January 2010 Spirit of the Pioneer

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Spirit of the Pioneers March 2010

Upcoming Events March 2 Read Across America Coffee Shop/Lunch March 9-10 End-of-Level Literacy Exam March 12 Last day of 3rd Nine-Weeks March 18 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-9 PM March 19 No School (for students) March 22-26 Spring Break April 8-10 BHS Drama’s Sound of Music April 16 Prom April 26 Awards Night May 21 Graduation

Bateville High School

Vol. 3, No. 2

With New Year Comes New Rooms By Sara Elgin With the new school year came new rooms also. Some of the English classes received redesigned rooms. This excited many people. Some of the new editions to the rooms are laptops, desks, and tables. The rooms also got repainted and decorated. The teachers added their touch to the cafe theme. “I was very excited... in a disbelieving sort of way. I imagine this is the way I would feel if Publisher’s Clearing House suddenly appeared at my door,” Mrs. Gillmore said. Her reaction upon receiving the news of the redesigned rooms is quite reasonable. Mrs. Weygandt was delighted about the redesign rooms. “I have been changing my teaching style over the last few years based on new research and 21st century technologies, but my classroom still reflected the style of the 20th century.” The most exciting part of the new rooms to Mrs. Gillmore is the change itself. She was very excited about what the change meant in terms of her teaching capabilities. The teachers have been adding their touch to their rooms. When Mrs. Gillmore sees something that matches the theme of her room, she starts imagining where she could put it her room.

Batesville High School

WRITING DIGITALLY. Sophomore Trevor Jones logs onto his computer in preparation for class.

HISTORY COMES TO THE 21ST CENTURY. Mickey Phillips presents his part of the history of slavery inspired by the novel Copper Sun.

“My room feels like an extension of my home, which is how it should be, since we spend such a grand part of our day here,” further explained Mrs. Gillmore. Many of the students were excited to see the new rooms. The rooms have a softer feel to them. The students like the comfort the new décor brings in. The availability of technology is a great asset to the students also. The students seem to really appreciate and enjoy working with the minis. “None of this Page 1

would have been possible without the vision and dedication and hard work of Debbie Miller, Batesville School District Curriculum Director, Lisa Huff, a high school English teacher with a Masters in Curriculum and Instructional Technology, and the amazingly talented Batesville School District Maintenance team,” added Mrs. Weyandt. “Yes, a big thanks goes to Mrs. Huff and Mrs. Miller for their vision in creating this project,” commented Mrs. Gillmore.” March 2010

Get Inside on Our Intelligent Minds

Should Technology Be Allowed?

Facebook in Schools?

Ye s , technology

Ye s , Facebook in school would be a hindrance rather than help. Students would be too tempted to chat with their friends rather than do the assignment. If teachers posted podcasts on Facebook for an assignment, students would have to log on Facebook, and when that happens, a list pops up of the friends that are also online. It is very simple to message the people on the friends list. I, myself, know how difficult it can be to do an assignment when I know my friends are online and

By Chelsea

is a tool that we need in schools to help young m i n d s advance and to save our earth all in one remarkable step. If we embrace technology and go paperless, work in classrooms will be more efficient and easy, as well as environmentally friendly. Technology is not a path to be afraid of. Instead it should be a path that we as humans should be eager to walk. If all schools would go technological, all the deforestation will decrease at an astounding rate. Rainforests, animals, and even local forests are victims of deforestation for paper that we use for school work. We waste much of the paper that we make by using it once and then trashing it instead of recycling or reusing it. We print off vocabulary and endless worksheets, study them and fill them in, then trash them when we could have used the internet and typed all the work out. Once typed out instead of printing and wasting the trees that we need for oxygen, students can email them to their teachers or even do all the work on a blog or Etherpad that a teacher can review. Use more technology, save the world. Switching to all technology is beneficial for both students and teachers. Being a student myself, I understand all the pain

West students have to endure carrying bags full of books that are painful for the back. Going completely technological would lighten the burden the students have to carry by having all the information they will need on the computer waiting for them in the classroom. Teachers would be able to grade work easier and faster if all student work was done on the computer because they do not have to worry about decrypting some of the students’ writing that is not very neat. After looking at hundreds of different handwritings ranging from neat to unreadable, some teachers become distressed which can be harmful to them, the students, and the whole learning environment. The whole world its plunging into a technological age: smart boards for schools and churches, projectors for church hymns, prayers, and bible verses, computer ran checkouts, and computer ran music systems, scholarship information and forms available online as well as job and college applications (with some organizations and colleges that is the only way to fill out an application or form.) Why not go all the way and take the next step? In making the next step, students will be more prepared to step out and become successful in this growing age of technology. Students will not step out into the world after high school and have no idea what to do when an employer or

