little better? Anyway, this month BGKC has been working as we come closer to the end of the term. We have
appointed officers
little better? Anyway, this month BGKC has been working as we come closer to the end of the term. We have
Did you hear what happened at conclave??
LTG Legacy: Lina Valerie Kyle
Kyle Nguyen from Pacifica is the new ltgMaking cards for St. Jude's cancerpatients helps assurepatients thatthere arepeople who supportandcare for their welfare. Our
Key Clubmembers can sendvirtualcards to thesepatients witha personalizednote anda coverphoto ofour choice. These notes can
thatare sure to brighten anypatient's day. As Iwas writing these
cards, Ithoughtofhow itfeltto be apatientreceiving a card; it
wouldreassure me thatsupportexists during a significanttime in my
be hand-written or selectedfrom a variety ofpre-written notes
life. Iwouldhighly appreciate reading these supportive cards ifI
were apatient, whichencourages me to sendas many cards as
possible. The more cards Isend, the morepatients Ican reach, and
the more days Ican brighten. Sending these cards comes withno costandcan be made in the comfortofone's home or anywhere with
access to the internet!Typically, the service lasts for five days, but
these cards can be sentatany time outside these given days (kindness never has a time limit). My favoritepartaboutmaking these cards is the wholesome feeling elicitedfrom writing and
sending them, knowing thatmanypatients willreceive them andfeel warm inside.
Kristy Mao|Class of2025|St. Jude'sTo begin, the Surf City event was located in Huntington Beach. The event was sponsored by Snail's Pace, a shoe store where you could purchase shoes perfectly tailored to your liking. The person in charge of the volunteers explained each duty available for us to do and complete. One was for runners' bibs (numbers attached on each person), and another was to pass out gear. My friend Alani and I were assigned with bibs, we had contestants 9,000-10,000. The runners would show us their numbers, and we would give them their designated number. At first, it was a bit frightening because, during some moments, there would be many people lining up to get their numbers at our station. However, I had my friends to assist me. I could tell that the environment was uplifting with all of the commotion and smiling as people received their bibs. Later that day, I was switched to the gear area, where we would pass out shirts and bags. My friends Christine and Jessica were in front giving out the gear, while Alani and I unpacked and prepped each item given out. My favorite part of this event was seeing the smiles people put on while receiving their items, it showed me how much joy running brings them. This event was a memorable experience for my peers and me, as it taught us how to manage in an environment with a large amount of people. The Surf City service was a great experience that I wish I could experience again.
Amity Nguyen | Class of 2027| Surf CityIn the month of January, I completed a few Key Club Services. The one that was most significant to me was the Charity Miles service that we had. Before completing the service, I was not motivated to be active because there was nothing I was motivated by. I felt that school was taking over my life, which left me with no other time to do things for fun or complete any volunteer service hours. After the service, I realized that I could easily help my community by just simply walking! I enjoyed seeing how many steps and miles I took in a day! It was interesting to see that I walked close to 10,000 steps in a day even though I thought I wasn't very active at all. It was very cool to see that! Even though I was no longer in Physical Education class, I still had the opportunity to be active while also helping my Key Club community. I felt very accomplished when I saw that I reached over 50,000 steps at the end of the week! I really enjoyed this service because it held me accountable for being active during my day whether it was walking from class to class or walking to the milk tea shop near my school.
Alyssa Diep | Class of 2024 | Charity milesThe Uplift Charity Food Pantry had members from different clubs in Bolsa Grande. This event was located at 1717 S Brookhurst St Anaheim, CA 92804 and took place at 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Half of the members were assembling boxes, adding the stickers on them, and stacking the boxes on top of one another. The other half were standing at tables in a line, distributing food in each box to donate to those in need. When I arrived, I began putting the stickers on the box and then transferred to cutting bags of rice. I used the scissors that were provided to cut the bags and my friend, Kaitlyn, was using a cutting blade to cut them. My other friend, Leyna, was carrying those bags to another pile for the members to take them out and store them into the boxes. When everyone finished packing everything, we took a group photo as a commemoration of this event. Since we were working efficiently, we finished the service earlier than we expected. I enjoyed working with other people in this service, especially when carrying those rice bags because they were heavy! We all collaborated with one another to help thousands of families to receive the resources that they need.
Kaylen Ta | Class of 2026 | Uplift Charity Food PantryPRESIDENT
Steven Nguyen | stevennguyenbgkc@gmail.com
Katherine Nguyen | katherinenguyenbgkc@gmail.com
Gwendolyn Tran | gwendolyntranbgkc@gmail.com
Ivy Luu | ivyluubgkc@gmail.com
Breanna Reaport | breannareaportbgkc@gmail.com
Fiona Nham | fionanhambgkc@gmail.com
serving like no otter,