BevNET Magazine July/August 2020

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TEA TIMES: Unique Ingredients and Ecommerce Help Brands Break Out












Contents / July – August 2020 / Volume 18 / No. 4








6 First Drop Changing Lenses

30 Cover Story Tea Time: New Functions, Online, Blurred Lines with Brand News

8 Publisher’s Toast Barry Yearns for Normalcy 28 Gerry’s Insights Sunset for Odwalla

36 Sports Drinks Game on: As the Company Battles to Recover, Sports Drinks Fight On with Brand News


42 Functional Trends Spike in Demand for Nutrition, Immunity Set to Continue

10 Bevscape/NOSHscape/Brewscape Kitu Life Unlocks A-B InBev; Vital Farms joins Nestle, Harpoon Sails with Burke 20 New Products Booch Pop; Kombucha with CBD; Kombucha with Sparkling Water; sensing the trends?

SPECIAL SECTION 48 Natural Beverage Guide

24 Channel Check Seltzer Central 82 Promo Parade Drinkable Sonic; Hi-Rev Calypso

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Changing Lenses One of my reporters reached out to me before a piece they were doing on sales strategy recently with a question: “Does it all need to be about COVID-19?” The question wasn’t a bad one – the reporter was just trying to figure out the parameters of some lines of questioning – but it also points to all of our uncertainties right now. Given our ability to “doomscroll” simply by flicking through headlines, can any topic truly escape the prevailing issues of the day? And should they? It’s hard enough for entrepreneurs, for sure. How many of you thought you’d need to consider viral loads and personal protective equipment as part of your in-store sales strategy? How much did a diversity analysis of your employee base figure into your HR program, when you’re having enough trouble fi nding talent already? Isn’t it enough just to try to build a company, an economic engine, and not have it be a political act? Sorry, no. Right now, it does all need to be about COVID-19. It also needs to be about the environment, racial equality, your products’ effects on consumer health and nutrition, and whatever other preconceived notions you brought to the table in hiring. In short: what we’ve learned in the fi rst half of 2020 is that if we aren’t searching for an understanding of how any issues that we presume exist outside of our businesses are actually tied to them at the root, we’re doomed. Conversely, if we think about how businesses exist in the world, what they mean, and we’re humble and listen to how they’re affecting that world, we might grow. Here’s one lesson in that regard: Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue sparked a boycott of his company’s products when he stood in the White House Rose Garden on July 9 and praised President Trump, stating “We’re all truly blessed to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder. We have an incredible builder, and we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president.” 6 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 2018

While it’s true that Unanue had also participated in events with President Obama in the past, his forthright praise for Trump, defense of that praise the next day – including calling the boycott “suppression of speech” -- and record of political contributions to Republicans clearly represent a political calculus as well as an economic one. Unanue made his statement, and his customers are holding him to account for it, with a vocal swath of critics and consumers fueling a boycott because of his support for Trump, who rose to power at least in part because of his racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican rhetoric. (It’s of note that - despite the intentional politics of the donation - at least a few followers of Trump’s Twitter feed have seized on the controversy as a way to help feed people, raising funds to donate Goya products to food banks. The Trump family hasn’t handled it quite as gracefully -- Ivanka recently posted herself modeling with a Goya can. One personal fear: the potential for mayhem that might emanate from, say, hosting a Goya can drive at a Trump rally.) Look, it’s dumb to believe every Latinx consumer hates Trump or that every Latinx consumer eats Goya. But do you know who should be really well informed about the impact that his language might have on his consumer base? Robert Unanue.

Does that mean that every Goya story will have to be about immigration or politics from now on? Probably not forever, but chances are that regardless of the news report, that story is going to live on for a long time. Now, the Rose Garden is a bigger stage than most of us get in our lifetimes, but the internet is a great amplifier when it comes to speech, particularly if there’s a righteous feeling that a growing wave is, in the language of the comedians, “punching up.” Which brings me back to the idea of whether every story is all about COVID-19, or #BlackLivesMatter, or the environment, or obesity, or any issue in the zeitgeist. The answer is that they’re about all of that, and more. Just ask Tyson Foods about its working conditions if you have a doubt. The big picture is this: the societal face of a company is looming larger than ever, and your social and political impact is getting measured like a wedding tux. There are many ways of analyzing a business: gross margin, same-store sales, market capitalization, environmental impact, social mission, number of employees, revenue growth, share value, stakeholder satisfaction. The consumers, the retailers, the media, the people who might want to work for you, and the investors are all looking at all of them. So should you.

Photo by Samara Doole on Unsplash










Nothing Compares to the Present

Jeffrey Klineman EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Last Friday, right before the holiday weekend, I got a long overdue, sorely needed haircut. I was beginning to look like Moses as he ascended the mountain at the end of his life. It was one of the most positive and enjoyable actions I’ve taken in the last five months. The salon (I’ve reached that point in my life where I have my locks tended at a salon) followed all protocol procedures, and boy, was it nice to take a small step to return to the life — or hair length — we knew before COVID -19. What has befallen our country over the past months has shaken us to our cores. The impact continues to shape every aspect of our lives personally and professionally. It is a harsh reality that things are anything but normal. I am surely not qualified to comment on the personal side of this crisis for anyone other than myself, family and close friends. The professional side is a different matter. I have followed the beverage marketplace for 29 years now, through good times, not so good times and some downright bad times. Nothing compares to the present time. I am in constant contact with dozens of brand marketers, that’s a major part of my job. I’ve tried to pinpoint exactly what is the issue most crucial to their current dilemma, but that was too simplistic a query. Instead I heard so many variations of what is problematic to them. There are many components that have been articulated most often. The supply chain, and lack of ingredients, is brought up frequently. Production is delayed and line time, once lost, is hard to get back. If you don’t have product, you don’t have anything to sell. Distribution continues to be an issue. The brands are going out pretty efficiently, but fewer new brands are being taken on. Distributors are risk averse with regard to adding new brands. It makes it harder for marketers to have an avenue to get their products out there. Investment and capital to fund and fuel companies has slowed down greatly. Seems like everyone is in a holding


Barry J. Nathanson PUBLISHER







John F. (Jack) Craven CHAIRMAN

pattern. Money tentatively promised has been held back, not canceled, but delayed. Whether it will fi nally come through is a crapshoot, at best. The retail part of the equation seems to be in good shape. Shelves are stocked much better than other categories. While I see gaps in stores, beverages are well represented. Customers are back and shopping with abandon. Marketing initiatives have been postponed with great frequency. There were so many launches, rebrands and line extensions that have been put on hold. So many of the programs slated for the pages of BevNET have been rolled to the late fall and fourth quarter. After all, we’re all in this together. I don’t know if it’s reality, or just the fear factor that is stopping the plans. Time will tell. Our country will get through this, as we always have. I wish you all success going forward. If you feel discouraged, though, maybe head to the salon?



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Nestlé Seeks to Sell Regional Water Brands, ReadyRefresh Nestlé announced in June it is seeking to divest several core products and services from its Nestlé Waters North America unit, including regional spring water brands, its purified water business and its beverage delivery service ReadyRefresh. According to a press release dated June 11, the Nestlé Waters North America portfolio reported over $3.6 billion in sales in 2019, excluding international brands. Among the regional water brands considered for sale are Poland Spring, Deer Park, Ozarka, Ice Mountain, Zephyrhills and Arrowhead, as well as master brand Nestlé Pure Life, which is available in bottles and 5 gallon jugs. In addition to the planned divestment, which was ap-

proved by the Nestlé S.A. board of directors, the company will focus on increasing sales of its international brands such as Perrier and S. Pellegrino. As well, the company will seek out “strategic acquisitions” in the water category “while pledging to make its entire global water portfolio carbon neutral and replenish associated watersheds by 2025.” According to market research firm Nielsen, Nestlé’s unflavored bottled water sales have declined over the past year. Despite reporting over $3.4 billion for the 52-week period ending June 9, sales were down 2.4% year-overyear and declined 14.8% over the past four weeks. Volume sales were down 3.2% year-

over-year and 16.9% in the four-week period. Although the division’s sparkling flavored water dollar sales were up to $278 million, a 2.6% increase for the year, those products have also seen recent declines, down 14% in May. “The creation of a more focused business enables us to more aggressively pursue emerging consumer trends, such as functional water, while doubling down on our sustainability agenda,” said Nestlé CEO Mark Schneider in the release. “This strategy offers the best opportunity for long-term profitable growth in the category, while appealing to environmentally and health-conscious consumers.” The announcement came roughly four months after Nestlé Waters North America president and CEO Fernando Mercé stepped down, citing personal reasons. Mercé had

held the position since 2017 and no successor was named, with the company only saying a new CEO would be named “in due course.” Since February, the division has reported to U.S. market head and CEO of Nestlé USA Steve Presley. It is unclear how the divestment may affect ReadyRefresh’s partner brands. In addition to delivering Nestlé water brands to homes and offices, the service expanded its portfolio first in November, bringing on Vita Coco, and later adding nitro coffee maker RISE Brewing Co., hellowater and UPTIME Energy.

Super Coffee Signs Master Distribution Agreement with Anheuser-Busch InBev In June, Kitu Life Super Coffee signed a master distribution agreement with Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB) that will place the brand on DSD trucks nationwide. AB’s investment arm ZX Ventures will also take a minority stake in the brand, pending the closure of an open funding round. The New York-based brand will serve as AB’s exclusive master coffee for 18 months, though wholesalers can still carry additional brands, according to sources close to the deal. CEO Jim DeCicco confirmed to BevNET that ZX will invest in the company in a round expected to close in July, but declined to comment further except noting that several celebrity investors are also anticipated. Sources said that the round is likely to be around $25 million. DeCicco said the company previously discussed potential investments with ZX Ventures and in Q1 expanded its DSD network with 60 AB wholesalers across the country. However, Super Coffee became “bullish” about securing a national distribution agreement once rumors began to swirl around performance energy drink Bang’s departure from the AB system for PepsiCo began. The brand is more focused on competing against Starbucks


than it is energy drinks, DeCicco noted, though the absence of a leading caffeinated beverage in the AB portfolio provided Super Coffee with the opportunity to strike a deal. “To build our business to its fullest potential, we needed a national DSD network,” DeCicco said. “AB delivers to every channel of trade, every geography and appeals to every demographic. Our goal is to mass-produce positive energy, which means making our products accessible to everyone everywhere and AB is uniquely positioned to help us do that.” Super Coffee reported $18.1 million in sales for the 52-week period ending March 22, a year-over-year increase of 984%, according to market research firm IRI. According to DeCicco, many of Super Coffee’s current national customers are serviced through direct distribution — including Kroger, Publix and Walmart — and “anytime” the company transitions a direct customer to DSD it “immediately” sees a 30% increase in sales. The partnership will also allow Super Coffee to increase its presence in the convenience channel, which is “currently dominated” by Starbucks and where DeCicco said the brand only has about 2% ACV.

BEVSCAPE New Age Changes Name Amid Reorganization New Age Beverages Corp. has changed its name to “NewAge, Inc.” according to a notice of annual meeting of shareholders filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in early June. The proposed name change, which was approved by shareholders later that month, comes as the publicly traded company seeks to divest several beverage brands from its portfolio and diversify its product offerings into categories such as cosmetics and CBD topicals. New Age had previously announced in its past two quarterly earnings calls that it was reviewing its portfolio of core brands and would seek to divest only those that have not met expectations. However, an executive summary deck dated May 2020 and reviewed by BevNET showed the company offering “all or a selection” of its entire brand portfolio, including Aspen Pure, Bucha, Coco Libre, Marley and Xing, as an acquisition opportunity. New Age president Olivier Sonnois told BevNET in March that as

the company prepares to divest certain brands, products including Aspen Pure and Coco Libre were more likely to be sold than the others. The deck also appeared to welcome offers for the company’s DSD operation, which services over 7,000 outlets in Colorado and surrounding states and has generated over $45 million in revenue, according to the deck. The business includes a 250,000 square foot warehouse. New Age currently distributes more than 70 brands, including Essentia, Sparkling Ice, AriZona and Silk. Sonnois said in June that the company is not actively seeking or likely to sell its DSD network or its entire brand portfolio. The DSD network and additional brands that the company prefers to retain — including shelf-stable kombucha Bucha — were included in the deck, he said, to provide further context on the company’s and individual brands’ performance. He added that many prospective buyers were interested in a full scale acquisition

of New Age’s beverage division, though a sale of these assets is not being entertained as of June. However, any sale of the DSD network would require an “extraordinary offer” and mark a massive shift in the company’s current strategic plans. According to Sonnois, beverages currently account for roughly 85% of New Age’s business and will continue to play a significant role for the foreseeable future, even as the company looks to expand its presence in other CPG categories. As of publication, no brands have been sold; however, Aspen Pure and Coco Libre have been placed “on strategic hold” and were delisted from the company’s website. Marley, which Sonnois said has been pulled for retooling, is also currently on hiatus. During the annual meeting, in addition to changing the name, shareholders are also scheduled to vote on reincorporating the company from Washington to Delaware, elect directors and to ratify the appointment of Nigerian firm Deloitte & Touche LLP as the company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the remainder of the 2020 fiscal year.

Shaka Tea Raises $2.3 Million as Brand Prepares for National Growth Shaka Tea, a Hawaii-based maker of readyto-drink and bagged tea products, raised $2.3 million in a funding round led by farming company Mahi Pono, bringing the brand’s total financing to $4.1 million. In a press release announcing the deal in June, Shan Tsutsui, SVP at Maui-based Mahi Pono, said the partnership fits with the two companies’ mutual goal of supporting Hawaiian farmers. The round also includes investments from King’s Hawaiian, Gingerbread Capital, LDR Ventures, Allison Rose Culinary Ventures and Park Bench Capital as well as several angel investors. Mahi Pono will gain a seat on the brand’s board of directors and King’s Hawaiian will act as a board observer. Founded in 2016, Shaka Tea produces ready-to-drink and bagged teas made from locally sourced Hawaiian mamaki tea leaves. The brand’s bottled line features zero calorie varieties including Lemon Lokelani Rose, Pineapple Mint, Guava Gingerblossom; and Mango Hibiscus. Each flavor is sweetened with monkfruit 12 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

and retails for $1.99 to $2.49 per 14 oz. bottle. Shaka Tea president Bella Hughes, who co-founded the brand with her husband and CEO Harrison Rice, said the funding will be used to support nationwide and international expansion. Shaka Tea is currently available in about 2,000 stores with an additional 1,000 accounts approved for rollout this year. The brand is sold at Whole Foods South Pacific region, The Fresh Market, GNC, Bristol Farms, Gelson’s, Lowes Foods and select Walmart locations, among other retailers. While it is primarily focused on building its presence in the continental U.S., the brand also recently added Natural Lawson convenience store accounts in Japan, Hughes said. “With a population of only 1.3 million, [Hawaii] is a very small market to play in,” Hughes said. “Our mission has always been to have the most economic impact with our local community and how we connect local sustainably sourced mamaki to now

national and, with Japan, international demand. So extending to the continental U.S. was always our vision.” According to Hughes, Shaka Tea aims to provide a premium-grade product at an affordable price point, a quality that will give the brand an edge in the crowded RTD tea category. Though the company uses premium ingredients sourced on the Hawaiian islands, the company has reduced costs by co-packing in the continental U.S. Hughes noted that maintaining a lower price point is important to her and Rice, who were “nearly broke” when they founded the company four years ago and were dismayed by what they saw as a trend of increasingly expensive beverages. By keeping the price affordable, she said, Shaka Tea aims to scale rapidly and drive volume by being accessible to consumers of all income levels. As the U.S. economy enters a recession, Hughes credits the price point, along with a recent package redesign, with driving 300% year-over-year growth in Q1, despite the pandemic.


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Nestlé Health Sciences Eats Up Vital Proteins

Nestlé Health Sciences (NHSc) announced in June that it had acquired the majority of collagen-focused function food and supplement brand Vital Proteins. The terms of the deal were not disclosed but Vital Proteins will remain a standalone entity and continue to operate out of its Chicago headquarters. Founder Kurt Seidensticker will remain with the company, continuing to manage the business as CEO. As part of the sale, NHSc will also acquire Vital’s 180,000 squarefoot manufacturing and distribution center in Chicago. Vital previously raised $19 million in November 2019 from CAVU Venture Partners. As part of this transaction, CAVU has exited the business, with Seidensticker buying back CAVU’s rollover shares as part of a minority investment

he will continue to hold in the brand. The company’s line of 150 bars, shots, enhanced waters, powders and supplements first were sold online, but in the seven years since the company started it has expanded into 35,000 retail doors including Whole Foods Market, Target, Costco, Walgreen, Kroger and Sprouts. Part of the motivation to explore a sale, Seidensticker said, was to support further expansion into new channels and geographies -- particularly Asia and Europe. “I saw the opportunity globally that the rest of the world might [be] three to five years behind where the US was on ingestible collagen,” he said. “As we try to look at global expansion it becomes more challenging without a strategic partner like Nestlé. I started to think about if we want to bring wellness to the

JUST Seeks New Strategic Partners Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make a plant-based omelette. When JUST -- then known as Hampton Creek -started up roughly a decade ago, founder Josh Tetrick wanted to shake up the food industry. While his goal has remained the same, the path has changed. The company has expanded its strategy beyond its own branded products to form strategic partnerships with a focus on ingredients as the way forward. To start, the company announced a new food service partnership with Michael Foods, a subsidiary of Post Holdings and one of the largest processors of egg products in the world. Under the terms of the agreement, Michael Foods will be the exclusive food service manufacturer, supplier and distributor of JUST Egg liquid as well as JUST Egg folded (a frozen patty). The key ingredient in both is a protein derived from mung beans, which yields an egg alternative that is cholesterol-free, dairy-free and non-GMO. JUST expects the first production and shipments from Michael Foods to roll out later this year. Under this new model, JUST will find and develop novel ingredients, such as the JUST egg protein, as well as conduct the 14 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

world, having a resource like Nestlé will help us achieve that goal.” The company began exploring a sale at the end of the fourth quarter last year, with discussions beginning in earnest with NHSc less than two month ago. Siedensticker added that he has considered selling the company for a few years but said “one of my challenges was that I was never quite ready to make that transition.” The ability to run Vital as a standalone entity assuaged that concern, he said, along with NHSc’s knowledge of food, beverage, and supplements. Nestlé Health Science’s portfolio is a mix of consumer-facing brands like Atrium Innovations, Pure Encapsulations, and Persona, as well as many brands sold into the medical channel. NHSc acquired Atrium Innovations, which counts the Garden of Life brand in its portfolio, in 2017 for $2.3 billion. During 2019, Nestlé divested itself from several food and beverage brands, and on a February 2020 call with investors, Mark Schneider, Nestlé S.A. CEO hinted that this was in preparation for acquisitions to come. The company, he said, was looking to acquire “higher growth, higher margin” companies - pointing to Atrium Innovations as one such past example.

