Music List: 23rd June - 7th July

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THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH of ST PETER BRADFORD CATHEDRAL Sunday 23rd June – Sunday 30th June SUNDAY 23RD JUNE TRINITY 1 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist ‘Little Organ Mass’ Haydn Ubi caritas Duruflé 1600 Choral Evensong Fauxbourdon Bertalot Abendlied Rheinberger Martin Responses Monday 24th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong Tuesday 25th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Wednesday 26th June 0730 Holy Communion 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion 1300 Wednesday@One 1730

Evening Prayer

Thursday 27th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Birth of John the Baptist Edwards in C sharp minor All wisdom cometh from the Lord Moore Radcliffe Responses Noble in B minor Expectans expectavi C. Wood Rose Responses

In residence: Dean Jerry Hymns 89 SP188 179 383 586 (omit *) Psalms 130 131 Hymns 435 455

Psalms 132 133 Hymn 496 Psalms 82 Psalm 136 Hymn 368 Psalms 137 138 In residence: Canon Mandy Psalm 139

Organ Recital: Tim Wakerell (Oxford) Free admission, £4 buffet lunch served from 1230

Faburden service Moore Litany to the Holy Spirit Hurford Sarum responses

Psalm 140 Psalms 141 142 Hymn 391 Psalm 143

Friday 28th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalm 144 Psalm 145

Saturday 29th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalm 146 Psalms 147

SUNDAY 30TH JUNE PETER / PATRONAL FESTIVAL 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Bradford Gloria Busiakiewicz Little Organ Mass J. Haydn Tu es Petrus Duruflé O sing joyfully Batten Organ: Sinfonia from Cantata no. 29 “Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir” J. S. Bach 1600 Choral Evensong Tu es Petrus Duruflé Edwards in C sharp minor All wisdom cometh from the Lord Moore Radcliffe Responses Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon for Mission & Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

In residence: Dean Jerry

In residence: Dean Jerry

In residence: Canon Mandy Hymns SP117 236 (ii) SP212 211 SP157

Hymns 213 217 (Love unknown) Psalms 124 Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Paul Maybury Organist & Director of Music Mr Alexander Berry

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