BIBA Academy Certificate in Barbering 2017

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2017 Welcome Folder

BARBERING (Certificate III in Barbering) (fee-for-service)


BIBA Academy 236 Johnston St FITZROY 3065 & 401 Swanston St MELBOURNE 3000

Phone (03) 9415 8488 for further information Or email

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

INTRODUCTION This Welcome Folder holds detailed information regarding our National Accredited course:  Certificate III in Barbering Please read through each section carefully. Should you have any questions or require further information after reading through this document, please do not hesitate to speak to our friendly office administration.

2017 ENROLMENT/COMMENCEMENT DATES In 2017 BIBA Academy will take enrolments on a monthly basis for Certificate III in Barbering: 5, 4 or 3 days attendance (week commencing) 2017  6th February 2017 th  6 March 2017  3rd April 2017  1st May 2017  5th June 2017  3rd July 2017

    

1st August 2017 th 4 September 2017 2nd October 2017 6th November 2017 4th December 2017

ORIENTATION All applications must be handed-in in person. During this time you will be asked to sit a literacy and Numeracy Test and a pretraining review. You will also be given a tour of the academy to make you familiar of our environment and will also be given clear details of your course curriculum and course requirements. All questions are welcome.

WELCOME - YOUR FIRST DAY We want to make your first day as easy and exciting as possible. If you need to park your car there is all day parking available in Gore Street, right next to the Academy plus 4 hour parking areas where you can move your car during lunch hour. But please be mindful that parking is limited in the Fitzroy area. BIBA Academy opens its doors at 9.15am and closes approximately at 6.00pm every day. On your first day we ask you to arrive at 9.15am and go straight to the front desk, we will be there to start your day. First up is a quick tour of the BIBA Academy and a chance to sign in. You may put your gear away and have a coffee before the morning meeting which is held every morning for all students at 9:45am. After the morning meeting we will schedule you into a class. Patience, application and an open mind is the key to success. Just a word of warning if you arrive after 9:45am you will be considered late and will need to report to the office. There are three breaks each day, 10 minutes in the morning and afternoon and a 45 minute lunch break. Lunch can be purchased from a number of cafés/restaurants in Smith Street or Brunswick Street. Your afternoon will consist of more classes and demonstrations. When your day is over we have a quick pack up time and you can sign out and make your way home. Should you have any queries at any stage throughout your day, please do not hesitate to speak to any of the Staff; we are here to help.  

Classes operate Monday to Friday Start 9:45am – Finish 5:00/6:00pm

FEE-FOR-SERVICE TUITION FEES AND CHARGES 2017 Certificate III in Barbering SHB30516 Upon commencement we require the following payments: Enrolment Equipment

$290 Payable on enrolment to secure place (non-refundable) $982 Full kit *Prices for equipment are subject to change

*Prices for equipment/resources are subject to change

Online digital resource package • This pack includes all required books (digital versions), resources and hire laptop $650.00 • BYO Device (I Pad or Laptop) pack $450.00 *Prices for online resources are subject to change First months payment

see table below



$ Monthly instalments Attendance Monthly instalment 5 days a week $1,570 p/m 4 days a week $1,178 p/m 3 days a week $942 p/m

Approx Course Duration 6 Months 8 months 10 months

Should you complete sooner you are still required to pay the total tuition $9,420.00 as you are paying for the qualification. In 2017 Students will learn on a digital platform designed by BIBA Academy. There will be digital versions of our assessment guise, activity book, text book and online academy that students can access on a I Pad or laptop. Students can either bring their own device or purchase the BIBA Academy pack which includes a laptop.

LIST OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRED The following are detailed lists of equipment required for each Government Funded course. You may outsource your own equipment or purchase it from BIBA Academy. Certificate III in Barbering         

1 Cutting comb 1 Packet sectioning clips Hairdryer Vent brush 1 Large tooth comb 1 Men’s mannequin head (real hair) 1 Clamp 1 Pouch Scissors (mannequin & client scissors) Tapering combs (x3)

       

Clippers (with attachments) Water spray Face/neck brush 1 Note book and pen BIBA T-shirt Barbering Text Book BIBA Academy duffle bag Neck trimmers

You are able to source your own equipment and text books. Otherwise the full kit listed above is available from BIBA Academy for the cost of $982.00. The above items are also sold separately in the BIBA Academy Office.


BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

Statement of course completion Statement of attainment Fee receipt replacement Replacement of qualification Replacement of Statement of Attainment Replacement of lost laptop/device

Free Free Free $50 $25 $400

STUDENT REFUND POLICY The following refund policy refers to fee-for-service (ffs) courses:  If the withdrawal is from part of the enrolment the refund is applied to the months paid for but not completed.  You will only pay for time you are enrolled into. If you withdraw midway through the month you will be charge the full month.  BIBA Academy is not responsible for any lost or stolen equipment.  BIBA Academy will not refund any purchased and used equipment or resources (including the BIBA Academy portal).  If the course is cancelled by BIBA Academy at any time during the period of the student's enrolment, then BIBA Academy will refund the full tuition, prior to the date of cancellation.  BIBA Academy may grant refunds in other circumstances or of greater amounts as it sees fit.  A successful application of RPL may mean that a student is entitled to a refund of the tuition fees they have already paid for hours of tuition they no longer need.  Whereby a student withdraws, cancels or transfers prior to completing a qualification BIBA Academy will endorse the student a formal Statement of Attainment (at no additional cost); provided the student has paid in full for the tuition related to the units of competency to be shown on the Statement of Attainment. BIBA Academy requires written notification from you if you intend terminating attendance at the Academy. Your letter must include the date and reason(s) as to why you will not be continuing. If the reason is a health issue, then BIBA Academy requires written documentation from your GP or specialist stating that you are unable to attend classes. If BIBA Academy does not receive any of the above in writing, you will be ineligible for any refunds of any sort.

PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES People with a disability are encouraged to participate in government funded training courses. If under certain circumstances or disability a student may be finding it difficult to progress through training, we at BIBA are always open to help students accommodate any special requirements they might need.

STUDENT DRESS CODE The dress code of a Hairdresser should be individual but most importantly professional. It is very important to always present yourself well and be aware of current trends as Barbering is a part of the Fashion industry and our clients expect us to be up to date! The following suggestions outline and specify details concerning everyday general grooming and presentation: Do’s Don’ts  Hair Styled  High heeled shoes  Clothes are clean and ironed  Exposing too much skin  Tasteful make up  Plain ponytails and sectioning clips holding your hair  Sensible shoes  Excessively ripped clothes  Neat and clean nails  Revealing underwear  Mid drift showing  Ugg boots  Tracksuit pants

   

Unnatural fake tan lines Sunglasses worn on head Leggings instead of pants No thongs, flip flops or Havaianas

The above requirements are a guideline with respect to the BIBA Dress Code and do include exceptions. Please consult with management if unsure. These guidelines are to promote and establish a stable, neat and professional code of dress that emphasizes pride in one’s own self appearance and conduct.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

ATTENDANCE & ABSENCE 5 days of unexplained absences will result in a written warning. 10 days of unexplained absences will result in 2nd written warning. 15 days of unexplained absence, gives BIBA Academy the right to terminate your contract. If you are absent due to illness you must present a valid medical certificate to administration with the week. You are allowed 10 sick days within their contract time. With any additional sick days, BIBA Academy cannot guarantee completion of the qualification and there will be a high probability you will not complete the required minimum hours. In this case you will be required to re-enrol into the qualification to ensure competency.

LATENESS & EARLY LEAVE To ensure the smooth running of the school BIBA Academy has a strict lateness policy and procedure. If you arrive late between 9:45am and 10:00am you must report to the office and fill out a “late arrival form”. Should you arrive late consecutively (3 times within three months) between 9:45am and 10:00am, administration reserves the right to send you home. It is then your responsibility to catch up on any training missed. Should you arrive after 10:00am, BIBA Academy reserves the right to immediately send you home. Classes cease between 5:00pm and 6:00pm or until your instructor releases you. Any early leave requests must be made aware to your instructor first thing in the morning. An “early leave form” must be filled out in the office and confirmed with administration.

COURSE DURATIONS Certificate III in Barbering 5 days attendance (6 months- includes 5 days holidays) 4 days attendance (8 months- includes 9 days holidays) 3 days attendance (10 months- includes 11 days holidays) All holidays must be applied for and requested through the office. Forms are available in the office. Holidays may be applied for in days or weeks. Your first holidays can only be requested after 3 months of course participation. You may request to increase or decrease their days of attendance. Requests must be made by email/letter directly to administration. There will be an administrative fee of $90 for any contract amendments.

