2 minute read


MindMind YourYour Business:Business: Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

By Linda Michelle Trainer – Global Encourager


The question of the hour for me is,

“How do I maintain the energy I need to make my business the success I desire it to be?”

The answer is C.L.E.A.R:

Check to see what it is I truly desire and if my actions are taking me in that direction. The surest way to do that is to regularly review my business plan and vision board.

A business plan is a strategic written tool about your business that projects 3-5 years ahead and outlines the step by step path your business intends to take to serve, make money, and grow revenue.

A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board used to build an inspirational collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams; tangible examples, ideas, or representation of images of the future you desire and where you are going – in present tense. For me, this creation process brings hope to my heart, joy to my soul, and energy to my prayers and my plans.

Just as a grocery shopping list helps me to remember to secure all of the items and ingredients I need to make meals I desire, being able to refer back to these tools is an integral part of my success. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

Listen to that still, small voice within; Am I walking in the way of wisdom regarding my health physically, mentally, and emotionally?

Am I eating right for my body and brain? Am I resting and taking time to really enjoy the journey? Am I taping into the current seasons of life– grieving when I need to grieve and grinding when the circumstances and conditions are favorable? Am I paying attention to the character of people I do business with? I realize I am the representation of my business, as are those I enter into business with. Enthusiastically examine my thoughts, understanding where my mindset is on a regular basis and making the necessary shifts to balance what I am thinking. I make time to regularly remember that a powerful mindset combines discipline, strength, confidence and righteous ambition. What others think of me is none of my business. What I think of me is key.

“She who tends the garden controls the fruit.

Aligning myself with the wisdom and skills of those who can assist me in reaching my desired objectives legally, technically, and financially.

This serves as my accountability to the intended purpose of my life and business.

Renewing my spiritual strength which is the foundation of my entire existence. I live to serve and for service.

“Finally being strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Be C.L.E.A.R. and IN Courage, precious one. Here’s to your own energetic success.

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