NS&OC OPA Water Statement

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CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose, scope and structure of this document .................................................................................. 1 2. POLICY CONTEXT .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 European and national legislation, policy and guidance ................................................................... 3 2.2 Regional policy and guidance .............................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Future policy......................................................................................................................................... 6 3. SITE CONTEXT AND ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Proposed development ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Hydrogeological catchments ............................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Hydrogeology .......................................................................................................................................8 3.4 Designated sites and habitats .............................................................................................................. 9 3.5 Groundwater sources .......................................................................................................................... 11 3.6 Surface water sources ........................................................................................................................ 12 3.7 Rainwater sources .............................................................................................................................. 13 3.8 Flooding.............................................................................................................................................. 15 4. DELIVERING WATER AND WASTE WATER SERVICES ................................................................... 16 4.1 Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 16 4.2 Water demand .................................................................................................................................... 16 4.3 Water supply ...................................................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Waste water drainage ........................................................................................................................ 16 4.5 Water reuse......................................................................................................................................... 17 4.6 Future water treatment and re-use options ..................................................................................... 18 4.7 Surface water drainage at NS&OC..................................................................................................... 18 5. SUMMARY AND NEXT STEPS .............................................................................................................. 19 5.1 NS&OC baseline proposals................................................................................................................. 19 5.2 Future aspirations: towards water neutrality ................................................................................... 19 5.3 Next steps ...........................................................................................................................................20 APPENDIX A – FUTURE ASPIRATIONS: TOWARDS WATER NEUTRALITY ..................................... 22 A1 Context ................................................................................................................................................. 22 A2. Water neutrality ................................................................................................................................. 23 A3. Water demand modelling.................................................................................................................. 25 A4. Water re-use: Green Water ............................................................................................................... 34 A5. Summary: delivery of an innovative mechanism for water treatment & re-use ............................ 37 APPENDIX B: ANGLIAN WATER CORRESPONDENCE ........................................................................40

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1. INTRODUCTION Peter Brett Associates LLP (PBA) has been commissioned by Beyond Green Developments Ltd. to complete a Water Statement to support its proposals for development at North Sprowston & Old Catton (NS&OC). The proposed development is a residential led mixed use scheme located in East Anglia, on land in Broadland District, north of Norwich. The development forms part of the proposals for wider development in the North Norwich Growth Triangle (NNGT). Beyond Green’s development proposals have a strong emphasis on the creation of a sustainable community. The basis of this community will be the provision of infrastructure and the planning of the development in a manner which enables the residents, occupiers and visitors to live sustainably and to minimise demands on natural resources, one of the most important of which, is water.

1.1 Purpose, scope and structure of this document This report provides a summary of how water supply and waste water treatment services will be procured for NS&OC. Beyond Green’s clear intention is to deliver an innovative strategy for water recycling and re-use, aiming for net water neutrality over time. This aim, and the means by which it can be achieved, is explained further in this report and its appendices. However, at the time this Outline Planning Application is made, the necessary policy, commercial and technical mechanisms to enable a comprehensive strategy for water neutrality to be implemented – most probably across a wider area than the NS&OC development alone – are not yet in place. In particular, a Detailed Water Cycle (DWC) Study commissioned by Broadland District Council to inform the development of policy and guidance to be provided in an Area Action Plan for the NNGT is on-going. As a strategic-scale development likely to take 15 - 20 years to complete, and given the co-ordinated work now in progress by many stakeholders, it is probable that most if not all of the NS&OC development will take place under a policy and infrastructural framework designed to achieve water neutrality. However, in order that a robust and compliant Outline Planning Application can be submitted now, it is necessary to establish a “baseline” strategy acceptable to stakeholders which can demonstrate that the development is deliverable and, if necessary, act as a fall-back option in advance of a framework for water-neutral development being established. The baseline strategy is a “business as usual” arrangement with the incumbent Water and Sewerage Company (WaSC), Anglian Water. This will entail securing water supply from the existing Heigham Water Treatment Works (WTW) and waste water discharge to Whitlingham Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW). In this baseline scenario water demand reduction will also be achieved through inhome water saving devices, clear water consumption displays and construction of a rainwater harvesting ring with water feature in Beeston Park. The baseline strategy will be combined with the future-proofing of the development to ensure that the infrastructure and services necessary to deliver water neutrality – such as dual plumbing to all buildings – is introduced from the outset. This baseline strategy has been discussed in detail and confirmed as an acceptable way to proceed with Anglian Water and other stakeholders, on the clear understanding that work to develop a framework for water neutrality continues and that Beyond Green will remain fully engaged in that work.

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In this context, this statement is based on the following objectives: • To understand the conditions pertaining to water on and around the NS&OC development site, including its proximity to the Norfolk Broads, the importance of potable water to the area and the backdrop of growing water stress. • To establish water targets that are at least in line with adopted policy and can be delivered in the context of a baseline strategy based on a “business as usual” approach. • To set out a framework for how net “water neutrality” might be delivered over time, and how the NS&OC development will be future-proofed to allow this framework to be implemented. This will require new and innovative solutions to the provision of water supplies and removal of waste water, including measures such as using recycled water within homes and workplaces. (Beyond Green have committed to an on-going process with Anglian Water at their own expense to work through possible innovative solutions for the NS&OC.) • To ensure that the water strategy is interlinked with the requirements of the scheme’s Green Infrastructure strategy. • To ensure residents are aware of water and water related issues in their day-to-day lives. This would include both a commitment to visible outdoor water and flood related mitigation features, as well as on-going initiatives to encourage residents to use less water on-site and in their homes. The main body of the statement therefore focuses on an understanding and appraisal of the site and its context, and on delivering the baseline strategy. Extensive work has been done to examine the practicability of a strategy for water neutrality, and this is contained in Appendix A. This water statement incorporates and addresses the Environment Agency’s comments, dated 30th May 2012, on the “Draft Water Strategy” which are relevant to the “business as usual” arrangement for the water supply and sewerage services in the planning application. Further comments made in relation to the innovative water cycle strategy will be addressed in the on-going consultations post application.

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2. POLICY CONTEXT The development opportunities and engineering solutions that are required must comply with legislation, policy and guidance at the national, regional and local level. Ultimately there is a compendium of authorities and organizations with an interest in the proposals and before development options can be approved, they must first be shown to be compliant with relevant legislation Below is a list of each piece of legislation that will dictate how these proposals for the ‘business as usual’ / baseline strategy are developed. These will be reviewed in more detail at the appropriate time.

2.1 European and national legislation, policy and guidance 2.1.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) March 2012 “The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It sets out the Government’s requirements for the planning system only to the extent that it is relevant, proportionate and necessary to do so.” A founding principle of the NPPF is that the interpretation of the policy is to lead to sustainable development, which is defined as achieving a balance between economic, social and environmental benefits. With regards to managing flood risk the NPPF states “When determining planning applications, local planning authorities should ensure flood risk is not increased elsewhere, and only consider development appropriate in area at risk of flooding, where informed by a site-specific flood risk assessment following the Sequential Test, and if required the Exception Test, it can be demonstrated that: • within the site, the most vulnerable development is located in areas of lowest flood risk unless there are overriding reasons to prefer a different location; and • development is appropriately flood resilient and resistant, including safe access and escape routes where required, and that any residual risk can be safely managed, including by emergency planning; and it gives priority to the use of sustainable drainage systems.” 2.1.2 Habitats Directive (92/443/EEC) (Updated 2010) The Habitats Directive was adopted in 1992 and sets out the framework by which the European Union achieves its obligations under the Bern Convention. 2.1.3 Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (2000) The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a wide-ranging piece of European legislation that establishes a new legal framework for the protection, improvement and sustainable use of surface waters, coastal waters and groundwater across Europe.

2.1.4 Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) The Act tackles the problem of species protection and loss of habitat. The Act identifies Sites of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSIs) as being critical to this process.

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2.1.5 Flood Risk Regulations (2009) The Flood Risk Regulations transpose the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC into domestic law.

2.1.5 Flood and Water Management Act (2010) The Flood and Water Management Act takes forward some of the proposals in three previous strategy documents published by the UK Government - Future Water, Making Space for Water and the UK Government’s response to the Sir Michael Pitt’s Review of the Summer 2007 floods.

2.1.6 Water Resources Act (1991) The Water Resources Act 1991 (WRA) sets out the responsibilities of the Environment Agency (EA) in relation to water pollution, resource management, flood defence, fisheries, and in some areas, navigation. The WRA regulates discharges to controlled waters, namely rivers, estuaries, coastal waters, lakes and groundwater.

2.1.7 Environmental Permitting Regulations (2012) as amended Business activities including manufacturing, waste activities or discharge of waste water that could have an impact on the environment or human health need an environmental permit. Environmental permitting replaced and simplified various environmental regulation systems, including pollution prevention and control, waste licensing and discharge consenting.

