Education Plus 16 September 2014

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Education 2014 SCHOOLS INDEX Abbeywood.........................p20 Badminton School.............p35 Bradley Stoke.....................p20 Brimsham Green ..............p21 Bristol Grammar School..p33 Castle School......................p21 Clifton High.................p34&35 Colston’s School................p34 Downend School...............p19 Kingfisher School...............p21 Nailsea School....................p23 Oasis Academy Brightstowe.........................p22 Oasis Academy John Williams ..............................p22 QEH.......................................p36 Redland High School for Girls .....................................p31 Red Maids’...........................p32 St Bede’s .............................p23 St Bernadette ....................p19 Steiner Academy........p22&23 St Katherine’s.....................p19


INSPIRING NEW GENERATION Marc Rath Education reporter


HEN GCSE and A-level results were released last month, there was an eye-catching change in tack from Bristol schools as they announced their achievements. Among independent schools in particular, the familiar boasts about record numbers of A* students awarded places at Oxford or Cambridge played second fiddle this year. Top billing instead went to the news that female students had performed well in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects and earned places on courses in those disciplines at university. The shift of emphasis appeared to signal that the male stranglehold

on STEM subjects and careers was beginning to loosen. This is backed up by new figures which have revealed that the number of female students considering university courses in STEM subjects had grown by more than it has for the opposite sex. The survey, compiled by Cambridge Occupational Analysts (COA), is based on detailed analysis of answers to 150 questions by around 20,000 sixth formers each year for the past seven years. To a backdrop of repeated warnings about the importance of STEM subjects to the British economy, the findings will have been welcomed by employers and politicians alike. Earlier this year, a report by the Commons Science and Technology Committee warned that the UK risked a serious shortfall of workers to fill vital jobs in science and industry if it did not increase the num-

● Above, The Earl of Wessex at the opening of the Bristol Technology and Engineering Academy in Stoke Gifford last year; Above right, the new Enterprise and Technology College opens in Weston. Left, Catherine Hobbs, the head of the engineering and mathematics department at the University of the West of England

ber of women in these areas. A leading website for school and college leavers revealed earlier this month that two of the three most searched-for terms and courses it witnessed in the fortnight following A-Level results week were ‘engineering’ and ‘science’. Over the last few years, the educational landscape in Bristol has

STEM subjects.................p2&3


excellence as standard

OPEN EVENING Tuesday 7th October: 5.30-8.30pm OPEN MORNINGS Saturday 11th October: 10.30am-12.30pm Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th October: 9.30-11.30am

excellence as standard

What next for Sir David Carter? .............................p8&9 Exploring the Bristol heritage project ......................... 10&11 Schools going the extra mile................................p12&13 States schools on the up in Bristol...........................p14&15 Applying for places............p16 Lessons in finance ............p18 Schools and house prices.....................................p25 Bursaries helping to realise dreams .........................p26&27 Tides project.................28&29 Young enterprise scheme unearths top talent............p30

excellence as standard

excellence as standard

Keeping pupils – and teachers – safe online .............p4&5 Teen helping shape future for education...................p6&7

● Engineering is one of the most popular GCSE options for both girls and boys at Fairfield High School in Horfield. This follows sustained efforts to change young teenagers' preconceptions about the subject. The school hosts talks and demonstrations by industry leaders such as Airbus and organises visits to employers and workshops, as well as holding hands-on activities for its students and for primary children such as a tower challenge involving marshmallows and spaghetti, a parachute challenge, and playing with robots. Earlier this year, a group of Fairfield girls went to an event at Cardiff City FC designed to dispel myths about careers in areas such as construction, plumbing, sport, public services and engineering. As well as bumping into some Premier League players, the students were inspired by Jessica Jones, winner of Young Engineer of the Year. Teacher Chris Long said: “As Jessica took to the stage the girls commented that ‘she doesn’t look like a typical engineer!’ When asked, ‘What does an actual engineer look like then?’ one of the responses was ‘someone who wears overalls and gets dirty a lot.’” By the end of the day, in which they got to try out tiling a wall, building a brick arch, learning CPR with paramedics, playing golf and football and experimenting with science, the students' aspirations had grown. Shelbie Lane, 15, said: “I have been inspired by women who have a lot of power, because they have shown us that we have no limits - in our life and careers.” Saado Omar, 15, said: “Women can be independent no matter what people say.”

excellence as standard


excellence as standard

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014


State education


repositioned itself to cater for the forecast rise in demand to study STEM subjects. One college with an engineering focus has opened, Bristol Technology & Engineering Academy in Stoke Gifford, and another is in the pipeline (a studio school at Wellsway School in Keynsham). Another centre aimed at fostering the engineers of the future, North Somerset Enter-

prise and Technology College, has just opened in Weston-super-Mare. Catherine Hobbs, the head of the engineering and mathematics department at the University of the West of England, says the shortage of women in STEM jobs has been a entrenched cultural problem worsened by misconceptions of what being an engineer actually involves.

She believes getting the message across children about the potential scope of an career in engineering is important. Ms Hobbs said: “We need to get students to change their mind in Year 11 about engineering. “They think an engineer is a guy in a boiler suit and a spanner fixing a washing machine. But engineers are designing washing machines and supersonic cars – they are not on the shop floor fiddling with a nut. “This country doesn’t see them as a professional. If you ask a child at the age of five or six, ‘What does an engineer do?’ they would say it is someone who fixes their dad’s car. But children of that age knows exactly what a doctor does.” She said the engineering was male dominated in most Western countries with the exception of Italy. Ms Hobbs said: “There is perception of science and maths as being a ‘boy thing’ but in some countries that isn’t the case. In Italy, maths is seen as being a female subject and there is a high proportion of women in STEM careers. As a female in this country, you know if you select a engineering or maths degree, you will be in a minority and it’s just slightly un-

comfortable. And that’s speaking as someone who has gone through it – being on a course where others don’t look like you.” Of the 1,500 students on maths and engineering courses at UWE, only 20 per cent are female. When the figures are examined in more detail, engineering emerges as the more problematic subject. Under 10 per cent of students on engineering courses are female, compared with 40 per cent in mathematics. Subjects allied to medicine, such as biology, chemistry and maths, are more popular with women, standing at 40 per cent. But physics and engineering subjects attract less than 20 per cent.

It’s important for the “economy to get more

women in STEM industries. If you don’t encourage girls to fulfil their potential, it’s a bit of a sad thing.” Catherine Hobbs

Ms Hobbs said that among the causes is a shortage of girls studying science and maths at A-level, and taking triple science at GCSE. To solve the problem, there have been campaigns, including one from the lobby group Campaign for Science and Engineering, and the use of role models and mentors. At UWE there are Year 11 and Year 12 engineering workshop days for students studying A-level maths. When it comes to targeting younger children, Ms Hobbs added: “With primary school children, things are being made more creative around engineering. There are lots of people going into schools and doing hands on activities, and an event called Tomorrow’s Engineers, which is a week in October.” Things are moving in the right direction, reports Ms Hobbs, with the proportion of women in STEM subjects more than doubling over 20 or 30 years. She said: “It’s important for the economy to get more women in STEM industries – that would bring diversity, which has many benefits to a population. And if you don’t encourage girls to fulfil potential, it’s a bit of a sad thing.”

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State Stateeducation education


N the rapidly-evolving digital landscape we now occupy, you would pity anyone – whether teachers or parents – responsible for keeping children safe from harm online. With sophisticated new apps appearing on an almost daily basis, the latest smart phones and tablets becoming ever more powerful and the numbers using of social media continuing to soaring, keeping up with technology has become an near impossible task. But one Bristol-based organisation is taking an innovative and novel approach to helping pupils dodge the perils of the web, whether it be social media, cyber bullying, hacking or privacy. Unique Voice is training secondary school children to be E-safety Champions, who use their experience and coaching to warn primary school children against the dangers lurking on the internet. One of the organisation’s directors, Krystal Keeley, says the champions are often better placed to give advice than teachers or other adults because they have up-to-the-minute knowledge on the latest apps and social media sites. She said: “Secondary school children are moving away from the mainstream social media sites but it’s now mums and dads using Facebook. They are using new picture-related apps coming forward like Snapchat. But rather than trying to put people off using them, we are learning the mechanics of them and how they can be used safely.� Unique Voice’s project, called Connected, is aimed at giving young people the “voice and lead� on E Safety as “main consumers of technology�.

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Bristol-based Unique Voice is taking an innovative and novel approach to helping pupils dodge the perils of the web – by training secondary school children to be E-safety Champions. Marc Rath reports. Four secondaries, Fairfield High, Bedminster Down, City Academy, and Orchard, have all taken part in the initiative, with children at more than 30 feeder primaries also involved. Al-

together, 6,000 young people in the city have benefited. Unique Voice trains the champions in public speaking and online safety knowledge. They then accompany Unique Voice actors to put

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


State Stateeducation education TIPS FOR PARENTS ● Talk with your child about their use of technology ● Come up with an agreed set of rules for the use of technology ● Use the features of their devices to help safeguard your child ● Use technology in an open and honest communication line as a family ● Ask your child to show you the latest shortcuts, tips and sites so that not only are you showing an interest in them, you can learn too whilst ensuring their safety – you can become a digi-parent!

RISKS FOR TEACHERS AS WELL AS YOUNGSTERS ● Lisa Middle, secretary of the Bristol division of the National Union of Teachers, says the web can be dangerous for teachers too. She said: “Advice from the NUT is to exercise extreme caution when using the internet. The union advises teachers not to use social media without the using the highest

security settings. “The danger is that comments can be taken out of context and used maliciously. Teachers have had their ‘posts’ or ‘likes’ used maliciously against them when they wrote the comments with entirely different meanings in mind. “We suggest teachers to not

Our Mission: To support and enable all students to believe in themselves, achieve their full potential and develop the skills needed to succeed and enjoy life.

‘friend’ pupils, ex-pupils or their families on Facebook or make any comments about pupils, staff or aspects of school. “However, this is a very sad state of affairs. Teachers should have the same right to use social media as other people whilst having the same responsibilities.”

Open Mornings:

Wednesday 1st October & Tuesday 7th October Tours at 8.45am, 9.45am and 11.05am Bookable by appointment only

Open Evening: on engaging performances and workshops. The primary school then hosts a parent presentation, where the children demonstrate what they have learned, spreading their knowledge of E-Safety to their parents and friends. Unique Voice says the model has been hugely successful at empowering schools, young people and families. The organisation says it strengthens relationships between secondary and primaries as well as providing schools with current material that young people can relate to. Krystal, who along with other members of her organisation all studied performing arts at Bath Spa University, said the biggest threats the web posed varied depending on age. For primary school children it can be the temptation to click on pop-up which promises to give them the chance to win a new Mac or iPad. Children have been advised about clicking on pop-ups leading to viruses, opening up the possibility of hackers accessing their personal information, and leading to them unknowingly running up a bill. For secondary school children, cyber bullying is more of a problem, where there is a lack of ‘thinking before posting’. Krystal said pupils tagging unflattering pictures on social media can lead to

“fall out”. She said: “ Thinking about what they share can have a big impact on the situation.” Krystal recommends reporting cyber bullying in a safe manner, like on the BeatBullying website or to school support staff or police officer. She sympathises with today’s generation of school children who suffer bullying which goes under the radar, with victims staying silent. She said: “Some things can explode over the internet but you could walk past a person concerned and they wouldn’t say anything to you – it’s more tortuous than when I was at school. If something explodes on social media or someone is being trolled online, it is so widespread and it can go deep in the way it can harm a person.” The project is primarily funded by Bristol City Council’s Early Help Team, with some coming from secondary schools. In a testimonial, Kelly Harmer, the business development manager at Fairfield High, said: “We have just finished working on the Connected project with Unique Voice and our students have been inspired. Not only are our ‘E Safety Champions’ well informed about E Safety but they have passed on information to another generation in our primary schools as well as to their parents and peers.”

ONLINE SAFETY TIPS purchases of apps. There are lots of features that parents can use to help safeguard against inappropriate access and use. Advice from leading experts reinforces the idea that communication with your children is key. Being open and frank with your child about how they use technology and where they use it is vital. Talking with your child is the simplest and best way to keep up with what they are doing online.

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Open Day:

Wednesday 24th September

Tours at 8.45am, 9.45am, 11.05am and 1.35pm Bookable by appointment only

Open Evening:

Wednesday 24th September 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Creche facilities are available Headteacher talks at 6.00pm and 6.45pm

Bradley Stoke Community School Fiddlers Wood Lane Bradley Stoke South Glouchestershire BS32 9BS Tel: 01454 868840


● Mark Anderson, director of e-learning at The Sir Bernard Lovell School, said: “The knowledge that your child’s mobile device most likely has unrestricted Internet on it is something that many parents are unaware of. Devices that run the Apple iOS system and the alternatives in Android and Windows phones do have parental controls on them. You can age restrict and prevent

Wednesday 1st October


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education Sometimes young people’s “issues are not addressed with

young people first. But in this commission it was the case – I felt proud to be involved. There is nothing more important than young people’s futures. Sanya Rajpal

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N lesser hands it may have been too heavy a responsibility to shoulder, but for talented teenager Sanya Rajpal being the lone voice for her peers on a project which could transform the life chances of Bristol youngsters was an honour. The 19-year-old was tasked with conveying how her fellow students felt about their job prospects in the city to help steer the newly-formed Education and Skills Commission towards a solution which would offer the city’s youth a brighter future. One of the commission’s main recommendations, to introduce a “Passport for Employability” entitling every young person in the city to CV production tips, interview practice and work experience to help them find jobs, was made after Sanya’s input. She offered an insight into the challenges teenagers face when they complete their education and find themselves thrown into the often harsh and unforgiving world of work. But Sanya is no stranger to being selected to voice the views and experiences of her peers. From a young age the former Bristol Grammar School pupil has been prefect and member of school councils.