DEFERRING, SUSPENDING OR CANCELLING STUDENT ENROLMENT Deferral of commencement of studies or temporary suspension of enrolment (leave of absence) initiated by a student A student may apply to defer commencement of their studies only in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and can include medical (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student is unable to attend classes) or family/personal circumstances (e.g. death or severe medical problems within a family, or unforeseen family financial difficulties, so that it is unreasonable to expect a student to be able to commence their studies). A student may apply to temporarily defer their enrolment (leave of absence) only in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and can include medical (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student is unable to attend classes) or family/personal circumstances (e.g. death or severe medical problems within a family, or unforeseen family financial difficulties, so that it is unreasonable to expect a student to be able to continue their studies for a period of time). The maximum duration for deferral or suspension is 6 months. The student must supply a letter of deferral/suspension to BIBA Academy explaining the exceptional circumstances and must also specify a return date. Suspension or cancellation of student enrolment initiated by the College BIBA Academy may suspend or cancel a student's enrolment if the student does not abide by the Student Code of Conduct. A student may apply to suspend or cancel enrolment only in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and can include medical (eg illness where a medical certificate states that the student is unable to attend classes) or family/personal circumstances (eg death or severe medical problems within a family, or unforeseen family financial difficulties, so that it is unreasonable to expect a student to be able to commence their studies). BIBA Academy may suspend a student’s enrolment where compassionate or compelling circumstances are presented to warrant this course of action. For example should a student’s parent decease all the sudden and the student leaves to return to their home country BIBA Academy has the right to suspend the course until further notice from the student. Students will be notified in writing that their enrolment is to be suspended or cancelled (where the suspending or cancellation is initiated by BIBA Academy). Student may then lodge an appeal with Administration within 20 working days of the date of receipt of the notice of the decision in accordance with relevant BIBA Academy Complaints and Appeals policy. If the student accesses BIBA Academy’s internal complaints and appeals process, the suspension or cancellation of the student’s enrolment cannot take effect until the internal process is complete, unless extenuating circumstances relating to welfare of the student apply.


You must provide their own stationery, including pens and paper. You must attend class fully prepared with all relevant equipment. If you do not attend BIBA Academy fully prepared you cannot participate in class and therefore will be sent home. Equipment can be hired at a cost from the office. You must attend BIBA Academy punctually and contact the Academy if late or absent. Should you arrive late or leave school early you must complete the appropriate documentation. Smoking is not permitted in the building at any time. No alcohol and/or drugs (unless medically prescribed) are permitted on the premises. No student is to attend BIBA Academy under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Instant expulsion will occur if violation of these rules occurs.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

      

All rooms and equipment must be kept neat and tidy at all times, as required by BIBA Academy and Workplace Health and Safety Standards. No food is permitted in the class room at any time. If you are found guilty of stealing from BIBA Academy or fellow students you will be expelled immediately. This includes taking folded foils. Mobile phones must be switched off during class time. If you are found using their phone on the premise will have it confiscated for the remainder of the day and may receive a $10 on the spot fine. You cannot receive personal phone calls during class time unless in the case of an emergency. You cannot make personal phone call from BIBA Academy phones unless in the case of an emergency. Approval must be sought from BIBA Academy staff prior to making a call from Academy phones. You cannot leave the classroom during class time, unless your intructor has given permission. Under NO circumstances are you to refuse a client. If your instructor requests you to conduct a client service in the academy salon you MUST approach this in a positive and professional manner. If a client is refused you will be sent back home.

FACILITIES EQUIPMENT & LEARNING RESOURCES BIBA Academy 236 Johnston St, FITZROY At the BIBA Academy FITZROY we provide you with a number of facilities, equipment and resources including:  Lockers  Computers (limited use only – two computers) with printing facilities  Quiet Study area  Basins and work stations  Clients  Colour products  Styling products  Magazines for assignments  Microwave (to heat up lunches)  Student lunch area BIBA Academy 401 Swanston St, MELBOURNE At the BIBA Academy MELBOURNE we provide you with a number of facilities, equipment and resources including:  Lockers  Basins and work stations  Clients  Colour products  Styling products  Microwave (to heat up lunches)  Student lunch area You are required to look after your own equipment (tools for trade) supplied in the equipment kit. BIBA Academy is not responsible for any lost or stolen equipment.

CODE OF PRACTICE EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS BIBA Academy will:  Adopt policies and management practices which maintain high professional standards in the marketing and delivery of vocational education and training services and which safeguard the interests and welfare of students;  Maintain a learning environment that is conducive to the success of students. BIBA Academy have the capacity to deliver the course(s) on the scope of registration, and will ensure that the facilities, methods and materials used in the provision of training will be appropriate to the outcomes to be achieved;  Maintain systems for recording and archiving student enrolments, attendance, competition, assessment outcomes, recognition of prior learning, complaints, qualifications and statements of attainment issued; and  Treat all personal records of clients confidentially.

COURSE DELIVERY BIBA Academy will:  Prior to course commencement, give students all relevant information about the course curriculum, program of study, availability of learning resources and appropriate support services. Students will also be given access to a current copy of the course curriculum; and  Ensure that training and assessment occur in accordance with the requirements of the accredited course and, where appropriate the State Training Board guidelines for customising courses.

STAFF BIBA Academy will:  Ensure that all instructors have:  Demonstrated competencies at least to the level of those being delivered;  Demonstrated achievement of at least Certificate IV from the Training Package for Assessment and Workplace Training or has demonstrated the equivalent competencies; and  Industrial experience that is current and relevant to the particular course or modules that they are involved in delivering.  Ensure that the responsibility for the management and coordination of training delivery, assessment (including recognition of prior learning), staff selection and professional development is clearly identified and undertaken by a person or persons with relevant qualifications and experience.

TRAINING ENVIRONMENT BIBA Academy will:  Comply with all laws relevant to the operation of the training premises, including occupational health and safety and fire safety regulations and ensure that training premises are of adequate size and have adequate heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation; and 

Ensure that training facilities, equipment and other resource materials are adequate for the courses being delivered and are maintained in good order and repair.

QUALIFICATIONS AND STATEMENTS OF ATTAINMENT BIBA Academy will:  Issue qualifications/or statements of attainment to students who satisfactorily complete the requirements of the accredited courses on scope of registration. Qualifications and statements of attainment will include the: BIBA Academy’s full name; Name of the person receiving the credential; Name and number of the accredited course: Number of the credential; Date issued; and Signature of an Administrator.  Where appropriate, identify modules completed and/or national competencies achieved;  Recognise the Australian Quality Framework qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued and awarded by other Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s); and  Ensure procedures for managing and monitoring all training operations and reviewing student/client satisfaction are clearly documented. BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

MARKETING AND ADVERTISING BIBA Academy will:  Market their vocational education and training (VET) products with integrity, accuracy and professionalism, avoiding vague and ambiguous statements. In the provision of information, no false or misleading comparisons will be drawn with any other provider or course; and  Not state or imply that courses other than those on the scope of registration are recognised by the State Training Board.

QUALITY ASSURANCE AND IMPROVEMENT BIBA Academy will:  Ensure procedures for managing and monitoring all training operations and reviewing student/client satisfaction are clearly documented.

SANCTIONS BIBA Academy accepts that failure to meet the obligations of this code, the conditions of registration as private provider of vocational education and training, relevant legislation or supporting regulatory requirements, where applicable, may have their registration as a private provider withdrawn.

RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION BIBA Academy will:  Provide accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to students prior to commencement. This will include, but not be limited to: Copy of Code of Practice; Scope of registration; Certification to be issued to the student on completion, or partial completion of the course; Competencies to be achieved during training; Assessment procedures; Arrangements for the recognition of prior learning; Recognition of qualifications issued by other RTO’s Complaints/appeal procedure; Facilities and equipment; Student support services; Application process, enrolment form and selection criteria; Fees and costs involved in undertaking training; Fee refund policy.  At all times, conduct recruitment of students in an ethical and responsible manner and be consistent with the requirements of the curriculum.

ACCESS AND EQUITY BIBA Academy will:  Ensure that student application and selection processes are explicit and defensible and comply with access and equity principles. All staff and clients are treated with equal merit and equal availability of all activities. This includes, but is not limited to, the following groups of people: People with a disability Indigenous people Women People from non-English speaking background and People in rural and remote areas  Ensure all Access and Equity matters are dealt with promptly and appropriately. Such matters should be brought to the attention of the BIBA Academy staff immediately.

STUDENT COMPLAINTS/APPEALS BIBA Academy will:  Maintain a fair and equitable process for dealing with student complaints/appeals.