2.1.8 Water Industry Act (1991) The Water Industry Act 1991 established the Office of the Water Regulator (OFWAT) which has the responsibility for licensing water suppliers and sewerage undertakers.

2.1.9 Land Drainage Act (1994) There have been various updates to the Land Drainage Act, but essentially the Act consolidates the enactments relating to internal drainage boards, and to the functions of such boards and of local authorities in relation to land drainage.

2.1.10 Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (1999) These replaced all water bye laws put in place by each of the water supply companies and provide a national common standard.

2.1.11 Drinking Water Regulations 2000 and 2007 [Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations] (2000) Set out the standards and procedures for meeting the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) for the provision of “wholesome” water.

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2.1.11 Building Regulations Part G (2010) The most relevant change to the recent revision of the Building Regulations stipulates the requirement for a “wholesome” water supply to key appliances in the home, notably excluding the toilets and washing machines.

2.1.12 Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems (2004) This Code of Practice provides support for developers in promoting and implementing a sustainable approach to water management and in particular Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), to ensure their long-term viability and to promote consistent use.

2.1.13 The SuDS Manual (2007) This guidance provides best practice guidance on the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to facilitate their effective implementation within developments.

2.1.14 Sewers for Adoption 6th Edition (2006) Sewers for Adoption is the standard in England and Wales for the design and construction of sewers to adoptable standards.

2.1.15 Water Resources Planning Guideline, EA (November 2008) This guideline document provides guidance for water companies on the EA’s preferred approach to adopt in the development of water resource plans, to ensure that their plans meet the requirements of the Water Industry Act 1991.

2.1.16 Water Resources in England and Wales – Current State and Future Pressure, EA (December 2008) This EA document provides a summary of the present and potential stresses relating to water resources in England and Wales.

2.1.17 Benefits of Green Infrastructure Report, Forest Research (October 2010) This report by Forest Research provides generic explanations of the various benefits of green infrastructure along with lists and references to relevant case studies and reports.

2.1.18 Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Draft Ecotowns PPS and the Eco-towns Programme (2009) This document provides a description of the appraisal of the Eco-towns programme in the context of sustainability and habitat regulations.

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2.2 Regional policy and guidance Regional and Policy guidance which has also been reviewed includes: • • • • • •

Norfolk Climate Change Strategy - Part 3 - Further Information; Norfolk Structure Plan – Aims and Objectives; Norfolk Structure Plan – County Strategy; Norfolk Structure Plan – Environment; Norfolk Structure Plan – Resources Conservation and Management; and Greater Norwich Development Partnership – Joint Core Strategy and Water Cycle Study.

2.3 Future policy 2.3.1 Broadland District Council, Detailed Water Cycle (DWC) In addition to the existing European and regional policy that will dictate how the baseline proposals will develop, Beyond Green are also reliant on the policy guidance from the forthcoming DWC study being prepared by Broadland District Council. This has yet to be issued. However as soon as the DWC is completed, the document will be reviewed in detail and the future proposals for NS&OC will be brought in line with Broadland District Council’s wider development aspirations.

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3. SITE CONTEXT AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Proposed development The proposed development is a residential led mixed use development located in Broadland District, north of Norwich. The location of the development, on the edge of the urban fringe of Norwich means there is little existing water infrastructure in the vicinity. New infrastructure will be needed both to supply water and to remove waste water. Preliminary investigations have been based on a study area larger than the proposed development itself. The location of the study area in the context of the city of Norwich is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Site Location and Study Area (contains OS Data Crown Copyright 2011)

Anglian Water’s Water Resources Management Plan (2010) places the development site within Water Resources Zone 8 (WRZ8). WRZ8 was forecast to have a surplus against target headroom at the start of the planning period as a result of investment during the Asset Management Plan 4 (AMP4) period (2005 - 2010). However it is forecast that a deficit will again develop during the AMP5 period (2010 2015). The zone relies on water storage within the Chalk aquifer to provide a reliable baseflow to the intakes on the River Wensum which are used to supply Norwich, as well as for direct abstraction from Chalk boreholes to supply the city and the rural area around it. Demands in the zone are dominated by the

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City of Norwich with mixed urban household and light industrial use. Whilst the Broads attract a large number of day visitors, most stay in the nearby larger holiday resorts and so the additional demand from tourists is small.

3.2 Hydrogeological catchments Although the site appears to be in a relatively flat area, it lies on the crown of a rise running nominally east-west which forms a watershed. This then subdivides into a number of sub-catchments draining northwards, southwards and eastwards, as illustrated in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Hydrological Catchments

3.3 Hydrogeology The geology of the site comprises of Norwich Brickearth, however, Glacial Sand and Gravel is also present overlying the Brickearth at parts of the site. The superficial deposits are underlain by the solid geology of the Norwich Crag and the Chalk at depth. There may be some pockets of peat. As a consequence the soil has varied drainage characteristics. The underlying geology in the Norwich area is well known for swallow holes and solution features. There are none recorded on the site in the DEFRA National Cavities Database, which PBA maintains. However, this does not preclude their existence and this will influence the decisions with respect to drainage and foundations during the detailed design. Ground investigation and soakage tests have been carried out to provide further information on the hydrogeology of the site; these have been undertaken at sites where infiltration / attenuation basins are likely to be located to refine the preliminary design and sizing. These tests have shown a range of

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infiltration rates across the site and in places low rates of infiltration at shallow depth (1m – 2m below ground level). Further detail is provided in the Preliminary Ground Investigation and Infiltration Drainage Assessment, 24109/005 Doc Ref: R001/Rev01. The site is underlain by a major aquifer which spreads across much of Norfolk. EA groundwater mapping describes the quality of the aquifer as “poor (deteriorating)”, see Figure 3 below.

Figure 3: Groundwater Mapping (Environment Agency)

3.4 Designated sites and habitats The site and its immediate surroundings (2km radius) are not subject to any national designations. However, the nearby Broads have a number of important designations and habitats. The site area contains locally registered Historic Parkland, Beeston Park and is adjacent to several small areas of designated ancient woodland situated to the east of the site boundary. No statutory designated nature conservation sites are recorded within a 2km radius of the site. There are, however, eleven County Wildlife Sites (CWS) located either wholly or partially within the 2km radius, two of which are close to the site boundary: Ladies Wood, Church Carr & Springs CWS and Tollshill Wood CWS. To the north east of the site the Broads National Park consists of Ramsar sites, Special Protection Areas (SPAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) under the Habitats Regulations. This includes Crostwick Marsh which is located just outside the 2km radius and is a component site of The Broads Ramsar site and SPA, and the Broadland SAC; at a

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national level it is also designated as an SSSI. The Broads is affected by high levels of nitrates and phosphates from run-off from agricultural land and effluent from waste water treatment works. In line with Habitats Regulations, the development at NS&OC will be required to take steps to ensure there is no negative impact on habitats or receiving water quality of these European designated sites. This will be achieved in the baseline ‘business as usual’ strategy for scheme by procurement of water and sewerage services from Anglian Water which will benefit from the appropriate existing discharge consents and environmental permits for drainage and waste water treatment that they hold, as discussed further in the following section ‘The Broads: Water Quality and Pollution Control’.

3.4.1 The Broads: water quality and pollution control During the course of stakeholder meetings held as part of the consultation on the development proposals (see Statement of Community Involvement for further details) a number of stakeholders have expressed their concerns about the impact of development on the water quality and pollution of the Broads. There are no watercourses on the site. The two main watercourses in the area are the River Bure to the North of the site and the River Yare to the south of the site. Both watercourses form part of the Broads National Park. Monitoring locations on these watercourses at Trowe Mill on the River Yare and Belaugh on the River Bure show good biology and chemical composition. The sensitivity of the site is therefore predominantly defined by the protection afforded to the Broads, and the need to improve the water quality of the underlying groundwater. The geology of the site makes the groundwater sensitive to diffuse pollution, with discharges from sewers or treatment works having a direct effect on surface water bodies. Agricultural landholdings are the primary source of diffuse pollution to receiving waters, mainly from fertiliser enriched run-off increasing levels of nitrates. Both will ultimately have an impact on the Broads as both the ground water and surface water discharges are connected to the water in the Broads. Based on the hydrogeology it is considered that the major component of groundwater flow from beneath the site area will travel north-east and any ground and surface water interaction will take place towards the Crostwick Beck. The component of groundwater recharge (infiltration) from below the site reaching the Crostwick Beck near the SSSI or upstream of it will be very small indeed, if not negligible. Besides this there is a thick unsaturated zone between the ground surface and the groundwater table consisting of fine grained granular soils deposits comprising Brickearth, Glacial Sand and Gravel and Norwich Crag that will provide major attenuation of any potential contaminants in the surface water run-off form the site as it moves through any infiltration based SuDS scheme. Under the business as usual scenario applied for in this application, Anglian Water is responsible for compliance with foul water discharge consents for NS&OC and other licence conditions for maintaining water quality in affected water bodies. It operates a number of treatment works which discharge to the Broads (either directly or nearby), all of which have discharge consents appropriate to the capacity of the receiving water. The predominant source of phosphates in water bodies come from waste water treatment plant discharges, particularly where this component was not previously regulated under the consenting regime. Treatment plants which have been recently upgraded, such as Whitlingham, have an existing consented phosphate limit.

