research, Abraham stated that the Starbucks-owned brand is “seeing trade up and new entrants into the tea market largely driven by that younger consumer, that mid- to upper-aged millennial.” As a result, he described millennial consumers as the “sharp point of focus” for Teavana. Launched at Starbucks cafes in February 2017, Teavana’s glass bottled drinks are brewed using premium tea leaves and botanicals and contain no artificial flavors. The teas, produced and distributed in partnership with beer giant AnheuserBusch InBev, contain 100 calories or less
line we harken back to that word, [craft]; does it pass the filter of craft? It’s a cornerstone of our brand proposition.” Starbucks has set a goal of 100 percent ethically sourced tea by 2020, yet Abraham noted that the company doesn’t currently “spend a lot of time overtly talking about sourcing,” and that “in this day and age with our target consumer and our brand it’s becoming an expectation.” However, it’s the ability to effectively communicate a sourcing and ingredient story that builds brand loyalty within the high end tea set, according to Euromonitor’s Telford. “What makes the super-premium tea category unique, in my view, is the importance of storytelling with regard to ingredient origin, processing and functional appeal,” he said. “Whether we’re talking about Japanese green teas, Kenyan purple teas, Uruguayan yerba mate or
“Another advantage enjoyed by brewed beverages that leads to premium success is the rise of coffee house/tea shop/café culture,” noted Telford. “Consumers frequently learn about better, more premium styles and varieties of tea in café/tea shop locations, which are a hive of discovery.” The increased exposure to global tea varieties and trendy formulations is feeding innovation strategies for premium brands as they look to provide consumers with a differentiated experience. Take cold brew, which emerged from coffeehouse culture to become one of the most important trends in the coffee business, one gradually extending into tea. Ito En, which has marketed bottled cold brewed tea in Japan for over a decade,
and are sweetened with 21-22g of sugar per 14.5 oz. bottle, depending on variety. Available in herbal, green and black tea varieties, they have a suggested retail price of $2.39 and are now sold nationally at Starbucks locations and chains in several retail channels. Abraham stated that Teavana beverages, which are promoted as “Craft Iced Tea,” are formulated to reflect millennials’ growing demand for high quality ingredients, sustainability and traceability. “[Millennials] are ever increasingly more aware of what they’re putting into their bodies and where that product comes from.” he said. “We’re sourcing really wonderful ingredients, but we’re also blending them in a very artful craft sort of way that extends into the flavor development for the beverage as well. All the decisions down the
other global styles of tea, there is a definite romance and aspect of discovery to the category that I think keeps consumers coming back.” For Ito En North America, which markets a variety of Japanese tea brands, including Oi Ocha, Teas’ Tea and Matcha Love, having an authentic story about sourcing and traceable ingredients is as important as the liquid itself, particularly for millennial consumers. “A lot of it goes back to the authenticity and heritage of the Japanese expertise, the Japanese quality,” said Jim Hoagland, the COO of Ito En North America. “Creating [these products] is a combination of art and science. Anyone can put the product in the bottle, but I think that we’ve got that unique combination of history and expertise to really create a great product.”
last year introduced new varieties of the products for American distribution. At the time of their launch, Hoagland noted that while cold brew tea has been in the company’s innovation roadmap for several years, the U.S. coffee category has rapidly educated consumers about the benefits of the formulation and, in doing so, paved a path for tea. Earlier this year, Tiesta Tea, primarily known for its loose leaf tea products, threw its hat into the emerging cold brew tea space with the launch of a five-SKU line of cold brew teas that are blended with fruit juice and herbs and contain no added sugar. Tiesta Tea co-founder Patrick Tannous described the products, launched in partnership with Target and sold exclusively at the retailer through June, as part of a growing cold brew trend
Flavoring the Experience with Cold Brew, Sparkling
“What makes the super-premium tea category unique, in my view, is the importance of storytelling with regard to ingredient origin, processing and functional appeal.” Howard Telford | Head of Soft Drinks Research - Euromonitor International that “is synonymous with younger, millennial, foodie-driven products.” Tiesta also drew upon its extensive experience and capabilities in sourcing high quality tea to emphasize different flavor profiles, textures and functional benefits with each variety, such as “Energizer” Black Thai Tropical with Guava, “Slenderizer” Lean Green Machine with Agave. The result is brand versatility that Telford believes is key to the continued growth of the premium tea set. “Tying functional ingredients to each SKU is something that [allows it to] operate across almost all occasions – as an indulgent beverage in some forms (chai, for example), as an afternoon pick-me-up with caffeine, as simple light refreshment or even as a hydration drink in some of its lighter forms.”
Meanwhile, a handful of companies are innovating with carbonated and nitrogeninfused tea. Teavana recently launched with two sparkling varieties that were introduced in June and come to market amid sustained consumer interest in soda alternatives and sparkling water. Available in two varieties, the brand’s Blackberry Lime Green Tea and Unsweetened Peach Nectarine Green Tea are line-priced and available regionally, with a planned national launch in 2019. “I think tea is uniquely positioned if you can flavor it right to give the consumers what they’re looking for in a better-for-you sparkling beverage,” Abraham said. On the emerging nitro front, a number of companies, including Connecticut-based Cold Brew Coffee Co., Harney & Sons, and B Sweet Coffee & Tea are following the lead of the coffee category and betting
that the trend will catch on with tea. At the 2018 Summer Fancy Foods Show, Harney & Sons, a maker and distributor of premium loose leaf and bottled teas, introduced a new cold brewed and nitro-infused Hot Cinnamon Spice product. Packaged in a 12 oz. can, the product contains no sugar or calories, yet features a creaminess and sweetness derived from a combination of the nitrogen and blended flavors. Owner Paul Harney described the product as fitting into the purview of its older consumers seeking lower sugar varieties and millennials that are seeking innovative beverages. “It [represents] a widening of our consumer,” Harney said. “It drives people to us because we’re able to make a great product without sugar. And it gets you in more unique places, like the functional beverage set, where we wouldn’t be otherwise.”
COME LEARN HOW FINLAYS IS INNOVATING THE FUTURE OF TEA AT A PREMIERE BREAKFAST EVENT AT IFT. Monday July 16th, 8-9am, Room N229 McCormick Place Convention Center North Hall To ensure a place at this limited seating event, please contact Stacy.demars@finlays.net to RSVP.
Don’t forget to visit us at booth S4203. 49
Matcha NOW has launched two new flavors: Turmeric & Ginger and Peppermint & Vanilla. The company’s patented Matcha Cap technology preserves the matcha until users are ready to drink. Tempo recently participated in a cuttingedge research project aimed at improving ocean health with its cause partner, Beneath the Waves. Tempo hopes to continue to lead the charge among brands looking to create meaningful impact through their beverages. AriZona released Green Tea Cucumber with Citrus, a 100 percent natural tea. The drink’s design features a new matte finish label with iconic cherry blossom imagery alongside the vibrant citrus and cucumber artwork. Moonshine Sweet Tea partnered with Target stores nationwide for the launch of its newest SKU: Half & Half Lemonade Tea. Zest Tea launched three SKUs of naturally flavored sparkling energy teas. Available in Masala Chai, Citrus Hibiscus and Pomegranate Mojito flavors, these teas contain only 35 calories and 5 grams of sugar. The products are currently available online and will be launching with retail and convenience store distribution partners this quarter. Spindrift Sparkling Water released the world’s first Half & Half sparkling water made with only real ingredients. The drink has fresh squeezed lemon with a new twist: real brewed Argentinian black tea. Denovo Beverage Inc., maker of YOOT Root Tea line, recently secured 220 Safeway stores in Northern California for distribution of its Dandelion Root, Licorice Root, and Prickly Ash flavors. YOOT plans to increase distribution to 500 stores by end of 2018 with the addition of the Southern California market and expansion of current store chains. Numi. In May, Numi launched three USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified bottled tea varieties – Pure Black, Pure Green, and Turmeric Sun. Pure Black and Pure Green are unsweetened bottled teas that contain no added flavors and Turmeric Sun is a combination of turmeric and rooibos, paired with sweet vanilla and cinnamon. 50 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
Zone8. Both the packaging and website for Zone8 recently received an update. The company is now using 16 oz. premium glass bottles for its Black Tea, Green Tea (unsweetened), Sweet Tea, Peach Tea, Pomegranate Tea and Raspberry Tea. Steaz has gained distribution with Legends Hospitality, which services Live Nation amphitheaters nationally. Three of Steaz’s lightly sweetened iced tea flavor -- Peach, Half & Half, and Grapefruit Honey -- are available for sale in ten venues within five markets throughout the United States. To support the new launch, Steaz will be hosting sampling activations at 150 concerts throughout the summer. KOLLO, an organic, single-origin cold-brewed iced tea will launch into Wynn Hotel Las Vegas and will be available online beginning in July. Mood33 is a ready-to-drink tea infused with cannabis and herbs. The line has secured distribution with Calyx Brands, a company that serves over 550 active dispensaries throughout California. Tiesta Tea. After initially launching as a Target exclusive for the first six months of this year, Tiesta Tea has gained distribution for its new line of ready-to-drink teas in Supervalu, Safeway NorCal, and Fresh Thyme. Unique Flavors Teas just launched its line of Fresh Brewed Tea with 20 percent real fruit juice and all-natural ingredients. The teas are packaged in 4- or 12-packs in Pineapple Lime, Teamonade and Georgia flavors and are available online. Tejava unsweetened tea now comes with a hint of natural flavors — peach, mint, or raspberry. The teas are available in 12-packs or 4/6-packs of 500 ml PET bottles. IGZU, the world’s first bottled bamboo leaf tea, underwent third party testing to confirm that each 16 oz. bottle of IGZU contains over 35 mg of silica, naturally occurring from bamboo. IGZU is also now available through UNFI. Try MY T launched its first bottle for the Banc of California Stadium in Los Angeles, home to Los Angeles FC.
Metabrew, a maker of caffeinated superfood drinks, including the first cold brew tea with MCT oil released in the U.S., recently graduated from food startup accelerator Food Future Co. Wicked Lekker Superfood Teas are now being distributed through UNFI in Southern California, Hawaii and Northern California. Wicked Lekker also partnered with The Mountain Valley Water Company Los Angeles for DSD distribution as well as home and office delivery in Southern California. Tea of a Kind added four new flavors to their lineup, each featuring the patented Vessl cap which protects the active ingredients, such as antioxidants, from oxidation and UV light. The new flavors -- Blood Orange Hibiscus Yerba Mate, Grapefruit Guava Yerba Mate, Pineapple Coconut Yerba Mate and Unsweetened Green Tea -- can be found alongside the current Tea of a Kind roster in Walmart, the Kroger family of stores, Safeway, Albertsons and more in the Western U.S. MatchaBar. Rolling out at Whole Foods nationwide in September, MatchaBar is adding Lemonade Matcha as it’s fifth bottled flavor. 8th Wonder Tea is launching a line of readyto-drink, artisan teas. The line will feature offer four unique flavors: Ginseng Passion Green Tea, Ashwagandha Apple Chai, Yerba Mate Cayenne, and Rooibos Red. Lazy Bear Tea’s three original flavors- Natural, Mint, and Lemon Agave- are now available throughout the Northeast via regional distributor Associated Buyers. The company is continuing its work to establish relationships with small coffee farmers to source the otherwise wasted coffee fruit. Straight Up Tea is all natural, made with real tea and contains no artificial colors or ingredients. The tea is now available nationwide in Sorta Sweet, Sweet and Unsweetened varieties. Kabaki won the 2018 Best Bite Award for Tea from Delicious Living for its delicate, refreshing taste, amazing health benefits and social mission to improve medical care in underserved rural communities in Kenya.
Subtle Tea, which is brewed and bottled on Long Island, New York, has recently seen two of its newest flavors, Peach & Subtly Sweet, picked up by Best Market. The products are currently sold in 150 locations across Long Island. Matcha LOVE released its Cucumber + Mint tea, an ice-steeped cold brew crafted with whole leaf green tea and finely ground matcha that combines with the cool taste of cucumber and fresh mint for a refreshing spa-like experience. Tea’s Tea released its Mandarin Orange, a premium unsweetened organic tea made from an authentic Japanese cold brew process that brings a naturally mellow sweetness and a smooth clean finish. Ito En has introduced an organic variety of its Oi Ocha green tea. Brewed from USDA Certified Organic whole tea leaves, the Japanese ready-to-drink tea is made with Ito En’s proprietary brewing and bottling process, without any flavors or concentrates. Limitless Iced Matcha Green Tea – available in Unsweetened, Sweetened, and Sweet Mint flavors – has expanded distribution and is now available in Whole Foods Southern California, Lucky’s Market, Northwest Grocer’s, Meijer, and Earth Fare stores, as well as expanding to three new Albertsons Safeway divisions. Pure Leaf will now be launching its new limited-edition Apple Cider Flavored Iced Tea on August 12. This limited release is the first ever seasonal beverage from the brand, and will be on shelves nationwide through November in a 59 oz. multiserve bottle. teaRIOT is currently launching new packaging highlighting its core message of positive energy from tea and botanicals that awakens your mind and energizes your body. The brand recently launched a Lemon Yerba Mate SKU and is opening new distribution in the Northern California and Pacific Northwest, as well as Costco.
LEANING IN TO BEVERAGE 31 of the Most Powerful Women in the Industry By: Jeffrey Klineman This year’s list identifies women who have the ideas, influence, authority, money, and knowledge to affect the beverage business – both short-term and long-term. Some have been toiling in executive suites, while others have built businesses bottle by bottle. As the headline says, this list isn’t definitive; nor does it include conceptual constructs: you won’t see “the millennial mom” here, but you will see individuals and partners in hard work, ground-breaking innovation, thought leadership, and, yes, change. We strive to achieve gender balance in our annual surveys, so why are we focusing on women this year? Because we can, and because we should. Sometimes these lists can be viewed as tokenism, but in this case we feel that by pointing out the members of a cohort of highpowered women in the beverage business - in varied but equally important areas - we can make the argument that there is movement toward balance. That’s not to say it’s been achieved by a long stretch – some of the list’s inclusions come as a result of the power that comes from pointing out disempowerment – but the line is moving, and it’s worth discussing. And also, as with all lists of this kind, very much worth thinking about and pointing out who else is deserving of inclusion.
EXECUTIVES Indra Nooyi Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo Regularly listed as one of the most powerful women in business, period. Nooyi survived a challenge from activist investor Nelson Peltz in 2016; her quest to convert PepsiCo to a company that symbolizes healthy consumption remains the measuring stick for the future of big food.
Photo courtesy of PepsiCo
Vanessa Walker EVP Marketing and Innovation, Celsius Celsius might not be as big as the rest of the companies on the list, but Walker has already made all of these companies take Maggie Timoney CEO, Heineken USA The first female CEO for one of the traditional big beer companies in the U.S., the 20-year Heineken veteran has a transformational mission: keep Heineken’s star shining while continuing the growth of craft star Lagunitas – all while integrating some of the out there (read: marijuanabased) innovation taking place at that company’s home base. Amy Taylor President, Red Bull North America Recently promoted, Taylor has been the face of the brand for several years, appearing before Senate committees and pioneering the company’s growth as both a media and beverage brand.
notice with her work re-invigorating LaCroix for National Beverage Co. Now she’s doing the same at Celsius, making the brand a player across all channels and discovering new paths for growth.
ENTREPRENEURS Sheryl O’Loughlin CEO, Rebbl The most-cited woman entrepreneur in discussions of power, she has spent years as a leading mentor to entrepreneurs – both female and male. But she’s also leading by example at fast-growing Rebbl. The brand just scored a $20 million financing round and is just starting to hit its stride, ushering in new respect for adaptogens in the beverage space and showing the legs to move the product toward the mainstream. Lynda Resnick Co-Founder and Vice-Chair, The Wonderful Co She owns POM, she owns Fiji. Not a bad run at all – and both brands are being reinvigorated through clever marketing alliances and the company’s own rebrand under the Wonderful Co. umbrella. Fiji itself is about to test its own power, moving out of the DPS umbrella; we believe that Resnick’s marketing savvy will make the brand a hot property for other distributors, indeed.