CHILD SAFETY CODE OF CONDUCT All personnel of BIBA Academy of hair & beauty are responsible for supporting the safety, participation, wellbeing and empowerment of children by:

adhering to BIBA Academies child safe policy at all times / upholding BIBA Academies statement of commitment to child safety at all time

taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse

treating everyone with respect

listening and responding to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child has been abused and/or are worried about their safety or the safety of another

promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children (for example, by never questioning an Aboriginal child’s self-identification)

promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children with culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (for example, by having a zero tolerance of discrimination)

promoting the safety, participation and empowerment of children with a disability (for example, during personal care activities)

ensuring as far as practicable that adults are not left alone with a child

reporting any allegations of child abuse to BIBA Academies Child Safety Officer Alex Heath / leadership, and ensure any allegation to reported to the police or child protection

reporting any child safety concerns to BIBA Academies Child Safety Officer Alex Heath] / leadership

if an allegation of child abuse is made, ensure as quickly as possible that the child(ren) are safe

Encouraging children to ‘have a say’ and participate in all relevant organisational activities where possible, especially on issues that are important to them.

CHILD SAFETY BIBA ACADEMY CHILD SAFE POLICY AND STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT Our organisation is committed to child safety. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff. We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children. We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously. Our organisation is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks. Our organisation has robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff. Our organisation is committed to regularly training and educating our staff on child abuse risks. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff. We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability. We have specific policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff to achieve these commitments. If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000. Our children This policy is intended to empower children who are vital and active participants in our organisation. We involve them when making decisions, especially about matters that directly affect them. We listen to their views and respect what they have to say. BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

We promote diversity and tolerance in our organisation, and people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds are welcome. In particular we: •

promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children

• promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds •

ensure that children with a disability are safe and can participate equally.

Our staff This policy guides our staff on how to behave with children in our organisation. All of our staff must agree to abide by our code of conduct which specifies the standards of conduct required when working with children. All staff, as well as children and their families, are given the opportunity to contribute to the development of the code of conduct. Training and supervision Training and education is important to ensure that everyone in our organisation understands that child safety is everyone’s responsibility. Our organisational culture aims for all staff (in addition to parents/carers and children) to feel confident and comfortable in discussing any allegations of child abuse or child safety concerns. We train our staff to identify, assess, and minimise risks of child abuse and to detect potential signs of child abuse. We also support our staff through ongoing supervision to: develop their skills to protect children from abuse; and promote the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from linguistically and/or diverse backgrounds, and the safety of children with a disability. New employees will be supervised regularly to ensure they understand our organisation’s commitment to child safety and that everyone has a role to play in protecting children from abuse, as well as checking that their behaviour towards children is safe and appropriate (please refer to BIBA Academy’s code of conduct to understand appropriate behaviour further). Any inappropriate behaviour will be reported through appropriate channels, including the Department of Health and Human Services and Victoria Police, depending on the severity and urgency of the matter. Recruitment We take all reasonable steps to employ skilled people to work with children. We develop selection criteria and advertisements which clearly demonstrate our commitment to child safety and an awareness of our social and legislative responsibilities. Our organisation understands that when recruiting staff we have ethical as well as legislative obligations. We actively encourage applications from Aboriginal peoples, people from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with a disability. All people engaged in child-related work, are required to hold a Working with Children Check and to provide evidence of this Check. We carry out reference checks and police record checks to ensure that we are recruiting the right people. Police record checks are used only for the purposes of recruitment and are discarded after the recruitment process is complete. We do retain our own records (but not the actual criminal record) if an applicant’s criminal history affected our decision making process. If during the recruitment process a person’s records indicate a criminal history then the person will be given the opportunity to provide further information and context. Fair procedures for personnel

The safety and wellbeing of children is our primary concern. We are also fair and just to personnel. The decisions we make when recruiting, assessing incidents, and undertaking disciplinary action will always be thorough, transparent, and based on evidence. We record all allegations of abuse and safety concerns using our incident reporting form, including investigation updates. All records are securely stored. If an allegation of abuse or a safety concern is raised, we provide updates to children and families on progress and any actions we as an organisation take. Privacy All personal information considered or recorded will respect the privacy of the individuals involved, whether they be staff, clientelle, parents or children, unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. We have safeguards and practices in place to ensure any personal information is protected. Everyone is entitled to know how this information is recorded, what will be done with it, and who will have access to it. Legislative responsibilities Our organisation takes our legal responsibilities seriously, including: • Failure to disclose: Reporting child sexual abuse is a community-wide responsibility. All adults in Victoria who have a reasonable belief that an adult has committed a sexual offence against a child under 16 have an obligation to report that information to the police. • Failure to protect: People of authority in our organisation will commit an offence if they know of a substantial risk of child sexual abuse and have the power or responsibility to reduce or remove the risk, but negligently fail to do so. •

Any personnel who are mandatory reporters must comply with their duties.

Risk management In Victoria, organisations are required to protect children when a risk is identified (see information about failure to protect above). In addition to general occupational health and safety risks, we proactively manage risks of abuse to our children. We have risk management strategies in place to identify, assess, and take steps to minimise child abuse risks, which include risks posed by physical environments (for example, any doors that can lock), and online environments (for example, no staff is to have contact with a child in organisations on social media). Regular review This policy will be reviewed every two years and following significant incidents if they occur. We will ensure that families and children have the opportunity to contribute. Where possible we do our best to work with local Aboriginal communities, culturally and/or linguistically diverse communities and people with a disability. Allegations, concerns and complaints Our organisation takes all allegations seriously and has practices in place to investigate thoroughly and quickly. Our staff are trained to deal appropriately with allegations. We work to ensure all children, families, staff know what to do and who to tell if they observe abuse or are a victim, and if they notice inappropriate behaviour. We all have a responsibility to report an allegation of abuse if we have a reasonable belief that an incident took place (see information about failure to disclose above). If an adult has a reasonable belief that an incident has occurred then they must report the incident. Factors contributing to reasonable belief may be: BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

• A child states they or someone they know has been abused (noting that sometimes the child may in fact be referring to themselves) •

Behaviour consistent with that of an abuse victim is observed

Someone else has raised a suspicion of abuse but is unwilling to report it

observing suspicious behaviour.

BIBA ACADEMY PROCEDURE FOR CHILD SAFETY If an allegation of abuse or a safety concern is raised please report immediately to BIBA Academy management/report to Biba academies child safety officer (Alex Health) and complete an incident report. 

BIBA Academy has an incident report for child safety which is accessible to all staff and students from the Biba Academy office.

All reports of child abuse are taken very seriously and will be dealt with respectfully, discreetly and in accordance with the Victorian child safety standards.

The disclosure will be reported accurately to the police/child protection. And the record will be stored securely.

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is the acknowledgment of the full range of an individual’s skills and knowledge, irrespective of how it has been acquired. It includes competencies gained through formal study, work experience and other ‘life’ experience. BIBA Academy will  Aim to ensure that an individual’s prior learning is recognised, irrespective of where or how the learning has taken place.

CERTIFICATE II IN SALON ASSISTANT (SHB20216) CERTIFICATE III IN HAIRDRESSING (SHB30416) CERTIFICATE III IN BARBERING (SHB30516) CERTIFICATE IV IN HAIRDRESSING (SHB40216) BIBA Academy offers four nationally recognised qualifications to students. Features include:  Set group sizes (maximum 20 students per group)  One teacher per group  Nationally Recognised Training The standards, as per BIBA Academy, include;  Activity watching/talking and interacting  Taking direction from instructors and demonstrators  Observation of standard work procedure  Observing company work standards BIBA Academy’s training is competency based. It is vitally important that each area of the course be thoroughly understood and passed through practical demonstration and oral questioning. Delivery is through a variety of means, which will collectively suit and satisfy:  Oral demonstration/ lecturing techniques  Visual portrayal of techniques and concepts through video or live demonstration by guest artists and instructors  Hands on practice of techniques and concepts on model/mannequin.

Learning resources and facilities are available to you at all times. These include videos, books, magazines and instructors. BIBA Academy operates in a salon environment. We believe this emulates the work place and creates an open learning environment and forms strong work ethics. These ethics furthermore replace bad habits and relate theory classes to a real life situation. BIBA Academy understands the importance of treating you as an individual. By doing so, we can eradicate the pressure of learning through inferior methods and allow you to learn at your own pace. We also recognise that you may experience some personal difficulty on varying levels, which may include:  Learning/ Physical disability  Time management problems Every consideration is given to you if you are experiencing any difficulty. We address each problem individually and attempt to assist as best we can. BIBA Academy is completely non-discriminatory and will endeavour to cater to your specific needs. Assessment at the BIBA Academy is carried out by a variety of means.  Practically  Orally  Written form Before deciding how the assessment will be conducted BIBA Academy must first decide what level must be achieved by the assessment and how this will be achieved ie. by visually and/or orally demonstrating competency. Most Assessments are carried out in the Academy when you are using a model/mannequin. Other are in written oral format. Certificate II in Salon Assistant, Certificate III in Barbering, Certificate III & IV in Hairdressing will be conducted on location at BIBA Academy. After successful completion BIBA Academy will issue you the relevant Certificate within 2 weeks of completion.

