Bexhill College Student Handbook 2014-2015

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Student Handbook

2014-2015 2015 Bexhill College

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key dates For Students Term 1 (Autumn) Monday 8th September - Friday 24th October 2014

Term 2 (Autumn) Monday 3rd November 2014 - Friday 19th December 2014 Friday 19th December - Inset Day

Term 3 (Spring) Monday 5th January 2015 - Friday 13th February 2015 Monday 5th January - Inset Day

Term 4 (Spring) Monday 23rd February 2015 - Friday 27th March 2015

Term 5 (Summer)

Provisional Proposed Key Dates For Students 2014/15

Monday 13th April 2015 - Friday 22nd May 2015

Please note: These

Monday 4th May - Bank Holiday

dates are correct at the time of going to

Term 6 (Summer)

press. Students and

Monday 1st June 2015 – Friday 3rd July 2015

parents should consult the parent/student portal or the website for any changes

Students are not required to attend College on INSET days

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Contents • Expectations of Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 • College Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 • Student Guidance and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 • Information for Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 • Student Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 • Exams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 • Disciplinary Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 • Health and Safety Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 • IT Security and Use Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 • Complaints Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 • Useful Telephone Numbers and Websites. . . . . . 26 • College Floor Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 • Timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover

Welcome to Bexhill College Congratulations on your decision to join us. Life at Bexhill College is varied and rewarding in many ways. We will give you plenty of support to ensure you achieve your qualifications and reach your own personal goals. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it - that’s what we’re here for!

Karen hucker

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expectations of Students

Bexhill College has high expectations of all its students. Our expectations of you may be initially based on information we have from your application and interview such as your examination results and educational history, but we regularly review these expectations as your performance changes, and give you valuable feedback. We aim to capitalise on your strengths throughout your time with us. We acknowledge that different students are good at different things, and we therefore encourage you to work on different tasks that can be pursued in a variety of ways. We expect students to accept support whenever and wherever it is considered helpful. We encourage positive and analytical thinking so that students will be well equipped to overcome problems and develop the confidence and self-esteem needed to be successful.


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College VAlUeS The College’s vision is ‘Outstanding College, Outstanding Opportunities'. We have a set of values that apply to everyone related to the College students, parents/carers, staff, leaders and suppliers. These are: ExCEllENCE Pursuing excellence in everything we do.

rESpECT Always acting with integrity and treating others with dignity.

CaN do aTTITudE Looking for solutions in every challenge.

TEam workINg Achieving success through working together.

CouragE Taking the right decisions in each situation.

aChIEvEmENT drIvEN Having the energy and enthusiasm to achieve outstanding results.

We expect you as Bexhill College students to commit yourself fully: • To the life of the College, respecting any rules including learning agreements, full attendance and punctuality. • To high achievement and achieving your potential. • To attend all lessons, ensuring you have the right equipment. • To take an active part in all lessons and take responsibility for your own learning. • To complete work by set deadlines, and catch up on work missed through absence. •

To taking the initiative with other essential work, including background research, reading, long-term revision, and organisation of your notes. This will require good time-management, and test qualities of independent learning and self-motivation.

To using available resources at the College including the LRC as much as possible.

• To complete work set for you by staff by the appropriate deadline. • To attend tutorial and enrichment sessions as timetabled.

Telephone. 01424 214545

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expectations of Students We also expect students to show at all times: •

Care, concern, and respect for other students, and for teaching and support staff, and courtesy to visitors inside and outside the College.

name of Bexhill College in the Respect for and promoting the good name of Bexhill College in the local community.

Care and respect for the College internal and external internal and external environment, including the grounds, fabric of the buildings, and fabric of the buildings, and equipment used in lessons.

Appropriate dress sense that does not cause offence to others.

Responsible adult behaviour.

Respect for the College rules.

As an open-access, inclusive College, we value every person in value every person in our community. We seek to create in College an environment College an environment which embraces all cultural backgrounds. We seek equality of backgrounds. We seek equality of opportunity for all students who have been accepted by the been accepted by the College as being able to benefit from relevant courses. Anyone relevant courses. Anyone working or studying in the College is expected to behave in expected to behave in accordance with the College's Equality Policies. Copies of the Policies. Copies of the College’s Equality Policies are on the student portal. student portal.