R&D to create finalized products. The company will then sell this raw product to producers, who will follow a specific manufacturing process and recipe, package the item, and sell it into retailers or food service providers. In terms of awareness and marketing, JUST will manage large brand-building initiatives such as digital marketing campaigns, in-person activations, and television commercials, while producers will commit to industry specific marketing activities such as promotional plans in retailers. Currently JUST is using co-packers to produce its liquid and frozen products, but aims to have all product, packaging, and marketing transitioned to partners such as Michael Foods by the end of 2020. The hope is to put JUST in a position to potentially capture a wider consumer audience, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic brings to light some of the systemic issues with egg, meat and dairy supply chains. As of the end of April, year-to-date sales of JUST Egg are up 200% over 2019, the company said, adding that as of May 17, the company’s sales surpassed 80% of other egg SKUs. While some of this may be attributable to eggs being out of stock in some retailers, these sales are still driving new trial of the product.

NOSHSCAPE With Deal, Utz Hopes to Become National Snacking Platform Utz Quality Foods LLC announced last month a new partnership with Collier Creek Holdings to combine and go public as a snack food platform under the name Utz Brands. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2020. Founded in 1921, Utz is the largest family-owned, privatelyheld salty snack company in the U.S. In a presentation, Collier Creek noted that Utz has had more than 43 years of consecutive adjusted net sales growth. The fourth largest salty snack company nationally, and second in its core geographies, Utz’s 2020 net sales are estimated to be roughly $910 million. The company currently sells over 5 million pounds of snacks per week, across over 107,000 retail doors. Once listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Utz is expected to have an initial value of $1.56 billion. The Rice and Lissette family, the founding family and current owners of UTZ, will retain roughly 90% of their existing equity, which accounts for just over 50% ownership of the new company. Moving forward, Dylan Lissette, the CEO of Utz Quality Foods since 2012, will serve as CEO of Utz Brands. Collier Creek was founded in 2018 by Roger Deromedi, a

former CEO of Kraft Foods and Chairman of Pinnacle Foods, alongside Jason Giordano and Chinh Chu, two former managing directors at private equity firm Blackstone and current managing directors at CC Capital. The pair raised $475 million to form Collier Creek Holdings as a special purpose acquisition company tasked with establishing a new CPG platform. Chu said the team’s objective was to find “Pinnacle 2.0,” which he described as “an attractive platform asset well suited for value creation strategies” through accelerating topline growth, improving margins and making strategic acquisitions. Utz was appealing because of its portfolio of iconic brands, manufacturing capabilities and distribution network, which largely relies on a direct store distribution (DSD) model which services 70% of all accounts.. Although many of Utz’s brands lean towards conventional shoppers, the company has acquired several better-for-you brands including Snikiddy in 2015, Good Health in 2014 and Boulder Canyon in 2017. The latter two have performed well at retail, with Good Health’s sales growing from $13 million to $48 million over the last five years.

Sesajal Invests in Rhythm As it Looks to Further Build Branded Business

Americans are eating a lot of snacks, and Sesajal S.A. de C.V. wants a bite. The ingredient processor and owner of condiment brand Chosen Foods announced in June the closing of a minority investment in produce-focused snack brand Rhythm Superfoods. The investment, which closed in April but was only recently disclosed, consisted of capital, finished product and equipment, including a production facility in Guadalajara, Mexico. Rhythm plans to seek additional funding within the next few months but needed to close this part of the round in order to assume ownership of the plant, which has been renamed Alamo in honor of Rhythm’s Texas roots. Sesajal has been Rhythm’s copacker for almost six years, and the investment is aimed at helping the two companies better integrate and align their business goals. The brand originally was producing its vegetable and fruit snacks in Colorado, but realized that being closer to where the raw produce was grown 16 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

could improve product quality and reduce costs. According to Rhythm founder and CEO Scott Jensen, Guadalajara is an ideal location because produce can be grown 12 months of the year. Sesajal CEO Iñigo Gonzalez added that the deal provides his company with more insight into the entire life cycle of the business, which can inspire greater collaboration on R&D, sales and marketing further down the line. For example, Sesajal has distribution for its products in Mexico, South America, Europe, Asia and some of the Middle East, which are markets Rhythm could eventually move into as well. Sesajal has an integrated supply chain that is unique to its business, Jensen said. By agreeing to purchase all crops in advance, regardless of quality, Sesajal has input into the growing methods and crops of its partner farms. The purchasing strategy works only because the company has so many uses for each ingredient, Chosen Foods CEO and Chairman Gabriel Perez added. Now, Jensen said, Rhythm will also benefit from this robust supply chain, noting that Sesajal has already helped the brand secure additional sourcing for its cauliflower bites line. Because Rhythm only needs the florets from the plant, the ingredient processor will dehydrate, pulverize and sell the plant’s stems and smaller pieces as a bulk cauliflower flour. The deal will also move Sesajal further into the branded CPG product world, the culmination of a process that started seven years ago, Perez said. At the time, 95% of the company’s sales came from B2B ingredient deals; Now, following the acquisition of Chosen Foods in 2017 and its subsequent expansion, revenue is closer to a 50/50 split between ingredients and branded products.



Mass. Bay Brewing Sells Brand Rights in Boston to Burke Distributing Harpoon Brewery parent company Mass. Bay Brewing has disbanded its distribution arm and sold the rights to sell its products in the Boston area to Burke Distributing. “Boston accounts for a disproportionate amount of our business,” co-founder and CEO Dan Kenary said. “Our business — and our industry to some extent — has changed a lot, and so for us, the economics of it became more difficult. As the number of SKUs increased dramatically, it became less profitable.” Mass. Bay launched Harpoon Distributing in 2002, when the company’s portfolio included just the Harpoon and UFO brands. Now, the company produces those brands plus Clown Shoes beer, Arctic Summer hard seltzer and City Roots cider. “We need to concentrate on making great beer, seltzer and cider and marketing and selling it well,” Kenary said.

“Our ability to deliver a keg economically to Dorchester or Beacon Hill and collecting a check — that’s not strategic for us anymore. There are other people that do that much, much better than we do.” With the dissolution of Harpoon Distributing, the company laid off nearly 20 employees on June 11. However, Burke and other Massachusetts beer wholesalers have shown interest in hiring the affected employees, Kenary said. Burke began delivering Mass. Bay Brewing products on June 22. Boston was the only market in which Mass. Bay Brewing self-distributes. The Boston metro area that Burke serves accounts for about 20% of Mass. Bay’s volume. In 2019, the company sold 174,900 barrels in 31 states. That translates to almost 35,000 barrels — or 482,222 case equivalents — of beer moving into Burke’s warehouse.

Magic Hat Exits Vermont Brewery, Production Move to New York

A pioneer of the Vermont craft beer industry will no longer have a physical presence in the state. Magic Hat Brewing, now owned by Rochester, New York-based FIFCO USA, will vacate its brewery and performing arts center, called “The Artifactory,” in South Burlington, Vermont, in July. Burlington, Vermont-based Zero Gravity Craft Brewery has agreed to purchase Magic Hat’s brewing equipment and take over its lease, pending federal permitting approval. “Our ties to Burlington made this decision very difficult,” FIFCO USA CEO Rich Andrews said in a press release. “In the end, this was the best long-term opportunity for both us and our friends at Zero Gravity.” Production of Magic Hat will shift to FIFCO USA’s Genesee Brew House in Rochester, New York, where some packages of flagship #9 and other Magic Hat offerings are already being produced. FIFCO USA laid off all 43 Vermont-based Magic Hat employees, who will each receive a severance pay. Those workers will also be considered for open positions with Zero Gravity. Magic Hat was founded by Alan Newman and Bob Johnson in 1994. The company acquired Seattle-based Pyramid Brewing in 2008, and North American Breweries acquired the rollup — which at the time included Magic Hat, Pyramid and Portland, Oregon-based MacTarnahan’s — in 2010. 18 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

Allagash to Add Sparkling Session Ale Line, Stout Allagash Brewing is planning to roll out several years worth of innovations over the next three months, founder Rob Tod revealed. “We’re taking what was initially going to be a two- to three- to four-year effort and strategy and we’re going to compress it into three months,” he explained. The Portland, Maine-headquartered craft brewery’s business is heavily skewed toward on-premise sales, with about 70% of its volume flowing through bars and restaurants. The COVID-19 pandemic, which forced virtually the entire on-premise channel to close nationwide, added urgency to Allagash’s innovation push. The company’s plan is to launch two new year-round products: a stout called North Sky and a line of low-calorie, lowalcohol “sparkling session ales” made with fruit called Little Grove by Allagash. The company will also release its flagship Allagash White for the first time in 6-packs of 12 oz. bottles. Little Grove by Allagash will come in two iterations — peach and kombucha and blackcurrants — and will be sold in 6-packs of 12 oz. cans with a suggested retail price of $12.99. Both offerings check in at 3.6% and 3.8% ABV, respectively, with 100-calories per can. “There is a big market out there right now for lower alcohol, lower calorie fruited beverages, and we think that these beers are going to appeal to our existing drinkership, as well as a lot of new consumers,” director of sales Naomi Neville said. “We are going to bring more people into drinking Allagash — for more people, places and occasions.” Meanwhile, North Sky, a Belgian-inspired stout at 7.5% ABV, will be sold in 4-packs of 16 oz. cans with a suggested retail price of $13.99. The new brand will also receive a draft release at a later date. Allagash is targeting a September launch for both new products, with a goal of being included in fall resets. Allagash White 6-packs are also expected to reach store shelves that same month.

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Proposed Sale of Kona’s HawaiiOperations Valued at $16 Million Craft Brew Alliance (CBA) and Anheuser-Busch InBev’s proactive attempt to remove regulatory roadblocks by agreeing to sell off Kona Brewing’s operations in Hawaii will come with a $16 million price tag for prospective buyer PV Brewing Partners. CBA reached a “membership interest purchase agreement” in early June in which the Portland, Oregon-headquartered craft beer maker will divest from the Kona brand rights in Hawaii, contingent upon the completion of CBA’s merger with A-B, which was agreed upon in November 2019 and is expected to close by the end of 2020. Under the terms of the deal, PV Brewing will have exclusive rights to Kona in Hawaii only. Additional details of the transaction were revealed in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Notably, PV Brewing Partners — the investment firm made up of former A-B president Dave Peacock and Overland Park, Kansas-headquartered family office VantEdge Partners — will pay an initial $5 million in cash upon closing of the A-B and CBA deal and then the remaining $11 million once CBA achieves “certain construction and production milestones” related to Kona’s under-construction 30,000 sq. ft., 100,000-barrel brewery. Upon closing of the Kona Hawaii deal, CBA and PV Brewing

will enter into ancillary agreements, including: • An intellectual property license agreement for the Kona brand; • A brewing and packaging agreement in which CBA and affiliated operations will brew, bottle and package certain Kona-branded beers for PV Brewing on a tran sitional basis; • A distribution agreement in which PV Brewing will receive sales, promotion and distribution services in Hawaii via wholly owned A-B distributor AnheuserBusch Sales of Hawaii Inc. According to the SEC filings, the closing of the Kona deal in Hawaii is scheduled to occur “upon the later of August 3, 2020,” or immediately after, or the following business day after, the closing of CBA’s merger with A-B, or a later date as required by the U.S. Department of Justice. CBA’s agreement with PV Brewing could also be terminated if the DOJ determines that PV Brewing is “not an acceptable” buyer of Kona in Hawaii, if the purchase agreement is not an acceptable manner of divesting of Kona in Hawaii, or if a divestiture is not an acceptable remedy in order to obtain regulatory clearance of the merger.




Kombucha Kombucha maker Health-Ade expanded into the shelf-stable set with the launch of Booch Pop, a line of kombucha-based prebiotic drinks. Available in Lemon Lime, Pom-Berry and Ginger Fizz varieties, Booch Pop contains 40 to 60 calories per 12 oz. can and is formulated with cold pressed juice. The drinks retail for $2.49 per can, $20.00 per 8-pack and $30.00 per 12-pack, sold online through Amazon and at California Gelson’s Markets locations. For more information, please contact Health-Ade at (844) 337-6368. The latest innovation from Brew Dr is Tranquil, a CBD-infused kombucha with each 14 oz. bottle containing 25 mg of Oregon-grown hemp-derived CBD. Tranquil hit shelves in select Oregon and Washington stores in Herb, Berries and Ginger flavors at the end of June and will expand to more West Coast locations in the following months. For more information, please contact Brew Dr at (503) 235-3656. Florida-based Mother Kombucha released Agua Bucha, a line of kombucha-infused sparkling water. Each 12 oz. can contains 4 calories and 1 gram of sugar and is available in three flavors: Key Lime, Meyer Lemon and Grapefruit. Agua Bucha is currently available on the brand’s website, Florida Publix locations and local independent retailers. For more information, please contact Mother Kombucha at (727) 767-0408.

Tea Nitro cold brew coffee company RISE Brewing Co. introduced its first tea product, London Fog, a canned Nitro Earl Grey Tea Oat Milk Latte. The USDA organic nitrogen-infused oat milk latte with black tea also features sweet flavors of organic Bergamot oranges. London Fog will be available online and in retailers this summer in singles, 4-packs and 12-packs. For more information, please contact RISE Brewing Co. at (646) 400-0410.

Energy G FUEL partnered with SEGA of America, Inc. on a new crossover flavor, Sonic’s Peach Rings, available in 4-packs and 12-packs of 16 oz. cans on the brand’s website in August. The peach gummy20 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

flavored energy drink contains zero calories, zero sugar and 300 mg of caffeine per can, and will also be for sale to customers in the U.S. and Canada in powdered form, in 40-serving tubs and limitededition collectors boxes. For more information, please contact G Fuel at (877) 426-6262. Sports drink brand NOOMA announced its first product line extension with the launch of Organic Pre Workout Energy, available in four flavors: Dragon Fruit, Lemon Lime, Pineapple Mango and Tangerine. Each 12 oz. sleek can contains 15 calories, 120 mg of caffeine and an adaptogen blend of ginseng, maca, cordyceps and ashwagandha, with no added sugar. For more information, please contact NOOMA at

Sports Drink Denver-based CBD performance brand DEFY launched DEFY ZERO, a line of zero added sugar CBD performance drinks enhanced with coconut water, electrolytes, vitamins and its proprietary blend of 20 mg broad-spectrum hemp extract with 0% THC. Containing 20 calories per 16 oz. bottle, DEFY ZERO is available online in three flavors: Lemonade, Mixed Berry and Orange Mango. For more information, please DEFY at

Wellness New wellness beverage brand The Good Glow’s first product is a 2 oz. wellness shot containing pure distilled water, organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and organic lemon juice, lime juice and ginger. Formulated with no added sugar or sweeteners, The Good Glow’s ACV wellness shots are sold exclusively direct-to-consumer via its website in 3-packs ($10), 7-packs ($22) and 14-packs ($39). For more information, please contact The Good Glow at Skincare brand Cocokind moved into beverages with the release of functional vegan drink mixes. The mixes are available in three varieties: Morning Mocha (adaptogenic latte for a morning boost), Detox Chlorophyll (cleansing tonic for digestion and skin health) and Sleep C (calming tonic to promote sleep). The mixes are available online in trial packs of two packs per SKU for $9, 15-packs for $22 and 30-scroop jars for $30. For more information, please contact Cocokind at

NEW PRODUCTS Functional Sweetener brand Splenda launched Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes, a line of no added sugar shakes specifically designed to help manage blood sugar and support the needs of people with diabetes and prediabetes. Each shake contains 16 grams of protein, slow-digesting carbohydrates and goodfor-you fats. Available in Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla and Strawberry Banana flavors, Splenda Diabetes Care Shakes will be sold online on Amazon, Walmart and Sam’s Club as well as in-store at retailers including H-E-B, Winn-Dixie, BI-LO, Fresco y Más, Harveys Supermarket, Lowes Foods and Food City. The line will be available in 6-packs for $9.99 in stores and online and 24-packs online only for $29.99. For more information, please contact Splenda at (800) 777-5363. Plant-based beverage brand Rebbl launched Keto Elixirs, containing 20 grams of fat (including 11 to 13 grams of coconut MCTs), 10 grams of plant protein and 4 grams of net carbs along with no added sugar. The Keto Elixirs are available in Chocolate and Vanilla Almond flavors at Whole Foods nationwide as well as on Amazon and the brand’s website. The brand also added new flavors to its line of Sparkling Prebiotic Tonics, Tropical Twist and Lemon Lime, available at Whole Foods for a suggested retail price of $3.49 per 15 oz. bottle. For more information, please contact REBBL at (855) 732-2500. R’s KOSO launched its line of traditional Japanese prebiotic drinks made from a variety of vegetables, fruits, seaweeds, mushrooms and plants that have undergone a one-year fermentation process. R’s KOSO is now available on the brand’s website for $99 per 16 oz. bottle, with each bottle containing enough product for a three-day cleanse. A trial pack is also available for $19 for three 1 oz. bottles. For more information, please contact R’s KOSO at (415) 745-8718. Massachusetts-based brand MapleMama rolled out a line of organic sparkling fruit drinks, containing the nutrients of maple without the maple taste. The line is available in Raspberry Lime, Ginger Lemon, Blueberry Pomegranate and Strawberry Kiwi flavors in single 11.5 oz. slim cans and 12-packs. For more information, please contact MapleMama at (978) 544-0001.

Mixers AVEC is a new premium mixer brand made with all-natural juices, botanicals and spices. Each carbon22 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

ated flavor -- Jalapeño & Blood Orange, Grapefruit & Pomelo, Yuzu & Lime, Ginger and Hibiscus & Pomegranate -- contains less than 4 grams of sugar and is low in calories. AVEC is available for nationwide shipping in 6-packs of 8 oz. cans for $20, with the option to mix and match. AVEC will be available on and off-premise beginning in New York City this summer. For more information, please contact AVEC at

Spirits Imported vodka brand Svedka’s latest line is Pure Infusions, formulated with zero grams of sugar, fat or carbs, and 70 calories per 1.5 oz. serving. SVEDKA Pure Infusions is available nationwide in Strawberry Guava, Ginger Lime and Dragonfruit Melon flavors in 750ml bottles for a suggested retail price of $14.99 and 1L bottles for a suggested retail price of $15.99. For more information, please contact Svedka Vodka at 877-766-2033. Ginger beverage brand Reed’s launched its firstever alcoholic beverage, Reed’s Zero Sugar Classic Mule, a naturally brewed, ready-to-drink ginger mule made in partnership with Oregon’s Full Sail Brewing Co. With an ABV of 7% and a light-spice flavor profile, the Zero Sugar Classic Mule is now available at retailers nationwide for $10.99 per 4-pack of 12 oz. cans. For more information, please contact Reed’s at 800-99-REEDS. San Diego distillery Cutwater Spirits announced the launch of its Rum Mint Mojito canned cocktail, pairing the distillery’s White Rum with pure cane sugar, freshly muddled mint and lime topped with soda water. Coming in at 5.9% ABV, the Rum Mint Mojito is now available through select retailers exclusively in California, Florida and New York with a suggested retail price of $9.99 per 4-pack and an ABV of 5.9% per can. For more information, please contact Cutwater Spirits at (858) 672-3848. Virginia’s Square One Organic Spirits launched a line of handcrafted certified organic ready-to-drink cocktails, made with vodka, real juice, botanical extracts and no artificial preservatives with an ABV of 7.5%. Available in Pear of Roses, Basil Berry Fizz, Mediterranean Pearl and Cucumber Therapy, the canned cocktails will initially be available in California for $19.99 per 4-pack of 12 oz. cans, expanding across the country throughout the summer. For more information, please contact Square One Organic Spirits at (415) 612-4151.


SPOTLIGHT CATEGORY SPARKLING WATER For the home bound and thirsty, it’s Seltzer Central. With new brands Bubly, Spindrift, Waterloo, and even Coke’s AHA flooding the shelves at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has us all sitting around, it looks like there’s room for all manner of sparkling waters in grocery carts, and things are booming for older products like Topo Chico and Sparkling Ice as well. Just as spiked seltzers are spiking, so too are the virgin kinds — and they’re everywhere. SPARKLING WATER BRAND






Private Label



Sparkling Ice



La Croix












Topo Chico



San Pellegrino



Canada Dry






Sparkling Ice Lemonade






Poland Spring



La Croix Curate








244.9% 303.0%

San Pellegrino Essenza














Energy Drinks



Bottled Juices






Bottled Water



Liquid Drink Enhancers



SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 6/14/20











Vita Coco



Private Label

Juicy Juice




Apple & Eve



Minute Maid


Capri Sun


Private Label Capri Sun Nick Jr Paw Patrol







Glaceau Smart Water




Nestle Pure Life





Poland Spring





Glaceau Vitamin Water






Deer Park


















Mtn Dew Kickstart








Private Label





Gold Peak



Mtn Dew Amp Game Fuel






V8 V Fusion Plus Energy



Red Diamond






Turkey Hill



San Pellegrino






Minute Maid



Gts Enlightened Synergy






Lipton Pure Leaf



Bai Bubbles



Gts Enlightened Kombucha






Gts Kombucha Synergy



SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 6/14/20








International Delight






Starbucks Iced Espresso Classics



Califia Farms



Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein



Coca Cola Dunkin Donuts



Private Label



Chameleon Cold Brew



Stumptown Coffee Roasters






Red Bull



Monster Energy



VPX Bang



Red Bull Sugar Free



Monster Energy Zero Ultra






Red Bull The Summer Edition



Monster Energy Lo Carb



Monster Mega Energy



Red Bull The Blue Edition






Gatorade Perform






Gatorade Frost



G Zero



Bodyarmor Superdrink



Powerade Ion4



Powerade Zero Ion4



Gatorade Fierce



Powerade X Ion4



Gatorade G2 Perform














3.8% 5.9%

Miller Lite








Bud Specialty





Keystone Miller High Life






SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 6/14/20



Odwalla Swan Song As I stroll my New York streets during this pandemic and see once-vibrant spots like restaurants, music clubs and bookstores shuttered – some of them possibly for good – it brings home the impermanence of so many things we take for granted. What was a robust city-living ecosystem has turned into a desert in the blink of an eye, at the hand of an invisible enemy. From this perspective, it’s odd thinking about the news that Coca-Cola has decided to shutter its Odwalla refrigerated juice brand, due to go dark around the time you’ll be reading this. The confi rmation from its owner of 19 years came abruptly. Given the brand’s long erosion, the move was both shocking and not shocking to me. Still, the franchise had been around 40 years, and I found myself getting sentimental about this grocery juice-case mainstay. But that begs the question: do we have any business getting sentimental about consumer brands in the fi rst place? And why Odwalla? Would I feel even more sentimental at the loss of brands like Pepsi-Cola or Poland Spring that have amassed far more equity? Actually, I don’t think so. So what makes Odwalla different? One is the branding itself. The name came from a character conjured up by the avant-garde collective Art Ensemble of Chicago, and as a jazz guy myself (and fan specifically of the Ensemble), I’m going to miss that rare consumer item that takes its branding queues from America’s original musical form. And the graphic identity was unusual in consumer products, heralding bright Africa-tinged bird and fruit motifs. To this day, even as the liquid inside was a pallid imitation of the vibrant juice of the early days, Odwalla’s packaging certainly brightened up the cooler. That in turn is tied to the brand’s founding myth. The brand was created by a trio of struggling jazz musicians in the Bay Area – most familiarly to BevNet readers the serial entrepreneur Greg Steltenpohl – as a way of making ends meet. They sold their homemade juice out of a Volkswagen van that Coke, in one of its sporadic efforts to reinvigorate the faltering brand, reprised (in far plusher form, as Steltenpohl then observed) for a sampling tour two summers back, in 2018. That may be one difference with a brand like Pepsi-Cola: though Pepsi can similarly boast entrepreneurial roots, that was well over a century ago, while Odwalla’s creation still seems fresh, even if the juices aren’t any more. Even as an independent brand Odwalla had its ups and downs. An e-coli disaster cost a consumer’s life and prompted a massive recall. At one time, Odwalla itself was a consolidator in the beverage space, absorbing East Coast rival Fresh Samantha and closing its Maine factory; once Coke bought Odwalla a year later, it shut down the Fresh Sam brand entirely. (Odwalla rival Naked Juice, now a Pepsi brand, similarly acquired and discontinued the Midwest’s Fantasia brand.) How did Coca-Cola fare as a steward of the Odwalla brand? Given the outcome, it’s defi nitely not getting an “A.” But it also was fighting some tough trends: consumers’ sudden reaction against juice as their concerns about sugar outweighed 28 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

the products’ nutritional benefits. The product compromises – were they inevitable? – that occurred as Coke tried to scale Odwalla to billion-dollar status as an approachable, affordable brand. Indeed, on social media one fi nds outspoken old-guard consumers bitterly decrying those compromises. And the difficulty that refrigeration poses, as I’d outlined in this space a few months ago. Truth be told, as far as I can tell, all the major refrigerated juice players are so highly pasteurized by now that they’re essentially shelf-stable brands masquerading as fresh, refrigerated entries. In doing so, they opened the doors to the wave of cold-pressed entries looking to bring back the flavor, nutrition and excitement that once characterized Odwalla, Naked and Bolthouse Farms. Still, it wasn’t so long ago that Coke executives would brag to investors about their multiple routes to retail, including the captive refrigerated arm that handled Minute Maid, Odwalla and other brands. But they’d been quietly dismantling parts of it over the past decade, and now will call it a day on that effort, too, relaying mainly on broadline distributors, I suppose. I heard Coke did embark on some effort, however brief, to fi nd a buyer before deciding to just kill the brand and distribution system. On the positive side of the ledger, I supposed, Coke’s ceo, James Quincey, has made it clear that he believes the only way to move forward effectively with innovation is to unhesitatingly kill the “zombie” brands that aren’t cutting it. In confi rming Odwalla’s fate, the company pointed to brands like Honest Tea, Topo Chico and Fairlife as brands it remains bullish about. So it’s continuing to fight the good fight to diversify its reliance on CSDs. A couple of years ago I lured Steltenpohl, who’s now running another ingeniously branded refrigerated brand he’s created, Califia Farms, to a remarkable, if grungy, underground store in Chinatown called Downtown Music Gallery for a live show featuring an out-there sax player named Jack Wright. It turned out Steltenpohl had a reason for being willing to make the trip: it was Wright who’d replaced him in his jazz combo after Greg left to become a full-time beverage entrepreneur in the late 1980s. That night at DMG was the fi rst time they’d met. So count on Steltenpohl to bring a long perspective. How does he feel about the demise of Odwalla? He’s philosophical: the brand had a good run, and the real loss had occurred years back when its unique culture dissipated. Odwalla’s exit, he argued, simply opens up shelf space for the mission-based entrepreneurs who’ve been invading the food and beverage space. So that zombie might have started off as his own kid, but he wasn’t entirely upset to see it go. Still, he couldn’t help but add that the Art Ensemble tune that inspired the brand name was a lament.

Longtime beverage-watcher Gerry Khermouch is executive editor of Beverage Business Insights, a nearly daily e-newsletter covering the nonalcoholic beverage sector.

TIME TO BREW THE NEW Innovative, Sure, But When Do Next-Gen Tea Brands Take Over? by Brad Avery


When Honest Tea fi rst hit the marketplace in 1998 with its organic, low sugar proposition, the idea of a better-for-you iced tea was novel, innovative, and ultimately disruptive. Today, at least in the natural products space, those qualities are fast becoming the standard for all beverages, but this shift has been a long one -- a 22-year industry transformation full of fits and starts. Even today, the U.S. ready-to-drink tea category reportedly recorded $3.96 billion in dollar sales, down 0.2%, during the 52-week period ending June 14, according to market research fi rm IRI, but many of the leading brands, such as AriZona, Pure Leaf and Lipton, still thrive on added sugar and traditional flavor tea profi les. “Tea is one of the most popular, consumed beverages in the world, but there is the feeling in the community that it’s kind of been waiting to follow in the footsteps of coffee,” said Arif Fazal, founder and managing partner of investment fi rm Blueberry Ventures. Though yerba mate and kombucha, both tea-based, have broken out into the mainstream, traditional iced tea has not yet found its next generation of innovative products. Attempts at introducing cold brew to the category, which proved to be a catalyst for RTD coffee’s revival, fell flat for tea, Fazal said, and many of the most exciting trends such as bubble tea have yet to make the transition from on-premise to the retail shelf. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t startups in the wings with fresh, differentiated products looking to make their mark. Small brands have drawn in growing consumer bases by blurring the category lines, testing new functionalities and introducing uniquely sourced products with international origins. HopTea Seeks to Blur the Category Lines Founded in 2018, Boulder, Colorado-based Hoplark HopTea has begun tackling national distribution for its line of canned teas brewed with hops. Recalling the taste profile of a craft beer with no added sugar and tea-styled flavors such as The Green Tea One, The Calm One (with chamomile), The White Tea One and The Hoplemousse One (with grapefruit juice), last fall the brand went nationwide in all Whole Foods Market stores and has begun working with Presence Marketing to help grow its footprint in retail. According to co-founder and CEO Dean Eberhardt, the company has grown significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic; despite some hurdles in retail during the early days of the crisis the brand grew its ecommerce sales over 6.5 times between February and June to make up almost half of the company’s entire revenue. “I think that we have an opportunity, because of what’s happening with these market leaders in the non-alcoholic race, and because there is a really strong opening from a consumer perspective on that business,” Eberhardt said. “But the tea category itself, I think, is undergoing a bit of a revitalization.” For HopTea, the brand has often been met with skepticism from investors and

advisors that the company needs to “pick a lane” and choose whether to focus on being a non-alcoholic beer or an iced tea, Eberhardt said. Though it’s formally classified as the latter, HopTea’s experience in market to date has shown that the conventional wisdom around messaging might not apply, as many consumers have intuitively adopted the product for multiple uses throughout the day. Having launched the brand in local Colorado farmer’s markets, Eberhardt said he and his co-founder, Andrew Markley, used that early platform as an opportunity to gauge consumer feedback on a recurring basis, learning that many of their customers would drink HopTea in the morning as a wake up beverage, at lunch for refreshment and at night as a beer replacement. “We didn’t have to necessarily teach them that,” he said. “They were kind of mapping out how easily it works and kind of informed us that we didn’t have to overthink it.” According to IRI, non-alcoholic beer has grown 34.9% to $153 million in sales during the 52-week period ending June 14. A former craft beer drinker himself, Eberhardt noted that many beer consumers are now looking for healthier options, whether that’s lower calorie spiked seltzers like White Claw and Truly or non-alc brands such as Athletic Brewing. However, as consumers gravitate toward the space, HopTea has invested little in education efforts -- assuming that the consumer base intuitively “gets it” and that the company’s early farmers market experience has continued to influence how the brand positions the product in national retail. The brand has tried to straddle the line: playing as a non-alcoholic beverage has opened new channel opportunities for HopTea in on-premise accounts that would have been likely unachievable otherwise, Eberhardt notes. And like many craft beer makers, the company also operates its own taproom and brewery in Colorado; typically open to the public, the taproom is temporarily shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The company even sponsored the 2019 Great American Beer Festival in Colorado last October where it sampled over 4,000 cans. “The one thing I get challenged on the most is ‘you need to choose a lane,’ and what the customers have taught us is no, we don’t,” Eberhardt said. “And that’s the most controversial position of where we stand relative to the rest of the market, because I do agree with that in theory and that statement in most every case. But for us, the power has been in not choosing that lane and allowing the customers to choose it themselves.” Fazal noted that, as an investor, he would typically advise a brand like HopTea to choose a single identity. However, he said, as new innovations across all beverage categories continue to push traditional boundaries and create cross-category products, the old standards could be shifting. He cited the rise of energy tea brands, such as Zest Tea and Tea Riot, as well as the yerba mate space led by companies such as Guayaki, as one example of the category blur in action. HopTea, he suggested, has found a new angle playing in the non-alcoholic space -- he pointed out that even the brand’s packaging, 16 oz. aluminum tallboy cans, recall the craft beer segment -- and that the company may be able to successfully navigate a double identity. Whether that potential will pan out will come down to the company’s ability to implement its shelf strategy and monitor how consumers use the drink as it expands. “Historically, I would have said, pick a lane and go be really good in that lane,” Fazal said. “But, I think it’s important to test if you can get your secondary placements, find your tertiary 32 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

placements and find yourself merchandised in these different subcategories. Where is it working better and where are consumers responding to it?” Dandelion Tea Finds Its Audience Online While HopTea is continuing with its retail rollout alongside its online strategy, other alternative tea makers are finding their footing through a focus on internet communities. Lion, a maker of RTD dandelion teas, often found itself struggling to compete in crowded cold cases in grocery retail, founder and CEO Ray DeRosa said, noting that despite positive feedback from retail partners on the product itself, the company was frequently told there wasn’t space for the brand. Though the drink is shelf stable and could be stocked on the dry shelf, Lion struggled to drive trial without cooler placements. This year, following a recent rebrand that added new flavors and emphasized dandelion’s functional benefits such as gut health and immunity, the company has turned to Amazon and direct-to-

consumer ecommerce as a core revenue stream. Since the winter, DeRosa said Lion has gone from selling about 450 cases per day to up to 4,500 cases per day, with about 20% of individual customers accounting for 40% of all sales. About 76% of all customers, he added, were adding Lion into their daily diets without replacing another product. “It’s not every day that somebody just incorporates a functional product into their life without replacing something else,” DeRosa said. “So most of our customers are just thinking ‘okay, this is part of my lifestyle now.” Though dandelion is still a niche ingredient with educational hurdles, DeRosa said the brand has found its audience primarily with women, notably young mothers and baby boomers, as well as early adopters of other natural products trends such as apple cider vinegar drinks. Some consumers, he said, are already familiar with dandelion tea and have nostalgic connotations to grandparents who would brew the beverage for them as children, while others are brought into the brand through marketing that emphasizes functionality and flavor. Like many other beverages, COVID-19 has proved to be a growth driver online, and Lion has leaned into immunity as a core benefit, DeRosa said. To drive trial, the company offers sample kits with one of each of the brand’s six SKUs, and consumers will frequently choose one or two favorites to then order in bulk. In addition to social and digital marketing, word of mouth has increased

online as some consumers become evangelists for the product. Lion is still available in retail, but expansion plans have been pulled back as online has given DeRosa the opportunity and necessary data to assess its long term strategy. “If I could convey one thing to other brands, it’s just how much unique data and you can learn about your product by shifting your model to direct-to-consumer,” he said. “Looking back, I’m kind of just kicking myself, like man, why didn’t we start with this?” Unique Sources and The Buzz of Non-Caffeination In June, Hawaii-based Shaka Tea raised $2.3 million in a financing round to fund a nationwide distribution expansion for its line of iced teas made using mamaki tea leaves, a plant native to the Aloha State. The brand is currently available in about 2,000 stores nationwide with an additional 1,000 accounts approved for rollout this year, and has also recently launched in Japan. According to co-founders Bella Hughes and Harrison Rice, same store velocities for the brand grew 18.2% for the 13-week period ending in the first week of July. While Shaka’s local sourcing and sustainability message have become core pillars of the brand identity, among the strongest growth drivers have been the product’s clean label, zero sugar and non-caffeinated properties. In particular being caffeine-free, they said, has taken on a form of functional benefit in itself as consumers look to destress and get better sleep. “One of the things we’re surmising is that during this COVID pandemic, there’s so much of our life now, almost all of it, that happens at home,” Hughes said. “So the need for restful sleep, the need, to really ensure that you’re going to not be kept up at night -- and people already have so many worries and concerns -- it’s more prominent than ever. So being caffeine free is huge.”

