As we look back on 2024 and listen to partners' voices by our side, we celebrate the stewards who are powering change in every corner of Palm Beach County.
"2024 was a pivotal year for BeWellPBC. Our dedicated stewards, fueled by their collective energy, are driving us further and faster toward our vision as we build connections and belonging throughout Palm Beach County."
- Lauren Zuchman, Executive Director
"People recognize BeWellPBC for creative, outside the box thinking, especially when it comes to bringing people together. They turn to us because we can help them get the right people to the table."
- Alita Faber, Networks & Operations Manager
"We're seeing so much movement in how we bring partners together in all our impact areas. Together, we're focusing on thriving families, youth, and communities to create lasting change— everything we envisioned at the beginning of BeWellPBC."
- Katrina Blackmon, Community Action & Communications Administrator
a New Era in Behavioral Health and Wellness
The last six years have been a time of connecting and channeling the power of lived and learned experts to steward behavioral health transformation.
Together, we have sparked innovation and strengthened community capacity to tackle complex issues. We have built infrastructure to invest in a diverse workforce for a thriving future. Our interconnectedness is igniting belonging, civic engagement, and a community in which every person in Palm Beach County feels hopeful, supported, connected, and empowered. And the Simple Rules are infusing energy into our impact areas, with each one electrifying the others.
"Funders are moving towards simple rules, embracing the vital conditions, and investing in community organizations."
- Tanya Palmer, BeWellPBC Stewardship Council Member
"Mental health wellness continues to be addressed, and is never at rest, in the areas where people live."
- Tenecia L. Burton-Sproull, BeWellPBC Stewardship Council Member
"Youth are prioritized in BeWellPBC’s efforts by supporting their behavioral health and wellness, ensuring they are equipped with the mindset and resources for a successful future. This approach not only benefits youth but also contributes to the overall well-being of all Palm Beach County residents."
- JaVona Wilson, BeWellPBC Steward
Simple Rules for Building Civic Muscle and Belonging
Honor the community’s voice before planning and doing the work.
Reach out to everyone, especially those who are isolated and alone.
Cut the red tape and focus on things that keep people healthy and out of trouble.
Rely on relationships to build power. Don’t go it alone.
Acknowledge power dynamics and commit to partnering with community to dismantle racism.
Stewardship Coordination and Alignment
BeWellPBC brings together resident, system, and sector stewards to illuminate new pathways for building a culture of health and wellness.
Stewards combine vision and energy to co-design solutions and grow a thriving ecosystem grounded in equity, access, community healing, and behavioral health awareness.
"There are so many more options now than ever before for a person to choose how they want to support their own mental health, or their family’s mental health, or get help for someone they know. People don't just have to get clinical services. But even within clinical services, there are a lot of different options."
- Weston Probst, BeWellPBC Staff
"Our local government, elected officials, nonprofit organizations, grassroots and community leaders are really coming together to amplify the voices of Black and Brown communities, especially as it relates to being attentive to our mental health."
- James Green, BeWellPBC Stewardship Council Member
"When I started in this work more than 25 years ago, we weren't listening to people about what they wanted nor engaging with them throughout the funding process. What we've done through BeWell PBC, ensuring communities inform decision-making from beginning to end, is beyond impressive; it's become the new ' normal' for how many funders work."
- Christine Koehn, BeWellPBC Stewardship Council Member
In 2024, BeWellPBC’s Stewardship Council (board) continued to evolve, more deeply connecting community and system leaders to share power and ideas with a unified vision for how to continue to grow. It’s the place where we cultivate a unique culture of open and honest reflection, recognize wins and the winds of change, and nurture continuous learning and adaptation to guide the future of behavioral health in Palm Beach County.
Our collective aspirations were put into action:
Stay the course.
We honored our commitment to work “with me, not to me” by inviting additional residents and grassroots initiatives to join, maintaining the council as a safe place to explore ideas with lived (community) and learned (professional) experts together. We hosted our bimonthly meetings in partner locations across the county to expose members to new people and organizations doing impactful work.
