CX 2025 Programme Highlights

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• Inaugural Roger M Greenhalgh Memorial lecture: Delivered by Gustavo Oderich entitled “Meeting the 21st century challenges in aortic education, innovation and evidence”

• Podium first: Recognising and treating abdominal compartment syndrome is more important than ever in the era of EVAR for rAAA

• Podium first: The impact of blood pressure on AAA growth rates: A prospective longitudinal cohort study

• Podium first: Risk stratification and treatment selection in patients with asymptomatic AAAs

• Hot topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the aorta in the CX Innovation Showcase

• Key evidence: The SUNDAY trial on uncomplicated type B dissection therapy

• Debate: Endobentall will become standard repair technique for type A aortic dissection


• Podium first: New data from BASIL-2, BASIL-3, BEST-CLI, and SPINACH trials: Redefining benefits of surgical bypass vs. endovascular first approaches, costeffectiveness and health economic analysis

• Podium first: Breakthroughs from five trials on drug-elution in lower limb interventions

• Deep dive: Drug resorbable scaffolds (DRS) - the next revolution in lower limb treatment



• Deep dive: Impact of vessel preparation techniques in shaping outcomes

• Launch of the CX Hurting Leg campaign to save legs: Reducing amputations with awareness campaigns in deprived communities and promoting systemic healthcare reform


• Podium first: Interim analysis of the STRIKE-PE trial on catheter-directed thrombolysis (CAVT) for acute pulmonary embolism

• Podium first: Prospective clinical trial evaluating cyanoacrylate closure in patients with C6 disease

• Latest innovations: Insights into new technologies, including the latest venous valve, adjunctive therapies and strategies for stent maintenance

• Deep dive: In-depth discussions on care pathway challenges and optimising treatment outcomes


• Podium first: PERFORMANCE II: First European presentation of the two-year outcomes

• Deep dive: ESVS and SVS carotid guidelines: Clinical applications, common ground and contrasting views

• Great Debate: The gold standard for carotid revascularisation is CEA, TCAR, or CAS

• Edited case: Off-the-shelf 4 inner branch stent graft for thoracoabdominal and juxtarenal aortic pathologies AORTIC CX VASCULAR ACCESS & RENAL INTERVENTIONS

• Debate: Best medical therapy is equivalent to revascularisation in asymptomatic patients

• Debate: Severely calcified ICA lesions are at higher risk and are best treated by CEA


• Podium first: ACCESS 2: A randomised controlled multinational arteriovenous fistula trial evaluating outcomes following intra-operative periadventitial delivery of sirolimus

• Great debate: Drug coated balloons should not be the standard of care for vascular access stenosis VASCULAR ACCESS

• Podium first: 12-month outcomes from the WAVE study

• Podium first: The FLEX FIRST AV registry

• Podium first: Six years in: The EndoAVF learning curve

• Deep dive: Infected access – challenges in diagnosis and treatment


• Debate: TEVAR debate: Early vs. delayed intervention for trauma

• Deep dive: In depth review of the latest ESVS vascular trauma guidelines and clinical applications VASCULAR TRAUMA

CX 2025 Programme highlights

Honouring the founding fathers of EVAR

With distinguished panel members

Juan Parodi, Michael Dake, Frank Veith, Krassi Ivancev, Rodney White and Christopher Zarins

Wednesday 23 April 2025 09:40-10:10

Auditorium 2

Chairman: Stephen Greenhalgh, London, United Kingdom

Moderators: Tilo Kölbel, Hamburg, Germany and Dittmar Böckler, Heidelberg, Germany

09:40-09:43 Introduction

Stephen Greenhalgh, London, United Kingdom

09:43-09:48 The origins of 40 years of stent grafting Krassi Ivancev, Lund, Sweden

09:48-10:00 Panel discussion: Reflections and Future insights Themes for discussion:

• Early challenges: initial hurdles in developing stent grafting

• Game-changing moments and key contributions

• Future direction of the field Juan Carlos Parodi, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Michael Dake, Tucson, United States

Krassi Ivancev, Lund, Sweden

Frank Veith, New York, United States

Rodney White, Torrance, United States

Christopher Zarins, Stanford, United States

10:00-10:10 Audience participation and discussion

CX 2025 Workshop Activities

Inaugural Roger M. Greenhalgh Memorial Lecture

Friday 25 April 2025, 12:00-13:00

Auditorium 1

Chairman: Stephen Greenhalgh, London, United Kingdom

Moderator: Tilo Kölbel, Hamburg, Germany

12:00-12:05 Introduction


Stephen Greenhalgh, London, United Kingdom

Introductory comments Maarit Venermo (ESVS), Helsinki, Finland

Keith Jones (Vascular Society), London, United Kingdom Peter Bell, Leicester, United Kingdom