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Telephone. 01424 214545

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College Rules In accepting a place at College you have entered into a contract with us in the same way as you would with an employer. We wish to encourage an adult atmosphere in which you take responsibility for your attendance, behaviour and work. We want you to work hard and make the most of the opportunities the College provides.


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RUleS ARe AS FolloWS •

Staff Absence In the event of a member of staff being absent

You are You are expected to attend all timetabled lessons and to complete all work on time to the lessons best of your ability.

unexpectedly on any day,

You must You must attend the weekly Tutor Period.

teaching groups. It is YOUR

Physical and emotional intimidation of other students is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This includes cyber bullying. Serious breaches of this rule will lead to permanent exclusion from College. exclusion


cover will be provided and work will always be set for all

your teaching room at the normal time and complete the work set. The Head of Section concerned will make

Theft is unacceptable and will lead to exclusion Theft is from College. from College.

Alcohol Alcohol should not be consumed during College hours either hours either on or off the College premises.

Smoking Smoking of cigarettes and e-cigarettes is banned banned on the College site except in the designated designated smoking areas.

The taking, possession, or the passing on of The taking, illegal drugs is banned on the College premises. illegal drugs

Being under the influence of alcohol, legal or illegal drugs during college time is unacceptable and will lead to disciplinary action.

Mobile phones should not be used in lessons unless directed to do so by the tutor. Mobile phone use elsewhere outside of lessons should not be in a manner that disturbs other students and staff.

Gambling is not allowed in College.

Food and drink should not be taken into the main building or classrooms. It should only be consumed in the Refectory or in the picnic area.

Ball games are not allowed in the College buildings, Refectory, Car Park or in the garden area adjacent to the main block or at the front of the College. Students are welcome to use the All Weather Pitch.

sure that a member of staff is there to cover the lesson and explain the work set. A register will be taken.

There are few rules, but the rules are rooted in the well-being of the students and the College as a whole and will be enforced. A breach of these Guidelines will be treated as a disciplinary matter. Telephone. 01424 214545

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Guidance & Support Your Personal Tutor Your Personal Tutor is your first line of contact and is there to help you to achieve the best from your academic studies. He/she has overall responsibility for your progress in College. Your tutor will deal with all matters related to your programme including: •

Problems/worries about academic progress.

Course planning for future years.

Higher Education/employment planning and applications.

Leaving arrangements.

Applications for work experience outside those arranged in your course.

Worries of any kind that affect your performance at College.

Your Personal Tutor is your first port of call if you want help or advice. They will discuss any matters in confidence and will try to offer advice and arrange help if necessary. If you do have problems, DO TALK ABOUT THEM. Don’t bottle things up and let things get out of control.


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Tutor group/Tutorials Tutorial combines a weekly meeting with all your tutor group and further time arranged for individual interviews. Your tutor will use some of the time to monitor your attendance, set targets, discuss your plans, review your progress in College and help you with your personal statement in the second year. There will also be opportunities to attend sessions on topics such as health, nutrition, environmental, moral, religious, economic and political issues across the year. Detailed information and advice on Higher Education applications, job applications, curriculum vitae, interviews, etc. will also be included. We want you to make use of the opportunities provided.

Your Academic Programme You will have agreed your academic programme at your interview at the beginning of September. You have signed a ‘Learners Agreement’ which commits you to these courses and naturally we expect you to complete them. Please discuss subject difficulties with your Subject Tutor initially. Most students do not change their courses. However, some students do find that they have made a wrong choice. If you have serious problems with one of your courses, you should see your Personal Tutor in the first instance who will refer you to your Head of Section. Changes to alternative courses are normally made before 1st October. After this date, changes are difficult to accommodate. Some students whose attendance and work are of a low standard are asked to leave College. Please note it is generally not possible to restart the first year nor is it possible to return for a third year, except in exceptional circumstances.

enrichment options Bexhill College offers a wide range of Enrichment Options, which are open to all students. Activities take place mainly on Wednesday afternoons. First year students are required to take one enrichment programme. Absence will count against your attendance figure.

