MAY 2013
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Message from Advisor III. Message from Immediate Past IV. Message from Current Board V. District Key Club Convention: DCON 2013 VI. Ronald McDonald House VII. Charity Walks VIII. In School Events IX. General Information
Hey Key Clubbers! Welcome to the 6th annual Key Club Dinner! Each and every one of you has shown admirable devotion to the community, and we commend you on your contributions throughout the service year. Looking back, each walk, Ronald McDonald House, or even weekly meetings at your home Key Club— all shaped you to be the Key Clubber you are today. By helping others, you help yourself. As all good things must come to an end, we toast to the Key Club service year of 2012-2013, and hope that the coming year will bring new faces and new memories. Your Editor Rita Guo
MESSAGE FROM ADVISOR Welcome to the 6th annual Bayside High School Key Club awards dinner. This is my 7th year as advisor and I'm proud to say that the 2012-2013 service year was one of the most memorable and productive that I can remember. Our club raised over $2000 for the Eliminate Project which was the most in the entire New York District! We held new and successful service projects such as the Toddler Olympics along with the Queens College Circle K. We collaborated with Safe Kids and held a Safe Kids training at P.S. 120 in Flushing. We also volunteered in our community on New York Cares Day in the Rockaways by painting murals and prepared meals at the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island once a month. Last July, 17 Key Club members travelled by bus for 24 hours to attend the International convention in Orlando, Florida. While there, we met other Key Clubbers from all over the country. Before we left we had the opportunity to cook breakfast at the Ronald McDonald house in Orlando. This year we are attending the international convention again in Washington DC. We are already signed up to visit the Ronald McDonald house located in the nation’s capital! None of these outstanding accomplishments would have been possible without our 167 amazing Key Club members and the outstanding board. A special thanks to Immediate Past Outstanding President, Erika Lim, for planning tonight's event. It wouldn't have been possible without you. -Steven Jacoby, Advisor of Bayside High School Key Club
MESSAGE FROM IP BOARD Four years in Key Club and it has finally come to an end. I have been a member, club committee chair, an officer, and even an international committee chair. I can honestly say that although the journey I went through to get here today was not an easy one, I have no regrets because I feel as if I have found a purpose in my life: to serve others. It has been an honor serving as your president for the 2012-2013 service year. The sleepless nights and stressful days have all been worth it, because there is a group of over a hundred high school students standing before me that dedicate their time to something more than themselves, whether collecting money for mothers and their future babies or walking six miles under the sun, or in this case, rain for the AIDS foundation. Trust me, all of your efforts really do make a difference in the world, and although you may not see its impact, the world is changing for the better thanks to you. To my IP board, thank you for going through this journey with me. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. To the new board, I wish you all the best and I have faith that each of you will continue to succeed. To the graduating seniors, thank you for your service & good luck to all of you with all your future endeavors. To the rest of the members, if Key Club is the club that ignites the fire and the passion in you, don’t stop. Keep on serving. If Key Club isn’t the organization for you, join one that is. Join a club or a team that makes you, you. Don’t do it for the college applications, because as a graduating senior who has gone through the college application process, the school that accepts you will like you for who you are. Enjoy what is left of high school, because once it’s over, there’s no turning back. -Erika Lim, IP President of Bayside High School Key Club
MESSAGE FROM IP BOARD Hey Key Clubbers! As the Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor, I endured many ups and downs this past year. Even so, I can honestly say that these hardships were worth it when it came to Key Club. Not only did I meet irreplaceable friends, I also learned about the inner workings of reality. My four years in Key Club has, without a doubt, helped me mature and turn away from my stage fright. I hope that Key Club can benefit everyone as much as it has benefited me. Lastly, I want to congratulate the 2012-2013 board on an amazing year and wish the 2013-2014 board good luck for the next year. - Grace Lin, IP Lieutenant Governor of District 8
Hey Key Clubbers, it’s your Immediate Past Vice President. Thank you all for an amazing year of service. Realize that service never ends, that you should always care for those around you and try your best to help them. You guys helped me to see that there is more to this club, and that we can do so much together. I know that Key Club will only grow to become something even greater. The memories this club has given me, and the places it took me to were beyond anything else. This is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me. Thank you all! -Fannie Szeto, IP Vice President of Bayside High School Key Club
MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD Hey Key Clubbers! As most of you may know, my name is Andrea Lin and I'm your President! I just want to say thank you to all of you for making this such a wonderful year and allowing me to be here today as your President! This year has created many new memories for all of us as we met many different people such as new members, and bonded with our division and the New York District. I am proud to say that we've all accomplished so many great things and really made a difference in this world whether it be through raising money for the Eliminate Project or attending walks or cleaning up parks and schools. I hope each and every one of you feels great after every single event! This club is such an inspiration to me and many others and I hope as we all say goodbye this year, we don't give up. I hope to see you all during the next service year!