Balance the “being” and the “doing.”
We were present in mind, body, and soul by creating space for both check-ins and action, following the energy of what was needed, and practicing a process for everyone to participate and contribute.
Create a problem-solving process.
We thought through community’s complex challenges by identifying top-of-mind topics for each meeting and allotting time to discuss and work through sticky issues. Our diverse lived and learned experts served as a resource to gain as well as give insight, potential solutions, and support for one another. Additional partners came forward to participate in the "sticky issue" process for the challenges they were facing.
Expand two-way communication.
We continued to develop feedback loops to share challenges and solutions by enhancing communication paths (like The Well of PBC, partner newsletters, and community platforms) for members and the larger community to more deeply understand and have specificity around community needs and expertise.
BeWellPBC Sparked Innovation Locally and Nationwide
BeWellPBC participated in significant countywide strategy development, influencing policy and recommendations for Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures Master Plan 2.0, the Community Health Improvement Plan, and the Palm Beach County Behavioral Health, Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorder Updated Master Plan 2024. We also participated in statewide pediatric integrated care efforts and workgroups to ensure we learn from partners across the state and share the work and lessons learned locally.
At prominent conferences and think tanks across the country, BeWellPBC shared its movement-making know-how while learning from other thought leaders.
APRIL: Farris Foundation supported Lauren Zuchman to attend the National Conference for Mental Well-Being (NATCON24) in St. Louis and participate in a debriefing session with the funder and additional grantees from across the country.
MAY: Lauren Zuchman and Abigail Goodwin (Palm Health Foundation) from BeWellPBC’s Core Team/Stewardship Council joined Rippel Foundation and The Case Made teams in Atlanta for a gathering of changemakers committed to shifting systems toward equity and thriving.
JUNE: At the Grantmakers In Health (GIH) Conference, Lauren Zuchman presented "Letting Go! Trusting Community to Lead for Better Health," with Patrick McNamara, Palm Health Foundation; Ricky Ybarra, Hogg Foundation of Texas; and Katherine Wright, ReThink Health/Rippel Foundation, offering local, state, and national perspective. (Pictured above.)
AUGUST: Alita Faber and the PBC Pediatric Behavioral Health Collaborative Team led a roundtable discussion (along with other behavioral health hub sites across the state) at the Florida Behavioral Health Conference.
The Pediatric Integrated Care Project
The Palm Beach County Pediatric Integrated Care Workgroup (PIC) is a physician, parent/caregiver, and community-directed alliance committed to integrating behavioral health into pediatric care and contributing to Florida-wide efforts to expand comprehensive care for all children, especially the underserved. BeWellPBC has partnered with Palm Beach Pediatrics/Dr. Shannon Fox-Levine and the Center for Child Counseling to co-chair the quarterly workgroup. Five priorities framed direction for the group:
1. Provider Communication – Streamlining solutions for connecting youth to care and follow-up across partners (pediatricians, behavioral health providers, school district, hospitals, etc.) serving patients.
2. Policy & Procedure – Addressing effective standards and barriers to care.
3. Standard of Care/Research – Identifying Palm Beach County partner best practices within a pediatric integrated continuum of care and capturing progress and impact.
4. Consultation/Community of Practice – Providing psychiatric consultation to local pediatricians and physicians, and creating cohorts for pediatricians, physicians, practice staff, and behavioral health providers to explore best practices, offer trainings, network, and provide each other support.
5. Parent Advisement – Supporting parent/caregiver advisory council regular meetings to offer perspective and experience/direction about care for youth and families.
"We’re at the table together with pediatricians and health systems to share our lived experiences. We're hoping the outcome from this project is that the process is streamlined and mandated across the state of Florida for every child to get the proper mental health services."
