PhD Researcher at the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the University of São Paulo (FAU USP). Rua do Lago, 876. São Paulo, 05508-080. Brazil.

B. Manzon Lupo / Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 1.1. Introduction
B. Manzon Lupo/ Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 2.1. Creating the Museum of Tomorrow: choosing the place, inviting professionals and studying references
B. Manzon Lupo / Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020
B. Manzon Lupo/ Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 we decided to adopt something different, something so light that gives the impression that it wants to fly. If that architecture is mineral, ours is aerial a model used in other areas for the science environment, and that contributed to the unique and innovative character assumed by the Museum of Tomorrow
2.2. Changing routes: redefining the visitor´s path and creating the museum narrative
B. Manzon Lupo / Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 unique pieces, each one developed for that particular mounting position
the side aisles are narrow, we can´t create anything there. These corridors were not designed as exhibition spaces. We tried several possibilities, but there are curved walls, bathroom entrances. The same thing happened with the ramps. These are more operative places than spaces. They are not spaces
B. Manzon Lupo/ Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 the Foundation monitors the entire process, from conception to delivery. We do not work with the idea of a building occupied by an exhibition, but we think about the integrative design it was not possible to do the articulation between the architecture, museography and curatorship projects, due to the context of the Olympic Games 2.3. Creating and updating digital content for the museum: new challenges the museum is like an organism capable of accompanying a little of its own metabolism the content of the Museum of Tomorrow is massive. There are more than 2000 content screens. And it did not get boring. It doesn't seem that big. The Iris System knows what the visitor has already seen. And the Iris was created before the development of the artificial intelligence technologie
B. Manzon Lupo / Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 3.1. Mapping of visitation flows adopting the research methodology tracking and timing
the side aisles of the museum do not work there is no sign to follow the correct rout. I felt a little lost. After visiting Cosmos, I went to the lateral hall, but I discovered that the way was wrong
B. Manzon Lupo/ Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020
3.2. Analysis of interviews with the public
B. Manzon Lupo / Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020
we liked so much to interact with the displays and also the information presented3 I am in love with the information, images and interactivity4 . it is a clash of information about reality. The Museum talks about the future and opens the mind so that we are more careful with our present actions5; it is a place to reflect on our own attitudes and think about the world we want tomorrow it is a very important topic that makes us reflect on how the planet can be, on deforestation ... what the museum shows is very important it makes you think about the future, about world´s increasing population, about the destruction of natural ecosystems, fauna and flora ... I was very touched7
I think there should be more things about the future. I saw much about the past, the present, but I have not seen the future. We do not see all this pessimism to the future. But the museum lacks the future. Because it is a Museum of Tomorrow, right? There were not some answers in relation to what I expected. I wanted to know how much we are sustainable and how we could improve it is incredible this ending that address you to infinity. Looking at the water has a positive impact on thinking about the future I loved its beauty. The view is spectacular. We feel within the Sea, within the city. You see all the beauty and think: what you are doing to keep it
Rio assina acordo com Barcelona para a preparação das Olimpíadas de 2016 Tracking and observation studies.
B. Manzon Lupo/ Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020
Caldeira, Vasco,Interview O museu como espaço de interação. Arquitetura, museografia e museologia a partir dos casos do Museu do Futebol e do Museu do Amanhã Morena, Daniel. Interview, Graça, Larissa. Interview Projeto expográfico interativo: Contradições na espacialidade do Museu do Amanhã.
L´exposition à l´oeuvre: Museu do VirtualityAmanhã,and the art of exhibition: curatorial design for the multimedial museum Calatrava. Architect, Engineer, Artist, Santiago Calatrava.Omuseu como espaço de interação.
Museus para o século XXI, Museu Do Amanhã, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil No interior do cubo branco: a ideologia do espaço da arte,
B. Manzon Lupo / Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 Interview
Porto Maravilha, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMuseu do Amanhã. As lições de Barcelona para os jogos olímpicos do Rio. Manual de Museografía Interactiva, Museu contemporâneo: e espaço do evento como não-lugar. Atas de Conferência
total museum Through conversation between architects and museologists Visitor Studies
igital technologies and the museum experience: Museu do Cosmocaixa.TheInterviewAmanhã.
DIDA Dipartment of Architecture, via della Mattonaia 8, 50121, Florence, Italy

A. Benfante / Arco Conference 2020 Proceedings / Firenze, Italia, 2020 1.1. Exhibiting what? Exponere ex-ponere 1.2. Larger architectures and greater simplification Le Halles