A Guide to LinkedIn Introduction LinkedIn is a professional networking site. It is an excellent place to make contacts and learn about various job sectors and professions.
What can you do on LinkedIn?
What can you find on LinkedIn?
Join groups who are already working in a profession you are interested in, you can:
Follow discussions to learn about the profession,
You can ask intelligent questions,
You may even be able to find out about job opportunities.
Research companies / organisations
Company profiles Companies create their own profiles with information about what they do. Company profiles will often link together staff already working for the company giving an overview of job
Find out about an industry sector, the type of jobs people have
roles and potential contacts.
in this sector and their career progression,
Research a specific company; especially useful before a job
Job opportunities
LinkedIn has a dedicated area for students and recent graduates to find
Explore job roles
Find out the type of jobs in certain companies,
Find out which companies people with a certain job work for,
Find out about individuals career trajectory
a job/internship. Interest groups These can include professional networking groups for example for
Identify Contacts In time you may be able to make contacts to explore the
Careers Advisers, Primary Teachers,
possibility of work experience,
or interest groups such as Sports
Make contacts in the area of work you are interested in,
You can also use LinkedIn to make contacts in areas of your
Personal Profiles
personal interests or hobbies.
View profiles
Personal Profile
When you join LinkedIn you will need to create a personal profile which reads like a CV. To make the most out of the opportunities of networking on LinkedIn you will need to do more than just create your own profile. Networking is a process that requires input to build up knowledge and contacts.
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Joining LinkedIn
Register and sign in Create your profile
Important! Please use an appropriate email address when joining as this is a professional site. You will need to input your name and some information about what you are doing now and any work experience you have had in the past. You can also upload a photograph.
Professional Headline: This is what you are doing now i.e. Second year Education and Sports Studies student at Bishop Grosseteste University Lincoln
Summary: It is recommended that you use keywords and add some specialities as this will help people locate your profile and it is one of the first things people will see when they read your profile. i.e. building a career of working with children, experienced tennis coach and dance teacher.
You can complete the rest of the profile including any work experience, education and any additional information you wish to include.
By clicking on the ‘Connections’ tab at the top of the page you are able to search for people who know you and send an invitation to be connected to them,
In time, you may also be able to invite contacts from groups you have joined,
Usual Networking rules apply, so approach more junior people first, not CEO’s,
Also consider starting a discussion in a relevant group.
When you have made ‘connections’ you can see who you are connected to. LinkedIn also shows you who your 2nd or 3rd degree contacts are. Join Groups
By clicking on the ‘Interests’ tab at the top of the page you can select a number of options including ‘Groups’. Here you are able to search for and join groups. You should join groups to:
expand your network of contacts
view profiles of people in the same group
follow discussions to learn more about the profession
you can ask intelligent questions
You may even be able to find out about job opportunities Messages and Invitations
Messages or connection invitations will be sent to your Inbox; these will also be sent to the email address you joined LinkedIn with. You can click on the icons at the very top of the page to access your messages and connection invitations
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Although this is not the primary function of LinkedIn, some companies will actively advertise vacancies. LinkedIn also has a dedicated area for students and recent graduates to find a job/internship.
By clicking on the ‘Interests’ tab and then ‘Companies’ at the top of the page you are able to open a Companies page. A good way to search for people, companies or jobs is to go to the ‘Search Box’ at the top right hand side of the page.
Search via the search box or click on ‘Advanced’
Clicking on the blue box with the magnifying glass symbol, at the right hand side of the search box, will bring up a list of search options on the left hand side of the screen.
Once in the company profile you can see who works for the company, their job title and career progression. Some companies will add information about their company and career information. News Help Centre Settings
View the latest news articles from ‘LinkedIn Today’ Hold the mouse over your own photograph for a link to the Help Centre. Hold the mouse over your own photograph to be able to adjust your settings and sign out this way. You can turn off letting your contacts know every time you make an update to your profiles and adjust how much of your profile is visible and more.
Useful links
Link to Slideshares showing best practice for Profiles, Networking, Finding a Job/Internship, Researching useful information and contacts, and the LinkedIn Alumni Tool
Example of a student profile
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