Batesville High School

By Sara Elgin

really wanting to talk to me. Also, people are much more likely to bully others if their bullying can’t be heard by the teacher. It is much less likely that the student bully will be caught bullying, since the teacher can’t hear the words or see the physical confrontation. With all that is going on during classes, having access to Facebook would keep students from listening to the lesson for the day, and possibly not understanding the homework. Therefore, Facebook in school would be so much of a distraction; it could hinder the outcome of student grades and understanding of the curriculum.

Batesville High School Drama Department presents

April 8-10 BSD Auditorium representative says, “You need to apply online with the specified program.” The ability to work with and understanding technology is a valuable attribute that will help students become successful and productive in life. Do you think that the world would be a better place if we could print less paper, but still learn the same amount of knowledge? Is the world web our future?

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BHS Spirit of the Pioneer Staff Will Boehm Sara Elgin Destiny Turner Ashley Warren Chelsea West Carol Wise


Tammy Gillmore March 2010

Technology Attracts Multimedia Students By Chelsea West Technology has entered into almost every aspect of our lives, especially in schools. More and more, teachers are assigning digital projects, which range from power points to videos. While Computerized Business Applications (CBA) gives you the basic knowledge, Multimedia I and II is where the real fun begins. In Multimedia, students learn the basics of the popular photo editing software Photoshop. They learn how to crop, select specific areas and move them to other locations, and many other aspects of the program including animation. This type of animation is most similar to flip book animation, since the objects on the screen are only moved slightly from frame to fame to give the illusion of motion. However, the main

focus is learning how to produce and edit videos using common software like Windows Movie Maker which is included with most, if not all, PCs, as well as experiencing professional level software. Senior and multimedia student, Krystal Pham commented, “Sometimes I’m so frustrated with the class, because I can’t figure out how to use the software. Whenever we figure it out though, I feel so accomplished!” Currently, the multimedia students are working videos to submit to the Arkansas Association of Instruction Media (AAIM) Film Festival. The students have a variety of categories they can enter. They are instructional (like a tutorial), informational (like news programs and biographies), documentary, persuasive/publish service announcement (like an

By Chelsea West This year at Batesville High School, all students were offered free vaccines for the flu and the swine flu. Not all students received both vaccines because there are many speculations about the swine flu vaccine. “I do not want to receive the swine flu shot or the flu shot and I do not intend to. This is purely my choice not my parents. I am not a hypochondriac, and I feel that the U.S. is completely over reacting,” exclaimed Josh Poff, a junior

of Batesville High. “My parents do not want me to get the vaccine, and I don’t want to get it. I will be fine on my own. I do not want someone shooting some weird liquid that is newly discovered into my body,” explained Stacey Brinkley, a junior at BHS. For every shade of gray, there is a shade of yellow, and for every harsh comment, there is a pleasant comment. “I have received both vaccines and I think that everyone should. What harm

FINETUNING. Seniors Kathleen Trotter and Layne Parker work on a class project.

advertisement, PSA, or movie trailer), story, and entertainment (music video, variety shows, interactive games, etc). Students are also working on PSAs for the Humane Society to help the pets get adopted, which may end up on channel 6 during the school’s news broadcast. They are also learning how to use the video editing software Premier Pro. It allows the student to produce

a professional level video to enter into competition or broadcasting. Soon, the class will begin producing their own mini movies. The process will consist of a few stages. Pre-production which includes coming up with an idea, storyboarding (planning out the scenes), and writing the script. Next, there is the production stage which basically consists of shooting the footage.

is there in being protected a little bit more? I honestly do not see why some people are being so harsh about our government trying to protect us,” stated Ashley Munday junior of BHS. “I hope to get both vaccines. They are not offered to the teachers at Central, but I think that it should be,” stated Mrs. Debra West, a teacher and lab coordinator at Batesville’s Central Magnet School. Even though many students and parents are little leery of the swine flu vaccine

more students received the swine vaccine or both, than the number of students that just received the seasonal flu shot at Batesville School. 144 students and 15 teachers received the seasonal flu shot. An eye popping 147 students received the swine flu vaccine along with 10 teachers. The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, recommend that everyone get both of the vaccines. The school nurse assures that both of the vaccines are 80 to 90% efficient in prevention.