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3.5 Groundwater sources Anglian Water’s preferred option for water supply in Norwich and the Broads area (WRZ8) is from groundwater sources as the current abstraction license is not fully utilised. The area relies on water storage within the Chalk aquifer to provide a reliable baseflow to the intakes on the River Wensum which are used to supply Norwich, as well as for direct abstraction from Chalk boreholes to supply the city and the rural area around it. The Chalk boreholes have considerable variation in yield and raw water quality. Some require treatment by chlorination only, while others have sophisticated treatment for high nitrate, pesticides, organic solvents or high levels of iron. The current licence for an existing groundwater source in Norwich is not fully used. A scheme has been identified to uprate the sourceworks by improving the output of the existing boreholes, or by developing new ones nearby. Uprating the sourceworks to maximise the current licence may require further treatment to remove industrial contaminants from the groundwater. A further scheme has been identified for the development of a new groundwater source within the eastern fringes of Norwich.

3.5.1 Private water abstraction & discharges Apart from incident rainfall, there is currently little in the way of naturally occurring water resources available within the site. The agricultural holdings within the development site do have abstraction licences from surface water (at The Springs) and boreholes. These are shown on Figure 4 (below), indicating the licensed volumes available.

Figure 4: Abstraction licences

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It is not known at present what quantities are actually abstracted. It is also not known what areas of the agricultural activity benefit from these abstractions. However, working on the licensed abstractions within the site boundary this amounts to a total of 31,200cu.m/year, or 85cu.m/day (0.085Ml/day). Whilst some of the existing dwellings within the development site may be on individual septic tanks or other small treatment plants there are no significant private discharges from the site itself. All new foul sewers will be automatically adopted under changes proposed by the Flood and Water Management Act and so the option to connect existing properties to the main system will be available. Abstractions which are currently used to irrigate the land could be offset against the future demand from the residential development although the difference in quality requirements makes a direct swap with potable water resource requirements disproportionate. The licensed volumes are not significant in comparison to the volume required for the development. The overall water requirements for the development have been evaluated and details found within the Water Demand Modelling section of Appendix A. Provision of water supplies to the development under the ‘business as usual’ strategy have also been agreed with Anglian Water, which is shown in the correspondence within Appendix B. Once within the site, the effective use of water will be maximised through the investment in communal rainwater harvesting infrastructure.

3.6 Surface water sources 3.6.1 Current uses The site is currently predominantly laid to arable crops with the associated management of drainage, application of fertilisers and irrigation.

3.6.2 Pollution The main concern with respect to pollution of the receiving water, notably the Broads, lies in the runoff from agricultural land increasing the nutrient load from nitrates and the discharge of effluent from treatment works increasing the phosphate load in receiving waters. Both these cause increases in algal bloom in the Broads with consequent deterioration of water quality and habitat. There are major actions underway and on-going campaigns to rectify the situation with a consequent improvement in the biological quality of the water in the Broads. Development at NS&OC will reduce the extent of agricultural land contributing to nitrate pollution in run-off water. Run-off from the development will be carefully controlled to ensure that any pollutants associated with development are removed prior to discharge. SuDS treatment trains will be incorporated into designs at detailed planning stage, with features appropriate to the pollution risks and, where possible, making a positive contribution to improving the run-off overall and soakage into the ground. Where practicable within the development permeable pavements, swales and bio-retention areas will be utilised to provide additional attenuation and water quality benefits prior to discharge into primary infiltration basins and blankets in combination with deep bore soakaways. This is discussed further within the NS&OC Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) report.

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3.7 Rainwater sources 3.7.1 Hydrological regime The Standard Annual Average Rainfall (SAAR) for the site is 613mm based on the Flood Estimation Handbook, which is considered lower than the average UK SAAR. Data from rain gauges near to the site including Attlebridge, Buxton and Lingwood were provided by the EA, but they were ultimately discounted for the purposes of water demand modelling because they fail to provide a full or continuous data set. Data sets for the Lowestoft Rainfall Gauge, 35km south east of the site were also obtained and whilst the Attlebridge, Buxton and Lingwood records were incomplete they do show similarity with the Lowestoft 2011 annual record for January through to June, shown in the Figure 6 below. Therefore the Lowestoft gauge was considered representative of the site, but because 2011 was a notably dry year the Lowestoft averaged 96 year long record was used for the water demand modelling. Wider rainfall data and re-analysis will be conducted in the development of the future NS&OC Water Strategy, post application to ensure this assessment is appropriate and sensitivity testing will be undertaken to accord with the precautionary principle.

Figure 5: Rainfall analysis: comparison of Local (2011) and Lowestoft Monthly Average Rainfall (2011) and (1914 – 2010)

3.7.2 Future water resources The lower than average rainfall in the East Anglia region, compared to England as a whole, is the primary cause of concern for future water resources and has been highlighted in many of the studies already discussed. The effects of climate change as illustrated from the UKCP09 assessment, shown in Figure 6 below, indicate a reduction of about 20-30% in summer rainfall and a similar increase in winter, i.e. drier summers and wetter winters. The overall quantity of rainfall may stay much the same but the seasonal

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difference will increase the volumes of storage required. Further analysis of the rainfall intensity will be considered in development of the future NS&OC Water Strategy, post application. The combination of the location of NS&OC and the impact of climate change gives this site low rainfall characteristics now and in the future. This has implications for the introduction of on-site rainwater harvesting, which will be a key part of the water strategy for the development and makes efficiency of water use on site particularly important. Demand modelling has taken into account the impact of low rainfall on this as a non-potable source. As a result, and in order to maximise efficacy and minimise space requirements, a communal harvesting system in a collection ring has been proposed servicing multiple properties. Individual rainwater harvesting for each property will also be considered, balancing capital costs with quantity of water available from individual roofs, to satisfy constant daily non-potable household demand to achieve a sustainable solution.

Summer Rainfall

Winter Rainfall

Figure 6: Seasonal Mean Precipitation Trends (at 50th Percentile) by 2080s (Source: UKCIP 09)

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3.8 Flooding 3.8.1 Fluvial flooding Flood risk mapping by the Environment Agency indicates the main flood risk lies alongside the Rivers Bure and Yare, both of which are some way from the site. The site has a low probability of river and sea flooding as it is situated in flood zone 1. As defined in Table 1 of the Technical Guidance to the National Planning Policy Framework this zone comprises of land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1,000 annual probability of flooding in any year (<0.1%). All uses of land are appropriate for development.

3.8.2 Pluvial flooding There is no evidence of existing pluvial (direct surface water run-off) flooding on the site itself although there is anecdotal evidence of flooding of properties to the south of the site at Sprowston from field drainage and run-off as well as in the Park & Ride site off the Wroxham Road. The cause of this has not been identified. The NS&OC FRA describes how surface water flooding will be mitigated on site by the use of appropriate SuDS treatment chains.

3.8.3 Groundwater flooding There is no record of groundwater flooding on the site and the risk is very low as the groundwater levels are strongly influenced by the Broads. This is supported by ground investigation and infiltration tests where no groundwater was encountered in any of the trial pits on the site. The site has no contained dry valleys which might result in flooding should groundwater levels rise. Local perched water tables may exist where clay lenses are present, such as may occur to the south of the site, where groundwater in shallow excavations (<2m) has been reported in the past.

3.8.4 Impact of development at NS&OC The main impact of the development on flooding will be issues associated with surface run-off as the development will increase the impermeable area on the land by introducing extensive paved and roofed areas. This flood risk, particularly local flood risks to adjacent land and property needs to be managed through appropriate SuDS arrangements. In order to avoid increasing flood risk on site and to properties downstream, the drainage system has been designed to attenuate flows to 1 in 100 year return period plus an appropriate allowance for climate change. Flow routes in the event of exceedance of these design standards will be considered in the NS&OC FRA and at detailed design stages. Infiltration arrangements from SuDS systems are designed to suit the local ground conditions using information from desktop surveys and infiltration testing on site. The potential to increase flood risk on site and elsewhere through the addition of hard surfaces and the effect of the new development on surface water run-off is also addressed within the NS&OC FRA and drainage strategy. The surface water drainage system and associated SuDS design will ensure the flood risks are no greater than currently exist and, where possible, make a positive contribution to reducing that risk, as well as contributing to water neutrality objectives.

