Berkeley Hall School Report of Philanthropy for 2017-2018

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To empower children to fulfill their unlimited, God-given potential as fearless scholars and conscientious citizens.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.


Why Give? SOME BHS PARENTS SHARE THEIR WHY “ From the moment we started in Kindergarten to today, as our daughter gets ready to apply to High Schools, we have been stimulated, awed, appreciated, moved, challenged, rewarded and loved by this school. Its 7th/8th grade program is also unique to Los Angeles where students can truly become ready as scholars and citizens for the challenges ahead in high school, college, and life.”

We have a wonderful parents’ community in the school and we participate in numerous activities which encourage fellowship and bonding between the school families.

“ The campus is amazing, but the teaching staff and administration are truly remarkable professionals.” “ The teachers care about the students and truly get to know them on a one-on-one basis which enables them to understand and teach in a way that brings the most out of the student.”

Giving does our heart, soul and minds good! It is an opportunity to nurture, encourage and support our children while sowing seeds of generosity. “ The teachers are career professionals who are incredibly rigorous in their approach to the material, their demands on their students, and their own professionalization but who nonetheless act from a place of love, nurturing, and care.”

Berkeley Hall emphasizes academics, but equally emphasizes character education, which is very important to us. WHAT’S INSIDE 02 Messages from Leadership

18 Award Winning Art

08 Pillars of BHS

22 Class of 2018

06 Financial Summary

12 Campus Enhancements

14 Professional Development 16 Math in Focus

20 Difference Makers 24 Parent Volunteers 26 Profile in Giving

28 Report on Philanthropy




Head of School

ear Parents, Alumni, Friends, and Supporters of Berkeley Hall, You are making a positive difference in the lives of our students. Throughout Berkeley Hall’s 107-year history, members of our community have come together at seminal moments to move the school forward – sometimes literally, as when our campus was moved from the West Adams neighborhood to Beverly Hills and then later to our current 66-acre campus on Mulholland Drive.

Here on Mulholland, we have a permanent foundation on which to build, not only in our facilities, but in our commitment to the Cooper sisters’ original vision that each professional educator be a student of Christian Science and see every child’s unlimited God-given potential. We’ve taken our love for mankind and deep learning to new levels. We are leaders in the areas of teacher education, growth mindset, diversity, and conscientious citizenship as seen in our Depth of Study initiative, our Difference Makers Series, and in teaching our core values: respect, responsibility, honesty, and compassion. I hope that this Report of Philanthropy will give you a feel for our school-wide commitment to further our mission and our community’s dedication to build on our foundations and bless future generations of students. I feel a deep gratitude for each of you. Your investment in Berkeley Hall’s future has made it possible for us to build our educational programs and our endowment, both of which help guarantee that Berkeley Hall’s legacy will continue. We’ve graduated fearless scholars and conscientious citizens who have blessed the larger community for 107 years, and with your ongoing love for, and support of, Berkeley Hall’s mission, we will continue to do so for many years to come. Sincerely,

Lisle Staley, PhD. Head of School

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.


Self-confidence, values, and knowledge are earned with a BHS diploma. Thank you!!! – James Chapman, Parent of Alumni (Tyler Chapman ‘18)



F O R T HE B O A R D O F T R USTEE S Berkeley Hall is so grateful to have a group of dedicated board members invested in the future of our school. They maintain a much-needed 30,000 foot view and devote their time, resources, and professional experience to guaranteeing the longevity of the Berkeley Hall brand for our entire community. In 2018, the Board of Trustees welcomed their newest board member, Val Kilmer, BHS Class of ’74. Kilmer was born in Los Angeles, California, and attended Berkeley Hall for 10 years before going on to study at Hollywood’s Professional School and Chatsworth High School, and then the Juilliard School drama program. Val recalls his days at Berkeley Hall with great fondness, remembering his loving teachers and the enduring friendships he made at BHS. “I am still extremely close with about eight of the students [in my class], most of them since I was four years old. Isn’t that amazing?” Val talked about the roots of his acting career. “Our dear Director, Mr. Hal Hoerner,” Val said, “was the genius director and producer of all our plays.” Then he explained that his experience on the Berkeley Hall stage was the foundational spark that ignited his interest in acting and ultimately his impressive film and stage career. Kilmer feels his time at BHS influenced him as much as a parent would, and his position on the board is an indication of his commitment to Berkeley Hall’s values and long-standing beliefs.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

The Board of Trustees is entrusted with the overall well-being of the School and guardianship of its mission. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Margaret Andrews, Chair


Bettina Duval

Sarah Colmaire ‘90, Dean of Academics

Richard Larson ‘64, Vice Chair Lisa Garner ‘81

Darrin Kennedy ‘82

Ron Krisel ‘63, Treasurer

Chris Lindgren, Secretary Ruth Loeb

Randy McElvain Val Kilmer ‘74

Rick Peters ‘73, Chief Operating Officer Karen Morse, Dean of Students

Nathalie Miller, Director of Admissions

John Abdelnour, Director of Advancement



Board of Trustees


ear Friends,

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank and acknowledge all of you who contributed to Berkeley Hall during the 2017-2018 school year. We deeply appreciate your support, financial and otherwise, of the school. That support has come from across the BHS community: current BHS families, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, friends, faculty, staff and board members. Last year, supporters of Berkeley Hall School donated $1,646,486. Monetary contributions to the school come in many different forms: cash, checks, stocks, bonds, matching gifts, bequests and the many auction items for our fundraising events. We are also grateful to those of you who have contributed in the form of time, energy, ideas, and creativity. You make possible all of the fun-filled activities that make a Berkeley Hall school year special. I have been a part of the Berkeley Hall community, in one capacity or another, for many years. I have loved watching the school move forward with a thoughtful plan, which continues to enhance the educational program, teacher development, and facilities. I trust that you will join me in continuing the ongoing support of Berkeley Hall. Our wonderful students are blessed by your generosity. With gratitude,

Margaret Andrews Chair, Board of Trustees




Total Expenditures




Operating SUMMARY

Salaries, Taxes, Benefits


Operating Expenses


Financial Aid




5% 18%




Tuition and Fees


Annual Fund Drive & Events


Other Income TOTAL REVENUE Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

$487,554 $10,117,534




Philanthropic SUPPORT $191,631 $98,027 $9,500









Berkeley Hall’s teachers are committed to seeing the unlimited, God-given potential within each child.