-Andrea Lin, President of Bayside High School Key Club
I started my Key Club experiences during my freshman year. As with most freshmen, I didn't know anyone besides the few friends I had met in middle school. Honestly, joining was a little intimating cause I felt like I didn't belong. But soon after I joined the club, I went to a few events and I began to feel more comfortable. I made new friends and developed a strong connection to the club. The club became much more to be than I initially anticipated. It not only helped me socially but emotionally. It opened more doors to me than I ever thought possible– because who would have ever imaged that a quiet shy person like myself would eventually become vice president of the club? Being a part of something meaningful and productive is a humbling feeling. The projects we create and events we attend have not only shown me a new perspective on life, but has given me a sense of purpose. But most importantly, the club has given me enduring friendships that I hope will transcend my time at Bayside.
-Justin Hernandez, Vice President of Bayside High School Key Club
MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD Hi amazing key clubbers! For those of you who are seniors, congratulations and good luck! The future unknown is scary and uncertain, but it'll be what you make out of it, so heads and chins up! Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, another congratulations goes to you. As we're becoming another year older, I hope that we'll still continue to do the things we do best. Thank you to all key clubbers who have given service to their community, upheld key club duties, and made me a very happy secretary. Honestly, who would've thought last year, that I would be here? I give my sincerest thanks to all of Key Club for allowing me to be who I am today. Tonight, you are he stars of our main event! -Selina Chin, Co-Secretary of Bayside High School Key Club
Hey guys. As many of you know, I have been in Key Club since ninth grade. The number of experiences I have had, things I have learned, and people I have met are countless and unforgettable. One of my most memorable experiences was the YWCA flea market at which I helped out in my freshman year. Seeing the extent to which we, as a club, could help people inspired me to become a more active member. Upon becoming more active, I eventually ran for office; I am one of the current secretaries. I try to maintain constant communication between the members and board. I believe that interclub communication is crucial to a successful club. Also, I feel that members should stay on top of all matters pertaining to the club and voice any opinions they may have on things; that way, change comes into fruition. During the course of the upcoming service year, I hope that members become even more active, input their opinions more, and come up with newer, innovative ways for the club to do service. I hope that the club continues to succeed in the upcoming service year with the help of the club’s incredible members. The members of this club make the club what it is today, and increasing influence and service of the members will result in an incredible club. - Dylan Moderno, Co-Secretary of Bayside High School Key Club
MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD Hi guys! My name is Brandon Hahn, or Ye Jun Hahn. Key Club has been a part of my life since I joined freshman year, and board members helped me learn what really Key Club is. Stanley Kang, a past president, inspired me the most. He helped me learn what Key Club meant and get more involved in this club. This is the reason why I decided to become a committee member and treasurer in Key Club. I hope I can help other people to know what Key Club really means. We don't make keys; however, we do unlock doors to make a difference. Key Club has been my unforgettable memories. Not only has Key Club changed our school and community, but Key Club also changed my life. Friends, board members, and our advisor are the best people I ever met in my life. All the events that we went together in Key Club are the best memories in my life. I would like to thank every member in Bayside High School Key Club. If you guys weren't here, Key Club would not exist. I would like to thank our past board members. Because of you guys, our Key Club improved so much. Lastly, I would like to thank our advisor, Mr. Jacoby. I remember when Rita and Andrea said you were like a father figure. I agree with themyou always have been a father to us. You always take care of us, and you set Key Club as your priority. Because of your efforts and time, we are here today in Bayside High School Key Club. -Brandon Hahn, Treasurer of Bayside High School Key Club