Until February this year, she was a member of UK Youth Parliament for north Bristol and until next February will be member of the Bristol Youth Council, completing a two year term. She said one of the most important findings of the commission, set up by Mayor George Ferguson with the backing of some of the biggest players in the education and employment scene in Bristol, was the ‘disconnect’ between education and work. The teenager from Longwell Green said: “Even with qualifications it’s hard in a lot of cases for young people to get jobs. The first problem is experience; you are new to the working world so to have experience is impossible and it’s impossible to have the skills you gain from that experience because education doesn’t provide it – that’s been a real struggle. “Maybe the passport will bridge that gap. From what I understand and what I’ve seen in my life, and from every young person I’ve spoken to, education is so focused on exams and results and targets. Young people’s skills and what they need in the future is sometimes lost. “You need education and skills, with high standards in both, to survive in the world. Things don’t

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Open Evening

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● Sanya Rajpal

Pic: Dan Regan BRDR20140903C-002_C

seem as easy as perhaps they were in the past.” Sanya, who will begin a law degree at Bristol University this month to pursue a career in human rights, was not daunted by being the only young person on a


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commission which included the likes of Professor Ron Ritchie of the University of the West of England along with 12 others with backgrounds spanning education, business, media and science. She said: “I felt what I was doing

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education


was very important and grateful I had been given the opportunity to have qualified people listening to what I thought. “They were listening a lot and very carefully – that was quite precious.

“Young people were put at the centre of this, which was pretty incredible. “Sometimes young people’s issues are not addressed with young people first. But in this commission it was the case – I felt quite proud to have been involved. “There is nothing more important than young people’s futures – it’s something I feel very strongly about.” The Passport to Employability, known as PEBL, will be aimed at bridging the gap between school and work, and making people aged 14 to 25 more employable, particularly focusing on jobs – mostly in the creative, green and digital technology sectors – expected to be created the new Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. Sanya used her experience at national level as one of six members of UK Youth Parliament to highlight research revealing that young people often lack financial skills and have a limited understanding of the political system. Another problem thrown up in research was the ineffectiveness of careers advice available to young people, with the jobs market changing at such a pace that careers specialists were unable to keep pace and advise with insight on the latest digital roles.

State education THE BIG IDEAS ● The Education & Skills Commission, called for by Mr Ferguson in May last year, announced its two ‘big ideas’ earlier this year. The first recommendation, the Passport for Employability, is aimed at better preparing young people for their adult lives and reducing inconsistencies in the advice and guidance youngsters receive at school and college. The second recommendation is that an Engagement Hub be set up in the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone, enabling business, education providers and young people to come together for activities aimed at boosting their employability. The commission’s findings were discussed by the council’s cabinet last month. Speaking earlier this year, Mr Ferguson said: “A crucial element of my vision for Bristol is that it is a Learning City. I welcome the recommendations of the commission as reinforcing that vision. I’m hugely grateful and am confident this will leave the city better prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.” But the Bristol division of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) has warned against focusing solely on the demands of employers. Lisa Middle, the secretary of the Bristol division, said: “Whilst the NUT supports the preparation of pupils for work it is crucial schooling does not focus just on the demands of business.”

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education

HOLDING SCHOOLS IN THE SOUTH He was credited with improving the life chances of 6,000 Bristol schoolchildren during his tenure as chief of the Cabot Learning Federation academy chain. But now Sir David Carter is moving on to bigger things. MARC RATH reports.



F there is one criticism which could never be levelled at Sir David Carter it’s that he possesses a lack of ambition. After 11 years at the Cabot Learning Federation in which he rose from head teacher to chief executive and played a major role in transforming the fortunes of several failing Bristol schools, he’s now set his sights on what is arguably an even more sizeable challenge. From September 1, he has been working as the South West’s first Regional Schools Commissioner. Instead of having responsibility for 11 academies in and around Bristol, he will now be held to account for the performance of dozens of academies and free schools in a patch extending from Gloucestershire in the north to Cornwall in the south. When he spoke to the Bristol Post earlier this month, he had just settled in to his new surroundings – an office in

Temple Quay where he is being supported by a small team of administrative staff. Within his remit is monitoring the performance of academies and free schools in the South West, approving new academies and free schools and encouraging organisations to come forward as sponsors for schools. And the role is far from one which is “all talk and no trousers”, with major decisions being reserved for officials Whitehall. Sir David explains that he was attracted to the job because it “has teeth”. He has the power to remove an academy sponsor from a school if it is judged to have been failing over a prolonged period. On a sliding scale, he can choose to make a “gentle” check on a underperforming school, issue a pre-warning notice or dole out a final warning in extreme cases. Sir David said: “Ultimately, if the school is still failing, it can be taken

away from its sponsor. I suppose you could take it even further – if a school doesn’t have a sponsor or one can’t be found we might say ‘Is this school viable?’ Although I would talk to the secretary of state if that were the

case.” And he says his new job isn’t about persuasion – rather holding individuals and sponsors to account and ‘telling them what to do to improve’. He said: “These kids have only got

one chance of an education. I do have the power and authority to make changes if needed. I can also ask Ofsted to inspect a school if I was worried about it.” Explaining the role of the country’s eight new regional schools commissioners covering different regions of England, he said: “At the heart of it is the recognition is that to run 5,000 schools from Whitehall is very difficult. If a school is getting into difficulties, we wouldn’t allow chaos to occur – we would want to get in there and arrest the decline immediately.” Sir David has vast experience in academies having fronted the largest group of schools in the Bristol area, the Cabot Learning Federation. Although a big advocate of the academy system he has reservations about large national academy chains taking on too many schools. And he has promised to keep a close eye on sponsors from overseas running schools in the UK. He has already scheduled a trip to Ireland to take a look at the work of Educate Together Trust, which has just opened a primary school in Redfield. Of foreign sponsors, he said: “The plan will be to look at some of their schools in Ireland to get a better insight into how they work.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


State education



● It was a “wrench” for Sir David to leave the Cabot Learning Federation - but he believes the chain can go from strength to strength. The federation has installed an interim chief executive, Sujata McNab, a former finance director, with a permanent replacement set to be chosen by the end of October. Sir David, who oversaw more than 1,000 staff at the federation, said: “I went to John Cabot Academy when it was Cabot Technology College in 2003. It has been an amazing journey and I have loved every minute of it. We had a big conference and there were 1,000 people there at Ashton Court – it was a lump in the throat moment.”

● Bristol’s rise and rise in exam performance means the city should be held up as an ‘absolute success story’, said Sir David. He said: “In the early part of 2000s, it was at the bottom of the league table and Bristol had aspirations to be one of the top European cities, but educationally it was one of the worst. “It has maintained a strong relationship with the local authority - we wouldn’t have been able to create the Cabot Learning Federation if we hadn’t had the support from Bristol City Council to let us do what we did - they were never antagonistic. “There are still areas where we have a lot of work to do so we can’t be complacent about it.”

Academies are funded by the taxpayer and we want to know they understand education and understand Bristol.” Sir David said it would be a “good thing” if all schools were academies

● Sir David Carter with Sir Michael Wilshaw, Ofsted Chief Inspector but said it was not within his remit to drive up numbers. He said: “My role is about making sure academies perform better than they do and ensure new ones do really well. I believe in the academy model – the reason I

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education

UNEARTHING THE UNTOLD STORIES If teachers were asked to help their pupils understand Bristol’s culture, they’d probably be quick to suggest trips to museums, galleries or places of worship. But a new project is focusing on history and heritage in more unlikely places, reports MARC RATH.


UST around the corner from Victoria Park Primary School lies a neglected graveyard. Pupils had seen it many times before without taking much of an interest. But through a new English Heritage project they have learned to see it in a totally new light. With the help of local heritage education manager Michael Gorely the children examined gravestones in the forgotten St John’s burial yard and discovered a young couple who lived in Bristol in the 19th century had been buried there side by side in the same plot marked by a single headstone. This caught the imagination of the pupils and led them to conduct some historical research on the tragic pair, Sarah Jane Seymour and Henry Larcombe. “They drowned in Watchet and we found newspaper accounts of what had happened,” said former Bristol primary school teacher Mr Gorely.

“We managed to find out where they lived and where they worked. We had that as a starting point and asked the children to come up with questions. We found they had different surnames but were engaged to be married. It was a story which had been sitting there undiscovered. “The project is about looking for stories from the streets around the school and getting children out of the classroom and looking at places they’ve seen before but in a new light, using research and historical skills.” In 2012 Bristol was selected as one of first three areas in the UK to be involved in the Heritage Schools project, which will run in the city until March next year. Funded by the Department of Education, the programme was developed in response to Darren Henley’s report to government on cultural education in England. It has been expanded to include clusters of schools in eight regions

● Victoria Park Primary School pupils Lucas Hooker and Courtney Jenkins engrossed in the heritage project; Right, Kings Weston House and Arnos Vale across England, with 150 schools involved. The project is aimed at helping children learn about and understand their local heritage and provide teachers with new and effective ways to use local heritage resources as part of the curriculum. The schools participating are using heritage to connect children to where they live, develop a sense of place and an un-

derstanding of how the story of where they live relates to the national context. According to English Heritage, learning about local heritage inspires creativity, develops literacy, an awareness and appreciation of architecture and design, and encourages young people to value and protect the heritage around them. So far nine primaries and three secondary schools in Bristol have

been involved. Another six will take part this academic year, bringing the total to 18 before funding for the project is due to dry up. Altogether, 3,000 Bristol children have been involved. The project has dovetailed with the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, allowing schools to find out how the conflict affected their district of the city.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014


State education


Three schools have created films based on Bristolians who were involved in the war. Former Sefton Park Primary School teacher Mr Gorely said: “Summerhill Academy in St George has a plaque commemorating former pupils killed in the war - we traced two of them who had been buried side by side in Belgium.

“This suggested there was a story about best friends who had enlisted together and died together. “The children turned it into a film which included a story of the boys – we found a publication which had a photo of one of them and traced a great nephew of his. From what teachers and par-

ents are saying, it has been their most memorable project of the year.” Another project has seen children learning about the Southmead housing estate, with experts from Bristol’s Architecture Centre explaining why it was built, how it was planned and what housing conditions were like elsewhere in Bristol at the time.

THE SCHOOLS: ● Minerva Academy ● Colston's Girls' School ● Fishponds Academy ● Bristol Metropolitan Academy ● Little Mead Primary Academy ● Victoria Park Primary ● Millpond Primary ● Summerhill Academy

● Avon Primary ● Avonmouth CE VC Primary ● Frome Vale Academy ● St Barnabas CEVC Primary ● St Patrick’s Catholic Primary ● Begbrook Primary ● Hillcrest Primary ● Elmfield School for Deaf Children

● Glenfrome Primary ● West Town Lane Academy ● Horfield C of E Primary ● Henbury Court Primary Academy ● Air Balloon Primary ● Ashton Park Secondary ● Bannerman Road Community Academy ● Fonthill Primary

Mr Gorely said: “The houses had inside toilets and large gardens, unlike the housing elsewhere in the city. “It has been about giving pupils pride in their own area.” The project has also reached younger pupils, with seven-yearolds reading the original handwriting on census returns from the 19th century. Mr Gorely said: “They were interested in it and were able to do it – it’s quite sophisticated historical research.” The project’s next big initiative will be a First World War day for 10 and 11-year-old pupils in partnership with Bristol’s sightseeing open top buses and the council’s museums and education service. On the bus tour, children will visit key sites during the conflict including Kingsweston House, where they were learn about it being used as a war hospital, and Arnos Vale, where they will be told about soldiers from across the Commonwealth, and White City Exhibition, which was used as barracks.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education

OPENING PUPILS’ EYES TO WHOLE Marc Rath Education reporter


HEY allow both schools and students to set themselves apart from the rest. Extracurricular activities enable schools to entice pupils seeking that something extra and give students a chance to differentiate themselves from peers to help seal a college or university place or a job. They are being acknowledged as a vital component to a well-rounded education and more and more schools are becoming more outspoken about what they can offer above and beyond the norm. And offering a wealth of physical and educational opportunities is no longer the preserve of independent schools; traditionally the only institutions with finances stretching to cover trips, unrivalled sporting facilities and expert tuition. Merchants’ Academy, in Withywood, offers a range of what it describes as “co-curricular activities”, and boasts the only Army Cadet Force in the state education system. Students at Colston’s Girls’ School are involved in a wealth of extra-cur-

ricular activities, including Young Enterprise, Green Team, Envision volunteering, robotics, public speaking, Duke of Edinburgh Award, music, drama, charity events, and sports such as karate, dance and fitness classes. At Fairfield High School in Horfield there is an array of extra-curricular activities available. The co-curricular day does not finish until 5pm on some days and more than half of students choose to stay behind to take part in dance, drama, music and sport. In the independent sector, Bristol Grammar School prides itself on what it offers outside the classroom to allow students to tap into their passions and interests. It co-curricular devotes two afternoons each week to activities and games. In the sixth form, one afternoon each week is devoted to an activities programme when students can choose to tackle a Duke of Edinburgh Award or community volunteering. The school offers an extensive sporting programme, with another afternoon dedicated to individual and team competition or recreational health and fitness. Earlier this year in his column in the Bristol Post, the school’s headmaster Rod MacKinnon said:

● At Fairfield High School, there’s an array of extra-curricular activities available “Co-curricular provision is the essential complement to a rigorous academic programme. Students forge a powerful relationship with their teachers when they realise that the person teaching them physics also

joins them on the netball court or on a field trip to CERN; or that their geography teacher is also in the audience for the school play or supporting their charity fundraising efforts. Teachers and students alike benefit from see-

ing one another as whole people with a variety of interests.” But Lisa Middle, secretary for the Bristol division of the National Union of Teachers, said many state schools were discovering they were strug-



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Tuesday, September 16, 2014


State education



● MERCHANTS’ Academy in South Bristol believes it offers the most extensive enrichment programme in the South West. The activities are not an add-on but an integral part of the school week. The co-curricular programme that takes place every Wednesday afternoon from 2.30-4.30pm is compulsory for all secondary students. The youngsters can choose from a mind-boggling range that includes book and film clubs, animation, Warhammer, jewellery-making, philosophy, fishing and ‘all things Bristol’ as well as sports, music and Army Cadets. They can change activities each term.