Improving teaching to improve learning.

Helping students adopt a growth mindset.

Depth of Study is all about professionalizing and improving teaching. It is an

Within a growth mindset, children consider to what they attribute

in-depth, ongoing, collaborative practice that allows teachers to proactively

their failures and successes. It helps them realize that intelligence,

improve lessons and teaching over time, thereby improving student learning.

understanding, and skills are fluid, and can grow with practice, effort, and engagement in their learning.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.


Developing respectful, responsible, honest, compassionate citizens.

Encouraging a diverse community. Through diversity, the Berkeley Hall community finds strength in sharing

Berkeley Hall helps children understand the importance of doing the right

unique ideas, empathy in listening to others, and the broadening of

by modeling respect, responsibility, honesty, and compassion as faculty,

Diversity is not just about being diverse ethnically, culturally, socio-

thing because it is the right thing for them and their community. We do this

horizons by celebrating the uniqueness of our varied backgrounds.

and by encouraging students to model this for each other.

economically, and religiously, but also about embracing the individual learning approach of each student.



an ultimate object or aim of endeavor: goal Generations of family members have attended Berkeley Hall for over a century. When a great-grandparent, grandparent, parent, and child are all bonded,

not only by their family ties, but by their education and loyalty to an ideal (the education found at Berkeley Hall based on seeing the true nature of each

child’s God-given potential), the connection to that ideal becomes a sustaining force that supports not only the individual and the family, but the institution.


An invested pool of money that provides a reliable and ongoing source of income in perpetuity, ensuring that Berkeley Hall School is here not only today, but also for future generations. The Berkeley Hall endowment carries this ideal forward into the next

century and gives your children’s children the opportunity and privilege


The lasting impression you leave on your family, community, and world. Berkeley Hall is shaping the future. We create fearless scholars and

conscientious citizens, difference makers who are a force for excellence and positive change in the world. Contributing to our endowment is by far the most impactful way to leave a legacy of excellence for future generations.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

to participate in this great legacy. When Berkeley Hall turned 100, our

Board of Trustees committed to prioritize and grow our endowment to

ensure Berkeley Hall’s longevity as a force for good for centuries to come. Since then, we have increased our endowment by 8.2M and are well on

our way to our goal of 17M, which is twice our current operating budget.

(A reasonable endowment is considered to be twice the annual operating budget of a school.)


We are grateful to those philanthropists who so generously provide for future generations of Berkeley Hall students, ensuring that Berkeley Hall is never limited by a lack of resources and guaranteeing the excellence that is a hallmark of the school. Margaret Andrews, Chair of the Board of Trustees


Library Renovation

In the summer of 2017, the McMahan Library was given a refreshing new look for the first time in two decades. Modern and easily movable tables and chairs were selected. The new furniture is extremely flexible, allowing the space to be quickly and easily switched into a variety of seating configurations to best accommodate the different events that take place in the library. The formerly beige walls were painted shades Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

of blue and green, and the long banquette by the fireplace was made deeper and reupholstered to make it much more comfortable and attractive. Colorful ottomans were added for additional flexible seating and pops of color. The following summer, the old carpet was removed and replaced with colorful, eco-friendly modular carpet squares, which will allow for easier maintenance over the years.


Landscaping with Love


f you asked anyone at Berkeley Hall about the beauty of our campus, they would certainly mention our Groundskeeper, Adrian Trucco, and the amazing work he does with the gardens. Fifth grade student Shyla Haqq ‘22 recently painted the quintessential picture of Adrian standing in a garden full of native plants with a warm and generous smile on his face. This is how we have come to know the wonderful man who is Adrian Trucco – humble, hardworking, and generous of spirit. He expresses a tangible sense of love for our campus and for all who cross his path. Over the year that Adrian has been at Berkeley Hall, he has made it clear that he truly cares about the students and the quality of their experience on our campus. According to supervisor Chet Galland, “He’s really immersed in the campus and its mission and goals.” Not only has Adrian committed to improving the BHS campus, but also to educating our students about what they see here.

Trucco hopes that he can one day “have one hour a week to show the kids the flowers, show them the different functions of the plants and the bugs.” He has developed a relationship with Elementary Science Teacher Woody Brown ‘04 and regularly brings interesting bugs, plants, and seeds to his classroom. The pair have also worked together on a number of projects, including planting California poppies around campus, revamping the vegetable garden and greenhouse, and creating a protective fence for the garden. After receiving his Master’s degree in Forestry, Adrian spent many years in the Amazon Rainforest with an oil company called Techint as an environmental specialist, reforesting impacted land. He spent twelve years in San Francisco working in Golden Gate Park and as a landscaper for a private company that served large estates (ex: Robin Williams, Carlos Santana). Adrian moved to Los Angeles and chose a job at Berkeley Hall over many other offers, due to the sense of community here. Adrian is driven to leave a legacy of good for future students

because he feels that Berkeley Hall is his home and that he is genuinely appreciated here. Another one of the many projects Adrian is working on is building a drought-tolerant garden by transplanting succulents from around the tennis courts and art classroom. “You can’t really see what he’s doing until you look around and notice the subtle changes happening all the time,” said Mr. Galland, “He’s a perfect employee; he’s always here early and willing to help with anything without any complaint whatsoever. His work ethic is extraordinary.” We are so grateful that Adrian Trucco is part of our Berkeley Hall family.



FACULTY Katie Adams Brittany Barnett Danielle Bennett Ashley Brown ‘96 Woody Brown ‘04 Tracy Cheney William Cheney Barbara DeNisi Amy Espinoza Geoffrey Fontaine Jacque Hammar

STAFF Madeline Hardy Laura Harris Lynn Holmgren Reesa Jones Melissa Kelly Owen Loose Elissa Matheny Gabe McManus ‘88 Lindsay McManus Robert Miller Justin Myers Kelly Neale

GROWTH MINDSET Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

Lorena Olguin-Lucas Kirsta Paul Wynne Pécheck Chelsea Rousselot Philip Small Susan Stodden Tracey Swiderski Pamela Tartaglia ‘71 Amanda Thorndike Drew Van Vleck Meganne Yeoman

Charlotte Booth Nina Bowker Sarah Colmaire ‘90 Michelle Comardo Edna Craft Chet Galland Carolyn Good David Herzer Marialuisa Horrell Tommi Johnson Lisa Lewis Marc Lignier

It is the understanding that one’s ability to learn is not a static nor a fixed thing, and that learning can change and improve with persistent effort over time.

