APRIL 26, 2013
Spotlight: Key Club bonding over stuffing envelopes! Many thanks to the following members for helping out last weekend at the Bayside Historical Society! We couldn’t have done it without you all: Sandra Wong, Kris Lee, Sabrina Mielczarski, Valerie Buonaiuto, German Martinez, Jonathon Yeung, Elizabeth Young, Natalie Polanco, Erika Nouel, Matteo Papacostas, Chloe Lee, Gina Chen!
SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR KEY CLUB! We still have HOODIES ($25), SWEATPANTS ($15) and ELIMINATE SUNGLASSES ($5). Show your spirit around school for Key Club!
UPCOMING EVENTS: April 27: Million Trees at Alley Pond Park (15 points, 3 tickets). Meet-up at Flushing Library from 7:30-8:00 am. Event starts at 9:00 am. April 28: March of Dimes Walk at Lincoln Center Area 65th St and Broadway, New York (10 points, 2 tickets). Walk starts at 10:00 am. May 4: Ronald McDonald House in New Hyde Park (10 points, 2 tickets). The event costs $10 for all attendees. All interested should sign up at the end of the meeting! May 5: Autism Walk at Citi Field, Flushing. (10 points, 2 tickets). Event starts at 9 am. Meet-up at Flushing Library from 8:00-8:30 am. Autism is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the U.S. Every 11 minutes, another autistic child is born. Help fight autism by attending this walk and raising money and fighting awareness! Remember to register online! May 11: Ronald McDonald House in New Hyde Park (10 points, 2 tickets). The event costs $10 for all attendees. All interested should sign up at the end of the meeting! May 19: AIDS Walk, Central Park (10 points, 2 tickets). Event begins 8:30 am.
If you have any questions about events, tickets, or Key Club in general, don’t hesitate to contact any one of us! Officer Contact Information: Pres. Andrea Lin:, (646)-577-8009 Vice Pres. Justin Hernandez:, (718) 216-8208 Co-Sec Dylan Moderno:, (718) 309-9969 Co-Sec Selina Chin:, (347) 4722134 Treasurer Brandon Hahn:, (646)-884-1002 Editor Rita Guo:, (203) 560-6413 Webmaster Louis Xia, Elect Gina Lee:, (347) 498-6358 /, (718) 6890716
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