The first time I heard about Key Club was during my freshman orientation, and at first I thought it was about making keys! Don't guys probably thought that too. However, when I realized that Key Club was really about making a difference and helping people around the world, I was really interested in the fact that I could help someone, somewhere. I never saw myself to be a part of the Key Club board of officers, yet here I am! It took a while to complete the complicated application that Louis put together, but it was worth the effort to become the webmaster! My advice to my fellow Key Clubbers is to never give up, because even you can make a difference in this world! -Gina Lee, Webmaster of Bayside High School Key Club
MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD Dear Key Clubbers, It is with complete honesty when I say that I consider Key Club to be a group of the most dedicated and altruistic people I know. Never before joining the organization had I seen such a large number of members eager to wake at five in the morning simply to be on time to a walk or event. Each Key Clubber has a certain personality or talent that has molded the organization to become the outstanding, tight-knit family that exists today. I haven’t forgotten my very first Key Club meeting. The energy emulating from the members and board was almost surreal, and I knew from that moment that I wanted to be a part of the organization. I have never regretted that decision, and I only sought higher ambitions as I went from member, to committee chair, to club officer. The advisors of Key Club deserve a huge thank you for the momentous efforts they have devoted to the organization in order for home clubs to flourish. I especially wish to thank our advisor, Mr. Steven Jacoby, for his unmatched dedication to serving both the community and members. I congratulate all members of Key Club for their service and hope that each of you will continue to contribute equally to your environment after your high school years have passed. Let Circle K and Kiwanis serve as role models to you, and follow the legacy of paying it forward. -Rita Guo, Editor of Bayside High School Key Club
NY DISTRICT LTC 2013 March 22nd-March 24th. 2013
This year’s 65th Annual Key Club Leadership Training Conference was attended by clubs from all over New York, congregated at Holiday Inn of Albany, New York. Key Clubbers met for a weekend of informational workshops, making new friends, and unforgettable experiences. Upon arrival on the first night, attendees participated in icebreakers during PLAYFAIR, and bonded with new acquaintances. After a tiring day of workshop sessions, Key Clubbers were invited to dance socials to unwind from the day’s work. Districts also competed for the victory of Penny Wars, and were sabotaged by other districts—but all in good fun. As a whole, approximately $600 were raised for a great cause! Any Key Clubber will agree that NYDKC Leadership Training Conference 2013 was an unforgettable experience. For those who did not attend this year, there is always next year!
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Every month, Bayside High School Key Club takes a group of active members to the Ronald McDonald House in New Hyde Park. The club cooks meals for the designated time of day— breakfast, lunch, and dinner— and members are responsible for preparation, cooking, and cleanup. Each visit to the Ronald McDonald House has been a pleasure, and more first-timers are encouraged to attend in the coming service year!
WALKS FOR A CAUSE Bayside High School Key Club has attended a number of charity walks throughout the year, rain or shine. Prior to the walk, members fundraised by selling placards, and donated to an autism charity, and to Relay for Life.
BHS Key Club was present at the following walks: AIDS Walk in Central Park, Autism Walk at Citi Field, March of Dimes Walk in Midtown, and Relay for Life at Fort Totten.
IN SCHOOL EVENTS The club held bake sales throughout the years to fundraise money for club expenses, such as DCON/ICON contributions, club prizes, and more. Members brought in baked goods and also volunteered to sell during free periods.
Bayside High School held an event called the “S.O Carnival” in which clubs were encouraged to set up booths. Bayside High School manned the cotton candy stand, Dunk Tank and Marriage Booth!
GENERAL INFO Weekly meetings are every Friday in the Auditorium, Period 10. The more the merrier— bring your friends! Divisionals are held monthly by Eric Young at Forest Hills Library. Dates will be announced in advance.
Visit us at our website: It isn’t too late to purchase Key Club apparel! Support your favorite club— Bayside High School Key Club! All proceeds will go towards the activities and expenses of Key Club members. Scan to access our website instantly on your mobile phones! QR Code: