March/April 2019

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Celebrating Thursday 13th June 2019

PRODUCT EXCELLENCE across the frozen food industry

Contact your account manager to book your tickets: Kate Miller - Tel: 01400 664320 George Wells - Tel: 01400 283095 or Jilly Wallis - Tel: 01400 664321

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The Bulletin


John Hyman Chief executive

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01400 283090 CHIEF EXECUTIVE John Hyman HEAD OF COMMERCIAL & SPONSORSHIP Paul Murray 07718 588431

A very warm welcome to the March/ April edition of the Bulletin.

ADVERTISING & MEMBERSHIP Kate Miller 07793 499871

The 2019 Annual Conference was a huge success. Over 350 members enjoyed the key note speaker Morgaine Gaye’s vision of 2025, and heard how to apply some ‘golden nuggets’ to their business. Simultaneously, the second Technical Seminar and the well-established Health & Safety Seminar were both very successful and well attended.

PUBLISHER Pelican Communications

The addition of our second People Awards Dinner on the evening of the conference offered a relaxed and enjoyable end to the day, as we celebrated the achievements of our stars of the industry. The Judges certainly had a very difficult task when selecting the 16 award winners, from over 100 top class applicants. Our congratulations go out to all the winners and the finalists who joined us for the evening celebrations. Member feedback was incredibly positive and the whole event was a resounding success. We have already started to consider another stellar line up of speakers for the 2020 Annual Conference and form another excellent independent judging panel for the 2020 People awards. Next year’s date is confirmed as Thursday 27th February 2020, returning to the Birmingham Hilton Metropole, the 2020 BFFF Annual Conference & People Awards promises to be bigger and better than ever.

IN THE NEXT ISSUE... Sweets & treats

Our Marketing Campaign ‘Fresh from the Freezer’ is proving to be a big success and exceeding all targets. The BFFF Marketing Group will evolve the campaign into it’s second year and all members are very welcome to contribute and join.

To contribute to this issue or advertise, contact your account manager or email:

Preparations are now well underway for the 2019 Gala Dinner and Product Awards on 13th June and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. The next Industry Forum takes place on the morning of 13th in London, which will include latest market insights in both retail and food service. Further details will be communicated soon.

Go online The Bulletin is the exclusive magazine for BFFF members. Printed six times a year, it has a readership in excess of 3,000 industry leaders, decision makers and buyers.

Finally, this is my last Bulletin as BFFF chief executive. I’m really proud of what the BFFF team has achieved in the last three years and I’m glad to have played a role in the development of one of the most respected trade associations in the food industry. Can I take this opportunity to wish new chief executive Richard Harrow and all BFFF members every success for the future.

The Bulletin is available to read online at – where you can also read all the latest news from BFFF and its members. 1

The Bulletin





The magazine for the frozen food industry


Sweets & Treats

To request the brief for this issue contact: To advertise contact: Advertising Deadline: 19th April 2019


To request a Media Pack or submit your company/product news contact:




July/August Coverage of our Gala Dinner & Product Awards


Sept/Oct Free-From


The Bulletin











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The Bulletin


Updates from BFFF team


The ‘Fresh from the Freezer’ campaign - a series of 6 short recipe films showcasing the delights that can be found in the freezer aisle. Targeting 3 million consumers through Facebook and YouTube.









1.3 MILLION VIDEO VIEWS TO DATE 121% ahead of target!


3 recipe films created for The Staff Canteen, targeting new chefs via the The Staff Canteen and Twitter.





Gala Dinner Dance & Product Awards Launch

We are delighted to launch our 32nd Product Awards on 13th June 2019 at Hilton Park Lane, London. This year we’ve introduced some new categories in both retail and food service.

For your tickets please contact your membership account manager Kate Miller or George Wells, alternatively you can email We are holding the Industry Forum on the morning of the 13th June 2019. With latest market insight, Chris Hayward, Kantar World Panel will provide retail market update, Fiona Speakman, CGA will give a food service update, plus Peter Backman, Horizon will be talking about dynamic delivery opportunities. There will be a Member Benefits and BFFF update provided by John Hyman. The event is kindly hosted by American Express in central London. To book your place please contact: ●

Campaign created by

Advanced Fire - Composite Panel safety training event launched

The BFFF have launched an Advanced Fire - Composite Panel training event at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire on 27th June 2019. This is a key issue for our industry. With a brilliant programme lined up for the day, combining theoretical best practice solutions, and practical demonstrations we highly recommend you attend. Simon Brentnall our Head of Health and Safety is leading this event, please contact Carla Brown to book your tickets. To find out more please see page 41. ● 4

The Bulletin

M EM B ER N E WS Updates from BFFF members

Fruit and nut chocolate combinations are favourite According to a recent survey by Dawn Foods most consumers are looking for fruit and nut pairings with their chocolate treats, possibly because these additions minimise feelings of guilt and are perceived as ‘healthier’, but primarily because ‘it tastes good’.

Health and wellness creates boost for frozen food industry When asked what chocolate flavour combinations they would like to see, responses included more fruit flavours like fig, raspberry and tropical fruits. The pairing of fruit and chocolate as an inclusion or topping for bakery items often produces products that taste bolder and fresher than their chocolate-only counterparts; some combinations are even perceived as healthier. Other chocolate flavour combination suggestions included matcha, marshmallow, mint and red wine. Milk chocolate was the favourite variation of 45% of those surveyed, followed by a combination of milk, dark and white at 30%, dark at 17% and white chocolate falling into last place. Nuts led the inclusions race, accounting for 26% of responses to favourite additions to chocolate and corroborate the survey finding that different chocolate textures - soft, crunchy and chunky - are something that consumers are looking for. When purchasing chocolate products, quality was ranked the highest influencing factor at 33%, flavour combinations at 22%, price at 17%

and then a drop to 7% and under for branding versus own label, promotions and pack size. Cocoa percentage and health benefits tied for bottom place at just 3% each.

"When purchasing chocolate products, quality was ranked the highest influencing factor at 33%" The overwhelming majority of respondents, 54%, buy their chocolate bakery products from supermarkets as branded products. Cafes were the second most popular answer but at 11% was some significant way behind branded products from supermarkets. Of the 30% of people that preferred chocolate bakery products over chocolate itself, the majority replied that they liked the variety of such products and believed them to be more indulgent. ●


Reports recently published by online statistics portal Statista show that the market value of health and wellness in Western Europe has grown from €129million in 2013, to €148milion in 2018, a staggering growth of €19million in only five years. With consumers becoming more focused on health and wellbeing, many industries are having to react. Steve Blakemore, managing director at Blue Cube Portable Cold Stores, said: “The growing trend for healthy eating is having an impact on the frozen food market. Consumer insights company, Kantar Worldpanel, valued the frozen food market as £6.2bn, having seen a 4.8% value growth year-on-year. “This level of growth means it’s vital for companies to be flexible in their freezing and cold storage capacity. Being able to react to the market is crucial, so often finding a flexible solution such as rented cold stores can be a real advantage. At Blue Cube we continue to see more units being requested from the food industry year-on-year. “With the trend towards a more health conscious consumer, businesses must be reactive and flexible to this developing market.” ●

The Bulletin

M EM BER NE W S Updates from BFFF members

Speciality Breads goes nut free

Speciality Breads has announced that its two bakeries and portfolio are now 100% nut free as of the 1st January 2019. In order to be compliant, the company has delisted two lines from its artisan portfolio and both bakeries have undergone a rigorous process of restructuring. Managing director Simon Cannell said: “At the beginning of last year we saw an increase in the number of customers requesting ‘nut free’ breads. As we only had a couple of breads containing nuts, we made the decision for both our bakeries to become completely nut free. Allergens are a concern for every catering

establishment so we wanted to make sure that our customers have complete peace of mind and we can provide chefs and consumers with a clear guarantee and assurance.” The move follows the company’s recent vegan launch, which saw the roll out of 60 breads that have been registered by The Vegan Society as the trend for plant-based eating continues. ●

Duo join Dalziel Ingredients sales team

Dalziel Ingredients, a UK specialist in bespoke seasoning blends, cures and functional ingredients, has strengthened its sales team with two key appointments.

James Cowen and Gill Skipper join as technical sales account managers, and will develop customer relationships as well as support clients on their product development. Their appointments reflect the company’s growth, resulting in Dalziel’s £2.5m expansion at its Felling, Gateshead factory and new product development centre. Richard Wilson, Dalziel Ingredients’ sales director, said: “We’ve seen a sharp increase in demand globally for our bespoke ingredients products. These appointments demonstrate

our commitment to first class customer service as we grow, and we’re delighted to welcome Gill and James to the team.” Dalziel Ingredients advises food manufacturers across the UK on flavour trends, market analysis, factory processes, recipe formulations and product quality enhancements (increasing yields, salt reductions, improved texture and fat reduction). ●

Anaerobic digestion key to Scottish circular economy A thriving Scottish anaerobic digestion (AD) industry is vital for the development of a truly circular economy in Scotland, according to the Chief Executive of the UK’s Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA).