Flu Vaccines Experience Discrimination

March 2010

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Batesville High School

BHS Student Council Keeps Busy By Carol Wise Student Council is involved in almost everything, from volunteering at the Special Olympics to putting on the Homecoming dance to selling Valentine cookies with messages on Valentine’s Day. “Being in Student Council is a learning experience for me. I enjoy taking role and having my voice being heard in some of the school’s decisions,” remarked Keri Rogers. The annual Deer

Hunt took place before Thanksgiving Break and students could participate if they bought a hunting license for twenty-five cents from a member. The deer were scattered throughout the school and students participating in the hunt searched for the deer and turned them in for a prize donated by local businesses. “It’s just for fun. People got prizes for it. It was just something that is kind of fun to do,”

By Chelsea West Natasha Bray and Lauren Gunderman are sophomores here at our Batesville High School. Both girls are very funny, interesting, and intellectual. Like many kids, Bray and Gunderman dabble on the website YouTube. YouTube is a social networking site that allows users to upload photos and upload videos, as well as view those others have uploaded. A few members rehearse and are very serious about the shows that they post. “Basically we just come up with something crazy and random to talk about, get some stuff together, and just start filming. We don’t write a script or anything, we just make it up as we go along. Sometimes it gets really crazy but it makes it so much more fun because we never know what’s going to happen,” said Bray. There are many different types of videos on YouTube. Some videos

are for fun, some are for entertainment and some are instructional. Most are just pure goofiness, and then others are not very relevant to anything. However, Gunderman and Bray are pretty clear about what they post their videos for. “As corny as it might sound, the goal for our show is just to entertain,” said Gunderman. Even though the whole world is watching them, and their popularity is shooting up every day with the comedy that they share, they do not let all the fame go to their heads. They keep their feet firmly on the ground, and they are modest about the whole ordeal. “Man, we’ve never really thought about the whole world watching… We know we aren’t famous,” exclaimed Bray and Gunderman simultaneously. “We really just started this for us and so we’re going to keep doing

LEADERSHIP MOVES. BHS Student Council members participate in an activity at the district meeting.

commented Student Council President Kirbi McMullin. Student Council also participated in the Angel Tree Project, which gave presents to kids who would

not receive any otherwise. Members gave donations to put towards the gifts and then set out for a day of shopping to bring joy to the little kids on Christmas Day.

S o p h m o re s E x p a n d i n t h e We b

Batesville High School

SOPHOMORE TUBE. Sophomores Lauren Gunderman and Natasha Bray discuss how they create their videos.

it for us. We don’t really care what everyone thinks about us, but if it makes them laugh, then hey that’s better for us,” claimed Bray. Bray’s and Gunderman’s shows illustrate some randomness, and some instructive thought. Their shows are a good representation of their unique personalities. Although their videos appear silly they could possible help some viewers learn what not to do in a few select situations. “We never intended to try to send a message

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with our videos. Most of them are stupid “How to” videos covering subjects that most people don’t need help with anyway, such as “What Not to Do to a Baby,” said Gunderman. “But, hey if they help people in any way, I guess that’s cool, too. I mean if we stop someone from putting a kid in a microwave that’s always good,” joked Bray. If you happen to be interested in viewing any of their YouTube videos you can view them at www.youtube. com/user/ToshiaKenzie. March 2010

FCCLA Brings Joy to the Community By Destiny Turner Batesville’s Family Career and Community Leaders ofAmerica (FCCLA) chapter worked tirelessly throughout the holidays. For Thanksgiving, they put together dinners including a turkey and all of the common fixings for four underprivileged families in the community. The dinners were delivered on Monday, November 23. “The families were very thankful and appreciative for the gift,” stated Mrs. Hubbell. The most recent task that the club accomplished was the filling of Christmas

stockings for the Angel Tree program. Over 80 stockings were filled with items including toys, candy, apples, oranges, gloves, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Many of the members chose one or more names from a list of children with various ages and bought gifts to go inside that particular child’s stocking. The FCCLA members in Mrs. Hubbell’s Child Development class decorated the stockings. They used ornaments, glitter, and other accessories to embellish the stockings. “I enjoy bringing happiness to children

