2015 november bhs spirit of the pioneer

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Batesville High School

November 2015

Vol. 9, No. 1

Batesville Pioneers Through the Years

HOMECOMING COURT 2015. (Left to Right) Hope Lange, Amanda Okolo, Kendra Kelley, Katie Fielder, Joann Le, Haley Cole, Summer Strecker, Katie Allen, Lauren Jones.

By Glenn Dobry Homecoming Queen 2015 is Joann Le. “I was thrilled and shocked to even find out I was placed on the ballot,” said Le.“It means so much to me.” Senior Maids included Haley Cole, Kendra Kelley, Summer Strecker,

and Katie Fielder. Junior Maids included Amanda Okolo and Katie Allen. Sophomores were Hope Lange and Lauren Jones. Senior Maid Kendra Kelley was also excited to find out she was a nominee for Queen this year. “I was really excited

and honored that my class would vote for me to be on court. It was pretty nerveracking that we didn’t find out until the pep rally,” commented Kelly. Emily Cambias, a senior at BHS, is one of the cheerleaders who helped decide the theme of this year’s Homecoming.

A new class called 2nd Block was introduced to the BHS this year. The primary goal of the class is to help students improve on their grades, catch up on work given in class, and enrich their knowledge. Mrs. Huff likes the 2nd Block. She hopes that it gives students time and the help they need to do good in school. “I really like it. I hope it’s going to get kids the time and support they need to be successful,” said Mrs. Huff. Mrs. Huff hopes that 2nd Block will give students the chance to understand all of their work.

New class, new knowledge, 2nd Block has opened new possibilities for the teachers here at BHS to enrich their students and promote extra learning time. “It has made a positive impact on my schedule,” Ms. James stated. “I like that I get so much time with one group of students and I will get to know them better.” According to teachers, students should be able to benefit academically, as well as assist in making new friends. “I think that once 2nd Block gets established and the students have the opportunity to really get

WALKER. TEXAS. RANGER. Three students, Garret Ballard, Bobby Smart, and Nicholas Wood meet weekly in Mrs. Gillmore’s session to work on a project began in her Superheroes session where they created three heroes out to save those in peril.

“We liked that the theme ‘Pioneers Through the Years’ rhymed,” stated Cambias. “With a theme, we can structure how Student Council decorates the dance and how we decorate the school during Spirit Week. It also brings everyone together in a fun way.”

Batesville High School Adjusts to 2nd Block

November 2015

involved with some of the courses offered, they will enjoy it and start to see the benefits,” Ms. James concluded. Students at BHS have shown their appreciation for the new 2nd Block by reacting positively, including

sophomore Blair Gregory, who stated, “2nd Block has a value at schools. Continuing it will be a good experience.” Reporters who contributed to this story include Bailey Scott, Sarah Frisbee, Harley Goodwin, and Glenn Dobry.

The Spirit of the Pioneer

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PRO and CON: School Uniforms - Good or Bad? By Ben Grafton School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. A bulletin published by the National Association of Secondary School Principals stated, “When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork.” School uniforms create an environment where everyone is the same, as far as clothes go, reducing peer pressure and bullying. When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits, is no longer relevant. Wearing uniforms increases school pride, unity, and community spirit. Uniform policies save limited class time because they are easier to enforce than a standard dress code. School uniforms also remove the need for non-athletic clubs to expend some of their budgets or money they have raised on t-shirts. Instead, all that would be needed to identify themselves as a member of that club would be a pin added to the uniform.

School uniforms promote conformity over individuality. At a time when schools are encouraging an appreciation of diversity, enforcing a dress code where everyone must dress the same is contradictory to that message. School uniforms are not a popular idea among students. A 2012 survey conducted by researchers at the University of Nevada at Reno found that 90% of seventh and eighth grade students who attend public schools said that they did not like wearing uniforms. Uniforms may have a detrimental effect on students’ self-image. When students have to wear the same outfits, rather than being allowed to select clothes that they prefer or think they look better in, they can suffer embarrassment at school. Uniforms are also not free and would either have to be paid with by the school’s money or each student would have to buy his/her own uniform. The portion of the school’s budget that is being used for sponsoring club activities and other enrichment programs would probably have to be adjusted due to the expenditures on uniforms for students. If not, the cost would fall to the student or his/her family.