LEANING IN TO BEVERAGE Daina Trout CEO, Health Ade Jamie Danek CEO, Humm Visibility is often the key to culture change, and as these two co-founders and CEOs in the kombucha space continue to grow, their visibility will inspire that change. As kombucha grows, both Trout’s and Danek’s teams will, as well, and will join other strong women-led companies (like Mamma Chia and Bonafide Provisions, for example) in exporting teams bearing the imprint of their own leadership styles. Both strong, smart executives, they are great examples of leading by succeeding. Kara Goldin CEO, Hint Over the past three years, Goldin has established herself not just as a beverage entrepreneur but as one of the nation’s leading entrepreneurial voices. Hint continues to grow, and so does her role as a speaker on culture, politics, and drive. On the business side, Hint’s growth as a platform brand is being seen in a variety of ways, from skin care to an exemplary e-commerce practice that has moved it to the next level in terms of revenue. Julie Smolyansky CEO, Lifeway Not just satisfied to sit at the head of publicly-traded Lifeway, the leading brand in the Kefir category, Smolyansky continues to build on an already impressive and fearless public profile. Already active politically, she’s an executive producer of a movie about campus sexual assault and a leading voice for Test400K. org, which is trying to eliminate a backlog of untested rape kits. Also – did we mention Lifeway’s $250 million valuation? Or the buzz around her Kefir Cookbook?
The Guts of the Business Stephenie Landry VP, Amazon: Amazon Fresh, Amazon Prime Now, Amazon Restaurants If Amazon has arms everywhere, Landry’s are the ones that go from the store to the home. If she does her job well, she’ll smoothly usher in the change from in-store to online grocery shopping, taking Whole Foods’ customers and suppliers with her, while also providing a blueprint for conventional accounts to follow the same path. No big deal, right?
Barb Stuckey President & Chief Innovation Officer, Mattson An author and food development expert in her own right, Stuckey is also a tastemaker in the truest possible sense: it’s her sense of taste that sets the standards for products at Mattson, one of the country’s biggest product development innovators. She’s the one who demands great taste from functional food and beverage producers. 56 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
Paula Grant Flood Design Four Brands: CORE, NoS, Fuze, and Body Armor. And that’s just working with longtime partner Lance Collins, who calls her his muse. A solid businesswoman as well as a design ace, Grant’s work – and reach – show staying power. Shannon Deary-Bell CEO, Nor-Cal Beverage The third-generation leader of the largest independent soft drink co-packer west of the Mississippi, Deary-Bell runs a business that makes, bottles, and cans drinks for companies ranging from AriZona to Guayaki to Coca-Cola. She’s made gutsy decisions along the way, including selling off the company’s profitable Anheuser Busch distributorship to invest $47 million in more manufacturing technology and warehousing capacity. The result? A company that can win with both picky entrepreneurs and the biggest of the big. (continued on page 60)
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FINANCE Janica Lane Managing Director, Piper Jaffray Lane keeps the M&A market pumping in the beverage space, and is always ahead of trends enough to know when the strategics will bite: she mastered connections with BluePrint and SUJA in the juice space, then moved into coffee with Chameleon Cold Brew, Intelligentsia and Kicking Horse. Now she’s on top of the alt-dairy trend, helping arrange a deal between Good Karma and Dean Foods.
Kara Cissell-Roell Founding Partner, VMG From her earliest days working as an investor in Glaceau, Cissel-Roell’s career has been linked closely to beverage. Now VMG is behind fast moving brands like Spindrift and Humm – high impact investing indeed. Rachel Christopher Executive Director, Consumer Retail Investment Banking, JP Morgan Christopher swooped in two years ago and pulled off one of the biggest transactions in recent memory, selling Bai to Dr Pepper Snapple. Now, she’s built out a team and the white shoe investment bank is on the prowl.
INFLUENTIAL FORCES Jordan Gaspar/Lauren Jupiter Co-Founders, AccelFoods As this firm has moved from incubator to accelerator to fund, it’s assembled a long list of beverage investments: from current industry darlings like Bear Squeeze and Koia to stalwarts like Harmless Harvest and Aloe Gloe, they’ve built partnerships and backed innovation in more than a dozen beverage brands. Never afraid to shy away from innovation, they’ve also scored with nontraditional plays like Four Sigmatic.
Carole Buyers BIGR Tracey Miedema PMIDPI An investor in leading brands like High Brew, Rebbl, and Bonafide – not to mention an early investor in SUJA and Temple – Buyers was also one of the first research analysts to define and cover the natural food business and has continued to blaze a trail with BIGR, working closely with Miedema. The next link in the chain, Miedema’s an investor and an insider, a key part of the “value added” proposition of BIGR’s thesis because she’s able to use Presence Marketing’s reach to help shepherd growth for portfolio companies. Already a superstar at companies like White Wave and a former member of the National Organic Standards Board, Miedema is a mentor to companies large and small.
Cassie Nielsen VP of Talent, VMG Partners A big part of sharing power comes from building the pipeline to more. One of the most active thinkers in the area of diversification of the CPG workforce, Nielsen is also getting it done, helping foster women in CPG discussion groups across the country and diversifying hiring practices throughout the VMG portfolio. She’s also taking the talk on the road, joining panels and thought leadership groups to determine the best ways to effect change. Page Zeringue, Fran Pulizzi, Jamie Hogan, Sarah Lozano, Sarah Rabuse, Karen Simmons former employees, Monster Energy These women have each filed sexual harassment or discrimination complaints against Monster in recent years, and have come forward publicly this year to say so, creating a #MeToo moment in the beverage industry at a time when that wave is crashing over so many business and cultural institutions. The public discussion of the complaints has companies reevaluating their cultural practices and teams, and helped spur the resignation of at least one sales executive.
Marion Nestle Nutrition Professor, Author, & Food Activist Nestle is one of America’s best known experts on the politics of food and dietary choice. With “Soda Poltics” in 2016, she also took on the beverage business – a decision that is still having ramifications in the regulatory and political space, as seen by recent changes in California law concerning soda taxes. Melissa Hartwig Whole30 Perhaps the most important influencer in the nutrition space, Hartwig suggested dropping dairy – creating space for nut milks to rise; Hartwig’s team pushes for the elimination of sugar – and even diet soda – and seltzer and kombucha take off, along with veggie juices and unsweetened teas. She’s showing the influence of a diet not just as a cut in revenue, but a thumb on the register for some product types. Michele Simon Executive Director, Plant Based Foods Association On the front lines of the battle between the dairy industry and the thriving plant-based milk business, Simon is at the associational forefront of a rising tide of business. Crushed almonds in solution isn’t anywhere near as brandable as Almond Milk, now, is it?
League LeaderS
If any beverage category loves its stars, it’s sports drinks. Whether it’s trying to shoot like Jordan or swing like Jeter, sports drink makers have always sought to link their products to the performances of some of the biggest names in professional sports. Yet much has changed in recent years: consumer preferences across beverage categories have shifted away from sports drinks made with artificial colors and added sugars, while star athletes have become more accessible than ever thanks to social media. In steering their respective brands through the modern marketing landscape, better-foryou sports drinks Body Armor, an independent brand, and Vitamin Water Active, released by The Coca-Cola Company, are taking two distinct approaches to
Body Armor, Vitamin Water Take Divergent Paths in Marketing by Martín Caballero
showcasing athletes as part of their 2018 campaigns. Meanwhile, upstart brands are harnessing non-traditional advertising to reach and influence consumers without a multi-million dollar marketing budget.
Listening to Athletes
As Body Armor positions itself as a betterfor-you alternative and a credible rival for the sports drink category’s dominant players Gatorade and Powerade, it is also looking to evolve how athletes are incorporated into product marketing with a next-generation approach. For its most recent campaign earlier this spring, the brand handed over creative control to perhaps its most famous spokesperson and investor: former NBA MVP and five-time champion Kobe
Bryant. The Lakers legend joined the company as its third-largest shareholder, behind founder Lance Collins and CEO Mike Repole, in 2014, and has been featured himself in Body Armor ads. Bryant conceptualized, co-directed and wrote four television commercials for the new “Thanks...” campaign, featuring some of the brand’s top ambassadors including Kristaps Porzingas, Mike Trout, Skylar Diggins-Smith and Houston Rockets guard James Harden, who won the 2018 NBA Most Valuable Player award in June. “The number one thing we do as a company is we are listening to the athletes,” said Mike Repole, CEO of Body Armor, in a call with BevNET. “This year’s campaign was a little bit more mainstream marketing where we are just
kind of connecting with consumers who have left the category because they’ve grown out of it but are now coming back to it with Body Armor.” In contrast to last year’s marketing effort, which featured a series of blackand-white commercials built around the tagline of “Obsession is Natural,” the new campaign takes a lighter, more humorous tone. Honing in on the concept of Body Armor as the progressive alternative to outdated sports drinks, the TV spots feature the likes of Harden, Trout and company seemingly stuck in different eras; Harden, for example, walks from the locker room to the court in full colonial-era garb, escorted by a marching drummer. “James Harden wouldn’t go to the game wearing outdated fashion,” the voiceover states. “So why would he choose an outdated sports drink?” The Rockets star then turns the camera and answers dryly, “I wouldn’t.” In an email to BevNET, Harden said that that he spoke with Bryant about the ads before the shoot and called the experience of working with the former Lakers star on-set “unforgettable.” As Body Armor looks to give consumers long who are long accustomed to seeing athletes hawk sports drinks something different, the advantage of having someone on the creative team who has been the subject of campaigns himself — like Bryant — has helped the company’s marketing department approach the space with a unique perspective. “I didn’t know five years ago I was going to have an Oscar winner doing my creative,” Repole said, calling Bryant “the most creative person I’ve ever met.” His 64 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
personal rapport with fellow NBA players Porzingas and Harden, Fedele said, has helped Bryant guide them through the concept for the ads early on in the creative process. Meanwhile, his respect among young athletes helps keep Body Armor in tune with what consumers are looking for in a sports drink, according to Repole. “At the end of the day, we have a front line to the minds of athletes,” he said. “This isn’t a focus group; this is real information that we are getting in real time.” With the support of its athlete partners, Body Armor has directed its messaging to both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels. The TV ads were played throughout broadcasts during the 2018 NBA Playoffs, with an increased presence during games featuring Harden’s Houston Rockets as they advanced to the Western Conference Finals. Michael Fedele, vice president of marketing at Body Armor, called the campaign a “true 360 effort” that included significant investment in social media and digital ads on sites like ESPN, Bleacher Report, Complex and Barstool Sports. As it looks to stay ahead of the curve, Body Armor has also inked sponsorship deals with competitions such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the CONCACAF Gold Cup and Spartan Race in recent years. It also sponsored the Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Connor McGregor fight last August, which had the second highest pay-per-view buy rate in U.S. history. The brand has also brought in rising stars from within these markets, such as UFC fighter Cody Garbrandt and snowboarder Maddie Mastro, to comple-
ment their roster of established names. In recent years, Body Armor has seen its strategic approach yield significant market gains. According to IRI, the brand had multi-outlet plus c-store sales of over $197 million as of March, a year-overyear increase of approximately 75 percent. Though still a far cry from Gatorade’s nearly $3 billion in sales, the brand has gained category share and is still expanding; a recent Wells Fargo Securities report on all-channel data from Nielsen noted BodyArmor was up 104 percent over a 4-week period ending on June 16. Perhaps most notably, Body Armor’s marketing initiatives haven’t backed away from the company’s stated ambition of disrupting the Gatorade/Powerade hegemony in sports drinks. The Bryantdirected TV spots end with a sarcastic quip on the voiceover: “Thanks Gatorade — we’ll take it from here.” “To me, Gatorade is boxing and Body Armor is UFC,” said Repole. “Over the next five years, UFC will be much bigger than boxing and Body Armor will be much bigger than Gatorade.”
The Anti-Athlete Approach
Rather than going head-to-head with the category’s big guns, Vitamin Water has eschewed high-profile athletes and cutting edge sports in favor of something slightly less intimidating for its sports drink line Active, which launched earlier this year. His name is the “Semi-Fit Spokesguy,” and he’s unlikely to be confused with anyone on Body Armor’s roster anytime soon. As he appears in the campaign created by California-based agency Zambezi, he’s the
The sports drink category has traditionally focused on athletes who are on top of their game and in excellent physical shape – those who we’re ‘supposed’ to aspire to be. However, that demographic doesn’t speak to most ordinary, fitness-minded individuals.
red-haired, occasionally sweaty face of a campaign that is aimed at making sports drinks, and fitness in general, more approachable to the average consumer. “With this campaign, we wanted to show people that working out can be a part of your life but shouldn’t be your life,” wrote Alex Ames, senior manager IMC at the Coca-Cola Company. “When looking for a person who embodied our vision of ‘the rest of us,’ ‘Sorta-fit Guy” really fit the bill.” Within the portfolio of Glaceau brands, the campaign has helped the Active line find the space to establish a marketing identity of its own that is distinct from the core Vitamin Water line and Smartwater, which uses lifestyle-focused ads featuring actors like Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Paul. Active, which contains natural electrolytes from coconut water and sea salt and is sweetened with cane sugar, launched initially at 7-Eleven and select Target locations late last year. The SKU names – Pump It, Work It and Move It – echo the brand’s sense of humor. The commercials match that tone; at the end of one TV spot, the “Sorta-fit Guy” admits offhand, “Sometimes when I go to the gym and I can’t find parking, I’ll go home.” “The sports drink category has traditionally focused on athletes who are on top of their game and in excellent physical shape – those who we’re ‘supposed’ to 66 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
aspire to be,” Ames wrote. “However, that demographic doesn’t speak to most ordinary, fitness-minded individuals.” While Body Armor has the benefit of pairing its marketing efforts around events with high consumer engagement, like the NBA Playoffs, Vitamin Water is focusing its “Sorta-fit Guy” campaign in a select number of key markets, including Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Phoenix, Denver and Washington, D.C. Out-of-home and point-of-sale ads have been placed near gyms, parks and running paths “to remind people of the fun side of fitness while they’re working out,” according to Ames. These will be supplemented with a national sampling activation tour throughout the summer.
Movie Marketing
For sports brands outside of the GatoradePowerade-Body Armor triumvirate, taking advantage of marketing opportunities and partnerships in non-traditional channels is a crucial tactic for reaching consumers. Recently, two brands have found ways to attach their products to some of this summer’s biggest Hollywood hits. Earlier this year, protein-infused water maker Trimino gained big screen exposure after CEO Bob Leary invested in “Super Troopers 2,” the sequel to the 2001 cult comedy film. Leary, who is also the managing director of investment firm Vineyard Point Associates, has financialy backed
several movies and Broadway productions for the past several years under his firm’s subdivision, Vineyard Point Productions. Trimino enjoyed a notable role in “Super Troopers 2,” featuring prominently in one scene and having its logo appear in the background of shots throughout the movie. As part of his investment, the film’s cast filmed three Trimino commercial spots which were released online around the movie’s April 20 release date. During its domestic run, Super Troopers 2 played on over 2,000 screens and earned over $30 million at the U.S. box office, more than double its $13.5 million budget. “When somebody asked me if I wanted to invest in it, I couldn’t turn Super Troopers down,” Leary told BevNET earlier this year. “Any opportunity that I get when I’m investing in a movie to get Trimino product placement, I jump on it.” Roar Organic has also enjoyed a raised profile thanks to its association with a film franchise. Over the past year, the brand launched several SKUs in its kids line featuring Marvel Comics characters like Captain America, Spider-Man and Iron Man on the package, as well as a Target-exclusive launch for its Black Cherry flavor that showcases Black Panther. Those characters were prominently featured in two of the year’s biggest hit films, Avengers: Infinity War and Black Panther, each of which grossed over $1 billion at the box office worldwide.