By Chelsea West Beta Club will host the Read Across America event on Tuesday, March 2 in the library featuring local author Mark Rorie. Beta Club had grand plans for participating in the Arkansas State Beta Club Convention. Due to snow, though, the group was unable to participate. “The Arkansas governing body of Beta Club made the decision to have the state convention, though only fourteen of the 84 registered schools showed. Very disappointing,” commented Mrs. Gillmore, Beta Club sponsor. “I am still actively relaying my concerns about this decision.” The leaders also decided to move the convention to November 5-6, 2010, which will be senior football night. “This also concerns

me, for I know that many of the Betas will not be able to attend convention,” commented Mrs. Gillmore. “I am hoping that this decision is not final.” “Many thanks go the Beta Club members who signed up to attend and compete. They spent many hours rehearsing BE A BETA. President Meridth McKinney inducts new and preparing for skits and members at a meeting last fall. Besides talent, to compete in the quiz routines. I am so proud of Beta Club would also bowl competition and the them, for they truly displayed competitions. the spirit of a Beta,” have competed in the academic competition. Beta Club’s next commented Mrs. Gillmore. officer President Meredith Junior Caitlin Campbell meeting is Friday, March 12. “Just a reminder McKinney choreographed a was to have represented dance and coordinated the the BHS Beta Club. to Beta Club members, “Caitlin did a you are allowed two rehearsals and practices for We the group of sixteen ladies great job coordinating her absences per year. that would have performed. c a m p a i g n . . . b a c k d r o p s , need to see a whole lot of “Our group was t-shirt design, speech, skit Betas at the next meeting,” really looking forward to script and practice. Good commented Mrs. Gillmore. Seniors must having fun and seeing a side job, Caitlin, and thanks!” Mrs. Gillmore. have community service of the convention we had stated Thanks also goes hours in by April 18. never competed in before, explained McKinney. to those who signed up

COMMUNITY SERVICE ALIVE! Rachel Stevens and Madeline Schmidt work on a club project.

during the holidays,” explained Jamie, an FCCLA member and officer who participated in the Christmas stocking project. In addition to working diligently for

the community projects, four members Linh Tran, Tamara Edgin, Jamie Butler, and Destiny Turner participated in the STAR Events Competition on December 4th in Searcy.

Beta Prepares for Active Spring Events

March 2010

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Batesville High School

Check Out These Student Reviews! Novel: Perfect

By Andrea Davidson Natasha Friend’s Perfect taught me that no one is perfect. In Perfect, a young girl Isabelle has always wanted to be part of the “in” crowd. This would include being best friends with Ashley Barnum, the prettiest girl in school. Isabelle’s looks and family just does work good enough to get her in. When Belle’s mom catches her making herself throw up, she sends her to Group. Isabelle didn’t know what to expect from group, but the last thing she expected was for Ashley Barnum to walk in. The main characters in this book, like in most, are very important. These characters display average teenage students perfectly. They worry about the same things, and fear the same things as every day people. Isabelle is a young girl trying to be perfect at everything and getting jealous of everyone she sees. She feels like she would almost do anything to just fit in Ashley’s group. Ashley is the perfect girl.

Movie: Saw

By Carol Wise After a failed suicide attempt, John Kramer (Jigsaw), experienced a new respect for his own life and set out to put others through similarly deadly tests (games), often a symbolic representation of what could be seen as a flaw in the person’s life, to help them appreciate their own lives by testing their will to live through self-sacrifice.

Novel: 1984

She has the perfect hair, body, smile, face, clothes, anything anyone would ever want. But Isabelle will soon realize you can’t judge a book by its cover. Isabelle is in high school. She is trying to figure out how to deal with her father’s death. Her mother pretends like nothing is wrong and will never speak about Isabelle and her sister’s father. Little does her mother know, Isabelle hears her crying and saying her father’s name every night while they’re suppose to be sleeping. Isabelle’s sister who she refers to as Ape Face told on her when she found her sister puking in the bathroom, Isabelle had forgotten to lock the door. When Isabelle is sent to Group, she soon find out her and Ms. Perfect, Ashley, are not very different after all. I strongly recommend this book for girls who struggle with self-confidence or struggle with being a perfectionist.

By Trevor Jones George Orwell’s 1984 amazed me with the style of writing and Orwell’s concept of a future dystopia. 1984 is told through a third person point of view, with a little twist. Most of the actions throughout the story are told in the normal third person view, or the one most people are used to. The twist comes when the reader sees and hears into the mind of the main character, Winston. In the world of 1984, fear is the main way that the government controls its members. This is known better when you see into Winston’s mind and can feel his fear. Winston’s fear cuts deeper when he is faced with death and his most feared figure in his life. Even though the year 1984 has passed, George Orwell’s concept of a future dystopia seems to

Spring Break March22-26

The sixth movie in the Saw franchise still carries out Kramer’s life work though he died at the end of Saw III. As always the “games” were exceptionally creative, but the series has been drug out too long. Jigsaw, the main character, is dead and has been dead for the last three movies. It’s time to let the series rest in peace along with Jigsaw.