ASSESSMENTS With all assessments conducted throughout your course of training, BIBA Academy will endeavour to make it as fair as possible. At any time if you feel that your assessment is not accurate for any reason please do not hesitate to bring this to our attention and we will re-evaluate the situation and decide the appropriate course of action. Please ensure you are aware of the BIBA Academy appeals process located in the BIBA Academy Welcome Folder. Assessments can take different forms:  Practical  Verbal  Written Assessment formats are detailed specifically in your Learning Guide.

Formative assessment Formative assessment produces evidence that is concerned with how and where improvements in learning and competency acquisition are required. It therefore contributes to the learning process. For example, feedback can be provided to learners about how they are progressing when they complete the formative assessment tasks (for example, quizzes, activities) and the trainer can use such information to identify appropriate learning intervention strategies. The candidate can also use the feedback to monitor their own learning. Summative assessment Summative assessment tends to occur at the end of a unit or module to determine whether the candidate has satisfied the requirements specified within the learning outcomes/units of competency. It is therefore used to certify or recognise candidate achievement against the unit(s) of competency.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

Please make sure you read your Student Assessment Guidelines and assessment sheet before commencing your assessment so that you are clear on what the instructor will be assessing you on. Elements, employability skills and critical aspects are all clearly detailed for your consideration. Assessments will be deemed COMP (competent) or NYC (not yet competent) You will not be penalised for not passing a summative assessment. If you are deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) the Assessor has an obligation to give written and verbal feedback to you detailing the reason why you did not meet the assessment criteria. This feedback must be detailed on the NYC assessment sheet and submitted to the office to be placed in your individual student file. You will be given an opportunity to practice the tasks and attempt the NYC assessment again. A new assessment sheet will need to be filled out for every subsequent attempt. You are permitted to attempt an assessment activity 3 times. If on the third attempt, you are still deemed NYC, you have 2 options: 1.

Re-enrol in the unit


Receive a Statement of Attainment at the conclusion of your training

Assessors have an obligation to conduct a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with all students, and provide appropriate feedback. You can ‘challenge’ assessments if you feel the assessment was not conducted in a fair and equitable manner. If you struggle to meet the assessment criteria after three attempts the Assessor must notify management. From here a meeting will be called with the Academy co-ordinator and Operations Manager to discuss and develop a plan of action. All courses of action will be documented in the Student Management System (Vettrak).


Provide shampoo and basin services Apply hygiene, health and work practices Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Maintain and organise tools, equipment and work areas Communicate as part of a salon team Identify and treat hair and scalp conditions Provide salon service to clients Conduct salon financial transactions Comply with org requirements within a personal services environment Develop and expand a client base Dry hair to shape Design haircut structures Create one length or solid haircut structures Create graduated haircut structures Create layered haircut structures Cut hair using over-comb techniques Create combined traditional and classic men’s haircut structures Cut hair using freehand clipper techniques Design and maintain beards and moustaches Shave heads and faces Provide men’s general grooming services


Research and use hairdressing industry information Recommend products and services Produce visual merchandise displays Plan hair services for special events Create combined haircut structures

The above electives have been chosen by BIBA Academy specifically as we feel they are skills which will be regularly applied in every salon situation and specifically in the BIBA Academy salon environment.


INTRODUCTION TO CERTIFICATE III IN BARBERING SHB30516 The Certificate III in Barbering involves 10 months study. This means attending BIBA Academy on a full-time basis (5 days per week. During this time you must demonstrate competency in all aspects of Barbering and complete all units of the course and complete minimum 840 contact hours. These include:  Professionalism  Client relation  Complying with organisational policies and procedures  Event planning  Cutting At BIBA Academy, you will first undergo orientation and an introduction to our policies and guidelines, facilities, formats and regulations. Following this, you will be taken through the course individually and the course structure will be directed by your individual ongoing performance. A Training Plan Outline will be established which will detail nominated completion dates for each study period and assist instructors in monitoring course progress. It is important to stress that you will complete the course with superior knowledge

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

and competency in the trade, however, is important to realise that each individual learns differently and therefore must be taught accordingly, to maintain confidence and performance levels. A Training Salon has been established within the Academy, inviting the public to be models for you. Here, you service the models as you would in a regular salon, providing cuts, colours and other hair services. This method of training makes up 80% of your learning process and provides invaluable hands-on experience. The remaining 20% of your training consists of theory/assignments and is taught via power point/DVD presentations, lectures and live demonstration eg. the science and chemistry of hair structure, scalp disorders, chemicals used and their application. You are required to take notes and/or complete head sheets, which on completion are delivered to the administrator for assessment and evaluation. While it is important to understand the theoretical technicalities of our craft, we believe that ‘by doing we are achieving’. At the beginning of the course, we encourage you to embark on practical work as quickly as possible. You begin on mannequin heads and then progress to live models once you are assessed as competent in the following areas:     

Attitude and professional approach Task completion within desired time Accuracy in application of technique Confidence in application Knowledge and understanding of why and how each technique is used.

You will begin your practical work with dress and styling hair which entails classic and creative hair ups and blow drying techniques. Here after the basic colour application, during which time you will be given basic colour theory and demonstrations. Following the colour component, BIBA Academy will introduce you to cutting and perming. These subjects are taught following the criteria similar to that of the colour subject. As you advance, the techniques intensify and therefore so do the calibre of the theory, demonstrations and standard required of you. Assessments are conducted nearing the end of each Barbering unit groups. You can also ask to be assessed at any time should you wish to be challenged. You will be and can be reassessed and tested throughout the term of your course to ensure your standard of work, confidence and readiness for the work force and the industry’s changing environment is maintained. We encourage you to be completely professional whilst in the training salon and expect no less from you. Encouragement and guidance is given each step of the way and maximum flexibility and care is demonstrated by the instructors. By doing so, we can ensure that you are given every opportunity to complete the course successfully. Our training plan and instruction is based on the individual being trained to their full potential and to our high expectations. Each area of the course is covered comprehensively so that we can fully prepare and accommodate you for the work force and your new career. Completion of the course within the 52 weeks duration will depend on your display of competency on an ongoing basis, After all, it is the student’s course and the course itself albeit with strict guidance and direction is after all, directed by the student. All training will commence at the Fitzroy BIBA Academy and training will cease at the Swanston Street BIBA Academy. The duration in each academy is determined upon your skill ability. Your instructor will determine when you are ready to be transferred to the Swanston Street campus. Staying in the Fitzroy academy is also an option upon request. AREAS OF BARBERING COVERED IN THE COURSE 1. RECEPTION:  Telephone and appointment taking and time allotment  Greetings and client communication and relation  Timekeeping and service of clients 2. BASIN SERVICES:  Wrapping up of clients and covering of clothing  Choice of shampoo and conditioner and correct product use  Hygiene and health practices 3. SALON DUTIES:  Care and service of clients  Serving beverages and refreshments

Cleaning and maintenance of salon, fittings and equipment

5. STYLING AND FINISHING:  Correct use of styling products and tools  Consultation  Applied drying and dressing of hair 6. CUT:  Correct use of cutting tools, equipment and application  Understanding bone structure cause and effect of shape  Consultation  Men’s basic and classic hair cutting  Men’s combined advanced hair cutting.

CAREER PATHWAYS After achieving SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering individuals may undertake:

SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing- This qualification reflects the role of hairdressers who use a range of well-developed sales, consultation and technical skills and knowledge to provide a broad range of hairdressing services to clients. They use discretion and judgement to provide client services and take responsibility for the outcomes of their own work. This qualification provides a pathway to work as a hairdresser in any industry environment, usually a salon.

SHB40216 Certificate IV in Hairdressing- This qualification reflects the role of skilled senior hairdressers who use a range of highly developed sales, consultation and technical skills and knowledge to provide a broad range of hairdressing services to clients. These senior hairdressers provide specialist services in one or more areas including haircutting, design, colouring and complex colour correction, trichology and chemical reformation. They work independently and many hairdressers at this level provide technical leadership, training and support to team members. This qualification provides a pathway to work as a senior hairdresser in a salon environment, a freelance session stylist or a technical advisor in product companies.