Telephone. 01424 214545

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InFoRMatIon FoR StudentS Absence You are required to let the college know when you are going to be absent. You can do this by phone, text or e-mail as follows Phone: (01424) 214545 and choose option 1 Text: 01424 531000 E-mail: In each case you should provide your name, personal tutor and the reason for your absence. •

IF YOU ARE ILL, you (or your parents) should telephone the College absence line (24 hour answer phone) or e-mail before 10am on each morning of absence. This information will be passed to your Personal Tutor.

IF YOU ARE LATE IN OR LEAVE DURING THE DAY OR WILL MISS A SESSION AND DO NOT INTEND TO RETURN, you MUST sign in or out at Reception. If possible, let one of your tutors know before leaving.

IF YOU NEED TO BE ABSENT FROM COLLEGE FOR ANY REASON you must obtain permission IN ADVANCE from your Head of Section by completing a Future Absence Form. Permission will be given in reasonable cases e.g. Interviews, hospital or orthodontist (where evidence is seen) driving tests or funerals. Future absence forms are available from Student Services.

It is your responsibility to make routine appointments (doctors, dentists, driving lessons etc) during your study periods and NOT during timetabled sessions. If we do not receive a reason for your absence, we will contact your home. The academic year is short enough as it is and we want you to achieve the best results possible. Any absence will affect your studies. Significant absence will threaten your whole course. Absence of more than 20% may lead to a student leaving the College.


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The College will give special consideration to long term medical conditions and to students who are carers. The College will treat applications for leave due to personal circumstances with sympathy. Decisions on these matters will be made by the student’s Head of Section. If attendance falls below 95%, it will disqualify you from free exam entry. 100% attendance is required if you are eligible to receive a bursary. Any absence will mean the bursary payment may not be made.

late policy The College operates a ‘late policy’. Students are marked late if they arrive after the designated start time of the lesson. A ‘late mark’ impacts on your attendance percentage. You will not be allowed into lessons if you are over 5 minutes late as this disrupts the learning of other students. The main exception to this is public transport, and in these circumstances, a late slip is issued to you in reception for access into class. You should give this to your teacher.

holidays Please make sure that family holidays are booked during College holiday periods so that your studies are not affected in any way. If it becomes essential for your parents to book a holiday during term time and you wish to go, your parents should write a letter informing the College of the absence. Any holiday will count as non-attendance for the purposes of working out exam fees. Please Note: •

College holidays do not always fall on the same dates as local schools, please check carefully.

Second Year Advanced level teaching commences immediately after the examination period in June 2015. Failure to attend courses for the post June examination period will jeopardise your opportunity to continue those courses in the Second Year of advanced study.

All information for students can be found on the

student portal

Telephone. 01424 214545

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Student Services Student Services consists of a team of staff who, along with the student’s Personal Tutor, provide support for students. This includes Childcare, Bursaries, Transport, Housing, Health Advice, Counselling, Careers and Work Experience as well as Additional Learning Support. You are welcome to drop in to see Student Services at any time, appointments are not necessary.


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Student Reps Student Reps are elected each year and these students are YOUR representatives in College. They are available for advice as well as representing the students on various College meetings. They also help organise trips and student parties. They raise a lot of money during the year which is used to the benefit of students i.e. Hardship Fund or contributed to charity. Contact Student Reps directly or through the College Sports Maker/Events Officer.

Additional learning Support The Study Support staff can be contacted in the Study Centre. The staff will discuss any learning support issues with you. They can provide help with your studies or if you require extra help in examinations.

Careers advice at Bexhill College •

There is a wide variety of Higher Education, careers, employment, voluntary work and gap year literature and relevant software in the Learning Resources Centre. This is available to all students at all times during the term and is updated regularly.

Literature can be borrowed on request.

Videos of specific Universities, prospectuses plus degree course guides are available in the College Learning Resources Centre as well as a range of CD ROMs, job opportunities and public services options.