New York-based Dona Chai has also framed its lack of caffeine as a form of functionality with the launch of its new Tisane line this summer. The drinks, marketed as “tea without tea” are made from a blend of spices, herbs, flowers and fruit and are available in Cardamon Mint, Elderflower Fennel and Turmeric Cherry varieties. According to Dona Chai founder Amy Rothstein, the line meets the trend for clean label, relaxing and wellness-oriented products. “What I’ve noticed throughout the years about the tea market is that people are starting to move away from caffeine,” Rothstein said. “A lot of people make the choice to drink something totally herbal.” Chi Nguyen, founder and CEO of Texas-based Purpose Tea, said her brand has aimed to emphasize the antioxidant properties of purple tea sourced from Kenya. Purpose Tea, along with fellow purple tea maker Kabaki, has sought to educate consumers on the health benefits of their key ingredient. Nguyen noted that since the onset of the pandemic, the brand has begun emphasizing purple tea’s low caffeine content relative to green tea as a selling point as consumers report increased anxiety. Launched in 2018, Purpose Tea is still finding its footing in the marketplace and is aiming to increase its online presence as a means of attracting and educating new consumers, particularly as the retail space proves to be increasingly competitive. “The retail space, I feel like, is now seeing some level of normalcy and category review schedules are back on,” Nguyen said. “There are some stores that will cut us in opportunistically so we’re still attacking the brick and mortar distribution plan, but we are really augmenting that with a lot of ecommerce and digital efforts.”



NU Tea launched a three-SKU line of unsweetened functional organic iced teas in February. The teas are available for purchase on its website and in select retail locations in New Jersey. Sparkling iced tea brand Minna launched a new f lavor, Cherry Cacao Green tea f lavor with distribution through UNFI and Iris Nova. Cherry Cacao Green Tea is unsweetened, with no sugars or added sweetener, using organic, non-GMO ingredients and Fair Trade tea. Zest Tea expanded its line of ready-todrink energy teas with the launch of its first zero calorie and zero sugar f lavor, Blackberry Lime. The brand has added over 1,000 new grocery placements, with new retail partners including Giant Landover, Harris Teeter, Stop & Shop, Shaw’s and Whole Foods Mid Atlantic. Tiesta Tea launched a new Multiserve Cold Brew Tea line this spring, currently available in 600 Kroger stores in Maui Mango and Lean Green Machine. Both f lavors are under 30 calories and contain less than five grams of sugar per 12 oz. serving. Spritz Tea is expanding its product line with two new flavors, Bright Citrus and Wild Acai, hitting shelves this August and will also be unveiling updated branding. Sparkling botanical tea brand Kite has secured national distribution across Canada, signing on with distribution partners Purity Life and Horizon Grocery. The brand is currently in talks regarding launching distribution across the United States, expected by the end of July. Sol-ti launched Blue Spirulina SuperAde and Blue Mystic SuperShot. Both products contain 100 mg of blue spirulina, which is rich in protein and B vitamins. Both of these products are available nationwide at all Publix locations, through select distributors and retailers throughout the country and nationwide via the brand’s website. 34 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

KABAKI Kenyan Purple Tea continues to support underserved communities in Kenya and locally. In the United States, K ABAKI has partnered with The Frontline Impact Project, several healthcare facilities, food banks and nonprofits. Wild Orchard Green Tea, winner of the 2019 Global Tea Championships, launched four new lightly sweetened organic iced green teas. AYR and AYR Orange are made from green tea leaves specially harvested year round, revealing a unique robust f lavor, while the classic green tea-based Strawberry Hibiscus and Pineapple Coconut add a bright, fruity twist on traditional green tea. Dona launched Tisanes, an herbal tea line made with spices, herbs, f lowers and fruit and no added sugar with under 10 calories per 15 oz. bottle. Dona Tisanes are available in four varieties: Turmeric Cherry with Lemongrass, Hibiscus & Black Pepper, Cardamom Mint with Blueberry & Lemon and Elderf lower Fennel with Chamomile & Orange. CLEAN Cause has launched a new zero calorie lineup of sparkling, organic, yerba mate drinks. Three new f lavors -Cherry Lime, Orange Ginger and Berry Mint-- all contain zero calories, zero sugar and zero carbs. IV Beverage introduced its f lagship line of 14 oz. matcha green teas in February in Original and Cacao Chai f lavors. The teas are all-natural and contain 80 mg of natural caffeine with four grams of organic cane sugar per bottle and are free of gluten, dairy, gums, preservatives, carrageenan and artificial f lavors or colors. All six f lavors of TEONIC’s herbal tea tonics -- I Love My Adrenals, I Love My Liver, I Love My Gut, I Love My Brain, I Love My Skin and I Love My Body -are now sold at The Fresh Market. ToroMatcha is eliminating sugar from its Sparkling Energizing Matcha Infusions. In addition to being USDA organic,

natural and vegan, the drinks will now be sugar-free, sweetener free and stevia-free. ToroMatcha is launching its products in Southern California in September with distributor KeHE through its New@Kehe program. D. B. Miller, owner of Texas Tea, has moved its bottling to Epic Bottling in Coppell, Texas. The new facility has a high speed glass bottle line enabling production to keep pace with the rapid growth of Texas Tea. Tea of a Kind introduced three new yerba mate f lavors: Berry Basil, Mango and Prickly Pear. All three f lavors are sugar free, all natural and contain zero calories. The new f lavors are available at Albertsons Safeway Southwest division and Quick Trip AZ. Ellis Island Tea – a hand-crafted allnatural Jamaican sweet tea brewed by Detroit beverage maker Ellis Infinity, LLC – will be rolling out in Walmart stores in July. When it hits new shelves this summer, the tea will be sporting new packaging, with a bottle made of lighter plastic, wrapped with colorful images.

now working with Coast Beverage Distributing in San Diego and New Age Beverages in Colorado. It recently launched in select Piggly Wiggly and Harris Teeter stores and is now available nationwide via Snack Magic by Stadium. TeaRoyaal by Dr. Peart recently updated its packaging and its organic functional teas have launched on Los Angeles-based premium cold brew iced tea brand KOLLO recently announced a new subscription offering on its website. Ito En launched its Unsweetened Jasmine Green Tea, Green Tea and Oolong Golden Tea in 11.5 oz cans. The brand also updated the packaging of its Sencha and Oolong shots with a new design.

BOS Brands, the makers of BOS organic rooibos iced tea, will be launching a new range of functional rooibos-based health shots in early July. Available in four variants, Bounce Back (immunity), Chill Out (CBD), Let it Glow (collagen) and Gut A Problem? (probiotics), each 1.7 oz. shot contains brewed organic rooibos, functional ingredients and natural fruit juice, available on the brand’s website and Amazon. Joe Tea has added Wild Berry Red Tea to its reduced sugar product line. With this new addition, the brand now offers 24 f lavors in 20 oz. glass bottles. Shaka Tea’s revamped website launched on July 1. The brand is also 35

AS THE COUNTRY GRAPPLES WITH THE PANDEMIC, SPORTS DRINKS BEGIN TO REBOUND BY MARTÍN CABALLERO Even at a time in which sports are largely absent from the national landscape, sports drinks are having a moment. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented obvious challenges for all CPG categories, but also unique opportunities to adapt to shifts in consumers’ shopping habits and dietary preferences that are likely to endure in the months and years ahead, and sports drinks are no exception to that rule. While experiencing a surge in retail and online sales, sports drinks have had to contend with the closure of gyms and fitness centers and the suspension of professional sports leagues, one of the category’s most important marketing platforms. The pandemic has also impacted the way in which consumers think about health, wellness and fitness, all of which are set to influence product development and brand communication for sports drink makers as they seek to connect with the next generation of athletes. At the same time, the category as it has been traditionally defined -- as primarily the domain of isotonic drinks -- is in the process of being reshaped. Spurred by strong consumer interest in new functional ingredients that align with fitness lifestyles, upstart brands are embracing innovation to keep ahead of the competition, which is increasingly coming from energy drinks, enhanced waters and other categories. Now, it’s not longer about what your beverage has less of, such as sugars, artificial colors or flavors; it’s about what it has more of, including things like branch chain amino acids, CBD, creatine and immune-boosting adaptogenic herbs. Whether those trends continue into the months ahead is yet to be seen, but they are actively shaping the sports drink category in the U.S. even as we speak. 36 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

Despite the major challenges for CPG brands of all types in operating a successful business during a pandemic, the sports drinks category is on relatively solid footing. According to data from IRI, total U.S. multi-outlet sales (including C-store) for both liquid and powder mix sports drinks were up 9.3% over a 52-week period ended on June 30, surpassing $7.3 billion. That’s a slight increase from year-over-year numbers through April 22, when the category was up 9%. Notably, though, sales have continued to accelerate as states have moved through various phases of lockdown since the start of the pandemic. After slowing to 3% growth over a 12-week period ended on June 13, the category has picked back up, growing sales 12.6% over the four week period and 21.3% over the two weeks, according to Nielsen data, with volume up 14.1% over the two weeks. That span has seen significant jumps for both Gatorade -- moving from 0.5% growth over the 12 weeks to 18.5% over the two weeks -- and Body Armor, which has gone from 27.2% to 55.4%. Powerade’s recovery has been slower, but the brand is trending in the right direction, going from down 7.7% to up 6.2%. Out of the three leaders, Powerade has seen the biggest average price increase at 7%, with Body Armor declining by slightly less than 1% and Gatorade growing 1.2% over the 12 weeks. Broken down further, the market shows a different picture in terms of growth by channel. Based on data from SPINS, in the natural channel (excluding Whole Foods), isotonic sports drinks grew 11.9% year-over-year through June 14, up to just over $16 million in sales, while coconut-based isotonics jumped by 68.1% to around $3.1 million. Over the 24 week period ended on June 14, isotonics were up 18.4% in natural, before falling to 13.2%

over the 12 weeks and decelerating to 8.5% over the four week period. Growth-wise, coconut-based isotonics fared even better: over the 24 weeks, those drinks were up 74%, though the total dollar sales and volume still lag far behind. Interestingly, some of the biggest growth has been happening within naturally positioned sports drinks sold in conventional retailers: over the three week period ended on June 14, sales of those beverages increased over 2119%, and have sustained four-digit growth over the course of the last several months. Though coming from a relatively small starting point of around $3.4 million, the segment is up 780% to over $30 million in sales year-over-year. Furthermore, within specialty and wellness positioned sports drinks, the 24 week period has seen isotonics rise 12.7% in MULO sales and 21.2% in the natural channel. Those numbers have decelerated over recent weeks, though the segment is up 9.3% in MULO and 13.5% in natural year-over-year. In comparison, naturally positioned sports drinks generated just over $3 million in the natural channel, with year-over-year growth at 5.7%. The shift towards pantry-stocking has been one of several changes in consumer behavior that have come up as a result of the pandemic, but they could be just one indicator of further disruptions to come. The new buying behavior has had a significant impact on Cstores and particularly velocities for single-serving packages in the cold case. According to Nielsen, an increase in pantry stocking

from its zero sugar Lyte line, up nearly 65% to around $76 million through June 14. Body Armor continued to see its dollar share of the category grow during the first months of the pandemic. According to Nielsen, the brand’s all-channel sales were up 53% over the last 52 weeks, with dollar share hitting just under 13% in the two week period ended on June 25. At the same time, the disruption of professional sports leagues across the U.S. also has implications of the major sports drink brands that sponsor them. The NBA G League, a developmental league that has been sponsored by Gatorade since 2017, suspended its 2020 season in March. But other sponsored events and competitions that have been pushed back because of the pandemic -- UEFA’s Euro 2020 soccer tournament, the 2020 Summer Olympics -- are set to have an even bigger impact in terms of global media exposure and viewership. The sports drink brand is also in the final year of a three-year pact with European soccer body UEFA to sponsor its Champions League competition, which is set to conclude its 2019-2020 edition in Portugal in August after play was halted in February. While Major League Baseball and the NBA are set to complete abridged seasons in the weeks ahead, the fate of the upcoming football seasons, both college and professional, remain dubious. Elsewhere, the situation looks a bit different. BodyAmor, which inked a deal to become the official sports drink of Major League

and a decrease in store trips pushed total beverage dollar sales in the channel down 4.3% for the 23 weeks ended on June 6. Though sports drinks, a top-three beverage category in convenience, have not been as negatively impacted as bottled water and energy drinks, it still represents 9% of beverage dollar sales in the channel.

Soccer last September, and which also sponsors the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), has seen both those competitions resume in abridged formats as of July. Though still firmly entrenched in the category’s top spot, recent results for Gatorade have varied depending on the product positioning. According to IRI, the brand’s core line (18.7%) and sugar free G-Zero line (148.5%) have each seen year-over-year increases in sales, while Gatorade Perform (down 5.7%) and Frost (11.4%) both fell. The brand also saw an encouraging first year from its most recent function-forward innovation, Bolt 24, which uses a watermelon base and contains sea salt, antioxidants, and vitamins B3, B5, and B6 with no artificial sweeteners. The line brought in around $21 million in sales in its first 12 months on the market. In PepsiCo’s Q2 earnings report released in July, the company noted that a low single-digit increase in volume for Gatorade helped offset losses in juices and ready-to-drink teas. Over a 12 week period ended on June 13, non-carbonated beverage volume fell 8%, with Gatorade down by mid-single digits. During the earnings call, CEO Ramon Laguarta noted that the company is focusing on supporting products associated with “healthier” callouts, using reduced sugar products from Gatorade, as well as Pepsi and Mountain Dew, as examples.

Changing Consumers, Changing Category When it comes to responding to the changes in consumer behavior that have arisen as a result of the pandemic, there’s no clear blueprint for sports drinks (or any other beverage category, for that matter) for how to proceed. Instead, the key may be rather to let those consumers set the course. “As people’s daily habits changed, we saw a shift to more at-home and fitness occasions,” said Brent Hastie, president of BodyArmor. Some of the ways in which BodyArmor has moved to adapt to that change started before the pandemic; in February, it introduced Sport Water in 6-packs of 20 oz. bottles at select retail partners. The company’s strategy of offering “a range of better-for-you hydration options,” Hastie said, has been consistent throughout, and the pandemic hasn’t forced any changes in the brand’s product release schedule for this year. Driven primarily by growth from its flagship line of “superdrinks,” Body Armor has also seen solid performance 38 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

Notably, Pepsi seems to be backing Gatorade for further growth. The company named its flagship sports drink as one of the first beverage products to be offered through its online store PantryShop. com, which went online in May. Attempting to thread the needle between pantry stocking and ecommerce, the site offers Gatorade as part of a “Hydration Pack” that also includes flavored Propel waters. That support applies to marketing as well. In its 2019 full-year earnings report released in February, the company noted that it planned to retreat on ad spending after a year in which it increased by 12% and during which the CPG giant built a robust in-house marketing team backed by data and analytics. But earlier this spring, Gatorade debuted a new campaign called “G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time) Camp” featuring a lineup of international sports superstars including Usain Bolt, Lionel Messi, Serena Williams and Michael Jordan. However, spending will likely be down from previous levels; in 2018, Pepsi spent over $100 million in advertising the brand. Though it may now be sharing the spotlight with BodyArmor within Coca-Cola’s sports drink distribution portfolio, Powerade underwent a slight pivot in packaging and positioning at the beginning of this year, and early indications are that the approach is proving successful. In January, the brand announced, in addition to completing its first brand revamp in 13 years, the introduction of two new zero-sugar lines: Powerade Ultra and Powerade Power Water. Available in three flavors, the former contains creatine, a supplement popular with weight lifters, as well as electrolytes (50% more than in the core line) and vitamins. Meanwhile, Power Water -- which is sold in Berry Cherry, Tropical Mango and Cucumber Lime flavors and enhanced with

electrolytes -- is aimed at casual athletes and fitness enthusiasts. When compared against BodyArmor’s lineup, there are clear points of crossover; the New York-based sports drink maker also markets a reduced sugar line (Lyte) as well as an enhanced water (SportWater, which is not flavored). Take a step further back and the landscape becomes even more crowded, as products from vitaminwater and smartwater also tap into consumer interest in both new functionalities and specific use occasions. However, whether there is enough room for these products and brand lines to co-exist and thrive remains a bigger question. After a splashy rollout in 2018, vitaminwater pulled the plug on its three-SKU sports drink line, Active, last year. With the pandemic looking likely to stretch well into the second half of this year and beyond, consumers are taking a more cohesive, longer-term perspective when it comes to health and wellness. The spike in interest in products with immunity supporting properties has been well recorded; over a 12-week period ended on April 19, food and beverage products positioned for “immunity” experienced significant growth in both natural (175.6%) and MULO (127.6%) sales compared to the same period last year. Whatever the exact callouts are, better-for-you and “healthy” claims may be the field upon which the battle for the future of sports drinks will be fought. In March, Gatorade successfully argued before the National Advertising Division (NAD) that BodyArmor should drop its claims of being “The More Natural Sports Drink,” “More Natural Ingredients than Gatorade Thirst Quencher & Gatorade Zero,” and “The Most Natural LowCalorie Sports Drink.”