SHB50216 - Diploma of Salon Management Diploma of Salon Management – This qualification reflects the role of senior managers and small business owners of personal services businesses. They are responsible for coordinating the day-to-day operation of the business and for planning, monitoring and evaluating the work of the team. Salon managers also operate with significant autonomy to make strategic business management decisions. This qualification provides a pathway to work as a salon manager in any type of personal service business including hairdressing or beauty salons, barber shops and spas.

SHB80116 - Graduate Certificate in Hairdressing Creative Leadership-This qualification reflects the role of senior hairdressing industry professionals who have a role in initiating, planning, implementing and evaluating future hair design directions for the industry. They have highly developed specialised technical, creative, conceptual and leadership skills and knowledge. They work with significant autonomy, making high level independent judgements in specialist technical and management roles at a national or international level for larger hairdressing organisations and product companies or as freelance session stylists. Possible job titles include creative or artistic director and specialist session stylist.

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Version: January 2017

MONITORING COURSE PROGRESS You are monitored daily to ensure you keep up with the work load of each course. PROCEDURES FOR MONIROING COURSE PROGRESS  Instructors are required to check your Learning Guides at the beginning of each class and check your progress and to see what tasks you will be working on that day.  All completed tasks are to be recorded on the Daily Performance sheet at the end of each day and signed off by you. The Daily Performance records are entered into the student management system and monitored by administration. Original Daily Performance records are kept on the premises as evidence. Assessments are also recorded in these data sheets.  Each Learning Guide is also marked at the end of each day recording any completed tasks or assessments. All assessment sheets are handed to administration and recorded on the student management system and placed in your student file as evidence. Certificate III in Barbering monitoring guideline (10 months / 5 days a week attendance)  Foundations and Dress & Style Hair (GOU #1) approx. 10 weeks o By the end of this study period (10 weeks) students will be able demonstrate (in the BIBA Academy salon) skills in drying hair to shape using different brush types, create classic and creative styles on numerous types of hair. Students will have good product knowledge. Students will have a clear understanding on barbering organisational health and safety, how to communicate with clients, understand the importance of consultation, carry out basin work (shampoo and condition hair), and receive and direct clients, recommend products/services, conduct reception duties, doing research into the industry, planning hair for special events and be able to work as a team. 

Cutting theory, mannequin and client assessments (GOU #2) approx. 30 weeks o By the end of this study period (30 weeks) students (in the BIBA Academy barbershop) will be able to conduct clear consultation with clients and identify what haircut they would like. Students will be able to design haircut structures and demonstrate skills in basic classic cutting styles on BIBA Academy clients all within the barbering/hairdressing health and safety guidelines.

Develop and expand client base unit should take approx. 4 weeks o By the end of this study period (4 weeks) students will be able demonstrate skills in how to manage their time efficiently in the barbershop salon performing back to back clients in all areas i.e. cutting, styling, dry hair to shape etc.

STUDENT COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The following framework has been prepared as a means to have problems experienced students addressed immediately, effectively, professionally and confidentially. The policy provides an avenue for most complaints to be addressed. However, in some cases, alternative measures need to be explored because of individuals and merits of each case. ‘Complaint’ means any act or omission that a customer or potential customer of BIBNA Academy believes to be unfair or discriminatory and relates to any BIBA Academy activity. It can include complaints related to academic and non-academic matters such as: 

Content or structure of training programs

Nature of training and assessment

Assessment and assessment decisions

Selection or admission decisions

Alleged action by a staff member or another student that, in the aggrieve student’s opinion, is prejudicial to his/her welfare as a student

Administrative action or inaction, policy, procedure or decision

Access to facilities or resources

Allegations of harassment, bullying, discrimination or breach of BIBA Academy rules, unethical practices or criminal behaviour.

‘Appeal’ means the action taken by a student when they are dissatisfied with the outcome of an assessment decision ‘Informal’ complaint means a minor concern that could be effectively resolved without the need to make the matter a formal complaint. For example, alleged misinterpretation of policy by staff member, inappropriate penalty for late submission of assignment, dissatisfaction with training venue, or similar. ‘Formal’ complaint means a complaint that cannot be resolved informally or is considered serious and therefore needs to be addressed formally. For example, misconduct by a staff member, possible crime or regulatory offence, discriminatory behaviour (staff or student), or similar. ‘Support person’ means person who accompanies and assists a student at any relevant meetings. The support person may be a friend, family member, student representative. Staff, whether academic or administrative will not act as a support person. ‘Independent’ staff is a member of staff not involved with the compliant or complainant and is delegated by the Operation Manager to investigate a complaint (if required). ‘Investigation’ means an inquiry into a complaint by an independent staff member who will:5 

Commence a file and document all actions relating to the matter

Consider all material relating to the complaint

Act fairly and impartially taking into account rules of natural justice and equity principles

Interview such parties as are relevant to the complaint

Inform him or herself as to any material facts by reference to authorities such as precedents; and

Determine a resolution to the complaint by making recommendations including any remedies to be applied.

Each complainant or appellant has an opportunity to formally present his/her case at no cost to him/herself.


BIBA Academy will attempt to resolve all verbal and/or written client complaints initially through discussion and conciliation in the manner as follows:

Stage 1 – Informal complaints process 1.

Complaint is made to a BIBA Academy staff member


An administration BIBA Academy complaint


If the matter is resolved written acknowledgement is sought from all parties


If the matter is unresolved an internal investigation of complaint will be initiated by an administration BIBA Academy staff member


The outcome of the investigation will either be a resolution of the complaint or initiation of formal complaint process


The complainant and staff member are provided with a written statement of outcome which outlines the details of the decision. The written statement will be provided within 10 working days


The complainant can initiate the formal complaint process independent of this investigation.

staff member contacts complainant within 5 working days of receiving

Stage 2 - Formal complaints process 1.

Written complaint is submitted to an administration BIBA Academy staff member


Written acknowledgement is sent to complainant within 5 working days of receiving complaint

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017


An independent member of staff investigates the complaint and liaises with all parties involved. The complainant may have a support person present at all times during the process.


The complainant and staff member are provided with a written statement of outcome which outlines the details of the decision. The written statement will be provided within 10 working days


If the matter is resolved written acknowledgement is sought from both parties


If the matter is unresolved it will be referred to the Management Committee, comprising of 2 Company Directors and a nominated client representative for review


The complainant is provided with a written statement of outcome which outlines the details of the decision. The written statement will be provided within 15 working days

If the student is not satisfied with the result or conduct of the internal complaint handling and appeals process, BIBA Academy will give the right to access the external complaints and appeals process at minimum or no cost to the student. If the student chooses to access the complaints and appeals process BIBA Academy will maintain the student enrolment while the complaints and appeals process is ongoing. If the internal or any external complaint handling or appeal process results in a decision that supports the student, BIBA Academy will immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative action required and will advise the student of the outcome. Assessment appeals process 1.

If the appeal is in respect to an assessment, the administrator arranges for a reassessment to occur within a reasonable timeframe by an independent third party assessor and to enable the appellant to formally present his/her case. This is designed to ensure fairness and consistency and underpins the continuous improvement process.


If resolved, student provided with written outcome of appeal and reason for decision within 5 working days


If the matter is not resolved the student is to complete and lodge a Complaint and Appeals Form with the Operations Manager


The Operations Manager (or their delegate) will review the original assessment decision and subsequent decisions and the grounds for the appeal. They will consult as necessary to investigate the appeal.


The Operations Manager (or their delegate) will provide the student with a written outcome of the appeal and if necessary arrange for assessment records to be amended to reflect the outcome, within 10 working days of the lodgment of the appeal.


If the student is still dissatisfied with the decision then they can lodge an official complaint with regard to the process or outcome. Refer to formal complaint procedure.


The administrator documents appeal details in the BIBA Appeals Register (Google Doc’s). All decisions are documented by the administrator in the Appeals Register and filed in the students’ personnel file.

EXTERNAL PROCEDURE Where a complaint cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation BIBA Academy acknowledge the need for an appropriate, external and independent agent to meditate between the parties. The Independent agent is the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET). Contact details:

Suit 101 / Level 1 126 Wellington Parade EAST MELBOURNE Phone: (03) 9412 5900

The student will be advised by the Administrator that they must contact ACPET within 5 working days of the date of written statement of the outcome of the Internal Complaints and Appeals process. The student will also be advised that there will be minimal or no cost to themselves. BIBA Academy will also advise the student that ACPET “will only consider additional compassionate or compelling grounds” relating to their case. Where the student elects to access the External complaints and

appeals process then Administration forwards the documentation from the Internal Complaints and Appeals committee to ACPET.