The Careers Adviser is in College three days per week and will discuss and help you plan your future or current courses. Please see Student Services if you would like to make an appointment.

Telephone. 01424 214545

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Work experience All students are entitled to up to five days' work experience during the academic year. Students interested in work experience should speak to Student Services, their Personal Tutor or the Work Experience Coordinator.

Bursaries and grants Information on Bursaries and Grants is available from Student Services and on the Student Portal. College Bursaries are available to students aged 16 – 19 whose family income is below a certain level. Further details and application forms are available from Student Services. The bursary is paid subject to 100% attendance. Students will have the right of appeal where a decision has been made to withhold their payment. If they feel they have good reason(s) they should first see their Personal Tutor within five working days of withholding a payment. If at this stage the decision to stop a payment remains the same they have the right to present their reasons and evidence in writing to the Student Services Manager. Decisions relating to appeals will be given within ten working days of being received. Information and literature are available on discretionary support grants, Higher Education grants, student loans, DSS Benefits, Housing Benefit, Income Tax for students, travel passes, Council Tax etc. from Student Services.

Student loan The Student Loan Fund works the same way as the Hardship Fund, only this money must be paid back. This can be done in instalments. Student Loan application forms are available from Student Services and need to be countersigned by your Head of Section.


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Counselling Any student who needs help and wants to talk to an adult other than their Personal Tutor can take advantage of the service provided by specialist counselling staff within the College. This is generally provided by external Counsellors. Counselling is arranged by Student Services.

health Room This will be open at the advertised times.

Childcare Provision at Bexhill College The College nursery provides day-time care from 8am – 6pm either as full day care or morning or afternoon sessions. For further information, please contact the Nursery Manager, on 01424 223707 and for details on student discount rates. For details of grants for childcare, please contact Student Services at Bexhill College on 01424 214545.

Transport The College has a comprehensive bus service with two arrival times and two departure times from many areas. Timetables are available from Student Services.

Student Services Telephone. 01424 214545

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eXaMS exam information

There is an Exams Notice Board in the reception area which all students should refer to. Exam regulations are posted on the exams notice-board, outside the exam room and inside the exam room. Details about the regulations that must be adhered to will be circulated to students before the exam period begins. It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of these regulations.

exam entry Students will be automatically entered for the relevant exams for courses on which they are enrolled. This does not apply to re-sits (see re-sit section below). The exam entries will be checked and signed by subject teachers. Late withdrawal from exams (dates will be published) or non attendance at an exam will be invoiced to the student. Details of the charges will be published by the Exams Office on the Exams Notice Board, Student Portal and Parent Portal. All exam information can be found on the Exams Notice Board within the College, the Student Portal and outside the Exams Office.

Re-sits The College will pay for students to enter for an exam only once. All re-sits must be paid for by the student. The costs of re-sits are published on the Exams Notice Board within the College, Student Portal and Parent Portal. Students collect a re-sit entry form from the Exams Office and this must be completed and returned by the published deadline. All re-sits must be paid for at the cashier’s desk prior to being handed to the Exams Office. Administration fees and late entry fees will be charged for any forms received after the published deadline.


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You need to know when your exams are and at what time Registration of a Vocational Course (eg: BTeC) Students will be automatically registered for their course during the September of their first year.

Withdrawing from a Vocational Course Withdrawal from a course is free of charge from the start of term in September until 15 January. After 15 January withdrawing students will be charged the full cost of the course registration fee that the College has paid. This could be as high as ÂŁ170 depending on the course.

late Arrival to an exam Students must arrive on time for their exams. Lateness disturbs other students and also affects invigilation requirements. Lateness must also be reported to the awarding bodies and they may make a decision not to mark the student’s script if they feel the security of the exam has been infringed. Students arriving late for an exam must report to the Exams Officer. They may not be allowed to sit the exam, or if allowed, may not be given the full time for the exam. Entry to the exam hall and the time given will be at the discretion of the Exams Officer taking into account the reason for lateness, the disturbance of other candidates, the length of the exam, invigilation and rooming requirements.

