Fall 2022 - Entrepreneurial EnHERgy

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The Big TDream he Big Dream

Magazine BE WELL

EnHergy EnHergy

You’ve Got YMail ou’ve Got Mail

The month of October brings more than new colors it brings reflection which pushes me even harder to finish this year strong!

As I struggled to put this kind of motivation and movement into words of celebration for the Fall release of Be Well Magazine, I received a beautiful email from my friend of many years who is also one of my new PlanNet Business Partners.

Jacqueline’s message was like opening a present! It exemplifies the exact type of women that provide EnHerGy to others but goes deeper to reveal the new thing a trend we are cultivating in this season.

My message to our Be Well Magazine readers is, “If not now, when?” This year is far from over! Make 2022 mean something powerful and special by joining Jacqueline Ward and I as we navigate EnHerGy through the world of travel and the power of residual income. Jacqueline’s email says it all and will surely speak to the EnHERgy waiting to awaken inside of you!

Welcome to Be Well Magazine! Explore each and every avenue shared inside of this issue and let us show you the untapped EnHergy inside of you!

Read Jacqueline’s email on page 5 >>> BEWELLFORWOMEN.COM | 4

Jacqueline JWard acqueline Ward

CEO of Venus Consulting

For so many years and much of my life I have been a servant leader; giving and doing things for others without thought or hesitation It's a blessing Luke 12:48 says, "To whom much is given, much is required." And though what I gave wasn't much in society's eyes, I freely gave my time, talent, and passion to my community. But giving of yourself all of the time can also be a detriment to yourself.

Pouring all you have into others, your community, and people, leaves very little for yourself. I have come to the realization that I have given to others but have not found the strength, courage, commitment, and self esteem to give to myself the number one priority

If you don't pour into yourself, soon you have nothing left to pour into others So while talking to my coach, friend, peer, and advisor, I made a pledge and commitment to myself; to put me first, so that I continue to have the wherewithal to give to others It is with this renewed commitment to myself I will put myself first!

As a young child from the time I remember, I wanted to be a world traveler. I'm talking to a 3 year old kid.

At the time declaring to my dad that I wanted to be a reporter so I can travel to New York, lol. But that was my 3 year old understanding. I just knew that for me to travel to New York or anywhere else I needed to put a reporter. Those thoughts and things stuck with me I did fulfill some of my passions for writing and traveling in limited ways I wrote and was an editor for my college newspaper, I started and created a magazine (a very good one) and now I am a grant writer As far as travel, one of my goals was to be in the military One main reason for joining the USNR was subconsciously travel I was also in the PAO (Public Affairs Office). As a profession I took on jobs where I knew I would need to travel; even being a single mom at the time did not deter me.

On some of my trips I was blessed enough to bring my small children with me. Thankfully, I had an angel of a mom and sisters who would travel with me to keep my kids as I worked. One trip, I hired a young adult (who'd not had the experience of travel) to travel with me and take care of my two daughters who were roughly 5 and 12 years old, but I still wanted them cared for while I would do my seminars But my passion for life always came back to travel Fast forward to the present To travel, it takes resources and creativity, and since I no longer had the work opportunities (at the moment) to travel (notwithstanding the pandemic) I got side tracked from my travel passion I also wish to continue to help others as a priority My current business as a business development and nonprofit consultant can check a few boxes in the passion work category, but doing it for so many years has not garnered the financial freedom I know I deserve and have had a desire for all my life. Let's go back to the part about not putting myself first, and doing for others until I can't anymore. Now let's talk about my WHY!

After much deliberation, sleepless nights, and coaching calls with Carmen Ray, I know my WHY is to create wealth for myself which will then allow me to help my kids, my grandkids, and others create wealth and wealth legacies. I have partnered with a company that will help me check off several of the boxes that put me first I can travel at great discounts, earn unlimited residual income (that is up to me!), learn and be taught by industry leaders, and help coach and mentor others to create the wealth and legacies they want to

A Letter from
inteletravel com


Nothing says energy like the Fall season! Backpacks, bonfires, and Be Well Magazine’s new bestseller, Entrepreneurial EnHERgy! The next successful business owner is currently surrounded by pumpkin spice and cranberry scones and seeking to gain hope and hype from the spirited effects of the coffee bean.