● HENBURY School altered its timetable a year ago to ensure all students had the chance to take part in activities beyond the curriculum. It created a “Lesson 6” from 3-4pm on three days a week, which allows time for catch-up sessions for those that need it and enrichment activities for everyone else. Students must take one option but many do more voluntarily. Head teacher Clare Bradford said that last year 60 per cent of students in Year 11 did two or more sessions and 15 per cent did three. “It is a good mix of study support and enrichment,” she said. “We have found this change to the timetable really worthwhile, as it gives students so many opportunities to develop themselves and their interests.” The provision ranges from sports and performing arts to gardening and origami. There are book, film, photography, art, embroidery and animation clubs as well as cookery, science and exercise sessions.

● Activities are an integral part of the school week at Merchants’ Academy gling to find time within the normal school day to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum. She said: “The government has narrowed the curriculum and the demands of Ofsted make for a relentlessly tar-

get-driven culture.” Merchants Academy Executive principal Anne Burrell said that although academic attainment was vital, it was equally important to “open students’ eyes to the amazing possibilities offered by

life beyond the academy gates.” “We want our students to leave the academy as bright, optimistic people who have had some incredible experiences and challenges in their time with us,” she said.

“We are serious about giving children the chance to try activities they never thought they could do; to learn new skills, to meet new people and to have experiences few other schools in the country can offer.”



Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education

STATE SCHOOLS ARE DRIVING UP As the secondary school open evening season gets under way, LINDA TANNER looks at how secondary education has changed over the past decade.


E’VE got a great story to tell – but so many people in our community are just not hearing it. That was the lament from a Bristol secondary school principal last week. Half an hour later, in a coffee shop a mile or so away, the story was corroborated. I overheard one mum say to another about the school in question, “oh, X – avoid X like the plague.” She did not appear to have any evidence for her opinion of this or any other school, but thought she would probably send her daughter to Y “because there’s a bus that goes from the end of our road”. I guessed that the child was as yet some years off the move to “big school” as the mother did not seem to have the note of panic in her voice that gets louder the closer that “transition” – as it is now called – becomes.

Secondary schooling is a big topic of conversation among parents in all corners of Bristol, starting when their children are in nursery and continuing at parks, playdates, barbecues and dinner parties. These days, it is also conducted online and often anonymously, making hearsay even more damaging to the secondaries’ efforts to get their positive messages out. It is true that when the 11-year-olds donning their blazers and ties this month were born, state education in Bristol was in a bad place. Exam results were among the worst in the country and the city council came very close to having all its powers as a local education authority removed. A fifth of children who left primary school were bussed out to secondary schools in North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and B&NES and another 20 per cent joined one of the city’s high number of independent, fee-charging schools.


The rapid transformation that followed, involving fantastic new buildings, academy conversions, new uniforms, and – most importantly rising results, was beginning to bear fruit by 2009 with a reduction in “pupil drift” from all corners of the city to neighbouring areas. More children were coming in to Bristol’s state schools too, following the conversion of former independent schools Bristol Cathedral School and Colston’s Girls’ School to academies. Increasing numbers of parents put their faith in city schools as results continued to go up – with Bristol’s provisional headline figure overtaking South Gloucestershire’s for the first time this year. The city council says that of the 2012 intake, a total of 1,605 children went “cross border” to schools outside Bristol. In 2013, the figure was 1,592 and the authority reckons that this year the number is 597. This is as yet unconfirmed because there is a lot of change between when places are offered in March and the start of the school year, but it does show a remarkably improving trend. Nevertheless, the parental concerns remain – not least because families look at the GCSE and A-level

● The conversion of Colston’s Girls’ School to an academy has helped more parents put their faith into state schools performance of their local schools rather than the citywide figures. So while this year all Bristol secondaries were above the 40 per cent “floor target” – for the proportion of students gaining at least five GCSE

A*-C grades, a number were below the national average, meaning that more than half of 16-year-olds in those schools were not achieving this minimum standard. Schools, though, say it is important to look wider than this

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014


State education

STANDARDS ACROSS CITY PARENTS GETTING INVOLVED IN RUNNING AND SETTING UP SCHOOLS ● AWARE that our children are most likely to thrive at school with good support from home, most of us do our best. But there are some parents whose involvement in the education of not only their own but other people’s children goes much further. In Bristol, this is sometimes prompted by concerns over schooling in the city. Karen Foster, pictured, from Westbury-on-Trym, was a founder member of Bristol Parents’ Voice, the group that led to the foundation of Bristol Free School in Brentry in 2011. She is narrow measure and, especially, to look at the advances made by young people over five years. It is important, too, to recognise that some Bristol schools do not have a truly comprehensive intake, due in part to

now chair of governors and, five years after the campaign began, her elder daughter has just started at BFS. Mrs Foster said: “We wanted a school within walking distance that our children could move on to with their friends from primary school. It is lovely to walk across the park and see young teenagers there. That didn’t happen before. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.” Jeremy Routledge also wanted his children to be able to walk to school so he opted for the Brislington Enterprise College, where his eldest in now in Year 11. aspirational families opting for independent sector, neighbouring area or faith-based education. Parents also worry about Ofsted ratings, especially if their closest secondary is judged to “require im-

“I am a real believer in supporting your local school. My son has had a happy time at BEC, with supportive staff and good quality teaching. He has had plenty of opportunities and I don’t think a school choice should be just be about the exam results,” he said. Mr Routledge joined the governing body in the hope of helping to improve links between the school and the community. “It is so important for schools to get their communications right, with their existing parents and with prospective parents and people in the community,” he said. Another group of parents founded Steiner Academy Bristol, which opened last week in Fishponds. provement”. But it is self-evident that even an outstanding school will have some weaknesses alongside its considerable strengths, while a low-rated school will probably have some areas of outstanding practice.

Alongside results and inspection reports, parents make decisions based on local knowledge and perceptions – which brings us back to the coffee shop mum. But reputations often lag behind real changes, so a “rough” school might now be a beacon of good behaviour while a school that is thought to be good might have seen standards slip. And it would be wrong to rule out a school where pupil numbers have dropped – several Bristol secondaries have been able to take advantage of a smaller roll to give students more individual attention, which has led to dramatic improvements in results. So, as the open evenings for September 2015 entrants get into full swing, what should parents do? The most important thing is to keep an open mind and opt for the school that is right for your child. Don’t rule anywhere out. Go to the open evening, listen to the head teacher’s talk, but also take the chance to question students, teachers and current parents. Most schools also arrange visits during the school day, which can give you a true picture. Be realistic and work with your child and the staff so your child can get the maximum benefit.

NUMBERS GAME ● NINE Bristol schools were full in Year 7 at the start of this year, according to city council figures. They include two secondaries that a few years ago saw a very low number of applications – Bristol Brunel Academy in Speedwell and Oasis Academy John Williams in Hengrove. City Academy Bristol and Brislington Enterprise College are two of the schools that have seen a fall in numbers recently. But it is an ever-changing picture. The council is still collating the number of starters in each school and has issued “7-day letters” for children who have not arrived as expected. At Fairfield High School, for example, 180 places were originally offered but many of those were to families who had never considered the school in the first place. School leaders were told the actual total might be nearer 80. By the end of the summer term, following sustained efforts to encourage people to take up places, 116 had accepted. On the first day 140 arrived, and that number had swelled by five by the end of the first week. Many secondaries have scores of surplus places at the moment, but in a couple of years’ time that will change, because of the rising numbers of children coming through Bristol’s primary schools.

Fairfield High School Fairfield High School

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education

Learning City So many reasons to celebrate school. Here in Bristol, we have a wide variety of schools offering high-quality education. That is what Ofsted say in their latest figures. Over 80 per cent of our primary and secondary schools are now judged to be good or better – above the national average. 2014 has seen results improve even further with the best ever ‘A’ level results for many and GCSE performance having gone up for the tenth year in a row. Bristol is taking steps to improve the quality of education even further. We are continuing to invest in strong, purposeful partnerships between schools, the local authority, academy sponsors and a range of education stakeholders to ensure that all our schools are good or outstanding centres of learning. And despite the rapidly rising demand in Reception Year places – one of the highest in the country – Bristol

has consistently managed to offer every four-year-old a place, improving the life chances of thousands of children in the city by providing modern, good quality school places within walking distance of their homes. We have also launched the Learning City. What does Learning City mean? It means the city’s leaders, both in education and business, working together to raise educational achievement even further, so that every citizen has access to a good education and is able to acquire the skills they need to join Bristol’s world-class workforce. Learning City lies at the heart of making this a reality, by engaging every citizen and building on the foundations of success. We have high expectations of what all young people can achieve. So we invite you to take a closer look and attend the open events planned for parents across the city. Bristol City Council’s admissions manager Mike Wheeler said: “Each school produces its own prospectus and has its own website, which are useful sources of information. We

● 2014 has seen results improve even further in Bristol schools, with the best ever A-level results for many recommend you take a look at these, but also visit the schools you are interested in to have a look round and meet teachers and pupils in person.” The most important thing to consider is how well parents think a particular school will suit their child.

“With the mix of different types of school in Bristol the admissions policy could be different for each of the three schools listed as a preference, so it’s really important people check advice carefully. They may have to complete an extra form to give


31 Octo ber 2014




If your child was born between 1 September 2003 and 31 August 2004 you need to apply for a school place by 31 October 2013.

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additional information required by the school, as well as the Bristol City Council common application form.”



NE of the most important stages in a child’s life is when they start school for the very first time. Another is the move to secondary

To complete a paper application contact School Admissions: School admissions, PO Box 57, Bristol BS99 7EB e t 0117 903 7694

Tuesday, September 16, 2014



State education

OPEN TO ALL! Join us at one of our upcoming Open Events and find out about South Gloucestershire & Stroud College’s wide range of full and part time study programmes, including those starting September 2015. Open Events 2014 • Saturday 4th October: 10am-1pm • Saturday 8th November: 10am-1pm • Wednesday 26th November: 5.30pm-8pm • Speak with course specialists • Meet with current learners studying at SGS Filton, WISE and Queens Road • Try out activities relating to your subject of interest • Partake in a campus tour, plus much more

For further details visit or call 0117 931 2121 EPB-E01-S5


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

State education

Money wise Helping pupils grasp finances Linda Tanner


ONEY has been a mystery for generations and it seems we are not getting any better at explaining it. A third of parents still believe it is inappropriate to discuss family finances with children, a survey for the charity Home-Start reveals. From this month, financial education is on the curriculum for secondary schools in England, to be taught through maths and citizenship lessons. It is not compulsory for academies and free schools, although most are likely to teach it in some form, as there is widespread recognition that being money savvy is an important skill for young people to acquire. The trouble is a lot of teachers don’t feel confident in managing their own finances, let alone in giving sound and relevant advice to teenagers. Jackie Matthews, who worked for NatWest for 25 years and has two teenage daughters, says: “I’ve lost count of the number of teachers who have said to me: ‘You should see the state of my bank account...’ They know there are plenty of resources

● Jackie Matthews teaching students financial capability at Downend School around financial education, but they struggle to find the time to teach it.” It is for this reason that Jackie, from Hanham, has set up Libra Learning, a business working with schools to provide lessons on a range of banking, budgeting, saving and spending activities. Her professional and personal ex-

perience has enabled her to develop teaching materials that bring subjects such as tax and compound interest to life. She has created template bank statements and pay slips as well as interactive games and activities. “One teacher told me she had shown her class her own pay slip as it was the only way she could explain

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Personal tours

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Pic Dave Betts BRDB20140908A-008_C net and gross income to them. She should not have had to do that,” Jackie says. Yet it is clear that teenagers do need help to understand the terminology and processes and grasp the realities. In a recent session with Jackie, school students estimated that by their mid-30s they would expect to be

earning £56,500 a year – twice the Office of National Statistics average of £28,600. A budgeting activity saw the teenagers select a potential career and salary, allocate expenditure on various bills and work out what they would have left to spend each month. “Only one out of 50 remembered to take off the income tax,” says Jackie. The new curriculum also links public and personal finance, so schools must explain how and why taxes are raised and spent. “I ask students to put spending areas such as health, education and prisons, into order of priority – and then tell them the actual order. It leads to some interesting discussions.” Enterprise days are another popular way Jackie has found to deliver financial education and help students develop skills for work and life, such as teamwork, communication and confidence. One involves a competition to create a new restaurant concept and another is based on planning a wedding. Marianne Saunders, from Oasis Academy John Williams, said: “These types of tasks always bring out the best in young people. It allows them to make links between what they learn in lessons and how it can be applied in other ways.”


