2023-2024 Annual Report (CLUB)

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2023 club Annual Report

opportunity chang everyt

across Canada


BGC Kawarthas Club Board


Beyond what everyone sees externally, internally there is a professional, dedicated and caring team of staff led by our Executive Director Amy Terrill As a Board member I have experienced and witnessed the organization in a different way. Their attention to detail in reviewing policies, updating by-laws and following best practices with an overarching focus on quality service, diversity equity and inclusion is impressive

We, as a community, are served well by BGC Kawarthas Staff and Boards. As the Club President, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who plays a role in making BGC Kawarthas such an important part of our community

This has been another busy year for the club, and I would like to comment on a few key areas:

2023-28 Strategic plan update

Our operational plan has been developed with input from staff (group engagement session and surveys) and the management team. Staff have created reporting tools for board reports We review our progress monthly and conduct an annual review of our operational plan BGC Canada has started their strategic planning process and will be using several of our key priorities from our plan. This strengthens our alignment and shared goals.

Driven by our vision, mission and values, we identified five strategic priorities:

We have been approved for approximately $50,000 in year 1 to expand youth drop-in in Lindsay. We’re already seeing strong results from the Saturday programming and looking forward to summer Our staff have worked with youth to identify what they’d like to see in the expanded programs and have also built on opportunities for greater family engagement In the fall we’ll provide a status update to the city in the hopes of getting approvals for year 2 of the plan which would see a small operating grant to allow expansion to Fenelon Falls This support is significant and appreciated

Additional After School Funding

Ontario’s Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport Neil Lumsden announced $1.1 million in additional funds will be for BGC Clubs across Ontario to aid in their after-school programs. We received over $50,000 in additional provincial funding for our after-school programs for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year to combat rising program delivery costs “This funding will help BGC Kawarthas in their mission to assist families in overcoming barriers and embracing new opportunities as they work diligently to ensure that children can thrive” said MPP Laurie Scott, Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock. “Our government continues to be committed to ensuring children and youth have the resources and support they need to be active, healthy, and successful” We are very appreciative of this support both in the amount and from our MPP

Quality Standards Assessments

We have multiple standards of quality that we meet On a daily basis, we must meet the requirements of the Child Care and Early Years Act as well as other relevant legislation. We are also accredited with HIGH FIVE which is a quality standard set by Parks and Recreation Ontario and is recognized nationally as a measurement of quality for children’s sport and recreation BGC Kawarthas’ accreditation was renewed in the fall of 2022

Our status with the Canadian Centre for Accreditation was renewed in 2024 after a comprehensive review and onsite observation CCA measures community organizations against best practices in operations, programs and services and pushes agencies to keep pace with accountability expectations and the community they serve

Finally BGC Kawarthas also underwent an Operating Standards Review in 2024 through BGC Canada On the third day of the onsite portion, the reviewers spoke very highly of the quality of programming, governance practices fundraising expertise and excellence in management and administration

Belonging to BGC Kawarthas is often a life-changing experience Children can build healthy, supportive relationships with caring adult role models, which in turn can positively influence the life path they choose. Clubs also encourage healthy, respectful relationships with peers and family members Thank you to our community donors, and stakeholders for your continued support “Opportunity Changes Everything”

CKL Council support


I’mhonouredtobeabletoshareafewreflectionsonthelast yearonbehalfofourincredibleteamofprofessionalswhowork hardeverydaytoenrichthelivesofchildren,youthand families.

Lookingbackatthelast12months,Ithinkthewordthatfirst comestomindis:partnership Noorganization especiallynonprofit,canexistwithoutthesupportofmanypartnersand whenweworktogether wecreateastrongercommunity.Aswe hitourstridein2023,guidedbyour2023-2028StrategicPlan, wecultivatedstrongerpartnershipsthatwouldhelpusmeet theneedsofarecordnumberofchildrenandyouth

ChiefamongthemisthecollaborationwithCityofKawartha Lakes.Asalocalchildcareprovider,weworkcloselywiththe HumanServicesteam Theirpartnershiphasbeencriticalinthe implementationoftheCanadaWideEarlyLearningChildCare programatourClubandwecontinuetoworktogetherto identifyopportunitiesthatmighthelpus,asanagency, increaseourcapacitytoaddressthecommunity’swaitlistfor licensedchildcarewhichis,currently,over6years.

We’vealsoidentifiedagreaterneedfordrop-insupportfor youthinourcommunity.TheYouthWarehouse which celebratedits10thanniversaryinSeptember,hasbecomea destinationformoreandmoreyoungpeople(upto200unique participantseachmonth)

Ourteambuildspositiverelationshipswiththeyouthandhelps themovercomesomeofthechallengesthey’refacing,either throughourownprograms,orinconjunctionwithother communityagencies.Limitedbytheabsenceofsustainable funding,we’vebeenunabletoofferyouthprogrammingon weekendsorinthesummer

Furthermore,weknowthatyouthoutsideofLindsayhave limitedoptionsforafterschoolsupport Thisisthestorywe sharedwithCityCouncilinthefallandtheyagreedtojoinusin partnershiptohelpextendourdrop-inservicestomoreyouth. We’regratefulfortheirongoingsupport.