12:15-12:45 Meeting the challenges of 21st century aortic education, innovation and evidence Gustavo Oderich, Houston, United States

12:45-12:58 Audience participation and discussion

12:58-13:00 Vote of thanks Dittmar Böckler, Heidelberg, Germany

At CX 2025, the hands-on workshops focus on pre-booked, hands-on activities and courses across all educational streams. The workshops provide physician-led education in a highly interactive and practical setting with a therapeutic focus.

Venous workshop – Wednesday 23 April

Superficial: Thermal ablation course Karolina Halmesmäki, Marianne de Maesneer

Superficial: Sclerotherapy masterclass Manj Gohel, Raghu Kolluri, Sophie Renton

Interventions for acute DVT

Efthymios Avgerinos, Michael Lichtenberg, Emma Wilton

Interventions for chronic venous disease

Kush Desai, Houman Jalaie, Taha Khan

Pelvic: Complications masterclass Aleksandra Jaworucka-Kaczorowska, Gloria Salazar, Narayanan Thulasidasan

Aesthetics Aleksandra Jaworucka-Kaczorowska, Philip Coleridge-Smith

Drop in stations:

Emerging Technologies David Dexter, Robert McLafferty, Sriram Narayanan

Compression bandaging Angela Williams, Kirstie Lane

Peripheral workshop – Thursday 24 April

Diabetic limb salvage workshop

Naseer Ahmad, Frank Bowling, Hani Slim, Mo Elkawafi

Percutaneous closure workshop Fiona Rohlffs

Vessel preparation workshop

Amputation workshop

Narayanan Thulasidasan, Athanasios Diamantopoulos

Naseer Ahmad, Frank Bowling

Vascular Access workshop – Thursday 24 April

Endovascular versus Open Access: Techniques and Indications

Panagiotis Kitrou, Nicholas Inston

Real life ultrasound Ryan Villaneuva, Caroline Green, Aurgzaib Khawaj

Thrombectomy workshop: surgical versus radiological

Narayan Karunanithy, Matthew Gibson

Complex Access Maintenance Robert Jones, Bart Dolmatch

Aortic workshop – Wednesday 23 & Thursday 24 April

Fenestrated Aortic course Jason Lee

AI Workshop TBA

Aortic workshop – Friday 25 April

BEVAR / FEVAR Physician Modified Procedures

Alexander Zimmermann, Benedikt Reutersberg

Vascular Triathlon

AI Workshop TBA

TBE Workshop

Carotid workshop – Friday 25 April

Carotid endarterectomy course

Dittmar Böckler, Luca Bertoglio

Domenico Valenti

Carotid stenting course Adnan Siddiqui, Christopher Metzger

Vascular Trauma workshop – Friday 25 April

Vascular Trauma Chris Aylwin, Ross Davenport, Todd Rasmussen

Vascular (Ultrasound) Imaging Workshop – Thursday 24 April

Juan Parodi Michael Dake Frank Veith Krassi Ivancev Rodney White Christopher Zarins

CX Co-Chairs

Dittmar Böckler, Heidelberg, Germany

Andrew Holden, Auckland, New Zealand

Erin Murphy, Charlotte, United States

CX Executive Boards


Dittmar Böckler, Heidelberg, Germany

Tilo Kölbel, Hamburg, Germany

Gustavo Oderich, Houston, United States

Alexander Zimmermann, Zurich, Switzerland

Aung Oo, London, United Kingdom

Joseph Bavaria, Pennsylvania, United States

Peripheral Arterial & CLTI

Andrew Holden, Auckland, New Zealand

Gunnar Tepe, Rosenheim, Germany

Thomas Zeller, Bad Krozingen, Germany

Rob Hinchliffe, Bristol, United Kingdom

Robert Morgan, London, United Kingdom

Naseer Ahmad, Manchester, United Kingdom

Michael Edmonds, London, United Kingdom

Brian DeRubertis, New York, United States

Venous & Lymphatic

Erin Murphy, Charlotte, United States

Stephen Black, London, United Kingdom

Manj Gohel, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Kush Desai, Chicago, United States

