1 minute read
On Gratituity
E D I T O R ’ S N O T E
I am grateful for love, I am grateful for affection, sadness, happiness. I am grateful for the things that money can not buy, grateful for things not because of the lack of someone else not having it. People are constantly grateful for the food on the table, because others are hungry. Grateful for their healthy body, because others are not. Grateful they have a home, because others are out in the cold. We should be grateful for the feelings that we cannot buy, the moments in life that occur that make up who we are. We should not be grateful for the things we have because others do not, and even if we are thankful for them, we should not be because of the reminder that others have it worse. I am grateful for love, for small moments of affection, for every emotion I have ever felt, for happiness that beams from my whole body. I am grateful to have live a life worth living, not because of the things I have, but because of the people and the love I have surrounding me.