Stillwithyouthinmind acollectiveeffortemergedin2023and continuestoday,tosecureaYouthWellnessHubforKawartha Lakes.ChimoYouth&FamilyServices,CanadianMentalHealth AssociationHaliburtonKawarthaPineRidgeandCityof KawarthaLakesFamilyHealthTeamhaveteamedupwithus toadvocateforintegratedyouthservicesatourLindsayStreet locationwithasecondlocationtobetterserveruralyouth.

Thispartnershipisanchoredintheknowledgethatyouth betweentheagesof12and25,togetherwiththeirfamilies, frequentlyfacebarrierstoaccesstimely,effectiveand appropriateservices.InFebruary,wehostedahighlysuccessful communityforumonthetopicwithalmost100attendeesfrom thecommunity.We’regratefulforthesupportofMPPLaurie Scottandcontinuetoworktogethertoeffectchange. PartnershipsinPeterboroughandPeterboroughCountyare alsogeneratingexcitingopportunitiesformeasuredgrowth andexpansion.

Insummercamps,afterschoolprogramsandchildcare more andmoreofourcommunitypartnersunderstandwearewilling tohelpfillgapsandaddresswaitlists–inpartduetosupport fromanOntarioTrilliumFoundationgrant.Wearegradually addingmoreprogramsinthecommunitytoday,while“blue sky-ing”aboutthefuturewithlike-mindedorganizations.

BGC Canada has also been an important partner as we look to expand our capacity in this area Case in point with their support, we were able to secure a vehicle for use in the city from Hyundai Canada.

These are just a few of the major partnership developments we’ve enjoyed over the last 12 months – I could mention many more that came because of support from organizations like Community Living of Trent Highlands Kawartha Lakes Police Service, Kawartha Haliburton Children’s Aid Society, The Commonwell, Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes and United Way of City of Kawartha Lakes, to name a few more. On behalf of our entire team, thank you to all our partners and collaborators and to our Board of Directors for their outstanding governance and leadership We can’t do what we do without you.

To provide safe, supportive places where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships, and develop confidence and skills for life.

missiOn visiOn our our

All children and youth discover and achieve their dreams and grow up to be healthy, successful, and active participants in society.

values our


We welcome everyone in a safe, accepting environment based on belonging and positive relationships.

encouragement and support working together speaking out respect

We ensure that everyone children, youth, families, volunteers, staff is heard, valued, and treated fairly.

We encourage and support every child and youth to play, learn, and grow to achieve their dreams.

We work together with young people, families, volunteers, our communities, and government.

We speak out for children, youth, and families so that we can make our world better.





TransporT Virtual PrOgramming

MenTOring SuMMEr caMpsCiVic engagement yOuthexchanges digital literacY mental health

NutRitiOn & & & & FOOd educatiOn educatiOn financial crimeprevention arts daNce restorativejustice music TheaTre prograMs & & & wellness Healthy Relationship PrOgramming & Parenting education SUPPOrt

EducatiONal SuppOrTsteM scholarshiPS jobReadiness indigenousinitiatives programs EducatiOn healthysnacks meals volunteering Substanceuse prevention yOutHleadership


Fitness SporTS breakfast programs shelterS HOuSing yOuTh

e serve whowe whowe

Since 1970, we have engaged and empowered thousands of children and youth in the Kawarthas region.

Our Lindsay establishment is one of the biggest Clubs in the country, and we also operate in eleven other locations.

strategic plan 2023-28

cultivate a thriving workplace

Systems and strategies are in place to support an engaged, motivated, and positive organizational culture.

foster a culture of belonging

deepen & expand lifechanging impact

Monitor, strengthen, and expand programs, services, and partnerships to meet the needs of the children, youth, and families.


the voices of children, youth & families

Raise awareness about the experiences of children, youth, and families, and advocate for support of their needs.

Be a leader in applying Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) principles and practices across all areas of the organization.

Encourage a culture of philanthropy that ensures sustainability, generates and diversifies funding, and helps reduce barriers for children, youth, and families. inspire investments in bgc

High Five Accreditation renewal – 73 Quest 2 program evaluations completed between Jan ‘23 and May ‘24; Results same or better to comparable organizations

Canadian Council for Accreditation – renewed for 4 years after vigorous onsite review

BGC Canada Operating Standards Review - completed


Music and Arts Development – Soundscapes with Canadian Music Centre, group and individual lessons, Songwriting & Production programs, Foley Art & Local school workshops, DrumFit & Cartoon Club

Project Backpack: Over 150 food hampers distributed, supporting approximately 50 youth & their families.