Nathalie Miller Karen Morse Sonya M. Nuñez Rick Peters ‘73 Jeff Platt Dr. Lisle Staley Sara Swallow Lisa Taylor Adrian Trucco Elisabeth Wilkinson


At Berkeley Hall, we strive to cultivate a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. This love of learning, of growing and developing, extends not only to our students but also to our teachers and staff. Each year, our faculty and staff participate in a variety of professional conferences, workshops, and symposiums to strengthen and deepen our impact as educators and administrators. Contributions to the BHS Annual Fund help to provide funding for this professional development at Berkeley Hall School. We are happy and grateful to report that during the 2017-2018 school year, our teachers, administrators, and staff participated in the following professional development initiatives:

• Advanced Degrees earned (2 teachers) • Advanced Degrees in process (3 teachers) • Affordable Care Act Seminar • Blackbaud Education Solutions K-12 User Conference (4 attended) • Bolton & Co. Risk Management Webinars • California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) Head of Schools’ Conference • California Independent Schools Business Officers Association Annual Meeting • Fiduciary Trust Investment Webinars • Joffe Emergency Services Security and Risk Management Webinars • Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Independent Schools Consortium Webinars • Math Champions (6 attended)

• National Association of Independent Schools DASL Workshop (3 attended) • National Business Officers Association (NBOA) Annual Meeting • NBOA Financial, Operational and Risk Management Webinars • NBOA Measuring Financial Health with the Composite Financial Index Class • Occidental Arts and Ecology Center • School Garden Teacher Training • Southern California People of Color in Independent Schools Conference • Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America Seminar • The Plan Sponsor University Seminar • USA Track & Field Certification (2 completed)


Math in Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

t Berkeley Hall, our teachers actively demonstrate a growth mindset in their participation in Depth of Study (DoS) groups. In DoS, teachers meet together weekly to analyze, evaluate, and systematically improve lessons to increase each student’s learning and growth. Through this focused study and collaboration, our faculty are able to introduce and implement new programs that better serve our students in all core subjects. One area of teaching that has undergone a complete transformation over the past few years, stewarded by a team of teachers and


administrators, is our math program. Prior to active involvement in Depth of Study, teachers did not have the kind of weekly communication to identify challenges, exceptionalities, best practices and activities to better meet each student’s needs in math. Teachers noticed that their current math program did not facilitate the kind of rigor some students craved each day in the classroom nor support students for whom math thinking did not come naturally. Choosing the perfect program for Berkeley Hall was a process. The dedicated Depth of Study group responsible for selecting and implementing Math in Focus tested many programs, toured schools, and had in-depth discussions with teachers at both independent and public schools around Los Angeles. They selected Math in Focus because it couples a hands-on, activity-rich approach to math instruction with critical problemsolving opportunities. Based on the principles of the Singapore approach to teaching math in elementary school, MiF teaches concepts by moving from concrete object manipulation to pictorial representations and finally, abstract mental math. Fourth grade teacher Ms. Ashley Brown observed, “With MiF, students are so much more capable and willing to accept the struggle of math challenges. They push through to solve problems which would have been unattainable only a few years ago.” Math in Focus engages students at every level, simultaneously challenging students who need it while supporting others in their development of basic skills. It is often said at Berkeley Hall that the only way to improve student learning is to improve teaching. With a cohesive elementary math program as our foundation, Middle School math programs have also been groomed to allow a more seamless transition for rising students. To this end, Peer Tutoring was developed by Mrs. Kelly Neale, which pairs elementary students with Middle School mentors. These tutoring sessions help students build math fluency and excitement for math, and

With MiF, students are so much more capable and willing to accept the struggle of math challenges. – Ashley Brown

promote our strong integrated learning community across grade levels, a hallmark of a BHS education. As a result of our teachers’ growth mindset, DoS work, and commitment to excellence, our academic programs continue to improve. Our teachers have traveled all over the country to participate in conferences, and specialists have come to our campus to lead workshops. The proof of this progress is definitely seen in our students.



Berkeley Hall Artists


nthusiasm for art at Berkeley Hall prompts students to enjoy spending their free time in the art studio. They self-select to participate in prominent art competitions appropriate for their age group, the Youth Art Month (YAM) contest and the Scholastic National Competition (SNC), thanks to BHS art teacher Tracy Cheney, who strongly encourages them to reach for the gold. It is Tracy’s passion to find and unlock creative thinking within each student while developing his/her skills to interpret visual language. Students devote themselves to completing these works of art on strict deadlines. These skills equip them to participate in the vibrant creative economy that fuels Los Angeles – where creative problem-solving and innovation will play a key role in their jobs of the future. Here are some of the winning pieces of art from 2017-2018 BHS students.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

Channing Benson ‘21 YAM-LA, 1st, YAM-Regionals, 2nd

Carter Perry ‘25, YAM-LA, 3rd

Cyrus Nazemi ‘20, Artsonia, Student Artist of the Week

Angelina Long ‘26, YAM-LA, H.M.

Lara Haymes ‘19, YAM-LA, 1st


Banou Nazemi ‘18, YAM-LA, 3rd, YAM-Regionals, 3rd

Sasha Gadalov ‘21, YAM-LA, 2nd

Charlie Benjamin ‘23 Orff Magazine Cover

Allie Uhlmann ‘19, SNC, Silver Medal

Sophia DiDio ‘18, SNC, 3rd

Kiona Fisher ‘19, SNC, 3rd


THE Our theme for the Difference Makers Series during the 2017-2018 school year was “Protecting the Environment.� We were pleased to welcome representatives from three wonderful organizations that are raising awareness and taking effective action toward that end. Each organization offered age-appropriate, in-depth presentations to all our students and answered questions about what they do and why they feel so strongly about their area of focus. These guests were:

The Difference Makers Series introduces our community to those who address the pressing issues of our time with the intention of inspiring Berkeley Hall students and members of our community to live lives of purpose, meaning, service, and accomplishment - to be Difference Makers.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.