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4. DELIVERING WATER AND WASTE WATER SERVICES 4.1 Summary The ‘business as usual’ scenario will be procured by undertaking the following: • • • • • •

water demand: in-home water saving devices, clear water consumption displays; water supply: from Heigham Water Treatment Works (WTW); water treatment: to Whitlingham Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW); water re-use: rainwater harvesting ring with water feature in Beeston Park; surface water: a wide variety of SuDS throughout the development; delivery: by Anglian Water.

This is described in further detail below.

4.2 Water demand Considerable emphasis will be placed on demand reduction through water saving devices within our homes and clear water consumption displays; this will meet Code for Sustainable Homes requirements for potable water (105 litres per person per day (pppd) for Code 3 and 4, 80 litres pppd for Code 5 and beyond) and will help to ensure that actual (not theoretical) reductions in potable water use are achieved. Beyond Green is also keen to work with Anglian Water on retrofitting existing homes around the site where suitable.

4.3 Water supply Following considerable consultation with Anglian Water and other key stakeholders, it has been confirmed that water supply will come from the main Heigham WTW, west of Norwich via a new strategic supply main. Anglian Water has confirmed that WTW have sufficient capacity to accommodate water supply for the proposed level of development, estimated at 1.22Ml per day (see Appendix B). Discussions with Anglian Water are still on-going but the existing main which crosses the site will provide initial supplies for the development and this will later be supplemented by new mains as the demand increases. Initial costings for this have been obtained from Anglian Water and are considered to be commercially viable. The actual requirements and timing of this upgrade work will depend on the outcome of the overall strategy and the phasing of development. The final capacity requirements will also depend on the extent of water re-use that is adopted across the development as well as the strategic nature of the supply main serving the whole of the NNGT.

4.4 Waste water drainage Beyond Green’s clear intention is to deliver an innovative strategy for water recycling and re-use, aiming for net water neutrality over time. At this stage of planning, however, and without the required policy guidance from the forthcoming Detailed Water Cycle (DWC) study being prepared by Broadland District Council, the innovative mechanisms necessary to achieve these aspirations cannot be guaranteed to be delivered. R002 – NSOC Water Statement Rev 4

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As such, and in order to provide a compliant strategy at this stage, Beyond Green’s outline planning application is based on a ‘business as usual’ arrangement with Anglian Water, with foul water pumped from the site to a new collector sewer running around the eastern side of Norwich to discharge at the Whitlingham WWTW. This is currently the published option preferred by Anglian Water, as set out in the Greater Norwich Development Partnership (GNDP) Outline Water Cycle Study. The treatment works has the capacity and consent in place to receive new flows associated with NS&OC (estimated as 0.9Ml per day) along with the flows generated by the whole North East Norwich Growth Triangle. The Whitlingham WWTW has approved discharge consent / environmental permit as well as capacity to ensure that this solution will have no impact on the Broads (see Appendix B). The topography of the site lends itself to a number of gravity foul water sewers following the natural flow route to avoid unnecessary pumping. There may be a need for small local pumping stations to enable discharge from all sewerage to a single outfall to the east of the development. The sewerage network would be phased to suit the phasing of the development although some key collector sewers will be needed to ensure the principle of minimising the pumping requirement is maintained. The details of this will be finalised together with the phasing plans at the reserved matters stage. This option will require a substantial investment in a new sewer, crossing a number of landholdings on a route of approximately 9km, which is yet to be determined, and a crossing of the River Wensum. Initial costings for wastewater infrastructure and contributions have been obtained from Anglian Water and they are considered to be commercially viable.

4.5 Water reuse A communal rainwater harvesting ring will be incorporated around the urban centre of the development. Following the natural contours of the land, the ring will capture run-off from the roofs of buildings covering in excess of 10% of the total area of the development. The run-off will be channelled to collect in a water feature in Beeston Park. In the first instance, the water will be used for irrigation of local green infrastructure with the potential for additional use by adjacent farmers. The rainwater harvesting ring plays a significant role in the surface water drainage strategy for NS&OC, see below for further details. In addition, rainwater harvesting systems will be considered at detailed design for use on individual properties outside of this ring. While future water treatment and re-use options have not yet been finalised, Beyond Green commit to installing secondary plumbing within homes to allow for future installation of a non-potable supply of water in homes, as and when proposals for a more innovative system are finalised and consented.

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4.6 Future water treatment and re-use options Options for more aspirational wastewater treatment and re-use strategies aiming to work towards water neutrality over time have been explored and modelled in detail in Appendix A. In brief, studies have considered: • a modular sewage treatment service at or near the existing Rackheath WWTW: this would require Beyond Green working with the EA to ensure satisfactory Environment Permits for discharge into the nearby water course. Proposals would likely include primary and secondary treatment units and the use of reed beds as tertiary treatment - with an associated beneficial biodiversity impact - to reuse / re-cycle water and reduce effluent discharge; and • mixing of rainwater from the communal harvesting ring with treated wastewater to provide a low carbon “green” water supply for non-potable use in irrigation, toilet flushing and washing machines. This will require secondary plumbing within homes and a green water supply network.

4.7 Surface water drainage at NS&OC NS&OC will introduce a comprehensive network of SuDS, designed to suit both the local ground conditions and the proposed development; and to deal with the pollution risks from roads and other sources as necessary including appropriate attenuation and treatment trains. The network follows basic SuDS principles, namely: • accommodating discharge within each sub-catchment through attenuation and storage; • aiming for infiltration at the earliest appropriate point on the network; and • applying the relevant treatment trains appropriate to the pollution risk. Beyond Green will also look to take these principles further by: • maximising efficacy of the SuDS network by working with local site and ground conditions; • maximising the potential for climate change adaptation through use of the full range of SuDS measures; • providing multifunctional SuDS features designed to have amenity use, integrate with the public realm, and enhance habitats, green corridors and ecological interest opportunities; and • reuse surface of water for irrigation of green infrastructure and potentially reduce the requirement for potable water within homes. A surface water drainage system including SuDS and treatment trains has been proposed for the NS&OC development. This will comprise local development drainage networks including permeable paving, bio retention areas and filter drains within housing plots linked to trunk sewer networks and swales between plots, leading to final attenuating and infiltration systems. These regional infiltration controls will be formed from infiltration basins and cellular storage blankets for shallow infiltration linked to deep bore soakaways. The surface water drainage strategy will also include a rainwater harvesting ring as part of the baseline strategy which will divert clean run-off from roof areas within the urban centre of the development out to storage basin in Beeston Park. SuDS features within the development could also form an important part of a wider education programme, involving the community and gaining a greater connection with, and understanding of, water as a finite resource. Full details of the SuDS strategy can be found in the Flood Risk Assessment, which forms part of the Environmental Statement.

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5. SUMMARY AND NEXT STEPS 5.1 NS&OC baseline proposals This report has identified how the water supply and waste water treatment will be procured for the NS&OC development. This will be done by a ‘business as usual’ arrangement with the incumbent Water and Sewerage Company, Anglian Water. This will ensure that the proposal is both in line with current policy and deliverable. This solution ensures that at this stage there will be no impact on the Broads as the Whitlingham WWTW has adequate capacity and an approved discharge consent to avoid such impact from this development. Anglian Water have also confirmed that this is their preferred strategy and have recently provided costs to Beyond Green for both potable water and water treatment. See Appendix B for details. Following detailed consultation with Anglian Water, this water statement has outlined the business as usual scheme applied for in this outline planning application, as summarised below: • • • • • •

water demand: in-home water saving devices, clear water consumption displays; water supply: from Heigham Water Treatment Works (WTW); water treatment: to Whitlingham Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW); water re-use: rainwater harvesting ring with water feature in Beeston Park; surface water: a wide variety of SuDS throughout the development; delivery: by Anglian Water.

5.2 Future aspirations: towards water neutrality Beyond Green’s clear long term aspiration for this development is, however, to deliver a more innovative framework for improving the management of water resources throughout the development, working towards water neutrality over time. Preliminary investigations described in Appendix A show that this is a credible aspiration. Figure 7 below illustrates the substantial benefit in water resource availability from the introduction of a recycled green water system. The benefits accrue in the reduction of both the quantity of potable water delivered to the development and in the quantity discharged to receiving waters from the waste water treatment plant. The reduction in quantity between that supplied and discharged is due to losses such as absorption and evaporation. Preliminary work suggests a realistic aspiration would be to generate a 35% reduction in demand for potable water and a 52% reduction in treated water discharge relative to the initial ‘business-as-usual’ delivery solution for water services.