Speaking ahead of the ADBA Scottish National Conference 2019 on in Glasgow, ADBA Chief Executive Charlotte Morton said: “The Scottish AD industry is already delivering a huge amount: there are now almost 60 operational AD plants spread across Scotland, converting a range of wastes and crops into renewable heat and power, clean transport fuel, and soil-restoring natural fertiliser. AD is currently delivering 530 GWh of output in Scotland, enough to power 130,000 homes, and is mitigating around 300,000 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions each year.

“A thriving Scottish AD industry is vital for the development of a truly circular economy in Scotland. We were pleased to hear recently that the Scottish Government will be developing a ‘Local Energy Policy Statement’ this year in which it will set out measures it can take to further support AD.”

separate food waste collections over the past two years, an essential step towards meeting its target to divert all biodegradable waste from landfill by 2021.

AD converts organic wastes such as slurries, manures, food waste and sewage into renewable biogas and digestate, a natural fertiliser than can be spread straight to land.

The Scottish Government has confirmed its commitment to encouraging the growth of renewable technologies such as AD, recognising the role it can play in reducing emissions from waste, energy, agriculture and transport and in improving energy and food security.

Scotland has been successful in rolling out



The Bulletin

M EM B ER N E WS Updates from BFFF members

Partnership sucess for Erudus and Brandbank Erudus, which provides the foodservice industry with instant access to food product data, and Nielsen Brandbank, the world’s largest digital content provider, have revealed plans for 2019 as their partnership continues. At the top of the agenda is the availability of more than 250,000 product images on the Erudus platform, a feature constantly requested by foodservice businesses.

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The two companies joined forces 12 months ago to provide wholesalers and caterers with a data pool of product information. In that time, the number of foodservice professionals accessing Erudus and Nielsen Brandbank’s data has continued to grow, with nearly 90,000 caterer users now able to access more than 60,000 products. Jon Shayler, chief operating officer at Erudus, said: “Our mission is to revolutionise food industry data, and working closely with a like-minded organisation has been fruitful for both parties. “When we announced the partnership it was well received and sparked a lot of interest, with brands and wholesalers calling it a huge step forward for the industry. It’s also closing the gap between retail and foodservice lines as Erudus is predominantly foodservice and Nielsen Brandbank retail and wholesale. “Both sets of users have experienced added value because of the link up. For manufacturers they have less duplication and can quickly add specifications to Erudus via the Nielsen Brandbank Sync feature. For wholesalers they have benefited from greater product coverage, as well as saved time through less phone calls and emails asking manufacturers for product specifications.”

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In my

VIEW with

Minette Batters

As the USA seeks comprehensive access to the UK’s agricultural market and pushes for a trade deal that accepts US production standards and practices, Minette Batters, NFU president, warns against allowing the imports of food produced to lower standards than those legally required of British farmers.

British people value and demand the high standards of animal welfare, environmental protection and food safety that our own farmers adhere to. These world-leading standards must not be sacrificed in the pursuit of reaching rushed trade deals. We should not Photo credit: NFU


accept trade deals which allow food to be imported into this country produced in ways which would be illegal here. The NFU has laid out its proposals for a highlevel commission of food and farming experts that will make clear recommendations on our future food trade policy. It is vital that this is established as a priority. We will continue to work with others to ensure safeguards are included in legislation that establish a comprehensive role for Parliament in scrutinising and ratifying future trade deals, and to ensure food imports into the UK are produced to at least our own high standards.

The Bulletin

M EM BER NE W S Updates from BFFF members

BigFish named Seafood FAST Product of the Year for the NEWS second year running Grimsby’s JCS Fish was named Seafood Product of the Year at the Food Management Today Industry Awards for one of its own BigFish brand products, for the second year in a row. At the awards in London, BigFish Salmon Fillets marinated in Eastern Thai Spices took the overall prize in the Seafood category, with JCS Fish also receiving commendations in the same category for three other products, plus a finalist place for the Thai fillets in the Frozen product category.

Commercial manager of JCS Fish, Jack Coulbeck, said: “Eastern Thai salmon fillets are one of our signature range of frozen, marinated fillets and consistently one of our most popular products. We’re all really pleased to win again, all credit to our staff here in Grimsby, it’s their consistent hard work and dedication that makes it possible for us to be an award-winning business.”

Izico Food Group changes name to GoodLife Foods

Izico Food Group has changed its name to “GoodLife Foods” after seven companies joined the Group since 2013.


JB Foods supports ‘World’s Biggest Sleep-Out’ event

Scottish wholesaler JB Foods has supported one of its country’s biggest fundraising events to help tackle homelessness in Scotland by volunteering as an official catering partner. The wholesaler was also supported in its efforts by its foodservice buying and marketing group, Caterforce.

With donations from Caterforce of its own-label Chefs’ Selections products, together the two companies provided thousands of people with hot drinks throughout the night. Charlotte Thompson of JB Foods said: “We supported Sleep in the Park last year, which was its first year and it has already grown to become one of the world’s biggest events of its kind. It’s

Since August 2017, the wholesale price of electricity has increased from £45/ MWh to £53.50/MWh representing a short-term increase in underpinning energy prices of 18%. FEC Energy offers simple fixed price contracts to more complex trading for big energy users and place thousands of new contracts every year. Each year they save customers £1 million on their electricity bills alone.

The Food Management Today Awards celebrate the ‘excellence, creativity and innovation’ of British food manufacturers.

Over 10,000 people turned out to spend the night outside across Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow with the number believed to be the world’s biggest sleep-out event.

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fantastic that this takes place across four cities in Scotland and is calling for an end to homelessness in our country. For this reason, it’s an easy decision for us to support the cause where we can.”

those who were challenged to spend an extremely cold night outside.” ●

CEO Kamiel Steendijk said: “The start of 2019 is a suitable moment for a fresh start. Besides our company growing and our product range expanding enormously, we also want to express our passion for food more in our name. The name GoodLife Foods responds on the one hand to our existing product range and additionally indicates that we recognise the changing demand for more sustainable and vegetarian products."

Oakland International appoints General Manager

Specialist multi temperature supply chain operator Oakland International has appointed Bob Richards to the post of general manager at its Redditch facility.

Nick Redford, managing director at Caterforce, said: “The event is an innovative way to raise awareness of the difficulties homeless people face. We were made aware of Sleep in the Park’s good work through JB Foods. To help support our member in its CSR efforts and an extremely worthy cause in Social Bite, we supplied essential items to help

Bob has 30 years of management experience and a proven track record in continual improvement, man-management and process management.


The Bulletin


Updates from BFFF members

Lantmännen Unibake completes Australian bakery acquisition International bakery company Lantmännen Unibake has completed the acquisition of the Australian pastry manufacturer, Bakery Du Jour, bringing the Melbourne bakery and its 90 people to the Lantmännen Unibake bakery family. The acquisition will increase Lantmännen Unibake’s production capabilities and open key regional markets, where the bakery company aims for a stronger presence. Werner Devinck, CEO of Lantmännen Unibake, said: “The acquisition of Bakery Du Jour is our commitment to the Australian bakery market. Bakery Du Jour’s strong heritage in the Australian marketplace is an excellent platform for Lantmännen Unibake. We regard the acquisition as a baseline for further investments in the region. “Naturally, we have looked at how the new capacity of Bakery

Du Jour fits into our global organisation and we see great potential to grow the business in the future. Further to this, we see opportunities in regard to reducing negative environmental effects by optimising the use of local resources in relevant markets.” Bakery Du Jour was established by the Gaspar family more than 20 years ago. Today the bakery produces and distributes over 100 million premium pastries each year to major Australian retailers and leading foodservice customers. ● www.lantmannen-unibake.

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The Bulletin



Dawn Foods has launched three new frozen sweet bakery products – a Williams Pear & Chocolate Muffin, a Breakfast Muffin and a Banana, Vanilla & Chocolate Cookie Puck – all aimed at the breakfast market, one of the fastest growing foodservice ‘day parts’. The premium tulip-shaped Williams Pear & Chocolate Muffin taps into consumer interest for heritage flavours and provenance ingredients by featuring origin fruit in pieces as well as a Williams pear jam filling. The combination of pear pieces, pear jam and plain chocolate reflects current trends for matching chocolate with fruit. Made using Dawn’s signature muffin mix, this product is made with free range egg, has natural flavours and does not contain palm oil.

but gives a crunchy contrast to the jam filling. The Breakfast Muffin has natural flavours and does not contain palm oil. Dawn’s frozen, ready to bake Banana, Vanilla & Chocolate Cookie Puck is ideal for caterers who wish to bake off on-demand, making it ideal for breakfast to-go. The cookie puck, which is made to Dawn’s Authentic American cookie recipe, features dark chocolate chunks along with natural sweet banana puree and a hint of vanilla for a delicious sweet bakery product. This product is made with RSPO certified palm oil and has natural flavours.