Heal the Bay

For over 30 years, Heal the Bay has been the Southland’s strongest advocate for the ocean. A healthy Bay requires a healthy LA. Envisioning thriving oceans, healthy watersheds, and smart water, they are working toward a greener and bluer Los Angeles County for everyone.

Grades of Green

Since 2008, Grades of Green has been changing the course of the future by instilling environmental values in students. After receiving an award from the EPA, the founders created a non-profit so that schools would have free and easy access to the tools and information needed to empower and inspire students to care for the environment. Grades of Green offers 40+ activities aimed at instilling environmental values in students. After hearing from Grades of Green, our community took part in the Trash Free Lunch Challenge, learning a lot about recycling and implementing what we learned on our campus.

Tree People

The founder of Tree People, Andy Lipkis, started his work as a teenager over 40 years ago. Since then his organization has involved more than three million people in planting and caring for more than three million trees.


Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.



Geffen Academy

Oaks Christian School

Brentwood School

Harvard-Westlake School

Providence High School

The Buckley School

Immaculate Heart

Sierra Canyon School

Campbell Hall School

Louisville High School

Viewpoint School

Chaminade College Preparatory

Loyola High School

Westridge School

Crespi Carmelite High School

Marlborough School

de Toledo High School

Marymount High School

Flintridge Preparatory School

Notre Dame High School

Bold denotes matriculation





ur parent volunteers are indispensable. They put in countless hours overseeing major events like the Camp Out, Variety Show, Gala, Spring Fling and Graduation Tea, as well as organizing department events, dances, classroom parties, the Party Book, and much, much more.

During 2017-2018, in keeping with the times, we merged the Mothers’ and Dads’ Clubs and formed the Berkeley Hall Parent Association (BHPA). This organization consists of an Executive Board, Department Chairs, Room Parents, and Event Chairs, and includes the list of positions and descriptions of duties filled by volunteers, which could easily be a book unto itself! We are eternally grateful for the innumerable hours put in by our amazing parent volunteers.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

At Berkeley Hall School, we LOVE our volunteers!


BHPA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS EXECUTIVE BOARD President Shainaz Donnelly Burg Vice-President Varuna Grover Chuck Uhlmann Treasurer Kimberly DiDio

DEPARTMENT COORDINATORS Early Childhood Toni Roeder Aimee La Fond Kinga Szani Primary Sonia Batra Intermediate Sapna Abrol Clayanna Warthen Junior High Sasha Brauer Vanessa Kiss

ROOM PARENTS Nursery Abim Ojo Mira Vasandani Early Kindergarten Tina Mallam Hare Walter Mosley Kindergarten Sarine Sahatjian Patricia Koh First Grade Zully Gonzalez Jerry Pacheco Courtney Perry Second Grade Shanta Yocum Erica Moore-Burton

Third Grade Wendy Weber-Byron Pauline Martin

Eight Grade Lynda Loretic Nilou de Luca Gabrielli

Fourth Grade Yvonne Fossati Sabrina Lux


Fifth Grade Natasha Gadalov Rebecca Kirsch Sixth Grade Anil Chachra Anita Mawji Leslie MacKillop Laura Reathaford Seventh Grade Kiyomi Fisher Chari Jalali

Ice Cream Social Lynda Loretic Party Book Jodie Kennedy

Book Fairs: Winter & Spring Teacher Appreciation Kate Kirkland Sasha Brauer Rebecca Kirsch Lindsay Krisel Rock Uniform Exchange Mary Anne Patey Petra Pavlovits-Walters Sarine Sahatjian Roseanne Tenenbaum Variety Show Matt King, Rick La Fond Bobcat Campout Alex Hare Gala Jaclyn Vercillo, Graduation Tea Tina Mallam Hare Vanessa Kiss Spring Fling Hospitality Lindsay Krisel Elif Cercel Rock



Natalia and Emil Lotyanu In accordance with our mission, Berkeley Hall School welcomes families of all backgrounds and strives to help each child to fulfill his/her unlimited, God-given potential. The Lotyanu family, with two children currently enrolled at Berkeley Hall, have observed that Berkeley Hall offers a “nurturing environment, where kindness is combined with a strict and fair attitude.� They have expressed their gratitude for this incomparable learning environment through generous donations to the school.

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.


mil and Natalia Lotyanu began their family’s journey at BHS in 2011, when they enrolled their daughter Maria ‘21 in Ms. Yeoman’s Early Kindergarten class. Emil Lotyanu reminisced, “While looking for a school for our daughter, we fell in love with the BHS campus, its vision and attitude, and decided to enroll Maria. The more we learned about the school, the more we liked it.” The Lotyanus also have two sons, Christian ‘25 and Luka ’29. Emil and Natalia were both raised in the USSR and experienced the State School system in which everyone had equal access to a very regimented education. Emil was born in Moscow and raised in a family with close connections to the film industry; his father, Emil Vladimirovich Lotyanu, was a world-renowned film director and writer. After finishing state high school in Moscow, Emil entered Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Law, and graduated in 2002. He started working as a paralegal and courier at a law firm. In 2004, he was admitted to the Moscow City Bar Association and practiced law as a business attorney and a litigator, primarily representing clients in white collar criminal cases. He then immigrated to the United States of America in 2009, where he established himself as an independent investor and entrepreneur. Natalia Lotyanu was born and raised in Siberia, where she also finished state high school and then attended an evening music school in 1995. She graduated from Moscow State University in 2001 with a degree in International Affairs, fluency in English and Spanish, and an MBA degree in Business and Marketing. She began her career working first in the banking sector and then for one of the largest coal mining corporations in Russia. Emil and Natalia were married in 2000 and now

have three children. The couple tells us they have found many amazing friends at Berkeley Hall, and that their children are happy to be here. As parents, they feel empowered and supported by Berkeley Hall in their efforts to help make the school one of the best in the nation.

While looking for a school for our daughter, we fell in love with the BHS campus, its vision and attitude, and decided to enroll Maria. The more we learned about the school, the more we liked it.