BodyArmor is now the #2 sports drink sold in convenience stores nationwide – up more than 50% in year-to-date growth and on track to record over $1 billion in retail sales in 2020. To start the year, BodyArmor announced a multi-year partnership with Major League Soccer to become the league’s Official Sports Drink and welcomed 2019 MVP Carlos Vela into the brand’s growing athlete roster. BodyArmor launched its largest ad campaign to-date featuring several athlete partners including James Harden, Mike Trout, Megan Rapinoe and more, and successfully expanded its low-calorie, no sugar added BodyArmor Lyte Sports Drink lineup with new flavors including Tropical Coconut, Watermelon and Orange Clementine. Premium hydration beverage Electrolit has expanded to multiple new markets through widened distribution plans with convenience store chains, including Circle K, United Pacific, RaceTrac, Quick Trip, Pilot Flying J, Han-Dee Hugo’s, United Dairy Farmers and Love’s Travel Stops. Totaling nearly 7,000 new C-store accounts, Electrolit’s distribution plans will extend to Florida, Texas, California, Washington, Oregon, Ohio and more. ¡CACTUS! Organic Cactus Water -- available in Lime, Watermelon and Papaya flavors -- is now distributed by UNFI, KeHE, Garden Spot and Blue Dog Beverage. Electra is a new better-for-you sports drink available in three 16 oz. SKUs: Passion Punch, Litty Lemonade and Oh Yeah! Orange. The brand launched on Kickstarter on July 4. Plant-based, functional sports nutrition brand ATAQ launched three shelf-stable performance booster shots containing adaptogens, superfruit extracts, nootropics and thermo-nutrients. Each shot features a plant-based formula to support their respective function: Power & Endurance (pre-workout) drink, Energy & Focus (intra-workout or during the day pick-me up) and Recovery & Immunity for postworkout or as anytime immune booster. Denver-based CBD atheletic performance 40 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

brand DEFY has launched DEFY ZERO, a zero added sugar CBD performance drink with only 20 calories. DEFY ZERO is available online in three flavors: Lemonade, Mixed Berry and Orange Mango. Each 16 oz. bottle is enhanced with coconut water, electrolytes, vitamins and the brand’s proprietary blend of 20 mg broad-spectrum hemp extract with 0% THC. Kydrate, the first sports drink developed by pediatricians specifically for kids, is launching in August. Its four flavors contain no more than one gram of sugar from a natural source along with fiber, vitamins and electrolytes from coconuts. Ready is launching an all-natural sports drink, made with ingredients and bottle design unique to the sports drink space with professional athlete investors Giannis Antetokounmpo and Aaron Donald involved in its development. HALO hydration drink announced Armando Christian Perez, a.k.a Pitbull, as an investor and ambassador. Perez will work closely with the team on brand development, commercial strategy and investor relations. The brand also launched three new flavors -- Black Cherry, Pineapple and Tangerine -- and continues to expand its retail presence, launching in Sprouts and Gelson’s across Los Angeles. Plant-based hydration brand Liquid, manufactured by Liquid Beverage Company, is a new sports drink formulated with 10% non-GMO watermelon juice, 47 mg of plant-based branch chain amino acids, natural sweeteners and flavors and six essential vitamins. Liquid is available in two flavors: Black Cherry Pomegranate and Orange Mango. Gatorade launched BOLT24 ENERGIZE, the second offering in its BOLT24 platform, containing electrolytes from watermelon and sea salt and 75 mg of caffeine per 16.9 oz bottle. BOLT24 Energize is available in Orange Passion Fruit, Strawberry Lemon and Cherry Lime flavors at select retailers nationwide and Amazon for $2.19 per bottle.

Functional Ingredients:

Spike in Demand for Nutrition, Immunity Set to Continue. by Martin Caballero

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in March, health and wellness products were already enjoying solid growth. But even now, as the public moves into a new phase of coping with the virus, those trends are set to continue, according to a presentation by SPINS analysts Kathryn Peters, Xochitl Javier and Jeff Crumpton at BevNET/NOSH Virtually Live 2020 in June. Moreover, consumers are going deeper into the segment and seeking out key ingredients that emphasize strength and wellness; any expectations that they would turn more towards less-than-healthy comfort foods during the initial stage of the pandemic were proven incorrect. Instead, customers looked for natural products in greater numbers during the pantry stocking phase in March and April, a trend that has continued into the early part of the summer. Sales are still trending upwards: the category is averaging over 20% growth compared to last year. As rates of infection for COVID-19 are still rising in most states, consumers are expected to continue eating meals at home, meaning brands in the space have an opportunity to build lasting relationships with retailers and customers. Natural products have already been outpacing growth for conventional items for some time, and the pandemic has seen an acceleration of that trend. Meanwhile, convenience categories, such as shelf-stable tea and snack bars, didn’t fare as well, with homebound consumers preparing meals more frequently. But those items have begun to rebound, which is of particular note because they offer significant opportunity as a first entry point for functional ingredients. The combination of economic pressures and risk of infection means consumers are eating more meals at home, and therefore changing their expectations about what their food should deliver. Ingredient-based categories are poised to reap the benefits; plant-based milks and meats posted double-digit sales gains in June, as did fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s an opportunity for brands to showcase the holistic benefits of nutrient-dense foods by packing in more functional ingredients, Peters said. 42 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

Though consumers have shown broadening interest in emerging functional ingredients, familiar ones -- such as turmeric and collagen -- are still top of mind. Nutrients like Vitamin C and herbs like echinacea, both typically more popular during flu season, notably performed strongly during the spring. Oregano, a versatile herb with multiple medicinal applications and available in a range of formats, including in teas and essential oils, grew 10% over recent weeks. Rising interest in functional ingredients has manifested specifically in certain categories. The first are immunity boosting products that offer benefits such as antioxidants and antimicrobial properties through natural ingredients like echinacea and elderberry. Refrigerated juices and functional beverages (105%), shelf-stable juice (41%) and shelf-stable tea (30%) have all enjoyed a boost in sales thanks to the uptick in demand for immunity defense products, according to Javier. In response to dealing with the challenges of the pandemic, busy consumers are also turning to products that promise stress relief, relaxation and sleep support. CBD has been the most popular new ingredient in this space in recent years, but interest in ingredients like melatonin, L-theanine and valerian root has also picked up. Finally, adaptogens, which cover a wide range of functional benefits -- including fighting fatigue, enhancing mood and sharpening mental acuity -- are becoming more common in the form of medicinal mushrooms (chaga, reishi) and herbs like maca and holy basil. Adaptogens have helped drive sales in categories like tea, which is up 27%. With consumers spending more time and more attention on their diets during the pandemic, new behaviors and preferences have begun to take hold. The pandemic, the analysts said, has bolstered the idea of “food as medicine,” with greater public awareness about the relationship between healthy eating habits and reducing risk for a variety of health issues, including COVID-19. Several lifestyle diets have stood out in particular. First is plantbased, which has already been on the rise and which cuts across a wide range of health conditions and product categories. During and after the initial panic buying period, plant-based categories have shown healthy sales trends; frozen plant-based burgers (122%) and sausage links (516%) both enjoyed strong growth. Sales growth across four key plant-based categories -- frozen and refrigerated meat alternatives, plus refrigerated and shelf-stable milk 44 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

alternatives -- is much higher now than during the stock-up period, Crumpton explained. Other hot categories include plant-based ice cream, almond milk and coconut milk. Though the total amount of promotion is increasing, a majority of plant-based product volume is not sold on promotion, representing strong ‘quality volume’ and intentional purchasing, he noted. Next is low glycemic and unsweetened products; as the drumbeat from doctors and nutritionists over the long-term dangers of sugar consumption, consumers are responding by favoring better-for-you alternative sweeteners such as monkfruit, stevia and sugar alcohols. This trend has penetrated into historically indulgent categories -baking and pancake mixes, for example -- as well. Consumers are also gravitating towards products that support microbiome and gut health, particularly as scientific evidence has emerged showing how it can influence all aspects of health, from immunity to anxiety. Traditionally, those products have been represented by yogurt, kefir and kombucha, which all contain living healthy bacteria. However, U.S. customers are now looking well beyond those ingredients to fermented items like refrigerated pickles and marinated vegetables (up 2,035%) and plant-based sour cream (up 1,453%). Lastly, pantry stocking has made nutrient-dense foods that pack high amounts of wholesome ingredients, like protein, fiber and whole grains, a more attractive prospect for shoppers seeking both nutrition and value. Despite the economic downturn this year, products specifically aligned with lifestyle diets like keto, Whole30 and low-FODMAP experienced growth recently. If past performance is an indicator of future success, natural foods are well positioned to face the economic challenges ahead, according to Crumpton. During the 2008 recession, natural products performed well and continued to do so after, and consumers’ motivation to pursue health and wellness should further boost category momentum this year. Functionality, self-care and the concept of food-as-medicine is a trend that is set to last, and, until a vaccine arrives, so is COVID-19. As a result, SPINS urged brand leaders and entrepreneurs to consider how their own habits have changed and how their companies align, or don’t, with current market trends as they seek solutions to the complex web of problems they now face. These factors should influence decision making in order to help brands stay ahead of the competition in an era of accelerating product life cycles.


Koios launched Fit Soda, a line of allnatural functional beverages enhanced with BCAAs and electrolytes that has recently gained distribution at Whole Foods in the Rocky Mountain Region. Vitamin and electrolyte-enhanced water brand ShineWater updated its packaging. In addition to the new brand design, Shinewater has expanded distribution into Michigan, Wisconsin, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida, with plans to expand to Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska in the next quarter. In early July, FYXX is launching FYXX EPIC IMMUNITY, a new all-in-one dietary supplement powder containing vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, elderberry, echinacea, selenium and magnesium. The powder is sweetened with stevia and natural fruit flavors, with no added sugar or artificial sweeteners or colors. Free Rain is a new functional, enhanced sparkling water beverage launching on July 15. Free Rain is available in three flavors: Awake, cherry lime with Siberian ginseng for energy; Focus, blood orange ginger with Ashwagandha for a clear mind; and Calm, blackberry with passionflower for a mellow mood. REBBL recently became one of the first in the beverage industry to transition to 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. Working with a team of environmental and package design experts to bring to market sustainable solutions, REBBL’s new Green Packaging Initiative converts used plastic into new 12 oz. bottles. By doing so, REBBL conserves natural resources, reduces the size of landfills and repurposes existing plastic. Protein2o is launching a plant-based protein water, Protein2o Plant Protein Water, made with 15 grams of pea protein, no sugar and no artificial ingredients. Available in an 11 oz can in Lemongrass Chamomile, Keylime Coconut and Blackberry Basil flavors, the new line will be available beginning in August on Amazon and in select retailers in the


third quarter of 2020. The brand has also expanded its Protein2o+PLUS line, with Protein2o+Electrolytes Strawberry Banana flavor. Protein2o has expanded distribution on the East Coast, adding Southeast Grocers, Acme, Safeway-East and Weis Markets this spring and summer. Goldthread Plant-Based Tonics announced it will expand its line of functional tonics with the adaptogen-focused Berry Power. Berry Power improves adaptation to stress, improves recovery and resilience and increases energy and endurance. Berry Power is made with 14,000 mg of whole herbs per bottle and gets its name from its primary ingredient, Schisandra berry. It is also formulated with a range of other adaptogens including Korean ginseng, goji berries and tulsi. WellWell, a functional beverage brand with a line of plant and adaptogen-based drinks to support holistic recovery including sleep, brain health, workout recovery, hydration and protein, has recently expanded through H-E-B and Walmart. Collagen-infused beverage brand Vital Proteins launched its Vital Performance Recover beverage in a smaller 16.9 oz bottle. Walmart has picked up all three SKUs across over 430 key doors, while Sprouts picked up all flavors in all retail locations in the second quarter. The bottles retail individually for $4, and 12-packs of each flavor are available online at vitalproteins. com for $60. Sparkling herbal tonic brand Sunwink announced its latest distribution partnership with Misfits Market, a subscription grocery box service designed to break the cycle of food waste. Misfits Market now has Sunwink as an add-on option for subscribers to directly experience the benefits of herbal wellness. Plant-based functional water brand W HIWATER and its new variety packs are now available on Amazon. The brand is now working with Market Distributing for distribution in the Midwest.




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Blue Ridge Bucha

AQUAhydrate is great tasting highperformance water, enhanced with 2x the electrolytes than leading electrolyte waters and an elevated alkaline level of pH9+ to help bring your body back to balance. Brand new look, same superior hydration.

Blue Ridge Bucha's organic kombucha is now on draft and in bottles throughout the Mid-Atlantic. 6 core flavors + seasonals, exclusives & limited releases. 6 mos shelf life, certified nonalcoholic. 10 years in business + over 1 million bottles saved.

Béla - Infusion of Ancient Herbs, Adaptogens, Antioxidants & Minerals

Sustainable alternative to plastic bottles and aluminum cans

Althea Brands LLC

Boxed Water Is Better®

Born in Yoga and inspired by Aryurveda, Béla harnesses the power of Turmeric, Tulsi, Ginger, Amla, Shallaki & pepper extract with minerals & vitamins. It is allnatural, plant-based, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-free, and has 0 sugar, 0 carbs & 0 calories. Great Tasting, Low Calorie Non-Alcoholic Beer

The original sustainable carton water brand now with a plant-based cap giving it the highest renewable content. 92% renewable. 100% recyclable. New 330ml size. Perfect for grab-n-go opportunities.

Meet Water’s bubblier and more energetic best friend!

Athletic Brewing Co


Our award winning head brewer brewed batch after batch perfecting a mosaic of brewing process changes to make non-alcoholic craft beer. We're proud that Athletic stands shoulder-to-shoulder with any top alcoholic craft beer in quality and taste.

BUBBL’R Antioxidant Sparkling Water has 0g sugar, no artificial sweeteners and natural flavors. The natural caffeine gives you a boost to get you through your day! It's also loaded with Vitamins A & B, is low glycemic, gluten and soy free and vegan.

Natures most powerful antioxidant and ionic trace mineral beverage

Blume Honey Water Now 100% Organic Blume Honey Water

Brewery on the creek in Austin, Tx brews Wild Kombucha for 14+ years!

BLK International LLC Energize and fortify your immune system with 77 ionic trace minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and electrolytes. blk.'s patent pending formula provides almost everything cells need to function and thrive.. balance, love and kindness in every bottle.


Buddha's Brew Kombucha As one of the first Kombucha breweries in the nation - we continue to brew Authentic Kombucha, handcrafted from wild, living culture strains and bottled Full Strength and Raw. Enjoy a Wildly Delicious Kombucha bubbling with billions of Live Cultures!

Deliciously Refreshing Authentic Kombucha Brew Dr. Kombucha

BRAND LISTINGS The Original Nano CBD Water CBD Living

New! Zero Calorie Yerba Mate CLEAN Cause

CBD Living was the first nano-CBD water product on the market in 2014. Since then, CBD Living’s prestigious in-house scientists have perfected the original product, using a proprietary nanotechnology method to increase bioavailability up to 90 percent. CBD Living Water now boasts 10 mg of nano-CBD per bottle, with a 9+ alkaline pH and a crisp, delicious taste. CBD Living Water is available in nearly 5,000 stores nationwide and is also sold online by the bottle and in cases of 24 bottles. In 2020, CBD Living released CBD Living Sparkling Water in four unique flavors not seen anywhere else on the market: Orange Grapefruit, Peach Honey, Strawberry Lavender and Apple Ginger. Each 12 oz can contains 25 mg of nano-CBD and is vegan, gluten-free, THCfree and certified Kosher. CBD Living Sparkling Water is available in stores and online and is sold in single cans, cases of 12, cases of 24 and a 4-can variety sample pack. Califia Farms Debuts 'Protein Oat' Enhanced Line of Oat Milks

Premium Botanical Tonics, 5g Sugar or Less

Califia Farms

Corsa Co LLC

Protein Oat is a true game-changer and the perfect alternative to dairy milk with 8 grams of plant protein and 9 essential amino acids, all in a creamy oat base. This lowsugar, gluten-free line is available in Vanilla and Original flavors.

Born and bred in Los Angeles, we've experienced the world through the botanicals showcased in food and beverage. At Corsa, we source directly from farmers, paying a premium for the finest quality botanicals to honor the beauty of nature and culture.


Tommy Bahama - Beach Ready Spirit Portfolio Coral Cay Distilling I Tommy B

Fermented Probiotic Drink of Mexico Launching Soon

Clear/Cut Phocus

De La Calle

Phocus is putting sugary soda on notice. Like all other Phocus offerings, Cola contains no sugars, sweeteners, calories, or carbs. Instead, Phocus has 75mg of caffeine from tea. All the taste, none of the guilt. It's what's missing that matters.

For Generations, Tepache has been sipped throughout Mexico. Enjoyed at Tepacherias or simply sipped out of a bag with a straw, De La Calle offers traditional recipes in zesty flavors like Mango Chili & Tamarind, created by our team in Mexico.


BRAND LISTINGS Tommy Bahama - Beach Ready Spirit Sparklers Coral Cay Distilling I Tommy B

A Fresh Take on a Classic - Corina’s Organic Sparkling Switchy Corina’s Switchy

Organic Plant Based Functional Mushroom Lattes Earth & Star

Caffeine Detox, Natural Sleep Shot, Dream Well Dream Well by More Labs Dream Well is engineered to help you reduce anxiety, detox caffeine, fall asleep faster, and wake up without morning grogginess. It’s sugarfree, vegan, and non-habit forming. Get the good rest you deserve. Available in Guava. Untainted Water Is A Human Right


Essentia Water is Ionized Hydration Essentia Water Essentia pioneered the alkaline water category in the United States and remains the no. 1 brand today, driving 56% of Premium Water growth.* It is the no. 1 bottled water in the natural retail channels.*IRI/SPINS/ WFM Last 52 Wks ending P5 5/16/2020. New Cucumber Glow™ Cold-Pressed Juice.


Evolution Fresh

Pronounced OhLab, pioneering challenger brand EAULAB® exercises rigorous science to remove potentially harmful levels of synthetic hormones, microplastics, pharmaceuticals that can invisibly taint the water we drink. Brand alliance opportunities.

New Cucumber Glow is a refreshingly crisp blend of plant-based hydration with cool cucumber juice, a splash of lemon and a pinch of Himalayan pink salt – a good source of vitamin C perfectly balanced with a hint of sweetness.