The Spirit of the Pioneers Staff

The Spirit of the Pioneers welcomes the opinions of the BHS population. Talk to Ms. Gillmore (Rm 16) to submit an article or cartoon for the next newspaper.

Leigha Adkins

Jade Mosier

Raven Blevins

Efrain Perez

Glenn Dobry

Bailey Scott

Sarah Frisbee

Nichole Sheldon

Harley Goodwin

Lauren Smith

Ben Grafton

Alexas Sterling

Chelsey Hight

Deionte Sullivan

Kelsey Hight

Sabrina Ybanez

Khoi Hoang

Hannah Young

Katie Hogan

Mariah Younger

Brianna Koettel


Irma Lopez

Tammy Gillmore

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November 2015

BHS Project Unify Athletes Compete By Lauren Smith Project Unify consists of youth leaders promoting acceptance and respect for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Unified activities provide an avenue for students who otherwise have fewer opportunities to mingle and become friends with non-handicapped peers. Some of the BHS athletes are Heather Hamm, Shauna Shands, Tasha Patterson, Clark Emery, Cody Dehart, Nick Webb, Kimmie Holder, Donavon Mason, Sam Ferguson, Jakob

Collins, Jake Leonard, and Lindy Hawkins. BHS Partners include Leigha Adkins, Chelsey Hight, Kelsey Hight, Hannah Young, Eric Arciniega, Elizabeth Harris, Kelli Gill, Candace Rogers, Joshua Williams, and Lillian Murrell. So far this semester, the group has competed in a cycling event in Searcy where everyone received a medal. The group has also competed in Cabot and here in Batesville. Nick Webb and Eric Arciniega commented, “I like it because it is competitive.”

(Left to Right) Kimmie Holder, Jake Leonard, Nick Webb, Sam Ferguson, Lindy Hawkins, Jakob Collins, Cody Dehart, Camron Bandy, Austin Domingue, Austin Conger, and Jake Millsap.

Some perspectives were different. “I like to dance with the hot girls,” explained Clark Emery. Some of the upcoming events for the Partners Club and athletes are Unified Basketball and Bowling.

Exchange Student Enjoys BHS By Raven Blevins

This year Batesville High School has a foreign exchange student from Germany. Robert Musolf, an 11th grader from Berlin, enjoys hiking, running, and extreme mountain biking. He lives in a small town in Germany with a population of about 300. His school, however, is much larger, with approximately 2,000 students. His classes only have five to a class, which means each student receives more attention from his/her teacher, who then can better ensure that each student is understanding. His classes in Germany start at 7:50 AM and end at 5:00 PM. His school days consist of nine lessons each day and twelve lessons on Thursdays and Wednesdays. Musolf likes Batesville High School better than his school and is

AMERICAN SOCIAL HABITS. Robert Musolf becomes acquainted with sophmore Sierra Connor.

excited to go to a school with fewer people and shorter days. He enjoys having more time in each class. “We do not have sports in my school,” explained Musolf. He has traveled to many places, but he had never seen America. He finds American culture much different and some aspects of it difficult to adjust. “In Germany we do not have Mexican food,” explained Musolf. “I like

November 2015

Mexican food.” Despite his incredible English skills that he has acquired over eight years of studying, he is not satisfied and believes that he can do much better and that is what he expects from living in the United States. He plans to finish his education by the time he is 30 years old. He loves being in America and would like to settle with us and make a career at NASA.

FFA Leaders Chosen By Kelsey Hight

FFA kicks off the year with new officers. The club officers include President Greyson Wyatt, Vice President Kailea Fagan, Secretary Emalee Marlin, Treasurer Reagan Sweet, Sentinel Cassie Taylor, Junior Advisor Nicole Gilbert, and Reporter Shae Smart. Parliamentary members include Greyson Wyatt, Callie Densmore, Kailea Fagan, Alexa Dowell, Grace Young-Crawford, Laney Huskey, Joey Leal, and Emalee Marlin. Members conduct business by utilizing various parliamentary motions. “Students hone their public speaking, discussion, and presentation skills,” explained advisor Mr. Harber. Members have competed at White River SubArea at ASU-Newport, hoping to advance to Eastern District at ASU-Jonesboro They then advanced to Arkansas State Convention at Camp Couchdale in Hot Springs and then on to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN.