Berkeley Hall School gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our amazing community of families, employees, trustees, alumni and alumni families, foundations, corporations, and other friends of the school. We deeply appreciate the support of all contributors. In 2017-2018, 100% of our parents, trustees, faculty, and staff supported the Berkeley Hall Annual Fund, chaired by Cameron Kennedy Benson ‘84 and Charles Benson. This unanimous show of support demonstrates this community’s dedication to the mission, the vision, and the programs in place to fulfill them. The donor-level listings recognize cumulative totals for donations to Berkeley Hall School. As with all our efforts to recognize and thank BHS supporters, we have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of our information.

THANK YOU Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

If your records differ from ours, please contact the Advancement Office at (310) 476-6421 so that we may update our information.


Donor Roll FOUNDERS CIRCLE $50,000 and above

Anonymous Estate of Jane and Robert Tracy Cheatham, III Paloma Jimenez and Vincent Diesel Yan Kan

HEAD OF SCHOOL CIRCLE $25,000 - $49,999

Margaret and Melvin T. Andrews Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

LEADERS CIRCLE $10,000 - $24,999

This report is for recognition purposes only. It may not be used as a tax record as it includes recognition for soft credits. All receipts for tax purposes were issued by the Advancement Department directly to the donors who gave the gifts.

Shainaz Donnelly Burg and Mark Burg Susan and Bruce Edwards Victoria Fuller Gary D. Magness Family Foundation Dawn and David Gupta Tina Mallam and Alex Hare Catherine Haggett and Kenneth Hill Cynthia Watts and Andrew Jen Wajiha Siddiqui and John Jezzini Nancy Krisel and Ron Krisel ‘63 Ruth Loeb Natalia and Emil Lotyanu Richard Lovett Sarah Siegel Magness and Gary Magness (In honor of Cable Magness ‘19)

Deborah Simmons Patricia Koh and Harry Suh Clayanna Warthen May Ling and Thomas Yu

SCHOLARS CIRCLE $5,000 to $9,999

Jenny Ljungberg Baker and Jonathan Baker Yulia and Arthur Benjamin Vanessa Kiss and David Brady Wendy Weber-Byron and Tom Byron Lisa and Gregory Cassileth Shanta Yocum and John Cermak Dagmar Dolby Thomas Dolby Kiyomi and Keith Fisher Anna Chasovskaya and Dmitry Fitisov Beth Holden-Garland and Gary Garland Leora and Daniel Garner Tara and Marc Guggenheim Cynthia McMahan Hall ‘65 David Houck Andre Iguodala Masayo and Hiroki Kuroda Tomoko and Takuya Morimoto Zully Gonzalez and Jerry Pacheco Fern Roberts Shabana and Anand Shah Dorothy and Alex Sheng Veronika Kurshinskaya and Jean Sherlock Anne and Kurt Shintaku Lauren and Todd Solash Lisle Staley, Ph.D.

Nia Long-Udoka and Ime Udoka Jaclyn and Daniel Vercillo YourCause, LLC

BLUE AND WHITE CIRCLE $2,500 to $4,999

Sapna and Bhuvy Abrol Leena Arora Cameron Kennedy Benson ‘84 and Charles Benson Sasha and Brad Brauer Elizabeth Breckenridge Andrew Cohen Anna and Philip Cyburt Stacee Beauchamp and Mark Domeyer Bettina and Glenn Duval Jill and Donald Evans The estate of Richard Fields Natasha and Anton Gadalov Michael Goldman Tugba Unkan and Tamas Haiman Kimberly Hart Martha Lewis Jennings ‘53 and Ross Jennings Jodie and Darrin Kennedy ‘82 Caroline Kuhn Deborah and John Levin Leslie and Murdoch MacKillop Kathleen and Nathan Mendel Sanam and Hamed Meshki Barbara and Anthony Miller Karen Morse Maryam and Reza Nazemi Yeva Sarkisyan and Gregory Nunn Abim and Deji Ojo


Gamze and Dogukan Poyraz Hayley and Robert Rey Pamela Sheyne and Nigel Rush Elena Silkina and Sergey Silkin Alexander Silkin Jennifer and Jason Spreitzer Kinga and Janos Szani Sepi Tafreshi Roseanne and Andrew Tenenbaum The Benevity Community Impact Fund Chuck E. Uhlmann Madeleine and Sian Wang

BOBCATS CIRCLE $500 to $2,499

Anonymous Susan Evans and Adam Agard Aimee and Jason Alejandre Verky and Hector Baldonado Bank of America Lucinda and Martin Blencowe Mev and Jason Blount Alison and Andrew Brettschneider Evgenia and Jason Brown Robin Bernheim and David Burger California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. Pamela and Mathew Celenza Sonia Batra and Puneet Chandak James Chapman Charles Schwab Nancy Davis ‘46 Jade Loop DeVito and Tomer DeVito Kimberly DiDio ‘84 and Tony DiDio

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

Christopher English Estate of Camille Williams Burt Shireen and Shahrokh Farahmand Judy Forrest and Peter Forrest ‘46 Yvonne and Stephen Fossati Karina Frenkel Andrew Frist Rena and Glenn Garland Luana and Colin Giffen Evghenia Gajiu and Aleksandr Goldshtadt Varuna and Rahul Grover Preeti and John Haqq Elif Cercel and Berfin Haymes Carla Hernandez Ayesha Young and Shawn Holiday Miriam Houck Maite Alvarez and Javier Iribarren Shalini and Vineendra Jain Charissa and Yousef Jalali Shari and Nathan Johnson Sabrina Lux and Alan Kandel Sarah Keller Maribelle and Hoon Kim Rebecca and Robert Kirsch Krislyn and Dimitri Komarov Stacey Kovoloff Jill Kuhn ‘82 Margaret Lanam Lands’ End Jill Larson ‘75 and Richard Larson ‘64 Eva Schwarzmann-Launer and Andreas Launer Inga Liberte and Lauris Liberts Alison and Chris Lindgren Pauline and Kevin Martin

Anita and Karim Mawji Mary and Harry Maxon, III Kristen and Douglas McCormick Nathalie and C. Scott Miller Kimberly and Arvind Mishra Walter Mosley Meltem and Volkan Ozturk Nandita and Neeraj Patel Esta Patman Wynne and Mark Pécheck Valeria Lapizco and Mike Peniche Maritell and Rick Peters ‘73 Jeanne and Albert Pezzuto Padmini and Dewey Pillai Laura and Scott Reathaford Heather and David Reitman Edy Roberts Jennifer and Steven Rosenbaum Tatiana and Edward Rozenberg Sandra Rygel Sarine and Steven Sahatjian Liz Welchman and Michael Scogin Anne and Robert Simonds Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. Harrison Suh ‘26 Michelle Harrington and Steven Sweat Sarah and Duffy Taylor Verlee and Steven Terwilliger Jennifer Johnson and Jeff Timon Julie and Gregory Vayberman Elisa and Enrique Vera Gloria Vera Petra Pavlovits-Walters and Robert Walters Elisabeth and Clive Wilkinson