- Sherrah Hill-Lavin, mother of six and PIC Parent Advisory Council member
Parents Illuminated PIC Progress
BeWellPBC is helping to coordinate and support the Pediatric Integrated Care Parent Advisory Council (PICPAC) where caregivers meet regularly while also participating in the countywide PIC workgroup. Activities focused on guiding new PIC opportunities, exploring resources for families, and offering insights for seeking assistance for children from primary doctors and linking to the best mental health care. PICPAC members are integral to the PIC process, inspiring providers to think about the parent perspective and how to support caregivers as they receive help for their children.
Preparing for a PIC Power Surge in 2025
In 2025, we will launch the PBC Pediatric Behavioral Health Collaborative at Florida Atlantic University. Funded by a multi-year grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration through the Florida Department of Health, the Collaborative is a partnership of BeWellPBC, FAU Schmidt College of Medicine, FAU Phyllis and Harvey Sandler College of Social Work, and Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network. During 2024, we made strides to structure comprehensive roles and responsibilities and a collective process for measured outcomes:
• BeWellPBC Staff: Assume the roles of Collaborative Director and Integration Manager to initiate the project and engage parents/caregivers in building the Collaborative.
• BeWellPBC and the PIC Workgroup: Create regular newsletters for pediatric and family practices to receive information about services and supports, parent/caregiver tips and tools, and trainings and events throughout Palm Beach County.
• FAU Schmidt College of Medicine: Employ the Medical Director (a child andadolescent psychiatrist) and additional faculty support to offer psychiatric consultation and training for pediatricians/pediatric practices.
• FAU Phyllis and Harvey Sandler College of Social Work: Build the workforce pipeline by establishing internship opportunities through the Collaborative and eventually assume director and manager roles.
• Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network: Offer care coordination to practice patients.
RALLY Energized Youth Mental
(Rapid Action Learning Leaders for Youth)
"RALLY is an example of the Simple Rule ‘Listen and Honor Community Voice’ by inviting Future Leaders to help BeWellPBC plan the event and create the agenda. It's going to result in more youth investment and engagement in the whole process."
- Tammy K. Fields, BeWellPBC Stewardship Council Member
On August 29th, 116 Palm Beach County youth, caregivers, grassroots champions, community leads, funders, system partners, and providers united through the second annual RALLY. BeWellPBC and Future Leaders United for Change (birth to 22 youth group) led the RALLY to share collective progress and continue to mobilize solutions for youth mental health. Funders have dedicated more than $650,000 to support strategies for youth mental health since the first RALLY in 2023, and partners ranging from local businesses to behavioral health providers to grassroots initiatives are finding new ways to integrate mental health support into places where youth already are. WATCH VIDEO
RALLY Mental Health Strategies
Identified by PBC stakeholders with youth as the lead
1. Mental Health Awareness—Recruit professionals and youth reflective of the community to educate the larger community.
3. Non-Traditional Supports—Employ peers and community supports to increase connectivity in neighborhoods, fill gaps in behavioral health staff shortages, and support workforce.
4. Meaningful Connections for Youth—Make community/safe spaces available for youth to gather and be with safe adults.
5. Behavioral Health Support in Existing Community Spaces— Host mental health programs/services/supports in existing youth spaces.
6. Support for Families Through Provider Policy Change— Rethink how service providers meet community needs and provide support with trauma-informed, healing-centered practices.
7. Youth Leadership and Support—Offer comprehensive, youth-led, adult-guided activities that are free, accessible, and inclusive.
RALLY 2024 Progress Charges Ahead!
• RALLY participants continue to self-organize and collaborate to take action on strategies.
• Grassroots initiatives and youth organizations are piloting onsite clinicians.
• The School District is supporting staff and behavioral health professionals to utilize expressive arts in the schools.
• Business owners are developing youth programming in their neighborhoods.
• Behavioral health providers are implementing new ideas based on community feedback.
• Funders continue to invest in youth solutions through the Youth Mental Health Collaborative Fund
• BeWellPBC continues quarterly RALLY communications to share partner projects, plans, and success.
Amplifying Resilience in Wellness and Recovery
"In Palm Beach County... a shift to a resilience mindset can move the needle on mental health. We must expand our view and commit to taking action on bold solutions."