BRAND LISTINGS Sparkling Pink Grapefruit Fever-Tree

New, Flow Collagen-Infused Spring Water Flow Alkaline Spring Water

Fever-Tree Sparkling Pink Grapefruit is made with real juice from handpicked pink Florida grapefruits. Contains no artificial colors or artificial sweeteners. Fever-Tree uses naturally sourced ingredients to achieve the perfectly balanced, bitter-yet-sweet flavor, showcasing the very best that the pink grapefruit has to offer. Each 6.8 fl oz bottle has just 30 calories. It enables bartenders and those at home to create sophisticated, yet simple Spritz serves for increasingly health-conscious consumers. Fever-Tree Sparkling Pink Grapefruit has an impressive upfront burst of fresh grapefruit, carefully balanced with soft pink grapefruit floral aromatic notes. Perfect levels of carbonation and a recipe which includes real juice content provide a peerless rounded base to complement the best premium tequilas, mezcals, vodkas and more. Founded in 2005, Fever-Tree is the leading premium line of carbonated mixers. It procures the world’s finest ingredients from across the globe, including quinine from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ginger from Ivory Coast, India and Nigeria, and lemons from Sicily. In the U.S., Fever-Tree’s portfolio includes 18 mixers, comprising tonics, ginger ales and ginger beers. Untouched Water. Unmatched Profits. FIJI Water

GT’s Living Foods Introduces The LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE Campaign GT’s Living Foods

FIJI® Water, Earth’s Finest Water and America’s No. 1 premium imported bottled water brand, is backed by Earth’s Finest® campaign: a $30-million integrated marketing effort that includes national TV, social media, digital, PR, events, in-store activations and FSIs. With this kind of support, there’s no question FIJI Water will continue to attract Earth’s Finest customers. Now available direct to you, order now and get ready to drink in the profits. FIJI Water is bottled at the source in Fiji at an ancient artesian aquifer deep within the earth, where it is protected from external impurities. As tropical rain slowly filters through volcanic rock, it gathers the electrolytes and minerals that give FIJI Water its signature soft, smooth taste. It’s untouched by man - until you unscrew the cap. For the latest updates on FIJI Water, please visit 53

BRAND LISTINGS Fluid Cold Brew: Coffee You Love. Hydration You Need. Energy You Feel.

H2Om Water with Intention - The Best Tasting Water in the World

Fluid Cold Brew

H2Om International, Inc.

Hydrate Your Coffee with Fluid Cold Brew. Each can is infused with electrolytes for improved hydration and energy. Fluid comes in Black, Oatmilk, and Mocha, which are deliciously smooth and refreshing and just 0g sugar with less than 40 calories. VIBAL ENERGY TEA ®

Beverages Derived From Plants. For People Who Want To Grow. Herbert Labs

Premium Natural Spring Water Est. 2006 The World's First Interactive Water. No flavors or additives. R-PET eco-friendly bottles. pH of 7.4 Featured in TIME, WSJ, and at The Chopra Center. Perfect for a healthy mind, body, spirit lifestyle! H2Ommm! H2OPS Hop Water (zero alcohol)

Fountain of Youth Beverages A new line of premium, low-calorie, energy teas - lightly sweetened with organic honey and organic juices. Mindfully made to give you the BOOST you need in a BALANCED way, with ginseng, L-theanine, and natural caffeine. Mood, Motivation, and Focus.™ Naturally Alkaline Lava Filtered Water from Hawaii Hawaii Volcanic Beverages


H2OPS Craft brewed with premium hops, H2OPS Hop Water is the original IPA inspired Zero Alcohol – Zero Calorie- Zero Gluten, Zero-Caffeine, Unsweetened brewed beverage. Merchandise with NA Beer or Sparking Water.

HFactor Hydrogen Infused Water – Water with benefits HFactor Water

BRAND LISTINGS Premium & Organic Pressed Juices & Shots

High Brew Nitro Cold Brew

Happy Moose

High Brew Cofee

Bringing happiness wherever we go, we craft the world's best organic juices from upcycled, heirloom produce that we source direct from family-owned, local farms within 3 days of harvest. Happy Farmers, Happy People, Happy Planet - that's Happy Moose!

Introducing High Brew's NEW Nitro Cold Brew. Each can has a widget that releases MORE fresh nitrogen bubbles when opened. Our nitro bubbles are MUCH smaller than carbonation, resulting in a frothy, creamy cold brew that is dairy and sugar-free!

LIFEAID GO! Collection LIFEAID Beverage Company

Award Winning Hoplark HopTea: Rethink What’s Possible Hoplark HopTea

ILLY READY TO DRINK COFFEE illy caffe North America illy coffee drinks span from bold, full-bodied, espresso varieties with unsweetened and lightly sweetened options, cold brew, and indulgent milkbased selections- all made with high quality ingredients and no added preservatives, flavors or colors. Delicious Sparkling Botanical Water Made for Modern Life

Functional Cold Brew Shots - Infused with various vitamins & minerals

heywell Made with vitamins, adaptogens, super herbs and organic caffeine for when people want energy, immunity, focus or to help manage stress. Low in calories and sugar, heywell is a refreshing balance of tart and sweet. NonGMO, Gluten Free, and Vegan.


Jelly Belly Very Cherry Sparkling Water

Humblemaker Coffee Co

Joffer Beverage Company

LA FONDA, brewed with pure organic cinnamon & cacao has 20x the Antioxidants of green tea to boost your immune system. Also available, BLACK SEA, brewed with real cardamom and clove packed with L-Theanine and Ginseng & BOOMTOWNE with multivitamins.

Jelly Belly Very Cherry Sparkling Water is a guilt-free taste sensation. Made without sugar, sweeteners, sodium, calories or carbs, this juicy refresher tops the flavor charts with each delicious sip.

The Undiluted Truth In Immune Support Karma Culture, LLC. Probiotics in kombuchas and premixed drinks deteriorate over time. But Karma’s patented, protective Push Cap guarantees that our proprietary blend of vitamins and cultures is delivered at optimal potency. #1 RTD for immune support!

Full of flavor. Zero sugar. 100% immune boosting vitamin C. Lemon Perfect A naturally refreshing, zero sugar cold-pressed lemon water with hydrating electrolytes and essential antioxidants. Certified organic and full of lemonade-like flavor. Meet the new squeeze on healthy hydration!

BRAND LISTINGS Liquid Plant-Based Hydration Liquid Beverage Company Liquid Plant Based Hydration is uniquely formulated with 10% Non-GMO watermelon juice, 47mg plantbased branch chain amino acids, natural sweeteners, flavors and six essential vitamins. Liquid Plant Based Hydration is refreshing, and tastes great. The First-Ever Productivity Drink, Liquid Focus Liquid Focus by More Labs Do more, stress less. Each shot contains clinically-proven ingredients designed to help stimulate focus, provide smooth energy, and motivation while decreasing stress. Made with nootropics, antioxidants, and adaptogens. Available in Berry. (NEW) Living Juice Cold Pressed Juice: Watermelon, Lime, Mint Living Juice Introducing the newest member to the Living Juice product line: Watermelon, Lime, Mint. Available now!

New Loco Coffee 1 Liter Bottles

All Natural MapleMama Organic Sparkling USDA Organic Sparkling blend of Yerba Mate, Green Coffee & Green Tea Drinks Marquis MapleMama A new twist on maple... no maple taste! MapleMama's organic sparkling fruit blends serve up maple's natural nutrients in a surprisingly light, full-flavored drink with just a touch of sweetness. 54 antioxidants. 7 vitamins & minerals. Non-GMO. B-Corp Organic Unsweetened Sparkling Tea Minna For the sparkling obsessed consumer, we're brewing something new. Kind of like tea, kind of like sparkling water. Totally amazing! Using only organic, non-gmo ingredients - with no sugars, no added sweeteners, just the fewest and best ingredients. Science-Backed Liver Detox Shot, Morning Recovery

Organic Craft Cocktails Miami Cocktail Company

Morning Recovery by More Labs The leader in the hangover recovery category, Morning Recovery is designed to help prevent rough mornings after drinking. Backed by a human clinical study. Available in natural Lemon Ginger (new!), Original Lemon, and Sugar-Free Lemon. Oh Hi CBD Sparkling Seltzer

Loco Coffee

Oh Hi Beverages Inc.

Is geared toward fueling healthy and active lifestyles with all natural, no B.S. ingredients, and zero added sugar. Coconut water and maple water provide electrolytes and antioxidants for an enhanced, clean, coffee experience

Oh Hi CBD Sparkling Seltzers bring refreshment and relaxation to your daily routine or hobbies. Oh Hi beverages are vegan, gluten-free, and dosed with 15mg CBD isolate. Clean and healthy, these seltzers are a natural pleasure for your mind and body.


BRAND LISTINGS Nuun Launches New Instant Hydration Powder Line - Hydrate 2-3X Faster! Nuun and Company

Organic Sparkling Botanical Beverage Petal Sparkling Botanicals

The Healthy Alternative to Soda OLIPOP

Award Winning Plant-Based Lattes POP & BOTTLE

OLIPOP got its start with two key ingredients: Ben Goodwin & David Lester. For over a decade, Ben and David have worked together to fuse healthy with delicious. Their quest for a product that could undermine the old guard of soda behemoths led them to OLIPOP: a thoughtfully crafted tonic that found its taste in wholesome, hardworking ingredients instead of spoonfuls of sugar. OLIPOP comes in familiar, soda-style flavors like Classic Root Beer, Vintage Cola and Strawberry Vanilla. Each can contains 9g of dietary fiber and a blend of plant-based ingredients rich in prebiotics that actively fuels your microbiome, supporting your digestive health.


BRAND LISTINGS Open Water — Sustainable Bottled Water From Start to Finish

Join the Poppi Prebiotic Party

First-Ever Plant Protein Water

All natural non-GMO Marine Collagen infusion

Open Water



PureWild Co

Open Water is ultra-purified, full of electrolytes, and tastes great... but sustainability is where we shine. Do we use the most recycled packaging? Yep! Did we also just become the first water to achieve Climate Neutral certification? You bet!

Experience the fun(ctional) side of soda. 70% of your body's immunity begins with your gut, so we made it fun and easy to get the prebiotics your body needs while boosting your immunity at the source. 20 Cals, 5g sugar and 7 delicious flavors.

New to the Protein2o family - Introducing the industry’s first plant-based protein water in three riveting new flavors: blackberrybasil, lemongrasschamomile and key lime-coconut. 11 oz cans contain 15g of pea protein, no sugar and 70-80 cals.

Our wild harvested Marine Collagen drinks use organic juices like Blueberry, Lime & Mango that are infused with 3,000 mgs deep cold water clean marine collagen. The delicious results are enhanced with adaptogen botanicals. Certified non GMO & Kosher.

Discover a cold brew coffee that makes you feel as good as it tastes

Supporting Breast Cancer Research 365 Days a Year!

Pivot Coldbrew

Positive Beverage

Pivot Coldbrew combines premium coffee with herbs, adaptogens & nootropics to nourish the body & mind. Combining Nature and Neuroscience, Pivot Coldbrew can produce sustained energy with no crash, calm focus, mental stamina and immunity support.

Experience the only healthy electrolyte beverage with 110% of all added Vitamins + strength-building Calcium in a zero calorie, thirst quenching experience great for all ages. 5-Cents per can will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Ranch Rider Spirits: REAL Cocktails in a Can Ranch Rider Spirits Co.



Real Water ® - Unleash the power of negative ions!

Pure Steeps Beverage, LLC The first & only kombucha brand with an organic prebiotic plant fiber plus new added functionality & enticing flavors: salted watermelon for hydration, turmeric ginger for radiance & prickly pear cascara for focus. 9g of sugar, organic, non-alcoholic Be Healthy. Be Hydrated. with RECOVER 180° RECOVER 180°

Real Water ® Real Water strives to be the best drinking water on the market. Real Water is alkaline, infused with negative (-) ions via our proprietary E2 technology which can turn any purified water into Real Water. Available in | 500 mL | 1 L | 1.5 L | 1-Gallon

BRAND LISTINGS REBBL Functional Plant-Based Beverages

REZ - The Restoration Beverage


Recovery Brands LLC

REBBL functional beverages are made with real organic ingredients. Every delicious, plant-based REBBL nourishes your body and helps support whole-body wellness. We ethically source ingredients and use recycled and recyclable plastic bottles.

REZ is a natural restoration beverage made with plantbased glucosamine, turmeric, antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. REZ has 0-sugar, 10-calories, 1-carb, kosher is diabetic & keto friendly and taste GREAT! -

Magic Bullet : Plant-Based Sparkling Nutritional Detox Rebound Nutraceuticals Magic Bullet is a delicious, blood orange flavored, nutritional drink designed to help clear toxins and boost liver function. Made with 7 SuperFoods & 6 powerful Amino Acids. Only natural & organic ingredients. Low sugar, no caffeine or preservatives Plant Powered All Natural Energy Drink Riff

NEW Steeped Botanicals & Sparkling Water Rishi Tea & Botanicals

Shelf Stable Sparkling Kombucha Revive Kombucha Our Super Tasty Sparkling Kombucha contains 5 billion probiotics, only 5g of sugar and 20 calories per can. Each unique brew – Mango Orange, Cherry Hibiscus, Strawberry Lemon and Citrus Ginger – are refreshing companions for your life's adventures Sarah's Homegrown Grab-and-Go Agua Frescas - 3 Fresh Fruit Flavors Sarahs Homegrown by Frey Farms Frey Farms is one of the first to bring this delicious tradition to the U.S. for families to enjoy. Sarah's agua frescas are cold pressed and minimally processed to maintain the flavor of farm-fresh fruit. Only real ingredients and 60 calories/12 oz Sparkling Organic Fair Trade African Tea

Sofee - Coffee for the Curious Sofee Beverage LLC Sofee: a curiously carbonated, slightly sweet, most definitely caffeinated coffee drink. Made w/o preservatives, GMOs, gluten or dairy. Just cold-brew and a touch of agave inulin. Most flavors also contain monk fruit and real extracts. 40-50 cal/ can. Sol-ti’s category leading Glass Bottled Living Beverages®

Silverback Beverage


A modern twist on a timeless category. Free from refined sugar, alcohol, and pesticides. With immune-boosting properties like l-theanine, vitamin C, and amino acids. Ethically-sourced tea from Rwanda. Manufactured in NC and NH.

Sol-ti achieves the highest velocity in set in thousands of stores across the U.S. VPOs exceed $6.5K/yr in thousands of outlets. Achieve similar results by adding Solti to your store. Email us for info on how to retail or distribute Sol-ti.


BRAND LISTINGS The Love Child of Sparking Water and Organic Fruits

Bright & Bubbly Sparkling Tea

Sovany Beverage Co.

SZZL Brands, Inc.

SOVANY IS MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER ORGANIC SPARKLING WATER This is a seriously delicious experience on the taste buds. Available in Remarkable Raspberry, Ingenious Apple, Brilliant Orange and Simply Sovany (Original).

SZZL Sparkling Tea is a re-imagination of the drinks we used to love. With real fruits and a blast of CO2, this ancient brew has never been so bright and bubbly. This is tea, revived.

New line, ALO Organic Zero, is USDA certified organic, ZERO calories

100% Plant Powered Energy Drink

SPI West Port Inc


Sustainably farmed ALO Organic Zero is USDA Certified Organic. This plantbased, ZERO calorie beverage features organic aloe vera juice and pulp, never powder. It is available in two flavors - white grape, and peach/ plum.

Fast growing & nationwide. teaRIOT positively energizes you with the power of plants not chemicals. It provides steady energy without the dreaded negative effects caused by traditional drinks. Zero added sugar. Zero synthetic stimulants.

Collagen + Aloe Vera = Jèn, infused with 2500 mg marine collagen

10pH Alkaline Water Sourced from America's Purest Springs

SPI West Port Inc

Alkaline88 Eco-Friendly Aluminum Bottle and Flavor Infused Waters The Alkaline Water Company

TEN Alkaline Spring Water

Jèn, the world’s first collagen + aloe vera infused, flavored water, is a tasty addition to functional drink options. Our use of 2500mg (per bottle) marine collagen enables better absorption while the aloe vera boosts collagen retention. SZENT reinvents your water experience through your sense of smell.

Plant-based Specialty Coffee With Adaptogens Taika

TEN® Alkaline Spring Water is sourced in the Great Appalachian Valley and naturally filtered through quartzite deep below the earth’s surface. Bottled at a perfect 10pH, TEN is sold in a variety of sizes including 1 gallon and NEW 12oz aluminum cans. Zero Alcohol, Zero Sugar Bitters & Soda


The Bitter Housewife

Harnessing the power of the senses we've created SZENT - pure water innovated. We're reinventing the flavor experience using only the scent of all-natural ingredients. We channel our flavors through your sense of smell in still and sparkling water.

Inspired by the classic "what to drink when you're not drinking", The Bitter Housewife Bitters & Soda is completely free of alcohol and sugar, but full of the complex and satisfying taste you expect from bitters and soda. A bitterly honest beverage.


Alkaline88® offers superior hydration with its perfectly balanced 8.8pH. A88™ water is purified ionized water, enhanced with Pink Himalayan Rock Salt and Electrolytes for taste. Alkaline88® is packaged in BPA-free, PET #1 recyclable bottles. Enjoy the clean, smooth taste of Alkaline88®.


A Beverage You Can Feel Good About The Granny Squibb Company Based on a 100 year-old family recipe, Granny Squibb's is Organic, non-GMO, kosher, gluten-free, and vegan friendly. With both sweetened and unsweetened SKUs, Granny Squibb's is a classic iced tea that's better and better for you.

The Water Kefir People- Introduces 4 flavors in cans! The Water Kefir People The Water Kefir People's 4 new can SKUs, Turmeric Ginger Black Pepper, Dragonfruit Mint Lime, Strawberry Hibiscus and Lavender Blueberry, celebrate new formulations and friendly packaging using ethically sourced organic ingredients and made with love

All Natural Spirit Sippers Vena’s Fizz House

Tiger Seed, LLC Tiger Seed produces three all natural organic beverages: Gingerade, Turmeric Tea, and Matcha Mint. Fresh, raw, simple ingredients like ginger root and turmeric root are pressed into every bottle. Low in sugar, gluten free, vegan, and kosher.

