Kinstay Restaurant

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Brand Research, Strategy & Vision

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Introduction Visual Anthropology Brand Anaylsis: Location, Target Demographics, Competitor Analysis The Kintsay Brand: Vision and Development

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Sarap Buhay Sarap Buhay means "good life": that's the motto at Kintsay

for Kintsay was developed by the overall pride of the Filipino culture

Restaurant. Kintsay Restaurant is a Filipino-American

as well as a contemporary twist in highlighting it's secret ingredient:

restaurant based in San Jose, California, the heart of the

celery. The following highlights the three key stages in the process of

silicon valley. It rises to meet the growing demand for a high-

developing its brand: identifying the challenge, creating a strategy and

class Filipino Restaurant, and to break through to introduce

targeting an outcome.

Filipino cuisine into the mainstream. The overall branding




Develop a strong contemporary

By evaluating Kintsay Restaurant's primary

Kintsay Restaurant has a new look and feel to

logo that stands out from the

target demographics and their behavior - both

better suit the restaurant as well as bring a

crowd of loud and noisy logos of its

in restaurants as well as outside of them, we

sense of modernity that will attract both new

competitors, as well as highlighting

crafted a brand look and feel that spoke to all

and old customers. Both familiar and new, the

Kintsay's key ingredient: celery.

targets, balancing traditional patterns with a

new branding allows the restaurant to serve

Design must reflect the attitude,

contemporary voice.

traditional Filipino dishes as well as give the

history, context and essence of not

customer a fresh environment to enjoy their

only of the Filipino ethnicity but also

food in.

the target demographics, as well as the ingredient of celery.

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Visual Anthropology

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San Jose, California San Jose is the third-largest city in California, the tenth-largest in the U.S.,and the county seat of Santa Clara County which is located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay. San Jose is the largest city within Silicon Valley, which is a major component of the greater San Francisco Bay Area, a region of 8.4 million people and the fifth largest metropolitan area in the United States. It is the largest city in Northern California.

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Santana Row Santana Row is an upscale shopping, residential, dining and entertainment complex in San Jose, California. Westfield Valley Fair is located just to its north, on the other side of Stevens Creek Boulevard, and the Winchester Mystery House just to the west, across Winchester Boulevard.

Below: Downtown San Jose

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In 2008, one out of every four Filipino Americans make their home in

Filipino Americans and Multiracial Filipino Americans; Santa

Southern California, numbering over 1 million. The 2010 Census, con-

Clara county continued to have the largest concentration in

firmed that Filipino Americans had grown to become the largest Asian

the area.Daly City, in the San Francisco Bay Area, has the high-

American population in the state, totaling 1,474,707 persons; 43% of all

est concentration of Filipino Americans of any municipality

Filipino Americans live in California. Of these persons 1,195,580 were

in the United States; Filipino Americans comprise 35% of the

not Multiracial Filipino Americans.

city's population.

Greater Los Angeles is the metropolitan area home to the most Filipino

San Diego County has the second largest Filipino American

Americans, with the population numbering around 606,657; Los Ange-

population of any county in the nation, with over 145,000

les County alone accounts for over 374,285 Filipinos, the most of any

Filipinos, alone or in combination, in 2000; by the 2010 Cen-

single county in the United States. The City of Los Angeles designated

sus the population had grown to 182,248. In addition, San

a section of Westlake as Historic Filipinotown. Orange County also has

Diego is the only metropolitan area in the U.S. where Filipinos

a sizable and growing Filipino population.

constitute the largest Asian American nationality. It has histori-

Pistahan Festival at Yerba Buena Gardens.

cally been a popular destination for Filipino immigrants, and has contributed to the growth of its population. A portion of

The 2000 Census showed that the greater San Francisco Bay Area was

California State Route 54 in San Diego is officially named the

home to approximately 320,000 residents of Filipino descent, with the

"Filipino-American Highway", in honor of the Filipino American

largest concentration living in Santa Clara County. By the time of the


2010 Census the greater San Francisco Bay Area was home to 463,458

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Total Population One Race Not Hispanic or Latino Hispanic or Latino (of any race) Asian alone Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone White alone Black or African American alone Two or more races alone American Indian and Alaska Native alone Some other race alone

Asian & Pacific Islander: 32.1%

945,942 – 100.0% 898,880 – 95.0% 632,306 – 66.8% 313,636 – 33.2% 300,022 – 31.7% 3,492 – 0.4% 271,382 – 28.7% 27,508 – 2.9% 25,827 – 2.7% 2,255 – 0.2%

Hispanic or Latino: 33.2%

Other: 4.9% Caucasian: 28.7%

1,820 – 0.2%

African American: 2.9%

The logo indicates the Kintsay’s location in Santana Row. The purple markers are the filipino restaurants within a 10 mile radius of San Jose. Clearly, there is a need and there is a niche for this restaurant to be successful.