WORKPLACE BULLYING POLICY & PROCEDURE BIBA Academy is committed to ensuring that all employees/students work and train in an environment where people are treated with mutual respect. It is important for a productive and harmonious workplace and training environment that employees/ students are aware of the impact of their behaviours on others. Bullying in the workplace and training environment is inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. Employees /students found to have committed or condoned such behaviour in the training workplace will be subject to disciplinary action which may include the termination their enrolment. POLICY BIBA Academy will not tolerate bullying under any circumstances and will:  Promote appropriate standards of behaviour at all times.  Treat complaints for bullying in a sensitive, fair, timely and confidential manner.  Implement training and awareness-raising strategies to ensure all students know their rights and responsibilities.  Provide an effective procedure for complaints of bullying to be addressed.  Encourage the reporting of behaviour which breaches the bullying policy.  Ensure protection from victimisation or reprisals for persons reporting bullying. What is Bullying? Workplace bullying is characterised by persistent and repeated negative behaviour directed at an employee/student that creates a risk to health and safety. OHS law places duties on management to eliminate, so far as is reasonably practicable, risks to the health and safety of their employees and students. If it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety, then management must reduce those risks so far as is reasonably practicable. OHS laws places duties on students, employees and managers to take care for the health and safety of persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at a workplace and to cooperate with their instructors actions taken to comply with the OHS Act 2004. What are examples of bullying? The following types of behaviour where directed towards an individual and repeated, or occurring as part of a pattern of behaviour, could be considered to be bullying:  Demeaning language or verbal abuse.  Threats, physical or verbal intimidation.  Outbursts of anger or aggression.  Excluding or isolating employees/students  “Ganging up” on an employee/student.  Psychological harassment or intimidation.  Giving employees/students impossible assignments.  Deliberately withholding information that is vital for effective work performance. All of the above is not exhaustive. Other types of behaviour may also constitute bullying. What isn’t bullying? Reasonable management actions carried out in a fair and reasonable manner are not bullying. For example, actions could include:  Setting performance goals, standards and deadlines.  Allocating work to an employee/student.  Deciding not to select an employee/student for promotion.  Informing an employee/student about unsatisfactory work performance.  Informing an employee/student about inappropriate behaviour.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

Constructive feedback.

Responsibilities All employees/students have a legal responsibility to care for their own health and safety and that of co-workers or other students, and therefore must no engage in acts which constitute bullying behaviour. In addition, employees/students are required to follow instructions given by their instructor/manager relating to the prevention of workplace injuries and illnesses. This applies to measures to prevent bullying which included monitoring the work environment to ensure acceptable standards of conduct are observed at all times. Therefore, all staff/students are responsible for promoting this policy by ensuring:  You treat other staff/students with respect and courtesy.  Comply with the Workplace Bullying Policy & Procedure.  Incidences of bullying are reported to the appropriate manager or instructor.  You fully participate in any investigation into an incident of bullying, and maintain confidentiality. PROCEDURE What can I do if I believe I am being bullied? Employees/students may deal with bullying either by resolving the issues themselves by discussing the problem with the person involved, or by seeking assistance from management. It is important that you do not ignore where you feel you are being bullied, thinking it will go away. Ignoring the behaviour could be wrongly interpreted as approval by the person causing the bullying. Below is a summary of the steps that can be taken to address individual concerns and who to contact:  If you can, try and resolve the problem yourself with the person(s) involved as soon as possible. You may find that they didn’t mean to do what they did.  If you are unsure of how to handle the problem yourself, or you just want to talk about the problem with someone and get more information about what you can do, talk to the Operations Manager.  The Director will be advised of the bullying complaint by the Operations Manager. The Director may seek external advice and assistance from persons such as independent mediators or investigators. If you do make a complaint about bullying, you are responsible for ensuring that you:  Make the complaint honestly and in good faith.  Provide all the facts relevant to the complaint.  Co-operate with the investigation and resolution processes. BIBA Academy may not assist you to deal with a complaint of bullying where:  The complaint has been satisfactorily dealt with or resolved previously (unless another bullying incident has occurred since).  The complaint is made anonymously without sufficient detail being provided so as to allow investigation or resolution of the matter.  The complaint is frivolous, vexatious or malicious, for example where false or misleading information is provided, relevant information is withheld, facts and distorted or there is no demonstrated commitment to resolution. (Note: Depending on the circumstances, these types of complaints could lead to disciplinary action including dismissal action being taken against the person making the complaint).  The complaint does not constitute bullying as defined by the policy. If you have observed an incident in which another employee/student is being bullied, bring it to the attention of your manager/instructor. If a complaint of bullying has been made about you, you are responsible for ensuring that you:  Cooperate with the investigation and resolution processes.  Provide a written or verbal response to the complaint which has been made.  Provide all relevant facts to the person conducting the investigation. Confidentiality Anyone involved in a complaint of bullying, or its investigation, must ensure that the circumstances and facts of the complaint are disclosed only to those people who are directly involved in progressing its investigation and resolution, or have a ‘need to

know’. In particular, it is important that staff/students who either make a complaint, or may be witnesses to the circumstances giving rise to the complaint, do not discuss the matter outside the investigation and resolution process. Management responsibility If an employee/student brings an allegation of bullying to your attention: DO NOT  Ignore the complaint.  Tell the employee/student making the complaint to wort it out themselves.  Make a judgement about whether the complaint is true or not.  Say that the employee should put up with the bullying.  Talk to anyone about the issue except those involved in the investigation and resolution of the complaint.  Prejudge the merits of the complaint. DO     

Behave consistently with the Workplace Bullying Policy. Resolve the complaint as quickly as possible. Be sympathetic, sensitive and serious; the complaint is obviously serious to the person making it. Enquire into the matter within 3 working days, and attempt to resolve it as soon as possible. Take preventative measures in the workplace.

Managers action steps 1. Notify the Director immediately. 2. Document the complaint using BIBA Academy Complaints Form. 3. Follow the steps of the BIBA Academy Student Complaint/Appeals handling Policies and Procedures. 4. In discussion with the Director, determine who should investigate, and if possible, mediate the complaint. Investigation and mediation  Investigation of the complaint of bullying must commence within 3 working days of the receipt of the complaint.  With the Director or the designate, determine who is the appropriate person to investigate the complaint.  The investigator must be someone who is impartial, suitably qualified and is competent to conduct investigations. This person may need to be sourced from outside the organisation.  The investigator must speak to the parties involved, and all witnesses if any. The investigator must report on whether or not the complaint has been substantiated, and the proposed action to be taken in response.  The investigator must document all the findings and outcomes in the online bullying register, and keep detailed notes of conversations including messages left.  Keep the complainant, and the person against whom allegations were made, informed of progress. This should be done in the form of written memos.  Mediation should be the first consideration in resolving a bullying complaint. This form of dispute resolution is appropriate only if the person making the complaint agrees.  The appropriate action, based on the findings of the investigation, must be undertaken promptly. Such action may include: o An apology. o Changes to work practices. o Disciplinary action (which may include termination of employment/training contract). o Training o Notes placed in personal employee/student file etc. Investigator’s discussion with the complainant 1. Determine whether an interpreter is required. 2. The complainant may bring a support person with them (eg. Chaplin, family member, friend). 3. Arrange an appropriate venue to meet with the complainant. The venue should be private and free of interruptions, and wherever possible put the complainant at ease. The venue must be conducive to maintaining confidentiality. 4. Allocate enough time to discuss the complaint in full. 5. Explain how the investigation process is conducted, and the possible outcomes. 6. Advise the complainant that the matters discussed are confidential, and that the complainant must only discuss the issue with those persons investigating the complaint, or who are formally supporting them through the process.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017


