POLIMI 2021 Thematic Studio
Prof. Oliveria Fabiano, Prof. Cazzani Alberta, Prof. Semprebon Gerado
Site: Naviglio Martesana, Milano, Italy Group Work
The Navigli in Milan represent an element of not only local, but great cultural and historical interest. Naviglio Martesana passes through eastern side of province, uniting the Adda to Milan, where its route, Cascina di Pomm,in the open ends and it continues underground. The type of landscape shows a clear prevalence of natural area in first part (between Trezzo d'Adda and the curve of Cassano. In second part from Cassano d'Adda to Gorgonzola, farming lands alternates with urban centers, essentially there is balance between historical parts and recently urbanized areas. From Gorgonzola towards Milan, urbanized areas begin to predominate. In this stretch ,Naviglio is in an urban continuum which include various types of areas: from those of historic value looking on to the Naviglio in Cernasco ,to area to planned urbanization, with low quality area near Cologna Monzese,where Naviglio passes the Lambro. After general site analysis of Naviglio Martesana it is observed that that the area of Mila-ColognaVimodrone is one of the most critical from the landscape quality point of view .Here the Naviglio goes through an undefined marginal area, whilst near Vimodrone an extensive area to the north of the Martesana has been built up for residential purposes with the completion of free areas towards Cologna Monzese. .As a gateway towards the dense urban fabric of Milan ,this site in the east side of the city along Naviglio Martesana plays an important role, a crucial peri-urban area in between the rural and urban fabric.
The unsustainable peri-urbanization practice has drastically altered ecosystem services. Although the ecological corridors have always helped the flora and fauna to move back and forth from one place to another, the human intrusion has obstructed the movement of the species At our site human settlements, progressive projects such as major highways, and infrastructural development, has resulted in widespread habitat fragmentation and isolation.The territory preserves the typical characteristics of the agricultural landscape and also the presence of historic farmhouses and villas is widespread. The presence of six bodies of water and a scattered network of ecological trees increases the ecological importance of the site.
Prof. Lucchi Elena, Prof. Cremasco, Francesca, Prof. Clementi Matteo
Site: Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, Italy Group Work
This project builds a prefabricated residential unit in the south of Milan. It meets the function of temporary residence for students and teachers. Utilize sustainable language for urban cultural regeneration processes to realize new territorial visions: artistic housing projects, public meetings, hands-on performances and architectural workshops, public and participatory art, exploration of the marginal and the unknown.
It is located near the South Milan Agricultural Park (Parco Agricolo Sud Milano) which was established, a territory with canals, water meadows, mills, fountains, country roads, large farmhouses, and important monumental complexes (including the abbey of Chiaravalle). The waters are the main element that characterizes the territory. Vettabbia Park is part of the South Milan Agricultural Park.
Therefore,the project takes into account the local landscape during the construction process and uses recycled materials from the local neighborhood to make building materials.In addition, the flexibility of the building is not only reflected in the multiple combinations of furniture and living core, the movable solar panels and curtains can form energy-saving spaces according to the changes of seasons
POLIMI 2021 Architectural Preservation Studio
Prof. Davide Del Curto, Prof. Alessandro Bianchi
Site: Provincia di Ascoli Piceno, Italy Group Work
Stronghold of Arquata del Tronto, a formidable structure standing atop a hill in Appenine mountains, dominates the surrounding town and the neighbourhood territory.A fortified complex of midthirteenth, the castle has seen a great many changes and modification in its structure to adapt to the significant events that took place over nine centuries.
Having undergone numerous damages due to war and earthquakes, is a true testament of time. Originally built for the purpose of defence , it now is representative of heritage value. The aim of the project is to build it up as a landmark and adapt it to the contemporary times by giving it a new function , at the same time retaining its historical value.Sustainable augmentation will magnify it's architectural heritage.
The project commenced with learning about the history of the castle and understanding the current scenario in terms of location, surrounding, topography, vegetation and accessibility.The first phase was the survey of Arquata del Tronto, which consisted of two main parts: creating the orthophotos of the façade of the Rocca and the 3D modelling of the terrain and castle. This exercise helped in producing models and drawings to support the subsequent phases.Second phase involved the studying of current pathways and map the slope and vegetation along the way, in order to recognise the current challenges in approaching the castle.