Greater Than, a coconut water and juicebased hydration drink, will be launching a Watermelon flavor this summer. The company is focused on direct selling to consumers and wholesalers via its website www.DrinkGT.com. Tigo, a sports drink that contains 50 calories per 8 oz. serving, started distribution earlier this year with Broadline Sales and now is in over 250 accounts throughout Southern California. The brand has been accepted in 100 vending locations and is finalizing a distribution agreement with UNFI. Vitaminwater active – a nutrient-enhanced performance drink which contains vitamins and electrolytes from natural sources – debuted regionally in late 2017 and is rolling out nationwide. The brand launched a new campaign to support the product in key markets like Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Phoenix, Washington, D.C. and Denver. Body Armor added two new flavors to its Lyte line – Blueberry Pomegranate and Orange Citrus – as well as a new Pineapple Coconut flavor for the core line and two additional multipacks (6-and 20-pack). In addition, the brand has added more than 20,000 new retail locations this year, including 7-Eleven, Walmart and Walgreens stores nationwide. In July, Body Armor will debut its newest flavor, Octagon Orange, which will be available in 28 oz. size exclusively at 7-Eleven locations. American Body Building released its new ‘Stand for Something’ packaging, which is available at select gyms and sports nutrition stores nationwide. Gatorade launched Gatorade Zero, the brand’s first zero-sugar thirst quencher. Available in Orange, Lemon-Lime and Glacier Cherry flavors, the drink is available at grocery, convenience, mass, drug and club stores nationwide as well as online. BSN released Endorush, a pre-workout/ energy drink that contains 350 mg of caffeine with 25 mg of Teacrine, 1.5 g of Beta Alanine and zero g of sugar. EN-
DORUSH is available in Citrus, Blue Raz, Fruit Punch, Dragon’s Blood and Black Cherry flavors. Protein2o has added more than 10,000 new points of distribution at Sam’s Club, Walmart, Target and Speedway stores in the last few months. Publix will also begin carrying Protein2o this fall. Isopure released Isopure Cocotein, a coconut infused protein drink that contains 0g lactose, 0g fat and 100 calories. Cocotein is available in fruit punch, tropical punch and original coconut flavors. DRNX launched its line of sugar free fruit and spice infused adaptogenic waters. Available in Strawberry Cucumber, Ginger Lime, Mango Turmeric and Cinnamon Mint flavors, every bottle of DRNX contains 25mg of naturallyoccurring caffeine from Green Tea and Green Coffee Beans. Go Body, a hydrating protein drink, has refreshed the brand and will launch two flavors of its Go Body hybrid sports protein drink online in this winter. POWERADE expanded to 15 flavors this year with the launch of POWERADE Blue Raspberry Cherry. There are also five flavors of POWERADE ZERO, the brand’s line of zero-calorie sports drinks. Cherrish announced a multi-year partnership with Life Time, which will expand distribution of Cherrish to all of Life Time’s athletic resort destinations across the U.S. and Canada. Hoist has recently expanded its distribution in Texas, with the adult hydration beverage now available at Buc-ee’s, Albertsons, Tom Thumb and Randall’s in addition to a variety of other nationwide retailers. K+ Organics added a Lemonade flavor to its line of all natural sports drinks. Containing 40 calories and 7 g of sugar per serving, the drink is available on Amazon, K+ Organics’ website and select Bristol Farms & Erewhon markets.
Fat Profits! The Rise of Keto Beverages by brad avery
While diet trends come and go, the rapid rise of the ketogenic diet represents a new variation on the evergreen low-carb approach to nutrition. Proponents of the diet claim it can bring significant weight loss, alleviate health problems like chronic pain and diabetes, and renew energy through an extreme high-fat approach to eating; despite its restrictive nature, it’s a fast riser in the meal replacement category. Avocados, meat, and nuts often make up large portions of a keto-friendly diet, while carbs, legumes, and sugar are to be avoided at all costs. The result is that after several weeks on the diet, the body goes into “ketosis,” a process where it begins burning fat for energy instead of carbs. Several studies have backed up some of the heftier health claims from 70 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
evangelists, including a proven reduction in seizures among epileptics and initial weight loss. Other reports cast doubt on its long-term efficacy, including a study published last year in the journal Nutrients warning it can potentially result in fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. Regardless of the risks, the diet has gone from relatively obscure to one of the top trends of the moment in just a few years time, recently surpassing both Paleo and Vegan in consumer interest according to Google Trends data. Many entrepreneurs believe the diet is now here to stay and because keto demands such specific dietary needs, it has created a space for meal replacement brands like Bear Squeeze, Cave Shake, and Sated to build platforms around it. These
products stake their claims to the space by offering complete nutrition and dessert beverages that keep consumers full and offer better-tasting alternatives to the often repetitive dinners the regime demands. As consumers, investors, and retail buyers pay increased attention to the space, online communities are helping to fuel momentum, and proponents hope the rapid growth proves the diet has staying power.
Online Culture Thanks to the proliferation of wellness bloggers, podcasts, YouTube channels, and Instagram influencers, keto has been able to spread via online word-of-mouth and dedicated web communities where adherents ask advice, share recipes, and post updates of their weight loss process.
What I’ve found is that the brands who are most successful are the ones that are very focused on a core target demographic. It could be smaller at first, but it will build over time if you reallY have a love affair with that brand. We don’t want to be everything to everyone, we want to be something extremelY special to a target group that is growing rapidlY. MAX BAUMANN | FOUNDER & CEO - BEAR SQUEEZE Niche forums and subreddits dedicated to keto have become a vital source for brands to find their base, translating likes and upvotes into ecommerce sales as many keto platform companies focus on building the business online before considering brickand-mortar retail. Sated, formerly known as Ketolent, produces a line of powdered keto shake meal replacements. CEO Ted Tieken founded the brand in 2014 after he adopted the keto diet on the advice of a friend and soon launched the company’s website, promoting the product as a nutritionally complete meal. Speaking to BevNET, Tieken said he had anticipated a 10 year stretch before keto might take off, but the accelerated popularity has taken him by surprise and hastened his growth schedule. “I thought we’d have another three to five years before we’d be on trend,” Tieken said “But it caught fire way faster than I expected.” Keto is largely a lifestyle trend, Tieken said. According to market research conducted by Sated, roughly 2.3 to 3.8 percent of Americans currently practice the diet in some form. Although the base is niche, 73 percent of surveyed consumers said they plan to stick with the diet for the foreseeable future. An additional 6 percent wrote in an answer on the survey, saying they anticipate staying on keto for the rest of their life. The dedication also turns evangelical, the research found, with 74 percent of consumers reporting they were highly likely to encourage their friends and family to try the diet. Max Baumann, founder and CEO of Bear Squeeze parent company Bear Brands, said he has embedded himself in 72 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
Facebook groups and YouTube channels in order to learn more about what people are eating, not eating, and what’s missing from the market. Like Sated, Baumann plans to build his brand around keto. His initial product – a “semi-ready-todrink” powder in a bottle – is the first of what may eventually be a larger platform expansion as the company builds loyalty and awareness in the community. The company is still pre-launch, but has garnered buzz among proponents with an IndieGoGo crowdsourcing campaign that to date has raised more than $200,000. Baumann said he sees the “content and commerce model,” where influencers and passionate amateurs promote products and advocate for the diet via social media, beginning to push the needle on keto’s popularity. The growth has also been aided by more established brands such as Bulletproof 360, which built its product portfolio around its unique ketovariant Bulletproof Diet and has used its public visibility to educate consumers on the science behind ketosis. “What I’ve found is that the brands who are most successful are the ones that are very focused on a core target demographic,” Max Baumann said. “It could be smaller at first, but it will build over time if you really have a love affair with that brand. We don’t want to be everything to everyone, we want to be something extremely special to a target group that is growing rapidly.” The growth potential is also attracting capital investment. In March, bone broth and protein brand Ancient Nutrition raised $103 million which, among other new product lines, is set to fund a
keto expansion. Although Bear Squeeze is still pre-launch, in February the company announced a $715,000 pre-seed round led by AccelFoods. The round also included investment from Ryan Lewendon, a partner at The Giannuzzi Group, Shopify senior account executive Tyler Nemiro, AdQuadrant CEO Warren Jolly, MVMT CEO Jake Kassan, and Andy Chase, managing member of The Chase Group at Morgan Stanley. “Keto is not a new diet but one that has recently seen significant growth in popularity,” AccelFoods said in a statement sent to BevNET. “While it is still early to see how wide an audience the Keto diet will appeal to, we expect to see continued growth as the diet is inline with current consumer healthy living, dietary and lifestyle goals.”
Efficacy and Sustainability Keto has seen some resistance from health experts since taking off in popularity. In January, U.S. News & World Report ranked it last in a list of 40 diets, stating that although it was effective at short-term weight loss, the record for keeping the weight off was spottier. The expert panel expressed concern for those with liver and kidney conditions and said the “jury is still out” on whether the diet is more helpful or harmful to those with diabetes. In contrast, the panel tied the Mediterranean Diet and the governmentsponsored DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) for best diets. The widely publicized report has appeared to have little impact on keto’s popularity, however. In March, Food Business News reported that keto-friendly food and beverage products were one of the top trends at Natural Products Expo West 2018. The rise appeared to coincide with a decline in products marketed toward the raw food diet. The length of diet trends is difficult to predict, but the low-carb basis of keto has long been a mainstay in American diet trends and on that backing keto-friendly CPG products are poised to perform well, especially in the evolving meal replacement space. According to MarketResearch.com, overall meal replacement sales – both shakes and bars – are growing at 7.2 percent per year. Last year, the category was valued at $4.42 billion, a 6.2
Alkaline and feelin’ fine. + naturally alkaline spring water with a pH of 8.1 + now in NEW organic flavors + pure taste + eco-friendly pack
Flow has launched the first organic, flavored zero-calorie, naturally alkaline spring water. Enhanced with organic essence, each flavor delivers pure, refreshing taste, with the same healthful electrolytes and minerals as original Flow. No sugar, no juice, no calories, no preservatives and no GMOs.
percent increase from 2016. The report predicts sales of $4.7 billion in 2018. Although these statistics include non-keto products as well, the opportunity is present for the trend to grow within the space.
Innovation: The “SRTD” Bear Squeeze’s “semi-ready-to-drink” format, or “SRTD” as Baumann calls it, is not the first meal replacement to take the approach of putting powder in a bottle. Ample, a meal replacement brand, has also recently launched with a product in the same format, offering both keto and non-keto products. According to Ample CEO Connor Young, the format solves the often messy preparation and cleanup process endemic to powdered meal replacements. When
Young first began making meal replacement powders, he said he witnessed many people skipping vital preparation steps (such as mixing in oil) out of confusion or frustration. But the just-add-water format of the powder-in-bottle solves the issue, while also increasing shelf life and decreasing ship weight; a major cost-saving measure for a DTC brand. Young said he hopes Ample can leverage social media and podcasts to position the company as a thought leader in health and nutrition. However, unlike Bear Squeeze, Ample is not solely a keto company. Instead, Ample is seeking to provide complete meals for consumers regardless of diet, currently offering vegan and keto SKUs in order to meet dietary needs. “My philosophy is that there is no one
size fits all to nutrition,” Young said. “In the keto community, and the diet community in general, there’s usually an in-crowd or an out-crowd. So we never are truly in the in-crowd, because we have a keto product but we’re not a keto company. Just like the vegan crowd, we are not a vegan company we just have a vegan product. So this is one of our things. Our goal is to educate people so we don’t have to be so dogmatic about our diets.”
Sated has announced a ready-to-drink product that will launch sometime within the next year, Tieken said. In recent months, he said he has seen increased attention from retail buyers to put the brand in stores, and the RTD line will be his first brick-and-mortar play. He
keto and that buyers are beginning to call her company looking for a product to fill out low-carb, high-fat sets. New York-based grocery chain Lucky Farms, she said, has begun creating keto displays in its stores, while Erewhon and Whole Foods have been similarly enthusiastic about increasing their low-carb grab-and-go selection. Cave Shake, which is non-dairy and low sugar, also fits nicely into other product sets, Cavallaro added, and that many keto-based products can blend into grocers existing plant-based or paleo sections. “People trying to reduce sugar and carbs is so big,” Cavallaro said. “Even my parents in the Midwest are calling me asking how to reduce sugar.” Cave Shake, which launched in 2015, has run into issues scaling in the past, some-
anticipates it will quickly become the company’s top selling product. “It seems the grocery buyers lag the internet trends by about two years so we’re right at the point where we expect to see grocers carrying keto product,” he said. The rebrand from the Ketolent name to Sated, he said, was also a way to grow the brand’s potential beyond the keto base. While all future Sated products will be keto-friendly, and any non-keto products would be under a new brand name, Tieken said he didn’t want to scare away consumers who had a negative impression or uneasiness about the keto diet. Billie Jo Cavallaro, co-founder of keto meal replacement and dessert brand Cave Shake, told BevNET that some grocers are beginning to put an increased focus on
thing Cavallaro said the brand has solved with a reformulation that increases the shelf life. Because the ingredients of any keto product are vital, the brand was limited in how it could formulate, and in turn kept its brick-and-mortar distribution focused around the California market where freshness could be ensured. Now, the company is preparing for an eventual expansion. For Bear Squeeze, however, Baumann plans to keep the brand online for the beginning, and has turned down offers from retailers to launch brick-and-mortar. Stating he wants to be “in the resale business, not the sale business,” he plans to continue honing in on his niche target audience and building their loyalty before attempting to reach a wider consumer and taking the risk of scaling too fast.
Into the Real World
Smart Pressed Juice brings 10 superfood plant-based proteins together to create nature’s perfect meal. With only half the carbs of other vegan proteins, our Proteini provides smooth, creamy and efficient protein delivery with advanced absorption. The System by Stacy launched its Metabolism Reset Programs. The brand’s three and five day programs include 4 shakes a day, a step-by-step detox plan and meal tips to maximize results. All shakes are organic, high protein, non-GMO, soy and gluten free, hormone and antibiotic free, paleo and vegetarian friendly. Lean Body’s ready-to-drink protein shake is now available in a new, smaller size. The shake contains 20g of protein, 0g of sugar and is gluten and lactose free. Tio Gazpacho released four SKUs - Clasico, de Sol, Verde and Rosado - that are now Whole30 approved and non-GMO
Project Verified. Tio Gazpacho is now available nationwide through Amazon Prime through a new program for perishable products. Urban Remedy has partnered with model and actress Kate Upton to offer an exclusive meal plan in conjunction with Kate’s new wellness platform, Strong4Me Fitness. Evolution Fresh released its organic, non-dairy Complete Probiotic Smoothies that contain at least 10g of plant-based protein per bottle for satiety and fiber for digestion. The smoothie is now available in three varieties – Greens, Strawberry, and Banana – at Whole Foods Market and other select retailers Soylent has recently expanded its distribution to Walmart. This move comes on the heels of Soylent’s launch in over 2,500 7-Eleven locations and a retail partnership deal with Big Geyser. Bear Squeeze, a ketogenic meal shake startup, raised $715,000 in its pre-seed round led by AccelFoods. Additionally, the company raised $164,000 on IndieGogo. Sated, the meal replacement shake company, has changed its name from Ketolent. The name change reflects the company’s mission: to create delicious, modern, and stress-free nutrition products that leave you Sated. Ample Foods, makers of a powdered ready-to-mix meal replacement shake, raised $2 million in seed funding led by venture capital group Slow Ventures. In total, Ample Foods has raised $4 million since launching on Indiegogo in May 2016. Simply Soupreme, which markets a line of bottled ready-to-drink soups, won the New Beverage Showdown at BevNET Live Summer 2018 in June, taking home $5,000 in cash and an advertising package valued at over $5,000.
NATURAL BEVERAGES + providers & suppliers
Find Perfection…Sanavi Sparkling Spring Waters in 7 Organic Flavors
Morning Recovery: A liver-boosting supplement to help you bounce back.
Amazon Plant-Based Elixir
BANU Bamboo Water in 4 delicate flavors. Live Connected
100% All Natural, Inc.
82 Labs, Inc.
Amaz Project, Inc
We started with spring water from Vermont and the very best in organic flavors. Then we searched for the most important element of all: Balance. The harmony of fizz and flavor, sparkle and smoothness. Certified Organic-NonGMO Project Verified SANAVI!
Morning Recovery is a liver-boosting supplement designed to help the body detox and expertly metabolize alcohol. Its main active ingredient is dihydromyricetin, a powerful flavonoid with a long history in traditional medicine.
Amaz is a refreshing and delicious plant-based elixir. We combine super-foods and herbal extracts from the Amazon rainforest for health and functional benefits. We support ethical sourcing. All Natural. No Sugar added. Non-GMO. Vegan.
This summer, refresh, hydrate and glow with BANU Bamboo water in 4 delightful flavors including delicate notes of green tea, citrus and vanilla. Bamboo is a great source of bio available silica and flavonoids. Your skin, hair and nails will thank you
Crafted With Your Health In Mind
Béla - Herb-infused Wellness Drinks inspired by Ayurveda
4 Purpose Energy
Althea Brands LLC
New look, same great refreshing taste! The sale of every can of 4 Purpose Energy helps make education more accessible to children who really need it. Like our mission, our drink is honest and uncompromising. Start living life with a purpose today!
Béla combines ancient herbs like Turmeric, Tulsi etc. with minerals and vitamins to hydrate, support immunity, and deliver antioxidative activity. With 0 sugar, 0 caffeine and 0 calories, Béla complements and supports holistic mind-and-body goals.
GET MORE FROM YOUR WATER with High-Performance AQUAhydrate AQUAhydrate
ALO Drink With New Beverage Lines ALO Drink by SPI West Port, Inc.