Referring to the register, obtain a broad outline of the complaint, followed by a detailed description of what is alleged to have happened, when it is alleged to have happened (including dates and times), where it is alleged to have happened and by whom. Obtain and record all relevant facts. 8. Ask the complainant whether there are any witnesses, or other evidence that supports their version of events. Record the names of any witnesses to the alleged bullying, and obtain copies of any documentation provided to support the allegations. Advise the complainant that witnesses will be interviewed, and that the complainant should not speak to the witnesses about the issues. 9. Explain any other action that will be taken, eg. speaking to the alleged bully. 10. Ask the complainant what they want done in regard to the alleged bullying. It is at this point that mediation should be offered as a means of resolving the complaint. If mediation is accepted, the mediation should be arranged to occur as soon as possible. 11. Counselling should be offered to the complainant. 12. Advise the complainant when they can expect to be advised of an outcome to their complaint. Investigator’s discussion with the person about whom the complaint is made 1. Determine whether an interpreter is required. 2. The respondent may bring a support person with them (eg. Chaplin, family member, friend). 3. Arrange an appropriate venue to meet with the respondent. The venue should be private and free of interruptions, and wherever possible put the respondent at ease. The venue must be conducive to maintaining confidentiality. 4. Allocate enough time to discuss the allegation(s) in full. 5. Explain to the respondent your role in the investigation of the complaint against them, and that it is important that their version of events is obtained. 6. Advise the respondent that the matters discussed are confidential, and that the respondent must only discuss the issue with those persons investigating the complaint, or who are formally supporting them through the process. 7. Explain to the respondent exactly what it is that they have been accused of saying or doing, including names, dates, times and locations. 8. Provide the respondent with a written memo stating the allegations. 9. Ask the person to respond, either verbally or in writing, to the allegations. 10. Referring to the Bullying Register, take notes of the respondent’s version of events. Obtain and record all relevant facts. 11. Ask the respondent whether there are any witnesses, or other evidence that supports their version of events. Record the names of any witnesses, and obtain copies of any documentation. Advise the respondent that witnesses will be interviewed, and that the respondent should not speak to the witnesses about the issues. 12. If the allegations are denied, ask the respondent if they can think of a reason why these allegations have been made. 13. Ask the respondent what they believe may resolve the matter. 14. Inform the respondent that they must not victimise or bother the complainant in any way. Doing so will result in immediate action against them, eg. being stood down pending the outcome of the investigation. 15. Counselling should be offered to the respondent 16. Advise the respondent when they can expect to be advised of an outcome of the investigation. The outcome  Determine whether or not the allegations are substantiated, or whether there is insufficient evidence or information to make a conclusion. Record in writing your conclusions, and the reason for them.  If the alleged bullying is substantiated, there may be a basis for disciplinary action against the person responsible. If termination of employment is appropriate, this must comply with unfair dismissal laws.  If the allegations of bullying are unsubstantiated, ensure that there is no action taken against the person whom the complaint was made, and that no notes about the complaint are retained in their personnel file.  If there is insufficient information to make a determination in regard to an allegation of bullying, the report notes should be kept in the Bullying Complaints file, and no action is to be taken against either party.  Advise the complainant and the person about whom the complaint was made of the investigation findings and actions. If the allegation is substantiated, action will include a written record of the investigation being placed in the perpetrators personnel file.  Provide a written summary to the Director.  The WHS Manager will store all bullying complaints files securely and confidentially.

CHILD SAFETY BIBA ACADEMY CHILD SAFE POLICY AND STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT Our organisation is committed to child safety. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff. We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children. We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously. Our organisation is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks. Our organisation has robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff. Our organisation is committed to regularly training and educating our staff on child abuse risks. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff. We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability. We have specific policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff to achieve these commitments. If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000. Our children This policy is intended to empower children who are vital and active participants in our organisation. We involve them when making decisions, especially about matters that directly affect them. We listen to their views and respect what they have to say. We promote diversity and tolerance in our organisation, and people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds are welcome. In particular we: •

promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children

• promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds •

ensure that children with a disability are safe and can participate equally.

Our staff This policy guides our staff on how to behave with children in our organisation. All of our staff must agree to abide by our code of conduct which specifies the standards of conduct required when working with children. All staff, as well as children and their families, are given the opportunity to contribute to the development of the code of conduct. Training and supervision Training and education is important to ensure that everyone in our organisation understands that child safety is everyone’s responsibility.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

Our organisational culture aims for all staff (in addition to parents/carers and children) to feel confident and comfortable in discussing any allegations of child abuse or child safety concerns. We train our staff to identify, assess, and minimise risks of child abuse and to detect potential signs of child abuse. We also support our staff through ongoing supervision to: develop their skills to protect children from abuse; and promote the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from linguistically and/or diverse backgrounds, and the safety of children with a disability. New employees will be supervised regularly to ensure they understand our organisation’s commitment to child safety and that everyone has a role to play in protecting children from abuse, as well as checking that their behaviour towards children is safe and appropriate (please refer to BIBA Academy’s code of conduct to understand appropriate behaviour further). Any inappropriate behaviour will be reported through appropriate channels, including the Department of Health and Human Services and Victoria Police, depending on the severity and urgency of the matter. Recruitment We take all reasonable steps to employ skilled people to work with children. We develop selection criteria and advertisements which clearly demonstrate our commitment to child safety and an awareness of our social and legislative responsibilities. Our organisation understands that when recruiting staff we have ethical as well as legislative obligations. We actively encourage applications from Aboriginal peoples, people from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with a disability. All people engaged in child-related work, are required to hold a Working with Children Check and to provide evidence of this Check. Please see the Working with Children Check website <> for further information We carry out reference checks and police record checks to ensure that we are recruiting the right people. Police record checks are used only for the purposes of recruitment and are discarded after the recruitment process is complete. We do retain our own records (but not the actual criminal record) if an applicant’s criminal history affected our decision making process. If during the recruitment process a person’s records indicate a criminal history then the person will be given the opportunity to provide further information and context. Fair procedures for personnel The safety and wellbeing of children is our primary concern. We are also fair and just to personnel. The decisions we make when recruiting, assessing incidents, and undertaking disciplinary action will always be thorough, transparent, and based on evidence. We record all allegations of abuse and safety concerns using our incident reporting form, including investigation updates. All records are securely stored. If an allegation of abuse or a safety concern is raised, we provide updates to children and families on progress and any actions we as an organisation take. Privacy All personal information considered or recorded will respect the privacy of the individuals involved, whether they be staff, clientelle, parents or children, unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. We have safeguards and practices in place to ensure any personal information is protected. Everyone is entitled to know how this information is recorded, what will be done with it, and who will have access to it. Legislative responsibilities Our organisation takes our legal responsibilities seriously, including:

• Failure to disclose: Reporting child sexual abuse is a community-wide responsibility. All adults in Victoria who have a reasonable belief that an adult has committed a sexual offence against a child under 16 have an obligation to report that information to the police. • Failure to protect: People of authority in our organisation will commit an offence if they know of a substantial risk of child sexual abuse and have the power or responsibility to reduce or remove the risk, but negligently fail to do so. •

Any personnel who are mandatory reporters must comply with their duties.

Risk management In Victoria, organisations are required to protect children when a risk is identified (see information about failure to protect above). In addition to general occupational health and safety risks, we proactively manage risks of abuse to our children. We have risk management strategies in place to identify, assess, and take steps to minimise child abuse risks, which include risks posed by physical environments (for example, any doors that can lock), and online environments (for example, no staff is to have contact with a child in organisations on social media). Regular review This policy will be reviewed every two years and following significant incidents if they occur. We will ensure that families and children have the opportunity to contribute. Where possible we do our best to work with local Aboriginal communities, culturally and/or linguistically diverse communities and people with a disability. Allegations, concerns and complaints Our organisation takes all allegations seriously and has practices in place to investigate thoroughly and quickly. Our staff are trained to deal appropriately with allegations. We work to ensure all children, families, staff know what to do and who to tell if they observe abuse or are a victim, and if they notice inappropriate behaviour. We all have a responsibility to report an allegation of abuse if we have a reasonable belief that an incident took place (see information about failure to disclose above). If an adult has a reasonable belief that an incident has occurred then they must report the incident. Factors contributing to reasonable belief may be: • A child states they or someone they know has been abused (noting that sometimes the child may in fact be referring to themselves) •

Behaviour consistent with that of an abuse victim is observed

Someone else has raised a suspicion of abuse but is unwilling to report it

observing suspicious behaviour.

BIBA ACADEMY PROCEDURE FOR CHILD SAFETY If an allegation of abuse or a safety concern is raised please report immediately to BIBA Academy management/report to Biba academies child safety officer (Alex Health) and complete an incident report. 

BIBA Academy has an incident report for child safety which is accessible to all staff and students from the Biba Academy office.

All reports of child abuse are taken very seriously and will be dealt with respectfully, discreetly and in accordance with the Victorian child safety standards.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

The disclosure will be reported accurately to the police/child protection. And the record will be stored securely.