Carotid & Acute Stroke

Barbara Rantner, Munich, Germany

Domenico Valenti, London, United Kingdom

Adnan Siddiqui, New York, United States

Chris Metzger, Columbus, United States

Vascular Access & Renal Interventions

Nicholas Inston, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Kate Steiner, Stevenage, United Kingdom

Vascular Trauma

Christopher Aylwin, London, United Kingdom

Ross Davenport, London, United Kingdom

CX Faculty

Dorothy Abel, Silver Spring, United States

Steven Abramowitz, Washington, United States

Naseer Ahmad, Manchester, United Kingdom

Pekka Aho, Helsinki, Finland

Michele Antonello, Padua, Italy

Frank Arko, Charlotte, United States

Enrico Ascher, New York, United States

Ellie Atkins, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Martin Austermann, Muenster, Germany

Delfina Auza, Tandil, Argentina

Efthymios Avgerinos, Pittsburgh, United States

Christopher Aylwin, London, United Kingdom

Ali Azizzadeh, Los Angeles, United States

Nobuyosh Azuma, Asahikawa, Japan

Trissa Babrowski, Chicago, United States

Mohamed Baguneid, Abu Dhabi, United Arab


Julian Balestrini, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Bhaskar Basu, Manchester, United Kingdom

Camila Battú, Santa Fe, Argentina

Adam Beck, Birmingham, United States

Christian-Alexander Behrendt, Hamburg, Germany

Rachel Bell, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Luca Bertoglio, Brescia, Italy

Colin Bicknell, London, United Kingdom

Panagiota Birmpili, Bromley, United Kingdom

Moritz Bischoff, Heidelberg, Germany

Martin Bjorck, Uppsala, Sweden

Stephen Black, London, United Kingdom

Dittmar Böckler, Heidelberg, Germany

Michel Bosiers, Bern, Switzerland

Frank Bowling, Manchester, United Kingdom

Andrew Bradbury, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Daniela Branzan, Munich, Germany

Andre Brito, Bahia, Brazil

Marianne Brodmann, Graz, Austria

Karim Brohi, London, United Kingdom

Håkan Brorson, Hässleholm, Sweden

Thomas Brott, Jacksonville, United States

Jacob Budtz-Lilly, Aarhus N, Denmark

Jacques Busquet, Paris, France

Richard Bulbulia, Oxford, United Kingdom

Ludovic Canaud, Montpellier, France

Daniel Carradice, Brough, United Kingdom

Mariano Castelli, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Guilherme Centofanti, São Paulo, Brazil

Edward Choke, Georgetown, Malaysia

Joo-Young Chun, London, United Kingdom

Daniel Clair, Nashville, United States

Rachel Clough, London, United Kingdom

Philip Coleridge-Smith, London, United Kingdom

Joseph Coselli, Houston, United States

Jeremy Crane, London, United Kingdom

Fabio Augusto Cypreste , Goiânia, Brazil

Ross Davenport, London, United Kingdom

Alun Davies, London, United Kingdom

Gianmarco de Donato, Siena, Italy

Marianne De Maeseneer, Reet, Belgium

Jean Paul de Vries, Groningen, Netherlands

Brian DeRubertis, New York, United States

Kush Desai, Chicago, United States

Nimesh Desai, Philadelphia, United States

David Dexter, Virginia Beach, United States

Athanasios Diamantopoulos, London, United Kingdom

Nuno Dias, Malmo, Sweden

Lucas Marcelo Dias Freire, Campinas, Brazil

Bart Dolmatch, Mountain View, United States

Frank Dor, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Michael Edmonds, London, United Kingdom

Wolf Eilenberg, Vienna, Austria

Steve Elias, Englewood, United States

Mohamed Elkawafi, Manchester, United Kingdom

Rob Elliott, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Mario Alejandro Fabiani, Monterrey, Mexico

Renato Fanchiotti, São José dos Campos, Brazil

Fabrizio Fanelli, Florence, Italy

Alik Farber, Boston, United States

Javairiah Fatima, McLean, United States

Stefano Fazzini, Rome, Italy

Carlota Fernandez Prendes, Uppsala, Sweden

Bruno Freitas, Leipzig, Germany

Enrico Gallitto, Bologna, Italy

Pierre Galvagni Silveira, Florianopolis, Brazil

Raghvinder Gambhir, Chessington, United Kingdom

Andrew Garnham, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Mehrdad Ghoreishi, Miami, United States

Paul Gibbs, Fareham, United Kingdom

Kathleen Gibson, Bellevue, United States

Matthew Gibson, Reading, United Kingdom

Manj Gohel, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Alessandro Grandi, Brescia, Italy