Kate Kirkland and David Williams Sherie Jan Wu and Jimmy Wu

COMMUNITY CIRCLE Gifts up to $499

Katie Adams Adeline and Manuel Aguirre AmazonSmile Foundation Betty Ames Price Arana Gregg Archer ‘60 Grace Arciniegas Yuki and Tim Armstrong Jessica Ballard Brittany and Peter Barnett Tyler Kelly and Jay Belciano Danielle Bennett Charlotte and Tucker Booth Sherrell Bortman Nina Bowker Box Tops for Education Kieren Boyce Ashley Brown ‘96 Woody Brown ‘04 Melissa Burns ‘64 Erica Moore-Burton and Chappale Burton Kim and Marc Butan Gladys Dominguez and Daniel Castro Anil and Rashmi Chachra Yuan Zhe Fu and Lin Chen Tracy and William Cheney Lauren Cheney (In honor of William Cheney) Christian Science Association of the pupils of Frances Elmina Brown

Photo is of UNITY, the interactive community art project at the Spring Fling.


Class of 2018 Sarah Colmaire ‘90 Amy and Jeff Conley Randal Craft ‘68 Edna Craft (In memory of Carolyn McCord and Deidre Babcock) Hayden Day ‘09 Nilou and Folco De Luca Gabrielli Michelle and Rocky Delgadillo Merlin DeMartinis ‘93 Barbara and Nick DeNisi Sonny DeNisi ‘00 Joel Downs ‘89 Allyson and Brian Eagan Edward Ehsan Amy Espinoza Linda and Geoffrey Fontaine Chet Galland Lisa Garner ‘81 Lisa Taylor and J. Gonzalez Carolyn Good Jane Yang and Leonard Gordon DeAnna and Sharron Gossett Katherine Spira and Kirk Hallam Jacqueline and Scott Hammar ‘84 Gay and James Hanlon Madeline Hardy Laura Harris Helen Hasenfeld Mojgan Hashemi Debra Haynie Lynn Holmgren and David Herzer Angela and Arc Hitterer Victor Holguin Paige Hopkins ‘04

Marialuisa Horrell Giorgia Horrell ‘99 Philip Horrell ‘00 Joseph Howard Maria and Gabriel Huerta Anya and John Hulett Indian River Community Foundation Noriko and Norio Iwahori Carol Jackson ‘52 Neha and Sonal Jain Christine Jaynes-Bell, Ph.D. ‘62 Tommi Johnson Reesa Jones Cecilia Taieb and Belkhir Kelifa Melissa Kelly Lyn Kendrick ‘63 Catharine and Matthew King Chitra and Christopher King Shelley and Boris Komarov Kendall and Tyler Krohn Elena and Vladmir Kurshinskaya Aimee and Richard La Fond Erin and Casey La Scala Ana Maria Ledesma Olivia Lam and Kin Lee Lisa Lewis Marc Lignier Margarita and Michel Lim Galina Loginova Owen Loose Lynda and Damir Loretic Lorena Olguin-Lucas and Russell Lucas Elissa Matheny Angus McBain ‘53 Wendy and Randy McElvain

This report is for recognition purposes only. It may not be used as a tax record as it includes recognition for soft credits. All receipts for tax purposes were issued by the Advancement Department directly to the donors who gave the gifts.

Cate and Rick McManus Lindsay and Gabriel McManus ‘88 Aida McNamara Sayra Arciniegas and Sergio Meza Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Chloé Miller ‘06 Noah Miller ‘09 Robert Miller Julieta Garcia and Michael Moreno Lisa Morin Anna Musabekova Justin Myers Lisa and Steve Nanakorn Kelly Neale Sonya M. Nuñez Michelle Vital and Nickolas Palmer Mary Anne Patey Kirsta Paul Courtney and Raymond Perry MaryAnn Peters Jeff Platt Marni and Bennett Pozil James Raynesford Quinn Redeker Kevin Rock Toni and Derek Roeder Dylan Roeder ‘25 Tanya Rosenberg Charlotte Ross Chelsea Rousselot Mika Sakvarelidze Eden Sassoon Rosemary and Andrew Schneider Cynthia Schutt Manuela Hold and Joseph Schwob

Linda and Patrick Shintaku Inna and Vincent Shulman Malgorzata Luniak and Jason Silberberg Linda Wilcox Silvey ‘54 (In memory of Vivian N. Plumer) Miriam and Oliver Sims Philip Small Victoria Erpelding Steele ‘67 Susan Stodden Ashley Swallow ‘98 Brendon Swallow ‘02 Lauren Adhami Swallow ‘04 Sara Swallow Tessa Swallow ‘99 Tracey Swiderski Melinda and Nigel Talbot-Smith Pamela Tartaglia ‘71 Amanda and Daniel Thorndike Irina Timofeeva and Alexander Timofeev Nicole Uhlmann Drew Van Vleck Mira and Deepak Vasandani Daniele O’Loughlin and Pablo Vilas Audrey Werner Shannon and Matthew Westmore ‘86 Elena and Paul White Steve Wiseman Gloria Goodale and Daniel Wood Margaret Yeoman Carin Madden and Perry Yick Behnaz Behnia and Michael Zerman


We are so grateful for all of the members of the Berkeley Hall community and for everything you do to support our school’s present and future. ALUMNI Gregg Archer ‘60 Cameron Kennedy Benson ‘84 Ashley Brown ‘96 Woody Brown ‘04 Melissa Burns ‘64 Class of 2018 Sarah Colmaire ‘90 Randal Craft ‘68 Nancy Davis ‘46 Hayden Day ‘09 Merlin DeMartinis ‘93 Sonny DeNisi ‘00 Kimberly DiDio ‘84 Joel Downs ‘89 Peter Forrest ‘46 Lisa Garner ‘81 Cynthia McMahan Hall ‘65 Scott Hammar ‘84 Paige Hopkins ‘04 Giorgia Horrell ‘99 Philip Horrell ‘00 William Horrell ‘70 Carol Jackson ‘52 Christine Jaynes-Bell, Ph.D. ‘62 Martha Lewis Jennings ‘53 Lyn Kendrick ‘63