Our Be Well Magazine team is comprised of successful business owners, inspiration coaches, trainers, collaboration concierges, and strategy specialists who have an urgent message for the up and coming entrepreneur DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE!

Yes, you can start that business today!

Yes, your passion project can be profitable!

Yes, you have resources immediately available to you!

Yes, we have partners ready to pour into your development!

Yes, you will need to have a fire inside of you to reach the next level!

That flame that needs to burn inside of you to spark your dreams and bring them into reality will not be fueled (solely) by coffee, ma’am. Sure, it’s cute to cling to a blingy mug or post a frothy, trendy latte, but it will take far more than caffeine to get results.

This October issue of Be Well Magazine has one major focus We are thrilled and beyond excited to introduce our newest executive and power player, Imani Ray, featured on the cover; and of course, we boast the most passionate and enlightening article contributors for entrepreneurial growth. Spend some time getting to know them through their articles, contact them, and add their insight into your toolbox.

But here’s the tea

Your favorite coffeeshop draws you to their product with aroma, advertising, and attitude Customers wake up wanting to be a part of their brand For everyone who is seeking success as an entrepreneur, the goal is to be alluring with a sound product and a positive, professional attitude, maintain an aroma of success at all times, and advertise your services effectively even while you’re sleeping.

That’s called EnHERg

If it’s in you, they wil

Wellness to you all,


Table of TContents able of Contents

DRIVES YOU by Cheryl Garrison

TO BE A BOSS by Conchetta Jones


THE MADNESS: LIVE YOUR VICTORY by Dr Brenetia Adams Robinson





Imani Ray


FALL F2022 ALL 2022
35 by
22 10

What Drives You?

I started my first business in my thirties Since then, I have had network marketing, consulting, retail, coaching, service, and other types of businesses I’ve had little success in some businesses and extreme success in others To say I have seen it all may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I have seen a lot over the last thirty five years I have discovered that the one element which has made the difference in every business I have started is ENERGY; Or better said for this article, “ENHERGY”!

What is the force or energy that drives your business? The answer to this question can be the difference between your success or failure For me, the force that accounts for most of my success is planning As the famous quote goes, “Failing to plan, is planning to fail ”

Entrepreneurs who plan their business at every level experience the highest level of success not just financially, but also in the number of people they are able to influence or help; or the innovative products or services they create that drive their industry

I am a serial planner I do overall planning at the beginning of the year, and typically revisit that plan on a quarterly basis My financial planning is broken down into four segments: annual, monthly, weekly and daily How much money am I going to make in a year (fiscal or annual)? If I plan to make $100,000, then I need to earn $8,333 per month, $2,083 per week, and approximately $297 per day! Sounds simple, right? This simple formula has been the reason for my years and years of success in business

My planning does not stop with business income To reach my financial goals, my planning must extend to the amount of activity or work that goes into reaching my goals That’s the enHERgy!

Good, solid planning starts with forecasting your sales How many products or services do you have to sell to meet your annual financial goals? To find that out, divide your annual sales forecast by the price of your service or product For example:

$100,000 ÷ $1500 (the price of your highest price coaching program) = 67 (approx.)

You would need to add 67 new clients/sales in a year to reach your annual goal. Five (5) clients each month 1 per week

Now, what energy plan would it take to reach that amount of sales?

Get it? You can do a mix of products/services to reach your goal, but the idea is to put in the work (enHERgy) to get it done based on your pre conceived plan

Are you prepared to take the time to create a mix of business activities it takes to run a successful business?

For me, it is ALL in the planning Once I have the plan, it’s smooth sailing ahead Now of course, in the journey, I will run into a few storms and my sails may have to be reset But, because I have a plan, a course of action, it’s easy to get back on course and reach my destination You can do it, too If you find yourself struggling in business, create a plan Plan your finances Plan your social media Plan your speaking engagements (if you are a coach) Plan the number of contacts you will invite to see your opportunity Plan, plan, plan! Let the enHERgy of planning help you become the successful entrepreneur you were meant to be


Preparing To Be a

As a girl I always dreamed about being a boss

Fast forward many years and I made the decision to start my business. I was 54 years old; the age when most people are starting to think about retiring. Though still working a full time job, I did just that. Feeling both nervous and excited at the same time, I plowed ahead and Confident Woman came to life

I was suddenly a business woman with business cards, a website, and a virtual assistant. I had arrived. Let me share the enHERgy it took to bring my business to life.

Fear and doubt were two emotions that I had to overcome right from the beginning. I had to step outside of my comfort zone and do it afraid. Those are not just words, by the way. They are real emotions that may be experienced Your self talk will consume you and tell you that you are not good enough, don’t know enough, and the big one nobody is going to buy what you have to sell. Time management is another big deal. There will be so many things vying for your attention; especially if, like me, you are still working. You will have to make sure that you balance your other responsibilities. During this time it will be easy to look at what others are doing and start comparing yourselves to them. You will see them making sales and if you aren’t you will start doubting again

Comparing where you are to where others are is not necessary.

Continue the work to build your business. Positivity will be a big deal; and a priority Don’t let things bring you down Don’t speak negatively when things are not going the way you thought they would It will be hard to remain positive when you see the money going out, but not coming in What I discovered is that the best thing to do is to stay around people who are motivated and can keep you motivated, and take classes or workshops that will keep you and your skills up to date on the trends in your field. If you need rest, take it. Write your vision and read it often.


Be prepared to work hard. Stay consistent. Know what your why is because when things are not happening as quickly as you thought, you can keep that thought as your focal point

Finally, I want to leave you with this.

Being a Boss is a whole vibe.

Stop doubting your abilities

Stop listening to naysayers

You may have to drop some friends

If they don't believe in you;

If they laugh at you, it is time for them to go. You have to change your mindset. Your mindset is very important when you make the decision to become a boss.

Say it with me "I am a Boss"


Mind Your MBusiness: ind Your Business: Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

The question of the hour for me is, “How do I maintain the energy I need to make my business the success I desire it to be?”

The answer is C.L.E.A.R:

Check to see what it is I truly desire and if my actions are taking me in that direction The surest way to do that is to regularly review my business plan and vision board

A business plan is a strategic written tool about your business that projects 3 5 years ahead and outlines the step by step path your business intends to take to serve, make money, and grow revenue

A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board used to build an inspirational collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams; tangible examples, ideas, or representation of images of the future you desire and where you are going in present tense For me, this creation process brings hope to my heart, joy to my soul, and energy to my prayers and my plans

Just as a grocery shopping list helps me to remember to secure all of the items and ingredients I need to make meals I desire, being able to refer back to these tools is an integral part of my success As Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail "

Listen to that still, small voice within; Am I walking in the way of wisdom regarding my health physically, mentally, and emotionally?

Am I eating right for my body and brain? Am I resting and taking time to really enjoy the journey? Am I taping into the current seasons of life grieving when I need to grieve and grinding when the circumstances and conditions are favorable? Am I paying attention to the character of people I do business with? I realize I am the representation of my business, as are those I enter into business with

Enthusiastically examine my thoughts, understanding where my mindset is on a regular basis and making the necessary shifts to balance what I am thinking. I make time to regularly remember that a powerful mindset combines discipline, strength, confidence and righteous ambition What others think of me is none of my business What I think of me is key. “She who tends the garden controls the fruit.”

Aligning myself with the wisdom and skills of those who can assist me in reaching my desired objectives legally, technically, and financially

This serves as my accountability to the intended purpose of my life and business.

Renewing my spiritual strength which is the foundation of my entire existence I live to serve and for service

“Finally being strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”

Be C.L.E.A.R and IN Courage, precious one Here’s to your own energetic success.

Introducing the IsaiahPromisePendant - A COMFORT Be INCourageWOPME E R MENTTOPERSEVERE Iwillneverforgetyou! Iwillneverforgetyou! IIsaiah49:15-16 saiah49:15-16 DESIGNED BY LINDA MICHELLE TRAINER Remember God’s promise of comfort as your loved one with Alzheimer’s forgets. For more information, contact me at https://lindamichelletrainer.my.canva.site info@lindamichelletrainer.com

Stop the SMadness top the Madness Live Your Victory

by Dr Brenetia Adams Robinson

It was a beautiful golden spring afternoon with a golden Florida sunset. A 12 year old girl sitting on her front porch noticed a man walking up the road towards her house. When he was close enough to be recognized, she realized it was the father who had deserted her when her mother was killed in a car accident 4 years earlier The father who consistently left a wake of chaos each time he came and went out of her life For a quick moment, hoping he was coming to see her, she jumped up and walked with joy to the steps. But as soon as he realized who she was, he put his head down and walked with increased speed past the house…and her, without a word. That 12 year old was me, and next to my mom’s death at the hands of a drunk driver, it was one of the most soul destroying incidents in my young life.

One devastating trauma after the other in my young life completely stripped my confidence, my identity, my voice, and my capacity to believe that I deserved anything more. I literally began to see myself as the dust floating in the air invisible, unseen, and easily ignored. I did not have low self esteem; I had no self esteem. I lived a defeated, uninspired, people pleasing existence, not realizing how amazing things could be if I could see beyond my pit of mediocrity and hopelessness

Then…I just got tired of being sick and tired. I knew in my spirit, I was meant to be so much more. I just didn’t know how to get there.

I immersed myself in God’s Word and realized how much more He had for my life than I had settled for. The light finally dawned! If there was going to be any kind of change in my life, I had to stop feeling sorry for myself, and make it happen. The result was my S.A.D. philosophy. I had to get off my merry go round of misery, and Stop, Assess and Decide if I wanted something different That’s when I embraced my power and energy to implement the following S A D strategy to stop existing and start truly living

Stop the Madness. Stop blaming others for their past mistakes and your current circumstances. The past is gone. You can’t do one thing to change it. But you can stop making excuses today, and do something for your better tomorrow.


Assess the Possibilities Your tomorrow can be as bright, brilliant, and beautiful as you can envision But you must be able to see the possibilities If you can see you living a bigger life than you have settled for, you and God can make it happen.


Decide What You Want. It’s as simple as that. If you are comfortable where you are, by all means, stay there. But if you want more, you have to fight for it. Stop whining and complaining about yesterday. Put on the whole armor of God’s promises and fight for the life you want today

God NEVER promised life would be easy. But He did promise you can have the abundant life now. It will only happen when you make a decision to turn your sad situation into your S.A.D strategy to live in victory. Your decision…Your choice…Your life!


Dr. Bre, The Destiny D.I.V.A.

THE AUTHENTICITY EMPOWERMENT BLUEPRINT ™ Shake Self Limiting SBeliefs hake Self Limiting Beliefs SOAR Into SDestiny OAR Into Destiny This 6-month coaching program of Tbi-weekly his 6-month coaching program of bi-weekly meetings will address subconscious drivers mthat eetings will address subconscious drivers that undermine your potential and address the ughost ndermine your potential and address the ghost of your past to be all that God ordained oand f your past to be all that God ordained and promised to live your best life pnow. romised to live your best life now.
Dr Bre has been called "a stimulating catalyst" for promoting vision for purpose and destiny She is passionate about helping people move past self imposed limitations, mental blocks, and self sabotaging behaviors that undermine personal goals and leadership competencies to help leaders position in excellence to build engaged staff and high performing teams; and individuals to walk in their destiny. drbrespeaks.com drbrespeaks.com

Entrepreneuse EnHERgy:

The Feminine Way for Sharing Our Gifts, Talents, and Genius

I was 27 years old when I bought a brand new, electric blue CJ7 Jeep that had a straight six engine (one of the best in automotive history), 4X4 operation, and manual shift. I lived in New York City at that time, and Jeeps were so rare that I had to show the gas station attendants (yea, no automatic stations then) how to open the hood and how to check the oil level. I was always asked if the Jeep belonged to my boyfriend or husband because it didn’t make sense for a young woman to be driving her own Jeep. This was the world of the 1980s and I was happily among the many female BUPPIES (Black Urban Professionals) who were taking on climbing the career ladder at break neck speed by imitating and out doing men. It wasn’t until neglecting my divine feminine resulted in a mid life crisis that I began to learn a healthier and more balanced approach to realizing my commitment to improve living and social conditions for those deemed disposable.