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NO WATER RECYCLING – Business as usual

Anglian ` Water

Potable Water

Waste Water


1.22 Ml/d




0.84 Ml/d



Potable Water Use Anglian Water 0.74 Ml/d

0.74 Ml/d

Waste Water




0.84 Ml/d


Non-Potable (Green Water) Use

Green Water Recycled 0.44 Ml/d WATER SAVINGS ~39% Reduction

~48% of Treated


from Anglian

Water is

Reduction in




Figure 7: Conceptualisation of the benefits of using green water (based on model output)

5.3 Next steps Beyond Green will now await the forth coming Detailed Water Cycle Study from Broadland District Council, which it is hoped will provide the necessary policy framework for delivery of a more sustainable scheme. In preparing this Water Statement, Beyond Green have already undertaken a considerable amount of consultation with the EA, who have reviewed the preliminary investigation into water re-use and water demand modelling. The result of this review has been the identification of areas of further work to be considered in the future NS&OC Water Strategy. This further work will be undertaken postapplication. Some of the issues and considerations to be addressed are listed below: • continue the on-going process with Anglian Water to work through possible innovative solutions for the NS&OC development site; • PPS1 Eco-towns supplement requirements; • the detailed Greater Norwich Development Partnership (GNDP) Water Cycle Strategy (WCS) will be reviewed during the development of the future NS&OC Water Strategy; • Environmental Permitting regulations relating to proposed discharges from the development;

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• wider rainfall data and analysis will be conducted in development for the future NS&OC Water Strategy; • proposed water charging strategy options will be addressed in the future NS&OC Water Strategy • implications of the proposed development on the WRZ8; • climate change scenarios; • net increase in water demand will be re-assessed. The ability to achieve water neutrality and the measures / options necessary to do so will be carefully considered in the future assessment and the targets for reduction in water use will be set accordingly; • detailed consultation with OFWAT will be required as part of the future NS&OC Water Strategy; • investigate opportunities to appoint an inset provider solution to deliver the water infrastructure for the development. Up to and following completion of the DWC from Broadland District Council, Beyond Green will continue to work closely with the District Council, the EA and water companies with the clear intention to deliver a more ambitious proposal.

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APPENDIX A – FUTURE ASPIRATIONS: TOWARDS WATER NEUTRALITY In line with Beyond Green’s clear intention is to deliver an innovative strategy for water recycling and re-use and aiming for net water neutrality over time, an in depth preliminary study was commissioned from PBA to investigate future opportunities for water reduction. This is in line with one of the principal aims of the GNDP’s Water Cycle Strategy (WCS) is to guide the authorities and developers to deliver sustainable water resource solutions, which collectively can help to achieve the aim of water neutrality for the development proposals. This preliminary study undertaken over the last two years shows that working towards net water neutrality is a credible aspiration for NS&OC; as such, Beyond Green commits to working with Broadland District Council and the EA with the intention to deliver a more ambitious proposal as the work on the DWC progresses.

A1 Context A1.1 Policy context The proposed development forms part of the proposals for wider development in the North Norwich Growth Triangle (NNGT). As a precursor to the NNGT the GNDP commissioned an outline WCS to identify and assess approaches for the delivery of sustainable water resources for development around Norwich. Having identified the NNGT as the location for further development a Growth Triangle Detailed WCS was commissioned by Broadlands District Council. This preliminary study has considered policy requirements through consultation with local stakeholders, authorities and water companies; technical assessment of water resources, current and future demand and potential environmental impacts, and formulation of appropriate water management policies and relevant developer guidance. A1.2 Site context Much of the site context relevant to an innovative proposal for water treatment and re-use at NS&OC has been described earlier in the document (see section 4.5). The search for more innovative solutions to the management of water resources is, however, particularly strongly influenced by the potential sensitivity conferred by the proximity of the site to the Broads. The Broads are afforded extensive statutory protection and are affected by high levels of nitrates and phosphates from run-off from agricultural land and effluent from waste water treatment works. While existing treatment works have discharge consents / environmental permits to deal with the additional requirements from NS&OC the introduction of a new or upgrading of WWTWs discharging to a water body close to the site, i.e. The Springs, would need to meet carefully considered limits. This would be detailed within the Environmental Permit and would be agreed in consultation with the EA outside of the planning conditions or reserved matter processes. However, the Environmental Permitting process would occur in parallel with the planning process. A1.3 Stakeholder consultation Extensive stakeholder and public consultation undertaken in preparing the scheme proposals revealed a striking level of general awareness about the importance of using water efficiently, and general acceptance that innovative solutions, such as using recycled water within homes and other buildings were logical and appropriate to explore. See the NS&OC Statement of Community Involvement for further details.

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A number of meetings with key stakeholders have been held during the preliminary investigation into water re-use, including with the EA, Natural England (NE), Anglian Water (AW) and Broadland District Council. Notably, these stakeholders have been broadly supportive of exploring innovative solutions for the water strategy throughout this process. All have acknowledged that water is a key issue in the development of new residential areas in this location. Whilst there is considered to be sufficient water resource, the impact on habitats means that the availability of these resources may be more limited than currently reported. The Statement of Common Understanding between AW, EA and NE dated 3rd November 2010, issued as part of the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk, reflects this situation and AW are currently reviewing the resources availability. Whilst the outcomes of Broadland District Council’s DWC study are not currently known, consultation to date has provided considerable reassurance that Beyond Green’s preferred approach chimes with the direction which the DWC study is taking, and that an alternative to ‘business as usual’ may be technically and commercially feasible.

A2. Water neutrality A2.1 The case for water neutrality Increased housing demand and development pressures in areas suffering from water stress or limited water resources has resulted in aspirations for new development to achieve water neutrality as one of the key components in managing overall demand on water resources. As climate change threatens to reduce the available water supply in certain areas of the UK, water neutrality offers the potential to use water more efficiently whilst still satisfying demand and having a benign (or potentially beneficial) impact on the environment. The population in England and Wales is expected to rise by ten million by 2031, and the pressures of climate change will force people to adapt to reductions in available water. A2.2 Defining water neutrality The EA (2009) defines water neutrality as follows: “For every new development, total water use across the wider area after the development must be equal to or less than total water use across the wider area before the development”. Beyond Green will work with the EA and other stakeholders to define a series of targets working towards water neutrality over time and in combination with other developments and water initiatives in the area. A Water Neutral Development requires that the water demand of the development is met through the more efficient use of water resources rather than the creation of new resources. The principles to be adopted in working towards a reduction of demand on limited water resources are illustrated in the following diagram (Figure A1). This shows how the planning and design of a new community should have the water cycle in mind, how the demands on resources should be considered at the appropriate stage and its integration with energy demand and green infrastructure. This does not imply that all elements have to be implemented but that they do need to be considered and the effectiveness in any particular scheme maximised within the constraints unique to the locality. Figure A2 illustrates this model in the context of a conceptual streetscape.

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Figure A1: Water Hierarchy in Development

Figure A2 Conceptual ‘Water Neutral’ Streetscape

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In order for NS&OC to achieve water neutrality, water efficiency measures will need to be incorporated as the development progresses. These might include: • incorporation of water efficient devices in new development; • provision of rainwater harvesting and water re-use systems; • potential for innovative methods of water charging, subject to agreement with Ofwat, universal metering and education of the local population; • local and coordinated management of all elements of the development which have an impact on the water cycle and water resources; and • offsetting demand through retrofitting of existing development (commercial or domestic) with water efficiency improvement measures, where feasible. This study starts to investigate each of these mechanisms and shows potential for a significant reduction in water demand at NS&OC. This provides the baseline for additional work post application. A2.3 Defining a water neutrality zone for NS&OC The guidance provided in the EA’s briefing note ‘Water Neutrality: An Expanded Definition’ (2009) states that ‘water neutrality would be delivered within a pre-defined zone which encompasses the new development and a surrounding area’. The EA specifies that in many cases the water company’s Water Resource Zone (WRZ), in this case Anglian WRZ 8, may provide an appropriate spatial scale to consider water neutrality. However, further work is required to define the zone of water neutrality for NS&OC including exploration of the impact of other nearby developments and any water efficiency programmes proposed by Anglian Water. This will be undertaken as part of the future NS&OC Water Strategy, ensuring that the proposals come forward in line with Broadland District Council’s forthcoming Detailed Water Cycle Strategy.

A3. Water demand modelling The following sections detail the preliminary water demand modelling assessment undertaken for the scheme in support of Beyond Green’s aspirations. This will be developed further in consultation with the EA and Anglian Water, as part of the future NS&OC water strategy, post application. A3.1 Approach The principal aim of the water demand modelling is to establish whether the available water resources can satisfy the demand of the development, and what combination of water management measures are required to achieve this. PBA constructed a water demand model which accounts for the usage, supply, recycling and losses of water within a conceptual supply, treatment and distribution system for the development. This is based on the principles set out by Beyond Green for the water strategy (baseline and future) and has been used to identify the most appropriate proposal for the development. To conduct the assessment, the following datasets have been used in the water demand model: • population statistics – 3,520 houses at occupancy of 2.2 per household; • rainfall data from Lowestoft Rain Gauge, which provides a long term record (1914 - 2011); • guidance on micro-component water consumption within the home - source: CIRIA WaND (2010), and the EA. A conceptual schematic of the model is presented in Figure A3.