The Spirit of the Pioneer

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EAST Traveling From Batesville To Romania

By Efrain Perez EAST traveled to Romania to start a new online class to help the Romanians learn 3D CAD to be able to print medallions and sell them for their needs. This trip took place September 22-29; this trip was a success with some difficulties, but the purpose was fulfilled. “We had a great experience in Romania. We got to learn a whole new culture that we’re not used to, and it was a very successful trip,” said junior Amanda Okolo. Some problems were presented once at Romania, but the EAST team here in Batesville helped fix these problems, including Skype connections and troubleshooting the

3D-printer. “When I first met the Romanian students, I was very impressed with how well their English was and how smart they were in general,” said Okolo. “I could tell that they were very eager to get their hands on the 3-D printer and the software.” The crew is communicating with the students by Skype every A day and has a different number of groups that switch up to give classes to the kids. This way everyone is gaining experience. While the other groups are not teaching, they are making lesson plans for the next week. The EAST team is working hard to accomplish their goals with this new global classroom.

By Raven Blevins

throughout the year. Key Club also plans to travel to Springfield, MO later in the school year. This year’s officers are President Alli Agee, Vice President Kate Sanders, Secretary Kayna Shaw. Reporter and Treasurer are Katelyn Nast and Emily Cambias. Key Club always helps out as many people as possible and is and has always been about service and developing leadership. This year’s officers and sponsers plan to insure that this year focuses on those same elements. If interested in joining Key Club, talk with Coach Rowe (Rm 4) or with Ms. Thornton (Rm 37).

Key Club Plans Year Key Club is an international, student-led organization that focuses on leadership and building character. Key Club works closely with Kiwanis and plans to continue this in the future. Key Club will be running concession stands this year at the Kiwanis football games. Key Club also decorated for Homecoming court and participated in the Homecoming Parade by having a float to show their club spirit during that active week. In addition to these events, the club also participates in various community service projects

MEETING NEW PEOPLE. Emma Whiteaker and Amanda Okolo re meeting with Denisia (far left), a Romanian student while on their trip to that country.

Batesville High School Student Rocks Out

By Bailey Scott Odin Niemeyera,

a sophomore, has a lot of musical talent. He plays trombone, bass trombone, guitar, bass, trumpet, baritone, and more. His favorite instrument to play is the bass. Another talent that Niemeyer has is his ability to play a musical instrument just from hearing the music and then playing the music. He has that skill with a lot of the instruments he plays. “I can play a lot of them by ear,” said Niemeyer. Niemeyer has been playing instruments since the seventh grade when he started band. He learned from band, and his dad tried to teach him some guitar, but he taught himself how to play most of what he knows. “My dad tried to teach me how to play guitar, but it didn’t work very well. And the only way that I learned was whenever I got my actual first electric guitar

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A DEVOTED READER. Tenth grader Niemeyer shares his appreciation for the Beyonder series, a trilogy, that he encourages others to read.

last year for Christmas, and I had to teach myself how to play,” said Niemeyer Niemeyer does want to continue with music after high school and play with an orchestra. In the future, he hopes to teach his children how to play.

November 2015

Beta Club Upcoming Events By Hannah Young The BHS Beta Club has several events planned throughout the holiday season. The club will begin accepting donations to be placed in boxes for the troops. The Beta Club would appreciate submissions of names of troops who might like receiving a box of goodies from the high school students. Items being collected include toiletries, non perishables, and games (sudoku) and hacky saks. See Vice President Jon Ward for more information. Also, the club will again host its tradition of singing Christmas carols at two of the local nursing homes on Saturday, December 12. “Everyone is welcome to join us for this event,” commented

Mrs. Gillmore. “This is a highlight of my Christmas season, watching students bring some Christmas cheer to members of our community.” The club will also be planning their activities for the Arkansas Beta Club State Convention, held annually in January. This year the club plans to participate in this two-day conference by running for office, competing in the talent competition and other academic-related contests. Beta Club appreciates all who participated in the annual Homecoming Parade. This year the Beta Club honored Lyndal Waits, also known as the Voice of the Pioneers, as the 2015 Homecoming Parade Grand Marshall for dedication to the Pioneers.

Students of the Month

NOVEMBER: Junior Eric Arciniega, Sophmore Peighton Lawrence, and Senior Madison Stave.