AQUAhydrate® Is Great Tasting High-Performance Water Specially Formulated For People With An Active Lifestyle. AQUAhydrate Offers Superior Hydration Without Sugar, Calories, Or Artificial Additives. Using A Proprietary Blend Of 72 Trace Minerals, AQUAhydrate Is Enhanced With 2x The Electrolytes Of Competitive Brands. The Elevated Alkaline Levels Help To Bring Your Body Back To Balance.
ALO® Drink is the #1 brand of ready-to-drink aloe vera beverages in US grocery. All ALO Drink varieties are made with real aloe vera straight from the leaf, never from powder. ALO Drink is Non-GMO Project Verified, gluten-free, fat-free and contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. ALO consists of a variety of lines. The ALO Original line has 9 unique flavors in 16.9 fl oz bottles, with ALO Twist as the newest addition to the family. Select varieties of this line can be purchased in 50.7 fl oz (1.5 L) bottles. The newest lines to the ALO family are ALO COCO and ALO Organic. ALO Organic is made with USDA certified organic aloe vera juice and pulp, peeled straight from the leaf, debuting with a crisp white grape flavor. ALO COCO is made with 100% pure coconut water and real aloe vera juice in 16.9 fl oz Tetra Pak cartons. Two flavors are available – original and watermelon, made with real watermelon juice. The ALO Light line contains three unique flavors with half the sugar and half the calories of the original line, all in 16.9 fl oz bottles. The ALO Essentials line has two unique flavors, all in 11.8 fl oz bottles. For more information, visit www.alodrink.com or email ALO Drink at info@alodrink.com 80 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
AX Water - Aronia Berry infused Anti Oxidant water in 3 great flavors
Hot Brewed - Cold Pressed. Experience the Difference
AX Water
Black Medicine
Made from all-natural ingredients, each 30 calories bottle packs all the benefits of the Aronia Berry. One 16 oz bottle has 19,800 ORAC units, which is the same amount of antioxidants as eating 3 cups of blueberries, 24 bananas, or 16 cups kale.
Unlike cold brews, our fresh-roasted coffee is brewed hot under oxygen-free pressure to extract the essence from every bean, and then cold pressed. The result is full-bodied and complex, yet smooth and balanced. We also co-pack for other companies.
All-natural, sugar-free hydration – BioSteel Ready-to-Drink.
More Natural. Better Hydration.
BioSteel Sports Nutrition Inc.
BODYARMOR delivers premium, better-for-you hydration options that provide today’s athletes and anyone who is active, the best in sports nutrition & hydration. With BODYARMOR Sports Drink, BODYARMOR LYTE Sports Drink, and BODYARMOR SportWater, we continue to deliver Superior Hydration no matter your game. Enjoy the dark side of water. with blk. benefits in functional flavors
Bössi Kids Iced Tea!
Brew Dr. Kombucha: Now Available in Cans! Brew Dr. Kombucha
blk. International LLC
Original blk. water brings out its colors with functional flavored mineral beverages: Resistance, Focus, Mood and Energy . Defy expectations and enjoy the dark side. Zero calories, carbs, and dyes.
Bössi Kids Tea brings the benefits of tea to children without any caffeine. By harnessing the goodness of Rooibos, a bush grown exclusively in the Cederberg mountains of South Africa Bössi offers a lightly sweetened and refreshing organic tea!
Organic, raw, sustainable, delicious! Big Flavor. Small Footprint.
Bragg Boost Organic Caffeine Free Energy & Vitamins for Immune Support
Blue Ridge Bucha Find Blue Ridge Bucha’s organic kombucha on draft and in refillable bottles across the Mid-Atlantic region. 5 core flavors plus rotating seasonals. 6 month shelf life, certified nonalcoholic. 8 years in business and over 750,000 bottles saved.
Bragg Live Food Products Get a Boost of Energy with NEW Caffeine Free "Bragg Boost." Made with World Famous Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Coconut Water & Organic Honey. Contains 20 Vitamins, Minerals & Herbs including B12, Ginger, Turmeric & Echinacea for Immune Support
Brew Dr. Kombucha is now offering its delicious, refreshing beverages in aluminum cans nationwide. Brew Dr.Kombucha’s Clear Mind, Love, and Mint Lemonade flavors are now available in all Whole Foods Market stores. A fourth flavor, Ginger Turmeric, is available in limited distribution. Brew Dr.’s canned varieties are available in packs of four 12-ounce cans and retail for $11.99. Brew Dr. Kombucha’s new cans will be distributed across the U.S. For more information visit www.brewdrkombucha.com.
Califia Grab-and-Go Single-Serve Cold Brew Coffees
Protein Choc-A-Maca and Maca-‘Nilla Almondmilk
Caifia Farms
Califia Farms
Califia’s Cold Brew Coffees are made from 100% Arabica beans sourced via Direct Trade partnerships in Central and South America and Africa. The beans are roasted in a light Scandinavian-style, ground and brewed over 24-hours in cold water to deliver a smooth, complex and less acidic taste.
Califia Farms Protein Almondmilks are made with our creamy and artisanally-made Almondmilk, and enriched with maca and plant-based protein. These nourishing, nutrientdense beverages are available in two flavors – vanilla and chocolate – and perfectly balance taste and function in a grab-and-go single serve (10.5 oz) bottle.
Califia offers a wide range of Cold Brew Coffee to appeal to every taste bud. The Cold Brew Black Coffees are a premium single-serve option available in Signature Blend, Mocha and Single Origin from the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. All three varieties give coffee purists the fix they’re looking for in an easy, on-the-go format.
Both Maca-‘Nilla and Choc-A-Maca have 8 grams of 100% plant-based protein (derived from peas and brown rice) and 1000 mg of maca root powder, an exotic South American superfood known for its various health benefits. These irresistible vanilla and chocolaty blends are perfect to deliciously recover from workouts – or the day itself.
XX Espresso and Mocha Noir are two varieties of Califia’s blended coffees, made with the brand’s signature Almondmilk. XX Espresso gives a double-dose of caffeine while the Mocha Noir bottles the delicious taste of dark chocolate, but now with 25% less sugar. All of Califia’s Cold Brew Coffees deliver the clean energy of coffee in a dairy-free option without artificial ingredients or unnecessary sugar.
Both of Califia’s Protein Almondmilks are soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, carrageenanfree, non-GMO, kosher, vegan and BPA-free. Email sales@califiafarms.com for retail distribution.
Email sales@califiafarms.com for retail distribution.
Califia’s First Probiotic Dairy Free Yogurts Califia Farms
Califia Farms Probiotic Dairy Free Yogurts are a new line of delicious, drinkable yogurts available in four varieties (Strawberry, Mango, Super Berry, and Unsweetened Plain) and two sizes (multi-serve 25.4 oz and single serve 8 oz). The Probiotic Yogurts are cultured using a unique powerful blend of probiotics – the Califia Culture Blend. Anchored by BB-12, the most documented bifidobacteria in the world and well-known for its efficacy in digestive and immune health, the Califia Culture Blend is batch-fermented into the almond- and coconut-based yogurt, delivering 10 billion live, active CFUs per serving. The Califia Farms Probiotic Dairy Free Yogurts are delicious on their own, poured over cereal or granola, blended into a smoothie, used to make overnight oats, and more. They deliver all the probiotic-goodness using the plant-powered expertise that made Califia famous. Combine that with a lower sugar content* and real fruit, and we’re certain people will love reaching for those perfectly curvy bottles. The Probiotic Yogurts are non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, kosher and free of carrageenan. Email sales@califiafarms.com for retail distribution. *less sugar when compared to leading brands 82 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
NANO CBD WATER | 9 Flavors — 5 Still, 4 Sparkling & Pet Water — No THC CANNAKI USA, INC
California Juice Co. -- Hemp-Derived CBD Relief Shot
Cide Road
California Juice Co.
Cuvee Coffee
First-to-market hemp-derived CBD cold-pressed juice blend. Featuring fresh pressed ginger, turmeric with black pepper oil, coconut water, lemon, cayenne, and a touch of honey. Making Health Taste Better, One Shot at a Time.
Inside this can is the flavor you love combined with odorless, tasteless and water-soluble hemp oil. Just one more innovation we are happy to share with the world. Bottoms up!
Sparkling Orange Pomegranate: functional, healthy energy drink
What the heck is switchel?
Dark Dog Organic Energy drinks - No crash, no jitters
Celsius Holdings, Inc.
CELSIUS is a proven functional energy drink that does not contain preservatives, sugar, artificial flavors or artificial colors. It’s glutenfree, certified vegan & Kosher. Available in sparkling & noncarbonated flavors, in 12oz cans.
USDA Certified Organic - NON-GMO Sodium free. Flavors: Coconut Water (50 calories), Elderberry Tea (50 calories), Blood Orange, and Original. Each flavor contains 6 B-Vitamins and Vitamin C. Great for workouts and on the go.
Introducing CForce Natural Artesian Water
CORE® Hydration: pH balanced water
CForce Bottling Company
CORE® Nutrition, LLC
A BALANCED BODY WORKS BETTER water matches your body’s natural pH balance to keep it working at its best. AVAILABLE IN 4 SIZES 20.0oz 23.9oz sports cap 30.4oz 44.0oz MULTIPACKS 6 pk - 16.9oz 6 pk - 30.4oz
There’s no other way to describe water that erupts from the ground with such clarity and smoothness. Bottled at the source on Chuck Norris’ Lone Wolf Ranch, we add nothing and take nothing away. It is Ice Age water, at its purest. 84 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
CORE® Organic: Fruit Hydration with antioxidants and daily immunity
Detoxwater expands distribution and launches its sixth flavor
CORE® Nutrition, LLC
Detoxwater, a prebiotic aloe-infused water enhanced with vitamins and electrolytes, has defied expectations in 2018 with its innovative marketing initiatives, distribution expansion and sales growth. Beginning the year with the launch of its sixth SKU, Cryptokiwi, at Natural Products Expo West and a launch party hosted by Mason Plumlee of the Denver Nuggets, summer marketing efforts ramped up to include major activations at Coachella and national Pride events, as well digital, print, and street teams in key markets such as Los Angeles, New York City and Boston. High-profile entertainment partnerships expanded as well, increasing visibility of the brand as they appeared onscreen, backstage, and in VIP green rooms at the Billboard Music Awards, Red Nose Day, “Dancing with the Stars,” “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Sports Awards, Electric Zoo Music Festival and the Colts’ NFL training camp, among many others. Additionally, Detoxwater has more than doubled its sales in the past year and has expanded its distribution footprint within the contiguous U.S. by adding retailer partners including Kroger, Ralph’s, QFC, King Soopers, Wegmans, H-E-B and Tops. To learn more visit www.detoxwater.com. Diabolo Crafted French Soda
Dark Dog Organic Energy drinks - No crash, no jitters DARK DOG ORGANIC
Diabolo Beverage Co., LLC
Created for those who enjoy the refreshing combination of lemonade and a hint of mint, DIABOLO Mint Lemonade delivers our American version of the delicious French classic. Diabolo is available in over 4,000 major grocery stores across the U.S. New DRY Zero Sugar USDA Organic Sodas - Four Flavors
Powerful Organic Energy
darkdog-organic.com @darkdogorganic
Great Taste
Full of Vitamins
High in Antioxidants
Cranberry & Blood Orange DRY Sparkling Winter Celebration Bottles DRY Soda Co. These limited edition Cranberry and Blood Orange DRY Sparkling 750 mL Winter Celebration bottles are ideal for seasonal sipping and cocktails. 60% less sugar than regular sodas and ciders. Non-GMO Project Verified, kosher, and caffeine-free. A BETTER YOU STARTS WITH A BETTER WATER.
DRY Soda Co.
Essentia Water
DRY Zero Sugar organic sodas are lightly sweetened with organic stevia and full of bright and bubbly flavor. No artificial sweeteners, sodium, gluten, or added colors. Available in four varieties: Cola, Peach Tea, Mountain Berry, and Island Fruit.
Essentia is ionized hydration. Our proprietary ionization process creates a supercharged ionized alkaline water that’s better at rehydrating.* *Based on a 2014 hydration study.
Delicious Daily Dose of MCTs - Now in a Shot!
Flow expands line of organic flavored alkaline spring water
Flow Alkaline Spring Water
2 ounce functional daily shots, each with the optimal dose of Medium Chain Triglycerides and added superfoods to maximize taste and health. Now available at Whole Foods nationwide in 4 delicious and functional flavors! www.ethans.com For inquiries: info@ethans.com
3 - Caffeine Water
Flow’s naturally alkaline spring water comes from a unique, single-source artesian spring. The healthy minerals and electrolytes, like Magnesium, Potassium, and Calcium Bicarbonate, that give Flow its alkaline pH of 8.1. All this goodness comes in an eco-friendly Tetra Pak that’s 100% recyclable and 70% renewable, including a plant-based cap. Flow launched the first organic, zero-calorie, naturally alkaline flavored water on the market. Enhanced with organic essence (no sugar, no juice, no calories, no artificial sweeteners, no GMOs and no preservatives), the new organic flavors of cucumber + mint, lemon + ginger, watermelon + lime and strawberry + rose deliver pure, refreshing taste, with the same healthful electrolytes and minerals as original Flow.
FIJI Water Launches NEW Sports Cap Bottle FIJI Water EuroVita Corp. 3 is a CAFFEINE water infused with electrolytes and a high pH to keep you ENERGIZED and hydrated all day long! No Calories, No Carbs, No Taste.
evamor Naturally Alkaline Artesian Water - pH 8.8 to 9.1 evamor Products LLC
FIJI® Water, America’s No. 1 premium imported bottled water brand, recently unveiled its new 700mL Sports Cap bottle featuring a premium, slim and sleek design. The new Sports Cap bottle is now available in retail locations nationwide. The Sports Cap is perfect for active, on-the-move hydration and features a convenient and new flip-top cap, making it a great choice for naturally occurring electrolytes and for hydrating even the toughest workout. FIJI Water is bottled at the source in Fiji at an ancient artesian aquifer deep within the earth, where it is protected from external impurities. As tropical rain slowly filters through volcanic rock, it gathers the electrolytes and minerals that give FIJI Water its signature soft, smooth taste. It’s untouched by man until you flip open the cap. For the latest updates on FIJI Water, please visit fijiwater.com.
evamor water is an all-natural artesian water captured from a protected artesian aquifer deep in the heart of Louisiana. The naturally occurring mineral composition in this rare aquifer gives evamor its smooth, great taste and naturally high pH.
Oxigen™ water: Oxygen-enhanced to Replenish and Restore Formula Four Beverages (USA) Inc. Oxigen's fresh new look! By fusing two O2 molecules to create the O4 molecule, Oxigen water goes beyond hydration. With 100x more oxygen than regular water, it instantly replenishes your brain, body, & spirit. Who knew science could be so refreshing? Cleanse- Restore- Revitalize with Glim Water Glim Water We set out to develop innovative and special products that will give you an extra value and health benefits. We have three amazing products- Activated Charcoal water, Turmeric water, and Colloidal Silver water.
Premium functional wellness shots - organic Tulua Wellness Shots
Wild Tonic® Hard Jun-Kombucha. Kombucha Redefined™
Ginger Shots, Inc.
Good Omen Bottling, LLC
Wild Tonic® is transforming the beverage industry! A rare cousin of kombucha, our jun is fermented with exotic teas and honey, creating our signature smooth, subtle, and sophisticated beverage. Steeped in mystery and celebrated for its delicate effervescence, Wild Tonic® is brimming with naturally occurring prebiotics, probiotics, amino acids, and certified organic ingredients. From Blackberry Mint to Raspberry Goji Rose, Hoppy Buzz to Mango Ginger, we invite you to fall in Wild Love™ with one of our 14 varieties. Wild Tonic® Jun Kombucha is now available in 43+ states; Wild Tonic® Hard Jun Kombucha is available in 10+ states and rapidly growing! Where are we in your neighborhood? Check out our new website and map: www.wildtonic.com/find-us. Experience what Beverage Industry named one of 2017’s Hottest New Beverage Innovations. Watch for our 2018 releases, that will redefine the beverage industry as we know it and Join the Wild Tonic Revolution! Wild Tonic® and you. Beautiful inside and out. Wild Tonic®. Kombucha Redefined™.
Drink More Plants with Goldthread Plant Based Tonics
GT’s Living Foods
Grass Fed Coffee
Goldthread's plant-based tonics are micro-brewed with 14g of super herbs, adaptogens, spices and only 6g of sugar from maple syrup. These health enhancing tonics are expertly formulated to support key functions of your body and make you feel great.
Cold Brew Coffee, Grass-fed butter, and MCT Oil in a fully shelf stable ready-todrink package. 1 year shelf life. Comes in cases of 12. Already selling very well in Southern California Natural retailers and Convenient stores.