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Meet the heads


State education

Headteacher William Roberts, Downend School:

Headteacher Basia McLaughlin, St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School:

So proud of our vibrant school


Supporting every pupil to achieve their best


JOINED Downend as headteacher three years ago, and have been building on the school’s strengths to develop a learning community where every young person is supported to achieve their very best. This summer Downend School again celebrated strong GCSE results, sustaining the rapid improvement that has been seen over recent years. English and Maths results both improved, against the national trend, with just under 60% of students achieving the national benchmark of 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths. The Downend Post-16 Centre recorded the school’s best-ever results this summer. A quarter of all grades achieved the top grades A* to A, and half of all results were awarded grades A* to B. Downend School “has made rapid improvements” according to Ofsted

inspectors who visited the school in 2012 and concluded: “Since his appointment the headteacher has successfully built on the strengths of the school, with an unrelenting focus on raising achievement and providing improved provision for all students”. They found that our students “enjoy school and feel safe” and praised “the guidance and assistance

which helps students to improve their performance and their learning”. Over the last two years Downend School has undergone substantial refurbishment, including the opening of a new IT Hub, Inclusion Centre, Innovation Centre and Library. The school has launched a new House system, and Downend students now wear a smart new uniform including a blazer and house-coloured tie. Downend School’s open evening is on Thursday September 18 from 5.45pm until 8pm. The school is also holding open mornings daily from September 23 to October 23 (9am until 10.30am) when the Headteacher will personally show parents and students around the school and answer any individual questions.

his appointment “theSince headteacher has

successfully built on the strengths of the school, with an unrelenting focus on raising achievement. Ofsted report

● Appointments for open mornings can be made by contacting Louise Williams at Downend School on 01454 862300.

t Bernadette Catholic Secondary School in Whitchurch is an important part of my life and I feel privileged to serve as its headteacher. At St Bernadette we pride ourselves on being a vibrant faith community and an ambitious learning community, where everyone is valued and has a part to play. Strong relationships, high expectations and making the most of every opportunity are key features of our school. We have a clear learning code which states that every child has the right to learn, to be treated with respect and to experience success. I am delighted to say our pupils embrace the many opportunities provided, work hard and do well. This August, 66 per cent of pupils achieved five or moreA*-C passes with English and maths. This result is the best in the history of the school and is testimony to the hard work of students and staff. As well as academic success, our pupils take part in many extra-curricular activities and we support them to develop the many talents they have. This year’s Commonwealth Games saw one of our students, Claudia Fragapane, win four gold medals in gymnastics and the whole school shared her

a headteacher it “is As always a joy to

welcome new students to the school, to see them grow and experience success. Basia McLaughlin

joy. At St Bernadette we believe that the experience of school builds belonging, success, self-esteem and an awareness of others. I am always very proud of the way in which our young people demonstrate great kindness and responsibility towards others; their good manners and positive outlook are frequently commented upon by visitors. As a headteacher it is always a joy to welcome new students to the school, to see them grow and experience success; leaving us as confident, successful young people. At St Bernadette we welcome all those who seek a quality, fully-rounded education within a caring, inclusive community based on Christian values and we look forward to welcoming you to our school.

● For further details, call 0117 377 2050.

St Katherine’s School headteacher Christopher Sammons

Inspectors sing teachers’ praises


curricular opportunities. St Katherine’s is also a Centre of Excellence for the Apprenticeship in Professional Cookery and is the only school in the country where students run a fine dining restaurant. Based in North Somerset, 70% of students join us from Bristol primary schools. Children settle in quickly thanks to our excellent transition programme. In our September 2013 Ofsted Inspection, the lead inspector com-

mented: “Student support and care is of a very high standard. There is a real sense of community and students take a pride in their school, shown by the high-quality displays of work that permeate the school environment... “Students are typically polite and courteous around the school and they feel safe. “In the best lessons, teachers exude passion and their strong subject knowledge guides students through challenging activities

where they explore concepts and discuss their thoughts and ideas.” Our curriculum enables a broad, well-balanced education across all subject areas, excelling in many areas. We understand that students will need a variety of skills and knowledge in order to compete in the global jobs market. Our curriculum is structured in order to maximise the future choices of students and to allow individuals to develop as valued members of society.


T Katherine’s School in Ham Green is a dynamic co-educational secondary school for young people aged 11-19 years. Our beautiful semi-rural location offers students a unique learning environment. The school is relatively small, included a successful Sixth Form, and benefits from strong transport links to Bristol. We have a reputation for our values, curriculum offer, outstanding pastoral care and extensive extra-


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Meet the heads Executive headteacher of the Olympus Academy Trust Dave Baker:

Exciting times ahead for educational partnership


BBEYWOOD Community School and Bradley Stoke Community School have been working together within The Olympus Academy Trust (OAT) since January 2013, building on a partnership which has been in place since 2011. The exam results this summer demonstrated that OAT’s aim to create consistency and share best practice between its schools through a shared leadership structure continues to pay dividends as it has been a year of consolidation. A-level results at Bradley Stoke were the best ever with some amazing individual performances whilst Abbeywood’s outcomes enabled 100% of students who wanted to progress to university to do so. There was a clear benefit from working within the Concorde Partnership with Patchway Community College and South Gloucestershire and Stroud College for shared timetable and courses at Key Stage 4 and Post 16. At GCSE, results in both schools maintained the levels achieved last year despite concerns about volat-

ility in results both locally and nationally and that was gratifying. At Abbeywood 58% of students achieved the gold standard of at least 5 GCSEs including English and Maths at grades A*-C and 82% achieving at least 5 A*-C grades (compared with 41% and 58% only 3 years ago). Bradley Stoke has consolidated its improved results from last year with 66% achieving at least 5 GCSEs including English and Maths at grades A*-C and 91% achieving at least 5 A*-C grades with 27% of students achieving at least 3 A and A* grades and a significant increase in top grades at Abbeywood. We are fortunate to have strong governance at both school and academy trust level and there is a clear sense of purpose and ambition in both schools to improve the educational experiences and outcomes for young people in the local area. In the coming year, we will see the completion and opening of the primary phase at Bradley Stoke Community School (September 2015 launch) and the potential of other local primary partners joining OAT, all of which will be exciting.

Associate headteacher Abbeywood Community School Judith Mee:

Always raising the bar



BBEYWOOD Community School is thriving under its membership of the Olympus Academy Trust. It is a vibrant, exciting and safe learning environment. Staff, students and governors are confident that the improvement, validated by Ofsted monitoring visits, is sustainable. Ofsted commented on “the drive, vision and effective support” of the leadership as “central to the improvements before and after academy conversion”. We have “raised the bar” with consistently high expectations about behaviour, appearance and the development of successful learners. Ofsted said: “Staff and students confirm that the school is a calm and purposeful community.” This has been fundamental to the sustained improvement in GCSE and A level results for the second year running. A significant number of students achieved more GCSE A* and A grades with 100% success in securing university places, employment or prestigious apprenticeships for post 16 students. One of our Year 7 students, Joshua Tutin, achieved a grade A in GCSE Maths – a wonderful achievement. I am very proud of the school’s growing reputation for enabling students of all abilities to reach their potential. Our talented and motivated staff provide high quality learning experiences and a wide range of extra-curricular activities. More than £8,000

was raised for charity during the last academic year, a testimony to the consideration for others and generosity of our school community. We have a very proactive Friends of Abbeywood Community School organisation, termly Parent Forum meetings and an Alumni Association, all making valuable contributions to the development of the school. Outstanding teaching and learning will take the school to the next level, ensuring our students develop life-long learning skills and have high aspirations for university and

employment. We have improved our links with local businesses (particularly through membership of Business in the Community) and prepare our students for life in a competitive, global economy. Ofsted noted the progress: “The culture of aspiration, greater expectation and participation by staff and students is firmly established.” We are delighted that in 2014, we are full in Year 7 for the first time, which is a reflection of the level of confidence our community now has in the school. That really gives us something to build on!.

Headteacher of Bradley Stoke Community School Jenny Sutton Kirby:

School shines in Ofsted report


T Bradley Stoke Community School we continue to refine our approach to teaching and learning and curriculum in order to meet the needs and reflect the aspirations of our students. Our most recent Ofsted report (April 2013) highlighted the positive approach to learning that we foster in our young people: “Students are motivated by enthusiastic teachers who have strong subject knowledge and use a variety of teaching methods and resources to help the students to learn and achieve well”, and we are constantly challenging ourselves to ensure we know and develop each student as an individual: “Teachers know how well each student is doing and provide additional challenge when they think students could do better.” Behaviour in school is outstanding and this clearly contributes to both the academic and social learning that takes place in and out of the classroom: “Students’ behaviour is outstanding and they feel very safe. They have an excellent understanding of the school’s high expectations of behaviour and students’ attitudes to others are first rate.” We are proud of the progress of all students in school and have an excellent reputation for outcomes for students with Special Educational Needs and disabilities which reflects our commitment to being an inclusive school. We actively engage with parents/carers and endeavour to achieve effective, supportive relationships which can be built on through our open, frequent and honest communication. We work hard to provide opportunities for our students to be involved in community work, such as

“Students are motivated by enthusiastic teachers who have strong subject knowledge and use a variety of teaching methods and resources to help the students to learn and achieve well. Ofsted report charity fundraising (£10,000 last year), an enviable range of enrichment activities including sports, cultural and arts activities. We are keen that they are fully engaged and equipped to think about and shape their own opinions about issues affecting local, national and global communities: “Provision for students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding and ensures that students develop into highly informed and reflective young people.” We also encourage our students to make sure their voice is heard, not only in lessons but in respect of wider school matters; all this serves to help us promote their leadership skills and to help them all achieve a clear understanding of themselves as learners and active members of their community. We strive to always make learning fun and challenging and are dedicated to developing students who are the embodiment of our vision and values; independent, well-rounded, compassionate, tolerant, creative and confident young people.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Meet the heads Headteacher of Castle School Peter Smart:

Thrilled to lead a happy, thriving community


s the newly appointed headteacher of The Castle School, I am thrilled to be leading a thriving, happy learning community dedicated to providing a high quality, whole education in a caring environment. I’ve been a member of the senior team at the school for a number of years and am committed to ensure that our students receive every opportunity to be the best they can. Students join our popular school from the town of Thornbury and a

wider catchment area beyond. As a large inclusive school, Castle students benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum, delivered by a team of well-qualified and dedicated teaching staff. Individuals are set challenging academic goals and develop a range of vital skills relevant to their future lives, including effective communication, independence and resilience. I have a clear vision and ambition to build on the success of the school. Our tradition for securing high levels of achievement across all ages

and abilities equips our young people with the foundation on which they can build future success in their chosen careers. Our students have a positive attitude and are well supported by their teachers and parents. The school also benefits greatly from the engagement of the wider community it serves. I look forward to welcoming prospective parents and students to the school at our Open Evening on Thursday, September 25, from 6pm to 8.30pm.

Headteacher of Brimsham Green School Kim Garland:

We aim to equip Ensuring students thrive all of our pupils for success I Justin Vafadari, The Kingfisher School:

tol as a learning resource, providing children with the opportunity to learn through exploration, experimentation and engaging in stimulating and practical projects, which will take place within the community as well as in the classroom. We want the children here to have memorable experiences, build on what they know and can do and help them become confident life-long learners so they can shape their own future and learn to take control of their own lives, to be independent and aspirational citizens.

● The Kingfisher School was opened in 2013, as a primary academy and is part of the CGS Trust. Call 0117 377 3185 or visit for more information.

We want the children “here to have memorable

experiences, build on what they know and can do and help them become confident life-long learners Justin Vafadari


RIMSHAM Green School is a vibrant and dynamic 11-19 co-educational school, located on a large, beautifully landscaped site in a semi-rural location in Yate, South Gloucestershire, with easy access to all transport links. Our aspiration for all of our students is that they excel, achieving more than they think they are capable of. All staff are committed to this, and it is their dedication that makes this aspiration possible. Collectively, staff, parents and governors aim for us to inspire our students to be ambitious, independent and highly motivated. We aim to equip our students with the academic skills and the personal attributes to be successful in whatever future pathway they choose to pursue, and with the desire to not just have fulfilling careers, but also contribute positively to the lives of others around them. We are equally ambitious for all our learners; we are proud to celebrate our differences and we recognise students’ individual

Collectively, staff, “parents and governors

aim for us to inspire our students to be ambitious, independent and highly motivated. Kim Garland

successes. Our Resource Base provides exceptional support for students with physical disabilities, enabling access to a broad and stimulating curriculum. We promote self-discipline, tolerance, respect and understanding of others, and, as a result, our school community is harmonious and happy. I have the privilege of leading Brimsham Green School and I am both confident and proud that we deliver the right balance of support, inspiration, challenge and success for all our students.


AM pleased to be starting my new role as the head teacher of The Kingfisher School, a highly successful and happy school in St Anne’s. Our children come from a rich variety of backgrounds and are taught to respect their own culture and that of others. This begins with devising our core values: respect, responsibility, resilience and curiosity. Our curriculum is personalised to children’s interests and connects children to the world around them bringing an equality of opportunity despite differences. Whatever the needs of the child or special interests they have, we aim to ensure they thrive at the Kingfisher School, supported by a team of hard-working, talented and dedicated staff. In partnership with parents and the community, we seek to ensure all children: ● receive an excellent and rich education, achieving to the best of their ability ● are happy, healthy, confident, independent and motivated learners; ● have a strong foundation of values to use to make informed choices in local and global community; ● develop a love of learning and are motivated by education This inclusive school draws on the rich heritage of the city of Bris-


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Meet the heads Oasis Academy John Williams principal Victoria Boomer:

Each day we strive to be the best we can be


LMOST six years ago I was honoured to be invited to join the team at Oasis Academy John Williams in Hengrove as vice-principal, and today I am exceptionally proud to be serving my second year as principal. Since 2008 we have realised many improvements in our educational offer, and continue with determination and commitment on our journey to become the outstanding school our community deserves. I am passionate about providing an exceptional education for all young people, which successfully achieves the balance between excellent educational outcomes (exam results) and nurturing the development of the desirable character assets of resilience, perseverance and integrity, all of which are necessary for our children to thrive in learning and life. I am acutely aware that the years your child spends at OAJW are likely to shape the rest of their lives; a responsibility I do not take lightly. At John Williams, every day, we strive to be the best that we can be. The basic expectations of staff and students alike are summed up by our straightforward mantra of ‘Work Hard, Look Smart, Be Nice’. We try to keep things as simple as possible and communicate openly and honestly with you as parents and carers; we do not always get it right, but through constant reflection, review and feedback, my talented, caring and committed staff team work tirelessly to continually improve the service we provide so that our young people love learning, establish friendships, grow in confidence and, perhaps most importantly, are happy at school. I extend a warm welcome to you to visit our Academy during our Open Events, to meet our wonderful young people and staff and to feel the atmosphere within our fantastic building. Oasis Academy John Williams truly is an inspirational and fun place to learn and work!

