Music List - 9th - 23rd June 2019

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THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH of ST PETER BRADFORD CATHEDRAL Sunday 9th June – Sunday 16th June SUNDAY 9TH JUNE PENTECOST 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Missa brevis J. Dove If ye love me T. Tallis Come, Holy Ghost T. Attwood 1600 Choral Evensong Kelly in C Listen, sweet dove Ives Rose Responses Monday 10th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong Kelly in C My beloved spake Hadley Radcliffe Responses Tuesday 11th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1100 Tuesday@Eleven 1745

Choral Evensong

Wednesday 12th June 0730 Holy Communion 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion 1300 Wednesday@One 1730

Evening Prayer

Thursday 13th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong


Choral Evensong


Choral Compline

Hymns 175 189 (Temple) SP218 SP221 182 Hymns 191 183 Psalms 33: 1-12 Psalm 102 Psalm 103 Hymn 187

Barnabas the Apostle Psalm 104 Coffee Concert: Gareth Romain (Countertenor) Free admission, Coffee and cake is served from 1030 Edington Service Ives Psalm 147 Listen, sweet dove Ives Hymn 182 Rose Responses Psalm 106 Organ Recital: Gordon Stewart (Concert Organist) Free admission, £4 buffet lunch served from 1230

Thiman in G Come, Holy Ghost T. Attwood

Friday 14th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer Saturday 15th June 0830 Morning Prayer 1115 Choral Mattins

In residence: Canon Mandy

Psalm 107 Psalm 108 Psalm 109 Hymn 188 Psalms 110 111 Psalm 112

Centenary Festival Jubilate Deo in E flat Britten Beati quorum via Stanford Kelly in C Evening hymn Balfour Gardiner Nunc dimittis Holst Bogorodiste devo Rachmaninov In manus tuas Sheppard

SUNDAY 16TH JUNE TRINITY SUNDAY 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Darke in E Hymn to the Trinity Tchaikovsky Organ: Fugue in E Flat (St Anne) J. S. Bach 1600 Choral Evensong Nunc dimittis Holst Magnificat from Collegium Regale Tavener Martin Responses Exualtate justi Viadana Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon for Mission & Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

In residence: Dean Jerry

In residence: Canon Mandy Psalms 113 114 Psalm 115

In residence: Canon Paul Hymns 418 421 SP103 SP315 202 Psalm 73: 1-3, 16-end Hymns 205 (Bunessan) 277 Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Paul Maybury Organist & Director of Music Mr Alexander Berry

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