Good Idea Functional Sparkling Water Combats B.lood Sugar. Good Idea Inc. Naturally flavored sparkling water with a proven blend of five amino acids and chromium that helps the body handle the sugar spike and low after a meal. A perfect substitution for sugary drinks, available in lemonlime, orange-mango and dragon fruit.
A Slice of Summer: GT’s Watermelon Wonder Kombucha
idrink Launches a Smooth Tasting water utilizing Nanotechnology greenONE Holdings, Inc idrink is MORE thank just Water! We Nano size multivitamins and 72 Trace Minerals 1/1000 the size of a red blood cell. This means the efficacy of the vitamins and nutrients go directly into your bloodstream for quick absorption. We are a pH 9.0+
H2Om Water with Intention
Bubbles, Powerful Antioxidants at 0 Calories
H2Om International, Inc.
Harmless Harvest
HyVIDA Brands, Inc. HyVIDA is the World's First Hydrogen Infused Sparkling Water. 1,000+ medical studies support Hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant, and by infusing in sparkling water, HyVIDA brings functional benefits to the growing 0 calorie, sparkling category.
Premium Natural Spring Water. Berkeley Springs Gold Medal Winner! No Flavors or Additives. Perfect pH of 7.4. R-PET Eco-friendly bottles. Featured in TIME, WSJ, The Chopra Center, and a favorite of yoga & healthy lifestyle enthusiasts. Est. 2006 Hint® Fruit-Infused Water
Harmless Harvest Coconut Water: Pure Organic Hydration
ICONIC Protein Adds New Functional Flavors to RTD Lineup
Hint Inc.
ICONIC Protein
Hint® is water—just more delicious. Subtly infused with fruit essences, Hint’s delightful flavored waters are free of sugar and diet sweeteners. With more than 19 delicious flavors to choose from including blackberry, watermelon and pineapple.
ICONIC's new Coconut Matcha and Golden Milk flavors deliver 20g of premium grass-fed protein, combined with functional, globallysourced ingredients like matcha, coconut, turmeric, ginger and black pepper for natural recovery, energy and vitality.
H2OPS sparkling hop water
Hawaii Volcanic Naturally Alkaline Water is Life
Hawaii Volcanic Beverages
The Best Tasting and Highest Quality Kombucha You Can Buy
It’s Humm-ongous! Introducing the Humm 40oz bottle.
Health-Ade Kombucha
Humm Kombucha
Here’s some big news: Humm’s signature 14oz bottle – the one with the cool waves on the neck – just got a big buddy. The Humm-ongous new bottle is 40oz of raw kombucha, never made from concentrate, vegan, dairy-free and organic. It’s got 5.7 billion probiotic cultures and antioxidants that make a body happy, and it’s a verified non-alcoholic beverage. It’s the feel-good hit of the season! Handcrafted with love in beautiful Bend, Oregon, Humm is made for sharing, and it’s that much easier to share when you have a huge bottle! Humm’s 40oz bottles come in some of our most popular flavors, including Pomegranate Lemonade, Coconut Lime, Blueberry Mint, Mango Passionfruit and Hopped Grapefruit. The bottle also features an amazing illustration that’s full of fun details and cool hidden surprises. What will you do with 40oz of Humm? • Serve it up as an after school snack • Add it to a breakfast smoothie • Fill your canteen before a hike • Share with the whole family • Mix up a new cocktail • Hydrate after a workout • Bring the hippest nonalcoholic drink to the party HEYDAY Cold Brew - Cheers to Good Times
HFactor – Hydrogen Infused Water
HEYDAY Beverage Company
HyEdge Inc.
HFactor® is fueling the hydrogen-hydration movement right here in the U.S. Consumed regularly by many well-known professional athletes and championship teams as well as famous celebrities, HFactor® is THE drink to consume today. Our hydrogen-infused water is sourced in the USA, then goes under intense purification through reverse osmosis. As a last step, it is supplemented with free hydrogen to give it its amazing powers. Packaged in the Midwest in an eco-friendly pouch with a unique fitment that keeps hydrogen in, HFactor® delivers proven results. THE PROVEN POWER OF HYDROGEN Over 800 scientific and medical studies demonstrate the benefits of molecular hydrogen. Consuming hydrogen water (we recommend two 11-oz. pouches of HFactor a day, drank within 30 minutes of opening) can: • increase athletic performance • deliver powerful anti-oxidants, which can provide advantages like glowing skin, good moods or overall great health • reduce inflammation from exercise • …and so much more! A comprehensive list of studies can be found at molecularhydrogenstudies.com. NOT ALL HYDROGEN WATERS ARE CREATED – OR PACKAGED – EQUAL
Matcha LOVE® ITO EN (North America) INC.
JUST Water: Sustainably Packaged, Ethically Sourced JUST Water
Kona Deep
JUST is a better option. A carton is made from 82% renewable resources, meaning plants (trees in the paper, sugarcane in the cap). Can't say that about plastic. 100% NY spring water sourced through an fair, ethical partnership. 100% recyclable.
Kona Deep is deep ocean water sourced from a mineral and electrolyte rich deep ocean current, 3000 feet beneath the ocean surface, in Hawaii. Salt is removed while naturally occurring minerals and electrolytes are left for exceptional hydration.
Organic Cold-Brew Koffee brewed with Alkaline water
Taking a modern take on an ancient ritual, Matcha LOVE® celebrates the authentic taste and restorative powers of Japan’s famed green tea powder-matcha. Brewed with premium green tea, Matcha LOVE® offers the vitality of consuming the entire tea leaf with a natural energy boost and fresh umami taste. Authentically brewed with 100% pure matcha and whole leaf green tea, Matcha LOVE® is available in Organic Non-GMO unsweetened flavors with 350 mg of Catechin Tea Antioxidants and Vitamin C. With Traditional, Ginger and Vanilla flavors in BPA Free recyclable bottles and convenient no fuss cans, the innovative Matcha LOVE® leads the trend in all things Matcha. The award-winning line is not only healthy and delicious, but offers a pure Matcha experience without the traditional preparation of this revered green tea powder. Ceremonial and culinary matcha powder is also available for wholesale food service.
Deep Ocean Mineral and Electrolyte Water Now Available in 1.5L!
Vimin™ USDA Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Sipping Drinks
Koffee Reinvented
LiDestri Food & Drink
The first cold-brew koffee, brewed with alkaline water; aka Koffee Reinvented. It was reinvented into a stomach-friendly, krash-free & nonjittery experience. Organic. Sugar free. Zero calories. Dairy free. Gluten free. NonGMO. Super smooth!!!
Low cal ACV drink without the “vinegar” burn. Vimin™ is a riff on vim ‘n vigor - it offers vitality and a dash of moxie. Three amazing flavors with different “sipping" levels: honey peach, lemon ginger, cranberry cayenne. 2 tbsp of ACV in every jar.
TEAS’ TEA Organic
Carefully crafted, mushroom powered brain support in 5 tasty flavors.
ITO EN (North America) INC.
KOIOS Beverage Corp
After four years of intense labor, field testing, sales data, care, and a relentless pursuit to create the best tasting and natural nootropic beverage, we are proud to announce our new and improved line of RTD’s. One of the only available beverages to combine MCT Oil and Lion’s Mane Mushroom, KOIOS is now available in five different flavors. We included Lion’s Mane mushroom which has been shown to improve memory. We added our own proprietary emulsified MCT Oil, derived from coconuts. MCT Oil is one of the fastest sources of clean fuel for the body and brain. TEAS’ TEA Organic is a line of refreshingly delicious teas, brewed with simple, organic ingredients and bottled to yield a distinct clarity that draws out the natural taste of the tea leaf. Clean and vibrant, TEAS’ TEA Organic strives to create only the purest tea with a pristine, crisp finish. A light and invigorating alternative to sugary juices and soft drinks. TEAS’’ TEA Organic embodies the tradition of ancient tea making and meticulous brewing methods to craft its organic unsweetened and slightly sweet teas that enlighten the body and soul. Vegan, gluten-free, and free from artificial preservatives. 90 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
We added additional nootropics to our line to create an enhanced state of being without the use of harmful stimulants. Only 20 calories per can and 60mgs of caffeine. All natural. No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. All inquiries to info@koiosbeveragecorp.com
THE Functional Beverage Company - A Better Way to Drink
A refreshingly different kind of drink. So good. So good for you!
LIFEAID Beverage Co.
Matchaah, Inc.
NEW Lightly Caffeinated Sparkling Water - Zero Calories, Zero Sugar!
Organic, uniquely infused real juice lemonades: Five delicious Flavors
A social good lemonade company with 4 refreshing flavors.
Limitless Coffee & Tea
Lori's Original Lemonade
Me & the Bees Lemonade
Finally, a product to help kick your diet soda addiction. Not just another sparkling water, we harvest clean caffeine direct from green coffee beans and infuse it along with unique flavors. Zero calories, zero sugar and no artificial ingredients!
Ginger Lemonade, sweet and spicy, organic lemon juice, organic cane sugar and organic ginger, sofi Silver Award 2018 Specialty Food Association Cold Beverage.
A honey sweetened lemonade started by 4 year old, now 13, entrepreneur from Austin, TX. Mikaila, an ABC Shark Tank alum, is passionate about saving the honey bees and donates 10% of profits to organizations saving the bees. Distributed Nat'l by UNFI
Living Juice - Organic and Never Watered Down!
MATI: Functional refreshment from natural VIBE Organic Electrolyte Black Teas ingredients 500mL Tetra Pak in four flavors
Living Juice by O2 Living Living Juice is the best organic, coldpressed fruit and vegetable juice that is never watered down! With no added sugars, preservatives or water, Living Juice's five flavors are as nutritious as they are delicious.
Gaiam Organic Green Tea with Natural Electrolytes – 500mL Tetra Pak Mindfull Inc. Naturally-caffeinated organic green teas containing 2g sugar and artesian spring water with natural electrolytes. Lemon, Mint, Pomegranate or Hibiscus. Hydration and energy in nonBPA packaging…a supportive companion for every step of your journey. Sparkling Apple Cider Vinegar Beverage 10-15 Calories/Bottle
MATI Energy
Mindfull Inc.
Mother Beverage
MATI is a healthy blend of craft brewed guayusa and fruit juices that keeps you fueled and focused to seize the day. Our clean label drinks are crafted from high-quality, natural ingredients without added sugars to provide sustained energy.
A smarter take on the black tea you already love. Vibrant organic black teas in Lemon, Mint, Pomegranate and Peach contain 1g sugar, natural electrolytes from artesian spring water, natural caffeine and smarter packaging… refreshment with benefits.
The best tasting apple cider vinegar beverage...PERIOD! Mother Beverage is an all natural, sparkling probitoic drink, made with organic fruits, herbs, and ACV. They are light, crisp, refreshing, and only have 2-4 grams of sugar per bottle.
Mixwell Mixers, LA’s best kept secret now with organic ingredients
Mother Kombucha - Taste What Kombucha Can Be!
Mixwell Beverages
Mother Kombucha
Mixwell is a line of premium sodas for mixing. It’s inspired and crafted in Los Angeles by local bartender and mixologist Billy Ray, made for the next generation of artisan spirit lovers. Mixwell comes in 4 SKU’s. 1. Mixwell Young Ginger Ale, a true ginger ale with the bold character of a ginger beer. Spicy young ginger brings power while Thai basil and lemongrass provide a clean finish. 2. Mixwell Dandelion Tonic Water, a modern twist on a classic for the new generation of tonic drinkers. Cardamon and quinine are balanced by a feminine addition of Hollywood Hills dandelion. 3. Mixwell Mojave Grapefruit Soda, a grapefruit soda inspired by the diverse terrain of Los Angeles. Mojave cactus adds a light vegetal note to the grapefruit to create a mixer balanced with finishing salt from the Pacific Ocean and organic agave to perfectly complement any Paloma. 4. Mixwell Sparkling Soda Water, a soda water as refreshing in its impression and simplicity as it is complex in its make-up and development. The perfect balance of minerals and carbonation gives the palette a lively, crisp and clean finish. Mixwell is available in bars and restaurants throughout California and in selected bars and hotels in Nevada. Also: All Target Stores and Total Wine Stores in both states. Please call us to arrange a tasting.
Yes we can. A great canned product starts with a trusted partner to help every step of the way with custom formulation, securing ingredients, and developing containers and packaging.
DFA CAN DO ALL THAT AND MORE. See how we can help with every step of your product’s journey from concept to product.
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MOTHER Switchel - sweetened only with organic honey
"Bubbles With Benefits" - Probiotic Soda 4 Certified Organic Flavors
Mother Kombucha
Obi Soda
A sparkling apple cider vinegar and ginger elixir sweetened only with organic honey. America's original functional beverage, Switchel is great for recovery, as a mixer or soda replacement . One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 72 cal per bottle.
Obi Probiotic Soda - A delicious low-calorie and low-sugar probiotic soda. Each delicious bottle of Obi is USDA Certified Organic and contains billions of probiotics that support digestive and immune health.
First USDA Organic Wild Rosehip Beverage in the USA - NADI
New Obrigado Coconut Water with Mango & Acerola - 7x DV of Vitamin C
NADI - Social Venture
NADI, USDA Organic Wild Rosehip Bev. Each 10-ounce bottle has just 9 calories and provides 135% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C (81mg). We never add sugar, preservatives or artificial flavorings or colors to NADI. Product of Georgia.
Obrigado 100% Coconut Water with Mango & Acerola. This refreshing, exotic fruit blend from Brazil has 7x the daily value of vitamin C, all 5 electrolytes, and is a good source of potassium. Never from concentrate, it's a difference you can taste.
NatureWise Organic Ashwagandha Energy Drinks
Finally, a plant-based protein shake you can actually enjoy
Organic Valley
The new Organic Valley Breakfast Balance milk protein shake is perfect for a grab-and-go breakfast and is available in Dark Chocolate and Vanilla Bean flavors. And to top it off, this healthy and delicious shake has 30 percent less sugar than before! Breakfast Balance does not contain unnecessary additives you can’t pronounce, artificial flavorings or sweeteners, GMOs, antibiotics, pesticides or herbicides. It’s also lactose-free! It does deliver 16 grams of clean, organic milk protein and is an excellent source of calcium, with vitamin D for enhanced calcium absorption. Plus, it’s packed with naturally occurring carbohydrates and essential nutrients from a simple list of organic and fair trade ingredients. All this in convenient grab-and-go packaging means it goes anywhere, any time. The protein in Breakfast Balance occurs naturally in organic milk from pasture-raised cows on Organic Valley family farms, not from chalky protein powder. Make no mistake about today’s consumers: they support brands they recognize and trust, and they go to great lengths to vet them. Organic Valley delivers on meeting consumer expectations by delivering nutritious and delicious products. Consumers pay more for organic when it supports their values on every level, especially when it tastes this good!
Pervida: Great tasting, Revolutionary & Innovative Functional Beverage for Gut Health Pervida
OWYN - Only What You Need
Refreshingly natural energy drinks with a shot of ashwagandha to enhance focus, reduce stress, and improve mood. Citrus Matcha, Berry Guayusa, Tropical White Tea, Cherry Lime Rooibos, or Lemon Black Tea.
NOOMA: Organic, simple ingredient sports drinks.
Organic Valley Breakfast Balance - Healthy and Delicious for On-The-Go
100% plant-based protein shakes with unbeatable taste, superior nutrition, and the cleanest nutrient profile. 20G of complete protein in each bottle. 100% certified vegan and free from the top 8 allergens...sorry allergen lovers. Petal Sparkling Botanicals - Stop and Sip the Roses, Organic, 0 Sugar!
Petal Beverage, LLC
Now at Whole Foods nationwide. We use simple, electrolyte packed ingredients to make a better sports drink. Organic, vegan, paleo & a B-Corp. 30 calories and no added sugar. 4 great flavors: Watermelon Lime, Mango, Chocolate Mint and Blueberry Peach.
Taste the power of Petal, the most exciting Sparkling Botanical Blends on the natural horizon. Organic certified— made with no sugar, no caffeine —this better-for-you rose water beverage is available in Original Rose, Mint Rose and Lychee Rose.