- David Whitesock, CEO and Founder Commonly Well, creator of the Resiliency Capital Index, national consultant for Palm Beach County
Wellness and Recovery Impact
BeWellPBC’s contract with Palm Beach County Community Services Department was renewed in 2024 to continue engaging community, spreading awareness, and educating Palm Beach County about mental health and wellness, substance use and co-occurring disorders, recovery and resiliency, and stigma.
372 individuals engaged in Wellness and Recovery Initiative activities and were invited to participate in Palm Beach County’s rollout of the Resiliency Capital Index.
6,133 individuals connected to recovery and resiliency concepts and resources through social media, The Well of PBC, and additional BeWellPBC platforms
93% of participants demonstrated increased knowledge from Wellness and Recovery events and/or stand-alone elements using pre and post assessments.
The Well of PBC honored Recovery Month in the August/ September edition and hosted articles from Palm Beach County Community Services Department partners to highlight events, resources, and conversations happening across the county.
BeWellPBC provided support and planning for Palm Beach County Community Services Department’s Resiliency, Recovery, and Renewal event on September 25th attended by 108 people. In a post-event survey, 92% reported increased knowledge.
Community Solutions
BeWellPBC amplifies resident ideas to promote change.
Neighbors know their communities best, understanding where and how to ignite ideas that have the capacity to transform behavioral health and wellness. They create greater belonging and civic muscle by connecting people who have not been represented in the past, leading conversations to change, and co-designing behavioral health solutions that influence and inform all BeWellPBC impact areas.
"I live, work, play, and worship in many different communities throughout Palm Beach County. It comes naturally for me to help however and wherever I can."
- Rachel Baker-Blackwell, Community Connector Supporter
"The most important thing about being on the Peer Leadership Council for me is that I genuinely believe in the value of peer support and believe this council can truly be used as a catalyst for progressive change."
- Jamie Futoran, Peer Leadership Council Co-Chair
"Our members value the Caregivers Club and the opportunities it offers. Laughter, discovery, and many hugs fill every activity. Our caregivers express how much they needed this day."
- Gerda Klein, Caregivers Club Co-Chair
"More than ever, there are community options throughout Palm Beach County where you can go to art activities, listen to music, have fun in the park, and be a part of healthy neighborhood groups."
- Aida Smith, BeWellPBC Community Connector
Community Solutions
2024 marked a year of significant growth for BeWellPBC’s Community Connectors in number and capacity building. Children’s Services Council renewed our contract for an additional two years, enabling us to onboard new Connectors for a total of 20 representing 11 Palm Beach County communities and expanding diversity across race, ethnicity, and languages spoken.
BeWellPBC’s Connector recruitment efforts were carried out with a commitment to identify trusted community stewards dedicated to developing hyper-localized processes that support neighbors in the way they want to be supported. The team's insights have deeply benefitted BeWellPBC’s work in all areas as Connectors report back to us on needs, barriers, successes, lessons learned, and stories of impact. They meet monthly together to brainstorm ideas to support their neighborhoods, joined by additional residents who support the team.
We invested in building the Connector's professional capacity and behavioral health and equity knowledge by providing a series of mental health trainings and hosting the Racial Equity Institute for their Groundwater Presentation, which we opened for additional community members to attend.
Now, national trainer Dr. Julie Radlauer-Doerfler is coaching Connectors about social capital to create connections, engage more deeply with residents, and utilize social connection principles and practices.
Emotional Wellness in Delray and Boynton Beach
"Over the past month since we began hosting the emotional wellness sessions, every session several of my neighbors have approached me to say what a BLESSING this is to them. Given the opportunity to release how they are REALLY feeling, not just saying “I am good”, but going deeper into expressing their life challenges, makes them feel that someone truly cares. There have been moments that there was not a dry eye in the room, and this made my heart smile, just to see the impact and how people that normally don’t open up in front of others are feeling comfortable to do so. The sessions are attended by a mental health therapist, as well as representatives/experts discussing items and resources specifically to meet their needs."
