Prices for Key Club Apparel: -Bayside High School Key Club Zip-up Hoodie without name: $25 (Comes in red, white, blue & navy) -Bayside High School Key Club Zip-up Hoodie with name-$30(Comes in red, white, blue and navy) - Bayside High School Key Club Sweatpants- $15 - Hoodie w/o name and sweatpants- $38.00. You save $2! - Hoodie w/ name & Sweatpants: $42- you save $3! -New York District Key Club Crewneck- $20 w/o name; $25 w/ name! Election Day! Election day is coming up on January 11th for the positions of Webmaster, Editor and Treasurer and January 18th for the positions of Secretaries, Vice President and President! We do encourage you to run for an officer position! If you are interested, you must meet the following qualifications: 1) You must be an active member of Key Club. 2) You must have paid your dues. 3) You must go to at least 2 divisionals unless you have a legitimate excuse. If so, you must speak to an officer or to Jacoby! 4) You must be doing well in school by maintaining at least an 80 average. If you have any questions, please speak to an officer or Jacoby! 5) You cannot fail any classes! Please note that becoming an officer is a very rewarding experience but with this comes hard work and great responsibility! An officer has a major role in Key Club. They make up the board, which are the decision-making roles of Key Club. You must be committed and dedicated to your job, but you must also keep up your grades in school! Education is very important and should be your priority! If you are not keeping up with your grades, you may get suspended from your job as an officer. Please consider the options of running for higher office! If you are, please let a board member or our advisor, Mr. Jacoby know! Don’t forget to bring in your UNICEF boxes. Our goal is to raise $2,500! Continue to save lives by raising money for the ELIMINATE project! Our website: Our website is very important because it contains information about upcoming events, board etc. It is also where you go to sign up for certain events! Please check it out!
QR Code for the website!
Upcoming Events: 1) November 17th- Decorate the Castle- This event will take place at Fort Totten from 10-2. We will be meeting at Fort Totten. 2) November 30th- Multicultural Festival: This event will take place at Bayside High School from 4-8p.m! Key Club will be selling butter beer! (Harry Potter) Come for 5points/1 ticket. 3) December 7th- we will have our first Key Club Bake/Food Sale. Bring in baked goods for 2 points! 4) December 8th- Holiday Festival- This event will take place from10-4pm. We will be selling hot chocolate, ornaments etc. There will also be pictures taken with Santa. 5) December 9th- Ronald McDonald House: This event will take place at 9:00am. Meet up from 7:30-8:30 at Flushing Library. MUST SIGN UP ON WEBSITE. You must pay $10. Barnes & Nobles Christmas Giftwrapping Dates: This event will take place at Barnes & Nobles at Bay Terrace! You must sign up for this event. Space is limited! These are the following dates: 6) December 5th- 3:00-8:00p.m 7) December 8th- 2:00-8:00p.m 8) December 13th- 3:00-8:00p.m 9) December 20th- 3:00-8:00p.m 10)December 22nd- 2:00-8:00p.m 11)December 24th- 9:00-1:00p.m Key Club Week: 1) Monday, November 26th- Show Your K in Every Way!- Wear your Key Club apparel. Come to the key club table during your lunch period to take a photo, which will be printed out. You must be wearing your key club apparel! 2) Tuesday, November 27th- Kudos to the Key Players- Key Club will be giving out pens to teachers to show our appreciation! During your lunch period, come to the key club table to write a thank you note to a teacher that you appreciate! 3) Wednesday, November 28th- Connect the K’s- Come get your Key Club tattoos during your lunch period at the key club table! 4) Thursday, November 29th- Officer Appreciation Day- Show your officers your appreciation for their hard work by recognizing who they are for a ticket! You may get one ticket from each officer! 5) Friday, November 30th- bring a friend to Key Club Day- bring a friend to key club! Come to the key club table during your lunch period to get your face painted with the key club colors! 6) Laser tag/dodge ball event- Stay tuned for more information!