Eternity 56 books

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Books Queen of Persia Who was the woman Esther, who became Queen of Persia? Jewish communities across the world will celebrate the annual festival of Purim this month, commemorating the actions of this Jewish woman whose story is recorded in the Bible. What can we know about this remarkable young woman, whose actions have been celebrated for thousands of years? Angela Hunt has written a moving and enthralling historical narrative based on the Biblical account of Esther’s life, enriched with historical details of the Ancient Persian Empire. Hunt paints the picture of a Jewish girl, raised in her faith by her cousin Mordecai, but identifying more with the fascinating Persian culture than her Jewish heritage. Protected and nurtured, she nonetheless ends up at the palace in Susa, and is selected from amongst many beautiful young women to be the wife of Xerxes and becomes Queen. Hunt has carefully considered the character of Esther, and what her background, thoughts, emotions and feelings might have been as she lived her extraordinary life, growing from a naive new bride into a humble and regal woman who takes hold of the faith of her forefathers and courageously acts to save her people. The book is engaging, colourful and, although many readers will be familiar with the basic plot, the novel holds your attention through to the end. Hunt descends only once or twice into descriptive paragraphs which sound as if they are lifted from her pages of historical research – a risk for all historical fiction. Instead, her research gives her the background to enrich the basic story of Esther and inform the reader of the world her story is set in: from the magnificent palace and gardens of Susa, to the politics and military exploits of the Persian Empire. This book firmly grounds the biblical account of Esther in history, reminding the reader that these events are not only amazing, but they are also true! The book also reflects on the lives of the vulnerable in Persian society. Throughout history – and still in many parts of the world today – a woman’s life is not hers to control. Esther’s helplessness to control her own destiny only makes what she achieved for the Jewish people all the more remarkable. This book is well worth a read, both for those who enjoy historical fiction, and even for those who don’t usually read it. It brings alive the story of how God worked in a pagan empire and culture to preserve his people, through the faithful actions of Mordecai and his young cousin, the girl Esther.

Your special lift out supplied with Eternity MARCH 2015

Share the story of Esther with your children.

Queen Esther Helps God’s People

$4.95 9780310718154

Esther: Royal Beauty by Angela Hunt




A Queen Named Esther

$4.95 9780310740803

Discover some of Australia’s most remarkable stories




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Stories of courage, camaraderie and faith in times of conflict. Uncover the Bibles that took bullets and saved the lives of soldiers at Gallipoli and the Western Front of WWI, or the Bible that travelled to Afghanistan and across some of the world’s most dangerous terrain. Through the darkest times of war, nothing can compare to the peace and hope that flow from the pages of the Bible. Their Sacrifice is a collection of stories, prayers, hymns, poetry and psalms to help you reflect on the tragedy of war, the spirit of those who have served our country and the Book of books that went with them.

“The Bible’s own stories of sacrifice, courage and faith have provided inspiration to those who have carried it with them in times of conflict and in times of peace. These are gripping, real stories that deserve to be retold and read to each generation.” His Excellency, Governor of NSW David Hurley

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MARCH 2015

MARCH 2015



The countdown to Easter has begun NIV Once A Day:

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

40 Days to Easter

by Nabeel Qureshi 9780310515029 Paperback $19.95

Faithgirlz sa

by Colin Reed 9780994194121 $19.95

Does life feel futile? Doesn’t have to. Do some of your failures seem fatal? They aren’t. And your death. Does the grave appear to be the final stop? According to Christ, your death is just the start of something great. There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrows of life. And it can be discovered in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Six Hours One Friday, Max Lucado delves into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross. Through his death, your life has purpose and meaning. You are forgiven and loved by a Saviour who died for you. And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word. “Peace where there should be pain. Confidence in the midst of crisis. Hope defying despair. Does death have the last word? I can see Jesus wink as he gives the answer, Not on your life”!


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Six Hours One Day with Max Lucado


Reviewed by Ray Wilkinson

This book tells the story of Nabeel’s search for truth as his strong faith in the Muslim way of life was challenged. He was raised in a Pakistani Muslim family with a Muslim missionary history. He belonged to a peace-seeking division of Islam and found confident satisfaction in being able to refute some of the Christian arguments that came to him as he worked through his university studies. But when he himself was questioned about some more basic issues, such as the historicity of Islam, he found the evidence unconvincing. Over many years he diligently studied and became convinced of the truth of Christianity, but willingness to bear the cost of commitment to Jesus was a much bigger hurdle to get over. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus introduced a number of ideas that I found very helpful: 1) The mercy of God responding to a genuine seeker, as God spoke to Nabeel Qureshi from an early age through visions; 2) The importance of genuine ongoing friendships in Christian evangelism; 3) That deep and crucial issues can be understood even before one makes a commitment to Jesus, purely because of the logic of the Christian faith; 4) That apologetics and reasoned debate is important for arriving at the reality of faith. These are some of the themes of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus explored in this story of Nabeel’s conversion from Islam to the Christian faith. This book shows us that Islam is not just a set of points of belief but is about the Muslim’s identity and Nabeel says this must be respected. This book will help you form a compassionate attitude to Muslims and challenge the strength of your own faith.