Batesville High School

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grow ever more possible in our world. Orwell’s dystopian government is ruled by fear, torture, false accusations, self-destruction, lies, oppression, poverty, deception, and a form of mass hypnosis. If someone were to compare what seems to be our government’s direction that we’re beginning to take, they could begin to pick out some similarities. The government of 1984 is one of blind devotion and the consequence for being too smart or mutinous is simply death. I would recommend 1984 to anyone who like an “Alternate Future” kind of book. The story does get more and more depressing the more one thinks about the subject though. The government of 1984 may seem closer than someone may think.

Beta Club Coffee Shop

Read Across America Day March 2 ~ Lunch Featuring local author Mark Rorie Rea Free Alou d Book ds! C o ffee! ays! Giveaw

February 2010

Holiday Horoscopes

February 2010

Aries(Mar.21-Apr.19) The year begins with plenty of energy and activity in your professional life. You’re especially serious about pursuing your goals, and your ambition runs very high. Love matters take a back seat this month, perhaps as a result of this pouring of energy into professional channels. Taurus(Apr.20-May20) The year begins with a strong instinct for adventure, learning, and risk-taking. Your desire for experiences that reach beyond the usual routine is strong. Some of you will be satisfying this craving through adventuresome travel. Gemini(May21-June20) The year begins with a strong need for inner change, transformation, and self-mastery. New Years’ resolutions mean more to you than usual, as your conviction to rid yourself of bad habits is stronger than usual. Cancer(June21-July22) The year begins with a strong focus on your social life and a significant relationship. Relationship matters are especially lively--full of conflicts and resolutions Leo(July23-Aug.22) The year begins with plenty of work activity and energy for health and fitness routines. Getting organized and back on track is the focus now. You are willing to pour more time than usual into doing just that. Virgo(Aug.23-Sept.22) The year begins with a whirlwind of romantic and creative energy. You find it

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especially easy to pursue what you want, and your propositions are received well. Libra(Sept.23-Oct.22) The year begins with a strong need for family and attention to domestic matters. This nesting instinct is a chance to rest up for more adventurous experiences to come. Scorpio(Oct.23-Nov.21) The year begins with a scuffle of activity, learning, and communicating. Tending to errands, handling paper work, and networking are important matters now. Sagittarius(Nov.22-Dec.21) You begin the year with strong financial initiatives and the desire to boost your income. As long as you avoid impulse buys, you will come out ahead! Capricorn(Dec.22-Jan.19) You begin the year with tremendous energy and initiative. You are especially focused, goal-oriented, and willing to go after what you want. Aquarius(Jan.20-Feb.18) While the New Year won’t necessarily start with a bang for you. Get ready for an exciting year ahead. You’ll begin to feel this energy when the urge or need to start fresh overcomes you. Pisces(Feb.19-Mar.20) Venus, the goddess of love, is in your sign most of the month, and your charm soars. It’s especially easy to attract who and what you want into your life. Your social

calendar is busy, but you enjoy even the most hectic moments.

Batesville High School

Two Seniors Sign to Play Ball with Lyon With family and friends watching, seniors Rachel Shellenberger and Alex Davidson signed with Lyon College in December. According to Davidson, choosing Lyon College was an easy decision. “I’ve been thinking about it through the summer, and then Coach Lange called me,” explained Davidson. “Really, it was pretty much my only option. I don’t want to leave Batesville, and then when I went in to talk to Coach Lange, she really made me feel very comfortable.” Shellenberger made her decision to attend Lyon College some time ago. “I just feel that I fit in better with basketball. As far as going to Lyon, well, I like

SIGNING ON THE DOTTED LINE. Lady Pioneers Rachel Shellenberger and Alex Davidson sign with Lyon College as family, coaches, and friends look on.

being at home. I’m kind of a mommy’s and daddy’s girl,” Shellenberger explained. Both Davidson and Shellenberger have been three-year starters for the Lady Pioneers.

Congratulations, Rachel and Alex! We are proud of you! Batesville High School Pioneers ~ Showing That Pioneer Pride!

Tanner Ring

Sam Johnson

Batesville High School

Will Lindsey Page 8

Hunter Gallant

March 2010

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