Music List: April 14th - 28th 2019

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THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH of ST PETER BRADFORD CATHEDRAL Sunday 14th April – Saturday 20th April SUNDAY 14TH APRIL PALM SUNDAY 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Missa Paenetentialis Jones Hosanna to the Son of David Victoria Ave verum corpus Byrd Organ: Valet will ich dir geben BWV736 J. S. Bach 1600 Choral Evensong Walmisley in d minor Lo, the full final sacrifice Finzi Sanders Responses Organ: Valet will ich dir geben BWV735 J. S. Bach Monday 15th April 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer 2000 Compline

Monday in Holy Week

Tuesday 16th April 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer 2000 Compline

Tuesday in Holy Week

Wednesday 17th April 0730 Holy Communion 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion 1300 Wednesday@One 1730 Evening Prayer 2000 Compline

Wednesday in Holy Week

Crucifixus a 6 Lotti Christus factus est Bruckner


Hymns 385 421 Psalm 69: 1-20

Psalm 41 Psalm 25

Fac me tecum Szmanowski O vos omnes Gesualdo

Psalm 102 N. B. No Organ Recital today Psalm 88 Nolo mortem peccatoris Morley Hear my prayer Purcell

Good Friday Fac me tecum Szmanowski O vos omnes Gesualdo Crucifixus a 6 Lotti Christus factus est Bruckner

Evening Prayer

Saturday 20th April 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer 1900 Diocesan Confirmation

Hymns 128 SP53 Ps31.9-16 112

Psalm 27 Psalm 55: 13-24

Thursday 18th April Maundy Thursday 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer 1900 Maundy Thursday Eucharist Missa Brevis Gabrielli I give you a new commandment Nardone Crux fidelis John IV of Portugal Friday 19th April 0830 Morning Prayer 1200 Walk of Witness 1300 Good Friday Liturgy

In residence: Canon Paul

Psalms 42 43 Psalm 39 Psalm 116: 1, 10-end Hymns SP57 (Melita) SP212

Psalm 69 Psalm 22 Hymns 120 582 123 SP46 127 Psalms 130 143

Easter Eve Coventry Gloria Peter Jones Little Organ Mass Haydn The Lord bless you and keep you Rutter The heavens are telling Haydn

Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon for Mission & Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

Psalm 31: 1-4, 15-16 Psalm 116 Psalm 114 (Special order of service) Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Paul Maybury Organist & Director of Music Mr Alexander Berry

THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH of ST PETER BRADFORD CATHEDRAL Sunday 21st April – Sunday 28th April SUNDAY 21ST APRIL EASTER DAY 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Mass in G Schubert Dum transisset sabbatum I Taverner Hallelujah (from Messiah) Handel Organ: Toccata in D Lanquetuit 1600 Choral Evensong Kelly in C Blessed be the God and Father Wesley Sanders Responses

In residence: Dean Jerry Hymns 147 150 SP80 159 160 Hymns 162 137 Easter Anthems

Monday 22nd April 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalms 122 123 124 Psalms 125 126 127

Tuesday 23rd April 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalms 128 129 Psalms 130 131

Wednesday 24th April 0730 Holy Communion 0830 Morning Prayer 1015 Holy Communion 1300 Wednesday@One 1730

Psalms 132 133 Organ Recital: John Hosking (St Asaph) Free admission, £4 buffet lunch served from 1230

Evening Prayer

Psalms 134 135

Thursday 25th April 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalm 136 Psalms 137 138

Friday 26th April 0830 Morning Prayer 1730 Evening Prayer

Psalm 139 Psalm 140

We welcome the Lay Clerks of St Andrew’s Cathedral, Aberdeen on the 27th and 28th April to sing our services and join our worship. Saturday 27th April 0830 Morning Prayer 1745 Choral Evensong

Mundy in three parts Sicut cervus Palestrina Millington Responses

SUNDAY 28TH APRIL EASTER 2 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) 1015 Choral Eucharist Missa super ‘dixit Maria’ Hassler Quia vidisti me, Thoma Palestrina 1600 Choral Evensong Naylor in D View me, Lord a work of thine Wood Millington Responses

Dean The Very Revd Jerry Lepine Canon for Mission & Pastoral Development The Revd Canon Mandy Coutts

Psalms 141 142 Psalm 143

In residence: Canon Paul Hymns 145 SP78 148 305 150 Psalm 145

Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Paul Maybury Organist & Director of Music Mr Alexander Berry

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