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disciplinary Procedures College Policy Students are treated as individuals and therefore any approach should take the individual’s circumstances into account. The following are procedures staff will follow when a concern arises.

Concern is raised about a student

Personal Tutor is notified.

Personal Tutor will normally approach student directly.

HOS may be involved at this stage depending on circumstances.

Action taken by Personal Tutor could include: - Informal discussion with student. - First Contract - supported by/in conjunction with HOS/DHOS (parents are informed).

Further concern (or

First Contract if not used before.

Final Contract drawn up by HOS.

Parents/guardians informed and invited in to discuss concerns. A

serious concern)

contract may be drawn up between student and the College. A copy of

raised by staff

this will be sent to the Subject Tutors, parents/guardians and student. •

In the case of a more serious incident the student may be suspended pending communication with parents/guardians.

Final Contract is

Referred to Vice Principal. Parents/guardians informed. Student may decide

broken or problems

to leave or may be asked to leave. The Student Services Officer organises a


careers interview if requested. The student has the right of appeal to the Principal, which must be stated in a

If student is asked

letter to parents/guardians confirming exclusion from College. The reason for

to leave the College

the appeal must be put in writing and received by the Principal within 5 days of exclusion.


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The PRoCeDURe FoR DeAliNg WiTh gRoSS MiSCoNDUCT iS oUTliNeD oN The

gross Misconduct


The term ‘gross misconduct’ refers to: • Conduct which constitutes a serious breach of the College safety regulations and which puts, or might have put, staff and or students at risk. • Conduct involving acts of indecency. • Threatening or abusive behaviour towards any member of College or visitors. • Illegal computer misuse/hacking. • Bullying or cyber-bullying. • Serious plagiarism/cheating.

• Possession, use or sale of alcohol on College premises. • Possession, use or sale of illegal drugs. • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs during College or at College events. • Any action of a criminal or dangerously violent nature. • Other conduct which might be damaging to the reputation of the College. • In proven cases of gross misconduct, the Principal may expel the student immediately.

An Appeal Panel will be set up to include the Principal, a Vice Principal and a The Appeal Panel

member of staff not involved in the case. The appeal should be heard within 5 working days. The student can bring notes to the appeal to support his/her case, along with a parent/guardian (or Social Worker for LAC) or fellow student who attends

The Appeal

Bexhill College. The HOS responsible for the exclusion will present the Case to the Panel first, followed by the student presenting their case. After hearing both presentations, the Panel will consider carefully their decision, and inform the student within three working days. The appeal panel decision is final.

Student is successful

The student must start back the next College day, after receiving

in their Appeal


Student is unsuccessful in their Appeal

If the student feels the appeal process has been carried out unfairly, they are


told of their right to raise this with the EFA.

a Student fails to arrive to the Appeal:


A further appeal date will be offered. The student should confirm their attendance.


The second appeal shall be heard within five working days.


Student fails to arrive to the Appeal for a second time: Student loses right to have appeal heard by the Panel.

Telephone. 01424 214545

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Health & Safety Guidelines All persons attending or working at the College have to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions, and must co-operate with those in authority (for students, this would be any College staff) on health and safety matters.

The health and Safety guidelines aim: •

To ensure that the College provides a healthy and safe environment for staff and students.

To establish and maintain healthy and safe working procedures and to promote the observance of all relevant statutory requirements by all staff and students, through the provision of appropriate information, training and supervision.

To develop and maintain a sense of safety awareness and responsible attitudes in all staff and students.

Students are expected: •

To be aware of Health and Safety arrangements within the College especially their work areas.

To co-operate with the College staff in observing Health and Safety matters and be aware of their own personal responsibilities under Health and Safety legislation.

Fire & Bomb Procedures Notices setting out procedures to be followed in case of an outbreak of Fire or Bomb Alert are posted throughout the College. Students must not, in any circumstances, attempt to fight a fire – that responsibility lies with the College. Students must evacuate the premises in a calm and orderly manner by the nearest possible exit, and gather at the designated area unless otherwise told to by College staff.