OCTOBER: Junior Abby Richardson, Sophomore Katie Allen, Senior Jose Guavara.

BHS Reads Book Club

Chooses from New Titles By Sabrina Ybanez

BHS Reads Student Book Club has begun with the handing out of its first selected novel The Iron Trial. The club will meet once a month during which they will discuss the book, record a video book talk, enjoy a treat, and receive the next month’s book. Mrs. Gillmore wrote and received a grant from Citizens Bank to purchase these books for the students each month. Once the students have read the books, they will give the books to the

English teachers to place in their in-class libraries. “The Iron Trial is said to be the next Harry Potter series,” commented Mrs. Gillmore. “I agree. I have now read the first two novels in what will be a five book series. Very good...I enjoyed them.” The group is now reading Victoria Aveyard’s The Red Queen. Mrs. Gillmore will post meeting dates and times on the bulletin board by her door or see her for more information.

November 2015

SEPTEMBER: Junior Raegan Sikes, Sophomore Kyler Shaw, and Senior Berenice Delgado.


A student may be nominated every month by more than one faculty member, but may only receive one award for each academic year. The award may NOT be given to any student who has been suspended during the year. Nominations should NOT include students who have chronic behavior/ attendance problems or have not passed all subjects the previous marking period.


1. BHS Student of the Month T-Shirt 2. Open campus lunch for student and 1 friend (2 days for juniors/1 day for sophomores) 3. Student may go to the front of the lunch line for the entire month 4. Junior and Sophomore Student and one friend may eat in the commons 5. Recognition Certificate 6. Reserved parking space for the month 7. Free entry to all home athletic events 8. Free popcorn and drink at each home athletic event 9. End of year reward

The Spirit of the Pioneer

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Chess Club Opens for New School Year By Khoi Hoang BHS Chess Club has now begun, and people are ready to play. The Chess Club welcomes new players and returning players. The club sponsor is Margo Baker. She has been sponsoring the chess team for about six years. They competed in the local tournament at UACCB. They did not win, but Mrs. Baker stated, “We learned a lot and had ton of fun!” Chess Club encourages thinking and gives one a chance to challenge an opponent. Mrs. Baker said,

“You need to join Chess Club because it is the best thinking game I know. It makes the mind stronger.” Mrs. Baker is hoping to host a tournament in the spring. “We have everything we need except we just need to find a few sponsors,” commented Mrs. Baker. Chess Club meets on Monday and Friday each week at lunch to practice chess skills with each other. They also have their own school tournament with points and brackets. If interested in joining Chess Club stop by room 23 or 24.

Spanish Club Plans Active Leadership

This year’s Spanish Club goal is to offer opportunities to both Spanish speakers and non. “The purpose of Spanish Club is to offer students an enrichment opportunity of the Spanish culture, regardless if they speak Spanish or not,” explained Lauren Kuydendall, president of Spanish Club. To kick off the year, the club plans to be involved in fall events. Being an officer offers many rewards to student leaders. “It has greatly influenced me as a leader because taking responsibility over an entire club and planning events takes initiative, creativity,

PROMOTING SPANISH. Current president Lauren Kuydendall, along with Edith Gomez, Hannah Foster, Kelli Yates, passing out information about Spanish Club at the Club Fair.

and determination. I like to believe that this club not only benefits me, but the other members as well,” encouraged Kuykendall. The Spanish Club is currently sponsored by Spanish teachers Ms. Rowell and Ms. French.

CHECKMATE. Club members Dat O and Long Nguyen go head to head in a chess match.

Fellow Chess Club member Ben Grafton stated, “I like the strategy. I also enjoy playing and winning against people, but when I lose, I can learn how to play better.”

Another Chess Club member Dat O said, “I like the moment when you learn another new move that you can use in your next chess match.”

By Khoi Hoang This year marks the 25th year of the Empty Bowls project. This is an international project to help fight hunger. The project allows artists and groups to create and donate bowls that are served with a meal. This year NAHS club members will be crafting two bowls each to donate for the project. Students will accomplish this by meeting after school to work together to make bowls. They also have the newly introduced 2nd Block to work on the project. The bowls are ceramic and designed by the students working on the project, so each bowl will be unique to its creators. They hope to raise money to

donate to local food banks here at Batesville and other charities. The bowls will help to increase awareness of hunger. “I am very excited about working on the project,” Jade Mosier a NAHS Club member stated. The Empty Bowl project has been teaching people about hungerrelated issues. They do this through education, awareness, and action. This event is sponsored by local potters and artists. This project was founded by Lisa Blackburn and John Hartom in 1990. This club is sponsored by Penny Sturdivant. Please see her for more information relating to this project.