Subtle. Refreshing. Great Tasting. Award-Winning Pervida is the only all-natural beverage company that utilizes patented functional ingredients that are scientifically proven to promote gut health. Pervida’s flagship product, Pervida Immune for gut health, utilizes pomegranate seed oil, rich in punicic acid, for gut and immune health. It takes 500 pounds of fresh pomegranates to produce just one pound of cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil, but it only takes two cans of Pervida Immune a day to provide the optimal gut health benefits. Zero calories. Zero Sugar. Zero artificial flavors, gluten-free and all-natural. Each can of Pervida Immune for gut health is a blend of pomegranate seed oil, small batch craft fruit essences, antioxidants, vitamins and triple-filtered sparkling water. It provides that perfect balance of hydration, subtle flavor, and refreshment. Pervida Immune for gut health is a category innovator in the functional beverage space, and the first functional beverage in the market that not only tastes delicious, but is developed with patented technology. Visit us on social media: @PervidaHealth or visit www.pervida.com.
Picnik - First to Market Butter Coffee Creamer Now Available
Natural Skus Growing for America's #1 Protein Wate
Picnik's creamer is made with grass-fed butter, grass-fed whey protein and MCT oil. Picnik now has 5 RTD coffees: Extra Bold, Vanilla Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha Latte & Dirty Chai. Our Golden Milk Matcha is a brand new vegan SKU made with coconut cream
Protein2o, the #1 protein water in the U.S., recently launched 4 new flavors, which are naturally sweetened. Bottles contain 10g whey protein isolate and 60 cals. Skus have been picked up by Safeway-Alb., Roundy's (Kroger) and this fall, Publix.
New Sparkling Craft Cocktail Mixers Powell & Mahoney
Everything you need is already inside Powerful Foods, LLC Powerful Drink fuels your active lifestyle with 20G of protein, great flavor and natural ingredients. The only high-protein drink with a Greek yogurt base, in vanilla maple, chocolate and double espresso mocha -with caffeine to boost your day.
Wonder Drink Prebiotic Kombucha - Food for Live Probiotics Pure Steeps Beverage Wonder Drink Prebiotic Kombucha is the first and only kombucha that contains a certified organic plant-based prebiotic fiber called Xylo-oligosaccharides, which helps feed naturally occurring probiotic bacteria in the gut to promote digestive health.
Discover how our tea ingredients can transform your products Visit treatt.com or follow us @treattworld 95
Fruit & Vegetable blends that are one of a kind
Shade Tree Organic Lemonade ‌ Simple. Classic. Organic.
Ralph & Charlie's Juice
Shade Tree Beverage Co, LLC
Ralph & Charlie's Juice is available in 10 delicious flavors. We offer 6 flavors that are carrot base to promote a healthier lifestyle. RC Juice drinks has variety of different fruits and vegetables in 18oz glass bottle. Distribution is available.
You have a choice! Shade Tree Beverage Co. gives your healthconscious a break by providing you with a deliciously refreshing organic lemonade that is low in calories and sugar! Simple. Classic. Organic. Life is yours ~ Squeeze it!
Live from Sonoma County, CA
The Original Som Sleep Formula Som Sleep
'Sleep in a blue can' is what Sports Illustrated called Som Sleep. Som is Drug Free, Non-Habit Forming, Low Calorie, Gluten Free, No Artificial Flavors or Colors, Dairy Free, Vegan, Preservative Free, Non-GMO and NSF Certified.
Sprig is thrilled to introduce its line of four CBD-infused sparkling sodas, available now in 12oz cans! Each is an all-natural, lightlysweetened drink infused w/ 20mg of CBD derived from premium hemp. Be at the forefront of this massive trend!
Sportwater 330, with 5x times the electrolytes of other waters
Revive Kombucha
SPRIG - The Delicious, Refreshing, CBDInfused Sparkling Drink!
Sparkling Ice Ginger Lime--Our Newest Fizzy Flavor!
Sportwater Beverages, LLC
Talking Rain Beverage Co.
More than just another water. 330 mg of electrolytes 5x more than other bottled water. Electrolyte blend of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, helps a body perform at its best and helps speed up recovery. NO SODIUM NO SUGAR NO CALORIES 8+ PH
Ginger Lime is the newest addition to the Sparkling Ice brand portfolio, which delivers a refreshing ginger flavor that is perfectly balanced with just the right amount of fizz. If you want to put a little sparkle in your sip, look no further.
CERES ORGANIC 100% Pure Fruit Juices available in 5 delicious flavors Stanmar International INC.
Oddly delightful, RISE Kombucha tastes as awesome at it makes you feel
Best in Glass
RISE Kombucha
Canada's leading kombucha is now ready for the world. Organic, raw, nonGMO, vegan and 100% natural - RISE is authentically crafted to preserve all health benefits and with its uniquely delicious blends and flavor pairings, RISE is craved by all.
Organic beverages that are good for you and for the planet! Cold Crafted from the finest organic ingredients & superfoods then Light Filtered for ultimate freshness without high pressure pasteurization, petroleum plastic bottles or preservatives.
Steaz; Good for the mind, body and soul.
Steaz – Healthy Beverage LLC
New CHILLED Coconut Waters
Taste Nirvana Int’l Inc.
Naturally Fermented Probiotic Kefir Water Teas
Maple Guild Teas
The Living Apothecary
The Maple Guild
tapt Infused Tree Water
New Flavors Naturally Sweetened With Stevia
The Maple Guild
Trimino Brands LLC
True Nopal Cactus Water is all natural with no added sugar
Whistler Water: 100% Pure Canadian Glacial Artesian Water Whistler Water
True Nopal Ventures LLC Made with the fruit of the prickly pear cactus. True Nopal Cactus Water has less than half the calories & sugar as coconut water. Providing electrolytes, potassium, magnesium & antioxidants with a light refreshing fruit taste. Ultima Replenisher - electrolytes, pure + simple Ultima Health Products, Inc. Ultima combines all 6 balanced electrolytes plus support minerals for rapid hydration. Ultima contains zero sugar or calories and is made with nothing artificial and is Gluten-Free, Keto, Non-GMO, Vegan.
Verday Chlorophyll Water is Plant Powered Hydration
Whistler Glacier Artesian Water originates in ancient glaciers located high in the alpine peaks of the Coast Mountains just north of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. It travels through layers of granite rock before it’s collected from a protected underground aquifer. This natural process creates Whistler Water’s perfectly balanced mineral composition and provides one of the lowest TDS counts on the market. The eye-catching Whistler Water mountain bottle design reflects the unique source of the water. The peaks and valleys symbolize the rugged Coast Mountain glaciers that feed Whistler Water’s aquifer. The true glacier-blue color of the bottle mirrors the color of these untouched pristine glaciers. Falling snow constantly replenishes the Whistler Water glaciers while they are nourished by the highly oxygenated air from the lush forests abundant in the Coast Mountain area. Whistler Water has been a leading manufacturer and supplier of premium bottled glacial artesian water for over 25 years. Contained in 100% recyclable BPA-free packaging, the water in the bottle is as pure and pristine as the water in the glacier. Now available in the USA in 16.9oz., 33.8oz. Sport Cap, 50.7oz. and 135.3oz. bottles. MORE THAN JUST TEA, WICKED LEKKER SUPERFOOD TEAS with MORINGA
Verday Chlorophyll Water
Available in Watermelon, Coconut, Lemongrass Ginger & Cucumber, Verday has 0 Calories, 0 Diet Sweeteners, 0 Preservatives & is nonGMO, Vegan & Gluten Free. We pack every bottle with 100mg of Chlorophyll - more antioxidants than 2 shots of wheatgrass
Organic, Kosher, Functional, Caffeine Free, Energizing, Immune Boosting, Detoxify, and Delicious. South African ROOIBOS TEA and MORINGA packaged in a ready-to-drink 14 oz. glass bottle. Focused Energy & Wellness with a mission to save elephants.
VUKA Sparkling Energy Drinks
JACOB'S RAW Probiotic Cultured Tonic Shots - Super functional! Zukay Live Foods The only raw, traditionally fermented, naturally probiotic and long shelf life 2 oz shots! Packed in glass, 4 super functional SKU's: Turmeric Ginger RECOVER, Beet Ginger BOOST, Pure Goodness GREENS, Immuni Root BALANCE. All organic, raw, probiotic!
Zenify Natural Stress Relief - Non-GMO Project Verified
Vuka Brands
COMING SOON! New flavors, new SKU's, new Vuka deliciousness! Our great original line still provides Vuka fans with energy and function through Workout, Think and Renew - soon to be boosted by a whole new array of delicious flavors and energy!
Zenify is the leader amongst stress relief beverages, it is Non-GMO, Gluten Free and caffeine free. Zenify also comes in a Zero Sugar formula, both of which contain 350mg of both GABA and L-theanine; the main stress reducing ingredient in green tea.
Tea, Coffee & Specialty items A. Holliday & Company Inc.
Agropur–Contract Manufacturing Agropur Ingredients
Functional Beverages, Organic Allen Flavors, Inc.
Contract Manufacturing AZPack
For over 43 years, we've traveled the world to connect people with the finest products. At A. Holliday & Company, we source, test, and ship every product we carry. We supply bulk tea variety’s (extracts & leaf), coffees (extracts), antioxidants, herbal & superfruit extracts, natural caffeine, polyphenols, EGCG, Rooibos, coconut water powder, and our newest product, oil soluble tea polyphenols.
Agropur Ingredients is a global leader supplying the food, beverage & nutritional industries with superior quality contract manufacturing services and innovative functional ingredients. Whether your objective is to streamline production processes, improve texture, increase shelf-life, enhance nutrition, boost output, balance cost, or achieve better sensory perception - we have a solution for you.
Allen Flavors provides innovative product development services and exemplary customer services ensuring your ingredients arrive safely and on time, every time. Our R&D team never stops developing new functional concepts for sports, tea, dairy, meal replacements and health and wellness beverages. Ask about our custom flavor creation team and our organic, non-GMO flavors and extracts.
AZPack is one of the fastest growing co-packers in the country. We offer tolling and turnkey solutions in cans, bottles & powders. Our team of dedicated & professional staff are focused on delivering the highest quality products to our customers. Capable of producing cold fill, hot fill & tunnel pasteurized products with onsite lab services. Visit our website to find out what we can do for you.
Flavor Manufacturer Abelei Flavors
Scientific & Regulatory AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc.
Organic Functional Ingredients
As a flavor manufacturer abelei creates delicious, application-specific flavors assisting our clients in getting to market faster with flavorings that fit their product requirements. abelei specializes in creating great-tasting sweet brown, citrus fruit, soft fruit and other top-note flavors perfect for beverages, dairy, confectionery, bakery, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceutical applications.
AIBMR is a scientific & regulatory consulting firm founded in 1978. AIBMR offers consulting to the natural products industries, such as: toxicology studies; GRAS Self-determinations; FDA GRAS Notifications (for foods); FDA NDI Notifications (for dietary supplements); label reviews; claims substantiation; FDA and FTC compliance, manuscript preparation and publication, and more.
Applied Food Sciences (AFS) is the leader in innovation for functional, organic ingredients in the natural products industry. Quality is transparent from seed to label through organic farming, ethical sourcing, and sustainability. AFS cares about every stakeholder from rural farmers to the largest companies in the world.
Innovative Beverage Solutions ADM
Applied Food Sciences (AFS)
With the newly opened innovation center AFS develops novel, natural and organic ingredients that are highly scientifically qualified, water soluble, sustainably and ethically sourced, Non-GMO and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe – an FDA requirement for U.S. beverages). Highlights of AFS’ Portfolio: PurCaf® Organic Caffeine • 95% Caffeine • USDA Organic • Non-GMO Project Verified • Fully Water-Soluble PurGinger™ Organic Ginger Extract • Excellent Ginger Flavor for Beverages • Fully water soluble • Saves Time and Cost in Formulation PurTurmeric™ Organic Turmeric Extract • Fully Water-Soluble • Excellent for Adding Turmeric Flavor and Health Benefits To Your Beverage • Sustainably Sourced PurC™ Organic Vitamin C • 25% Vitamin C • Fully Water-Soluble • Functional Flavor and Organic Preservative AMATEA™ Organic Guayusa Extract • A Novel Caffeine Source • 20% Caffeine • 30% Chlorogenic Acids
As your trusted advisor, ADM helps you take your next great beverage idea from concept to commercialization supported by an unrivaled portfolio of on-trend ingredients, systems, technologies and technical know-how. Call to discuss how ADM can help you get to market faster with beverages consumers love while meeting your stringent taste, cost, nutrition, labeling and quality standards. 844-441-FOOD food@adm.com
Highest Throughput HPP Machine Avure HPP Technologies - JBT
Connecting Nutrition & Health BENEO Inc.
With more than 60 years of experience and expertise in HPP science and manufacturing, AVURE specializes in HPP systems for beverage processing with the fastest and most reliable systems in the industry. AVURE helps producers implement HPP from recipe development and process validations to packaging, installation, regulatory affairs, and post-installation support.
From isotonic sports drinks to fizzy water and soft drinks,… Palatinose™ (isomaltulose) opens the door to nutritionally optimised and highly stable beverages. It has a low hygroscopicity and high acid and process stability. From a health perspective, it supports blood sugar management and keeps you going thanks to being a fully digestible and more slowly released source of carbohydrates.
Plant Protein Manufacturing
Healthier Ingredients
Axiom Foods
Bioenergy Life Science, Inc.
Innovating plant protein manufacturing since 2005 & recently receiving The New Economy’s Clean Tech Food & Beverage Award, Axiom is the world’s first & largest manufacturer/distributor, starting with its signature Oryzatein® brown rice protein. Perfecting its patent-pending hexane-free processes, Axiom expanded into pea protein, including the largest authentically organic supply, sacha inchi & now hemp. With more plant proteins, milks and factories in the pipeline, this California-based company has been known for the largest commercial supplies — doubling almost year over year, the only GRAS certification, an extensive Quality & Heavy Metals Management Program, and the only third-party research showing Oryzatein rice protein is as good as whey at building muscles & aiding exercise recovery.
Creating innovative ingredients for healthier living is the mission of Bioenergy Life Science (BLS). We develop scientifically proven, branded, all natural, and pure ingredients that help people feel, perform, and look better. Our core technology lies in the development of the multi-functional molecule D-Ribose, making us best known for the only patented and FDA GRAS-certified Ribose on the market, Bioenergy Ribose®. We use that core technology and experience to develop other clinically tested ingredients that support digestive health, weight management, anti-aging, heart health and many other health-enhancing benefits. We sell in bulk to businesses who manufacturer or formulate functional foods and beverages, dietary supplements, sports nutrition products, cosmetics, and animal nutrition.
Do More Than Outsource
Bulk Fruit/Veg Ingredients
Brothers International Food Co.
BevSource is an integrated provider of beverage development, production, sourcing, and logistics solutions to new and established beverage visionaries. Our goal is to make your beverage vision a reality more efficiently, effectively, and successfully than you ever dreamed possible. Bringing your beverage idea to life requires hundreds of interconnected data points and decisions. The right formula with the right manufacturer in the right package with the right paperwork. BevSource helps you see the big picture – from your initial vision to the finished product, and every single operational step in between. Then while we manage the daily details of developing, producing, delivering, and managing your beverage operations, you’ll have more time to build your brand, business, & customer base. We’re not just advisors that point you in the right direction and hope for the best. We are beverage industry navigators who collaborate with clients to build a custom operational strategy for your beverage, identify a unique mix of services and vendors to support it, then execute on the plan. We make it happen. Visit www.bevsource.com today to find out more!
Organic & Non-GMO Ingredients Ciranda, Inc.
Trade Finance and Logistics Express Trade Capital, Inc.
Flavor Designers Foodarom
Berlin Packaging supplies glass, plastic, and metal containers and closures. We offer a wide array of packaging for beverage companies along with design, financing, consulting, and warehousing services. From simple plastic caps to high-end glass bottles and more -- we deliver excellent value and promote real results for companies of all sizes. We exist to help companies be Greater, Faster.
Ciranda supplies brands and manufacturers with the highest quality Organic, Non-GMO and Fair Trade ingredients. Products include tapioca, rice and agave syrup; tapioca syrup solids and maltodextrin; honey; crystalline grape dextrose and fructose; fluid and powdered coconut milk; cocoa and chocolate; oils, prebiotic inulin fiber; functional starches and lecithin. Now employee owned!
At Express, we ensure that our clients never turn down a purchase order due to lack of capital. We offer production funding to purchase raw materials & fulfill orders. We also offer back-end support from logistics to collections to credit insurance, all without sacrificing equity. Through our dedicated eco-financing department, we specialize in working with natural food/beverage producers.
We personalize flavors to meet your needs and create flavor profiles that help your products to stand out above the rest. Our experienced team knows the functional beverage market well and understands the impact your active ingredients have on taste. Our flavor development capabilities will help you stay ahead of the competition. WE CREATE FLAVORS THAT MAKE YOUR BRAND UNFORGETTABLE.