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Figure A3: Conceptualisation of water demand model.

There are three inputs to the model, which represent abstraction, storage and rainfall. There are then three processes accounting for both household and non-household consumption, as well as rainwater harvesting. Outputs from the process include waste water treatment, rainwater treatment and discharge of water to the environment. The model incorporates the potential for a recirculation of Green Water to be used for non-potable consumption which is linked into the storage element of the model.

A3.2 Potable and Non Potable Demand One of the key components of the water demand model is the consideration of potable and nonpotable water usage within domestic properties. A key aim of achieving water neutrality, sustainability targets and reduction in water demand (e.g. Code for Sustainable Homes;) is the re-use of water for non-potable uses. This is essentially: • the recycling of ‘grey water’ (e.g. from washing, bathing, kitchen preparations) within the properties; • harvesting rainwater from the roofs of properties can also provide a source of water to meet nonpotable demand. The availability of this water depends on the size of the roof and the volume of storage having sufficient quantity from incident rainfall to meet the demand; and • re-use of treated foul water (black and grey water) from the development and redistribution to properties as a lower grade resource (‘green water’), which is used for non-potable usage (e.g. toilet flushing, irrigation). Such measures can significantly reduce the demand for potable water.

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The in-property fitting of equipment for grey water recycling and / or rainwater harvesting can be effective in new / refurbished dwellings and in retrofitting of existing dwellings. However, distribution of green water is likely to achieve much higher levels of re-use over the long term than in-property equipment enabling grey water recycling, simply due to the on-going operation and maintenance burden and the future refitting of properties required by owners. Grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting systems are more common at a smaller scale but it is uncommon to see such measures at the community / development level. However, successful largescale grey water, rainwater and green water collection / distribution systems have been implemented in locations which have recognised water shortages, such as in Sydney, Australia and the City of Clermont in Florida. Figure A4 demonstrates the typical total usage of water within a domestic property, based on microcomponent figures from CIRIA C690 [WaND] (2010) which is used by Anglian Water in their resources analysis. Other Indoor Use (Clothes Washing, Food Prep, Kitchen Sink) 27%

Outdoor Use 6%

Toilet Flushing 35%

Dishwashing 4% Baths, Showers, Hand Wash Basin 28% Figure A4: Water consumption patterns for a domestic property as proportion of total use

Using the data provided in Table A4.2 of CIRIA C690 [WaND] (2010), for the purposes of this study, total water consumption can include non-potable water within the home for toilet flushing, outdoor use, clothes washing and dishwashing. At NS&OC, we estimate that there is the potential for 45% of the water used in a household to be of non-potable quality, but still be safe for the user. A3.3 Water strategy scenarios A number of scenarios have been tested to identify the most effective solution to the provision of nonpotable water to meet demand and avoid unnecessary use of potable water in both residential and nonresidential elements of the development. The latter is not based on specific information at this stage but will be considered in the detailed design stages.

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The modelling scenarios have been designed to represent conservative scenarios, considering the maximum number of new houses (3,520 new dwellings), climate change impacts, with and without grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting and average water consumption (125 litres per person per day – based on Building Regulations guidelines). Three scenarios have been tested and these are: • three water re-use systems; • dual systems; and • singular systems. In considering a more conservative scenario an element of redundancy has been built into the water management cycle, thus creating a greater degree of confidence in the final water management strategy.

A3.4 Parameters For the purposes of this study the following parameters have been fixed in the water demand model: • target personal water consumption – 125 litres per day (this target for a combination of potable and non-potable water per person was derived working backwards from the target of 80 litres per person per day of potable water. Once the infrastructure is in place to deliver green water, there is future flexibility to reduce total target personal water consumption to 80 litres, reducing potable water consumption further to c.51 litres per day); • micro-components split – as per the Anglian Water Resource Management Plan (2010) and EA guidance; • target potable water demand – 80 litres per person per day; • rainwater harvesting – modelling scenarios have assumed that only rainwater from the proposed ‘urban centre’ is to be collected as part of a rainwater harvesting system (this represents ~15% of the built area of the development and is based on being able to provide a communal rainwater harvesting system from the new urban centre). It does not preclude the installation of local, inproperty rainwater harvesting in the less dense parts of the development, but this is not quantified in the model as the extent of uses will be indeterminate and mainly supply local private irrigation. To ensure a consistent approach towards the water demand modelling, a number of parameters have been fixed for each water supply scenario. Table A1 provides a breakdown of the figures used for the water demand modelling. Parameter


New Dwellings


Ave. Occupancy Rate

2.2 hds/household

Development Population


Potable Water (Per Capita Consumption)

80 l/hd/day

Non-Potable Water (Per Capita Consumption)


Employment Water Consumption

0.2 Ml/day



Table A1: Water Demand Modelling Parameters

Full details of the model run parameters as well as the model output will be included in the future NS&OC Water Strategy.

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A3.5 Potable and non-potable demands To reduce potable demand, non-potable water can be used to supply some micro components in both household and non-household units; this study has highlighted toilets, outdoor uses, washing machines and dishwashing as components suitable for non-potable use. The monthly demand split for the new development is shown in Figure A5. This is based on a target personal demand of 125 l/h/d and a non-household demand (general commercial uses) of 0.2 Ml/d. The latter would need refining in the detailed design stage. Monthly Demand 1.20

Volume (Ml/d)

1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20














Time (Months) Potable

Non Potable

Figure A5: Monthly Demand Split (based on outputs from Water Demand Model)

A3.6 Modelling The purpose of the modelling is to be able to demonstrate that the non-potable demand can be supplied by a chosen combination of systems; which therefore reduces the potable demand. The water re-use systems tested are as follows: • rainwater harvesting: supplied from communal harvesting system described and quantified above; it does not include rainwater harvesting at individual properties; • grey water: collection either in-property with individual installations or in small groups of properties with local treatment and distribution; and • green water: treated black water (sewage) combined with grey water in a normal foul sewerage system, redistributed for re-use in homes. The model assumes that the properties are fitted with water saving devices such as dual flush toilets, low flow showers, low volume baths, aerated taps and other measures. This is estimated to reduce demand from a national average of 150l/hd/day to 125l/hd/day. The water demand model also takes into account the variability in water supply and demand throughout the year and the losses which occur through use such as absorption, evaporation and

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transpiration. Water consumption tends to peak in the summer months with increased demand for irrigation, which has the added complication of coinciding with periods of low rainfall. To represent the seasonality in consumption and resources, the average rainfall profile was constructed and has been used in the modelling, as illustrated in Figure 5 of the main report. Further refinement can be made to the model inputs at the detailed design stages when considering extremes over short periods of low rainfall to inform storage and plant capacities to ensure continuity of supply.

A3.7 Results A series of charts have been produced as part of the water demand modelling which show the Demand / Supply balance for a given water supply scenario, where: • 0 Ml/d = Water supply can satisfy demand; • < 0 Ml/d = Water supply is in DEFICIT and cannot satisfy demand; and • > 0 Ml/d = Water supply is in SURPLUS and can satisfy demand. The combination of systems for re-use assumes that the appropriate infrastructure is included in each property, such as rainwater harvesting and grey water re-use systems connected to and supplying the appropriate appliances e.g. rainwater serving washing and grey water serving toilets, etc. All systems in operation With all three water re-use systems in operation, the non-potable demand is met with a minimum surplus of approximately 0.55Ml/d throughout the year as shown in Figure A6. The grey water would be collected with black water in a single foul sewerage system in this scenario. This illustrates the effectiveness of satisfying the non-potable demand with comprehensive re-use infrastructure. All Systems: Non Potable Demand/Supply Balance 0.80 0.70

Volume (Ml/d)

0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 March






Time (Months)








Rain Water, Grey Water & Green Water

Figure A6: All Systems Operational

Dual systems Dual systems involving combinations of two of the water re-use systems have also been tested. A communal dual system, combining either grey water or rainwater with green water is shown to meet the non-potable water demand. A dual system comprising local grey water and communal rainwater may meet the non-potable demand throughout the year but further refinement of the model in dry

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months might show a shortage in supply requiring increased storage capacity through, say individual rainwater harvesting. Figure A7 shows the monthly supply demand balance for the dual systems. Dual Systems: Non Potable Demand/Supply Balance 0.50


Volume (Ml/d)


















-0.20 Time (Months) Grey Water & Rain Water

Grey Water & Green Water

Rain Water & Green Water

Figure A7 : Dual systems in operation

Singular systems in operation Each water re-use system has also been tested for its impact individually. A singular system using either grey water or rainwater cannot meet the non-potable demand and therefore would require an additional supply of potable water to meet non-potable demand. A singular system using green water (treated black water) would meet demand but is not currently an accepted form of direct supply (i.e. there needs to be a dilution step before distribution). It would be more easily accepted if blended with rainwater during the periods of rain, thus providing a suitable quality whilst also offering greater capacity to meet demand. Larger volumes of this blended water could then be stored without causing problems. Figure A8 indicates the monthly supply demand balance for singular systems. Note this reflects the proposed communal rainwater harvesting of the central core, covering only 15% of the area. Inproperty harvesting in the remainder of the development might improve this but there would still be a shortfall overall.