NAHS Helps with the Empty Bowls Project

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November 2015

FCCLA Helping Out In Every Way By Irma Lopez Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a club at BHS that is sponsored by Mrs. Hubbell. FCCLA helps the community in various ways. “We provide volunteers for various local organizations and businesses, including Independence/Jackson County Cattlemen’s Association, First Community Bank, Citizens Bank, Ronald McDonald’s House, and Battered Women’s, to name a few,” explained Mrs. Hubbell. FCCLA has three trips planned for this year. The club has already attended Silver Dollar City and has District 2 Meeting coming up, as well as Murry’s Dinner Playhouse. “FCCLA helped with Red Ribbon Week activities and participated in the Homecoming Banner Contest and Parade during Homecoming Week, stated Mrs. Hubbell This year’s winner of the door

decorating contest for Red Ribbon Week was Ms. Amber Barnett. In the spring, FCCLA and the Family and Consumer Sciences students will host the annual Nutrition Olympics for the Batesville 3rd graders. The meetings for FCCLA take place the second Tuesday of every month. “We have committee meetings and officer meetings as needed. We have been having 2nd Block Special Sessions to work on various projects,” said Mrs. Hubbell. FCCLA members are also planning on going to some elementary schools to help with the schools’ Fall Festivals soon. “I enjoy being in FCCLA because I like helping our community in many different ways,” said Ayanda Miya.

Semester Exams: Wed - Fri., December 16-18

PAINTING THE SEASONS. Sophomore Ayanda Miya works on an art project for Family Career Community Leaders of America. She paints pumpkins to give to elementary students.

Artistic Student Croft Enjoys Her CreativeTalent By Sarah Frisbee Having the ability to create something from nothing in the art world is an extraordinary talent. Sidney Croft, a student here at Batesville High School, is one of the many students with such artistic abilities. “My favorite thing about art is that you do not have to understand it; you just have to feel it,” stated Croft. The decision to start drawing has to come naturally, and for Sidney, it is as easy as breathing. She is currently in Art 3 where she is improving her already present skills. Art has a calming and achieving nature about it. “I love how drawing calms me, and when I finish a piece, I feel very accomplished,” explained Croft. Everyone needs inspiration to do the things he/she loves doing, and in Sidney’s case, her uncle provided the needed inspiration. Being a professional photographer, he influenced her to see the beauty in creativity, as well as life. Looking towards the future can be stressful, but it is necessary to contemplate on career goals. “I really want to become an interior designer. I love organization and decor,” Croft stated. “Since I would be incorporating art into my career, art will be a big part of my life.” Every artist has her favorite piece of art she has completed, and for Croft (shown at right with her art), that would be her painting of a lighthouse in which she used acrylic and watercolor. “Art enables me to both find and lose myself at the same time,” concluded Croft.

November 2015

SENIOR Artist Sidney Croft’s painting of a lighthouse along a seaside bluff.

Hungry? Purchase a beef stick!

$1.00 - See Mr. Harber.

The Spirit of the Pioneer

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10 Good Movies Based On Good Books By Katie Hogan Most people watch movies and do not pay a second thought to the book. Sometimes, we do not even realize that there is a book. Following are some movies that were based on books. 1. Freaky Friday: This movie, where the teenager and mom switch bodies, was originally a children’s book by Mary Rodgers in 1972. 2. Homeward Bound: About a golden retriever, bulldog, and a Siamese going on adventures, this one is a remake of the silent movie The Incredible Journey. These movies are based on a book by Shelia Buford. 3. Jaws: This crazy movie with a shark and some suspenseful music had film rights before the book was published. The hype for the movie made the book best seller. 4. Planet of the Apes: This thrilling movie

with apocalyptic monkeys is based on the many books. 5. The Exorcist: This possessed movie with a little girl, a mom, and some priests is based on the novel by William Peter Blatty in 1971. 6. Mean Girls: This dramatic movie about a bunch of teenagers with a lot of emotional problems was based on the book Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman. 7. Mrs. Doubtfire: Everyone’s favorite nanny movie was originally based on a book by Anne Fine called Madame Doubtfire in 1987. 8. Pitch Perfect: This amazing movie about college groups singing a dead genre of music was originally a book called Pitch Perfect: The Quest for Collegiate A Cappella Glory by Mickey Rampkin. 9. Clueless: In this 1990’s film of high school life