Dawn’s flowerpot shaped Breakfast Muffin is also made with the company’s signature mix and is bursting with natural inclusions and textures. The Breakfast Muffin contains apricot pieces, dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds throughout and is filled with a fruity apricot jam. The granola topping not only adds ‘pick-me-up appeal’



Kara rises to the ocasion with its new vegan brioche-style bun

Tesco launch for 100% fruit lollies

Kara, the foodservice specialist of the Finsbury Food Group, has announced the launch of a brioche-style bun to satisfy vegan and dairy-free consumers. The buns, which are available now, have been made to give operators a premium bread option that can be enjoyed by a wider remit of diners. With the still-growing rise of veganism amongst consumers, the bakery giant wanted to grow its offering to suit consumers who couldn’t enjoy a classic brioche bun due to their dietary needs.

Unilever has collaborated with Tesco to create Nice by Nature, 100% fruit lollies designed to help children to eat more fruit. They contain no added sugar, counts towards the recommended 'five a day' and are made using a maximum of four ingredients. Launching exclusively in Tesco stores across the UK from 11 March, the lollies will be available in three flavours - strawberry & raspberry, mango & banana and apple & blackcurrant.





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The Bulletin

FACTS & F IG U RES FROZEN FOOD RETAIL GROWTH ACCELERATES TO +4.1% YOY Statistics from Kantar World Panel for the 52 weeks ending 3 December show that UK retail frozen food category sales were £6.32bn, with an impressive +4.1% sales value year-on-year (YOY). Frozen category sales outperformed both chilled and ambient in 2018. The fastest growing categories in sales value YOY were; ice cream (+12.9%), followed by pizza (+5.9%), frozen fish (+4.3%) and potato products (+3.4%).

“Each video is centred around a specific meal occasion and highlights the surprising and delicious meals that can be made ‘Fresh from the Freezer’ - smashing the myth that frozen is inferior in quality and appeal to fresh.’

“The category continues to benefit from brilliant innovation and NPD and the consumer trend of premiumization, which shows the exciting future growth potential of the £10bn total industry sales,” said John Hyman, chief executive of the British Frozen Food Federation.

“Consumers are much more aware of the benefits of frozen including convenience, health benefits and waste reduction, all at a fraction of the price of chilled and ambient. Premium products are becoming more frequent in the freezer isle to duplicate restaurant quality food in the comfort of your own home. This has undoubtedly contributed to the continued success we are seeing across the industry.”

He added, “We have continued to communicate the benefits of frozen to consumers, recently with our new marketing campaign ‘Fresh from the Freezer’. For the consumer side of the campaign, we created six videos, showcasing premium, time-saving and cost-effective ingredients which can be found in the frozen aisle.


The Bulletin INTERVIEW


Theadora Alexander and Chris Green have created something of an online utopia; a community of food brand owners who share their business experience with each other and give people who are just starting out the help and advice they need to make their venture a success. Almost two years since Young Foodies launched, this small business is helping others to grow.


The Bulletin INTERVIEW

Theadora and Chris had been aware of each other for a long time before they officially met. While working at rival popcorn brands Propercorn and Metcalfe’s they would regularly brush shoulders at factories and events, but it wasn’t until they both left the popcorn business that they were put in touch by mutual industry friends and finally went for a coffee together.

concepts, smoothie kits and alternatives to ice cream are three areas of growth we’re seeing. “For both challenger brands and supermarkets looking to grow the category, one of the biggest challenges is around footfall and compliance: how do you encourage shoppers to browse the aisle and encounter these products? The aisle itself is often not a pleasant shopping experience (it’s freezing!) and building brand awareness behind a fogged-up freezer door is very difficult.

“We’d love to see a world where frozen is embedded more naturally within the broader shopping experience.” Currently frozen accounts for 15% of Young Foodie’s membership base and Theadora thinks they are key to shifting consumer perceptions of the sector.

On meeting they realised they had a huge amount in common, most notably a shared vision for the future of the food and drink industry. Theadora says: “Reflecting on it all now, it’s maddening to realise that, had we met earlier in our careers, we could have been able to offer so much mutual advice and support along our respective start-up journeys. Nonetheless, we have both gained lots of rich experience finding our way over the years, and all those challenges and frustrations have instilled in us a firm belief in collaboration over competition. It was only natural for us to finally put our heads together and start an entirely new chapter as a team.” During that first coffee the pair talked about their observations and concerns about the food and drink industry. While both were excited by the groundswell of new brands and innovative products on the market, they noticed that many of the founders were not from the FMCG industry at all. Chris says: “They were not fully prepared for the endless number of hats they would need to wear, the complexities of production, the labyrinth of securing funding, and working with retailers. “Ultimately, we wanted to make it easier for them to succeed. Our business mission became instantly clear and that is how Young Foodies was born.” The pair set up a members-only online portal which would connect young FMCG brands with the knowledge and expertise needed to make their businesses succeed. But as well as the problems common to all start-ups, what additional challenges are faced by brands in the frozen sector? Chris says: “Once upon a time the frozen aisle was known for fish fingers, peas and pizza, but today we are starting to see the broader health agenda infiltrate that aisle. For example, nutritional ready-meal

She says: “The ‘frozen convenience’ market as an easy and nutrientrich way of storing healthy products is really starting to build traction and we’re excited about the opportunity that brings for our brands. In their nature, these brands have a much closer and deeper connection to their consumers. They have greater cut through and are more trusted, therefore these brands communicating that messaging is valuable to the category.” Young Foodies currently work with over 450 businesses, including frozen brands Little Moons and Wheyhey, and membership numbers are growing every day. So what can members expect? Theadora says: “Our members are hugely collaborative and supportive and we encourage as much participation as possible in order to foster a ‘give and get’ culture. We are firm believers that if we work together to share knowledge and experience, we will get quicker and better answers in an industry that is moving so fast.” Young Foodies not only offers members a wide range of business resources and services, including logistics and recruitment, it also runs regular courses to help small business owners boost their skills. The Young Foodies Academy training programmes are designed to provide new businesses with fundamental industry skills. At the community’s request, this year they will be focusing on sales, management, Excel and leadership. Chris says: “We tailor our training programmes to make them relevant to businesses at the beginning of their life. While the content is grounded in industry best practice, we aim for practical learning in their language so they can apply learnings from day one. That’s because we know 90% of what could be taught on the commercial side is not necessarily realistic or relevant for a start-up business.” The courses are run by experts who have either been at the forefront of learning and development in big FMCG or similar and are able to take their experience to deliver it in what Young Foodies see as a much more modern way. But should bigger brands be doing more to help start-ups? Chris and Theadora think that the whole industry not only needs to be doing


The Bulletin INTERVIEW

more to support smaller brands, but needs to recognise the value in the market. And there is undeniably value in it.

Today Young Foodies’ member brands are turning over £100m and growing 70% year on year.

the same time, Brexit does represent an opportunity in that the UK has an incredibly innovative food scene which is undeniably being driven by these challenger brands. They will continue to work around obstacles to innovate quickly to make it work.” While Brexit may put some peoples’ start-up plans on the backburner, there are plenty of others with a foodie start-up idea who are raring to get it off the ground. So what advice can Theadora and Chris offer? Theadora says: “Firstly, get in touch with Young Foodies! We’re here to support you every step of the way and have hundreds of tools to get you started. Not only that but it’s free! Also, remember that an incredible network exists around you. Try to immerse yourself in the world of food and drink, attend events, food markets, retail stores and keep trying and tasting new things. The road of an entrepreneur can feel like a lonely and challenging one at times, but we can assure you there are hundreds of others in the same boat – you’ve got this.” As for this dynamic duo, the future looks bright. They have recently launched a funding solution for start-ups and scale-ups looking for capital, as well as for potential investors. More broadly, though, their mission remains to make small brands mighty and continue to level the playing field across the industry. As Chris says:

It is interesting that both Chris and Theadora use the term ‘challenger’ brand rather than ‘start-up’. Elsewhere they are referred to as ‘disrupter’ brands. Is this an indication that bigger brands should see them as a threat? Theadora says: “Not a threat as such, but certainly healthy competition. There has never been a better time for challenger brands within our industry. Blue chips are seeing these smaller businesses taking market share, not just because they can innovate quickly, but because they are much closer to consumer trends and consumer taste – which is incredibly hard to replicate. “That said, we do have to keep our foot on the pedal as we are starting to see more innovation coming through the blue chips. They are starting to incorporate much tighter NPD pipelines and participate in earlier acquisitions to drive their innovation agenda. So as challenger brands it’s imperative that we continue to strike while the iron is hot.” Of course, brands of all sizes are now facing a fresh challenge; Brexit. More and more businesses are asking the all-important question – should we stay or should we go?