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Accident/incident Reporting All accidents/incidents that result in injury or damage to the property and incidents/ dangerous occurrences that have the potential for injury, on or adjacent to the College premises, must be immediately reported to the nearest member of staff and College accident/incident report forms completed. These forms are available from Reception. First-Aiders and Appointed Persons are provided by the College and can be located by reference to the First-Aid signs posted throughout the College. Reception will contact and send in a First-Aider when required. Personal illness must be reported to the College as soon as possible in case ‘control measures’ need to be taken in the event of infectious diseases etc.

College equipment Each section has its own procedure for allowing students to borrow equipment. However all the procedures involve students signing for equipment borrowed. If any equipment is lost, damaged or stolen by third parties whilst on loan, the student who has signed for the equipment will be responsible for the cost of replacement or repair.

hazard Awareness and health and Safety Requirements •

Controlled practical activities will in some cases require the use of personal protective equipment. Please ensure that you follow and comply with all instructions given by members of staff – whose paramount concern is your health, safety and well-being.

Students are asked to notify members of staff if they come across anything that ‘common sense’ tells them is dangerous or has the potential for injury, be it College premises (fixtures and fittings) or ‘uncontrolled’ activities.

Damage (accidental or intentional) to property be it College premises, vehicles, grounds or adjacent private properties must be reported immediately.

Car-owners are asked to adhere to College traffic management system (signs and speeds), for everyone’s safety and comfort. Dangerous driving on or adjacent to the College premises will not be tolerated.

Security of personal effects are the responsibility of the individual. The College asks that you do not leave bags/packages unattended – for obvious reasons.

For your own safety you are advised not to enter restricted areas, especially the Science Laboratories, if you are not doing a Science-based course.

The College is inherently a low-risk environment. However some activities on their own or combined, may have a medium to high-risk attached to them. Common sense will in most cases avoid unnecessary problems or injuries.

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It Security & use Procedures College internet & e-mail Computers and networks provide access to resources on and off campus, as well as the ability to communicate with other users world-wide. Such open access is a privilege, and requires that individual users act responsibly. Users must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of the systems and related physical resources, and observe all College policies, relevant laws/regulations, and contractual obligations. System Administrators and Technical staff will periodically access user files. All computer use is monitored as required to protect the integrity of the College policies, computer systems, networks and students. Pornography, Chat-lines, Social Networking, Messaging, Proxy By-Pass, Ring tone and Gaming Sites of any type are not classed as an acceptable use of College facilities at any time. Bexhill College reserves the right to electronically block any site(s) it deems to be an unacceptable use of equipment and/or services without notice. Misuse of any kind will be treated as a disciplinary issue and dealt with accordingly.


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Misuse examples include, but are not limited to the following: •

Using a computer account that you are not authorised to use with or without the prior consent from the account owner.

Using the Network to gain unauthorised access to any computer systems on or off campus.

Knowingly performing any act which will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks.

Knowingly running or installing on any computer system or network, or giving to another user, a program intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or network. This includes but is not limited to programs known as Computer Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Sniffers and all Games.

Violating terms of applicable software licensing agreements or copyright laws.

Attempting to circumvent data protection schemes, monitoring software or uncover security loopholes.

Deliberately wasting computing resources.

Using electronic mail or messaging to harass or bully others.

Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user’s electronic communications, or reading, copying, changing, or deleting another user’s files or software with or without the explicit agreement of the owner.

Masking the identity of an account or machine.

When using any of the computer rooms or IT suites students must NEVER: •

Disconnect or tamper with hardware settings or cables.

Eat or drink.

Change software settings without being instructed to by a member of staff.

When logging onto the network students must ALWAYS: •

Use your own username and password - every student has a username created when enrolled into the College.

Change your password at regular intervals and never divulge it to another person.

Log-off and shutdown the computer correctly when you have finished.

When saving files students must ALWAYS: •

Keep a current backup of their files and data. It is not the responsibility of the College or its staff to backup student work.

Never save anything to the C:\ drive on any computer as your work will be deleted as soon as you log off.