Turnkey Beverage Services Big Brands, LLC
Real. Smart. Logistics. Coyote Logistics
Tea & Coffee Extracts Finlays
Decorative Label Solutions Fort Dearborn Company
We can turnkey develop and manufacture all types of beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, in aluminum cans, PET bottles, glass bottles, and flexible packaging. If you are looking for a one stop shop to take your beverage concept and create a finished product, delivered to your warehouse, look no further! We can supply all ingredients, materials, manufacturing, and delivery.
Headquartered in Chicago, Coyote Logistics LLC, a UPS company, is a leading third-party logistics service provider in North America. Coyote provides truckload, less-than-truckload, intermodal, air, and ocean brokerage services, and transportation management services to more than 14,000 shippers of various sizes and industries. We believe in a "No Excuses" commitment to shippers and carriers.
Finlays is your ideal partner, delivering highquality extracts for creating versatile coffee and tea beverages in an easy, convenient and consistent manner. Through an established history of coffee and tea expertise with a focus on innovation, Finlays can help your brand develop unique beverages with great flavor, in a variety of formats suitable for food service and ready-todrink products.
We’ve got you covered. Fort Dearborn Company offers shrink sleeve, stretch sleeve, pressure sensitive, roll-fed, and cut & stack labels and promotional printing in a variety of substrates, inks and finishing options to support your beverage brand building objectives. We service brands large and small. Contact us today to discuss your application.
A Different Approach to Labels Brightfish Label
Co-Pack and Co-Manufacturing CraftPack Beverage, LLC
Coconut Ingredient Products Franklin Baker, Inc.
At Brightfish Label, our state-of-the-art digital printing equipment produces consistent, top quality labels to best represent your brand. We've been leaders in digital label printing since 2008, and offer personal service, fast turnaround times, and extensive material versatility to cater to your beverage application needs. Give us a call to see how we can help with your next project.
An 81,000 sq. ft. co-packaging and comanufacturing facility in Baltimore, MD for small-batch to scaling artisanal beverages. We offer on-site canning services for various can sizes and formats, as well as cold chain storage, cold sterilization, and pasteurization. Can produce coffees, teas, and CSDs, carbonated and still. TTB approved for wines, spirits and malt-based beverages.
You have a vision for a new natural or organic drink! Do you have a partner to help you make a delicious winner for today’s clean-label marketplace? Come to Flavorman, where our Beverage Architects have been developing naturally tasty drinks for decades. Visit our site today and sign up for a free, confidential consultation. Flavorman - Changing what the world is drinking for 26 years & counting.
Franklin Baker, Inc. is the premier supplier of coconut ingredients to the global beverage and food market for over 125 years. We offer an extensive portfolio of products including: Coconut Water Single Strength/Concentrate, Coconut Milk/ Cream, Creamed Coconut, Coconut Concentrate, & other products. We are USDA Organic, Fair Trade, Non-GMO Project Verified, Kosher, & BRC certified among others.
Kick Caffeine to the Curb Chemi Nutra
Flavors & Ingredients Doehler
Flavor and Taste Solutions FONA International
Branding and Packaging Design Gammon Ragonesi Associates
AlphaSize® Alpha-GPC is a powerful ingredient that boosts mental energy and physical performance while avoiding the negatives associated with caffeine. In addition, AlphaSize® is stable, tasteless, and completely water soluble in any beverage.
Doehler is a global producer, marketer & provider of natural ingredients, ingredient systems & integrated solutions for the food & beverage industry. Our global sourcing network, comprehensive application expertise & vast processing capabilities deliver endless solutions. WE BRING IDEAS TO LIFE.
FONA creates and produces flavors for food and beverage companies throughout the world. FONA prides itself on a high-tech, high-touch vision — helping customers grow through both cutting-edge technology and personal customer service. FONA offers flavor solutions for a range of markets from its state-of-the-art, 33-acre campus in Geneva, Illinois.
GRA is a branding and packaging design agency specializing in food and beverage. We’ve been creating brand stories that resonate, brand communication that engages and packaging that motivates for over 30 years! We LIVE innovation, brand positioning and packaging design. Our team of creative strategists, designers, and digital gurus in NYC and LA are true CPG brand development experts.
The Probiotic That Delivers GanedenBC30
Natural Color Solutions GNT USA Inc.
All-Natural Sweetening Systems Icon Foods
Cold Brew Master Extractors Javo Beverage Company
GanedenBC30® (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) is a spore-forming, patented probiotic ingredient that can be formulated into many food and beverage products. Backed by 25+ published papers, GanedenBC30 has an exceptional safety record with FDA GRAS status. Part of Kerry’s nutrition and wellness portfolio, GanedenBC30 is natural, vegan, Non-GMO Project verified, organic compliant and allergen-free.
GNT is the world leader in clean-label coloring solutions made exclusively from fruits and vegetables. Our brand of EXBERRY® colors bring vibrancy and stability to any beverage application — from sports drinks and juices to sodas and hard ciders — and may be listed on ingredient labels simply as Fruit and Vegetable Juice (for color). Contact us for more information.
Established in 1999, Icon Foods is a global ingredient supplier with a focus on allnatural, high-intensity sweetening blends for manufacturers. Allulose, erythritol, monk fruit, stevia and more are available in conventional and organic, in bulk or pre-blended for added cost savings. Icon Foods is your Clean Label Sugar Reduction partner, offering reformulation and R&D assistance.
Founded in 2001, Javo is a cold-brew extraction company that uses a proprietary process to produce fresh, clean-labeled coffee, tea and botanical extracts for the food and beverage industry. Our Master Extractors use pure ingredients to craft products for global and emerging brands. Our team is dedicated, delivering the highest quality of extracts for your finished application.
Nature Supplies, We Deliver Global Essence Inc.
Advanced Beverage Formulas Hidell International
Sales and Marketing Solutions
Ensure your products’ success with the innovative touch of Global Essence! A leading supplier of premium-quality ingredients to the flavor, fragrance, consumer products, food, beverage and allied industries. Decades of hands-on experience help us satisfy our customer’s unique flavor and fragrance needs.
The company creates innovative nutritional formulations for the bottled water industry. These formulations are water neutral in that they have no color, taste or odor. They are pleasing to the palette and yet offer highly efficacious micronutrients for human consumption. The effort is to provide healthy hydration to bottled water consumers. The company has six international patents on file.
Impact Group
Cold-Pressed Juice Equipment Goodnature Products, Inc.
Custom Beverage Development Int'l Beverage Management
Shrink Sleeved Cans Lucky Clover Packaging
We offer custom, innovative beverage development in all areas of the beverage arena - functional, tea, energy, sparkling, cocktail mixers, supplements and powdered. Our team has over 100 years of industry experience, and our family owned company will make your venture our priority!
A one-stop shop for shrink sleeved aluminum cans, crowlers, Paktech handles, brite cans, and ends in all sizes. With locations in Baltimore and Sacramento, we allow beverage producers across North America to avoid large order minimums from manufacturers and package their beverage for retail in the most cost-effective way.
Culinary Bulk Matcha ITO EN (North America) INC.
MATCHA, the finely milled green tea powder revered for its antioxidants & natural energy boost, is a trend forward ingredient for healthy beverages, baking and cooking products. 100% Authentic Matcha from Japan. Bulk available for food service.
Teas, Botanicals and Extracts Martin Bauer Inc.
Turn-Key Product Development MetaBrand
The Martin Bauer Group is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of tea & botanical extracts and raw materials for the food & beverage and nutritional supplements industries. Supplying off-the-shelf ingredients and tailormade products for your requirements. Safe, high quality products you can trust.
MetaBrand is a world class team of experts which helps you create, launch, or grow your food, beverage, supplement, or personal care brand. We provide strategic planning, market analysis, branding/design, product formulation and development, internal and outsourced operations and manufacturing, and sales and marketing execution. In house MICRO-PACKING for short runs and vendor samples.
Branding & Packaging Design McLean Design
Trust the monk. MONK FRUIT CORP.
McLean Design has been creating winning beverage packaging and brand strategies for over twenty-five years. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, we specialize in brand strategy, naming, packaging design, and structure design.
As the world's leading monk fruit company, we produce the majority of the global monk fruit extract supply, and have the best quality and widest range of monk fruit products on the market - juices, flavors & sweetening ingredients. We'll help you innovate or re-create great-tasting products, with less sugar and fewer calories, all from the goodness of fruit. Looking for monk fruit? Trust the monk.
Caffeine To The Curb.
Screen Printed Labels Monvera Glass Décor
Creative Packaging Solutions ProAmpac
Your label has a powerful influence on buying behavior. Monvera provides unique bottle decoration options. We specialize in screen printed labels on glass, with both ceramic and uv ink options available. Whether you want to refresh a current brand or launch a new one, screen printed labels will make your bottle stand out. It's your alternative to paper labels.
ProAmpac has a strategic geographic footprint and enhanced product offerings unparalleled in the industry. ProAmpac is a global flexible packaging company whose capabilities include adhesive and extrusion lamination, pouching, bag converting and a broad range of flexographic, rotogravure and offset writing solutions for the food, pet food, medical, security, industrial and retail markets.
Flavor Manufacturer Mother Murphy’s Laboratories
Mother Murphy’s is a full service manufacturer dedicated to supporting customer needs through quality and flavor innovation. At Mother Murphy’s we specialize in flavor and prototype development for the snack and beverage industries. We make the world taste better!
Nor-Cal Beverage Company, Inc. is a full-service Contract Manufacturer with two strategically located production facilities in the state of California. Both of our locations offer a variety of production capabilities as well as possess GFSI, GMP, Kosher, & Organic certifications. We also offer finished good warehouse and distribution service centers that are positioned to supply your West Coast fulfillment needs. Nor-Cal Beverage has been family owned and operated since 1937 and proud to be a Certified Women’s Owned Business. Anaheim Facility Offers the Following: • Krones 100 valve volumetric filler can line (12oz – 24oz) • Tunnel Pasteurized Still and Carbonated • Cold Fill Carbonated • Hot Fill Still (HTST) • 8.4oz Filling Capabilities TBA! • Two Hot Fill Single Serve PET Bottle Lines (12oz – 32oz) • Hot Fill Multi-Serve PET Bottle Line (64oz -128oz) • Chilled Gable Top Line (59oz-64oz) • 2 ESL 59/64oz Fillers • Chilled HDPE & PET Bottle Line (89oz-128oz) • Transportation/Shuttling Svcs w/ Drop-Trailer Capabilities • Certified DOT Public Truck Scales • Warehouse Storage West Sacramento Facility Offers the Following: • Cold Fill Carbonated Can Line (12oz – 16oz) • Hot Fill Can Line (12oz – 16oz) • Hot Fill Can Line (24oz) Dedicated • Hot Fill Single Serve PET and Glass Bottle Line (12oz - 32oz) • TetraPak Aseptic Lines • Warehouse Storage • Offline Repack Services • Transportation/Shuttling Svcs NOT YOUR TYPICAL LABEL COMPANY Overnight Labels, Inc.
Ideal Flax for Beverages Pizzey Ingredients
Beverage & Food Development PTM Food Consulting
Pizzey Ingredients’ BevPur™ Flax enhances beverages with the nutritional benefits of flaxseed while providing a smooth and rich texture. BevPur™ has a guaranteed shelf life of two years and is available in organic and conventional varieties (both are non-GMO, pesticide-free and gluten-free). BevPur™ is ideal for plant milk, smoothies, meal replacement shakes, and other nutritious beverages.
PTM Food Consulting is your premier product development & manufacturing support firm. Our wide range of expertise, development and creativity achieves an exciting point of difference between your product and competitors. We work hard to uncover key industry insights, developing products that have a competitive edge. Whether your project is simple or a complex one, we’re your team!
Bottles By Sailor Plastics Sailor Plastics
Organic Bulk Ingredients Tradin Organic USA
We manufacture over 300 variations of stock PET bottles. We can have your new product idea or business concept up and running in no time. Add our custom labels to match our bottles and you have a winning combination to boost or launch your brand. We sell by the case or by the truckload. Custom designs available. Visit our website or call us.
Tradin is a leading manufacturer, importer/ exporter of certified organic ingredients. Some of our ingredients include organic: fruit & vegetable (IQF, purees, JC & NFC), cocoa products, honey, coconut sugar & syrup, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, alternative sweeteners, cane sugar, coconut products, grains, seed proteins & more, with extensive strategic global sourcing and supply capabilities.
2018 NEW BOTTLING LINE!! Southeast Bottling & Beverage
Ready-to-Drink Beverages & Liquid Dietary Supplements Organic & Kosher certified • More Capacity • More Packaging Options (Registered Film & Carton Pkging) • New registered film capability. tray, supported & non-supported. • New SQF Level III • New expanded facility, now 150,000sf • Built to cGMP Specifications • Filling rooms individually temperature & humidity controlled & HEPA Filters Fruit & Vegetable Ingredients Stiebs
caffeine with
Stiebs, formed in 2005, is devoted to sourcing, processing & delivering the world's finest plantbased products. We offer a full line of fruit & vegetable based ingredients as single strength juice, juice concentrate, purees, extracts & powders. From the beginning stages of product development to delivering an on-going supply of premium natural products, our team is here to help you succeed.
Replace or Displace
+ providers
AlphaSize® Alpha-GPC is a powerful ingredient that boosts mental energy and physical performance while remaining stable, tasteless, and completely water soluble in any beverage.
& suppliers
Synergy - Inspiring Taste Synergy Flavors
Synergy Flavors is a global manufacturer and supplier of flavorings, extracts, and essences for the food, beverage and nutrition industries. With more than 130 years of expertise, Synergy combines a heritage of flavor development with proprietary extraction technology to deliver high quality taste solutions that captivate the senses and inspire innovation.
Water Soluble
cheminutra.com | 866.907.0400 107
COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION COMPANY 100% All Natural, Inc. 4 Purpose Energy 82 Labs, Inc.
Deb Lott
(518) 368-4379
Sam Ronkin
(833) 201-6473
Cary Lin
Los Angeles
A. Holliday & Company Inc.
Christine Renken
(416) 225-2217
Abelei Flavors
Shelley Henderson
North Aurora
(630) 859-1410
abelei.com adm.com
ADM Agropur Ingredients AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc.
Emily Ross
La Crosse
(800) 359-2345
John R Endres
(253) 286-2888
Allen Flavors, Inc.
John Wilson
(908) 561-5995
ALO Drink by SPI West Port, Inc.
Drew Pawlan
South San Francisco
(650) 616-7777
Althea Brands LLC
Atul Agarwal
(470) 839-6444
Amaz Project, Inc
Gustavo Nader
Santa Monica
(310) 310-0672
Applied Food Sciences (AFS)
Jackson Zapp
(512) 732-8300
Raz Inserra
Los Angeles
(818) 458-8707
Lisa Wessels (Pitzer)
(859) 534-1545
AX Water
Avure HPP Technologies - JBT
Gavin Linde
(619) 994-6812
Axiom Foods
David Janow
Los Angeles
(800) 711-3587
(480) 449-7770
Louise Wilkie
Los Angeles
(604) 562-2199
Mr. Kyle Krause
(197) 386-7214
Berlin Packaging
Monika Puzelyte
beneo.com BerlinPackaging.com
Dan Macri
St Paul
(866) 956-4608
Big Brands, LLC
Zach Mosesian
Las Vegas
(702) 476-1021
Bioenergy Life Science, Inc.
Penny Portner
(763) 746-3926
BioSteel Sports Nutrition Inc.
Andrew Nichols
(416) 322-7833
Chris Cooper
Louise Wilkie
Los Angeles
(604) 562-2199
Kate Zuckerman
(540) 221-6841
Black Medicine blk. International LLC Blue Ridge Bucha BODYARMOR Bössi Bragg Live Food Products Brew Dr. Kombucha Brightfish Label Brothers international Food Co
Sunnie Lee
New York
(718) 357-7402
Paul&Celia Venter
Michael Launer
(805) 968-1020
Rob Nollenberger
(727) 521-7900
biosteel.com blackmedicine.com
drinkbodyarmor.com drinkbossi.com bragg.com brewdrkombucha.com brightfishlabel.com
Kevin Burt
(585) 727-7590
Lauren Castillon
Los Angeles
(844) 237-4779
California Juice Co.
Taylor Goggin
Santa Barbara
(805) 698-4601
Dirk Lindley
(949) 306-2031
Nicole Cheifetz
Boca Raton
(561) 276-2239
Tyler Norris
(972) 768-9257
Chase Hagerman
(866) 907-0400
Kevin Duffy
(973) 543-9003
Tonya Lofgren
(715) 386-1737
Califia Farms
Celsius Holdings, Inc. CForce Bottling Company Chemi Nutra Cide Road Ciranda, Inc.