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Singular Systems: Non Potable Demand/Supply Balance 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00

Volume (Ml/d)

-0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 -0.30

Grey Water






Green Water


Time (Months)








Rain Water

Figure A8: Singular Systems Operational

No system in operation With no water re-use system in place non-potable water cannot be provided. In this case potable demand can only be reduced by using water saving devices such as dual flush toilets, low flow showers, low volume baths, aerated taps and other measures. These measures can reduce potable demand from around 150 l/h/d down to as low as 112 l/h/d but may not satisfy general perceptions on performance, resulting in their removal and replacement with normal or high volume devices, particularly showers and baths. This would negate the effect, resulting in a return to normal consumption rates of 125l/h/d. The modelling assumes that sufficient efficiency in devices will reduce demand to 125l/hd/day but any further reduction to a real and sustained target for potable water of 80l/hd/day will require more comprehensive infrastructure.

A3.8 Potable demand If non-potable demand is met by implementing the re-use systems then the potable demand is as presented in Figure A5, i.e. 0.7Ml/d for Sept to May and 0.8Ml/d for June to August, this equates to an annual average of 0.74Ml/d. This will need refinement along with all other assumptions, such as the non-household demands, when finalising capacities of infrastructure and treatment processes. Removing the non-household uses from this total, results in a potable water consumption of 79l/hd/day for residential users which meets the aspiration for Code for Sustainable Homes level 5 and 6.

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If effective water re-use is not implemented, then potable demand will rise to an average total of 1.22Ml/d, an increase of 0.48Ml/d, also leading to an increase in discharge of wastewater.

A3.9 Dishwashing and water source There may be some concern amongst residents of using a non-potable water source for dishwashers. Even with a high quality green water supply, it may prove challenging to change people’s perception of using recycled water to wash dishes. For the purposes of this study and the water demand modelling presented here it has been assumed that dishwashers will be connected to the non-potable (green water) supply but this can be considered further in subsequent more detailed modelling.

A3.10 Climate change The climate change findings from the UKCP ’09 report, Climate Change Projections show that for the 50% probability level for the medium emissions scenario for the 2050s show a 0% change in annual mean precipitation for East of England. Rainfall profiles indicate that Norwich will experience dryer summers and wetter winters for the climate change scenario. For the purposes of a monthly average supply demand balance this does not significantly affect the results. However, it will become a more important factor in sizing a storage facility for the non-potable supply when the combined effects of climate change and a drought year could result in supplies not meeting demand, particularly for irrigation. The main storage facility would be in Beeston Park but, as the development progresses additional options can be considered in the light of increasing understanding of the impacts of climate change. Further climate change scenarios will be considered in more detail in the future NS&OC Water Strategy.

A3.11 Water neutrality: conclusions As outlined earlier, the zone of water neutrality for the development could be considered as Water Resource Zone (WRZ8) and the proposed demand compared to the agricultural demand of the irrigation on the land in its current use. Based on the outcome of the modelling and assuming that non-potable uses are met from water re-use, the demand on the site for potable water is 0.74Ml/d, which over an annual period totals about 270Ml. The annual abstraction licences within the site total 31.2 Ml/yr (assuming they are fully utilised) offering a net increase in demand of 240Ml/yr. In order to “offset” this additional volume a process of retrofitting existing properties in the neighbouring urban area or wider afield, such as in Sprowston to meet a neutrality objective would need to be considered. We estimate the total number of properties to be retrofitted would be about 15,000 in order to offset this additional demand and reduce their average consumption from 145l/hd/day (source: Anglian Water website) to 125l/hd/day. Without water re-use systems in place in the NC&OS site, approximately 70% more properties would have to be retrofitted in order to reach water neutrality, demonstrating the effectiveness of a proactive approach to re-use. We acknowledge that these aspirations are high with regard to the number of properties likely to accept retrofitting of water efficiency measures but this is in line with Beyond Green’s ultimate aspiration to achieve water neutrality and they will look to work with Anglian Water, other key stakeholders / major developers and seek government grants to achieve this improvement in consumption over time, with effective re-use.

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The net increases in water demand will be re-assessed in the future NS&OC Water Strategy, post application. The ability to achieve water neutrality and the measures / options necessary to do so will be carefully considered in the future assessment and the targets for reduction in water use will be set accordingly.

A4. Water re-use: Green Water A4.1 Defining Green Water In order to distinguish the water proposed for distribution as non-potable water in the development it has been called “Green Water”, which is a generic description for water which has been treated to a grade suitable for provision as a non-potable, secondary supply. It is usually, but not exclusively, distributed in parallel with a potable supply, for industrial, residential or public use. Examples of use might include toilet flushing, horticultural / irrigation purposes, irrigation of sports pitches, public area cleansing, sewer jetting, laundries, industrial processes or washing, heating / cooling functions etc. These industrial uses will be confirmed as part of the future NS&OC Water Strategy. Green Water has the following characteristics: • conforms to biological criteria for tertiary treatment, typically <10mg/l BOD, <10mg/l Suspended Solids and < 5mg/l Ammonia, lacks turbidity <2NTU, is pathogen free (< 10cfu/100ml); and • should be clearly identified as a separate supply, not for human consumption, by the use of a green tinged vegetable dye at a specified dilution (1:20,000) Rainwater, treated grey water, storm run-off water and raw water (e.g. borehole derived) from other sources, would also be described as ‘Green Water’ dependant on meeting the above minimum standards for ‘Green Water’. Green Water should be distributed via a networked system of pipework which is of a distinct BS green standard colour and identifiable by a continuous black line along opposite sides of the diameter of the pipe or similar configuration readily identifiable and indexed in the building trade, and which through such identification cannot accidentally be cross connected with a potable system. There is continued discussion as to whether such green water pipework should be of non-standard diameters to actively frustrate cross connection with the potable water system. A4.2 Green Water at NS&OC An NS&OC Green Water system including rainwater harvesting is the most effective means of implementing comprehensive re-use of water in the development. This combined system – which takes treated foul water (black and grey water) from the development and redistributes to homes as Green Water – would meet demand for non-potable water within the development. Blending the Green Water with rainwater in periods of rainfall would provide full certainty of maintaining a resource through peak periods as well as reducing concerns about quality through the build-up of residual pollutants in the treated effluent. By maximising the potential uses of recycled Green Water (including clothes and dish washing) the proposals would on average reduce the need for potable water by 39% and reduce the volume discharged from the treatment works to the receiving water body by 52%.

A4.3 Green Water infrastructure The infrastructure and WWTW capacity needed to serve this development already require the discharge quality to be exceptionally high to meet the requirements of the Habitats Regulations and

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the Water Framework Directive. A supply of Green Water would not require much further treatment to be suitable for distribution to residential properties. It could be drawn from the local WWTW and passed through a further treatment stage, including sterilisation and introduction of the green dye. The nature of this treatment stage would depend on the quality of the other sources used, such as the communal rainwater harvesting, but could include a tertiary reed bed treatment which would have associated benefits for biodiversity. The introduction of such a communal system would require a second set of distribution mains in the development in parallel with the potable mains. If this is implemented at the same time as the potable water main laying the costs will not be double the normal costs of this network as there is potential economy of laying in a common trench. Similarly each property would require a second set of plumbing installed at the same time as the normal plumbing pipework. The costs in this case would be the same as there is no economy of laying in a common trench but much less costly than retrofitting the pipework once properties are constructed. The principal of installing separate pipework to the meter could be adopted immediately even if there is not a Green Water supply in the early stages. Once it is available it could then be easily connected to each property. The pressure regime on the Green Water network in the street and in properties could be lower than for the potable supply thus ensuring any leakage is positively away from the potable supply to prevent cross-contamination. The means of achieving this would require further analysis as the project plans progress. The method of maintaining the pressure will also need consideration but a water tower is the most energy efficient means of achieving a stable pressure regime across the site. The capacity of the tower will need further analysis but our model indicates a three days storage volume of 1.3Ml would be required. This provides some continuity of supply in case of pumping failure. Alternatively, variable speed pumps can be used to maintain pressure and respond to demand, with appropriate back-up in event of a mains power failure. The cost of the required treatment plant is in the order of ÂŁ1 - 1.5m. The cost of the distribution pipework will be proportional to the normal infrastructure requirements and will be spread over the whole development timetable. The cost of the water tower will depend on a number of factors and should be weighed up against the pumping and energy costs in a more detailed study to determine the most effective solution. A4.4 Delivery of a Green Water system The options available for delivery of Green Water at the site can be covered by all three WWTW options (ref Sections 4.4 and 4.6), in combination with the communal rainwater harvesting. However, in order to enable the delivery of Green Water in the currently preferred Anglian Water option, an additional non-potable supply pipe would have to be laid from Whitlingham WWTW back to the site, also about 9km in length with associated pumping requirements. The other two options would make delivery more straightforward and less costly. Incorporation of the communal rainwater harvesting, makes Option 3 the most sensible as the handling of this resource can be most easily managed when adjacent to the WWTW, allowing a single pumping facility to return the water to the site distribution network. The network will require its own pressurisation within the site to ensure it can service the highest appliances with an adequate flow. This pressure can be maintained either through pumps with variable speed to respond to the changes in demand or with a Water Tower situated near the highest point to provide a blanket pressure across the whole Green Water distribution network. The latter is more energy efficient although requires additional capital expenditure.

