Who? What? Why? How? Christmas v2

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In the beginning God made everything ...


Illustrated by Kim Fleming


This little book has been funded by the generosity of the supporters of Bible Society Australia.

The Bible can inspire us, challenge us and give us answers to the difficult questions of life. It can change us, for good.

That’s why we and our supporters work so hard to make sure everyone who wants a Bible can have one. We provide Bibles all over the world: to refugees from the Middle East, new Christians in China and to the poorest Christians everywhere. And we want children here to know the wonderful stories of the Bible too. That’s why we have created this book, just for them.

We hope you enjoy it.

© Bible Society 2019. All rights reserved.

Editor: Kris Argall

Art direction: John Healy

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I’m Abby! Wait for me!


The Christmas story has been told so many times that we often forget that it’s a real and powerful story about real things that happened.

And not everyone knows the story that changed our world forever: who it’s about, what happened, why and how.

Sometimes the best way to find out is to ask questions.

And the best people to ask questions are kids who ask close to 300 questions a day.

So get ready for the Christmas story with a difference.

You can also watch an animated version of this story on our website:



Arewehavinga story? Ilovestories!
on Abby, the story has started! 4

God made the land and the seas, the stars and the sky. He made the fish, the birds, the animals and …



Yes, even sloths. Who are you?

Hello Tom, I’m the narrator.

I’m telling the story of Christmas.

But that’s how fairytales start Abby. This is a true story, about things that really happened.

Now, where was I?

Ah yes, God made everything.

... I’veheardthat one before.
‘Once upon a time ... ’ 4
I LOVE Christmas! But the story needs tostart

And it was good and God LOVED it.

And things were good. He loved being with us and giving us everything we needed. He told us what to do to be happy. But something went wrong …

Oh no! What?



People didn’t do what God told them to. Then more and more people didn’t. They wanted to decide things, not God.

I like to decide things .

Yes, we all do, but we all get things wrong.

No, but we didn’t listen to God and our wrong things blocked us from him.

Hello, I’m Grace. God doesn’t get things wrong .



And things got I’m Josh. Cool! An awesome dark force field blocking the light!

There was confusion, sickness and


How dowemakeitbetter?WehavetoletGod help us.


God is the one who made everything and the only one who can save us. He promised to send a king to rescue us. God had a plan.

Like a superhero?

Yes, sort of.

Well, yes.

Who’s God? So what did he do?

Punching through the darkforcefield? That’s cool! He makes sloths and destroysevil! 9

God waited. We waited.

Why? I hate waiting.



would make a terrible movie.

When the time was right, GOD MOVED.


God came down to SAVE


We put one Sup erhero readyforaction! That’sa


real place in Israel.

God sent an angel named Gabriel to a town called Nazareth. Yes, Grace, it’s a real place, because this is a real story. Gabriel went to the house where a young woman called Mary lived.

Angels are cute!



Real angels aren’t cute, Abby. They look more like this … 13



talking! Awesome!

Angels are mighty warriors and God’s messengers. Gabriel had a message for Mary about God’s plan.

Mary was scared, but Gabriel told her it was okay. God had chosen her to have a baby.

My mum’s having a baby .

It’s exciting isn’t it? And Mary’s baby would be a super-special baby. He would be God’s son and a king to save the world.

Mary didn’t understand all of God’s plan, but she trusted God so she said yes.

Gabriel said the baby would be called …


He’s coming. I’m getting to that, but first Mary and her husband Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem.

So where is this superheroJesus? Why?

They had to register for a government census that was counting all the people.

Bethlehem was full of people. The only place Mary and Joseph could find was a room where animals were kept.


And so it was there that the baby


You’re kidding me? A baby is the superhero everyone was waiting for? He can’t do ANYTHING!

But he already has. God has become a human being. In Jesus, he has come down to earth.

The wait is over.

He can’t even move his arms!

This is stupid .



The angels didn’t think it was stupid. They knew it was great news, so they shouted it with joy to shepherds who were watching their sheep in nearby fields.






As soon as the shepherds heard, they rushed to find the baby.


When the shepherds found the baby Jesus, they bowed down. They were so happy.

Why? How? By smashing the dark force field away?


The shepherds rushed out to tell people.

Because they knew Godhadsent him to save everyone onEarth . 22

GOOD NEWS The travelled far.

everyone who heard it was amazed.
Iwanttotellsomeone ! Metoo!

A few years later, God put a special star in the sky far away. Some wise men knew it was a sign that the special king had come. They rushed to see Jesus too. They bowed down and gave him presents.




boring!Why not toys? Butthose presents

Well, their presents were very valuable – spices, perfume and gold. They were gifts fit for a KING.

But not everyone was excited about the kid who was a king ...


Herod was the king of Israel. He was cross about Jesus. He didn’t want another king. He wanted to be the only king. He sent his soldiers out to get rid of Jesus.


But is in charge. GOD

He sent an angel to warn Joseph.

Joseph took Jesus and Mary far away to Egypt.


When it was safe, Jesus went back to Nazareth. As he grew, he listened to God and learnt from him. He was getting ready to save the world from the darkness that had trapped us.

Yes, Abby! In Jesus, God gave us the best present ever. But for now, we have to wait.

That’s why we are Again?

happy at Christmas!

Yes, we have to wait for the story of Easter to see what God does.

I promise you, it will be worth it …


What’s your response to the true story of Christmas?

Do you have questions?

You can find out more answers to the Who? What? Why? and How? of the Christmas story in the Bible, particularly the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, chapters 1 and 2.

Join Josh, Tom, Grace and Abby again, with a whole lot more questions, in the Who? What? Why? How? Easter story to find out what happens next.

Books for curious kids

Christmas – a real story about something that really happened. But who, what, why and how?

Join Josh, Tom, Grace and Abby as they ask the tricky questions to find out what Christmas is all about.

RRP $2.99

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