At John Williams, every “day, we strive to be the

best that we can be. The basic expectations of staff and students alike are summed up by our straightforward mantra of ‘Work Hard, Look Smart, Be Nice’.

Oasis Academy Brightstowe head teacher Matt Butler:

Principal of the Steiner

This is a

Strong reputation continues to grow



N the back of our outstanding results in 2012 and 2013, which saw us as the most improved school in the country 2012, we are building a reputation which is richly deserved as being one of the leading academic institutions in Bristol, recognised by the Prime Minister David Cameron in his recent visit to the academy. Our vision is “students with the confidence and range of skills to stand as equals in any circle and for any opportunity”. The students’ academic results are fundamental to this but we work just as hard to ensure that our students are well rounded, confident and carry a set of values which will help them succeed in any situation. We have excellent teachers, supported by a fantastic team at Brightstowe and I am proud of every one of them. They work as a team to ensure

that we maximise every minute students spend in lessons. More than that though, we inspire our students to want success for themselves and marry that with the drive, perseverance and focus needed to work independently. We have a vibrant and successful extra-curricular scene with our Sports Academies boasting impressive wins, especially in rowing, rugby and football. The music at Brightstowe is a feature of life and the concerts and musicals we put on are enjoyed by all. Most of all, Brightstowe is an Academy where every child is known and understood. Our pioneering and outstanding base for Year 7 begins that journey and then our house system with highly qualified pastoral team ensure that no child is forgotten and our Inclusion team, led by a qualified educational psychologist ensures we have world-class interventions and support for those

that need it, including our work with the award-winning group Kids Company. When asked to describe the Academy recently, one student,


Robyn, chose the metaphor of a lion saying that Brightstowe is fiercely protective of its young and the proudest animal in the kingdom. I couldn’t have put it better!

Y first weeks as Principal of Steiner Academy Bristol have been full of challenge and excitement. I feel very honoured to be part of this amazing project and I hope that we can fulfil the potential of this new school to change children’s lives and to be a positive force in education for Bristol. My role at Steiner Academy Bristol has come at a significant point in my professional journey. I have been working in Bristol schools for many years, first at St George Community College then later as Assistant Principal at City Academy, Bristol. More recently I have been Principal of the Education Other Than at School Service in South Gloucestershire, managing Pupil Referral Units and other settings across the Local Authority. Throughout this I’ve dreamed of creating a new school, one which values children’s individuality and creative energy and which tries to meet their emotional needs as well as challenging their intellect. It is not surprising then that over this time I have become increasingly interested in Steiner education, which shares

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Meet the heads Nailsea School headteacher Chris Wade:

Seeing pupils achieve makes this a dream job


EACHERS often say that they have “the best job in the world”. Whilst I would not presume to put our profession above another in terms of enjoyment, I have to say that after a year as head teacher at Nailsea School it has been an incredible journey so far, and one that has been for me the best job. Seeing a group of students gradually improve and then realise they can achieve is wonderful. It is a

St Bede’s principal Catherine Hughes: particularly special event to witness when students in Years 11 and 13 eventually collect their envelopes in August and peek through closed fingers at the list of all important letters. The relief, excitement and tears of joy really do make all the hard work worth it. Across the board Nailsea School made huge progress last year, results were up in a wide range of subjects; most importantly in English and Maths, but more than that,

there is a growing sense of pride and optimism in the school. Staff and students are happy and lessons are challenging and fun. The House competition (won last year by Griffin House) has begun already with a newly appointed Head of Unicorn keen to make his first year a successful one. Our open evening is on September 23 from 6pm. Why not come along and experience a school that is on the move?

Academy Bristol Angie Browne:

dream come true for us Our new school will “have all of the creative facilities that Steiner schools are renowned for; specialist spaces for woodwork, metalwork, sculpture theatre and art.

derful place for children to learn and grow. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to refurbish the beautiful St Matthias Campus in Fishponds. Our new school will have all of the creative facilities that Steiner schools are renowned for; special-


F you are looking for a great education for your child within a Christian environment, you need look no further than St Bede’s Catholic College. It is my privilege to be principal of this wonderful place of learning. The secondary school a child attends is likely to leave a lasting impression, it is therefore probably one of the most important decisions parents will make. St Bede’s Catholic College is a wonderful place of learning with an excellent culture and climate. Visitors comment on a calm and industrious place where children are stimulated and challenged to develop their talents and encouraged to strive for excellence. Achievement and effort are valued and celebrated. Within and outside the classroom numerous opportunities exist for pupils to unlock their talents and develop self-worth, esteem, confidence and independence. Children are enthusiastic about life in college and embrace the many opportunities to grow in faith and develop religious understanding. Spiritual and moral development lies at the heart of our work and is a major strength within this vibrant faith community, where every child is valued. Young people are encouraged to strive for excellence in every aspect of their work. We hold high expectations of ourselves and all those who work within our community and these translate to the children in our care. They are enabled from the early stages to be active, enquiring, critical and open minded thinkers, to be ambitious for themselves and broaden their horizons.

The college has a long-standing tradition of achieving academic success. The value of hard work is never underestimated. Inspirational and passionate teaching will help children fulfil their potential and walk tall with confidence. Our examination results are hugely impressive and we make no apologies for saying results matter. As important as they are however, education at St Bede’s is about much more than results as you will discover when you visit this vibrant community, where quality is free. Excellent teaching, stimulating resources and high expectations enable all children to learn and make outstanding progress. Our teachers strive to promote a love of learning and intellectual curiosity. They are reflective practitioners and planning is informed by rigorous monitoring and assessment. Children of all backgrounds and abilities are set ambitious targets and supported in achieving these. The curriculum matches the needs, ambitions and interests of the children and prepares them well for further study. Within our new Sixth Form the curriculum is evolving to meet learners’ needs. The co-curricular opportunities available are extensive, enriching the college experience and developing character and resilience. The well-being of the child is at the heart of our work and pastoral care is fundamental to our success. We try to ensure there are no invisible children in our college and are ever mindful that young people flourish when they are happy, safe and learning. St Bede’s has much to offer families as you will see when you visit.


these values. When I heard that a group of teachers and parents were creating a Steiner Academy in Bristol it seemed like a dream come true! We want to create a school that is not just ‘outstanding’ in OFSTED terms but which is a truly won-

ist spaces for woodwork, metalwork, sculpture theatre and art. We will also have superb science laboratories and a state-of-the-art ICT system to allow us to teach computer programming, 3d design, film editing and CNC machining. The school is coming to life now and from my window I can see younger children happily playing while our Year 7 group have an outdoor learning lesson in another part of the garden. We have a lot of work ahead of us as the school grows but there is nowhere else I would rather be working.

What a wonderful place of learning


INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Welcome to our guide to the thriving independent schools in and around Bristol

l oo



Badminton School

r e ) be s d/ rls ng m ng m upil -e s/gi di ra esr ter u r o e a e C oy p N F e Bo Ag (p of b Girls Full, Whole 3–18 Day £2,760– weekly School 450 £5,810 and Boarding flexi £6,930– £11,010


Available in the Junior School, 11+, 13+ and 16+.

’ ‘A ‘A’ level

y da

h Sc Junior 8.30am– 3.30/ 4.00pm Senior 8.35am– 4.15/ 6.45pm

d de en t Ex ay d Available in the Junior and Senior School

on r ati he rm t O nfo i Minibus service from Chepstow area available, all facilities including sports and swimming are on-site. GSA, IAPS and BSA affiliation. or 0117 905 5200.

ng siti nts i V ve e

Open Evening: 7/10/14 Open Mornings: 8/10/14 and 4/5/15

Infants 108 Juniors 220 Seniors 640 Sixth Form 300


Infants and Juniors from £2,325– Senior and Sixth Form £4,365


11+, 13+, 14+ and 16+

‘A’ level

Rec–Year 6 8.30am– 3.30pm Year 7–U6 8.30am– 3.50pm

7.45am(Year 3-U6), 8.00am (Rec–Year 2) –5.45pm (Rec– Year 6) and 6.00pm (Year 7–U6)

Platinum Sing-up School. Extended Project Qualification. IGCSE and GCSE. Extensive sporting facilities including a climbing wall. Over 100 students take part in the bronze DofE. Fees include lunch for ages 4–16. Personalised curriculum from Year 9. Small classes. HMC and IAPS affiliation. or 0117 933 9885.

Infant and Junior School Open Morning: 17/9/14 Whole School Open Evening: 3/10/14 Open Morning: 13/11/14 Sixth Form Open Evening: 5/11/14



Whole School 500


£1,750 (Nursery School)– £4,270 (Senior School)


From 11+

‘A’ level

8.45am– 3.35pm (N–Y6) 8.40am– 4.05pm (Y7–Y13)


Beautiful grounds, on-site pool. Part owner of the Coombe Dingle Sports complex. Free direct debit scheme. Extended Project Qualification. Holiday activities. Offer French and English curriculum (CNED). Eco Schools Silver award. or 0117 973 0201.

Senior Open Evening: 18/9/14 School Open Morning: 11/10/14 Sixth Form Open Evening: 11/11/14 Nursery and Reception Open Morning: 20/3/15



Whole School 754


Lower School from £2,165– Upper School £3,890


8+, 11+, 13+ and 16+

‘A’ level

8.30am– 4.00pm

After school clubs and supervision available until 5.30pm.

Thirty acres of green space within Bristol. All sports fields are on-site. Serves the city and South Gloucestershire. School offers Combined Cadet Force and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Taster days for prospective pupils. or 0117 965 5207.

Whole School Open Morning: 27/9/14 Sixth Form Information Evening: 9/10/14



Junior 100 Senior 570


Junior £2,765 Seniors £4,231


7+ 11+, 13+ and 16+

‘A’ level

8.40am– 4.00pm


Offers Bristol’s only all boys’ Junior and Senior School education. QEH Infants are accommodated jointly at the Redland High School site. Excellent sports facilities at Failand shared with Bristol City FC. IGCSE. HMC and IAPS affiliation. or 0117 930 3040.

Senior Open Morning: 4/10/14 Junior Open Mornings: 10/10/14 and 11/10/14 Sixth Form Information Evening: 13/10/14

Girls 3-18 Boys 3-7 only


Junior 150 Senior 350


Junior £2,400 Senior £3,880


11+, 13+ and 16+

‘A’ level

8.35am– 3.55pm


Excellent sports facilities at our Golden Hill grounds. EPQ and Gifted and Talented Programme offered. GCSE and IGCSE. Bus services available. Redland High Infants with QEH offers co-educational provision for pupils aged 3 – 7. GSA and IAPS affiliated. or 0117 924 4404.

Visiting Mornings: 25/9/14 and 1/12/14 Open Morning: 18/10/14 Sixth Form Information Evening: 5/11/14



Junior 120 Senior 500


Junior £2,780 Senior and Sixth Form £4,090


11+, 13+ and 16+

‘A’ level and IB Diploma

8.40am– 4.05pm


Residential location, public and private bus services. 12-acre site with own facilities. Examinations and curricular trips are included in the school fees. GSA and IAPS affiliation. GCSE and IGCSEs. EPQ. Gifted and talented programme. or 0117 962 2641.

Whole School: 9/10/14 and 8/11/14 Seniors 27/11/14 Juniors 11/2/14


Full, weekly and flexi

Nursery 17 Junior 110 Senior 445 (175 boarders)


Day £2,320– £5,200 Boarding £7,800– £9,340


6+, 7+, 8+, 9+, 11+, 13+ and 16+

‘A’ level and IB Diploma

8.30am– 3.40pm

Junior 8.00am–6.00pm Senior to 6.30pm Sixth Form to 9.30pm

Quaker ethos encourages student to ‘live adventurously’. Beautiful rural location on the A38 easily accessed from Bristol – school buses daily. Sporting facilities and Equestrian Centre on-site. CReSTeD, HMC and IAPS or 01934 483 102.