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A4.5 Opportunities and challenges associated with a Green Water system The introduction of Green Water to the development would provide a development-wide mechanism for offering an alternative quality of water to each household and non-household consumer. The latter would also include allotments and other public irrigation uses which would help service the Green Infrastructure. The mechanism for supply of Green Water would enable consumers to utilise this non-potable water as they consider appropriate and acceptable to their own standards. It removes the need for in-house installations associated with black / grey water re-use in individual homes, which could over time suffer from lack of maintenance and lead to unforeseen health risks. There are, however, a number of challenges associated with the implementation of a Green Water system as part of the NS&OC proposals. • Regulatory barriers to the supply of water to domestic dwellings which does not conform to the Drinking Water Regulations. This might need to be addressed through local bye-laws or other local conditions together with providing appropriate information and education of customers, alongside the certainty of a supply of potable water. • General public concern over the safety associated with this non-potable supply and any risks of cross-contamination could result in low or no uptake of the service, leaving the development with a normal level of consumption and associated discharges. Therefore, positive communication, education and management are vital. • Finally, and most importantly at this stage, without the required policy guidance from the forthcoming Detailed Water Cycle (DWC) Study being prepared by Broadland District Council, Beyond Green is not yet able to promote this more innovative proposal for water re-use. However, once the DWC Study is completed, Beyond Green will commit to working with Broadland District Council and the Environment Agency with the intention to deliver a more ambitious proposal. A4.6 Metering & tariffs There is a programme underway throughout the Anglian Water area to introduce metering of all properties, with a target of 80% by 2015 and universal metering in 25 yrs. There is, in any event, a requirement for all new dwellings to be metered and therefore the principle of a metered water supply is rapidly becoming the norm. Water charges are divided into three elements, namely Standing Charges (for water supply and sewerage), Water Supply rate and Sewerage rate. The latter is measured at 90% of the water supply which acknowledges the losses from absorption and evaporation discussed earlier in the demand model. There is no variation in tariffs associated with domestic supply and therefore no incentive to limit usage and hence costs. Whilst metering is known to make householders more aware of the costs and reduce consumption there is no other incentive to make major behavioural changes to suit the resource constraints, including investing in water saving technologies. Should a Green Water supply be implemented this could also be metered and charged at a rate which reflects its availability and the benefit accruing to overall water resources. There might also be potential for introducing variable tariffs by volume for potable water to encourage conservation, subject to Ofwat approval. All of this needs to be controlled and managed in a way which will ensure a full understanding of the regime in place and the effectiveness of the options available to individual customers.

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A5. Summary: delivery of an innovative mechanism for water treatment & re-use A5.1 Water demand In addition to demand reduction measures identified in the main report (ref. sections 4.2 & 4.5), recycling and reuse of treated grey and black water offers further opportunity for reducing demand on potable water. For safety, this recycled “green” water will be dyed green and delivered through nonstandard pipes. Under this option, Code for Sustainable Homes Code Level 5 / 6 could be achieved with certainty in a managed and safe manner, reducing potable water consumption to around 80 litres pppd and reducing embedded carbon.

A5.2 Water supply As with the business as usual scenario, the primary water supply for the development would come from the Anglian Water WTW at Heigham, to the north of Norwich. The existing main which crosses the site will provide initial supplies for the development but it will need to be supplemented by new mains as the demand increases. Under a scenario incorporating water re-use, the requirement for potable water from outside the site would be reduced and therefore the potential requirement for further investment in future off-site mains reinforcement would also be reduced.

A5.3 Waste water treatment In addition to the business as usual scenario taking waste water to the existing treatment works at Whitlingham, two options for treatment have been identified: • Discharge to the existing Rackheath WWTW situated adjacent to The Springs. This WWTW is situated on locally high ground, utilising a steep fall across the site to enable gravity to operate the treatment processes and discharge to Dobbs Beck. There is currently little available capacity at the Rackheath WWTW and it would require upgrading and changes to consent to accept the additional flows. The treatment process there is currently geared towards the industrial activities which predominate at Rackheath and would also need alteration. • Establish a new WWTW in a location near The Springs at a level which will most suit the proposed development and meet its needs with regard to discharge and quality. This would require a new consent under the Water Resources Act 1991, which would have to take into account the existing discharge from Rackheath WWTW and any improvements proposed as a result of discharge from other developments in the Growth Triangle. The introduction of a new or upgrading of WWTWs discharging to a water body close to the site, i.e. The Springs, would need to meet carefully considered limits. This would be detailed within the Environmental Permit and would be agreed in consultation with the EA outside of the planning conditions or reserved matter processes. However, the Environmental Permitting process would occur in parallel with the planning process. A5.4 Water re-use Demand modelling has tested a number of scenarios for water re-use at NS&OC in both residential and non-residential elements of the development.

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These scenarios indicate that rainwater and grey water harvesting will not individually provide sufficient resource to meet the demand for non-potable water. Provision of green water, however, would be capable of meeting demand. Blending the green water with rainwater in periods of rainfall will provide full certainty of maintaining a resource through peak periods, as well as reducing concerns about quality through the build-up of residual pollutants in the treated effluent. Figure A9 below illustrates the substantial benefit in water resources availability from the introduction of a recycled green water system. The benefits accrue both in the reduced quantity of potable water required by the development and in the quantity discharged to receiving waters from the waste water treatment plant. NO WATER RECYCLING – Business as usual

Anglian ` Water

Potable Water

Waste Water





0.84 Ml/d


1.22 Ml/d


Potable Water Use Anglian Water 0.74 Ml/d

0.74 Ml/d

Waste Water





(Green Water)

0.84 Ml/d



Green Water Recycled 0.44 Ml/d WATER SAVINGS ~39% Reduction

~48% of


from Anglian


Reduction in


Water is


Figure A9: Conceptualisation of the benefits of using green water (based

on model output).

Beyond Green’s aspiration is to generate a 35% reduction in demand for potable water and a 52% reduction in treated water discharge relative to their preferred ‘business-as-usual’ scenario with no water re-use. In order to move further towards water neutrality, some of the additional demand allowing for the reduction in irrigation might be offset by the retrofitting existing properties in the locality. Achieving water neutrality will require cooperation with the water company, other stakeholders and householders. Beyond Green intend to work with stakeholders to take this further, and the future NS&OC Water Strategy will consider the deliverability of the proposals in detail post application.

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A5.5 Local water company There is the potential for all water infrastructure to be adopted and run by Anglian Water. As the incumbent Water and Sewerage Company, and with progressive policies with respect to adoption of SuDS the need for a separate management company for these is avoided. However, when considering the implementation of comprehensive water re-use infrastructure as part of the future strategy, there may be regulatory difficulty in Anglian Water supplying Green Water. It might have to operate as a stand-alone commercial operation which in time might be considered a complication in the overall business. Also, once adoption has taken place the responsibility and control over the whole water infrastructure would be lost by Beyond Green. All revenue would accrue to Anglian Water but most of the costs would be borne by the developer. In order to retain control and influence on how the water infrastructure is developed and managed, (including Green Water supply and SuDS), as well as obtaining a return on the investment required whichever solutions are adopted, it would be necessary to establish a new Local Water Company under an inset agreement. This could be limited to all water services apart from water supply which could be retained by Anglian, but this has the potential to add confusion. It is therefore proposed that the remit of the company should encompass the whole of the water cycle. This approach would be a significant undertaking and require careful negotiation with OFWAT at an early stage. OFWAT would need to be satisfied that the company is on a sound financial base and can be relied upon to provide the necessary water and waste water services for domestic consumption in perpetuity. However, there is an opportunity to develop a local ownership model which would enable investment from the tariff revenue to be retained within the area, further strengthening the sense of ownership and placemaking in North Norwich. This could potentially be together with energy generation and / or shared equity with other operators including, Anglian Water, should regulations allow.

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