Partnership with KLPS: teen v police basketball, Christmas tree creation with 22 businesses, Police Bootcamp and more! (photo of Christmas tree partnership)

Planet Fitness equips new fitness room in Youth Warehouse (photo of ribbon cutting)this may be on another page

Provided 79 backpacks and school supplies to children and youth, including distribution to Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag Child & Family Services

Skateboard and scooter rental program and community events increase engagement with community partners

Established partnership with New Canadians Centre

Targeted Prevention & Workshops delivered at TLDSB schools

Youth Wellness Fair: 200+ Families and 22 Community Partners Attended (this was May)

Youth Council: Community Initiatives (Ken Reid Clean up and Tree Planting, Meeting with CKL Council, Vaping workshops with Health Unit)

Community Services

Restoration of rental program including high volume birthday parties and increased access by elementary schools for field trips and electives

Focus on training a team of qualified staff to facilitate adventure programming including climbing wall

Introduction of soccer in Asphodel-Norwood – added to Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Omemee – about 800 participants

Full roster of indoor and outdoor sports programs for children, youth and adults with expansion to meet demand where possible Peterborough After School programs experiencing growth and discussions underway to allow BGC to help with wait lists at other schools

Children’s Services

After school program registrations at record high numbers, introduction of specialty programs ranging from climbing to cooking. Chess Club was a big hit!

Investing in our team with Professional Development days and additional staff benefits

In July Lindsay After School Program received the Kawarthas Community Votes platinum award and Dunsford After School received the Gold award.

Facilitated Parent/Guardian appreciation events at all Children's Services programs.

Focus on updating our program spaces and ensuring we are providing children with a welcoming environment that fosters a sense of belonging and well-being.

Federal Accessibility grant enabling investment in sensory experiences for children.



Since 2013, the Warehouse has been offering a variety of programs and mentorship to youth, primarily between the ages of 12 and 18.

An average of 150 youth per week now come through our door, either on their own or by catching one of our buses from the high schools.

The celebration involved an afternoon party of youth 12-18 from 2:30-5:30, and then an evening party from 6:30-9 with older BGC Kawarthas alumni returning after a hiatus from the Warehouse, and some donors.


100 people attended including a wide range of social service agencies, educators, healthcare representatives, youth, parents and fundraising champions

Speakers from Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario, Point in Time, Kawartha Lakes Police Service plus many youth!

Through discussions participants agreed there is an urgent need for a hub to provide mental health and primary care services for youth.

The Youth Warehouse at BGC is a great primary location but Kawartha Lakes is a very rural community with youth needs outside of Lindsay –transportation and rural services will be critical.

Access must be equitable for all including Indigenous youth and 2SLGBTQ+

licensed childcare programs

Operating licensed child care programs at full capacity.

Preschool Children became “Butterfly Rangers” with David Suzuki Foundation, creating pathways of native gardens –award with “Bee a Hero” Award from City of Kawartha Lakes.

Preschool Graduations are back with growing attendance from Family members, over 100 adults attending the KIM Preschool graduation.

New Pedagogist supporting all licensed programs.

Summer Camps

Every year, we operate summer day camps in Lindsay, Peterborough, and Asphodel-Norwood. In each of these places, we have General camps for children ages 4-12 Monday-Friday.

Also, in Lindsay & Peterborough we have Specialty camps that each go for one week, and focus on a particular theme - Dance, Art, Sports, Swimming, etc.

Investment in staffing resources to better support quality and growth Jays Care Foundation supporting summer camps

Expansion of Peterborough camps to two locations to accommodate the growth of general camp (Mites, Super Extreme) as well as Specialty camps

Growth in program numbers in Peterborough and Lindsay HRDC (Human Resources Development Canada) support in all three community locations

facility improvements

L nng

BGC Canada’s Learning & Impact Project equips Clubs to prove and improve their impact through evaluation. Clubs collect quantitative (survey) and qualitative (interview) data to learn about the transformational outcomes of Clubs in four areas: positive relationships, healthy living, lifelong learning, and leadership.

89% of children and youth reported being more comfortable with themselves, 41% saying they are a LOT more comfortable, because of BGC Kawarthas.

A large majority of youth said the Club has helped them accept their special personalities. One participant mentioned, “It helped me not hide certain aspects of myself while being here, like me being here I feel like myself and I don't have to have a filter or anything.”

70% of children and youth reported having a more positive influence on others because of the Club, and 80% reported being better at helping out

86% of children aged 8-10 and 74% of children aged 11-13 reported being either fairly or largely more physically active thanks to the Club.

The majority of children & youth at the Club said they have developed acceptance in the diversity around them.

In 2023, here at BGC Kawarthas:

Club board foundation board






Thankyou to our partners for their outstanding commitment to changing young lives

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