Open Mornings: 26/9/14, 23/1/2015 and 4/5/15 Year 7 Taster Evening: 11/11/14

Colston’s School

Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital

Red Maids’ School



l oo


Clifton High School

Sidcot School



l ve le


Bristol Grammar School

Redland High School

l d) ips d) cia nceeste n rshbase a sta s-t a l n Fi ssi ean ho ity a Sc bil

These schools offer a wide range of additional opportunities including competitive sport, DofE, Young Enterprise, clubs and societies, holiday activities to name but a few. For detailed information about what makes each school unique, please visit the school’s website or attend one of the many open events available.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Independent education

Whole School

Open Evening Friday 3 October 2014 4.00pm–8.00pm

Sixth Form

Open Evening Wednesday 5 November 2014 5.00pm–8.00pm

For further details or to request a prospectus, please call Hollie Skerritt on 0117 933 9885. ips dsh ien r F

● The average price paid for a semi-detached house near popular Redland Green School is £595,626 compared with the average price for a semi in Bristol of £238,580. Inset, successful independent school Redland High

House prices Independent schools could be better value Marc Rath Education reporter


OUSE prices can be a good reason for parents to select an independent school over a state one in Bristol, according to private schools in the city. They say that many could save themselves thousands of pounds by choosing to educate their children privately rather than paying a premium for a home in what is considered to be a “good catchment”. A prime example of this is the catchment area for Redland Green School which is now a radius of approximately 1 km. The average price paid for a semi-detached house in Redland is £595,626 compared with the average price for a semi in Bristol of £238,580. The full cost of educating a child through five years at nearby Redland High comes in at £58,200, which according to a group of private schools in the city means it is far cheaper to send two children to an independent than to buy a house in the catchment area of one of the best performing state schools in Bristol. Earlier this month, the Bristol Post revealed that homebuyers were paying a premium of up to £50,000 to live close to Redland Green, one of the most sought-after state secondary schools in Bristol. It followed the earlier revelation that a top English state secondary school adds an average of £21,000 to house prices. Large family homes in the Redland Green catchment area west of Gloucester Road can cost about £500,000, compared with £450,000 for a similar-sized property to the east of the famous shopping street. Kate Moseley, a negotiator at Elephant estate agents in Gloucester Road, told the Post earlier this month: “We’ve noticed properties tend to go for a premium in catchment areas, and it’s quite a confined space. “At the moment, we’ve got a large five-bed semi-detached home on the east side of Gloucester Road on for £685,000 and a very similar property, with five bedrooms, in the catchment area was recently on for £735,000 and has just sold at above the asking price. It’s

a noticeable difference. “Secondary schools are the biggest driver of prices for us. You have all the primary schools on one side of Gloucester Road and in a few years time those families tend to move to the other side of Gloucester Road to go to Redland Green. “A few people are even getting fed up with it (inflated prices) and say they will look elsewhere. They know the school may not be as good or might not be getting as good reviews in two or three years time. “Some go for their dream home instead or choose to send their children to private school.” Robert Pain, manager at Kendall Harper estate agents in Gloucester Road, said house prices tend to be about 10 per cent higher for those in the Redland Green catchment area compared with like properties in Bishopston which are not. Last month it emerged that to live close to one of the top 30 state schools in England, parents pay an average premium of £21,000, with homes near good schools selling for £268,000 compared to the average national house price of £247,000, said Lloyds Bank, which based its figures on Land Registry data. It named Beaconsfield high school in Buckinghamshire, where 75 per cent of all students’ grades in recent GCSEs were A or A*, as the school that added most (£483,000) to local house prices.

“ Secondary schools are the biggest driver of prices for us. You have all the primary schools on one side of Gloucester Road and in a few years time those families tend to move to the other side of Gloucester Road to go to Redland Green. Estate agent Kate Mosely

ture ven Ad


Life changing

Visit us Whole School visiting events

Thursday 9 October Saturday 8 November

For more information please call:

Senior School, Mrs Liz Bamber 0117 989 8252 Junior School, Mrs Lynn McCabe 0117 962 9451 Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9

@RedMaidsSchool /redmaidsschool


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Independent education

BURSARY SCHEMES ARE HELPING TO Marc Rath Education reporter


● Emerson Sharp was able to take up a place in the sixth form at QEH from 2011 to 2013 because the school raised the money to match-fund a 50 per cent scholarship provided by the Ogden Trust


Open Mornings SENIORS Saturday 4 October 2014 JUNIORS Friday 10 and Saturday 11 October

LL independent schools in Bristol have a common goal – to widen access, extend the social diversity of their pupils and help change the lives of boys and girls for generations to

come. Independent schooling, they say, should not be seen as the exclusive preserve of the wealthy, and they all offer means-tested bursary schemes as well as academic, music, art and sports scholarships. To achieve this, they all have fundraising schemes working alongside individual foundations often set up as the result of the generosity of former pupils. There are 2,500 independent schools in the UK, educating some 615,000 children. In England this represents about seven per cent of the school age population, lower in Scotland and Wales. Families who choose independent education are diverse in their outlook and interests, their religious and cultural backgrounds, their politics and their beliefs. This diversity also stretches to financial circumstances and the way in which families fund their child’s education. Many do not have a high disposable income at their fingertips, yet have a firm belief that an independent education is the best possible start they can provide for their son or daughter. Over the last five years 75 girls have been able to study at Redland High School as a result of the school’s bursary scheme. The Bursary Fund at Redland High also forms part of the school’s Annual Giving Programme and is an extremely popular fund for donations, particularly from former pupils. Last year about 40 per cent of all donations through the Annual Giving Programme were specifically donated to the Bursary Fund. As with the other independents, grant-making trusts such as the John James Foundation also provide funds for Redland High’s bursary scheme. Independent schools in and around Bristol all have a distinctive personality and set of values. For example, Sidcot School has a Quaker ethos of living simply and adventurously, caring for the environment and each other. Every year Sidcot School provides bursar-

ies to over 70 children, the level of support depending on need, circumstance and ability to pay. Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital, which was founded in 1590 with John Carr’s legacy, adheres to its charitable vision, providing financial help to about 125 of the boys who attend, either through bursaries or scholarships, or a combination of both. Emerson Sharp was able to take up a place in the sixth form at QEH from 2011 to 2013 because the school raised the money to match-fund a 50 per cent scholarship provided by the Ogden Trust. He said: “The teaching and support I received gave me the confidence to apply for and gain a place to read Geography at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. “Without the skills and encouragement of my teachers at QEH I could not have achieved this ambition.” At QEH there is an onward philanthropic programme, and the school aims to raise £1 million in the next seven years for bursaries to help more pupils. Every penny donated to the Colston’s Foundation supports bursaries at Colston’s School. This growing fund works alongside individual foundations set up as a result of the generosity of former pupils like the late Roger Newport and the late Kenneth Hilborne who were to become major benefactors. In May, as they approached the end of their time at Colston’s, three Year 13 students wrote to the trustees of the Newport Foundation expressing their thanks for the bursaries they had received. One said: “The generosity of the bursary has meant that not only did I complete my studies at the school I joined in Year 7; it also enabled me to become the school’s head boy, an honour I shall always cherish. “I feel truly honoured to have been given these opportunities and none of it would have

The generosity of the bursary “meant that not only did I complete my studies at the school I joined in Year 7; it also enabled me to become the school’s head boy, an honour I shall always cherish.

A student’s letter of thanks


Sixth Form Evening

Contact Mrs Carolyn Mathews 0117 930 3068

TOBER MONDAY 13 OC by appointment

● Redland High teachers celebrating this year’s exam successes. Over the last five years 75 girls have been able to study at Redland High School as a result of the school’s bursary scheme.


Independent education


● Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital, which was founded in 1590 with John Carr’s legacy, adheres to its charitable vision, providing financial help to about 125 of the boys who attend been possible without your generosity and support throughout the years.” At Red Maids’ School – whose history dates back to 1634 – the spirit of its founding father’s generosity is still well in evidence today. Isabel Tobias, Red Maids’ headmistress, ex-

plained: “The school’s foundation 380 years ago was based on creating opportunities for 40 poor women and children. “We have of course grown considerably since then but we provide a wide range of options for those in need of financial assistance and at present

approximately a quarter of our students benefit from the school's endowment fund. “During the recent tough times, this fund has also made it possible for us to enhance the amount of assistance to some families who have found the recession particularly hard.”

THE UK PICTURE ● The national picture on financial assistance with school fees is best illustrated by the annual census of the Independent Schools Council. The January 2014 census shows that in 2013 the ISC’s 1,257 schools throughout the UK were attended by 511,928 pupils. The average rise in fees from 2012 to 2013 was 3.9 per cent, equalling the lowest rise for almost 20 years. Fee assistance continued to grow, with ISC schools provided assistance to 33.4 per cent of pupils, amounting to £660 million during 2013. They focused their assistance more on the provision of bursaries than on scholarships. The value of means-tested bursaries rose by 5.6 per cent, an increase of almost £20 million on the previous year. In summary, eight per cent of pupils were on means-tested bursaries, and of these 41.9 per cent had more than half their fees remitted.

Independent Co-educational All age

A school for the whole family

Choosing your next school

Whole School Open Morning Saturday September 27 (10am -1pm)

Sixth Form Information Evening Thursday October 9 (7pm)

Colston’s School, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1BJ Registered Charity No 1079552


Scholarships and bursaries available


Taster Days during Autumn Term

Further information from Denise Sollis Tel 0117 965 5207


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Independent education

EXPLORING THE STORIES OF TIDES From this month, schools are expected to teach children more about the area in which they live. Bristol is fortunate to have incredible learning resources on its doorstep, for geography and much more.

W ● Young people and industry experts exploring the rivers

A world-class education in the heart of Bristol.

Open Evening Tuesday 7th October

Open Morning


Wednesday 8th October

T: 0117 905 5271 • E: @AcorntoOakBris •

ATER is never far from the headlines in Bristol. Last winter, we were all horrified by the floods that left communities in Somerset marooned for months. This summer, even while being amused by the Ice Bucket Challenge, we have endured torrential downpours and fears of the impact of hurricanes. This month you might well see a group of people chalking a 32-mile wiggly line around the city showing the areas that could flood in the next few decades. The Bristol HighWaterLine art project aims to raise awareness of how rising sea levels and increased extreme rainfall episodes may put people’s homes and livelihoods at risk. Parts of Hotwells were saved from the deluge in January thanks to a new four-foot barrier across the River Avon, which kept the spring tide at bay. Next year is set to bring the biggest tides on the river for many years, with the highest forecast for March and September. As 2015 is also Bristol’s year as European Green Capital, this is the perfect time for schools to help children learn about our unique position as a city on the water. The Bristol Initiative Trust, which is aiming to prepare for life in Bristol in 2050, wants young people to understand how the city developed as a result of the tides and how it might change in future through natural forces and human intervention. The trust’s education director Hugh Thomas has plans for a project that could inspire hundreds of children and teenagers to discover more about their heritage and about the impact they can have on their environment. As part of the Learning Ships programme, Mr Thomas will recruit a crew of young journalists who will travel the eight miles of the river Avon to where it joins the Severn estuary and the Bristol Channel and investigate some of its stories. The 16 to 18-year-olds will conduct interviews and make reports to camera for a film that will go out to schools to inspire their pupils in turn to learn more about their area, perhaps organising their own boat trips. The theatre group Desperate Men will be involved in the project and will enact some of the stories of the river and the tides both during the filming and when the presentation is shown in schools. “It will be a mockumentary, a mixture of reality and of the myth, magic and characters of the Avon and the Severn, ” said Mr Thomas. “We plan to make it during March, when Bristol is expecting the highest tidal surges for three or four decades. It will then tour schools and public venues until October, generating debate and gathering public opinion about local and global issues relating to the tidal regions.” The intention is for the film to feature in Bristol 2015 events in September next year as part of the Bristol Young People’s Festival of Ideas. As with earlier phases of Learning Ships, and others run by Mr Thomas and the My Future My Choice organisation, an important element is that people who have an interest in the river either through their work or their hobbies accompany the young journalists on the voyage. They may include Environment

“ Learning Ships enables young people and adult volunteers to interact in an environment beyond the traditional classroom. It will generate a cohort of young people with a deeper understanding of their region. Hugh Thomas Agency staff, energy experts, engineers, boatmen, and naturalists, who will be able to give their views on issues such as nuclear power, renewable energy, and tourism. As well as providing the teenagers with evidence on which to base their conclusions, the professional volunteers will be role models and help to raise aspirations for future careers. Cecilia Bradley and Lizzie Foley, from Pill, who took part in a Learning Ships voyage last year, said that although they lived near the Avon they had not known much about it before. They enjoyed the opportunity to talk to university professors and students about marine biology, wildlife, geography, history, engineering and other topics. They discussed the possible changes that climate change might bring, by raising river levels, and to look at whether a barrage would be good or bad for Bristol. They also considered how the city could use the tides to meet its 2050 emission targets. Mr Thomas said: “Learning Ships enables young people and adult volunteers to interact in an environment beyond the traditional classroom. “It will generate a cohort of young people with a deeper understanding of their region who are fitter to support its future.” The young journalists will be recruited from colleges, school sixth-forms and post-16 centres, during the autumn and will be trained before the river trip in March. Mr Thomas is keen to hear from business and industry experts who can support the project with volunteers or funding.


Independent education


● Anna Wilson drawing a line around the Cumberland Basin to show where floodwaters could reach as part of the Highwaterline Project






The Severn, Great Britain’s longest river, has a prehistoric goddess, Sabrina, who, according to myth, was a nymph who drowned. As the river becomes tidal, it takes on an association with the Celtic god Nodens, who is depicted riding the rest of the Severn Bore on a seahorse.

Pleasure boats have operated in the Bristol Channel since Victorian times and the tradition is continued by the Waverley, the last ocean-going paddle steamer, and the MV Balmoral, although the latter is currently under repair. Beaches on the heritage coasts on both sides of the channel benefit from the combination of an east wind and the Atlantic swell, making them a haven for surfers. Swimming the channel is tough, because the tidal flows make 11 miles equivalent to 22. The first to swim from Penarth to Weston was Kathleen Thomas in 1927, in seven hours and 20 minutes. The youngest and fastest was Gary Carpenter, who completed the feat in five hours 35 minutes in 2007.

The Severn Estuary is at the mouth of four major rivers: the Severn, Wye, Usk and Avon and other smaller rivers. It is two miles wide at the old Severn bridge at Aust and nine miles wide between Cardiff and Weston-super-Mare, where it opens into the Bristol Channel, then eventually the Atlantic Ocean. The estuary has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world — about 15 m (49ft).

3. SEVERN BORE The estuary’s tidal range, now thought to be the third highest in the world, and its funnel shape means that during the highest tides water travels rapidly upstream against the current, creating a huge wave known at the Severn Bore.


Come to Clifton High School’s open events

The Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel are home to an amazing range of fish, crustaceans and birds. The islands of Steep Holm, Flat Holm and Lundy, which are mostly uninhabited, are marine nature reserves and host a number of rare species, including some unique wildflowers and seaweed. The underlying geology of rock, gravel and sand, coupled with the tidal streams, gives the water its brown colour.

7. TSUNAMI? Thousands of people drowned and homes were swept away in a flood in 1607, with devastation worst on the Welsh side. The cause of the flood is disputed but research published in 2002 showed some evidence of a tsunami. A pamphlet at the time described it at “God’s warning to the people of England by the great overflowing of the waters or floods.”