READING. (from left to right) Carmen Waugh, Laney Huskey and Laura Wehrung are reading about Pitch Perfect, which was based on a book.

is a modern film adaptation of the novel Emma by Jane Austen written in 1815. 10. Forrest Gump: In this movie, which made the phrase “Life is like a box of chocolates” so popular, was originally based Winston Groom’s book. Next time you watch these movies, you should think about the book.

Yearbooks on sale NOW! ~$45~

See Mrs. Brokaw.

The Scorch Trials: A Positive Movie Review

By Katie Hogan

This article contains spoilers; you have been warned. Make sure to watch The Maze Runner before seeing The Scorch Trials, otherwise, you will be very confused. Before the Scorch was the Maze, where Thomas and the gang managed to escape and fall into the hands of the so-called rescuers. The Scorch Trials picks right back up with the gang being rushed into a facility home to the "rescuers.” The sequel is

definitely bigger in every way: cast, scope, set pieces, and length, although bigger is not always better. The movie crams in so information that it can be hard to grasp anything. The movie is also very repetitive. They are in shelter; then they are under control of one adult then another. It is sad to say that the movie is not much like the book. It was almost like they picked and chose from

the second and third books. Then, they added some of their own elements. Although there are no crazy character changes, the cast is still the same. Of the three main characters, Thomas ( D y l a n O’Brien) is still the leader, Newt (Thomas Brodie Sangster) is still a British cutie, and Minho (Ki Hong Lee) is still the sassy guy we remember from The Maze

The Scorch Trials... Riveting!

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Runner. The other characters Frypan (Dexter Darden) is girl crazy, Teresa (Kaya Scodelario) is mysterious, and Winston (Alexander Flores) is just trying to keep up. They also added three new important characters Aris, (Jacob Lofland from Arkansas), Brenda (Rosa Salazar), and Jorge (Giancarlo Esposito). They still look for Thomas to call the shots, though. Overall, though, The Maze Runner was still a really good movie.

November 2015

Horoscopes: Know Your Future

ARIES: (3/21 - 4/19) by Leigha Adkins It’s perfectly fine if your patience is running thin today. All relationships go through phases. Clear up your emotions; take a break if needed. TAURUS: (4/20-5/20) Thinking of the bigger picture will help you avoid conflict today, so try to let the little things slide. GEMINI: (5/21-6/20) You can rely on your gut to help you make the right choices. Take control of your own destiny,and do not hesitate to do something surprising. CANCER: (6/21-7/22) Keeping track of what you need to do and what you have done is important. Keep your ducks in a row. LEO: (7/23-8/22) You’re moving back and forth between options; cut yourself some slack and rely on your friends. VIRGO: (8/23-9/22) Got a lot going on right now? The answer is delegation. You do not have to do this on your own. Find out who can help you out. LIBRA: (9/23-10/21) Give control over to fate today. Let things happen the way they happen. Do not try to control what everything that happens. SCORPIO: (10/22-11/21) Try a little harder to take note of the progress you have made so far and pat yourself on the back for the good things you have accomplished. CAPRICORN: (12/22-1/19) Focus on whom you have issues with, speak to them face to face, and talk our your problems. Communication is key in all relationships. AQUARIUS: (1/20-2/18) You are feeling very consumed with one certain person lately. Remember to not put too much time, effort, or feelings into one person. You can have multiple friends. PISCES: (2/19-3/20) Someone you love may need some cheering up today. Lend your support. You don’t have to take on the burden of solving their problems, you just have to get them talking.