A great definition of the concept of divine feminine comes from a contemporary blogger, Emily Torres, who writes,

“The divine feminine is the spiritual concept that there exists a feminine counterpart to the patriarchal and masculine worship structures that have long dominated organized religions. The divine feminine extends well beyond one belief system, and instead can be used as a spiritual lens to balance our perspective (1).”

Here at the beginning of the 21st century, we are engaged in a global movement to evolve away from dominance by the masculine and onto a conjoining of the masculine and feminine energies By this I mean how women are more included as leaders in business, politics, education, the sciences, and entertainment than ever before in my lifetime It is no longer unusual to see women as presidents or vice presidents, as prime ministers, astronauts, CEO’s of major corporations, film directors, or owners of Jeeps

The MeToo Movement and the uncovering of sexual abuse and harassment by such financially successful and iconic men as Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Bill Cosby, and Harvey Weinstein, is also evidence that women no longer have to be at the mercy of toxic masculinity We can claim, nurture, and utilize the feminine aspects of ourselves to be more authentic in how we do business

The origin of the word, entrepreneur, goes back to what is called by etymologists “war vocabulary ” Our use of it is derived from the French language and means “to grab” or “to take control ” Clearly, this is why being an entrepreneur is associated with going into battle in the marketplace to compete and win or lose Now that I’ve embraced my divine feminine for how I live and experience my life, I’m adopting the word, Entrepreneuse, which is the opposite of one who goes to war in order to be successful at sharing one’s gifts, talents, and genius and receiving fulfilling reciprocity


An Entrepreneuse

understands the practices, mechanics, and technologies of doing business, and chooses to show up for herself and others utilizing the following aspects of the divine feminine: Intuition, heart centeredness, compassion, wisdom, collaboration, creativity, kindness, gentleness, self reflection, open mindedness, acceptance, and forgiveness (2).

Now, although these feminine aspects can also be practiced and utilized by men (which I highly recommend), do remember that as women we inherently have access to these ways of doing business. No one has to teach you. You just need to remember and reclaim the truth of who you are.

As an Entrepreneuse, I am very successful because I have a never ending flow of clientele, new opportunities, and an ever expanding network of colleagues, and physical and non physical resources at my disposal. I don’t have to live in fear of someone stealing my ideas or identity because I’m able to connect authentically with those I serve. I am not trying to be someone or something I think will bring me success. I’m able to value my unique self along with the unique and creative ways in which I share my gifts, talents, and genius. I’ve come a long way in my growth and development since the 1980s, and I hope my article inspires you to remember and reclaim the truth and power of your divine feminine.

1 Emily Torres, What is The Divine Feminine?, https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/divine feminine

2 Sarah Regan, 9 Ways to Connect to The Divine Feminine (and why to want to), https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/divine feminine

About Jojopahmaria Nsoroma

Jojopahmaria Nsoroma, owner and steward of Higher Expectations Consulting Collaborative, is an accomplished innovator and influencer of human and organizational change. Since 1979, she has made significant contributions as a human services professional through a wide variety of educational and program leadership roles. In addition to her organizational and professional development work, Jojopah also provides spiritual healing and coaching to individuals, broadcasts a weekly internet radio program (Wisdom Walk Talk), is a YouTube influencer (Wisdom Walk to Self Mastery), and has published her first book, (Wisdom Walk to Self Mastery: ancient wisdom for transforming pain). She currently resides in Santa Monica, CA where she can easily walk to the ocean, practice her skills as a classical pianist, and visit restored movie palaces in Hollywood


Magazine BE WELL


EnHERgy Shows EUp nHERgy Shows Up

Steering Business and Sparking Sisterhood

As I pondered which one of my entrepreneurial experiences I wanted to focus on for this issue, I decided to bring you into my world as I created, coordinated, and executed the most recent Be Well for Women Relax, Restore and Reignite travel experience.

Approximately one year ago Carmen Ray asked if I would book her group trip, initially for her birthday, but then it quickly transformed into a retreat for Be Well for Women 2022 While I hesitated, I eventually responded affirmatively because of the relationship and rapport that I have with Carmen Now hear me clearly, everyone gets a little nervous when they are taking on a new travel booking, but I thought this would be a piece of cake I have done this several times

During the following months I sent quotes to countless ladies, had phone conversations, rechecked specifics with the resort brand, analyzed details, reconfirmed room types, watched YouTube, read countless reviews of the resort, joined the resort Facebook page so I could see what was being said about it, and more. Now, this didn’t come during a “blocked out” convenient time on my calendar.

I carried out this work during all times of the night. You see, my EnHERgy shows up at midnight , 2:00AM, 3:30AM, and 5:00AM.

When I am really vested in something, I toss and turn and toss and turn until the mission is complete. I go to bed with it on my mind, and I wake up with it on my mind I can’t rest until every detail has been checked and rechecked It’s just the way my EnHERgy is wired! Does any of this sound familiar to you??? Whatever you’re passionate about can cause many sleepless nights especially when it is a project you’re working on for someone else

Needless to say, our Be Well for Women trip was an outstanding experience for those 11 ladies who traveled together. On our first full day, we gathered in one of the many open lobby spaces.

I began the research phase.

I was trying to find a destination and resort that would align with the type of environment and decor that I knew Be Well has become accustomed to After sifting through many hours of research, text messages, price quotes, etc we finally agreed upon the destination Breathless Cancun Soul Resort. At that point I went through all the protocols to get a group code so each room booked through my reservation would get an additional discount and luxury amenities at the resort.


Carmen gave the group an overview of her Be Well program as well as the magazine. I then led the ladies through a Be Well for Women Survival Kit activity.

We bonded like no other group I’ve been associated with. We relaxed, restored, and reignited as we sparked new friendships, shared EnHERgy, shopped together, relaxed in pools, enjoyed hydrotherapy, massages, and more. After hours of laughter and sisterhood, we established that we want to travel together frequently.

Now that we are back home we stay connected on our own private messenger page. We even have plans to travel again together AND we even named ourselves Queens of Soul Travel!

Look out for more trips from this group including our journey to Jamaica in July 2023. In the meantime, enjoy some of our photos; see if you can discern our EnHERgy during this awesome time!




by Wendy Campbell

I heard someone say “Entrepreneurs are born” There was more to the statement but I tuned it out, because I wondered if that part was really true I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur, but here I am There were a lot of “buts” along the way that kept me from walking in my true purpose, and it took a lot for me to change the buts into what ifs The truth is, I got comfortable in the buts because I could use it as an excuse to stay in my comfort zone I can’t even call it a comfort zone I was hiding I was hiding behind the buts, and I allowed those butts to define me. I had to get to the place in my mind where I could use those as stepping stones and not be afraid to be better, different, and the real me.

I had a full time job, so how was I going to do this? I knew from some of the research I'd done that entrepreneurship was a full time job and a full part time job; no rest for the weary. It was important to me to learn everything about everything travel. So I took a dive in the deep end to learn everything as quickly as I could so I could start making money. I was registering for every supplier, every magazine, every webinar I was on it. Soon, I found myself overwhelmed with no clear direction or idea of where to settle There is so much to the travel industry, I didn’t realize I couldn’t comprehend it all I thought the more aspects of travel I knew, the more valuable I would be to my clients I was definitely wrong So I had to take a step back and find my focus I found my niche in cruising I designated 2 hours per day to focus on my business

I spent 2 hours each day getting my certifications, updating my website, asking questions, playing around with the booking engine, and watching videos from agency owners that were successful in the travel business They had been where I was and were a wealth of information I was hesitant to follow their advice because I felt I was my own travel agent and wouldn’t it be copying someone else’s work? Wouldn’t they get mad at me and call out copyright infringement? Nope I was surrounded by entrepreneurs that didn’t kick the ladder down behind them.

I was excited about my niche. I earned my certification with my favorite cruise line, and I learned how to market my brand with them. The truth is, they value travel agents. They know agents drive a significant amount of business, and their goal is to help us help them. But even after all that, I still didn’t have any clients and I felt like a secret agent. So how was I going to get the word out about my business? You guessed it, I booked a cruise

I knew people from all over the US, and tons of those people were born in the same year I was I put together a 50th birthday cruise I reached out to my high school classmates and my college classmates and told them I found the perfect way for all of us to celebrate our 50th together We had an amazing time and I gained a few clients from the trip I continued to repeat the process and my business started growing

Once I kicked the buts to the curb, I had to conquer the mind game in order to evolve into the entrepreneur I wanted to be. I had to believe I could do it. I had to get M.A.D. (Make A Decision) affirming this is what I was going to be, not just what I was going to do

If this was just going to be something I do, I could quit anytime. But this is who I was going to be, and I wasn’t going to quit on Me.

This business reminds me that I am continually investing in myself I wasn't able to do everything at once in the beginning, but with patience my knowledge grew, I grew as a person, and my business grew

I stay excited about my business, focused on my niche, and on a learning journey that never ends

The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you've come.


Discover Your Entrepreneur EnHERgy E-Book

Enjoy a FREE preview of the e-book on the following pages. www.iamnatural-e.com
www.iamnatural e.com


Discover Your Entrepreneur EnHERgy E-Book www.iamnatural-e.com

Embrace. Encourage. EEmpower. mbrace. Encourage. Empower.

As an enHergetic entrepreneur, I have always been enthusiastic about helping women with achieving their life, career, and financial goals and dreams In fact, I know that I was created to be an innovator, trail blazer, and advocate for women because in my opinion, there is a constant war on women’s rights and I am not one to sit back and allow women to continuously struggle in the areas of finance, equitable conditions, or any other adverse conditions As a woman, wife, mother, business owner, and community advocate I have experienced major obstacles and I continue to stand because I know that wherever there is passion and purpose, there will also be hardship and the need to put on my whole armor of The Highest God to get in the trenches and fight while continuing to embrace, encourage and empower women to be who they were created to be, and that is whole and virtuous.

Small Beginnings

In the Hebrew language, Chayil pronounced (khah' yil) derives from Eishet Chayil, meaning woman of virtue and strength. Chayil Corp started out with the name Virtuous Woman in the year 2000 when I was 24 years old. In 2011, I published my first book titled, Heavy Content a story of the struggles that I faced growing up from childhood to adulthood and how I overcame those obstacles without allowing society to classify me as a victim Purposely, I named myself the character in the book, Chayil After my book signing, I changed the name of the organization from Virtuous Woman to Chayil Inc , formed a board of directors, and did the work to make Chayil a non profit 501(c3) organization In addition, Chayil became the symbolic framework and non profit arm of my S Corporation, Midwest Advantage Holdings Company and organization that supplies financial and business services nationwide

Strategic Objectives

Chayil Incorporated has four strategic objectives:

Lyfe Stylez Program Provides life coaching, and assistance with overcoming underlying barriers to success that women have This program supports and mentors women and minorities and serves as a resource and support for women struggling with low self esteem, homelessness, abusive relationships, lack of income, financial burdens, and more This program hosts a quarterly, Sister, I Need You event to bring awareness to dire conditions that women and minorities still face Each meeting is unique for example, our next session will be held in January 2023 online and in person and it’s titled, Sister, I Need You to Focus.

Community Career Connections Provides career coaching, and help with professional development, transferable skills, resume writing, interviewing, employment resources, entrepreneurship and more.

Community Career Connections serves as the liaison between employers and job seekers.