William Gray, Wynnewood, United States

Caroline Green, Stockport, United Kingdom

Martin Griffiths, London, United Kingdom

Karoliina Halmesmäki, Helsinki, Finland

Lydia Hanna, London, United Kingdom

Adam Haque, Manchester, United Kingdom

Robin Heijmen, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Robert Hinchliffe, Bristol, United Kingdom

Tobias Hirsch, Halle, Germany

Stacie Hodge, Little Hayfield, United Kingdom

Andrew Holden, Auckland, New Zealand

Rebecka Hultgren, Stockholm, Sweden

Nicholas Inston, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Mihai Ionac, Timisoara, Romania

Frederico Isolani e Andrade, Oliveira - MG, Brazil

Ounali Jaffer, London, United Kingdom

Houman Jalaie, Aachen, Germany

Aleksandra Jaworucka-Kaczorowska, Gorzów

Wielkopolski, Poland

Michael Jenkins, London, United Kingdom

Robert Jones, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Vincent Jongkind, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Andrea Kahlberg, Milan, Italy

Narayan Karunanithy, London, United Kingdom

Athanasios Katsargyris, Athens, Greece

Misaki Kiguchi, Washington, United States

Panagiotis Kitrou, Patras, Greece

Taha Khan, London, United Kingdom

Aurgzaib Khawaj, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Tilo Kölbel, Hamburg, Germany

Raghu Kolluri, Columbus, United States

Ali Kordzadeh, Chelmsford, United Kingdom

Drosos Kotelis, Bern, Switzerland

Ari Kramer, Spartanburg, United States

Dainis Krievins, Riga, Latvia

Steven Kum, Singapore, Singapore

Matti Laine, Helsinki, Finland

Kirstie Lane, London, United Kingdom

Michael Lichtenberg, Arnsberg, Germany

David Lindstrom, Stockholm, Sweden

Ian Loftus, London, United Kingdom

Charmaine Lok, Toronto, Canada

Luis Loureiro, Porto, Portugal

Alan Lumsden, Houston, United States

Sean Lyden, Brecksville, United States

Lindsay Machan, Vancouver, Canada

Ravi Maheswaran, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Alexandros Mallios, Paris, France

Kevin Mani, Uppsala, Sweden

Daniele Mascia, Milan, Italy

Jon Matsumura, Aurora, United States

Steven Maximus, Houston, United States

Robert McLafferty, Springfield, United States

Guilherme Meirelles, Campinas, Brazil

Katrin Meisenbacher, Heidelberg, Germany

Matthew Menard, Boston, United States

Stephen Merrilees, Auckland, New Zealand

Christopher Metzger, Columbus, United States

CX Statistics

Lorenz Meuli, Zurich, Switzerland

Luca Mezzetto, Verona, Italy

Bruno Migliara, Peschiera del Garda, Italy

Antoine Millon, Lyon, France

Bijan Modarai, London, United Kingdom

Piero Montorsi, Milan, Italy

Robert Morgan, Dorking, United Kingdom

Patrick Muck, Cincinnati, United States

Grace Mulatti, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Alberto Muñoz, Bogota, Colombia

Erin Murphy, Charlotte, United States

Piotr Musialek, Krakow, Poland

Firas Mussa, Houston, United States

Petroula Nana, Hamburg, Germany

Sriram Narayanan , Singapore, Singapore

Ross Naylor, Leicester, United Kingdom

Sonya Noor, Buffalo, United States

Gerard O’Sullivan, Galway, Ireland

Gustavo Oderich, Houston, United States

Takao Ohki, Tokyo, Japan

Kyriakos Oikonomou, Frankfurt, Germany

Karl Wilhelm Olsson, Uppsala, Sweden

Manuel Pabon, Seville, Spain

Gustavo Paludetto, Brasilia, Brazil

Sahil Parikh, New York, United States

Arun Pherwani, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom

Michele Piazza, Padova, Italy

Matthew Popplewell, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Janet Powell, London, United Kingdom

Giovanni Pratesi, Genoa, Italy

Vikram Puttaswamy, Sydney, Australia

Barbara Rantner, Munich, Germany

Todd Rasmussen, Rochester, United States

Maxime Raux, Paris, France

Jim Reekers, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Michel Reijnen, Arnhem, Netherlands