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Proposals to dam the estuary to harness tidal power have been under consideration for many decades. Studies in the 1970s and 1980s suggested a barrage could create up to five per cent of the UK’s electricity. More recently, variations on the renewable energy theme have been looked at but so far have been ruled out because of the threat to wildlife.

● HIGHWATERLINE 2014 aims to make more people in Bristol aware of flood risks and the potential impact of the tides. A sports-pitch marking machine is being used to show the areas that could be under water in the future. The arts and environmental project follows a similar one in Miami in 2007, four years before parts of the city were flooded following Hurricane Sandy. The idea is that as the line is being chalked in Bristol between September 9 and 21, people will become engaged in conversations about flooding, and what can be done to prevent and tackle it. The aim is to learn from history and from other communities who have experienced floods, and to develop resilience and explore innovative solutions and approaches.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Independent education Meet the heads

Key skills Schemes nurturing young talent Linda Tanner


PEAKING and listening might have been axed from the GCSE English curriculum but the need for young people to be able to communicate verbally with confidence remains. That’s why many students at schools and colleges are keen to sign up for programmes that help develop these skills as well as other qualities young people will need for their working lives. Young Enterprise (YE), Envision, Debate Mate, and Gabblers are among the best known projects in schools in the Bristol area. Most of the focus is on 14 to 18-year-olds, although YE has programmes for children from the age of four. Its Tenner challenge, open to primary and secondary aged students, have to develop profits from a £10 loan investment, is really taking off – Archie Kenway and Lewis Frankcom, from Pucklechurch Primary in South Gloucestershire were national champions in the launch year, 2013. YE’s flagship is its Company Programme, in which young people form companies to make, market and sell a range of products. It is popular with both independent and state schools. Seventeen schools in Bristol and South Gloucestershire took part last year as well as others in B&NES and North Somerset, and the number will be higher this year. Last year, teams from Fairfield High School

● Students from St Brendan's College, Redland Green School, St Mary Redcliffe School, Colston's Girls School and City Academy at the Envision event at Clarke Willmott (FHS) and Hanham High School (now Hanham Woods Academy) did particularly well in the contest. Team Amaliso, from FHS, which produced a Somali sauce, won the West of England area title and the Diffusion team from Hanham were successful with their handmade candles and tie-dye socks. Area organiser Caroline Tar-

At Sidcot School we develop students’ natural curiosity and creativity. We educate them, rather than simply train them to pass tests, so that they can go out into the world and live rewarding and adventurous lives. Curious to know more? Come to our Open Morning and find out what makes Sidcot different. Friday 26 September 9am – noon RSVP to Sidcot at or 01934 845236.


Scholarships and flexi-boarding available.

Sidcot School is an independent day and boarding school set in glorious Somerset countryside, for boys and girls aged 3 to 18. Charity number 296491

buck explained that each school is matched with a business adviser, who works with the students and their link teacher. Students take on key roles, register their businesses, and take part in two trade fairs to build skills such as customer service, negotiation, teamwork and merchandising. Winners of competition heats go through to an area final, followed by a regional, national and international final. “It is a great way for young people to develop themselves,” Ms Tarbuck said. “Young Enterprise want all young people to leave school having developed the skills, attitude and experience employers are asking for – communication, teamworking, creativity, problem solving and resilience.” Envision is operating its Community-Apprentice programme in ten Bristol area schools this year, with the Mayor George Ferguson, pictured, assuming the Lord Sugar role. He will be supported by volunteers from local companies such as Clarke Willmott and Simmons and Simmons, which will mentor the teams. Unlike “Sir Alan”, the mayor will not be looking for the team that can make most profit but the one that makes the best contribution to the local community. The scheme, which started last year, enables young people to develop leadership and enterprise skills and make an impact by developing, pitching and organising their own projects. Regional manager Gemma Timons said: “The ‘apprentices’ complete a series of challenges in order to develop these skills but instead of making money as per the popular TV show, they will be making a difference.” Joel Oladapo was part of a team from Redland Green School last year who organised activities to raise awareness of street safety among young people. He said: “Envision taught me about getting stuff done, basically. It was my first real experience of planning something, and sticking with it.” Angel Capili was involved with a Bristol event aimed at bringing people of different religions together, to learn about each other, and break down misconceptions. “It felt amaz-

Envision taught me about “getting stuff done, basically. It

was my first real experience of planning something, and sticking with it.” Joel Oladapo

ing to see everyone come together. People said that they’d learned a lot. Religious stereotypes aren’t going to stop overnight, but I know we’ve planted a seed there. That makes me feel really positive and proud,” he said. Debate Mate is an educational charity through which university students go into inner-city schools in Bristol and London to teach debating, with a national final in the House of Lords. It also has an international programme. Debate Mate, too, aims at developing communication, teamwork, higher-order thinking, confidence and self esteem. One teacher said: “Debate Mate gives children a clear sense of achievement and they feel empowered by their voice. They are heard and feel listened to, and they gain a sense of the power they will have in the future to influence change.” Meanwhile, the Gabblers is something of a Bristol institution. Started in 1987 by David Geddes, then general manager of Clifton Hotels, to enable young people to learn how to speak clearly and effectively at public appearances, the annual contest is open to all first-year sixth form students at school in and around Bristol. The after-dinner speaking competition, now in its 28th year, is organised by The Gabblers Club, a unique organisation, run by volunteers, and sponsored by The Bristol Hotel, Sounds Commercial and businessman John Laycock. Schools, both independent and state-run, each select a participant who attends monthly dinners. Each student has to speak for four minutes on a given topic at three dinners out of six. All students then compete at the grand final in front of The Lord Mayor of Bristol. Three former Gabblers have gone to Harvard in recent years and believe their experience in the competition helped them win their places.


Independent Meet education the heads Redland High School for Girls Junior School headteacher Joe Eyles:

A strong sense of community key to all we do


OE Eyles BEd has an energetic and motivational approach to leading Redland High Junior School, having taught children across the age range and with specialist knowledge of many different aspects of junior education including pastoral care, numeracy, literacy, IT and physical education. As an Independent Schools Team Inspector, Mr Eyles also has in-depth experience of best practice from other schools. He is also a Governor of QEH. The Junior School caters for girls aged 3 – 11. The Early Years and Key Stage 1 provision, Redland High Infants with QEH, is coeducational and the school works closely with QEH boys’ school to provide a seamless transition at age 7. The size of Redland High Junior School means that each child is known extremely well and there is a strong sense of community. Mr Eyles explains: “Some of our girls join aged three and continue at Redland High until they are 18. “Others join the junior school for just one or two years in readiness to move into our senior school. We are committed to our pupils’ successful progress, right through to our senior

are committed to “ourWepupils’ successful

progress, understanding their personalities, stretching them to achieve their very best. Joy Eyles

school – understanding their individual personalities, stretching them to achieve their very best, helping them to discover the joys of learning and instilling good habits of self-discipline, integrity, courtesy and honesty. Through happiness and security the girls gain high self-esteem, enabling them to become independent lear ners.” There is a myriad of extra-curricular activity on offer in the Junior School and Mr Eyles firmly encourages each pupil to try at least one of them each term so that they can find their strengths and develop the self-esteem so essential for effective lear ning. The school also enjoys a good re-

lationship with QEH, with many joint activities allowing girls of all ages to work positively and constructively with boys.

Means-tested bursaries are available for girls to enter Redland High Junior School in Years 5 and 6. Visiting Morning: Thursday,

September 25, 9.30am. Open morning: Saturday, October 18, 9.15 am. Website: Telephone: 0117 924 5796.

Redland High School for Girls head teacher Caroline Bateson:

Our school’s commitment to excellence


encourage pupils “toWe grow into mature and

responsible adults, ready to go off to university with the confidence that they will thrive.” Caroline Bateson

ship with local boys’ school QEH, with many joint activities allowing girls of all ages to work positively and constructively with boys. This summer A Level and GCSE results were outstanding across the curriculum, with girls excelling in a wide range of subjects. Sixth form provision is very strong: students gain places at their chosen university to study a wide range of subject including medicine, law and modern languages. In these times of unprecedented competition for good university

places, Redland High School has the experience and commitment to guide students wisely and recent Department for Education statistics revealed that Redland High gets more of its pupils to Russell Group Universities than any other girls’ school in Bristol. Caroline Bateson believes that education involves going beyond the classroom and she encourages the girls to be busy and active at all levels, through the House system, support for charity work and participating in the many school trips on offer. Mrs Bateson explains: “It makes them more interesting people and by taking pupils outside their comfort zone in a supported way, we encourage them to grow into mature and responsible adults, ready to go off to university with the confidence that they will thrive.”

● Visiting morning: Thursday, September 25, 9.30am, Open Morning: Saturday, October 18, 9.15 am. Website: Telephone: 0117 924 5796.


AROLINE Bateson BA MA, has a commitment to academic excellence as well as involvement in every aspect of school life including pastoral care, extra-curricular activities, liaising with parents and strategic planning. She is an Independent Schools’ inspector and an enthusiastic teacher who is passionate about motivating girls in their learning; she teaches an A-Level class each year. Redland High School caters for a wide range of academic ability and Caroline Bateson thinks that the School’s undoubted proficiency in supporting all its pupils comes from outstanding teaching and having a school which is large enough to make a considerable subject choice viable but small enough for each individual pupil to be developed. There is a myriad of extra-curricular activity on offer and Redland High encourages pupils to take part so that they can find their strengths and develop the self-esteem so essential for effective learning. The School enjoys a good relation-


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Meet the heads Red Maids’ Senior School headmistress Isabel Tobias:

Preparing pupils for the UK’s best universities


F you are a parent looking for school information, there is one key point I want you to remember about Red Maids’: our students are very happy and fulfilled and they achieve the highest levels of academic success year after year. They leave us to move on to the best universities – commonly Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial College, Durham and Edinburgh, among others – to pursue their ambitions in medicine, veterinary science, engineering, law and languages to name but a few. Red Maids’ consistently appears in the Top 100 independent schools based on our Sixth Form and GCSE results. Whichever way you look at it, Red Maids’ is a successful and special educational establishment and I would urge you to visit us. Our students excel in the sciences, at languages and in the humanities. Music, drama and sport also play a big part in their lives. Their curricular learning is supported by exciting and challenging trips and extra-curricular opportunities at home and overseas, such as our projects in Nepal and Cambodia,

Red Maids’ “consistently appears in

the Top 100 independent schools based on our Sixth Form and GCSE results. Whichever way you look at it, Red Maids’ is a successful and special educational establishment and I urge you to visit us. Isabel Tobias

and through participation in special events including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the Rotary competition for Young Musicians and using our own observatory. We make use of mobile technology through iPads to create dynamic, stimulating and independent learning and our links with many industries and professions bring practical and up-to-date learning directly into the classroom.

As a girls-only schools, we maximise the benefits of our single-sex environment by ensuring students are able to work in ways that best suit them, enabling them to build strong

self-esteem, to take on a wide range of leadership roles and to aspire to any profession.

● Make a date to come and meet

us at one of our autumn visiting events. For more information, please contact our Admissions Registrar on 0117 989 8252 or

The Red Maids’ Junior School headteacher Gillian Rowcliffe:

Providing best possible start in education



HIS is a momentous time for me – I have been headteacher at The Red Maids’ Junior School for the past 29 years but I will be retiring in December and leaving a school that I opened with so much pride in 1986. I have so many wonderful memories – of our pupils, staff and parents who together make this such a special school. Our aim is no different now to what it has always been – to provide girls with the best possible start to their education, to allow personalities and friendships to blossom and to nurture their interests, energies and talents. We currently have space for up to 120 Junior Red Maids starting from Year Three. We are a close community, where the girls are deliberately organised in mixed age groups for pastoral sessions to enhance that quality, and we aim for everyone to be involved in everything. Academic coursework is guided by the National Curriculum and our Key Stage 2 English and mathematics SAT results are consistently high but the timetable includes plenty of art, sport, music, science, current affairs, Mandarin, history, geography, French, Latin and RE.

I have so many “wonderful memories – of our pupils, staff and parents who together make this such a special school.

Gillian Rowcliffe

The importance of kindness towards others, good manners, respecting people’s property and the environment are important themes embedded in weekly discussions and girls are rewarded for their contribution. The extra-curricular programme encourages all sorts of interests: climbing, caving, and kayaking are particularly popular, as are bell-ringing, origami and tag rugby. Musical groups and sports clubs, together with whole school drama productions are built into the Junior Red Maids’ experience with the aim of turning out well-rounded, poised and above all happy girls who make an impact wherever they go. I do hope you will make a date to visit us during the autumn. To do so, contact Mrs Lynn McCabe on 0117 962 9451 or


Meet the heads Headmaster of Bristol Grammar School Rod MacKinnon:

Confidence key in the adventure of learning


S a teacher and headmaster, I am naturally interested in what the government of the day has to say about education. Primarily, I want to hear their vision for what young people in our country could and should achieve; and then I’m interested in the ways in which they will support those working in education to deliver on that vision. What I don’t want politicians to be doing is laying down in minute detail what should be going on in the classroom. It seems to me that’s my job and the job of the many talented colleagues who teach alongside me. When politicians start making announcements about the changes they would make to the syllabus for this or that subject or the grade boundaries for this or that exam, I can’t help thinking that they are missing a rather fundamental point about how one goes about achieving improvements in educational attainment. Tinkering with technical details simply will not do it because, at its core, education is about something much broader than that: it is about building confidence in the ability of young people to learn and equipping them to navigate their way in the world.