“Young Foodies exists to give challenger brands the greatest chance of success. Whether you are working out of your kitchen trying to perfect that ultimate brownie recipe or getting sleepless nights over an imminent Tesco range review, Young Foodies acts as a solid support structure and trusted sounding board for each other.”

With a growing number of start-ups opting to sidestep the uncertainty caused by Brexit by setting up offices elsewhere on the continent, is the current climate making it difficult for Young Foodies’ members to thrive?

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Chris says: “Anxiety and uncertainty has already been reflected in some big price increases we have seen coming through our brands, and strategic shifts from certain suppliers who have decided to cut small businesses out of their customer base entirely. However, at


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The launch of Greggs’ vegan sausage roll led to an early 2019 sales boost for the firm, indication if any were needed, that there has been a huge shift towards meat-free diets. Naturally, the frozen sector has been quick to respond to this growing trend, and the number of frozen brands launching vegan-friendly versions of their products is rising. Sales of meat substitutions are expected to experience growth up to 2026 and it’s generally accepted that from a sustainability point of view we cannot continue to produce the same volumes of meat.


Will frozen plant-based proteins start to replace meat in a bid Will frozen plant-based proteins start to replace meat in a bid for the sector to compete with fresh and ambient going forward? Riverside Foods is a long-established provider of frozen poultry products known for its chicken burgers and goujons, but the firm has now recognised the opportunity in the growing vegan market and has responded by introducing frozen vegan vegetable burgers. They have also introduced a selection of prepared frozen vegan and frozen fruit and vegetable products, including croissants, ready-to-use puff pastry in blocks or sheets, frozen fruit and prepared peppers. Managing director Leigh Morris said: “Our vegan pastry products are produced using luxury vegetable fats instead of butter, so they retain the buttery taste and flaky texture expected from pastry.” Across the pond, Arkansas meat giant Tyson has also announced plans to launch a plant-based protein line. The company is also famous for frozen chicken nuggets but is in the development stages of making its own plant-based proteins, which should be available this year. For firms who have built a reputation on providing meat products, is this a case of ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’; capitalising on what will prove to be a passing trend. Or do they think, as many do, that this is the future of the food industry? That’s certainly the story the statistics tell.

Over a quarter of Brits have reduced their meat consumption and according to a 2018 survey by there has been a significant spike in the number of people ditching animal products in the UK since 2016, with more than 3.5 million British people now identifying as vegan. While frozen meat firms are adapting to changing consumer demands, fruit and vegetable producers are enjoying a sales boost. Theresa Richards, marketing manager at Tenderstem, said: “The rise of plant-based diets and the increasing focus on flexitarian lifestyles has had an impact on the success of the Tenderstem brand in the past few years. The launch of Tenderstem in a frozen format has added greater scope for consumers to incorporate it into their meal planning and it’s a natural choice for anyone who wants to cook with great-tasting and easy to prepare veg.” The most common explanations given for choosing veganism are concerns for animal welfare and the environment, plus health and weight reasons. However there remains debate as to both the health and environmental benefits of a vegan diet. Some experts claim that plant-based diets need to be supplemented with critical micronutrients such as vitamin B12 in order to provide the nutrients people need, but could still result in many people following poorly balanced diets and suffering ill health as a consequence. In short, if not followed properly, a vegan diet can result in physical and cognitive impairment.


It has also been documented in numerous clinical case reports that vegan diets seem particularly risky during pregnancy and for young children. Animal products are exceptionally nutrient-dense dietary sources, and removing them from the diet compromises metabolic robustness.

Debate is also ongoing as to the environmental benefits of a vegan diet. Consider the food miles racked up when eating mangos from India, beans from Brazil and goji berries from China. Some would say that rather than being seduced by appeals to eat more products made from industrially grown soya, maize and grains, we should be encouraging sustainable forms of meat and dairy production based on traditional rotational systems, permanent pasture and conservation grazing. It is as yet unclear whether plant-based proteins are the future, but it seems unlikely they are the solution to all the world’s problems. So, for those not going vegan, or trying out a flexitarian diet, what trends will tempt them into the frozen aisle this year? According to Meadow Vale Foods managing director, Nigel O’Donnell, it’s all about premiumisation. He said: “We are always looking at ways to expand our range with the customer in mind. This means developing products that allow caterers to be creative with their menus while delivering the premium quality that consumers want and expect, for example our Sriracha Chopsticks. “Premiumisation is key in the frozen food market currently and caterers want to deliver the very best on their menus to keep up with this trend. Meadow Vale is helping them to do that with our varied premium product lines and our new product development plans for 2019.”

Certainly premiumisation of frozen food products is a key trend for 2019, and less of a challenge now that consumers now seem more aware that they are made using high quality ingredients. This demand for premium products is driving growth in the frozen food market, and with NPD Group advising that regularly updating trend driven menu options keeps customers engaged, Meadow Vale Foods is looking to help caterers capitalise on this by expanding its product range in the coming 12 months. While the UK meat-free food market was valued at £572m in 2017 and is estimated to grow to £658m by 2021, Defra is predicting that chicken consumption will increase by 7% in the next 10 years.

So whether the world is truly going green, or the vegan trend will turn out to be just that, thanks to the continuous innovation seen in the frozen sector, the future looks bright.


The Bulletin

Meat and two veg – spilling the beans on fruit, vegetables and meats in the out of home market If positioned comparatively, then the fortunes of the meat and fruit/ vegetable categories appear, on the face of it at least, to be vastly contrasting and travelling in very different directions.

Despite just 6% of those who eat and drink out classing themselves as vegetarian (with 3% vegan), mainstream brands have increasingly catered to this influential consumer, who is likely to be a “decisionmaker”, brining parties of consumers to favoured eating outlets. Indeed, at the average chain pub or restaurant, 1 in 5 customers cite “the availability of vegetarian options” as important in their decision to visit.

From a strong position in 2016, when meat-centric options such as American barbecue and “better burgers” were picked by business leaders from the out of home market as the trends to watch in the coming year, the hype around meat has gone all but silent. Indeed, selected as the number one trend in 2016, “Barbecue” had fallen to 17th position by 2018.

However, there is a significant watch out for the category. The possibility of a no-deal Brexit could have a harmful impact, with the National Institute of Economics and Social Research forecasting that this would increase vegetable prices by 4%. With stockpiling in evidence, the demand for frozen vegetable options may jump, given the ability to provide an alternative solution to meet consumer demand.

Conversely, broader health trends have undoubtedly contributed to an upswing in the fortunes of the fruit and vegetable categories, to the point where more consumers participated in “Veganuary” in 2019 than in the previous four years put together. However, delving beyond the top-line figures, there is reason to be cheerful for each of the meat, fruit and vegetable categories in 2019, outlined by CGA as below:

Meat Looking back over the past 12 months, 2018 will not be a year that meat suppliers will particularly want to linger on from an out of home perspective. From the closure of stores across high profile meat-focussed chains such as Byron Burger and Gourmet Burger Kitchen, to a consumer backlash against meat fuelled by high profile documentaries such as Cowspiracy, the category has faced significant challenges. There are now an estimated 22 million GB consumers who class themselves as “flexitarian”; actively reducing their meat consumption. However, the category continues to benefit from protein hungry consumers, with CGA research highlighting that there has been a yearly 30% increase in the proportion of GB adults who cite “protein content” as important in their choice of what to eat at pubs, bars and restaurants. Meat also bucks current trends in terms of inflation, with prices of meat in the out of home market down 2.8% on last year, after a period of instability and inflation.

Fruit Very much a category in flux, the fruit category has proven particularly volatile over the past 12 months, with monthly inflation varying from 21% to just 1% in the space of a quarter. Particularly impacted by instabilities in exchange rates, fruit is perhaps the one category which may see the greatest fall-out from Brexit.

Taking advantage of high demand for protein heavy products and a comparatively low price, operators who continue to focus on a meat offer that resonates with consumers, advocating the consumer benefits of the category should prosper in 2019.

As with vegetables, fruit is a category primed to benefit from consumer appetite for healthy options and promoting fruit as such is central to its success. There is now a huge 68% of the population who take healthy options into account when eating out and these are the consumers who are the most engaged with the market, with two thirds eating out weekly.

For suppliers, the challenge remains to convince consumers and operators of a high quality product. With food quality the fourth most important factor for consumers in choosing where to eat (after location, convenience and value for money), the ability to showcase this to operators is vital.

However, with last years’ sugar tax increasing consumer awareness of sugar levels, over half of visitors to the out of home market now take sugar content in meals into consideration when ordering. Combatting this in a high sugar category and advocating the health benefits will be central to continued success across the market.