- Rosa White, BeWellPBC Community Connector
Community Connector Highlights
• Created neighborhood marketing and advertising to support Connectors by reaching residents where they are regarding resources and seeking help.
• Identified needs that were impacting residents’ mental health, including food insecurity, housing, and employment, and barriers to access, including transportation, insurance, language, and technology.
• Encouraged residents experiencing stress to link to counseling and community supports. Neighbors tried therapy for the first time and reported benefits/ "improvements in well-being" after having someone to talk to.
• Collaborated around shared resident needs and teamed up to offer support activities across neighborhoods, including emotional wellness conversations guided by a mental health counselor.
What’s ahead.
Connectors will:
• Host neighborhood activities for residents to connect around needs and local resources.
• Attend community meetings, events, and activities to continue to introduce/invite residents to learn more about their role.
• Team up together in different neighborhoods to provide support for mental health and vital living conditions.
• Plan a targeted social media campaign highlighting stories and journeys to increase outreach efforts.
BeWell Clubs Radiate Belonging
BeWell Clubs are resident-led spaces that fill a community’s specific wellness needs. BeWellPBC comes alongside when needed as a new club’s co-catalyst or to provide established clubs additional support or recognition about the impact they are already making.
The Caregivers Club in partnership with Healthier Boynton Beach offered support countywide to family members and friends to participate in fun activities, take a break, and focus on their own self-care. From the 2nd annual Caregivers Wellness Retreat to a rack card for caregiver resources, this club has cemented a place for people helping their loved ones to have their own respite, support, and engage in fun activities.
The BeWell Gathering Place in Belle Glade continues to host a twice-weekly senior group called Coffee, Chat, and Chew. With the intent to combat loneliness and provide a place for support, residents came together for support and discussion sessions, local field trips, and to celebrate life events.
The Peer Leadership Council meets monthly to focus on the needs of peers (individuals with lived experience who are trained and employed to support residents who struggle with mental health and recovery challenges) and advocacy opportunities. Peers from MHA of the Palm Beaches, NAMI Palm Beach County, The Lord's Place, Rebel Recovery, Oxford House, and other organizations participated in events such as Purposeful Partnership, a leadership training with national expert Hilarie Gaylin, and luncheons at locations like the Recovery Community HUB in Lake Worth, to build their professional capacity while also learning firsthand about resources around the county.
"Our members now have more reason to get up in the morning as they look forward to heading over to the BeWell Gathering Place. I have seen the shy members blossom into social butterflies and the more assertive take on leadership roles."
- Veree Jenkins, BeWellPBC Steward
"I love connecting with like-minded folks, learning new ways to do things, and most of all, talking recovery. Using this space not only as a way to create, but also to build my own wellness is an exciting thing. I love to think outside the box and 'mingle'. That helps my mental health… the fellowship and camaraderie."
- Matt Kluckowski, Peer Leadership Council Co-Chair
Get Your Green On
BeWellPBC continued to co-chair countywide planning and preparation for the Get Your Green On campaign while gearing up for its 10th anniversary in 2025.
May 2024 was the 9th annual campaign for mental health awareness and trauma-informed care. Stakeholders across the county and from many different sectors participated, such as the school system, encompassing 180,000 students, family members, and staff, and Palm Beach County government, employing more than 5,000 employees. Monthlong celebrations included community-wide trainings, proclamations, family events, wellness challenges, buildings and structures lit up green, a web-based behavioral health resource scavenger hunt, and a social media frenzy with 6,000 participants showing visible support of the campaign by posting pictures of themselves wearing green. The April 2024 issue of The Well of PBC captured the events calendar and partner activities and pointed to for more information.
BeWellPBC works alongside partners who have the vision and knowledge to fuel our behavioral health workforce today and in the future.
Professionals, education and community stewards, and students come together to cultivate the conditions— inclusion, diversity, and advocacy—to strengthen a workforce with the supports they need to nurture their own health and wellness.