At BGS, we want to “see our students leaving

the school feeling excited about what the world has to offer and ambitious for the role they will play in it. Rod MacKinnon

At BGS, we want to see our students leaving the school feeling excited about what the world has to offer and ambitious for the role they will play in it. That’s what employers and universities tell us they want to see too. Of course we take great pride and delight in how they perform academically in exams and coursework but we recognise that that performance is founded in no small part on the confidence they gain through, for example, a rich programme of co-curricular activity, horizon-broadening travel, involvement in charitable work and the strong pastoral support offered by our House system. My staff undoubtedly work hard on the detailed planning of imaginative courses of study and spend time mon-

itoring individual performance and adjusting provision accordingly. However, this work is always in the service of a much broader, exciting

vision which underpins everything we do at BGS – namely to see our young people embark on an adventure of learning which, we hope, will

continue throughout their lives. I hope you will take the opportunity to come and see that adventure underway for yourselves.

Peter Huckle, headmaster of BGS Infants and Juniors:

A rich history – and an exciting future


Thanks to the energy “and initiative of our

excellent staff team there are always new opportunities emerging, whether it be performing on stage at the Tobacco Factory as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival or joining a literary committee. Peter Huckle

7 to form a choir. Similarly, although most of our teaching and learning happens in the purpose-designed surroundings of our own buildings, we are always looking for opportunities to make use of the facilities available across the school campus – such as the sports hall and science labs – and to invite

teachers from the senior school staff to share their expertise with us in specialist areas such as dance, art, games or food technology. Thanks to the energy and initiative of our excellent staff team there are always new opportunities emerging. Whether it be performing on stage at the Tobacco Factory as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival, competing in the English Primary Schools’ Chess Association semi finals hosted here at BGS, or joining a student literary committee to organise readings from visiting authors, life at BGS Infants and Juniors provides every chance to build a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning. When our students finally leave the BGS Sixth Form to make their way in the world, and we sit alongside one another at the Leavers’ Dinner in the Great Hall, I know it will be experiences like this in the infants and junior school that we recall together as being so very formative for the continuing story of their learning adventure, wherever it may lead them.


GS Infants and Juniors is a place where we are rightly proud of our history but, at the same time, always looking to the future; where a strong sense of continuity and stability combines with an exciting desire for new approaches. That feeling of history-in-the-making was particularly striking this autumn as the first pupils to join our Infant School in January 2010 took their places in the senior school. These young pioneers are now part of the story of our school and we’re proud to send them on their way to the bright future we know lies ahead. One of the many benefits of an all-through school such as BGS, of course, is that we will not lose touch with them. Connections with older students in the senior school are an important way for our younger students to develop and we love, for example, to welcome sixth formers to help with reading in the infants school or to encourage our Year 5 singers to team up with those in Year


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Meet the heads Colston’s Lower School head teacher Stuart Smart:

Colston’s still stands out from the rest for me


S I enter my third year as Head of Colston’s Lower School, I am looking forward very much to welcoming parents and children to our open morning on September 27. It’s actually eight years since my wife, Karen, and I visited many schools to decide which would best meet the broad academic and sporting ambitions of our own three children. At that time Colston’s stood out from the rest, and still does. I am proud to say that Colston’s continues to have a very special and distinctive atmosphere. We encourage our pupils to develop excellent manners, self-motivation, tolerance, respect for others and a sense of responsibility. In return we find them open, happy and courteous young people. Small classes and a generous staffing ratio ensure that work is carefully planned to meet the needs of each child. Teachers have high expectations, encouraging all children to perform at their best. The close bond that exists between Colston’s Lower School and parents is often firmly established at nursery and reception levels. The transition to reception works well because the nursery is an integral part of the Lower School. Beyond reception, the curriculum gradually becomes more formal, providing children with strong basic skills and preparing them for Key Stage 2. Before you know it, your son or daughter will be enjoying a growing range of academic subjects including languages, design technology, ICT, art

Dr Alison Neill, head of Clifton High School:

and music. Just as important, personal development is central to the Colston’s experience, and is secured through a wide range of activities and opportunities at the Lower School. Our outstanding range of clubs and extra-curricular activities extend far beyond the norm. Indeed they enhance a rich and stimulating curriculum, giving each child the opportunity to develop individual talents and skills. Full use is made of 30 acres of playing fields including an area of woodland dedicated to our weekly

Forest School activities. Before I embarked on my teaching career in 2001 I held a number of senior management posts in business and industry. I strongly believe that this background and experience help to get the best out of people and help our school understand its place in the broader community. I and my colleagues also understand the busy schedules of our parents, so we are pleased to offer pre and after-school clubs from 7.45am up to 5.30pm.

● For more details, call 0117 965 5297 or visit

Colston’s School headteacher Jeremy McCullough:

Vibrant, busy and diverse



HE best way to get to know myself and Colston’s School would be to come to the open morning on September 27. You will find that Colston’s is a vibrant, busy and diverse place where our happy students achieve excellent things. Fully co-educational throughout its three-18 age range, the girls and boys come from a wide range of backgrounds and with a range of experience and ability to the Lower School (three-11) and the Upper School (11- 18). Both are found on a glorious green site in Stapleton, with access to extensive playing fields, a theatre, sports hall, fitness centre and concert venue, not forgetting our forest school for the younger students. In this atmosphere, Colstonians achieve excellent results, but all we ever ask is that individuals do the very best they can in everything that they do and we celebrate their achievements accordingly. Another cause for celebration at Colston’s is our service to others. The

school motto “Go and do thou likewise,” which is taken from the parable of The Good Samaritan, can be seen reflected in the activities and attitudes of the students.

It is also embodied by the Governing body who, assisted by both generous individual former pupils and collectively by the Old Colstonian Society, administer an extensive programme of bursaries which every year allows students, who would otherwise not be able to access a Colston’s education, the chance to enjoy all that we have to offer. Beyond the open morning, I can recommend our taster days when girls and boys can join a Colston’s class and experience the full timetable. Very briefly about me: I was educated at Rushcliffe Comprehensive School in Nottingham, Oxford University and then Cambridge. I have taught in Bishop’s Stortford and Edinburgh, and have arrived at Colston’s having been Second Master at Lancing College in Sussex. Sally and I have four boys who are now all at Colston’s.

● For more details, call us on 0117 965 5207 or visit

Diamond model helping our pupils to shine


CROSS the independent school community all eyes were on Dr Alison Neill and Clifton High School this summer as this was a highly significant year for the school. In 2008, Dr Neill became Head of School and introduced far-reaching changes. Not only did the school become fully co-educational but it also adopted the pioneering Diamond Model of education. The boys and girls who received their A-level and GCSE results this summer were the first cohort of pupils to be fully educated at Clifton High since these changes were put in place. The proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating, and for Dr Alison Neill and the Clifton High School team the wait is finally over and the results were exceptional. In this summer’s results 26% of students achieved all A* or A grades at A level with around 80% going to Russell Group Universities. At GCSE, almost 30% of students achieved all A* or A grades. Although some of the changes Dr Neill and her team put in place were significant she has ensured that the school remains true to its core beliefs and the focus on the individual child coupled with outstanding pastoral care remain at the heart of the school’s approach. Thanks to the leadership of Dr Neill and her excellent team , the sense of community is incredibly

“Not only have our students achieved an outstanding set of qualifications but through our unique approach to co-education have had learning and social experiences which give them distinct advantages as they move into universities and eventually into the broader world of work. Ofsted report strong among Clifton High School staff, parents and governors. Dr Neill said: “The young men and women, their parents, our staff and our governors have shown trust and loyalty to CHS on our journey over the last six years. “This summer’s results are testament to the hard work determination and vision of us all. “Not only have our students achieved an outstanding set of qualifications but through our unique approach to co-education have had learning and social experiences which give them distinct advantages as they move into universities and eventually into the broader world of work where males and females interact and engage daily.”


Meet the heads Badminton School principal Rebecca Tear:

Wonderful to be part of friendly atmosphere


T Badminton, the staff, both academic and pastoral as well as all those in supporting roles, work to inspire ideas and develop curiosity in the pupils. The aim, of course, is to facilitate the girls’ access to the next step of their educational journey, but on the way, we hope that our holistic approach broadens their thinking and does not simply “fill them up” with knowledge. There is also plenty of opportunity to actually do things rather than just think about them; I love the way the girls actively engage with their subject material through research projects and community work, rather than just gathering paper qualifications. In fact, one of the most frustrating aspects of my day is knowing the number of amazing things that are taking place in school at any one time and not being able to get to all of them! Badminton’s holistic approach, in which creative arts and sports are integral to everyday life, means that, from the moment you walk through the gates, the busy, friendly atmosphere surrounds you in all that is

There is also plenty of “opportunity to actually

do things rather than just think about them; I love the way the girls actively engage with their subject material through research projects and community work, rather than just gathering paper qualifications. Rebecca Tear

happening. It is wonderful to be a part of it and to capture the energy that the girls exude as they throw themselves into all they do. The broad range of activities ensures that everyone can find something that interests or challenges them and helps to develop them into the person they want to be. Other than being curious, outward-looking and confident, there is no “Badminton type”; each girl is unique! I certainly feel privileged to be a

part of the community here and am hugely proud of all that the girls achieve, but the best part of my job

has to be sharing the laughter and sense of fun that will certainly erupt through whatever is going on at some

point every day!

● For further details, visit

Andrew Wood, Deputy Head, Clifton High School:

Bold school is never afraid to try new things


an innovative, fresh thinking professional join our team. “He has had incredible success in his previous posts and we welcome him to the Clifton High family.” Clifton High educates girls and boys from 3-18 and as well as being Deputy Head of the whole school, Mr Wood has specific responsibility for the Nursery to Junior Schools. One of his first tasks this autumn was to open the doors and welcome children into the newly-refurbished and expanded Nursery School. As well as having a strong academic focus Mr Wood is also a biologist and a keen sportsman. He plays hockey, and has coached teams at county level. At the weekends he can often be found in the gym, spending time with his young family or cycling the roads around the South West.


HIS September Clifton High School welcomed new deputy head Andrew Wood. An experienced deputy head with a keen focus on academic excellence and life-long learning, Mr Wood is an outstanding teacher who will be an invaluable member of the school team. Having spent the last few years teaching in Sydney, Australia, Mr Wood said: “I was attracted to Clifton High as it is a real success story. It has transformed itself into an academically strong co-educational school which has a real focus on academic excellence balanced with outstanding pastoral care. “As an organisation it has been bold in its approach and is not afraid to try new things.” Dr Alison Neill, Head of School, said: “We are fortunate to have such


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Meet the heads Stephen Holliday, head of QEH, Bristol:

Proud school celebrates its 425th birthday


TEPHEN Holliday, headmaster of QEH for 15 years, is justifiably proud of his school and its history. “QEH celebrates its 425th anniversary as the ‘City School’ this year,” he says, “and is more thriving than ever, with 670 boys aged 7 to 18.” Along with being the top performing day school in Bristol, QEH today is firmly amongst leading academic schools nationally. Most boys go to their first-choice of top universities or medical schools, including 10% to Oxford and Cambridge. Mr Holliday said: “Our record results, year on year, are part of the much greater package that we offer to boys in preparing them for higher education and successful future careers. We promote the importance of good values, we produce the young men with opinions, who know themselves, who respect and help others. “Boys leave QEH with not only the qualifications but the confidence to meet the challenges of the world ahead. Exam success: that is a by-product of a school where building

“Boys leave QEH with not only the qualifications but the confidence to meet the challenges of the world ahead. confidence comes first.” In addition to academic scholarships, QEH offers scholarships in Sport and Music. Come and meet the headmaster on open morning which, for seniors, is on Saturday, October 4, starting from 9.30am. No appointment required. There is also a Sixth Form open evening on Monday, October 13, Strictly by appointment. Entry is by assessment, usually at 7, 11, 13 or 16 although occasionally vacancies occur in other year groups.

● For more information visit, e-mail or telephone Mrs Carolyn Matthews, Admissions Registrar, to arrange a visit on 0117 930 3068.

Martin Morris, headmaster of QEH Juniors, Bristol:

Keep an eye out in


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Advertising Features Education Correspondent Marc Rath 0117 934 3637


Advertising and Features 0117 934 3428 Marc England

Lifelong Learning

Juniors quickly building up an enviable reputation


EH Junior School Headmaster, Martin Morris, says: “Although QEH only opened its Junior School in 2007 we have built an enviable reputation, remaining small enough to guarantee a happy, enriched educational experience for boys. “We incorporate the strong ethos and values of the 425-year-old Senior School while retaining our own individual identity. “A key aim is to develop each boy’s personal qualities, provide a sound foundation for his future, and ensure that every boy leaves recognising himself as a lifelong learner. We are particularly keen to break out from the traditional idea of the four-walled classroom, and make our ‘classroom’ the wider world. “I believe that QEH Junior School is unique, with Brandon Hill and the outstanding facilities of Bristol culture and education right on its doorstep: fostering a deep love of learning whilst nurturing the interests and talents of boys is readily achievable. In Years 4, 5 and 6 our teaching is subject-based which prepares our forty Year 6 boys to move on to QEH Seniors, secure in knowledge and understand-

ing of the complexities of the world around them.” “Pastoral care and standards of academic excellence are strong, and equally high standards in drama, sport and music mean a top-quality, well-rounded education for the boys. In recent years the swimming, rugby and

football teams have reached the national finals in their respective sports, and this winter the school will be performing at The Arnolfini as part of the Shakespeare Festival. “The school has developed the unique ‘QE Award’ – a junior version of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Boys engage in extra-curricular activities including public performance, community work and physical recreation, as well as taking part in expeditions and camps.” A new feature of QEH Juniors is that, in conjunction with Redland High School, boys can join RHS Infants in readiness to join us later at Year 3. Mr Morris says: “This has already proved popular with twice the anticipated number of boys signing up at Redland High School.” The headmaster, Mr Martin Morris, invites prospective parents to visit, or come to the Junior School open mornings on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 October in the QEH Theatre. For more information or a prospectus visit, e-mail or telephone Mrs Carolyn Matthews, Admissions Registrar, to arrange a visit on 0117 930 3068.

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