CHILD SAFETY CODE OF CONDUCT All personnel of BIBA Academy of hair & beauty are responsible for supporting the safety, participation, wellbeing and empowerment of children by: • adhering to BIBA Academies child safe policy at all times / upholding BIBA Academies statement of commitment to child safety at all time • taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse • treating everyone with respect • listening and responding to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child has been abused and/or are worried about their safety or the safety of another • promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children (for example, by never questioning an Aboriginal child’s self-identification) • promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children with culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (for example, by having a zero tolerance of discrimination) • promoting the safety, participation and empowerment of children with a disability (for example, during personal care activities) • ensuring as far as practicable that adults are not left alone with a child • reporting any allegations of child abuse to BIBA Academies Child Safety Officer Alex Heath / leadership, and ensure any allegation to reported to the police or child protection • reporting any child safety concerns to BIBA Academies Child Safety Officer Alex Heath] / leadership • if an allegation of child abuse is made, ensure as quickly as possible that the child(ren) are safe • Encouraging children to ‘have a say’ and participate in all relevant organisational activities where possible, especially on issues that are important to them.

PROCEDURE FOR RECOGNITION OR PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) and CREDIT TRANSFER (CT) APPLICATION  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) An assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.  Credit Transfer (CT) A process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes based on equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched unit/s of competency. You are given the opportunity to apply for RPL for industry skills or life skills, or where CT may apply. RPL PROCEDURE If you wish to apply for RPL, you should speak with BIBA Academy administration at the time of enrolment. If you wish to apply for RPL of either of your past qualifications or experience you will need to do so at least two weeks prior to course commencement. RPL is assessed against units of competency in a program based on completion of one or a combination of the following:  Review of evidence including relevant formal qualifications  Interviews  Confirmation of testimonials  Validated workplace logbooks  Skills testing  Written/Oral tests The steps to apply for RPL

The fee to assess you for RPL is $50 for initial RPL application and $250 per unit of competency, which must be provided with the completed application form and evidence. There is no refund for the RPL fee should you be deemed as unsuccessful in RPL. 1. 2.

Collect evidence to support your claim for RPL; Once evidence has been collected, the Operations Manager will schedule a meeting with you. At this meeting you will submit the application form and evidence with the fee for RPL assessment. This process must be completed within two week prior to course commencement; 3. The RPL assessor will then analyse applicants individual experience and qualifications against appropriate learning outcomes/competency statement; 4. If claim matches learning outcomes/competencies then full recognition is granted; 5. If claim does not match learning outcomes/competencies then further evidence will be requested, this may also involve an interview where you will support your case or where you are given the opportunity to present your skills i.e. live model. Further evidence must be supplied within two weeks from the application date; 6. If further evidence is not recognised or received within the additional two weeks then the claim will be rejected, a letter of advice will be forwarded to you advising of the decision wither way; 7. If you wish to appeal decision, you must inform BIBA Academy in writing within one week of rejection letter; 8. You may appeal the decision following the complaints and appeals process, the cost will be little or no cost; 9. Letter of advice will be forwarded to you outlining the costs (if any) of appeal process. Once you have paid your share of cost for further process (must be received within one week of request for payment). The appeal will progress forward; 10. Letter of advice of outcome will be forwarded to you within two weeks of final decision; 11. Completed RPL Application Form with attachments will be kept in the your student file, including results of application; 12. Details of the application and outcomes will be recorded in the RPL Assessment Register in BIBA Academy Google Docs. CREDIT TRANSFER PRCEDURE BIBA Academy will also recognize AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainments awarded by other Registered Training Organisations which will result in “Credit Transfer” (CT). Credit will be awarded to matched qualifications, units or modules. The steps to apply for CT 1. When handing in course Enrolment Forms you must attach a certified copy of your Statement of Attainment. 2. Your application will be assessed within 5 working days. 3. All credited modules/units will be marked in your learning guide upon commencement by administration. 4. All credit modules/units will be recorded on the students training plan outline.

MUTUAL RECOGNITION BIBA Academy recognises any qualifications or Statements of Attainment from any RTO.

UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTIFIER (USI) From January 2015 if you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI gives you access to your online USI account which is made up of ten numbers and letters. It will look something like this: 3AW88YH9U5. How to get a USI It is free and easy for you to create your own USI online. While you may create your own USI, training organisations are also able to create a USI for you. Training organisations should do this as part of the enrolment process when you begin studying. Where this service is provided, training organisations will let you know. Steps to create your USI The following steps show how you can create a USI: Step 1     

Have at least one and preferably two forms of ID ready from the list below: Driver’s Licence Medicare Card Australian Passport Visa (with Non-Australian Passport) for international students Birth Certificate (Australian)

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

  

Certificate Of Registration By Descent Citizenship Certificate Immi Card

IMPORTANT: To make sure we keep all of your training records together, the USI will be linked to your name as it appears on the form of ID you used to create the USI. The personal details entered when you create a USI must match exactly with those on your form of ID. If you do not have proof of ID from the list above, you can contact BIBA Academy administration about the other forms of ID they can accept to help you get a USI. Step 2 Have your personal contact details ready (e.g. email address, or mobile number, or address). Step 3 Visit the USI website at: Step 4 Select the ‘Create a USI’ link and follow the steps. Step 5 Agree to the Terms and Conditions. Step 6 Follow the instructions to create a USI – it should only take a few minutes. Upon completion, the USI will be displayed on the screen. It will also be sent to your preferred method of contact. Step 7 You should then write down the USI on the enrolment form and keep it somewhere handy and safe.

STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES BIBA Academy will be sensitive to all cross-cultural issues and meet the special needs of students (especially those under the age of 18 years). Students at the Academy will receive adequate orientation and access to information regarding:  Accommodation  Counselling  Concurrent assistance  Welfare facilities  Literacy and numeracy assistance. Should a student require advice on any of the above-mentioned services, they are requested to see Mirella Heuperman at the BIBA Academy office. BIBA Academy will also ensure that students have access to fair and equitable processes for dealing with complaints. (See Complaints Policy). Queries regarding course, progress or difficulties, please contact the office, as there are many means of assistance available to students.

LEGISLATION A range of legislation is also applicable to all students. Information on relevant legislation can be found at the following websites: EO VET WorkCover / WH&S Privacy It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure the requirements of relevant legislation are met at all times. Use the websites indicated, or contact us in the office if you require further information. GUIDE TO SERVICES Care Ring, Your crisis Line Telephone: 136 169 Provides compassionate and responsive telephone counselling to all Victorians In personal crisis, with timely information and facilitated referral to relevant services.

Grief Line C/- Bethlehem Hospital Inc 476 Kooyong Road Caulfield South 3162 Telephone: (03) 9596 7799 Services are offered noon and midnight, seven days a week. Offers support to all those who have experienced loss such as death, relationships, violence, depression and ageing, health concerns, unemployment and family and community issues.

Men’s Line Australia PO Box 33, North Melbourne 3051 Telephone: (03) 9326 8522; Fax: (03) 9329 8826 Email:, Web site: Available 24 hours a day. National telephone counselling line for men who want to talk about their family and relationship concerns. Provides information, support and referral.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Women’s Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE) 1st Floor, Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: 1300 136 570 Toll free or (03) 9654 6844 TTY Fax: (03) 9654 5124 Email:, Web site: Free, confidential information, support, counselling and referral services for women.

Version: January 2017



BIBA Academy 236 Johnston Street FITZROY BIBA Academy is conveniently located with easy access to public transport and free parking. All day parking is available in Gore St. BIBA Academy is also a short ride on public transport from the city or suburbs. The number 112 tram travels up Collins St in the city. The tram turns into Brunswick St from Victoria Parade, Get off at Johnston St and walk right. BIBA Academy is only a 5 minute walk from Brunswick St. From Parliament Station in the city catch the 86 tram. The tram turns into Smith St from Gertrude St. Get off at Johnston St. BIBA Academy is only a 1 minute walk from this stop. The 200 bus provides access to all students from the Eastern suburbs and city. The bus travels up Johnston from Hoddle St. Get off at Smith St. BIBA Academy is only a 1 minute walk. If you have any troubles locating us please do not hesitate to call the academy for directions on 9415 8488. Please note that on street parking in the Fitzroy area is extremely limited. We would suggest parking at the Coles Supermarket on near the corner of Fitzroy ST and Johnston Street Fitzroy. Parking is available on the rooftop all day for a fee of approx. $8.



BIBA Academy 401 Swanston Street MELBOURNE BIBA Academy is conveniently located with easy access to public transport and all day parking if required. Please note that parking is limited in the city. BIBA Academy is conveniently located just minutes from Melbourne Central Station for train connections and all trams that travel along Swanston Street. If you have any troubles locating us please do not hesitate to call the academy for directions on 9663 3327.

BIBA Academy of Hair & Beauty Pty Ltd - 236 Johnston St - FITZROY - 3065 P (03) 9415 8488 F (03) 9419 4223 E TOID 6035

Version: January 2017

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