Disability at work Introduction This leaflet gives links to information about your rights at work, finding work and disclosing your disability.
Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 aims to protect disabled people and prevent disability discrimination. It provides legal rights for disabled people in the areas of: • employment • education •
access to goods, services and facilities including larger private clubs and land based transport services
buying and renting land or property
functions of public bodies, for example the issuing of licences
View the act via this weblink - The Department of Education website has information on the Equality Act 2010 including the definition of disability and disability rights in everyday life.
Information, Advice and Guidance Weblinks Prospects
Disability Employment Advisers If you need extra employment support because of a disability, your local Jobcentre can put you in touch with one of their Disability Employment Advisers. The Department of Education has further information on finding work if you are disabled - You can also type ‘Disability Employment’ into the search this site box to find more information and advice.
P a g e |2 The following organisations may be able to offer information, advice and help. AbilityNet AbilityNet is a national charity helping disabled adults and children use computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting their technology. Special expertise is used ensuring that whatever your age, health condition, disability or situation you find exactly the right way to adapt or adjust your ICT to make it easier to use. | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Access to Work The Access to Work scheme gives you and your employer advice and financial support with extra costs which may arise because of your needs. | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Adviceguide (Citizens Advice Bureaux) Advice and guidance such as on ‘Your Rights’ | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Blind in Business Helping blind and partially sighted people into work. | CAREERS INFO | TRAINING | WORK EXPERIENCE | EMPLOYMENT INFO | British Dyslexia Association The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) is a national charity and our vision is that of a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential. | TRAINING | EMPLOYMENT INFO | British Stammering Association Website with information and advice. | CAREERS INFO | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Business Disability Forum A list of disability smart organisations can be downloaded from the website Government – disabled people Government public services website. Section for Disabled People - | CAREERS INFO | VACANCY INFO | WORK EXPERIENCE | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Disability Jobsite Search for vacancies, search for employers who regularly advertise on jobs on this site, view information and advice.. | CAREERS INFO | VACANCY INFO | EMPLOYMENT INFO |
P age |3 Disability Law Service Provide information, advice and assistance to those with disabilities. |EMPLOYMENT INFO/ADVICE | Disability Rights UK Includes a how we can help section, |VACANCY INFORMATION | EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION | EmployAbility EmployAbility work with disabled university students and graduates to ease the transition from education into employment. | CAREERS INFO | VACANCY INFO | WORK EXPERIENCE | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Epilepsy Action Epilepsy Action is the largest member-led epilepsy organisation in Britain, acting as the voice for the UK's estimated 456,000 people with epilepsy, as well as their friends, families, carers, health professionals and the many other people on whose lives the condition has an impact. TRAINING | WORK EXPERIENCE | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Equality Britain Includes links to various websites for charities, foundations and support societies. | CAREERS INFO | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Equality and Human Rights Commission ‘We have a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights; and to protect, enforce and promote equality across the nine "protected" grounds - age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and gender reassignment’. | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Even Break Advertises vacancies from employers who value diversity and are serious about looking beyond candidates’ impairments to identify what skills they have to offer. | VACANCIES | Great with Disability Includes a Toolkit with information on applying for jobs, a list of organisations and their approach to disability, search for opportunities. | EMPLOYMENT INFO | VACANCY INFORMATION | Remploy Remploy's purpose is to significantly increase the employment opportunities of disabled people and those who experience complex barriers to work. | CAREERS INFO | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Royal National Institute of Blind People Supporting blind and partially sighted people. | EMPLOYMENT INFO |
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Scope Scope is a charity that supports disabled people and their families. | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Shaw Trust: Ability at work Shaw Trust is a national charity which supports disabled and disadvantaged people to prepare for work, find jobs and live more independently. | CAREERS INFO | TRAINING | VACANCY INFO | WORK EXPERIENCE | EMPLOYMENT INFO | Work Choice Work Choice helps people with disabilities whose needs cannot be met through other work programmes, Access to Work or workplace adjustments
| EMPLOYMENT INFO | Positive about disabled people (two ticks logo) When you are applying for jobs, look out for employers using the disability symbol. It shows they have a positive attitude towards job applications from disabled people. Find out more about this by going to