A guide to the Jobs + Vacancies Board н & Žů ů Žǁ ƚ Śŝ Ɛ Ő Ƶŝ ĚĞ ƚ Ž Ă Đ Đ ĞƐ Ɛ ƚ ŚĞ : ŽďƐ sĂ Đ Ă ŶĐ ŝ Ğ Ɛ ŽĂ ƌ Ě ƚ Ž Ɛ ĞĂ ƌ Đ Ś ũ Žď ǀ Ă Đ Ă ŶĐ ŝ ĞƐ ͘
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d Śŝ Ɛ Ɛ LJ Ɛ ƚ Ğŵ Ă ů ů ŽǁƐ LJ ŽƵ ƚ Ž͗ Search for Jobs • graduate vacancy • work experience • part time/casual work • voluntary work
Browse the Employers Directory • view employer profiles and linked job vacancies.
How to register You will need to register to use this system • On the Jobs+ Vacancies Board select Register Now • Complete the short registration form. Once you are registered you are able to login to the Jobs+ Vacancies Board to use the service Search for a vacancy Select Main Menu on the left hand menu and select Search Vacancies There are four main Types of Vacancy your can search: •
Graduate vacancy
This section includes finalist/graduate jobs, training and internships
Work experience
Vacation jobs, paid and voluntary work experience are included in this section;
Casual / PT work
This includes term time work
Voluntary work
The searches consist of various tick box options; you can select as many or as few as you wish. If you do not tick any of the boxes all of the job vacancies will be shown, with the most recent vacancies first. Search the employer’s directory Select Main Menu on the left hand menu and select Search Employers You can search for employers via the A-Z list. You can view employer profiles and linked job vacancies. Receive email alerts Select Edit Email Prefs on the left hand menu. Ensure you tick YES, I want to be notified of any vacancies/events which match the following criteria Then tick each appropriate box to receive email alerts of appropriate jobs to your selection.
BG Futures: Careers, Employability and Enterprise staff operate in accordance with the University Diversity and Equality Policies. If you require this document in an alternative format, for example in large print, please email us at
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