Coyote Logistics
CORE Nutrition, LLC
Brooke Kotz
CraftPack Beverage, LLC
Paul Manu
(443) 315-4022
(512) 264-1479
Marianela Ancheta
(305) 302-9131
Annie Kim
(929) 370-9286
Cuvee Coffee DARK DOG ORGANIC Energy Drinks Detoxwater 108 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2018
Diabolo Beverage Co., LLC
Jon Pevehouse
Sherman Oaks
(714) 702-4967
Maria Whitsett
(770) 387-0451
DRY Soda Co.
Gordon Cooper
(206) 652-2345
Ethan Hirshberg
(720) 432-8384
Cataryna Ubertini-Pitts
(516) 524-9758
Damion Michaels
New Orleans
(985) 246-2105
Essentia Water Ethan's EuroVita Corp. evamor Products LLC Express Trade Capital, Inc.
Ashley Orlando
New York
(212) 997-0155
FIJI Water
(800) 288-6272
Sara Bowman
(502) 301-8136
Flavorman Flow Alkaline Spring Water FONA International Foodarom Formula Four Beverages (USA) Inc. Fort Dearborn Company Franklin Baker, Inc. Gammon Ragonesi Associates GanedenBC30 Ginger Shots, Inc. Glim Water Global Essence Inc. GNT USA Inc. Goldthread Good Idea Inc. Good Omen Bottling, LLC Goodnature Products, Inc. Grass Fed Coffee greenONE Holdings, Inc GT's Living Foods H2Om International, Inc. H2OPS LLC Harmless Harvest Hawaii Volcanic Beverages Health-Ade Kombucha HEYDAY Beverage Company Hidell International Hint Inc. Humm Kombucha HyVIDA Brands, Inc. Icon Foods ICONIC Protein Impact Group
essentiawater.com ethans.com
expresstradecapital.com fijiwater.com finlays.net flavorman.com flowhydration.com
Nicole Albert
(630) 578-8600
Phillip Kraemer
San Diego
(541) 213-7005
Rita Konrad
Beverly Hills
(424) 284-2177
Gwen Chapdelaine
Elk Grove
(847) 357-9500
John Slade
(901) 881-6681
Kelly Criswell
Los Angeles
(212) 725-6710
(440) 229-5200
Zeyad Moussa
Huntington Beach
(781) 962-6202
Los Angeles
gingershots.com drinkglim.com
(732) 677-1100
Jeannette O'Brien
(914) 524-0600
Jenna DeNight
Santa Monica
(305) 298-7592
Mill Valley
(888) 317-9797
(928) 634-5434
(800) 875-3381
John Ban
Los Angeles
goodnature.com grassfedcoffee.com
Mariah Fineman
las vegas
(702) 834-3600
Scott Presnall
Los Angeles
(949) 444-4702
Lex Lang
Studio City
(818) 761-5288
Paul Tecker
(714) 310-3010
Brian Zuckerman
San Francisco
(925) 899-1490
Jason Donovan
(808) 639-9394
Shannon Crossman
hawaiivolcanic.com health-ade.com
Laura Eymann
(602) 540-4826
Henry "Bob" Hidell
(781) 749-8040
Blair Owens
San Francisco
(415) 513-4050
Alice Rhoades
(406) 531-3403
Rick Smith
(231) 780-7450
Thom King
(310) 455-9876
Jackie Modena
Santa Monica
drinkiconic.com impactgrp.com
Int'l Beverage Management
Dianne Hustus
(203) 880-9370
ITO EN (North America) INC.
(718) 250-4000
Javo Beverage Company
(760) 560-5286
JUST Water
Kara Rubin
New York
(917) 439-8179
Koffee Reinvented
Maddy Patel
(323) 597-0087
KOIOS Beverage Corp
Chris Miller
(844) 255-6467
Kona Deep
Pat Turpin
Redondo Beach
(310) 546-8142
LiDestri Food&Drink
Ricky Tatar
(585) 270-2432
LIFEAID Beverage Co.
Dan Leja
Santa Cruz
(888) 558-1113
Limitless Coffee&Tea
Matt Rink
limitlesscoffee.com drinklivingjuice.com
Living Juice by O2 Living
Rosemary Devlin
New York
Lori's Original Lemonade
Lori Volk
(805) 640-6565
Lucky Clover Packaging
Ashley Sebastionelli
(443) 873-0103
(201) 659-3100
Paul Henson
(844) 563-4832
Rifle Hughes
Walnut Creek
(925) 944-9500
Martin Bauer Inc. Matchaah, Inc. MATI Energy McLean Design
Me&the Bees Lemonade
D'Andra Ulmer
(512) 580-3899
Nick Andlinger
(732) 983-5915
Mindfull Inc.
Matthew Jimenez
(512) 964-7175
Jens Stoelken
Santa Monica
Mixwell Beverages MONK FRUIT CORP. Monvera Glass Décor Mother Beverage Mother Kombucha Mother Murphy's Laboratories
mindfull.com pleasemixwell.com
Jack Heffern
(847) 367-6665
Caitriona Anderson
(510) 444-9463
Allison Ellsworth
(940) 867-3240
Tonya Donati
St Petersburg
(727) 409-8806
Morgan Murphy
(800) 849-1277
NADI - Social Venture
Nina Tickaradze
(770) 833-2338
DavidPaul Doyle
nwise.co/drinks drinknooma.com
Todd Fenton
NOR-CAL Beverage Company
Jeff Coulter
West Sacramento
(916) 372-0600
Obi Soda
Leonardo Castello Branco
(517) 214-4314
Sales Administration
La Farge
(888) 444-6455
Organic Valley Overnight Labels, Inc. OWYN - Only What You Need Pervida
Don Earl
Deer Park
(800) 472-5753
Mark Olivieri
(973) 996-4052
(540) 808-0800
Candice Crane
Jon Backus
(585) 313-6330
Pizzey Ingredients
Mary Ekman
Arden Hills
(651) 797-3168
KC Commoss
(978) 745-4332
Deborah Mendez
Miami Beach
(786) 375-0427
(513) 671-1777
Petal Beverage, LLC Picnik
Powerful Foods, LLC ProAmpac Protein2o
pervida.com drinkpetal.com picnikaustin.com
(855) 290-7820
PTM Food Consulting
Don Rodgers
Point Pleasant
(888) 736-6339
Pure Steeps Beverage
Marce McKinnon
(657) 254-3321
Bryn Mawr
(888) 501-0908
Paul Catalano
(718) 821-7200
Pure Water. Pure Hydrogen. Ralph&Charlie's Juice Revive Kombucha RISE Kombucha
Norm Yeudall
– (905) 464-6847
revivekombucha.com risekombucha.com
Sailor Plastics
Trevor Heeren
(507) 483-2469
Shade Tree Beverage Co, LLC
Courtlyn Smith
Fernando Soto
San Diego
(949) 430-7999
Som Sales
Santa Monica
(888) 766-7533
sailorplastics.com shadetreelemonade.com
Southeast Bottling&Beverage
Alisa Cessna
Dade City
(352) 567-2200
Sportwater Beverages, LLC
Robert Miller
(917) 612-8542
Sprig Stanmar International Steaz - Healthy Beverage LLC Stiebs STRATUS GROUP Synergy Flavors Talking Rain Beverage Co.
Michael Lewis
Newport Beach
(941) 400-2411
Brandon Whitehead
(905) 474-4450
Ashley Martino
(215) 321-8330
Brian Nova
(559) 661-0031
Los Angeles
(800) 581-4731
Joe Boehrer
(847) 487-1011
Hannah Ham
(425) 222-4900
Taste Nirvana Int'l Inc.
Wayne Fagundes
(951) 371-7100
The Living Apothecary
John Campbell
Island Pond
(860) 705-5816
Tradin Organic USA
Scotts Valley
(831) 685-6565
Trimino Brands LLC
Peter Dacey
(203) 453-0090
True Nopal Ventures LLC
Ultima Health Products, Inc.
(888) 663-8584
The Maple Guild
tastenirvana.com livingapothecary.com mapleguild.com
truenopal.com ultimareplenisher.com
Verday Chlorophyll Water
Jonathan Murray
New York
(212) 245-1601
Vuka Brands
Upgrade Partners
(773) 459-1450
Peter App
(604) 606-1903
Mylan Janoplis
Woodland Hills
(310) 508-4570
Adam Rosenfeld
Los Angeles
(310) 228-7754
Scott Grzybek
(610) 286-3077
Whistler Water
Zukay Live Foods
ZICO Coconut Water Unveils New Help Your Self Campaign
Coconuts, or is it? Can a first grader inspire change—or better yet, corporate change? ZICO Coconut Water’s newest national campaign that encourages consumers to nourish their bodies and minds through holistic living, Help Your Self, shows consumers just how. Given full control of the ZICO office for 48 hours as interim CEO, Estella used her new leadership role at the ZICO Company to dole out naps, take the team out to recess, turn a conference room into a ball pit, and even ride a pony around
the office. It was wild, it was distracting, and ultimately, it was exactly what ZICO needed to stimulate plans for meaningful organizational change ahead. Estella’s stint as the brand’s mini executive shows how little moments in our day – the unexpected shared laughter between co-workers, a quick snack break, impromptu conference room celebrations – all add up to simple ways to Help Your Self. Born out of ZICO’s commitment to helping consumers bring out the best
version of themselves, the Help Your Self campaign aims to inspire people to think differently about holistic wellness. The brand believes holistic wellness IS for everyone – from yogis to new parents to entrepreneurs and beyond. ZICO will further share the Help Your Self message through numerous consumer touch-points in key markets across the US. Other core campaign components include large-scale digital and social campaigns, out-of-home events, advertising support, and more.
Spindrift Taps Kristen Bell to Launch First National Campaign Spindrift, the first sparkling water made with only real fruit, has announced the launch of its first multi-million dollar national campaign to educate consumers about its real ingredient difference. The campaign, which also includes product-forward print, outof-home, digital and social media spots, features Superfan Kristen Bell in humorous ads that celebrate the brand’s simplicity and authenticity. Video content running in 60-, 30and 15-second spots featuring Bell are now live throughout digital channels, and will run throughout the summer using the #yupthatsit and #realfruittastesbetter tags.
While the competition focuses on technology-forward trends – emojis, selfies – this campaign has a sense of humor and charm that reflects the honesty of its ingredients. Print and out-of-home advertisements focus on celebrating the simplicity of real-squeezed fruit, while the digital video campaign pokes a little fun at traditional advertising via a Superfan that can’t help but tell it like it is. The creative elements of the campaign are led by awardwinning advertising agency, Mistress, whom Spindrift tapped earlier this year to help bring its brand vision and unique points of differ-
ence to life. The video content featuring Kristen Bell includes direction and production by Cameron Harris and Gravy Films. Earlier this year, Spindrift appointed AMP Boston to lead the development of its media strategy. Digital programmatic spots featuring Bell go live today, and full support
continues to ramp up throughout summer. The integrated national campaign kicked off with print, search, digital and paid social ads, as well as outof-home billboards in five U.S. markets – including New York, Los Angeles and, Chicago – featuring creative reflective of the print campaign.
Evian Unveils New Advertising Exclusively for the U.S. after Nearly a Decade of the Baby Saga
Oskar Blues Brewery Announces 18-Month Partnership With Keep Tahoe Blue
Evian had announced the launch of new advertising creative exclusively for the U.S. after nearly a decade of the baby saga. The new creative, I Wanna #Liveyoung, evolves from the global Live young campaigns, marking the end of the baby advertisements in the U.S. I Wanna #Liveyoung features home, social, influencer activations and sponsored events. I Wanna is inspired by Evian’s Live young mindset, which is defined as having an insatiably curious, playful and progressive approach to life. People who embrace this mindset are diverse and multi-dimensional; they refuse to be defined or settle for one path in life. They are the ones who say, “I Wanna.” I Wanna do what I Wanna, I Wanna try what I Wanna, I Wanna be what I Wanna. I Wanna #Liveyoung. Evian’s much-loved, iconic advertising campaign featuring babies is in its ninth year. The baby saga has been incredibly successful since it debuted in 2009 – winning awards, generating millions of views and even setting a Guinness World Record for most viral video ad of all time (Evian Roller Babies). During its run, the premium water category has evolved and grown exponentially in the U.S. Evian also continues to evolve as a brand and is bringing a fresh and relevant take on what it means to Live young to its U.S. audience. And while Evian continues to be a reference for its iconic advertising,
Oskar Blues Brewery - the maker of the Original Craft Beer in a Can, Dale’s Pale Ale - has announced its new partnership with conservation organization, Keep Tahoe Blue. The 18-month-long partnership will include fundraising efforts led by Oskar Blues Brewery’s distributor partners and various events to raise environmental awareness. Oskar Blues Brewery will also donate beer for thirsty, of-drinking-age volunteers to crush when they’re done working hard on conservation efforts. Keep Tahoe Blue is a non-profit organization that works to combat pollution, tackle invasive species, promote restoration, and protect the shoreline. Northern California’s Lake Tahoe - the second deepest lake in America – is home to a host of wildlife. The lake’s natural beauty attracts tens of millions of visitors every year. Throughout July, Oskar Blues Brewery’s Northern California and Northern Nevada distributor partners donated $1 to Keep Tahoe Blue per each case of beer sold. Oskar Blues Brewery committed to match those donations, boosting the contribution to $2 per case sold in July, up to $15,000.
branding and unique source in the heart of the French Alps, the brand team in the U.S. saw an opportunity to refresh how people think about the world’s leading natural spring water brand. Current brand ambassadors Maria Sharapova and Madison Keys will be joined by Evian’s newest U.S. ambassador, New York-based Luka Sabbat, to bring the campaign to life. The New York Times profiled Luka Sabbat as an influencer to watch. Each ambassador embodies the spirit of I Wanna #Liveyoung with their multifaceted endeavors. With bright colors, modern design and eye-catching photography, the campaign showcases each brand ambassador’s diverse mix of passions, talents and interests, and draws on universal insights for the millennial target. Evian’s water, enriched with naturally occurring electrolytes contributing to the taste that nature intended, inspires people to live a life of their own design and to wanna Live young. The campaign kicked off with outdoor billboards across Los Angeles and New York, including a takeover of the Bryant Park subway station in New York, immersing park goers and the neighborhood in the spirit of I Wanna #Liveyoung. On social, the brand is tapping several local influencers in New York and Los Angeles to share their own I Wanna stories that encourage people to carve their own path.
PROMO PARADE La Colombe Announces Partnership with the National Park Foundation La Colombe Coffee Roasters, leader in third-wave specialty coffee, beverage innovator and ready-to-drink coffee disruptor, has announced a donation of at least $100,000 and year-long commitment to the mission of the National Park Foundation (NPF), the official nonprofit partner of the National Park Service. La Colombe shares the passion and responsibility to protect and preserve our country’s natural, cultural, and historical treasures so that generations to come can also appreciate the beauty and history of the United States. As part of this partnership with the National Park Foundation, La Colombe will donate 5 cents to NPF for every specially marked Triple and Vanilla Draft Latte can sold – cans available for limited time only. No stranger to travel and the great outdoors, La Colombe’s CEO and Co-Founder Todd Carmichael, is the first American to make a solo trek across Antarctica to the South Pole, on foot unassisted and unaided, capturing the World Speed Record. His near-death adventure was the subject of an award-winning documentary entitled “Race to the Bottom of the Earth” (2010), which aired on the National Geographic Channel. In addition, Carmichael hosted Travel Channel’s Dangerous Grounds, where his
globetrotting adventures in search of the finest coffees in the world are captured on video. The National Park Foundation protects America’s special places, connects people to them, and inspires the next generation of park stewards. From preserving hiking trails in places like Mount Rainier and Zion to facilitating significant donations for new national parks like Pullman National Monument, NPF’s work in the national parks depends on the support of people nationwide. The National Park Foundation strengthens America’s national parks and programs through private support, safeguarding our heritage, and inspiring generations of national park enthusiasts. In addition to the financial contribution, La Colombe hot coffee cups in cafes nationwide will also be rebranded during the year, highlighting different pieces of artwork inspired by national parks. La Colombe will also host, in partnership with like-minded brands, three travel sweepstakes where a winner will have the opportunity to bring a friend on a trip of a lifetime to Acadia National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and Joshua Tree National Park. Fans and followers who post photos on social media using #KeepAmericaWild will be in the running to win a year supply of Draft Latte.
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