America's First CBD Beverage Tree Below Zero Launched in 2017, Tree Below Zero is the first CBD beverage to be chain wide at a grocer in the US, and first to be featured on Amazon Prime. With 18 months of proven data, we are the clear choice to reduce risk in exploring this exciting category.

It’s a bar in a jar. Infuse your spirits without chemicals, preservatives, or high-fructose corn syrups. With Vena’s Spirit Sipper infusion Jars we create delicious recipes using fruits, herbs, spices and organic, natural sweeteners. We put it all in a jar; all you have to do is add the alcohol!


BRAND LISTINGS Organic Juices, Functional Beverages and No Added Sugar Lemonades Uncle Matt’s Organic

ZenWTR Launches Nationally in 100% Recycled Ocean-Bound Plastic Bottle ZenWTR

Introducing VOSS Plus VOSS Water

True Nopal Cactus Water True Nopal Ventures LLC New packaging same great flavor! Made with the fruit of the prickly pear cactus & 100% all natural with no added sugars or sweeteners. Less than 1/2 the calories & sugar as coconut water while providing electrolytes, potassium & magnesium. Bubbly Apple Cider Vinegar Drink- The New Way to ACV


Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water Naturally Alkaline (pH 7.6-8.2) Waiakea Inc. Healthy, sustainable, & ethical–Waiakea® originates atop the Mauna Loa and filters through volcanic rock, re-emerging at the surface as refreshingly crisp, naturally alkaline water. 100% Upcycled Material. Certified Carbon Neutral.

The Better-For-You-Soda


Wave Soda

This go-to gut boosting ACV drink delivers on taste, function, and recyclability. With one full ounce of ACV in each can, Vina helps supports digestion & absorption of essential minerals from food. Available on Amazon and Whole Foods So-Pac & Rockies

Enjoy the happy notion that the world now has a politely caffeinated alternative to the not-so-natural soda. With 25 calories per can, and no added sugars or artificial sweeteners, consider it a gentle boost to get you where you where you want to go.

Wild Tonic is Above & Beyond Kombucha Wild Tonic Jun Kombucha WILD TONIC Jun is redefining the category through the unique use of organic honey, resulting in unparalleled taste. The refreshing elixir is available in cobalt blue glass bottles or 12oz slim cans for both classic nonalcohol and 5.6% ABV products. Enhance your sparkling water experience with Yerbaé! Yerbaé, LLC With a hint of sweetness and a kick of caffeine, Yerbaé gives you everything you want and nothing you don't.

Zero Sugar, Zero Calorie Beverages for All Occasions Zevia Zevia feels strongly about reducing sugar consumption, using clean ingredients and creating a variety of delicious and refreshing zero sugar, zero calorie beverages. Explore our passion throughout all of our products.

SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Tea, Coffee & Specialty items A. Holliday & Company Inc.

Glass Kombucha Bottles Ardagh Group

Connecting Nutrition & Health BENEO Inc.

Your CBD Ingredient Provider Caliper Ingredients

For over 45 years, we've traveled the world to connect people with the finest products. At A. Holliday & Company, we source, test, and ship every product we carry. We supply bulk tea variety’s (extracts & leaf), coffees (extracts), antioxidants, herbal & superfruit extracts, natural caffeine, polyphenols, EGCG, Rooibos, coconut water powder, and our newest product, oil soluble tea polyphenols.

Beverage companies of all sizes can experience the high level of responsive service and support that comes with buying glass directly from Ardagh Group. Whether you need truckload or less than truckload quantities, you can rely on us for consistent glass supply from one of our 13 stateof-the-art U.S. manufacturing facilities.

From isotonic sports drinks to fizzy water and soft drinks,… Palatinose™ (isomaltulose) opens the door to nutritionally optimised and highly stable beverages. It has a low hygroscopicity and high acid and process stability. From a health perspective, it supports blood sugar management and keeps you going thanks to being a fully digestible and more slowly released source of carbohydrates.

Caliper Ingredients develops, manufactures, and distributes a proprietary suite of standardized, clean-label, shelf-stable formulations of watersoluble hemp-derived cannabinoids, including CBD. Caliper is designed for rapid go-to-market and scalable manufacturing, mixing easily into food, beverage, supplement, personal care, and pet applications. We are invested in doing things the right way.

Packaging Service Technicians Bottling Experts

Global Food Ingredients Corbion

Bottling Experts offers field service technicians for your engineering projects. Our team travels to provide installation, maintenance, rigging, relocation, dismantling, troubleshooting, and programming services for ALL packaging machines in the industry.

Master beverage fortification challenges with Corbion. Consumers keep looking for ways to create a healthier diet. You can respond quickly with innovative, quality products by partnering with Corbion. Our solutions, expertise and advanced tools speed formulation and prevent sensory and solubility issues.

Flavor Manufacturer Abelei Flavors

Organic Functional Ingredients Applied Food Sciences (AFS)

Scientific & Regulatory AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc.

Contract Manufacturing Azpack

AIBMR is an industry-leading scientific and regulatory consulting firm, founded in 1978. AIBMR offers key services specifically tailored to the natural products marketplace, including toxicology studies, GRAS Independent Conclusions, FDA GRAS & NDI Notifications, label reviews, claims substantiation, FDA & FTC compliance, and manuscript preparation & publication.

Azpack is one of the fastest growing co-packers in the country. We offer co-packing services in cans and bottles. Our team of dedicated and professional staff are focused on delivering the highest quality products to our customers. Capable of producing cold fill preserved, hot fill and tunnel pasteurized products with onsite lab services. Visit our website to find out what we can do for you.



SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Functional Branded Ingredients Bioenergy Life Science (BLS)

BLS creates innovative, scientifically based ingredients for healthier living. We sell in bulk to businesses who manufacture or formulate functional foods & beverages, supplements, sports nutrition products, cosmetics, and animal nutrition. We are best known for the only patented & FDA GRAS-certified D-Ribose: Bioenergy Ribose®. Bioenergy Ribose is the true source of sustainable, cellular energy and is crucial to the production of ATP. Bioenergy Ribose increases energy for Endurance, Performance & A Healthier You. Our newest ingredient, RiaGev™, is a proprietary ingredient formulation that uniquely combines Bioenergy Ribose and Nicotinamide. The pharmacodynamics of RiaGev demonstrate it to be more efficient than NR at increasing NAD+ throughout the body, including muscle and brain, because of the direct pathway it utilizes. RiaGev helps slow the aging process, reduce agerelated cognitive decline, and prevent cellular damage from free radicals. RiaGev helps Repair, Rejuvenate and Defy Aging.

Bulk Fruit/Vegetab Ingredients Brothers International Food Co


Speciality Hydrocolloids CP Kelco

Clean Label Ingredients Farbest Brands

At CP Kelco, we unlock nature-powered success by applying ingredient innovation and problemsolving for food and beverage manufacturers around the world. With nature-based ingredients like pectin, carrageenan, xanthan gum, gellan gum, cellulose gum and now citrus fiber, we help you create products that engage, delight and reassure your customers.

Farbest Brands can help you meet the demand for clean-label ingredients with a full range of high-quality dairy and plant proteins, gum acacia, vitamins, sweeteners, natural colors, as well as USDA-certified organic, and NON-GMO Project Verified ingredients. Our extensive market knowledge and personalized customer service, help our customers make better purchasing decisions at competitive prices.

Co-Packing & Co-Manufacturing Craftpack Beverage

Natural Beverage Development Flavorman

CraftPack is a co-packaging and comanufacturing facility in Baltimore, MD for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, ready-to-drink, artisanal beverages. We offer pasteurization, cold storage, in-line carbonation, and cold-fill canning in a variety of can sizes and formats. We are a licensed distillery, winery and brewery that is Organic and Kosher certified. Minimum run volume of 1,000 gallons.

Natural beverages are tricky – and the benefits they provide won’t matter if nobody drinks them! Luckily, the Beverage Architects at Flavorman can make your natural beverage as flavorful as it is functional. With 28 years of expertise in beverage development, Flavorman is the best partner to help you change what the world is drinking.

Boost Your Immunity Naturally Doehler North America

FONA Flavor & Taste Solutions FONA International

Increased consumer demand for immunity boosting drinks means choosing a partner you can trust to provide high quality ingredients. From botanical extracts, powders, infusions & beyond, we have the ability to deliver solutions for everyone. Step into this dynamic market & partner with Doehler for innovative drinks with extraordinary flavors using natural ingredients. We Bring Ideas To Life.

Consumers today want it all. You’re balancing the demands of great taste, regulatory hurdles and consumer acceptance. The experts at FONA can help. From ideation to launch, we can create a seamless, winning path for you. Design, develop and scale up using our Beverage Innovation Studios in Geneva, IL and Irvine, CA. We are FONA. Let us bring the best taste solutions to the table for you.

Secondary Packaging Provider Douglas Machine Inc

Decorative Labels & Packaging Fort Dearborn Company

Douglas provides customers with high quality automated packaging solutions for paperboard, corrugated and shrink film. We specialize in the design and manufacture of case & tray packers, shrink wrap systems, cartoners, sleevers, variety pack systems and palletizers. Based in Alexandria, Minnesota USA, Douglas is an employee-owned company that has installed more than 13,000 machines in 30 countries

We’ve got you covered. Fort Dearborn Company offers shrink sleeve, stretch sleeve, pressure sensitive, roll-fed, in-mold and cut & stack labels, flexible packaging and promotional printing in a variety of substrates, inks and finishing options to support your beverage brand building objectives. We service brands large and small. Contact us today to discuss your application.

SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Real People. True Flavor. Callisons

We Make Your Packaging Work Closure Systems International

Closure Systems International, Inc. (CSI) is a global leader in plastic closure design, manufacturing and high speed capping equipment/application systems. Approximately 75+ billion closures are produced annually in CSI’s 15+ manufacturing sites, strategically located in 10+ countries throughout the globe. CSI integrates innovative closure technology, high-performance capping equipment and expert technical services and training support to help customers all over the world maximize their profits. These integrated closure and capping solutions deliver a total system of unsurpassed customer value and reliability.

Functional Ingredient Chemi Nutra


Coconut Ingredients Franklin Baker, Inc.

Aseptic Packaging Solutions GoodWest Industries, LLC

Franklin Baker, Inc. is the largest processor of coconut ingredients in the Philippines and the premier supplier to the global beverage & food market. Franklin Baker offers an extensive portfolio of coconut products including Coconut Water, Coconut Milk/Cream, Coconut Concentrate, Creamed Coconut. Our extensive third-party certifications are unrivaled to the highest product standards.

GoodWest offers a complete aseptic packaging solution for your bag-in-box beverages and mixes. We specialize in shelf stable low-acid dairy, cold brew, iced coffee, flavorings and coffee- based products. Organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, nut free and Kosher options available. BIB selections include bag sizes from 2 liters to 5 gallons. A wide variety of bag and dispensing fitments are offered.

Natural Color Solutions GNT USA Inc.

Connect with Nutrition Experts Gorham Consulting Group/LINK

EXBERRY® by GNT is the leading brand of natural food coloring for the food and beverage industry. EXBERRY® colors are derived solely from fruits, vegetables, and edible plants through a process of chopping, pressing, filtering and blending. EXBERRY® products can be applied to a range of beverage categories including enhanced waters, carbonated soft drinks, dairy, and plant-based milks.

LINK is the only platform that gives health-driven food and beverage brands access to nutrition experts. Use LINK to gain control over your strategic outreach, access dietitians where and when you need them, and become a brand trusted by professionals. It's the only tool you need for effective dietitian outreach. Create a profile and begin connecting today!


SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Innovative Packaging Solutions Graham Packaging Company

We Power Great Packaging Inland Packaging

Cold-Brew Master Extractors Javo Beverage Company

Inland works collaboratively with brand owners and industry partners to advance innovative, best-in-class solutions for your natural beverage product packaging. Our product offerings include Cut & Stack, Pressure Sensitive, Shrink Sleeve, and In-Mold labels. We work with you to seek out ways to maximize your cost savings, without sacrificing quality. Let's Talk.

Founded in 2001, Javo is an extraction company that uses a proprietary cold-brew method to produce fresh, clean-labeled coffee, tea and botanical extracts for the food and beverage industry. Our cold-brew process delivers a clean non-acidic authentic concentrate for your targeted application, whether a cold brew, nitro coffee, dairy, sauce or bakery item.

Mobile Canning Solutions Iron Heart Canning Co

Non-detect THC - CBD Extracts Klersun Hemp Extracts

IHC is your solution to guide you through the canning process! With over 175 MILLION cans filled to date, IHC offers unmatched Experience and Expertise. We service the Eastern US and deliver Quality you can count on – Guaranteed seams, All beverage types, All can sizes, Materials sourcing, & Co-Packaging Partners – whatever your situation we can get your product canned. IHC is your one stop shop!

Klersun is a producer of high quality hemp extracts. We specialize in broad spectrum Non Detectable THC Extracts. Our NDT™ extracts are self affirmed GRAS. We sell our products by active ingredient and are capable of consistently providing large-scale quantities of extracts derived from industrial hemp that is grown and cultivated in accordance with the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018.


Branding & Packaging Design McLean Design

Fruit & Vegetable Solutions Milne

We Build Powerful Brands — Brands are built on consumer engagement, meaning that a successful brand has captivated the consumer and enriched their life in some unexpected and enduring way. At McLean we use every tool at our disposal to reveal the core meaning of a brand and enhance the consumer's experience beyond the utility of a product or service. Realize the full value of your brand at McLean.

Since 1956, Milne has been producing industryleading fruit and vegetable juices, concentrates, purees, and custom solutions. With a team of dedicated product developers, Milne has the experience, expertise and creativity to craft new product ideas and solutions to help your business stand out in the fast-paced food and beverage market.

Co-Packing & Formulation MetaBrand LLC

Trust the monk.™ MONK FRUIT CORP.

We offer our clients a cost effective solution to getting beverages to market quickly, efficiently and without the significant cost associated with large production runs. Whether you need 100 cases or 5,000 case, we can produce your product to the highest standards of quality in our FDA, GMP, Organic and Kosher certified facility. Capabilities include CDB infused, Alcohol RTD, Hot & Cold Fill.

Monk fruit allows you to create great tasting, innovative products with significantly less sugar and calories - all from the goodness of fruit! Monk Fruit Corp is the recognized industry leader, with the best quality and widest variety of monk fruit products and the majority share of the global monk fruit market (more than 3X our nearest competitor). Looking for monk fruit? Trust the monk.™

Superstable colors that endure Lycored


Celebrating over 60 years in business, and 10+ years in their Made in the USA manufacturing facility in Rockmart, Georgia, Miura has become the world leader in steam boiler innovation and technology and a favorite of the Beverage and Food industry. Miura’s once-through watertube boilers are exceptionally reliable, efficient, safe, and feature a range of impressive benefits including: Cold start to full steam in less than 5 minutes, which allows users to turn units on/off quickly depending on load requirements, while conserving resources and reducing energy costs; enhanced operational reliability; modular, space-saving design; advanced controls and remote monitoring; and a best-inindustry safety record with zero catastrophic vessel failures resulting in casualty. In 2020, Miura, along with Hartford Steam Boiler and Armstrong Services introduced Steam as a Service (SaaS), a turnkey, fully-financed solution that meets the steam requirements of a range of users by designing, building, operating, maintaining, and continuously optimizing their steam generation onsite.


MORRE-TEC Industries, Inc. is a multifaceted manufacturer and supplier of ingredients to the pharma and cosmetic industries since 1987. Vitacyclix a division of Morre Tec Industries, formulates and manufactures a variety of unique water-soluble dry powders and liquid emulsions for the fortification of all types of beverages. Our products range from water soluble vitamins A, D and E, in both powder and liquid forms. We also have a full selection of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and protein, as well as vegan and kosher options, that can be customized to your specific needs.

Miura boilers are available in two series:The LX Gas/Low NOx Series, Low and High Pressure Steam Boiler (from 50 -300HP) uses natural gas or propane and are compactly-designed. The EX Gas/Oil Series High Pressure Steam Boilers (from 100HP and 50HP increments up to 300HP) are the most versatile boilers in the world. Flavor Manufacturer Mother Murphy's Flavors

Natural, Clean Label Flavors Omega Ingredients

Mother Murphy's is a full service flavor manufacturer dedicated to supporting customer needs through quality and flavor innovation. At Mother Murphy's we specialize in flavor and prototype development for the beverage and snack industries and have over 60,000 flavors in our portfolio. We make the world taste better!

We are Omega Ingredients, Award Winning Creators of Natural Flavors & Clean Label Ingredients for Manufacturers of Food, Flavor & Beverage Products Worldwide. Our focus is on 100% Pure & Natural ingredients, helping to create your next beverage from ‘Source to Sip.’ We specialize in the innovative fusion of biochemistry & natural materials to provide the finest extracts & natural flavors.

content creation needs pop!

Ideal Flax for Beverages Pizzey Ingredients

needs pop! is a creative studio from award winning marketing agency, growthbuster. we create organic social and performance marketing stills and short-form videos for cpg's leading challenger brands.

Pizzey Ingredients’ BevPur™ Flax enhances beverages with the nutritional benefits of flaxseed while providing a smooth and rich texture. BevPur™ has a guaranteed shelf life of two years and is available in organic and conventional varieties. BevPur™ is ideal for a variety of ready to mix and ready to drink beverages.

Ingredients of the Future Nura USA


SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Sustainable Packaging Handles PakTech

Pyure Trio Organic Stevia Pyure Brands LLC

Filling and Closing Solutions Pneumatic Scale Angelus

Purpose Driven PR for Brands Publicity For Good

Since 1895, Pneumatic Scale Angelus has designed and manufactured packaging equipment for filling, seaming, capping, and labeling applications. Our solutions set the standard for bottling and canning machines, scaled for the specific needs of a wide range of Beverage, Craft Beverage, Dairy, Food, and Pharmaceutical applications, and are fully supported by a global Service and Aftermarket network.