"I am so grateful for the Behavioral Health Technician program and my teacher because without them I wouldn’t be heading in the direction I am heading in right now. I will be a psychologist and I will be forever grateful for the program, my teacher, and my internship for getting me there."
- Berlin Muñoz, a junior at West Boca Raton Community High School, completed her BHT internship at the PBC Youth Services Department
"I want to impact the youth by raising awareness and helping break the stigma. I feel the younger we can teach people, the more it will stick. I hope I will be able to help others realize they are not alone and be able to create a space where people are comfortable discussing mental health/ illness."
-Brianna Salcedo, Mental Health for You(th) Trainer
Workforce Pipeline Action Team
The Workforce Pipeline Action Team has become Palm Beach County’s behavioral health workforce development arm in a state where there are 510 people in need for every one practitioner.* Funders, providers, system leaders, colleges, and students come together to ensure we have the necessary resources and knowledge to grow our pipeline to its fullest potential.
The team invited Abigail Goodwin of Palm Health Foundation to co-facilitate a visioning session in November to further hone intentions and goals for 2025 strategic planning. Team members determined specific goals and strategies in two focus areas:
• Workforce flexibility and retention/support for providers
• Support for high school/college students and new workforce members
We also conducted a Behavioral Health Workforce Insight Survey to discover what behavioral health employers are doing well with regards to their employees’ behavioral health and wellness to improve overall job satisfaction and drive employee retention. Additionally, the survey helped identify where behavioral health employers have room to grow.
Survey results revealed their top three challenges:
The survey also shared what brings professionals the most satisfaction:
We are analyzing survey results and utilizing data to inform next steps for the Workforce Pipeline Action Team in 2025.
The Front End of the Pipeline:
Behavioral Health Technician
Curriculum/Medical Academies
The Behavioral Health Technician (BHT) Program supports School District of Palm Beach County Medical Academy students to be immediately eligible for employment and continue post-secondary education directly from high school. The year 2024 was one of growth and learning opportunities.
At the end of the 2023/2024 school year, the second year of the BHT program, the four public high schools offering the program (West Boca, Inlet Grove, Lake Worth and South Tech Academy) reported the following results:
• 203 students had participated since inception.
• 93 students enrolled for 2024/2025.
• Over 70 students graduated from the program.
• 81 students passed the state Behavioral Health Technician certification test.
• 100% of graduating seniors in the program went on to college or accepted entry level jobs in the mental health field.
With the start of the 2024-2025 school year, Seminole Ridge HS became the fifth school to offer the behavioral health curriculum program and more schools are in planning to implement the program. We continue to set standards for the BHT program and certification pathways to impact students in similar programs across Florida.
"Students have benefited by learning how to navigate their young lives in a healthy and positive way and become interested and more aware of the behavioral health career arena."
- Michelle Lynne, BHT teacher, West Boca Raton Community HS
While the School District focused on teaching BHT curriculum, BeWellPBC supported community experiences for students to learn beyond academics.
During 2024, BeWellPBC and the Action Team:
• Engaged agencies to become internship sites for The School District's Behavioral Health Technician Program, participated in school resource fairs, provided co-instruction in the classrooms, and brainstormed new ways to strengthen workforce opportunities.
• Worked with providers to update/enhance the co-instructor matrix. This matrix is provided to teachers at the five schools to connect them to behavioral health partners who will join them in the classroom for student training.
• Secured six partner sites to support paid internships and is currently working to grow the number of participating agencies.
• Hosted the “Well On Your Way” scholarship application program from February 1st through March 31st. Fourteen graduating seniors from the BHT academies were awarded $1,000 scholarships each.
• Held a provider gathering over the summer to track successes and challenges from the prior school year, prep for the coming school year, and orient new partners to becoming internship sites and co-instructors.