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

Darrin Kennedy ‘82 Ron Krisel ‘63 Jill Kuhn ‘82 Jill Larson ‘75 Richard Larson ‘64 Angus McBain ‘53 Gabriel McManus ‘88 Chloe Miller ‘06 Noah Miller ‘09 Rick Peters ‘73 Lindsay Krisel Rock ‘91 Linda Wilcox Silvey ‘54 Victoria Erpelding Steele ‘67 Ashley Swallow ‘98 Brendon Swallow ‘02 Lauren Adhami Swallow ‘04 Tessa Swallow ‘99 Pamela Tartaglia ‘71 Matthew Westmore ‘86

PARENTS OF ALUMNI Adeline and Manuel Aguirre Aimee and Jason Alejandre Margaret and Melvin Andrews Price Arana Grace Arciniegas

Robin Bernheim and David Burger Kim and Marc Butan Gladys Dominguez and Daniel Castro Edna Craft Barbara and Nick DeNisi Bettina and Glenn Duval Shireen and Shahrokh Farahmand Linda and Geoffrey Fontaine Beth Holden-Garland and Gary Garland Leora and Daniel Garner Luana and Colin Giffen Carolyn and Paul Good DeAnna and Sharron Gossett Dawn and David Gupta Cynthia McMahan Hall ‘65 Judy Forrest and Peter Forrest ‘46 Jacqueline and Scott Hammar ‘84 Gay and James Hanlon Kimberly Hart Marialuisa Horrell and William Horrell ‘70 Joseph Howard Christine Jaynes-Bell, Ph.D. ‘62 Shari and Nathan Johnson Maralee and Ronald Knowlen Stacey Kovoloff Nancy Krisel and Ron Krisel ‘63 Masayo and Hiroki Kuroda Erin and Casey La Scala Anu and Ali Leemann Marc Lignier Alison and Chris Lindgren Lynda and Damir Loretic Lucy McBain and Angus McBain ‘53 Kristen and Douglas McCormick Cate and Rick McManus

Nancy and Zubin Mehta Robert Miller Nathalie and C. Scott Miller Anna Musabekova Lorena Olguin-Lucas and Russell Lucas Meltem and Volkan Ozturk Michelle Vital and Nickolas Palmer Wynne and Mark Pécheck Maritell and Rick Peters ‘73 MaryAnn Peters Fern Roberts Edy Roberts Jennifer and Steven Rosenbaum Tanya Rosenberg Rosemary and Andrew Schneider Cynthia Schutt Linda and Patrick Shintaku Inna and Vincent Shulman Philip Small Katherine Spira and Kirk Hallam Sara Swallow Lisa Taylor and J. Gonzalez Verlee and Steven Terwilliger Elisabeth Wagner Gloria Goodale and Daniel Wood Margaret Yeoman

CURRENT GRANDPARENTS Barbara and Nick DeNisi Dagmar Dolby Susan and Bruce Edwards Helen Hasenfeld


Miriam Houck Chitra and Christopher King Shelley and Boris Komarov Nancy Krisel and Ron Krisel ‘63 Caroline Kuhn Elena and Vladimir Kurshinskaya Mary and Harry Maxon, III Cate and Rick McManus Aida McNamara Esta Patman Linda and Patrick Shintaku Gloria Vera


Alexander Silkin Deborah Simmons Audrey Werner Jane Yang and Leonard Gordon

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Bank of America Charles Schwab Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. The Benevity Community Impact Fund YourCause, LLC

Edna Craft Judy Forrest and Peter Forrest ‘46 Esta Patman

FRIENDS OF BHS Anonymous Betty Ames Lauren Cheney (In honor of William Cheney) Christopher English Andrew Fields Victor Holguin Sarah Keller James Raynesford Quinn Redeker Sandra Rygel Mika Sakvarelidze This report is for recognition purposes only. It may not be used as a tax record as it includes recognition for soft credits. All receipts for tax purposes were issued by the Advancement Department directly to the donors who gave the gifts.


Auction Chair Tina Mallam Hare and husband Alex Hare

Gala Chair Jaclyn Vercillo and husband Daniel

GALA CONTRIBUTORS Who doesn’t love a night out on the town? When you mix a fabulous dinner, sparkling entertainment, dancing to a live band, getting dressed to the nines, and helping your children by fundraising for the school you love, you get the Berkeley Hall Gala - our biggest fundraiser of the year. Fundraisers are an integral part of independent school culture that build a sense of community and raise the funds needed to offer all the special programs not found in public schools. With so many items, this year’s Gala auction spanned two events, the Gala and the Spring Fling. We are so grateful to everyone who contributed auction items, sponsorships, services, and hours and hours of volunteer time, and purchased items!

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

Katie Adams Aimee and Jason Alejandre Maite Alvarez and Javier Iribarren Margaret and Melvin Andrews Leena Arora Jenny Ljungberg Baker and Jonathan Baker Verky and Hector Baldonado Brittany Barnett Charlotte and Tucker Booth Nina Bowker Kieren Boyce Vanessa Kiss and David Brady Sasha and Brad Brauer Shainaz Donnelly Burg and Mark Burg Erica Moore-Burton and Chappale Burton Wendy Weber-Byron and Tom Byron Shanta Yocum and John Cermak, Jr.