Christmas Break December 21 - January 1

November 2015

The Spirit of the Pioneer

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Tennis Sophomores Lange and Ezell Strive For Success By Sarah Frisbee Senior Haley Cole finished her final season in tennis. “Tennis has always been one of my favorite sports. It’s fun and challenging; just two of the many reasons I love it!” explained Cole. Hope Lange and Shannah Ezell are two sophomore Tennis Team members at Batesville High School. Both girls made generous contributions to the team and, by doing so, have come a long way. There are always different reasons for joining a team or sport. “I decided to join tennis because I hadn’t ever actually played competitively before and I wanted to see what it was like,” Lange explained. “I have been playing since I was little. My dad has been coaching college tennis for a really long time and, of course, wanted his little girl to play.” Ezell, on the other

hand, came to be a member of the team in a different way. “I’ve always enjoyed playing tennis, and I went to tennis camps a lot when I was younger,” Ezell stated. “I’ve mainly been playing for the enjoyment with my family for most of my life.” Motivation is key to staying glued to a team, and, for these girls, being apart of the team is important. “My motivation is to just be better than I was the match before. I may have not have won all my matches, but I see improvement each time I compete,” Lange said. “It’s a lot of fun playing with my friends, and I love Coach Armstrong. There’s no pressure involved, and I love playing for enjoyment and for getting good exercise,” Ezell explained. Being a part of the tennis team has a lot of positive outcomes for students. The team practices for successful outcomes and, with practice, comes

BHS TENNIS players from left to right: Luke Davis, Haley Cole, Hope Lange, Coach Armstrong, Summer Strecker, Trent Swaim, and Zach Langston.

increasing skills. Along with improving, the team also enjoys this entertaining sport in which the girls can have fun with their friends. “The things I like about tennis are you have so many opportunities to make up for your mistakes. You can’t get down on yourself because you’ve got to be ready to make the next shot,” quoted Lange. Lange qualified for state and competed at state. Ezell also greatly improved on her tennis skills.

She is also looking forward to playing throughout her high school experience. Being on the team allows the girls to show their competitive sides and have fun at the same time. “Sadly, tennis season is now over. I accomplished a lot! My tennis skills got so much better. I had tons of fun with my friends, and I now have a sport to play for the rest of high school,” Ezell concluded. Congratulations on a successful year.

Powder Puff 2015, Raising Funds for Prom

Top row starting from the left: Brittany Scriver, Cody Gardner,Destiny Keister, Brandon Brokaw, Mashae Smart, Kylan Robinson, MacLain Stalker, Trey Ford, Katie Allen, Colby McDonald, Kate Stroud. Bottom Row: Lacey Shell, Daniella Guzman, Makayla Meadows, Callie Matinchek, Holly Gillmore, Keely James, Molly Isley.

Top row starting from left: Jacob Scaggs, Chris Robinson, Colin Emery. Middle Row: Gabby Vargas, Aritzay Espino, Cassie Taylor, Noah Pollett, Anna Beth Conditt. Bottom Row: Jennifer Garcia, Haley Cole, Madison Stave, Summer Strecker, Katie Fielder, Kenzie Dunegan, Lyndsay Cowdan.

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November 2015

Lady Pioneers Bring Their Volleyball Game

By Bailey Scott and Brianna Koettel The season went besides Batesville, of course. really well for the Lady “Valley View, Pioneers. The team won 2nd they are a good team and place in the 5A Conference have won several state State. State just ended and tournaments. Behind them the girls had a lot of fun would be Paragould, the leading up to State. 5A Conference Champions The Lady Pioneers the last 2 years,” Coach Tim did not give up at all as they Palmer said. went to State and came out The coaches were 2nd to Valley View in the excited to see the girls finals. progress and improve. They This year with were excited for State to seniors Kendra Kelley and start. Gracen Ratliff, the Lady Addie Turner said, Pioneers were a team to look “I love the sport. I play when out for in volleyball. I’m mad; it helps me get “All the girls on the away from the world and just court are extremely talented. get cooled off, I guess you We have a lot of experience could say. I feel confident on the court as well as some and ready for anything that young girls in key positions,” comes my way.” said Coach Ashley Busby. “I think being The two schools that competitive is healthy for the team looked out for was the team,” said Ratliff. “The Valley View and Paragould, whole timing concept and