Photos of Governor Evers’s Office Press Release at Sherman Phoenix in Milwaukee, WI to accept the grant award Photos of Governor Evers’s Office Press Release at Sherman Phoenix in Milwaukee, WI to accept the grant award

Finance Café An actual café and event space that also serves as a resource and education center for women and minorities seeking entrepreneurship and financial acumen We partner with various banks, insurance companies, lenders, real estate agents, investment brokers, tax professionals, attorneys, and other financial gurus to supply free and discounted workshops, programs, and services We offer a debt elimination CD and workbook that assists women with debt management and credit repair

SWATS (Strong Women Aiming Toward Success) Magazine SWATS is the voice of Chayil Corporation, we create awareness and address issues that pertain to women and minorities that change their lives, fashion, travel, spirituality, stress management, parenting, education, politics, career, business, finance, money, and so much more!


Our organization’s mission and vision are extremely powerful, and Team Chayil thought Milwaukee’s community would embrace, encourage, and empower us because we were doing amazing things in our neighborhoods We hosted events, held fundraisers, supplied solutions, took part in other organizations’ programming, and the list goes on As we continued to focus on branding and enlarging our territory, we discovered the most hurtful events To keep the focus on positive EnHergy, I am not going to place emphasis on who did what; however, we have had our business name, concepts, and events stolen by individuals within our network and it was hurtful In fact, I almost gave up on my vision and my city Please note that I am not angry with any of the other parties and one of the most valuable lessons that Team Chayil has learned is that there is enough money in the economy for everyone and that ideas belong to The Most High God and unfortunately, in minority communities there is a crabs in a barrel mentality because of systematic racism, poverty, and generational curses that need to be broken

Chayil Forward

Despite challenges, Chayil is optimistic and moving forward. After more than a decade of dedication, tenacity, innovation, and forward thinking, Chayil Inc. in tandem with Midwest Advantage Holdings Company applied for a part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant to continue aiding women and minorities with achieving life, career, and financial goals and dreams. I was heartbroken when Chayil was not selected by the State of Wisconsin for the first round of funding because through all of my business endeavors I have been doing impactful and measurable work to assist individuals, families, and business owners with achieving financial goals and dreams I was crushed when I was overlooked by so many grantors and donors through the years as I continued to aid others with getting funding for their businesses and organizations Little did I know, there would be a second round in which I received an approval for grant dollars Chayil was awarded $200,280 by Governor Evers’s office to expand our economic development program and to provide women and minority business owners with ongoing consulting and coaching, entrepreneurship training, human resource development, financial, business & succession planning via the Finance Café program found in Brookfield, WI serving Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties The organization will use the awarded funds for a second location closer to Milwaukee, where there is a dire need for the services that Chayil Inc and Midwest Advantage provides

Future expansion consists of setting up a second location in Milwaukee to be a one stop shop for all business and financial solutions and a shared space for financial professionals. The business center’s pros will work in unison to supply quality services and there will be an inhouse coffee shop named, Finance Café, also an event space in which community, workforce development, and entrepreneurial based, training, meetings, and more. For more information or to donate to our cause visit www.chayilincmke.org.

Strategic Objectives continued...

BE WELL Magazine


Thank You

Carmen Ray, Founder & Publisher

Crystal Thompson, Editor in Chief Michael Damond, Director of Marketing Makayla Campbell, Marketing Assistant

Dr. Brenetia Adams Robinson

Yolanda Anderson Wagner

Jocelyn Gillespie Obermeyer Sandy Malone

Cyrena Martin Laneice McGee

Dr Pamela Hemphill Walker

Patrice Register

Shawntell Taylor

Linda Michelle Trainer

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S H A R E Y O U R Thoughts Readers, we’re building something AMAZING here with
Well Magazine! We need YOU to assure we’re building a publication and a brand that’s adding value to you personally, AND to your business! Each quarter, we invite you to provide feedback. We commit to hearing you and considering your critique and suggestions. Thank you! Submit your feedback at www.bewellforwomen.com/feedback.html
Ray Founder Be Well Magazine
Crystal Thompson
Editor in Chief Be Well Magazine
Michael Damond
Creative Director Be Well Magazine

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