Birchwood Park H&F Member News March 23

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In this Edition | GM, Course and Gym Update | Recipe of the Month MEMBER NEWS MONTH 2023 HEALTH & FITNESS MARCH - APRIL 2023 In this Edition | Club Update, Classes, and Swimming



Hi everyone, I cannot believe we’re already into the third month of 2023, and it’s been a great start to the year. We have seen the introduction of kids and family dance classes, and the launch of Myzone.

It’s also nice to see so many of you use the new CV equipment, squat rack and the new matted area. Please do not hesitate to talk to the gym staff if you need any assistance in the gym with either the new equipment, programs or fitness consultations.

I am also happy to announce that we have a new team member: Tamzin, who comes to us from Nuffield Health. In just her first week, she has stepped in to cover classes, including an aqua class at the last minute. Tamzin is PT qualified and cannot wait to start taking on clients. If you’re interested in Tamzin’s services, please get in touch.

As a company BGL are still looking at ways to invest in Birchwood Park and its members, and we are looking at an renovation of the men’s, women’s, and poolside showers. As soon as I have a more information, I will let you know.

I cannot speak highly enough about this product, having already seen first-hand the improvements I have made in my own workouts and the health benefits I am seeing. If you find yourself thinking; how do I track the effort I put into my workout? Am I achieving the effort level needed to stay fit and healthy? If you’d like answers to these questions, then try one of our DEMO bands and see what the Myzone can do for you.

If you’d like to get involved, you can purchase a Myzone band from reception for £99.99. In my opinion, it would be a worthwhile investment into your health!

I would like to say how great it has been to see so many members try our demo bands and participate in the new gym floor classes during launch week. The feedback has been so positive, and we are now looking at running these on a regular basis.

I am currently in talks with Matrix to see where we can invest in the club this year. It is always exciting to see that the company is moving forward in health and fitness.

Classes have been, as expected, really busy throughout January and February and we have put on extra classes to help combat waiting lists. Moving into March, we are starting to see the numbers slowly drop off and waiting lists getting shorter.

No-shows are starting to decrease but are still higher than we would like, again please cancel your class if you can not make it, repeat offenders could lose their right to pre-book.

One of the biggest questions I am asked is, why are the bookings for classes so early and why can’t it be later? With 3,000 members using our facilities we cannot please everyone and what may suit one person does not suit another. As such, we have decided to run a survey to find out what our members would most like to see from us.

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The time that is requested the most will be implemented. Once a time has been confirmed, all classes will be booked via the app and no classes will be allowed to be booked at reception.

A Polite Reminder

We are still seeing members taking mobile phones on to the poolside and into the R&R area. Please leave your phone in your locker. Use this time you are here to relax and spend quality time away from your phone. Your phone will cope without you for a few hours!

Whilst we do not want to resort to further measures, your membership could be cancelled if you continue to break club rules.



I am a Cardiac Exercise Specialist with more than 20 years in this field, and I will have been working at Birchwood Park for 15yrs on 1st April.

I support our members who are recovering from cardiac surgery and treatments including angina and heart failure, as well as those concerned about their heart health. If you would like to book some time with me to discuss your concerns, or even a family member’s concerns, you can find me at the club on a Monday between 08.30 and 12.30. I have also scheduled in some dates for Tuesday evenings, if you would like to talk to me, please book at reception.

Tuesday 14th March 15.00 – 19.00

Tuesday 25th April 16.00 – 20.00

Use of Disabled Car Parking Spaces

Please can all members be reminded that the use of the disabled car parking spaces is reserved solely for the use of those who are blue badge holders. We have recently been forced to ban a member for persistently using the disabled bays and wish to avoid this with anyone else.



I am attending the following courses to enhance my knowledge of working with children with special needs.

In March I will be doing a course Exploring Autism with strategies and solutions, and in April I will be attending Exploring ADHD, Dyslexia & Dyspraxia with strategies and solution.

Both courses will be a great asset to my knowledge and the way I deliver my lessons.

Don’t forget new summer term dates for Swim School

Monday 17th April - Saturday 22nd July 2023

12-week course

Fee £144

Please note - we have 2 breaks in this term due to the King’s coronation:

• Monday 1st May to Saturday 6th May (extra weeks break).

• Monday 29th May to Saturday 3rd June (Half Term).

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Birchwood Park Stage 2 class receiving their certificates and badges in January.


Swimathon will be taking place on Friday 12th May. The pool will be closed from 5.30pm to allow for registration and set up. The Swimathon session will start at 6pm and run until 9pm. The pool will reopen at 9pm –10pm.

We also have a Sunday morning session on the 14th May. The pool will be closed from 8.30am to allow for registration of swimmers. The Swimathon session starts at 9am.

We will be using all three lanes and possibly the family section, depending on how many sign up. The lanes are normally divided into one lane for team swimming, one lane for 5k swimmers, and another for 2.5k and 1.5k.

• On the Friday night we will reopen the pool from 9pm to 10pm for adult only swim time.

• Sunday family swim session will commence once the Swimathon has completed, please call the club prior to coming.

• Sunday early morning adult only session will start at 7am and finish at 8.30am to allow for registration to take place

• Click here to register

• You can also complete in Swimathon through Swimtag, please see reception on how to register.

Members Journey

How Swimtag helped our members raise money for charity.

Janet Turrell and Erika Hall completed the Aspire Chanel Swimming challenge and Swam 22 miles in Oct 2022. They raised money for Aspire, a charity that supports people with spinal cord injuries, Janet and Erika’s donation will help them to access Swimming opportunities across the UK.

Janet and Erika have now signed up for another 22-mile Swimtag challenge in March for Diabetes UK.

If you wish to support Janet and Erika on their journey you can do this through Swimtag. There is still time to complete the Cairnryan to Belfast Swimtag challenge which ends 30th March.

I would like to say to a massive well done to John Reynolds for uploading over 100 Swimtag swims.

Pool Maintenance – 22nd March

Due to essential pool maintenance work, the swimming pools will be closed on Wednesday 22nd March for the day.

Pool engineers will be on site to carry out work. The R&R area will remain unaffected on this day.

Thank you for reading the latest Members News. Please feel free to contact us on 01322 662038 BIRCHWOOD PARK GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Birchwood Rd, Dartford DA2 7HJ

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