Only save files onto a USB memory stick or CD-ROM, or in your own user area (X:\ drive). Any file saved to a CD-ROM/USB pen that has not been saved on the network - i.e X:\ drive - cannot be recovered in the event of loss. Telephone. 01424 214545

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Complaints Policy What to do if things go wrong If you feel that the College has let you down in any way please let us know. We need to understand where we have gone wrong if we are to do anything about it. Your first step should be to talk to your Vice Principal or Head of Section who will attempt to resolve issues. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can make a formal written complaint to the Principal. The College will then respond to this as set out below. 1.

The person receiving the original complaint should seek to establish: • That this is a complaint and the person wishes it to be treated as a complaint. • That the complainant is prepared to put the complaint in writing. Where the above does not apply, the College should still try to respond positively to the concern, and should make it clear that the Complaints Procedure is available at any time. The person receiving the complaint should inform the Principal. The complaint is tracked from this point to ensure timeframes are followed.


If the complainant wishes to proceed, they should be given a copy of this procedure and asked to summarise their complaint in writing, if they have not done so already. This action should be undertaken by the Principal who will then appoint a senior member of staff (referred to as “the Investigator”) to investigate the complaint and produce a report on findings. They will respond to the complainant within 20-30 working days. The response should be in writing and should always include regret for the fact that the complainant has found it necessary to complain. The written response will be from the person appointed to investigate the complaint.


At this stage, many complaints will be resolved. If the complainant feels that a resolution has not been achieved, they may seek to present their case to an Appeal Panel. If the complainant wishes to do this, they must state their wish to appeal in writing and give the reasons why the written response is unsatisfactory. They must also state what they seek from the Appeal Panel. This should be sent to the Principal.


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The Appeal Panel will meet within ten working days of the receipt of the request to appeal. The panel will consist of the Principal, one other member of the Senior Leadership Team excluding the Investigator and up to two members of the Corporation. The decision of the panel is final. The complainant will be informed of the right to raise a procedural complaint with the Education Funding Agency.

The full policy can be found on the College website and on the Student Portal.

DATA PRoTeCTioN Bexhill College collects information about all our staff and students for various administrative, academic and health and safety reasons. Information you provide on enrolment forms will be passed to the Education Funding Agency, the Local Authority and the exam boards who are registered under the Data Protection Act 1984. The registration is primarily for the collection and analysis of statistical data but it also allows the organisations to share information with other agencies for the purpose of detecting fraud. The Data Protection Act 1998 requires us to gain your consent before we can do this. As we cannot operate effectively without processing information about you, in signing the application/enrolment form, you are giving us consent to pass on information to College staff who may need this information. If you require any further information about this, please ask Student Services.

Telephone. 01424 214545

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Telephone Numbers and Websites

AddAction (Drug and Alcohol helpline)

01424 426375

Alcoholics Anonymous - 24 hour linkline

08457 697555

Beat Eating Disorders

0845 634 1414

Bexhill College

01424 214545

Bohemia Trust (Counselling)

01424 722923

British Pregnancy Advisory Service

08457 304030

Care to Learn

0800 121 8989

Citizens Advice Bureau Contraception Arthur Blackman Clinic (including emergency contraception)

Hastings - 01424 721420 Bexhill - 01424 215055 01424 464750 Bexhill Clinic - 01424 464750 Station Plaza Health Centre - 01424 464750

Crimestoppers Free & anonymous

0800 555111

Cruse Bereavement Care

01424 732093

Cruse Youthline (Bereavement)

0808 808 1677

Depression Alliance

0845 1232320

Early Years Nursery

01424 223707

Hastings LGBT Switchboard

07941 014013

Hastings and RotherCounselling Service

01424 428300

Mind Info Line

0300 123 3393

Muslim Youth Helpline

0808 808 2008

National Drugs Helpline - FRANK Service (24/7)


0800 776600

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NSPCC Helpline Rape and Abuse Line

0808 8005000 (answered by women) 0808 800 0123 (answered by men) 0808 800 0122


01424 754881

Release (drugs)

0845 450 0215


01424 211563

RSPCA (Helpline)