Vegetables Undoubtedly the star performer in the out of home market in 2018, vegetables have enjoyed a year of prominence, moving beyond accompaniment to star of the show for many pubs, bars and restaurants across the UK. The fact that the top TripAdvisor rated restaurant in London in 2018 was a vegan establishment (Amrutha Lounge) highlights the growth in demand for non-meat concepts and certainly vegetables have played a significant part in this.

So, what does the future hold for meat, vegetables and fruit? The answer is increasingly complicated by an uncertain Brexit, but, given the consumer desire for healthy, quality and responsibly sourced options, what is clear is that those who are able to provide and communicate this across the out of home market are sure to succeed.



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22 22

John Hyman opens the Business Conference

Nick Downing, IGD

After a tremendous year of performance in 2018, the frozen food

retail format with eat-in options becoming available within the

industry is now worth £8.6 billion and growing at 4% YOY (year on

supermarket setting. He predicted that we should expect to see growth

year), making it the fastest growing retail food category at 3.6%,

of a balancing of retail and foodservice offerings under one roof, with

ahead of ambient (3.2%) and chilled (2.1%).

both food to ‘eat now’ and ‘eat later’ options present.

This growth is set to continue, according to BFFF chief executive John

Chris Hayward of Kantar Worldpanel focussed on the online

Hyman’s opening of the Annual Business Conference, with combined

opportunity, which is already showing itself to be a key growth

retail and foodservice frozen food sales expected to exceed £10bn by

opportunity for frozen food. He stated how at Christmas 2018, online


held a record market share of 6.8% and, combined with frozen food’s dominance in this area, online is a “contributing force to the growth

This year’s theme, Frozen Food in 2025, highlighted insights and

of frozen and needs to be utilised to drive volume and frequency.”

predictions from a number of industry experts and predicted a positive

He also discussed the continuing rise of premiumisation, with 42% of

outlook for the industry in the next six years.

own label spend being on premium products over the Christmas 2018 period.

Following John’s overview of the industry’s current performance, and aims for the day itself, the first speaker of the conference, sponsored

Our fun street food style market lunch saw members enjoy a delicious

by Meal Creations by Kerry Foods, was a firm favourite with delegates,

lunch provided by ABP UK, Billington Foodservice, Meal Creations by

economist Roger Martin-Fagg. As usual, Roger provided his take on

Kerry Foods, Moy Park and Vittles. Delegates also took this opportunity

how the economy is performing and his unique insight of things to

to visit exhibitors and network with industry colleagues. Exhibitors


included CMA CGM Group, MacAndrews, NFU Mutual, Company Shop, UniCarriers, Trade Interchange, SAI Global and SSI Schaefer. Thanks

Nick Downing, commercial director at IGD took delegates through the

should also be given to Lantmännen Unibake for providing a range of

changing formats that he is seeing because of the opportunity around

delicious pastries for the morning coffee break.

Food-To-Go, which by 2025 is expected to “grow twice as fast as retail”. Nick used examples from Paris, Dublin and Shanghai to explain how the popularity of F2G is already being brought under a traditional

Roger Martin-Fagg, Economist

23 23

Adrian Gahan, former conservative party advisor


After lunch we heard the latest from the foodservice market from Simon Stenning of Strategic Advice for Foodservice. Simon predicted plenty of growth potential in the foodservice market. He discussed how by 2041 the UK population will have risen by 7.3M, with the main increases seen in the elderly population and children, alongside the expectation of inbound tourism figures rising to 58.7M in 2025. He believes this will likely result in multi-generational living, and therefore a demand for outlets that cater to the entire family. We should expect multi-age venues such as a modernised carvery to increase in popularity, as well as foodservice outlets that act almost as ‘community hubs’, encompassing both dining and socialising. Simon Stenning, Future Foodservice

Former Conservative Party advisor Adrian Gahan gave a political update on Brexit and what this could mean for BFFF members. We then moved on to look at ‘Driving Long Term Frozen Food Growth’ and heard from Wayne Hudson of Birds Eye who highlighted the long-term category growth opportunities and how they are capitalising on these as a business, while Janice Rockwell of Brakes followed with a look at the growing importance of sustainability in the industry. This year, the conference’s key note speech was given by Dr Morgaine Gaye who took delegates on a tour of food futurology, including texture, water, waste and disruption. She shared her innovative

Wayne Hudson, Birds Eye

insights and how they could give the industry a proactive advantage into 2025, providing delegates with plenty of interesting takeaways and food for thought. Special thanks needs to be given to our headline sponsors Meal Creations part of Kerry Foods. Next year’s conference will take place on Thursday 27th February at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole, being followed by the 2020 People Awards. Make sure to keep an eye out for upcoming information about ticket packages so as not to miss out on this must-attend event.

Janice Rockwell, Brakes









SEMINAR Vince Craig and Dr. Jennifer Rogers Sponsored by: Following the success of last year’s first ever BFFF Technical Seminar we promised to come back in 2019 with something even better – and we didn’t disappoint! Held once again at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole Hotel, the room was packed with representatives from across the industry all eager to hear the latest on a range of the very hottest topics. And as Vince Craig, our chair for the day reminded us, if delegates could take back just a couple of really useful pieces of information to their business then in our eyes that would be a success. Now I lost count but judging from the amount of scribbling of notes in the room, I’m sure that number was well exceeded for most!

her view of precautionary labelling but also armed us with the latest updates on the work on allergen thresholds. Although the FSA has yet to review the information, scientists are confident they now have enough information on thresholds for eleven allergenic foods. Nicely following on from the subject of allergens came a talk from Natasha Catchpole of CFC Underwriting. Provided by our sponsors for the day, NFU Mutual, Natasha

Our main aim was to provide information to help develop their businesses, not just in the short term but thinking that little bit further ahead as well. To do this we split the day into three sessions packed with some really informative presentations from 13 expert speakers, two question and answer panel sessions (which drove some really good debates!) and topped it off with a really engaging, and entertaining, keynote speaker.

armed us with valuable information on how to manage the risk of recalls including top tips for delegates to take away to ensure their businesses were recall ready.

The first session of the day took ‘A Look Ahead’ and opened with an informative presentation from Richard Werran and David Fatscher from the British Standards Institution on standards, what they are, their advantages, how they fit in with the regulatory landscape and what will happen to them post Brexit.

Finishing off the first session was a talk on Food Safety Culture from Professor Carol Wallace from the University of Central Lancashire. With Issue 8 of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety now including a clause on Food Safety Culture, this really was one not to be missed.

This was followed up with a subject which, quite sadly, has featured highly in the media of late – allergens. Lynne Regent, CEO from the Anaphylaxis Campaign not only gave

Session two was all about the use of innovative solutions – with information on the latest techniques for food fraud detection


from Alison Johnson of Food Forensics, detail of the latest technical innovations in the world of food hygiene from Paul Middleton-Walker of Hygiena and freezing technology from Cedric Hanson of BOC as well as a look at the flexibility, advantages and advancements in the world of robotics from Jake Norman of OAL, we really were treated to some insightful presentations here. Session Three, ‘Building a Stronger Future’ started by revisiting the subject of Food Fraud again but this time coming at it from a different angle – by looking at FERA’s sophisticated Early Warning System. Stepping in at literally a day’s notice Antonio Bubbico from FERA did a great job in explaining just how the system can help a business to be proactive and save time and money in combatting food fraud. This session was rounded up by yet another excellent presentation from Dr Donna Champion and Dr Rachel Ward who helped us to finally understand just what Blockchain is all about and how it can be used to support traceability. And as if that wasn’t enough, our day was topped off by our keynote speaker Dr Jennifer Rogers from Oxford University. Now even Jennifer herself said, statistics is probably not the subject most people would look forward to at the end of a long day but she really did prove that to be wrong! By breaking down the real facts behind a story, she entertainingly showed us that just because there is a correlation between things that doesn’t necessarily mean one caused the other. But just remember don’t eat cheese before bed! – and if you weren’t there, I’ll leave you guessing on that one!

Health & Safety

SEMINAR Paul Duncalf Sponsored by: This year’s BFFF Health & Safety Seminar proved to be another massive success, with a relevant selection of speakers and topics. The seminar was well attended and full of eager delegates waiting to hear from our inspiring speakers. Paul Duncalf from Sysco opened the event followed by our sponsor NFU Mutual who discussed ‘when insurance becomes personal’. Their large claim’s manager Paul Emptage described how basic failure can lead to life changing injuries and large claims. Keoghs gave us an insight of ‘accident investigation, what good looks like’, covering the need to investigate at the earliest opportunity, even where there is a late or delayed report (noting the failure to report). If employees make spurious allegations, we need to be able to deal with these by having documentary or witness evidence. In addition, being able to support any documented procedures and training. Even if the report is late, photographs of a process or area are still key and the failure to report an accident is not necessarily fatal to a claim’s success. Warren Pennington from HSE gave an update both from Helping Great Britain Work Well as well as the Food and Drink Manufacturers Forum. Warren Mentioned the UK as one of the safest and healthiest places in the world to work, however the food and drink and transport sectors remain high risk with high rates of injury and ill-health. Clare Forshaw from Park Health & Safety gave a meaningful presentation on noise, stressing the importance of investing in initiatives to tackle the noise, rather than wasting it on yearly noise surveys. Clare outlined some simple step by step solutions: isolate, dampen, smooth pathways of air, improve current guards – seal gaps, slow down.

