News: Unbound
Visionary Women Collecting Textiles: Bradford Cathedral altar frontal on loan to London exhibition
© Richard Eaton
The Louisa Pesel altar cloth made by the men for the Abram Peel Hospital Chapel, that has been hanging in the Bradford Cathedral chapter house, is currently on loan to Two Temple Place as part of their exhibition Unbound Visionary Women Collecting Textiles. We spoke to Rebecca Hone, Head of Exhibitions at Two Temple Place, to tell us a little more about the cloth, the exhibition and her role. Could you tell us a little about yourself? I’m the Head of Exhibitions at Two Temple Place. I work very closely with the curators of the exhibition and our
partner organisations. Our Winter Exhibition Programme has been developed to showcase regional public collections. We look to partner with museums, galleries and collections from outside London, and we also want to support emerging curators. We don’t have a particular theme or medium of objects that we want to include in an exhibition; we’re very open to a variety of collections. In the past we’ve had exhibitions on Egyptology, modernism, and jazz, and this year it’s called Unbound: Visionary Women Collecting Textiles. We were approached by three women - June Hill, Amanda Game and Jennifer Hallam – who proposed