SECOND AT STATE. (Left to Right) 1st row. Taylor Griffin, Erin Haigwood, Madison Shields, Hope Lange, Kourtney Kelly, Tera Culp, Addie Turner, Lexi Edwards, Dailyn Crane. 2nd Row: Coach Palmer, Coach Taylor Melton, Brooke Caraway, Jadelyn Cunningham, Celsey Wood, Natalie Hambrick, Ally Edwards, Kendra Kelly, Gracen Ratliff, Hannah Qualls, Emery Davis, Hailey Cormicken, Josie Carpenter, Alexis Floyd, Carlie Traub, Tori Bullard, Katey Hix, Madison Taylor, Haley Cheatham, Coach Busby, and Coach Haigwood.

different angle of your platform when passing can get tricky.” Having ambition gets one places and is one of the many reasons this high school team won all the games and got where they were at the end. The Lady Pioneers

are always excited to play at Pioneer Gym and are happy for the support from the fans. “We are always most excited to play at Pioneer Gym and have the support from the fans,” Coach Palmer said.

Golf Team Winning Throughout the Season By Bailey Scott and Alexas Sterling As golf has come to special achievement that he/ an end, the team has worked she accomplished this year. hard to win. Seniors Chase For Baker, it was getting his Baker, Jon Ward, Devanie highest score at Newport Garner went into their final and raising his scores. “I practiced in my golf season wanting to win. The boys won the free time at the municipal Citizens Bank Pioneer course with my friend Jon Invitational, and they placed Ward,” said Baker. Some play to prepare second in the District Tournament. They have to participate in this college accomplished some amazing sport, and others play for the feats this season, and the joy of it. Others do it to get better with their skills. boys qualified for state. “I played golf “For the boys to qualify for state was because it always seemed one of our goals, and we interesting to play, and I had accomplished that goal,” said some friends on the team who wanted me to play, but I Coach Chad LaRose. Each member of was also hoping to get some the team has his/her own scholarships to college,” said

November 2015

Garner. “I like golf because it is a great way to relax and enjoy being outside,” commented Coach LaRose. The team spent their time on the driving range, putting greens, and just going out to play. The players enjoyed playing on various golf courses around the state. “Eagle Mountain is a nice course and all the courses in Jonesboro,” answered Coach LaRose. “I feel we had a strong team this year. I am even more excited for next year’s team,” Wil Davis stated.

Both teams includes seniors Chase Baker, Jon Ward, and Devanie Garner, as well as Tanner Vinson, Taylor Ford, Wil Davis, Parker McMahan, Jake Shell, Jacob Clark, Hayden Mace, Sam Vanemburg, Clay Shaw, Hannah Reed, Abigail Lowery, Airyka Alpers, Dailyn Crain, Abby Woodruff, and Kim Fretwell.

Keep “puttin’!” We are pulling for you, Wil Davis!

The Spirit of the Pioneer

Page 11

BHS Pioneer Football Advances

Ending the conference 6-1, the BHS Football Team continued to advance in playoffs after an intense game against Watson Chapel, Greenbrier, and McClellan. Defensive player and senior Wendell Williams believes football is important and for himself, as he plans to play college football. “Football is important to me because it is a way to get into college and make life easier on my mom.” S o p h o m o r e and safety/wide receiver player Demetrice Holliday acknowledgessome of the advantages from this year. “I have matured and now understand the game better,” commented Holliday.


Sean Stout Johnny Waldrip ADVANCING TO A WIN. Seniors Kylan Robinson and Louis Sonnier support the team to a win over Valley View on November 6.

The game against Paragould remains his favorite. “I had 152 yards and six catches and a touchdown,” explained Holliday. Over all, the 20152016 Pioneer football boys feel proud about the way this season ended.

Congratulations! Great Season! Proud of the


CC Win Conference Champs

“First Pioneer Cross Country Invitational in the books. A grand showcase with a spectator-friendly course,” commented Bruce Oakley. Senior boys placed second, and Coach Wilson was awarded Coach of the Year. Trey Peugeot placed second, Tristan Driver placed third, Jake Ward placed fourth, Brock Sturdivant placed sixth, and Corbyn Snell placed seventh in conference this year.

CHAMPS. Cross Country boys pose for a picture holding the conference championship plaque. From left to right: Hunter Barnett, Trey Peugeot, Tristan Driver, Jacob Smith, Jake Ward, Brock Sturdivant, and Corbyn Snell.

Wendell Williams Zach Lillard Award

In Memory and Dedication to


Will Olson and Camden Osborn

Page 12 The Spirit of the Pioneer

November 2015

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