The subject of ‘electrical safety and safety isolation saves lives’ was delivered by Louise Taggart, who tragically lost her brother Michael in what was a preventable accident. Michael's story left the delegates with an unforgettable message on electrical safety, as Louise discussed the personal effects of industry-wide bad habits passed down through generations of tradespeople. These often result in shortcuts being taken. Louise stressed that companies need to follow correct proceedure for lock cut/isolation and provide correct test equipment, which can lead to deaths like Michael’s being prevented. Steve Christie from Brakes gave us a case study of the plethora of safety innovations the company had trialled and introduced with the aim of preventing vehicle related accidents and incidents, including tail lift P gates, start inhibitors, voice alarm and side scan radar, to name a few. This year, Brian Grunes of Arco Professional services joined us and gave an outstanding presentation on confined spaces. Brian defined confined spaces as any space, including chamber, silo, or similar space in which, by being enclosed, there arises a reasonably foreseeable specified risk. Brian showed us how to determine a confined space and the various classifications and emergency arrangements. Our keynote speaker Wayne Bagnall MBE, gave delegates a thorough rundown on asbestos management, covering: •

The difference between the management and refurbishment/ demolition type surveys

The importance of contractor management in ensuring any surveys are communicated (when contractors arrive)


The importance of training employees in asbestos awareness

Places where you would not expect asbestos to be

Marking and managing

SAI Global’s Senior Consultant David White shared with us his knowledge on the ‘Boardroom Impact of ISO45001 Management Systems’, explaining how it provides organisations with a systematic framework to enhance OHS performance. In summary, Leadership/Top Management must ensure the; •

effective application and reapplication of the PDCA cycle at their level

effective performance outcomes from all processes across the organisation

continued suitability and effectiveness the OHSMS

effective management of hazards and risks at all levels, including their own

The day was topped off by Peter J Kelly (Head of Psychology) HSE who covered wellbeing/ workplace stress, using the analogy of how a tyre would react if too much pressure applied. He covered the relationship between performance and arousal; increased arousal can help improve performance, but only up to a certain point at which performance diminishes. Peter reiterated the HSE statistics on work related stress and depression & anxiety together with the HSE management standards. Finally, Paul Duncalf closed the event by calling out to all delegates to go back to the workplace and continually challenge those responsible for their processes and procedures in place for the management electrical safety/lock out.

PEOPLE AWARDS PEOPLE AWARDS ARE BACK TO CELEBRATE UNSUNG TALENT “The introduction of new categories to this year’s awards has allowed a light to be shone on even more successful individuals and initiatives across the industry, covering innovation, sustainability and creativity and everyone who has picked up an award tonight should be incredibly proud of their achievements.”

Following a highly successful inaugural year, the BFFF People Awards returned on 7th February 2019, with new categories to celebrate the teams and individuals The awards were presented by our esteemed host Dr. David Bull at a glittering event at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole hotel, following the BFFF’s Annual Business Conference. John Marren of sponsor Company Shop also assisted John Hyman in presenting the awards to our lucky winners. Finalists were invited to an exclusive Finalists’ Reception before the awards dinner, where they celebrated their achievements amongst their peers.

Other winners were Mark Hardy from apetito who won Unsung Hero of the Year, Zoe Beauvoisin from apetito who won the Development Champion award. Operations Manager of the Year went to Thomas Hunt of Hunts Foodservice, while Business Transformation of the Year was won by Adam Smith (Mark Ditch accepted award on his behalf) for Iceland Manufacturing Ltd., Naz Haq from Bidfood was this year’s Customer Champion and Goodfella’s Claire Hoyle won Marketer of the Year. The Innovation Team at Bidfood won Innovation Team of the Year, Rachel Hartwell from Bidfood won Purchaser of the Year, Caterforce’s Kelly Orme won the Technical Champion award and Rob Ironmonger from Greenyard won Health and Safety Champion.

The awards received entries from both retail and foodservice businesses, with the overall winners being selected from 14 categories that covered both individual and team efforts, including Business Transformation of the Year, Unsung Hero, Customer Champion and Apprentice of the Year. Highlights of the evening included the announcement of the Charity and Community Champion and Supply Chain/Logistics Team of the Year. The Charity and Community Champion award was won by Lisa Hayes of apetito who was praised for going above and beyond in her innovation of the Sunday Lunch Club, giving up her Sundays to provide lunches for elderly and vulnerable residents. She has also improved teamwork and motivation across the business through volunteering initiatives that have raised over £130K for worthwhile causes in three years.

Due to the huge amount of emerging talent the industry is currently seeing, the Rising Star category also recognised Apprentice of the Year, which went to Alina Solomka of Iceland and a Judges’ Special Award was presented to Declan Crofts of Barnsley College, while the Rising Star Award itself went to Daniel Morris of Billington Foodservice. The awards were rounded off with the presentation of a Lifetime Achievement Award to Stephen Waugh, BFFF past President and past MD at Ardo UK for his contribution to the frozen food industry over his illustrious career.

The Supply Chain/Logistics Team of the Year was awarded to Kepak Foodservice Solutions for their commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility, supporting Foodcloud by providing 5,280 meals to those in need and saving over €8,000 of food from landfill. This has also included a green energy initiative that has enabled the team to virtually eliminate all landfill requirements.

All entries were judged by a six-strong judging panel of experts from across the food and drink and HR industries. Vince Craig, BFFF board member, Alison Cannon, founding partner, Resonate Search & Selection, Nick Downing, IGD commercial director and Cheryl Bennett, director, Pelican Communications. They were joined by 2018 People Awards winners Ginny Durdy of The Ice Co. (Marketer of the Year) and Jane Marren of Company Shop (Commercial Champion).

Commenting on this year’s award winners, John Hyman, chief executive of BFFF said: “Following such a successful launch year, it was great to see so many companies within the frozen food industry engaging in these awards for a second year and helping us champion the incredible talent that can be found across all areas of our industry.

A big thanks to all of our sponsors of this year’s awards; headline sponsor, Meal Creations part of Kerry Foods, awards sponsor, Company Shop, finalist reception sponsor - XPO Logistics and event partner sponsors, Moy Park, Birds Eye, Cargill Protein Europe, NFU Mutual, Bidfood and brochure sponsor, Iceland.

“The frozen food industry has set itself a £10bn growth target, and is currently the fastest growing category in retail at +3.6% and we need this continued level of talent from our frozen food superstars to continue to drive the industry forward in its success.

For more information about the BFFF People Awards, please visit



Thank you to our sponsors Headline sponsor:

Partner sponsors:

People Awards sponsor:

Congratulations to all finalists!





Congratulations to all our winners!


The Bulletin

Unsung Hero

Charity and Community Champion

Development Champion

Supply Chain/Logistics Team of the Year

Operations Manager of the Year

Business Transformation of the Year

Mark Hardy, apetito

Lisa Hayes, apetito

Zoe Beauvoisin, apetito

Kepak Foodservice Solutions

Thomas Hunt, Hunts Foodservice

Adam Smith, Iceland Manufacturing Ltd. collected by Mark Ditch on his behalf


The Bulletin

Customer Champion

Marketer of the Year

Naz Haq, Bidfood

Claire Hoyle, Goodfella's

Innovation Team of the Year

Purchaser of the Year

Technical Champion

Health and Safety Champion

The Innovation team, Bidfood

Rachel Hartwell, Bidfood

Rob Ironmonger, Greenyard

Kelly Orme, Caterforce


The Bulletin

*Rising Star Awards* Rising Star

Apprentice of the year

Judges' Special Award

Could this be you??

Daniel Morris, Billington Foodservice

Alina Solomka, Iceland

Declan Crofts, Barnsley College

27th February 2020

Lifetime Achievement Award

Stephen Waugh, BFFF past President and former Managing Director of Ardo UK Ltd.