People come first–that includes you and our team members. Passion and creativity are prized, successes are celebrated, and doing well has to always be tied to doing good. We are a public relations agency for the modern era. Our work is defined by a clear set of processes, that make it scalable while delivering real results, and ensuring a holistic approach to PR and how it fits in your business.

Beverage & Food Development PTM Food

Bigger Better Smarter Southeast Bottling & Beverage

PTM Food is your premier product development & manufacturing support firm. Our wide range of expertise, development, and creativity achieves an exciting point of difference between your product and competitors. We work hard to uncover key industry insights, developing products that have a competitive edge. Whether your project is simple or a complex one, we’re your team!

Ready-to-Drink Beverages & Liquid Dietary Supplements Organic & Kosher certified • More Capacity • More Packaging Options (Registered Film & Carton Pkging) • New registered film capability. tray, supported & non-supported. • SQF Level III • 150,000sf • Built to cGMP Specifications • Filling rooms individually temperature & humidity controlled & HEPA Filters


Craft Packaging Line Experts Ska Fabricating


SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Blending and process equipment Statco-DSI Process Systems

Bestevia Taste Solutions SweeGen

Statco-DSI is a full service provider to the food and beverage industry, with specialties in dry powder mixing and continuous inline blending, as well as de-aeration and carbonation. Working out of 11 offices coast to coast, we are the nation's largest independent sanitary processing equipment distributor and systems integrator in the U.S. market.

SweeGen brings you Bestevia Taste Solutions, a full taste experience for sugar reduced foods and beverages delivering the sweetness profile and mouthfeel of full sugar. Our sugar-reduction portfolio combines next generation stevia sweeteners with modulation and mouthfeel building blocks. All components are non-GMO, label friendly and nature-based.

Fruit & Vegetable Ingredients Stiebs

Show Your Label's TRU Story Synergy Flavors, Inc

Stiebs, since 2005 has been devoted to sourcing, processing & delivering the world's finest plantbased products. We offer a full line of fruit & vegetable based ingredients as single strength juice, juice concentrate, purees, extracts & powders. From the beginning stages of product development to delivering an on-going supply of premium natural products, our team is here to help you succeed.

TRU Stories by Synergy Flavors is a platform of clean label flavor ingredients. Made from the named source, our all-natural essences, extracts, and organic certified flavors profiles fit the strictest label requirements while matching today’s trending flavors, including coffee, tea, fruit, herbal, floral and other botanical profiles. Deliver a true-to-nature experience with TRU Stories by Synergy.

Beverage Premix Solutions The Wright Group

Connect with the team of experts at The Wright Group to learn more about turnkey beverage solutions to add to your product portfolio.Beverages create ideal systems for functional ingredients since flavoring / sweetening systems can often mask unpleasant tastes from functional ingredients. Microemulsion value-added ingredients often perform better in beverage delivery systems since they are not subject to the same cooking or mechanical stresses as in food production. Value-added premix solutions deliver performance and stability to your products...often at a cost savings! Custom nutrient premixes have been shown to work well in a variety of products such as extruded bars, breakfast cereals and beverages. SuperBlend© custom nutrient premixes are engineered to perform at high temperatures and shear processes. The Wright Group delivers custom nutritional blends, vitamin & mineral premixes and microemulsion-value added ingredients for the beverage and nutritional supplement markets. Our 100+ years of innovative expertise, accomplished R&D team, and comprehensive production capabilities allow us to provide shorter lead times enabling you to successfully bring your products to market. 76 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

Your Bottling & HPP Partner Universal Pure

Shrink Sleeve Packaging Tripack

Tripack offers a total solution for shrink sleeve packaging. Call on us to build you a shrink sleeve labeling, multi pack, or tamper evident system. If you're not ready to buy your own machine, send us your product and we'll sleeve label and pack it out for you. Empty or Filled containers. Bottle deco. Multi packs. Variety Packs. We have 20 years of experience in this so call or email us today!







A. Holliday & Company Inc.

Christine Renken



(416) 225-2217

Abelei Flavors

Shelley Henderson



(630) 859-1410

Jared Brodin



(253) 286-2888

Althea Brands LLC

Atul Agarwal



(470) 839-6444

Applied Food Sciences (AFS)

Jackson Zapp



(512) 732-8300



Los Angeles


(877) 370-1795

Ardagh Group

John Orr



(856) 816-2631

Christian Bartholomew







(480) 449-7770

Sofie Colombeen



(003) 216-8013

AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc.

Athletic Brewing Co Azpack BENEO Inc.

Bioenergy Life Science (BLS)

Penny Portner

Ham Lake


(763) 746-3926

BLK International LLC

Victor Estevez



(415) 656-9598

Blue Ridge Bucha

Doug Gellman



(540) 221-6841

Blume Honey Water

Michele Meloy Burchfield



(141) 240-6739

Edwin Borbon



(706) 267-7592

Robert Koenen

Grand Rapids


(616) 856-0558

Ellie Hughes



(503) 330-1539

Bottling Experts Boxed Water Is Better


Brew Dr. Kombucha

Kevin Burt



(585) 727-7590


Brothers International Food Co

Amanda Miller



(608) 846-1285

Buddha's Brew Kombucha

Jason Taragos



(612) 384-3185

Califia Farms

Katrina Picon

Los Angeles


(323) 806-8698

Caliper Ingredients

Jolene Jacobs

Commerce City


(720) 273-0382


Justin Biza



(360) 412-3340

CBD Living

Sean McDonald



(800) 940-3660

Chemi Nutra

Chase Hagerman



(512) 823-2500





(617) 697-4207

Clear/Cut Phocus

Ryan Smith



(502) 295-0104

Closure Systems International

Clint Rush



(800) 311-2740

Coral Cay Distilling I Tommy B

Jeffrey Soehren



(425) 503-0808





(913) 890-5500

Corina's Switchy

Corina Belle-Isle



(617) 894-4673

Corsa Co LLC

Matthew Kornberg

Los Angeles


(310) 466-2142

Bobbie Kenney



(678) 247-7300

CP Kelco Craftpack Beverage

Ashley Sebastionelli



(404) 520-3854

De La Calle

Danielle Calabrese

Los Angeles


(213) 308-4888

Doehler North America

Kristy Ellenson



(770) 387-0451

Douglas Machine Inc

Erv Fringer



(320) 763-6587

Dream Well by More Labs

Josh Groff

Los Angeles


(206) 550-5384

Earth & Star

Erica Huss



(917) 763-3598


Sean Moran




Essentia Water




(877) 293-2239

Evolution Fresh

Christina Larigan



(206) 318-7609

Farbest Brands

Betty Maslin



(201) 573-4900


Amanda Stackman

New York


(347) 735-5437

FIJI Water




(310) 966-8676

Flavorman Flow Alkaline Spring Water Fluid Cold Brew 78 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

Phil Icsman



(502) 301-8132

Mandy Mazzeo




Jeff Burbank

Long Island City


(585) 370-2772

COMPANY FONA International Fort Dearborn Company Fountain of Youth Beverages Franklin Baker, Inc. GNT USA Inc. GoodWest Industries, LLC






Gena Tiesch



(630) 578-8432

Gwen Chapdelaine



(847) 427-5405

Dan Levison



(888) 998-4225

John Slade



(901) 881-6681

Stephanie Ferretti



(914) 524-0600

John Ludwig



(800) 948-1922

Gorham Consulting Group/LINK

Jenna Gorham



(508) 904-3454

Graham Packaging Company

Michele Loeper



(717) 849-1826

GT's Living Foods

GT's Sales




H2Om International, Inc.

Lex Lang

Studio City


(818) 761-5759


Paul Tecker



(714) 823-3010

Happy Moose

Ryan Armistead

San Francisco


(704) 876-8909

Hawaii Volcanic Beverages

Jason Donovan



(808) 639-9394

Herbert Labs

Sabba Naserian



(416) 886-9716


Britt Dougherty



(312) 218-7733

HFactor Water

Steve Torress

New York


(347) 416-0776

High Brew Cofee




(512) 853-9696

Hoplark HopTea

Johnny Damiano



(303) 929-0929

Humblemaker Coffee Co

Chris Smith

Seal Beach


(310) 367-5154

illy caffe North America

Andy Baran

Rye Brook


(914) 291-9635

Nic Hill

La Crosse


(608) 788-5800

Roger Kissling - VP Sales



(908) 619-5449

Candice Peck



(760) 518-8374

Ben Joffer



(541) 951-4992

Shanna Pagรกn



(585) 218-0022

Carl Jonsson



(877) 767-4367


Lemon Grove


(619) 505-2222

LIFEAID Beverage Company

Maressa Drake

Santa Cruz


(888) 558-1113

Liquid Beverage Company

Leon Codner



(407) 325-0863

Inland Packaging Iron Heart Canning Co Javo Beverage Company Joffer Beverage Company Karma Culture, LLC. Klersun Hemp Extracts Lemon Perfect

Liquid Focus by More Labs

Josh Groff

Los Angeles


(206) 550-5384

Living Juice

Sandra Lee



(203) 650-0486

Loco Coffee

Daniel Bresciani



(774) 573-7854

Ms Tammi Higgins



(269) 317-2583

Jeff Weston



(203) 326-0465

Lycored MapleMama Marquis

Luciano Jimenez

Los Angeles


(530) 391-1621

McLean Design

Caryn Javinsky

Walnut Creek



MetaBrand LLC Miami Cocktail Company Milne Minna

Craig Fortin



(732) 983-5915

Michael Brandes



(917) 543-8442

Clint Janson



(509) 710-4276

David Clark





Andrew Eklind



(888) 309-5574


Paul Paslaski



(847) 367-6665

Josh Groff

Los Angeles


(206) 550-5384

Morning Recovery by More Labs MORRE-TEC Industries, Inc. Mother Murphy's Flavors needs pop! Nura USA

Margaret Ramirez



(908) 688-9009

Michael Oden



(336) 273-1737

chief pop officer

Los Angeles


(310) 349-3931

Kat Saccone

Berkeley Heights


- 79







Nuun and Company

Nathan Underwood



(206) 219-9237

Oh Hi Beverages Inc.

Brad Belanger



(970) 426-4660


Scott Goldstein




Omega Ingredients

Jim Kavanaugh



(191) 743-9580

Jess Page



(305) 771-1357

Open Water PakTech Petal Sparkling Botanicals Pivot Coldbrew Pizzey Ingredients




(541) 461-5000

Candie Crane

Highland Park


(847) 344-2858

Thomas Bartsch



(323) 868-2404

Mary Ekman



(651) 797-3168

Pneumatic Scale Angelus

Gigi Lorence



(330) 923-0491


Jessica Pratt

San Francisco


(760) 685-2624


Allison Ellsworth



(940) 867-3240

Positive Beverage

Zach Muchnick



(424) 203-3302


Elk Grove Village


(855) 290-7820


Don Rodgers

Wall Township


(888) 736-6339

Publicity For Good

PTM Food

Heather DeSantis

St. Augustine


(614) 565-0996

Pure Steeps Beverage, LLC

Marce McKinnon



(657) 254-3321

Cindy Convery



(805) 217-2801

Pat Fox



(239) 384-5993

PureWild Co Pyure Brands LLC Ranch Rider Spirits Co.

Brian Murphy



(847) 894-5348

Real Water

Kendall Long

Las Vegas


(702) 467-2529




(855) 732-2500

Joe Edwards

Salt Lake


(801) 541-1003




(424) 603-4995

Larry Edinger



(201) 358-9000

Leah Adair



(415) 871-7365

REBBL Rebound Nutraceuticals RECOVER 180° Recovery Brands LLC Revive Kombucha Riff Rishi Tea & Botanicals Sarahs Homegrown by Frey Farms Silverback Beverage

Paul Evers



(541) 390-4021

Customer Service



(866) 747-4483

Hilary Long



(618) 835-2536

Sara Stender Delaney



(828) 273-1352

Ska Fabricating

Elise Mackay



(970) 403-8562

Sofee Beverage LLC

Chad Hazen

Redondo Beach


(310) 894-2936


Sol-ti Sales

San Diego


(888) 765-8411

Southeast Bottling & Beverage Sovany Beverage Co. SPI West Port Inc Statco-DSI Process Systems Stiebs SweeGen Synergy Flavors, Inc SZENT SZZL Brands, Inc.

Alisa Cessna



(352) 567-2200

Marcella Fodor

Las Vegas


(917) 763-3779

Brian Choi

South San Francisco


(650) 616-7777

Gregory Collier

St. Louis


(314) 382-1525

Brian Nova



(559) 455-8606

Katharina Pueller

Rancho Santa Margarita


(949) 709-0587

Patrick Lawson



(847) 487-1011

John Lee



(760) 487-8595

Gilead Ingber



(917) 626-2516


Mitchell Jolley

San Francisco


(702) 526-8805


Laura Jakobsen

Venice, California


(206) 369-3228

TEN Alkaline Spring Water

George Sandrini

Boca Raton


(678) 438-9341

The Alkaline Water Company

James Gilmore



(480) 450-9517








The Bitter Housewife

Dan Brazelton



(503) 662-7147

The Granny Squibb Company

Kelley McShane



(562) 774-7929

The Water Kefir People

Crystal Bossola



(808) 954-9495

Customer Service Team



(337) 783-3096

Tiger Seed, LLC

Nick Monaco



(954) 839-0600

Tree Below Zero

Roberto Haraldson

Monterey Park


(213) 400-8804

Nick Linz



(513) 248-1255

True Nopal Ventures LLC

Tom Zummo



(480) 636-8044

Uncle Matt’s Organic

Glen Garrity



(352) 394-8737

The Wright Group


Universal Pure

Tom Woodward



(678) 840-1500

Vena's Fizz House

Mary Jo Marquis



(207) 887-9618

Danielle Calabrese

Los Angeles


(213) 308-4888

VOSS Water


New York


(212) 995-2255

Waiakea Inc.

Myles Duyao



(855) 924-2532

Wave Soda

Rachel Bower

San Marcos


(816) 499-3887

Wild Tonic Jun Kombucha

Stephen Finn



(928) 634-5434


Carli Chadderdon



(480) 207-6650


Yerbaé, LLC







Los Angeles


(310) 202-7000


Adam Rosenfeld

Los Angeles





Calypso Named Title Sponsor of ARCA Menards Series Event in Indianapolis Calypso, originator of the flavored lemonade category, announced its partnership with the Automobile Racing Club of America (ARCA) and Track Enterprises to become the official title sponsor for the 2020 ARCA Menards Series national event at Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis, Indiana. This year’s race was known as the “Calypso Lemonade 200” and took place on Friday, July 3, 2020. Calypso’s mission to make authentic, delicious lemonades that focus on quality and enable everyone to enjoy the taste of the islands with its beverages aligns perfectly with ARCA’s goal of providing fans with affordable and enjoyable entertainment. ARCA was founded as a Midwest-based stock car racing series and is recognized as one of the leading sanctioning bodies in the country. The Calypso Lemonade 200 was nationally televised live in conjunction with the NASCAR Brickyard 400 weekend over the Independence Day holiday. Leading up to the event, race fans

and consumers were able to visit Menards stores throughout the greater Indianapolis area for a chance at free tickets to the race. The Calypso Lemonade 200 Pace Car was on site to promote the event. “Calypso is proud to sponsor the 2020 ARCA Menards Series,” said David Klavsons, CEO of King Juice Company, Inc. “It’s the perfect way to kick off the July 4 weekend; our quintessential summer drinks will perfectly quench fans’ thirst and refresh the drivers while on and off the track. Our robust portfolio of over a dozen mouthwatering flavors is made for summer events like the ARCA Menards Series, and with the addition of our new zero sugar, five calorie line of light lemonades, Calypso Light, there is a tidal wave of incredible flavor for everyone to enjoy.”

GT’s Living Foods Launches Summer Campaign GT’s Living Foods is changing the way people think and feel about health and wellness in summer 2020. The brand has announced the kick-off of its Summer campaign, #LetYourLightShine and the launch of its new Synergy flavor, Golden Pineapple, now available nationwide. For 25 years, GT’s Living Foods has been guiding people on their health and wellness journeys. With the #LetYourLightShine campaign, GT’s continues that mission by sharing a message that health is defined by choices; when health is prioritized, one radiates and glows from the inside-out. “The World as a whole is experiencing this unprecedented challenge to our global health that has truly brought into focus the choices we make that affect our overall well-being,” said GT Dave, founder and CEO of GT’s Living Foods. “As we enter a new day, the #LetYourLightShine campaign symbolizes both the light we’ll find when we make it through these dark times, and the light that manifests internally and shines externally when people make good choices.”

Tree Top Debuts New Ad Campaign “Together, We Grow Better” Tree Top, Inc., an iconic apple juice and apple sauce household name for more than 60 years, returned to the advertising world with a new brand campaign, “Together, We Grow Better.” Created by Tree Top with IPREX partners DH in Spokane, Washington and French/West/Vaughan (FWV), in Raleigh, North Carolina, the campaign is designed to tap into the love and effort parents devote to raising their families, by showing how Tree Top demonstrates love and dedication in growing the apples that nurture families across the U.S. The campaign delivers a message directly from Tree Top’s growers who raise apples with care to deliver quality apple juice and apple sauce to families everywhere. “We know what it means to put your all into raising something. The challenges, and the rewards,” said Bryce Godfrey, director of 82 BEVNET MAGAZINE – JULY/AUGUST 2020

marketing at Tree Top. “We want to do everything in our power to make it easier for families by providing fresh, quality snacks kids love.” In these trying times, the campaign offers a sense of warmth and comfort as it draws comparisons to life in the orchard to life at home. It encourages goodwill and trust in an effort to support customers in their parenting journey. The message “Together, We Grow Better” is even more relevant, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when individuals are connecting to each other—and to brands—in new ways. “We want parents to know we care about making their lives easier. We take care of what goes into our products, so parents can focus on what really matters,” said Godfrey.

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