Sophie Renton, London, United Kingdom

Benedikt Reutersberg, Zurich, Switzerland

Robert Rhee, New York, United States

Enrico Rinaldi, Milan, Italy

Fiona Rohlffs, Regensburg, Germany

Maria Antonella Ruffino, Lugano, Switzerland

John Rundback, New Jersey, United States

David Russell, Leeds, United Kingdom

Gloria Salazar, Chapel Hill, United States

Jonas Salm, Freiburg, Germany

Athanasios Saratzis, Leicester, United Kingdom

Antoine Sauguet, Toulouse, France

Bruno Scheller, Homburg Saar, Germany

Peter Schneider, San Francisco, United States

Eric Secemsky, Boston, United States

Robert Shahverdyan, Hamburg, Germany

Rashid Sharaf, San Antonio, United States

Andrew Sharp, Dublin, Ireland

Adnan Siddiqui, Buffalo, United States

Hani Slim, London, United Kingdom

Konstantinos Spanos, Larissa, Greece

Francesco Spinelli, Rome, Italy

Kate Steiner, Stevenage, United Kingdom

Karen Stevenson, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Michael Stoner, Rochester, United States

Apostolos Tassiopoulos, Stony Brook, NY, United States

Ulf Teichgräber, Jena, Germany

Gunnar Tepe, Rosenheim, Germany

Shannon Thomas, Sydney, Australia

Narayanan Thulasidasan, London, United Kingdom

Giovanni Tinelli, Rome, Italy

Giovanni Torsello, Berlin, Germany

Matteo Tozzi, Varese, Italy

Nikolaos Tsilimparis, Munich, Germany

Domenico Valenti, London, United Kingdom

Rao Vallabhaneni, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Jos C. van den Berg, Lugano, Switzerland

Daniel van den Heuvel, Nieuwegein, Netherlands

Isabelle Van Herzeele, Ghent, Belgium

Carla Van Rijswijk, Leiden, Netherlands

Ramon Varcoe, Sydney, Australia

Maarit Venermo, Helsinki, Finland

Hence Verhagen, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Ryan Villanueva, Hitchin, United Kingdom

Conrad von Stempel, London, United Kingdom

Arsalan Wafi, London, United Kingdom

Carl-Magnus Wahlgren, Stockholm, Sweden

Samuel Walker, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Grace Wang, Philadelphia, United States

Anders Wanhainen, Uppsala, Sweden

Angela Williams, London, United Kingdom

Emma Wilton, Oxford, United Kingdom

Masato Yamaguchi, Kobe, Japan

Dai Yamanouchi, Madison, United States

Thomas Yearwood, Pascagoula, United States

Kak Khee Yeung, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Jeniann Yi, Denver, United States

Christopher Zarins, Stanford, United States

Hany Zayed, London, United Kingdom

Thomas Zeller, Bad Krozingen, Germany

Alexander Zimmermann, Zurich, Switzerland

Additional events

Tomas Baltrunas, Vilnius, Lithuania

Peter Bell, Leicester, Netherlands

Mitchel Benovoy, Montreal, Germany

Andrew Bradbury, Birmingham, Netherlands

Jacques Busquet, Paris, United States

Christopher Cheng, Stanford, United States

Finbar Dolan, Galway , Ireland

Tiffany Gan, Singapore

Chen Giladi, Yokneam Illit, Israel

Jan Heyligers, Tilburg, Netherlands

Elena Iborra, Barcelona, Spain

Jan de Jong van Beek en Donk, Best, United States

Keith Jones, London, Germany

Jeffrey Jump, Lusanne, United Kingdom

Alan Karthikesalingam, London, United States

Patrick Kelly, Sioux Falls, Austria

Andreas Kohl, Koblenz, United States

Jason Lee, Stanford, Switzerland

Jason MacTaggart, Omaha, United States

Mark Mewissen, Milwaukee, United States

Robert Mitchell, Utah, Austria

Frans Moll, Utrecht, United States

Aung Ye Oo, London, United Kingdom

Vincent Riambau, Barcelona, Spain

Isabel Schellinger, Erlangen, Germany

Deepak Srikant, Sunnyvale, Germany

Chas Taylor, West Sussex, Germany

Matt Thompson, London, United Kingdom Valentin Welz, Munich, Germany

Countries 2917 Participants

CX 2024 had 2917 participants from 82 countries, achieving 18% growth in participant numbers.

The programme received 24 CME accreditation points, with EU-US reciprocity.

Accreditation Statement

The CX International Symposium 2025, London, United Kingdom 23/04/2025 – 25/04/2025, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 24.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

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