The Bulletin


The Bulletin


From head of technical, Denise Rion


UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey paints a bleak picture January 23rd 2019 saw the publication of the latest report by Public Health England and the Food Standards Agency on the findings of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS). Based on a representative sample of approximately 500 adults and 500 children living in the UK, this rolling programme reports on trends in terms of food consumption, nutrient intakes and nutritional status over a nine-year period between 2008/9 – 2016/17. These results may now be used by government not just for monitoring and tracking purposes but also to provide an evidence base for policy development. The NDNS programme, which began in 1992, is an important source of evidence underpinning the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition’s (SACN) work relating to national nutrition policy. But all is not where the UK government would like it to be and although some positive changes have taken place, the report also highlights some negatives. As one would expect, there was a reduction in the intake of both free sugars and sugar sweetened drinks, with the biggest difference seen in children. And reductions were not just seen in the percentage of children consuming sugar sweetened drinks but also in the amount of sugary drinks children drank. However, the same cannot be said of adults where smaller to almost insignificant reductions were reported. And to make matters worse, intakes still exceed maximum recommendations set by government. The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) advice is to limit free sugars to no more than 5% of daily calorie intake: •

adults should have no more than 30g of free sugars a day, (roughly equivalent to seven sugar cubes)

children aged 7 to 10 should have no more than 24g of free sugars a day (six sugar cubes)

children aged 4 to 6 should have no more than 19g of free sugars a day (five sugar cubes)

there is no guideline limit for children under the age of 4, but it’s recommended they avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and food with sugar added to it

Also, quite disappointingly, and despite the government's efforts with the '5-a-day' campaign, little to no significant change has been seen in total fruit and veg intakes or in the proportion meeting the ‘5-a-day’ recommendation. Figures show that the proportion of people meeting the target remains low – at around just 30% for adults and 10% for 11-18year olds. Over the 9-year period, the consumption of red and processed meat was also down, with adults aged 19-64 years eating on average 19g less, children aged 11 to 18 years 15g less and adults 65 years and over



11g less. However, despite these reductions, the report shows that the mean consumption by adult males still exceeds the recommended maximum of 70g a day. No significant change was seen in white meat consumption.

micronutrients such as vitamin A, riboflavin, folate, iron, calcium, iodine, potassium and zinc were also observed. Average blood vitamin D concentrations were also seen to be their lowest in the winter months – January to March, and highest in the summer months – July to September. During January to March 19% of children aged 4 to 10 years, 37% of children aged 11 to 18 years and 29% of adults had blood vitamin D concentrations below 25nmol/L, and therefore risked deficiency.

The picture is also not a good one for fish and oily fish consumption with the mean consumption remaining well below that recommended across all age groups.

"Adults should have no more than 30g of free sugars a day, (roughly equivalent to seven sugar cubes)"

The report also showed the effect of household income on the UK diet. Those with higher incomes showed higher overall fruit and veg intake (but consumption was still below the 5-a-day recommendation in all income groups), lower consumption of sugar sweetened drinks, higher consumption of fruit juice and oily fish and higher intakes of fibre, vitamin A and folate. However, with increased affluence came higher intakes of total fat, saturated fat and sodium in the adult population. Of course, this also confirms that those on lower incomes may be at greater risk of having a lower quality diet.

As regards macro and micronutrients – daily calorie intake may have reduced but it was almost insignificant in some groups at less than a 12kcal reduction per day. And whilst the recommendation that total fat should contribute approx. 35% of food energy was generally being met, intakes of saturated fat remained above recommended levels. The picture was also bleak for fibre with average intakes still remaining well below recommendations. Worryingly reductions in the intake of some

So overall, some positive news regarding sugar intake but there’s no getting away from the fact that, according to this report, there’s still much room for improvement in the nations diet. Members can read the report in full here:


The Bulletin


From head of health & safety, Simon Brentnall


Grey fleet management

It is paramount for every company to manage their fleet but many companies offering their employees the option of using their own car for business can raise some complex issues.

‘Grey fleet’ is simply the term used to describe any vehicles that do not belong to the company, but which are used for business travel. This might include a privately rented vehicle or a vehicle privately owned by an employee and driven on company business, often in return for a cash allowance or fuel expense. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all employees while at work. Employers and employees also have a responsibility to ensure that others are not put at risk during any work-related driving activities. In practice, this means you have the same legal duty of care for grey fleet drivers as you would for those in a work-supplied vehicle. Because grey fleet vehicles do not belong to the company, they face a complicated set of issues when it comes to managing the safety of their fleet. For instance, employees using their own car may be outside of the established insurance and servicing policies, meaning their vehicles are not covered for company travel. Another issue is attempting to keep track of the status of grey fleet vehicles to ensure they meet legal road

requirements, including: •

Driving license validity

Insurance details including business use

MOT certification

Road Tax validity

In addition to this, you will also need to consider the suitability of the vehicle for work purposes such as the age and condition, or whether the vehicle is equipped with features such ABS, ESP, air conditioning, and whether or not it is suitable for the journey requirements. Road safety charity Brake has published guidance for fleet managers and HR professionals to help reduce their grey fleet risk. Read the full article here:

Report considers link between musculoskeletal and mental health issues

A report has come from the HSE Workplace Health Expert Committee (WHEC), which was formed to provide HSE with independent expert advice on: •

new and emerging workplace health issues

new and emerging evidence relating to existing workplace health issues

the quality and relevance of the evidence base on workplace health issues.

To read the full report:

The HSE asked WHEC to consider whether preventive policies should give consideration to tackling musculoskeletal problems and mental ill health jointly rather than separately. This report summarises information on the matter identified by the WHEC, together with the invited comments of eight international experts in musculoskeletal research, some with a special interest in the psychosocial aspects of musculoskeletal ill-health. Evidence was found that these common and sometimes disabling conditions co-exist more often than expected simply by chance and that they can predict one another. In principle, interventions to solve one problem might be expected to help the other, and in the therapeutic context there is trial evidence for this – treatment of one of the two conditions can help relieve symptoms of the other. However, says the report, in the occupational context, there appears to be little or no empirical evidence that workplace interventions targeted at one condition will benefit the other. Various recommendations are made regarding research needs, awareness, and information gathering. 40

Fire Safety and Composite Panel Event


Temperature Control is Key!

Temperature control is essential within our industry and composite insulated panels (CIPS) make this possible.

When it goes wrong

We have all seen the devastating effects if CIPS are not managed correctly. Failure to identify, mark and manage these panels can lead to disaster.


We have put together a fantastic programme, this being both theoretical and practical on identifying marking and managing composite panels. The program includes fire stopping, fire extinguishing methods and media. The day will outline practical ways to protect your people and your business.

Who should attend?

The seminar is aimed at facilities managers, warehouse managers, health & safety managers and those responsible for maintenance.


Members - ÂŁ195 + VAT Non-Members - ÂŁ245 + VAT Accommodation package available Email: for a booking form

Thursday 27th June 2019 Branston Hall/Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Training Facility Sponsored by:

In association with:

The Bulletin MEET THE TEAM

Meet the team In this series The Bulletin catches up with one of the BFFF team. This edition we spend five minutes with...

Carla Brown

Health and Safety and Technical Administrator

How long have you worked at BFFF?

when she died at the age of 100 and was the heart of our family.

I joined BFFF in January 2019.

Do you have any hobbies?

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy boxing and have been training for over a year with an ex-European champion. I also spend a lot of time in my role as secretary of Newark Town Football Club.

Being part of a team. I’ve worked alone for the last five years so it’s lovely to have been welcomed into the BFFF family. I joined only a few weeks before the Business Conference and it was great to be trusted to be part of such a prestigious event.

What is your favourite colour? Purple. I’ve always wanted to dye my hair that colour!

What do you like to do at the weekend? What I like to do is go out for a meal or see a comedy show or live band, what I actually do is spend every weekend at a football match or Irish dance competition with my three children

What is your biggest achievement? Arranging a Lancaster Bomber and Spitfire fly past by the RAF at an event I organised as well as coordinating a successful £5 million fundraising appeal.

What is your favourite place? A small village called Dalyan in Turkey where we have enjoyed many happy holidays over the last ten years. So much for only going to a holiday destination once!

Starter and main or main and dessert?

If you could invite one person round for dinner, who would it be and what would you eat?

Starter and main.

Martin Luther King and we’d enjoy Thai food.

Who inspires you? My Nana; she had six children, 19 grandchildren and 27 great grandchildren


Carla is the newest member of the BFFF team and will be acting as Health & Safety and Technical Administrator.