0300 1234999


01424 436666 or 08457 909090

Saneline (6pm – 11pm)

0845 767 8000

Sexual Health Helpline

0800 567123

Shelter (free advice) Advice on rights for homeless

0808 8004444

Sidley Young Peoples Centre

01424 216869

Smokers Quitline - 9am-5pm Mon -Fri

0800 9178896


08712 002233

Victim Supportline

0845 3030900

XTRAX 01424 722524 (Young Peoples Drop-In Centre (16-25 year olds) Meals £1, free laundry, internet café, music room, sexual health information, assistance with benefits.) Young Persons Guide to Stress

Youth Accommodation Support Services (Advice on Housing problems) 01424 423344

Telephone. 01424 214545

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Daylight Studio

Kiln Joinery Workshop


LG01 BTEC Art Room

Dark Room

Photo Studio


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Lower Ground Floor

Lower Ground Floor


Student Handbook BexhillCollege.AC.UK







Glyne CG29 Gap CG26






Work Room


CG12 CG16 CG14 CG12

CG25 CG23 CG21 CG19 CG17 CG15

Ground Floor

Ground Floor

e Ga



EG09 EG07 EG05 EG03


Art Room


EG10 EG08 EG06 EG04 EG02

EG11 - Childhood Studies, Health & Technology - English, Language & Humanities

CG12 - Vice Principal CG14 - Vice Principal CG15 - Health Room CG15A - Faith Room CG16 - Director of Services Supporting Learning CG16A - T Training Room / Professional Development and HE Management - Property - IT Dept, Student Info, Admissions - Finance / Cashier - Exams Of Office - Personnel / Payroll - Counselling Room - Director of Personnel - Marketing - Reprographics CG17 CG18 CG18A CG19 CG21 CG22 CG23 CG25 CG27

Note: Sports Science and Public Services Work Room is in the Sports Hall

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Telephone. 01424 214545



6 W12


Work Room


128 0 W



127 9 W

First Floor

12 1 W 132 4 W

C119 C117 C115 C113

C120 C118 C116 C114

Sports Makers / Student Events


Staff Room


C112 Principal’s Office

Seating Area










Art Room



C121 – Business /IT and Social Sciences – Science and Maths

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First Floor



Student Services

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Study Centre

C219B C219A



es C







Second Floor

Second Floor





E211 E210





TV Studio


E204 E202 E200




E203 Studio


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Telephone. 01424 214545





Drama Studio


Theatre Ground Floor

Theatre Complex


Theatre Lower Ground Floor TLG05 Ladies Green Gents Green Room Room


Practice Rooms


T002 Kitchen


Theatre First Floor





T004 Hair Salon



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Mac Suite


Student Handbook BexhillCollege.AC.UK


TLG01 Music Room

Recording Studios



tIM tIMetabLe IMetabLe MoNDAY



L C2

C1 C2


e1 e2

e1 L

L e2

e1 e2




C1 L


BREAK 1.00-2.05 BREAK 2.05-2.10



EnRichmEnt/onE to onE


tutoR 1 / lunch

C1 C2





tutoR 2 / lunch


G1 G2


F1 F2 L G2


L F2

G1 L


F1 L

G1 G2




F1 F2








to 10.05am

to 10.20am

10.05 to 11.25am

10.20 to 12.15pm

11.25 to 12.55pm

12.15 to 1.35pm

12.55 to 2.15pm

1.35 to 3.20pm

2.15 to 3.25pm

3.20 to 4.30pm



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Penland Road . Bexhill on Sea . East Sussex . TN40 2JG Telephone. 01424 214545 Fax. 01424 215050 Email.

Get SoCIaL! Find us on Facebook: bexhill6thformcollege Follow us on Twitter: @BexhillCollege Look at our Instagram: BexhillCollege Watch our YouTube clips: bexhillcollege #BCheRo

Principal: Karen hucker Important Notice: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information included in this handbook is accurate at the time of printing. It is particularly important to note that there may be changes to the information and that the College reserves the right to make the amendments as required. Up-to-date information will be published as available on the College website. Designed and Produced by The Detective Agency Ltd.

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