Mental Health for You(th) Shines a Light on Teens
Mental Health for You(th) is a teen-to-teen training program developed by Palm Beach County youth in collaboration with licensed professionals from BeWellPBC and Alpert Jewish Family Service. Students were partners from design through implementation of the program, providing for student capacity-building and emerging leadership opportunities. The 1.5 hour workshop they developed covers behavioral health, wellness, tips for seeking help, and local resources, aiming to reduce stigma and encourage youth to seek support.
During 2024, BeWellPBC continued to lead the program with support from The Health Council of Southeast Florida as part of its Year 1 OD2A grant and a multi-year federal grant through the Palm Beach County Behavioral Health Coalition.
Mental Health for You(th) Training 2024 Highlights:
• Provided 11 training sessions to 333 youth at eight sites, including two youth summits, summer camps, youth leadership programs, religious youth groups, and afterschool programs.
• Began developing the training as a web-based workshop soon to be offered through the BeWellPBC website to make it more accessible to youth across the county.
BeWellPBC Communications Energize the Community
Our communications are a vital conduit for listening, learning, sharing, enhancing, expanding, practicing, and modeling what we do. While The Well of PBC is our flagship communication, we raised awareness through additional inspiring messaging throughout the year. Our new RALLY quarterly publication has become an information resource for youth mental health action and advocacy. BeWellPBC’s social media, monthly newsletters, and announcements motivated collaboration and innovation, and kept the community informed and engaged with us, and us with them.
The Well of PBC
The Khanna Connections team lights up when talking about how they edit and design our flagship publication.
Julie Khanna:
"Alright, team, I want to take a moment to reflect on why we’re doing this. The Well of PBC isn’t just a magazine—it's important work."
Jaime Elder:
"Totally agree, Julie. I mean, every article we publish isn’t just about delivering information—it’s about starting a conversation that matters. I felt that while interviewing residents last month. People genuinely want their voices heard when it comes to behavioral health."
• Website Active Users: 7,300
• Email Campaign Success: Delivered over 15,000 emails to our community, with an average open rate of 40%, surpassing industry benchmarks.
• Social Media Impact: 50,000 views across all social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
As we move into 2025, BeWellPBC remains steadfast in its commitment to creating spaces for connection and opportunity for residents to feel empowered. Our goals include expanding reach through targeted campaigns, strengthening partnerships, and continuing to lift up our community’s voices.
Together, we’ll continue to prioritize wellness and foster a culture of health in Palm Beach County.
Jessie Prugh:
"Exactly. And that’s why I’ve been so intentional with the design. I want the pages to feel inviting, like they’re saying, 'Your perspective matters.' From the layouts to the visuals, the goal has been to create a space where readers feel part of the dialogue."
Julie Khanna:
"And we nailed it, Jessie and Jaime. These issues, with topics like mental health resources and community programs, reinforce that two-way conversation. The Well of PBC isn't just teaching; we're listening. That’s what makes The Well of PBC such a vital platform."
During 2024, BeWellPBC secured sponsorships from county organizations to "takeover" issues of The Well of PBC to increase their community reach.
The Well of PBC won The Guide to Florida Best of Florida Publication award for 2024 (the second year in a row!) and was nominated for two Nonprofits First Hats Off Awards.
Palm Beach County Community Services Department, August/ September, in honor of National Recovery Month
Palm Health Foundation, October/ November, as part of the launch for the new Brain Coast vision
The Well of PBC Publications
Total Impressions January 1, 2024 –December 31, 2024:
The Health Council of Southeast Florida, December/January, focusing on prevention strategies outlined by Overdose Data to Action
23,553 with 4,125 reads and an average reading time of five minutes.
Source: Issuu Report Summary
To our incredible behavioral health and wellness stewards and invested partners, Your unwavering commitment lights up our mission to bring together stewards from every corner of our community—residents, system leaders, providers, businesses, faith-based organizations, youth, and caregivers—to lead the change we collectively want to see in our families, our schools, our workplaces, and our cities. Together, we are generating a powerful impact, one positive connection at a time. Thank you for being the true sparks of change and innovation in behavioral health! - The BeWellPBC Team