DATES Be sure to get the dates in your diary for our upcoming events! 13th June 2019 Gala Dinner & Product Awards 13th June 2019 Industry Forum 27th June 2019 Fire Safety & Composite Panel Event 22nd August 2019 Thinking of Joining Seminar 26th November 2019 Annual Luncheon 27th November 2019 Industry Forum 27th February 2020 Business Conference & People Awards

For more information on any of our events contact: Charley Price Events Manager Tel: 01400 283091 Email:

The Bulletin

New member update



From Paul Murray, Head of Commercial.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS It was good to see so many of our members old and new at this year’s Business Conference and People Awards. Both events were a tremendous success. Preparations are now well underway for our next big event, the Gala Dinner & Product Awards where we recognise product excellence across the frozen food industry. Since the last issue, we have added five new members to the BFFF family. They Are: CDS Group Canada is the single contact for National and International clients looking for efficient and cost effective supply-chain solutions for the Canadian market. Yorica UK Ltd. create groovy and delicious free-from ice cream, soft serve, shakes, crepes and waffles for everyone. Free-from means freedom. Tek Troniks Ltd. are a UK based manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer of wireless monitoring systems and refrigeration controls. From concept to final manufacture the ease of use of Tek Troniks systems, despite the complexity of the technology used, is part of the core belief. Air Products offer superior methods of freezing that retains the quality and appearance of your products, whilst ensuring that safety, supply chain and cost efficiency are delivered. American Express are proud to become a BFFF member and look forward to supporting fellow members though our wide range of financial solutions.


Focused on supporting growth and helping members achieve their working capital requirements for both payable and receivable solutions, American Express hope to become a preferred partner within the Industry. A call to all members old and new, how would you like to be featured in The Bulletin? A great way to highlight your services or products to the whole membership and beyond. Just contact your account manager or email to request the format and requirements. For membership enquiries please contact: Kate Miller Tel: 01400 664320 Mob: 07793 499871 Email: George Wells Tel: 01400 283095 Mob: 07921 405196 Email:

Industry services

The Bulletin

From transport partners to solicitors, suppliers to retailers, The Bulletin industry services directory is your goto guide for member services. Featured this edition is: NFU Mutual ACS&T Seven Telematics



YOUR EXCLUSIVE SET OF MEMBER BENEFITS Delivering value beyond insurance to BFFF members DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ADVICE Desktop review of new build or site extension plans to highlight any potential risk areas and insurance implications that may impact on future premiums. To book, call: 0845 697 0415. THERMOGRAPHIC RISK ASSESSMENT Bespoke plan of Electrical Thermography assessment to help reduce risk factors. Conducted with little or no disruption to business, this service is available at favourable rates. To book, call: 0845 697 0417. FUNDED ACCESS TO EXCLUSIVE EVENTS Keeping you and your teams informed on industry best practice and legislative developments, ranging from Crisis Management to experiencing a mock Employers’ Liability Trial. For information, email: COMMERCIAL INSURANCE ADVICE Access to free insurance market advice and a confidential insurance programme review and gap analysis of existing insurance arrangements. To book, call: 0845 697 0414.

The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No.111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. A member of the Association of British Insurers.

The Bulletin




NFU Mutual Corporate Insurance The food and drink industry is complex and ever changing, with many challenges currently facing its businesses – from reducing waste to labelling and other regulatory issues, and of course there is the potential impact of Brexit on the workforce. NFU Mutual is an insurance partner that understands these issues. Our years of building up knowledge of the food and drink supply chain, combined with our specialist expertise can help manage your specific risks. Customers are at the heart of what NFU Mutual does. By investing time in getting to know your business and its needs, we can recommend the right solutions for you. In turn, this enables you to focus on growing your business in strength and confidence.

approach. Our clients are directly connected to specialists in our dedicated Corporate Insurance division, including our awardwinning Claims team, and through us to a range of third party expertise. From our risk management services, rehabilitation programme and counter-fraud capability, to our panel solicitors that handle matters of litigation on your behalf, we are able to add real, tangible value throughout our relationship with you. Our business ethos remains rooted in our values as a mutual. As we don’t answer to shareholders, we are focused on looking after your business needs and can reward the loyalty of our members. As a result of our unique insurance proposition and enduring partnerships, on average our clients have stayed with us for over 10 years.

Building a long-term relationship with each customer is the foundation of our


ADDRESS Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 7BJ WEBSITE TEL 0845 6970414 EMAIL

KEY TEAM MEMBERS Jason Raven, Head of Corporate Insurance Rob Palmer, National Sales Manager Beccy Richards, Client Engagement Manager 47

Bespoke service solutions, whatever the temperature.

BRC certified experts in food storage and distribution.

To find out how we can help you, contact our sales team today. +44 (0)1427 358207 | |

The Bulletin



Cold Storage & Logistics

ACS&T Logistics Food logistics specialist ACS&T’s vigorous commitment to quality standards is ensuring it leads the way in blast freezing and cold storage services for food manufacturers. ACS&T provides industry leading frozen, chilled and ambient services for some of the most well-known food brands and niche producers. ACS&T has received BRC certification for the tenth year running for its temperature controlled storage and distribution facilities at all its sites in Grimsby, Wolverhampton, Tewkesbury and Scarborough. ACS&T has significant capacity in blast freezers and rapid air freezers to store food products at their very best quality until the time they are needed, supporting customers with their seasonal demands. Every stage of the process is bespoke and client driven: Transportation, blast freezing, storing and tempering products to their

original quality and in exactly the quantity that our customers require. Services include managing raw material, ingredients and packaging factory feed on a Just in Time basis to the customer’s production line. ACS&T use market leading systems, providing customers real time visibility of their products throughout the supply chain. The company provides food traceability across the food chain, with strict control procedures through to final delivery. ACS&T’s extensive estates include 12 cold stores, two ambient stores, and large, dedicated and shared-user temperature controlled transport fleets which are able to move volume nationally, no matter what the temperature requirement may be. As a subsidiary of international group Camellia Plc, ACS&T’s expertise in multi-temperature food logistics spans nearly a century.


ADDRESS Estate Road Number 2, South Humberside Industrial Estate, Grimsby NE Lincolnshire, DN31 2TG WEBSITE TEL 01472 358207 EMAIL

KEY TEAM MEMBERS Malcolm Johnstone, Managing Director Sara Ryder, Head of Business Development


The Bulletin




Seven Telematics Ltd. Seven Telematics is the leading manufacturer of temperature data loggers, remote monitoring and vehicle tracking for road transport and cold storage applications. Transcan® temperature data loggers are recognised as the world’s most widely used road transport temperature monitoring device. Transcan® products have been watching over freight across the globe for over 20 years and provide the standard in monitoring critical cargo conditions whilst in transit. Seven Telematics combine the trusted format of Transcan® recorders with state of the art technology through their Seven Eye® telematics system, offering both standard vehicle tracking for dry freight vehicles and real-time temperature monitoring and alerts for refrigerated transport, via satellite links to

their range of EN12830 verified temperature data loggers. Live temperature monitoring with alarm alerts deliverable by SMS and/or email to designated recipients is in addition to all the usual vehicle and driver management data including fuel economy analysis, digital tachograph interface, KPI reporting, fuel tank level, axle load monitoring, etc. Seven Telematics has been founded on delivering the highest standards of service and product knowledge. Customers demand exacting standards as the transportation and temperature controlled logistics sector begins and ends with product integrity. With years of proven experience in the sector, Seven Telematics will ensure that product standards remain paramount to your transport and logistics operation.


ADDRESS The Coach House, 67 London Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1RZ WEBSITE TEL +44 (0)1636 550320 EMAIL


Martin Jane, Sales Director Steve Strong, Operations Director 51


The Bulletin

The Bulletin

f o r y our

DIARY 2019

7th-9th May

Seafood Expo Global Brussels Expo, Belgium

The world's largest seafood trade fair

16th May

Frozen & Chilled Foods Golf Day Carden Park, Cheshire contact: Richard Cogan Tel: 01732 868288

Social event

21st-22nd May

PLMA Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The world's largest private label trade show

13th June

BFFF Dinner Dance & Annual Product Awards Evening London Hilton on Park Lane

The definitive awards for the frozen food industry

25th- 26th June TCS&D Exhibition East of England Arena, Peterborough

BFFF Annual Business Conference & People Awards Birmingham Hilton Metropole

27 June

Find out about the future of frozen foods


Fire Safety & Composit Panel Event Waddington email:

Combination of thory and practical sessions

22nd August Thinking of joining BFFF Leicester Racecourse

Find out about becoming a member of BFFF

5th- 9th October

Anuga Kolnmesse, Cologne, Germany

Leading trade fair for food and beverages

26th November

Annual Luncheon London Hilton on Park Lane

Top networking event for retail and foodservice

Keep up to date with the latest industry news

27th November

Industry Forum American Express Offices, Belgrave House, London

27th February

The UK's only event for perishable product supply chain

13 June th


Industry Forum Venue TBC

Keep up to date with the latest industry news.


27th February

Technical Seminar Birmingham Hilton Metropole

Keep up to date with the latest technical news

27th February

Health & Safety Seminar Birmingham Hilton Metropole

Keep up to date with the latest H&S news

For more information on any of our events or to book tickets, please call: 01400 283090 or email: visit us at









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CALL: 0845 697 0410

CALL: 0845 697 0415

CALL: 0845 697 0416

CALL: 0845 697 0414

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