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Target Demographics Being in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Kintsay Restaurant caters to many business people as a place to meet and conference. It’s perfect and quiet atmosphere has an upscale appearance, but the home cooked food does the speaking for you, ensuring that a deal will be made. It’s San Jose’s little secret, a great pull for those tech-savvy 25-somethings who always want to be on the up and up.

Family is a big factor in the Filipino culture. Catering to families in a contemporary setting is a challenge due to the size and the variety

Newly Independent

of ages that come to a restaurant that serves families. Family style

Age: 25 - 35 years old

meals as well as a varied menu helps those different demographics that Kintsay Restaurant serves. The three key categories that have been narrowed down as our target demographics are: Newly Independent, Families and Mature & Modern.

Our newly independent demographic may use Kintsay Restaurant as a date restaurant,a meeting place for potential business clients, or even a new fun spot to impress their friends. Newly Independent males and females are freshly out of college, trying to make their stake in San Jose, where many corporations, such as Yahoo and Apple are nearby. They are interns, grad school candidates, and also single.

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Mature & Modern

Age: May Vary

Age: 45 years old and up

Families come in all different shapes and sizes, and they are

The mature and modern demographics include parents whose

all welcomed at Kintsay Restaurant. It's a perfect place for

children have grown up and left the house and like to enjoy a night

families to come have a brunch or even a fulfilling dinner that

out in town, or even those who are still working with business

has everyone leaving satisfied and full.

clients or as owners, and may have settled down more than our Newly Independent demographic. They keep up with trends and can be tech-savvy, keeping up with the contemporary times. They accept change and aren't afraid of new things.

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Competitor Analysis Filipino Restaurants tend to be on the "fast-food" side of popularity

Fast Food

here in the United States, as well as in the Philippines. Most Filipinos tend to want to eat Filipino food at home rather than going out and paying for a meal cooked for them. There are very few restaurants that cater to Middle to High Incomes, such as Marharlika in New York City and Barrio Fiesta, in various California Locations. Even so, contemporary branding has only become recent in the fastfood restaurants such as Goldilocks as well as Jollibee. Filipino food isn't as popular as Thai or Vietnamese food has become in the recent years, however now is the time with our Newly Independent demographics taking more risks.


kain na

The Kintsay Brand

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Creative Research While researching for possible solutions for the Kintsay logo, we came across the fact that coconut production plays an important role in the national economy of the Philippines. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in December 2009, the Philippines is the world's largest producer of coconuts, producing 19,500,000 tonnes. The Filipino Flag also played a part in the production of the Kintsay Logo, taking the elements such as the sun, stars as well as the colors into play. The sun is used as a sunset, alluding to the island nature of the geographics of the Philippines. The star points are also used, as part of the palm trees that also alludes to the stalks of celery - Kintsay's main ingredient. The colors used for the logo are derived from the red in the flag, and the blue-green teal is derived from the blue and yellow in the flag, that also relates it back to the celery ingredient.

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Logo Development

Stage 1

Stage 3

Stage 2

Stage 4

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Final Logo

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15x x


2x 5x


18x 24.5x

Red Pantone 186 C 0 M 100 Y 81 K 4


227 24 55 #E31837

Kintsay Teal Pantone 3258 C 59 M 0 Y 33 K 0


96 197 186 #60C5BA

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Secondary Color Palette

Blue Pantone 286 C 100 M 80.05 Y 2.61 K 0.22


0 71 167 #0047A7

Yellow Pantone 129 C 0 M 16 Y 77 K 0


255 212 87 #FFD457

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Designer contact

Bianca Rose Design We strive to not only provide visual solutions to convey your

855 W. Ashlan Ave. apartment 203 Fresno, CA 93705 510.299.8895

message but also make sure your voice is heard clearly in your identity. Our research conducted is for your benefit and the benefit for your company.

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