Sonia Batra and Puneet Chandak James Chapman Andrew Cohen Amy and Jeff Conley Anna and Philip Cyburt Kimberly DiDio ‘84 and Tony DiDio Paloma Jimenez and Vincent Diesel Allyson and Brian Eagan Susan and Bruce Edwards Amy Espinoza Linda and Geoffrey Fontaine Yvonne and Stephen Fossati Andrew Frist Victoria Fuller Natasha and Anton Gadalov Beth Holden-Garland and Gary Garland Michael Goldman Tara and Marc Guggenheim Dawn and David Gupta Catherine Haggett and Kenneth Hill


Tugba Unkan and Tamas Haiman Tina Mallam and Alex Hare Kimberly Hart Elif Cercel and Berfin Haymes Victor Holguin Ayesha Young and Shawn Holiday Marialuisa Horrell and William Horrell’ 70 David I. Houck Wajiha Siddiqui and John Jezzini Yan Kan Sarah Keller Jodie and Darrin Kennedy ‘82 Catharine and Matthew King Krislyn and Dimitri Komarov Stacey Kovoloff Nancy Krisel and Ron Krisel ‘63 Aimee and Richard La Fond Erin and Casey La Scala Margaret Lanam Deborah and John Levin Lisa Lewis Alison and Chris Lindgren Nia Long-Udoka and Ime Udoka Owen Loose Lynda and Damir Loretic Natalia and Emil Lotyanu Richard Lovett Sabrina Lux and Alan Kandel Leslie and Murdoch MacKillop Pauline and Kevin Martin Wendy and Randy McElvain Lindsay and Gabriel McManus ‘88 Kathleen and Nathan Mendel Sanam and Hamed Meshki Nathalie and C. Scott Miller Tomoko and Takuya Morimoto Karen Morse

Walter Mosley Lisa and Steve Nanakorn Maryam and Reza Nazemi Abim and Deji Ojo Zully Gonzalez and Jerry Pacheco Esta Patman Kirsta Paul Valeria Lapizco and Mike Peniche Maritell and Rick Peters ‘73 Laura and Scott Reathaford Lindsay Krisel Rock and Kevin Rock Toni and Derek Roeder Pamela Sheyne and Nigel Rush Sarine and Steven Sahatjian Mika Sakvarelidze Shabana and Anand Shah Dorothy and Alex Sheng Veronika Kurshinskaya and Jean Sherlock Anne and Kurt Shintaku Elena Silkina and Sergey Silkin Anne and Robert Simonds, Jr. Lauren and Todd Solash Dr. Lisle Staley Anne and Kurt Shintaku Patricia Koh and Harry Suh Harrison Suh ‘26 Michelle Harrington and Steven Sweat Sepi Tafreshi Melinda and Nigel Talbot-Smith Lisa Taylor and Julian Gonzalez Amanda Thorndike Jennifer Johnson and Jeff Timon Elisa and Enrique Vera Gloria Vera Jaclyn and Daniel Vercillo Madeleine and Sian Wang Clayanna Warthen Elisabeth and Clive Wilkinson

SPRING FLING DONORS Yulia and Arthur Benjamin Shainaz Donnelly Burg and Mark Burg Wendy Weber-Byron and Tom Byron Anna and Philip Cyburt Jade Loop DeVito and Tomer DeVito Paloma Jimenez and Vincent Diesel Stacee Beauchamp and Mark Domeyer Victoria Fuller Tugba Unkan and Tamas Haiman Tina Mallam and Alex Hare Kimberly Hart David I. Houck Margaret Lanam Richard Lovett Leslie and Murdoch MacKillop Nathalie and C. Scott Miller Karen Morse Gamze and Dogukan Poyraz Tanya Rosenberg Sarine and Steven Sahatjian Eden Sassoon Shabana and Anand Shah Veronika Kurshinskaya and Jean Sherlock Anne and Kurt Shintaku Alexander Silkin Elena Silkina and Sergey Silkin Lauren and Todd Solash Jennifer and Jason Spreitzer Dr. Lisle Staley and Dr. Jim Stigler Michelle Harrington and Steven Sweat Chuck E. Uhlmann Nicole Uhlmann Jaclyn and Daniel Vercillo Daniele O’Loughlin and Pablo Vilas Shannon and Matthew Westmore ‘86


Ways to GIVE Berkeley Hall, like most independent schools, relies upon charitable gifts beyond tuition income to support and strengthen its academic, artistic, and athletic programs. Rather than simply increasing tuition by whatever amount is necessary to support our programs, we solicit tax-deductible donations through various philanthropic initiatives that help Berkeley Hall and enable families to give based on their ability.


Your cash gift is tax deductible within the guidelines established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Cash gifts can be made by check or can be charged to your Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American Express. Credit card gifts can be made online at www.; by contacting Sonya Nunez at or calling at (310) 476-6421 x259 RECURRING GIFTS

Fearless Scholars. Conscientious Citizens.

Berkeley Hall provides the opportunity to give recurring gifts. If you are interested in giving a monthly, quarterly, or yearly donation, please visit our website at


Gift matching is a way to increase the value of your own charitable gift through your employer. Corporate Matching Gift programs are a great way to double or triple your gift. Some companies match gifts made by employees, retirees, and/or spouses. You can check with your employer or on the Berkeley Hall website at; by contacting Sonya NuĂąez at; or by calling (310) 476-6421 x259. STOCKS OR BONDS

Should you wish to donate stock and/or bonds to Berkeley Hall, please visit our website at for more information.


In whichever ways you choose to give, please know that Berkeley Hall deeply appreciates your consideration, partnership, and financial support.

Thank you!


We welcome gifts of goods or services that may provide a budgetary savings to Berkeley Hall to fulfill a particular departmental or educational need. Per IRS guidelines, Berkeley Hall will provide a thank you letter substantiating your in-kind gift. Please consult with your tax advisor to identify the tax benefits specific to such a gift. REAL ESTATE

Giving a gift of real estate, such as a personal home, vacation home, undeveloped property, or a farm, can be a highly effective philanthropic and financial strategy.


New Director of Advancement


e are pleased to welcome Berkeley Hall’s new Director of Advancement, John Abdelnour. He comes to us with experience from companies such as CoreXpand, Foresight Multimedia, and Adventure Unlimited (A/U). He brings a wealth of knowledge in sales and marketing, as well as creating and piloting characterbuilding youth programs with A/U and the 100 Elk Outdoor Center.

$197,419 $8,140 $540 $12,375 $1,300


John’s responsibilities include spearheading all BHS fundraising, supervising the $11,016 Advancement Office, and leading alumni outreach and communications. Currently, John serves on the board of The Link School in Colorado. He and his wife, Allison, recently relocated from Colorado to Santa Monica and have been $258,143 enthusiastically exploring the L.A. restaurant scene.

I feel so grateful to be able to serve at a school where the values and mission deeply resonate with who I am. I’m really excited to connect with you, and my door is always open.

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