The Tent and the Elephant

NIV Bible


Hardcover 9780310722366

Paperback 9780849947445




Reviewed by Karl Grice




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A Doubter’s Guide to the Bible

Resurrection Year

John Dickson

Fixing My Eyes on Jesus

Anne Graham Lotz

Sheridan Voysey











Why Men Hate Going to Church


David Murrow Softcover

What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an by James White 9780764209765 $19.95

Born This Way

Reviewed by Samuel Green

Christians are to be people who contend with the ideas of this world for the sake of the Gospel. This is not alway easy as the ideas of our world are vast and require careful study. Islam is one such idea. James White’s book, What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur’an, does an excellent job of gathering together the many issues around the Qur’an, the compass of Islam, and presenting them in a systematic way that a Christians can understand and engage with. James White provides the necessary history, the life of Muhammad, so that a Christian can understand the context of the Qur’an. He gives a helpful introduction to its structure, and considers several of its main themes that are of interest to Christians – themes like the Trinity, the person of Jesus, the death of Jesus, and salvation in Islam. The book also covers many of the claims that the Qur’an and Muslims make about Christianity and the Bible, claims like, Muhammad is foretold in the Bible, the Bible has been corrupted, and there is only one perfectly preserved Qur’an. In all of these areas James White gives up-to-date information which have come out of his many years of apologetic experience. This book is a great resource for those who want to understand how the Qur’an intersects with Christianity and who want to be prepared for the challenge that Islam brings.

The Tent and the Elephant is a taste of African life. Reading Colin Reed’s memoirs, it is clear that Africa is more his home than anywhere else in the world. Colin conveys a wonderful sense of place in these stories. Nights sitting with the elephant, mornings with the sun rising over the plains or gazing out into the lush Rift Valley. Yet, this is a collection of stories about people. Stories of many different African people and different cultures engaging with the gospel of Jesus in a time of transition from colonialism to African independence. Colin was born and raised in the Congo as a child of missionaries. His stories begin with memories of his parents and his African childhood. Colin studied teaching and theology in the UK, but always returned to Africa, spending most of his life as a teacher and missionary in Kenya. The conflict and the politics in Africa are not the focus of the stories but provide anchor points placing events in the timeline of 20th century African history – including the Congo attaining independence from the Belgians in the 1960s, and the presidency of Idi Amin in Uganda sending refugees fleeing to Kenya. Colin introduces us to people and families very much affected by the conflicts, ordinary people enduring significant pain and yet finding ways to look forward with hope. There are stories of people bringing hope in immediate tangible ways: welcoming refugees, starting schools, running leper hospitals, creating refuges for old women accused of witchcraft, and teachers caring for children whose parents had gone missing. However, Colin says the greater hope continues to be “the vital hope of eternal life and joy with God through Jesus.” After a lifetime in Africa, Colin spent almost a decade working with the CMS staff team here in Australia. Reflecting on that time, Colin writes: “The greatest satisfaction was from spending time with the missionaries and hearing about their struggles and joys. Missionaries are just ordinary Christian people, of course, but many have done great things in God’s service.” Reading The Tent and the Elephant is our chance to hear such stories. I can imagine sitting with Colin sipping tea and listening as he tells stories, recalling moments from his vast life experience – some in vivid detail and others just fleeting memories. This book is like being invited into Colin’s family gatherings and hearing stories that should be passed on from generation to generation.

Making Sense of Science, the Bible and Same-Sex Attraction by Steve Morrison 9781922206664 Paperback $16.95

Men’s Devotional Bibles

Designed to fit your busy schedule, the New Men’s Devotional Bible helps you understand Scripture and connect with God as you face challenges in your life as a man today.


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NIV Quilted Collection Compact Bibles The NIV Quilted Collection Bible features a stylish, stitched binding. The cover, made with colourful Italian Duo-Tone material, has been stitched with a quilted pattern giving it a fresh and unique look. (Kiwi) 9780310443025 (Blueberry) 9780310443049 (Black Floral) 9780310411505


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Matthias Media

Today, few topics arouse as much passion, conflict and confusion as homosexuality. For some, any rational discussion on such an emotive, personal topic feels impossible. Many Christians feel torn, uncertain about whether to abandon or revise the Bible’s teaching, or perhaps just quietly withdraw from the conversation altogether. Born This Way dares to tackle some of the taboo questions: What does modern science really say about homosexuality? What does God say to the homosexual, and to the homophobe? Is genuine discussion possible, and how can people relate to one another with tolerance and grace? Born This Way offers clarity and compassion on the key issues around same-sex attraction.



MARCH 2015

The Story for Children A Storybook Bible


with Max Lucado, Kandy Frazee & Karen Davis Hill 9780310719755 Reviewed by Ella Zaitsev

Ever picked up a book and loved the cover straight away, and then without doubt discovered the book was as good as the cover? Well here is one such treasure for children. The Story for Children is beautifully drawn with such vibrant colours and great detail that it brings you wonder and delight as the story unfolds. It has so much more to offer, and not just for children but grown-ups too. If a child falls in love with something they will always be touched by it. Children will always come back to this storybook Bible. They will remember beautiful moments with their parents opening this majestic book as their imagination bonded in a whole new way with the characters of the Bible. There is a feature section throughout the book called “God’s message” where simplified thoughts from the Bible speak to the reader to encourage and build us up in our daily walk.

The Case for the Resurrection with Lee Strobel 9780310949893

with Max Lucado, Randy Frazee & Karen Davis Hill 9780310735946



also available The Case for Christ & The Case for Faith

Lily’s Easter Party

Read & Share: Easter

with Crystal Bowman Hardcover


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with Crystal Bowman 9780310711599 Boardbook



This Easter, Lily’s mum and dad plan an egg 9780310725 hunt that goes beyond chocolate bunnies, 954 and you can, too! Based on the bestselling teaching tool from FamilyLife, this special neighbourhood egg hunt leads Lily, her friends, and young readers on a search for the greatest prize of all: the miraculous story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, as discovered through symbols presented in the twelve eggs from the Resurrection Eggs.


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Peek-A-Bible Easter Story


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The Easter story comes to life in this memorable, interactive Bible storybook created especially for young, curious minds.

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